THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSIT Y IN ST. LOUIS SINCE 1878 The government’s turn to Orwellian warfare, SU Treasury’s continued foibles and all the news we found unfit to print—inside Forum. Page 6.
What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial? Our Sports staffers share their favorites inside. Page 5.
VOLUME 127, NO. 49
It can be tough to get a first date on this campus, much less score a second one. We’ve got tips for doing both. Page 7.
The Scene staf taff takes to the streets in an ef effort to find the coolest neighb hborhoods in St. Louis. See ee Page 10.
Music downloading service en route By Josh Hantz Associate Reporter Washington University may only be a few more steps away from providing students with the means to legally download movies and music. Once it reaches an agreement with Ruckus, a digital network based in Virginia, the wait will be over. “We are still reviewing the contract and technical specifications,” said Matt Arthur, director of Residential Technology Services. “Once Wash. U. has made the decision and signed the contract, the actual time to implement it ac-
cording to Ruckus would be relatively short.” Developed specifically for universities, Ruckus offers 1.5 million music tracks, 45 movies that are rotated weekly and a section that features student-made content. Students can also use the company’s community features that allow users to connect with others that share their tastes in music and movies. The University held a digital expo last year where many companies showcased their offers. Students gave their feedback and, from their fi ve favorites Ruckus was chosen
by a committee made up of Student Union and Congress of the South 40 representatives, as well as Arthur and Dean James McLeod. “One of the goals of the committee was to assure that whatever was decided would be the best step for the student population,” said Arthur. “That is why the various student leadership organizations have been involved from the beginning.” Student Union President David Ader recognizes the progress the University has made since the music fair. “We’re moving as quickly as possible,” he said. “And
Village housing BLOC program welcomes new interest groups By Jon Bremer Contributing Reporter Common rooms, additional funding and an easier application process are some of the incentives luring students to the Village and Lopata Houses next year. BLOCs, the name used for groups consisting of four to 24 students, can receive funding to pursue common interests and goals from within a wide variety of topics. Once established, the group must conduct programs in accordance with their stated purpose. After submitting a budget request for review, the group will receive funds based upon its level of community involvement and influence. “If it is working with the purpose of the BLOC, the money is there…as long as it is reasonable,” said Resident Advisor Harsh Agarwal, who helped conceive of the new system. Current BLOCs include “Islamic Lifestyles,” “Spanish House” and “Cooking and Booking” along with a “Connections” group dedicated to the promotion of diverse worldviews around campus. “There is an intellectual component [in the BLOC system], but it doesn’t necessarily have to be an academic
one,” said Village Director Cheryll Stephens. “Virtually any idea can become a BLOC,” reads the brochure for BLOC housing. The brochure goes on to note several areas of focus for interested groups, including movies, comedy, cultures, leadership and music. Next year, groups of 12 or more will be able to apply for their own common room with specific swipe card access. These large groups can request additional amenities for their room such as DVD players and pieces of artwork. The application process itself has also been made easier with a shorter written application and an eager faculty willing to work with students on their proposals. “If you have a concept or a group of people, we make it work,” said Agarwal. Sophomore Larkin Dennis is awaiting approval for her proposed Carpe Diem Society BLOC. “It sounds like a good plan, to live with a bunch of your friends and to get some funds to pursue your interests and have a good time,” said Dennis. The Carpe Diem Society encourages any interested students to join and aims to
we’re fi nally working with just this one company.” Ruckus should come as a welcome necessity for students who can’t download because of the copyright laws upheld by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Although illegal downloading on campus does exist, the rate is said to be relatively low. “In communications with [RIAA] and its staff, we have been commended for the work done both for and with our student population concerning copyright issues,” said Arthur. Ruckus recently changed
its structure regarding downloading, and students can now buy music with a license to own the song. Without buying, however, they can only listen to it for 30 days until the license expires. Although some students might welcome the new Ruckus, others doubt that a University-sponsored service would be embraced by all. “It’s better than not having anything at all,” said senior Sarah Weiss. “Some would pay and others would fi nd ways to do it for free by going off campus.” Freshman Dave Shapiro says he wouldn’t use the ser-
Performers take stage in the annual production of Black Anthology in Edison Theater Friday night. This year’s production was entitled “Lest We Forget” and focused on minority issues within the University setting. See page 3 for more photo coverage of Black Anthology.
Center Court attendance stagnant By Troy Rumans Staff Reporter Center Court continues to contend with decreased business, as attendance this semester has remained lower than in previous years. “It’s pretty much maintained the same traffic flow, but it’s considerably lower from what it used to be years ago,” said Marc
Foley, the manager for Center Court. This year, fewer and fewer students have gone for the buffet-style dining offered by Center Court. Nightly attendance at the Wohl Center eatery has fallen steadily since Bear’s Den opened downstairs, and has since plateaued at about 600 students per night.
As Foley explained, the reason for Center Court’s failure to attract as many students this year might lie in students’ eating habits rather than in the food itself. “I think part of the reason is not because of the quality of the food or sheer value,” said Foley. “But I think most students…don’t want to just stay in this one room. They want
Entrepreneurship talk is big business at the University By Troy Rumans Staff Reporter At the outset of the fall semester, Chancellor Wrighton stressed that Washington University would be strongly emphasizing an entrepreneurial zeal in the coming years. Of course, proclamation and action do not always stride hand in hand. So amidst all the previous year’s discussion and planning, what has been achieved? Teddy Purnomo, the founder and president of the Foundation for Undergraduate Student Entrepreneurs (FUSE), has an answer. “I think we are evolving into the most expansive, integrated entrepreneurial campus in the country,” said Purnomo. Purnomo and his organization, which concentrates on offering entrepreneurial workshops
and competitions to undergraduates, has been one of the key players in the University’s recent push towards a heightened focus on entrepreneurship. The latest manifestation of this growing interest will be seen tomorrow at a talk sponsored by four separate organizations from various parts of the University community and its neighbors. The talk features panelists from the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), a worldwide organization of entrepreneurs that created companies which are now worth more than $1 million. This particular group features members who are all under the age of 40, many of whom started completely from scratch. “The unique thing about them is that they got big, but not necessarily with equity financing.
See FUSE PANEL, page 4
vice at all. “I have other ways of getting music, like fi le-sharing or just buying CDs—but who does that anymore?” he said. “But people who use iTunes, there’s no reason they wouldn’t use something else.” Ruckus would presumably decrease illegal downloading, but no one can predict that for sure. For the University, the main issue is keeping the problem to a minimum. “Illegal downloading is a problem nationwide,” said Ader. “The University must do all it can.”
A Center Court worker awaits students at the beginning of dinner hours. Center Court attendance has fallen in recent years since the renovation of Bear’s Den.
something they can buy and just leave. That’s what Bear’s Den offers to them.” “I’ve been working here for four to five years,” he added. “When Center Court was first opened, we were doing over 1,000 coverage every single night. It’s almost like kids have forgotten Center Court is up here.” Center Court has tried using student feedback to encourage attendance, but Bon Appétit’s Director of Operations Rick Turner has yet to see much benefit from these activities. “Student feedback was that they wanted to have it open later. Hours from 5-6 were very low, so we moved them from 69,” said Turner. “[The attendance numbers] haven’t increased this year; they’ve decreased,” added Turner. One of the things is that students feel that it takes longer to eat at Center Court than at a Bear’s Den situation. Also, Bear’s Den seems to be a more social environment that students would rather dine at because of the aesthetics and fresh design.” Foley also noted that students seem to have a tendency to frequent Center Court less and less as the year goes on. “What typically happens… usually first semester it’s right up there, but second semester students have fallen into a pattern and numbers drop by about 100 or so,” said Foley. As for the future of Center Court, Turner is uncertain. “I expect some type of change in the future,” said Turner. “I wouldn’t want to speculate the change…we’ve been in contact
See CENTER COURT, page 4