th 25
With reference to tax scenario in India consider the following statements 1. In India both central and State governments have concurrent powers to levy income tax. 2. The authority to levy a tax is derived from the Constitution of India a) 1 only b) 2 only c) none d) all of the above
• Ans b
In India, income tax is levied only by the Central government though shared with the States • In the United States and Canada, both Federal and State governments have concurrent powers to levy income tax. tax • The authority to levy a tax is derived from the Constitution of India which allocates the power to levy various taxes between the Central and the State. An important restriction on this power is Article 265 of the Constitution which states that "No tax shall be levied or collected except by the authority of law"
Which of the following finance commission has recommended for increasing share of states in central taxes to 42% A. B. C. D.
Fifteenth Finance Commission Fourteenth finance commission Thirteenth finance commission Eleventh finance commission
• Ans b • fourteenth finance commission has recommended for increasing share of states in central taxes to 42% • This is 10 percentage points higher than the recommendation of 13th Finance Commission. • It is the single largest increase ever recommended
consider the following statements regarding The Border Area Development Programme (BADP) 1. The Border Area Development Programme (BADP) has been implemented through 17 States except West Bengal 2. It aims to meet developmental needs of the people living in remote and inaccessible areas situated near the international. choose the correct one a) 1 only b) 2 only c) none d) all of the above
Ans a
• The Border Area Development Programme (BADP) has been implemented through 17 States (viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal) which constitute the International Land Borders. • The main objective of the BADP is to meet the special developmental needs and wellbeing of the people living in remote and inaccessible areas situated near the international border and to saturate the border areas with the entire essential infrastructure • The funds under BADP are provided to the States as a 100% nonlapsable Special Central Assistance. Assistance The programme is supplemental in nature and the budget allocation for the financial year 2015-16 is Rs.990 crore.
Consider onsider the following statements in context of Muon A. It is produced when cosmic rays bombard air particles surrounding the earth B. It forms when a region around a charged particle within which a force would be exerted on other charged particles. C. It forms When High-energy radiation often generated by processes in and around exploding stars. D. None
Ans a The muon is an elementary particle similar to the electron, with an electric charge of −1 e and a spin of 1/2, but with a much greater mass. It is classified as a lepton
Muons and other particles are produced when cosmic rays bombard air particles surrounding the earth. The muons produced can have positive or negative charge. When a positively charged muon falls through a cloud, it loses energy.
• muon is a type of unstable subatomic particle. particle • Most on Earth formed when cosmic rays interact with atoms in the atmosphere. • As leptons, muons belong to the same class of particles as the electron. • Their mass, however,, is roughly 200 times bigger. Muons tend to be short-lived. • It tends to survive only 2.2 microseconds before it decaying (transforming) into an electron and two types of neutrinos.
GRAPES-3 was recently in news related to what ?
1. It is a muon telescope facility to measure the electrical potential, size and height of a thundercloud 2. It is designed to study cosmic rays with an array of air shower detectors and a large area muon detector a) 1 only b) 2 only c) none d) all of the above
• Ans d • The GRAPES-3 3 experiment (or Gamma Ray Astronomy PeV EnergieS phase-3) located at Ooty in India started as a collaboration of the Indian Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the Japanese Osaka City University, and now also includes the Japanese Nagoya Women’s University. University • GRAPES-3 3 is designed to study cosmic rays with an array of air shower detectors and a large area muon detector
Arrange the below given states in correct chronological sequence based on their creation after the reorganization of the states in 1956: 1. Haryana 2. Nagaland 3. Gujarat 4. Sikkim
a) 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 b) 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 c) 4 - 2 - 1 - 3 d) 3 - 1 - 2 - 4
• Ans b • Gujarat – In 1960,, the bilingual state of Bombay was divided into two separate states—Maharashtra Maharashtra for Marathi-speaking Marathi people and Gujarat for Gujarati-speaking speaking people. • Nagaland – In 1963,, the State of Nagaland was formed by taking the Naga Hills and Tuensang area out of the state of Assam. • Haryana – In 1966,, the State of Punjab was bifurcated to create Haryana and the union territory of Chandigarh. • Sikkim – In 1947,, after the lapse of British paramountcy, Sikkim became a ‘protectorate’ of India, whereby the Indian Government assumed responsibility for the defence, defence external affairs and communications of Sikkim. In 1974, 1974 Sikkim expressed its desire for greater association with India.