1 minute read

Editor's Editor's Note Note

Hi everyone!

It's your editor, Keara, hope y'all are having a happy holidays this break :) I've been busy working on some last-minute college supplements, finishing Inside Job season 2, and thinking about all the yummy holiday food I'm gonna have this week :0


Thank you to all who have been consistently attending service events and sending us photos for us to use for our Service Spotlights, your dedication never ceases to amaze me even as the weather starts getting chiller out. Can you believe that the storms and winds caused us to hit negative degrees out?

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.

Even as the academic season and all the holiday festivities start to get hectic this month, we still had some amazing events, from giving away free books and hot cocoa to making meals for the homeless, or wrapping toys for children! We also had an amazing holiday party in the teachers' cafeteria last week, and although I sadly couldn't go, I hope you all had a lovely time making gingerbread houses and pieing the board.

Be sure to fill out the form at the end to submit some articles! I'd love to see some new faces sharing their Key Club experiences with us And as always, don't forget to take photos at events to share to our Insta and Locksmith. Happy volunteering everyone! Happy holidays to all who celebrate, and see you all next year! <3

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

Yours in care and service,

Keara O'Donnell Stuyvesant Key Club Editor Cabrisuns 2022-2023

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