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Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving break and were able to catch up on some rest! Hopefully everyone is feeling replenished as we head into a two-week stretch before the longer winter break.


Keyi Guo

In the past few weeks, I went to Corlears Hook Park Rake-Up with Key Clubbers from different schools. Although it was freezing and began drizzling at the end, it was an amazing experience and I had a lot of fun! I also volunteered at the Welcome to Winter service event, at which I had a fantastic time (love the hot chocolate and books)!

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.

We're reaching the end of the 2022 service year, so let's end strong before we launch into 2023! Best of luck to all the seniors out there, as early application results start rolling!

Yours in care and service,

Evelyn Chen Stuyvesant Key Club Webmaster Cabrisuns 2022-2023

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

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