4 minute read

President President


How's it popping Key Clubbers?


I hope the school year has been going well for the majority of you, whether it be finding your new favorite club or maybe getting into a college or two (looking at the seniors) With 2023 beginning, I wanted to say how proud I am of all of you at Stuy Key Club (and beyond :) I’ll be the first to admit that life is so hard and being a teenager too is no less difficult While these are just words on a screen, please look out for yourself, whether that be taking a mental health day or destressing with your friends. Don’t let the competitiveness of Stuy get to you, it's a terrifyingly difficult and challenging place. But at the same time, it can be amazingly supportive and beautiful, so keep pushing on. If you ever need anyone to talk to, my DMs are open, I love talking so you’ll probably get to hear about an embarrassing story or two. As with Key Club, I hope this is one of the many places where you can find a community Whether it be volunteering at six in the morning or playing Kahoot in a random classroom, just know, Key Club is always a place that welcomes you. Have a great rest of the service year!

Keyi Guo

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.


in care and service, Isabella Chow Key Club President Cabrisuns 2022-2023

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

Hey Ke

As alw ated by us but ry individ be overlo e submi es of Hope, filling out forms for the Locksmith, and just engaging with us! Only with your engagement does the Locksmith continue to flourish. Despite being apart in quarantine, you’ve all managed to keep the Key Club spirit alive.

Vice President Vice President

Hey Key Clubbers!

I hope everyone has been doing well lately! Lately, I’ve been overwhelmed with schoolwork, but I’ve also been hanging out a lot with my friends and trying new foods in NYC I can’t believe it’s already 2023; it’s crazy that I’ll be graduating in just a few months!

Keyi Guo

I want to thank you all for your continuous hard work and for remaining as active as you all have been. Thank you for volunteering at our events, attending our fundraisers, and joining our meetings. We really appreciate your dedication and support! I hope you all have been able to make unforgettable memories through Key Club. Additionally, election season is approaching us! I can't wait to see our new 2023-24 Cabinet, and I’m so excited for what they have in store for Key Club.

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.

Thank you for reading the Locksmith! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Yours in care and service,

Ashley Lin Stuyvesant Key Club Vice-President

Cabrisuns 2022-2023

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

Hey Ke

As alw ated by us but ry individ be overlo e submi es of Hope, filling out forms for the Locksmith, and just engaging with us! Only with your engagement does the Locksmith continue to flourish. Despite being apart in quarantine, you’ve all managed to keep the Key Club spirit alive.

Hey friends!!

A Grammarly ad during the March club meeting??

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.

Elections have finally happened and I want to congratulate the seven super talented people for solidifying their spot in Stuy Key Club history The race was so close (there was a tie for a certain position) and I lowkey had a lot of fun counting the ballots. I am excited to see what the 2023-2024 cabinet has in store for club members. To the candidates that unfortunately didn’t win, please consider applying for committees or running for club board positions. Every single person that gave a speech the past Tuesday provided a strong and legitimate case to win Key Club will heavily benefit from your continued dedication.

Keyi Guo

To the club members that joined us this year and still ran for office(Jana and Veronika), I just wanted to say that your speeches blew my mind and you two did so well considering the limited time you spent with us. Good luck next year, I hope to revisit Stuyvesant Key Club one day and see how much you two grew as Key Clubbers and as high school students

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

Yours in care and service,

Danny Xiong Stuyvesant Key Club Secretary Cabrisuns 2022-2023

Hey Ke

As alw ated by us but ry individ be overlo e submi es of Hope, filling out forms for the Locksmith, and just engaging with us! Only with your engagement does the Locksmith continue to flourish. Despite being apart in quarantine, you’ve all managed to keep the Key Club spirit alive.

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