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Hey Key Clubbers!

I hope you've all been doing well! Recently Stuyvesant has had our Movie Fundraiser for the movie Missing and an Ice Skating Fundraiser in collaboration with Brooklyn Tech and Bronx Science. They were both incredibly fun and we definitely hope to plan more events like them in the future If you happened to miss our fundraisers then be on the lookout for new announcements on our Facebook and Instagram.


Keyi Guo

I do want to remind everyone that the quarantine stories is always open as there are always new quarantine stories to tell. Seeing everyone's faces at Induction made me quite sentimental of this past service year and our graduating seniors. Congratulations to everyone for finishing the school year! It’s been grueling but we made it.

Feel free to email stuyvesantkeyclub@gmail.com if you have any fundraisers or charities you want to see!

Yours in care and service,

Raymond Zou Stuyvesant Key Club Treasurer Cabrisuns 2022-2023

In addition, I must also address that these past two months have been marked by very impactful events. It is important that we do not remain ignorant. As Key Clubbers, we should utilize our platforms and lead this change. I encourage everyone to read the statements given by Key Club.

Hey Ke

As alw ated by us but ry individ be overlo e submi es of Hope, filling out forms for the Locksmith, and just engaging with us! Only with your engagement does the Locksmith continue to flourish. Despite being apart in quarantine, you’ve all managed to keep the Key Club spirit alive.

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