March-April 2016 Newsletter

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THE LOCKSMITH Stuyvesant Key Club

Table of Contents Timeline of Past Events


Description of Past Events


Description of Past Events


Meet the New Cabinet


Meet the New Cabinet


Meet the New Cabinet


Project Cicero


Leadership Training Conference


Pictures of LTC 10 Walk for Kids Growth


Earth Day


Committee Heads


Committee Heads


Give me feedback!




Hi Key Clubbers! This is your new editor, Yvonne Pan! This is my first newsletter and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

I have some amazing articles and pictures and an introduction from each new Cabinet member. Happy reading and don’t forget to keep sending articles and

pictures of events to Your excited editor, Yvonne Pan

TIMELINE OF PAST EVENTS March 12-Project Cicero March 17- Amsterdam Library Math Tutoring

March 19-Carl Schurz Park Egg Hunt March 20-United Airlines NYC Half March 25-Batman vs. Superman Movie Fundraiser April 2-MoCCA Arts Festival April 6-Taste of 5th Avenue Prep April 9-World Vision Volunteer

Concern Spring Run April 15-Club meeting and April Divisional April 16-Walk for Kids Growth Science Counsel Fair Donut Dash Earth Day

April 17-Friendship Event with Brooklyn Tech and Midwood April 23-Earth Day Friendship Event with Brooklyn Tech and Midwood April 30th-Park Slope Family Festival

MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS Project Cicero Book Distribution (Saturday, March 12th) Time: 4pm to 6pm Location: Gold Ballroom at The Hotel Pennsylvania: 401 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001 Description: Project Cicero is an annual non-profit book drive designed to create school and classroom libraries for children in under-resourced New York City public schools. We'll be helping them collect and give out books at their annual fair. Amsterdam Library Math Tutoring (Thursday, March 17th) Time: Starts at 4 PM! Location: New York Public Library - New Amsterdam Library, 9 Murray Street, New York, NY 10007 Description: This will most likely be similar to Saturday Library Tutoring and you'll do some math tutoring with kids! Carl Schurz Park Egg Hunt(Saturday, March 19th) Time: 11am to 4pm Location: Carl Schurz Park (Mayor's Lawn) East 88th and East End Avenue, New York, NY Description: We'll be helping the C.S. Park Conservancy out at their 12th annual egg hunt! Volunteers will be laying out 30,000 eggs, giving out paper bunny ears, helping the Easter bunny during the photo ops, etc. Light snacks will be available. United Airlines NYC Half (Sunday, March 20th) Time: 5:30am to 10:30am Location: Central Park West Drive at 67th Street, west side of street Description: We'll be helping NYRR out at their half-marathon. Volunteers will be setting up the fluid station tables, pouring water, and keeping the area clear. The weather will probably have warmed up by the event date, so it'll be much more enjoyable. Don't let the early time discourage you from attending! Batman vs. Superman Movie Fundraiser (Friday, March 25th) Time: Starts 11 AM Location: AMC Loews 84th Street 2310 Broadway, New York, NY 10024 Description: This Friday is Good Friday! (No School) We'll be joining HSMSE, Dewitt Clinton HS, Bronx Science HS, and possibly others to watch Batman vs. Superman this Friday at 10:30 AM. The cost is only $12! MoCCA Arts Festival (Saturday, April 2nd) Shift Times: 9am to 2pm; 2pm to 7pm Location: Ink48 Hotel - 11th Avenue and West 48th Street Description: We'll be helping the Society of Illustrators out at their annual festival. There will be many panels and guests, so volunteers will be working to make sure the event goes smoothly. Taste of 5th Avenue Prep (Wednesday, April 6th) Time: 4pm to 8pm Location: Grand Prospect Hall, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY Description: We'll be helping Puppetry Arts prep for their Taste of 5th Ave event. Volunteers we be setting up and filling gift bags. World Vision Volunteer (Saturday, April 9th) Time: 10am-2pm Saturday, April 9th Location: 310 Tiffany Street, Bronx NY 10474 Description: World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. We serve all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. We will be sorting through donations, and preparing products for distribution. Please dress comfortably. Jean and sneakers are the ideal clothing. No open toed shoes will be allowed.

MARCH AND APRIL EVENTS Concern Spring Run (Saturday, April 9th) Time: 7 AM - 11:30 AM Location: 102nd Street & East Drive Description: Concern will be having its 178h Annual Concern Spring Run. The run is a 4 mile run to support Concern's work fighting extreme poverty. We'll be helping out with various duties such as directing participants to the starting line, cheering them on, et cetera! Club Meeting and April Divisional (Friday, April 15th) Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Location: Stuyvesant High School Cafeteria! Description: Come to the first divisional of the new service year! LTC, upcoming events and projects, and more will be discussed. There will also be a raffle with various prizes such as gift cards (chipotle, shake shack, sports authority) and a bunch of Key Club swag. This will be at Stuy so be sure to come!! Walk for Kids Growth (Saturday, April 16th) Time: 10am to 3pm Location: Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, NY Description: We'll be helping the Human Growth Foundation out at their fourth annual walk in Queens. Volunteers will be helping out at the booths and doing crowd control. Science Counsel Fair (Saturday, April 16th) Time: 7am to 4pm Location: Stuy! Description: Ms. Fong came to our club meeting and asked for help setting up. After the event there are free AP books that will be given out (like AP Biology or AP Chemistry) which will be very helpful for the people taking those APs. Donut Dash (Saturday, April 16th) Time: 7am to 12pm Location: Pier 25 - 215 West Street, New York, NY Description: We'll be helping ASH out at their donut-themed 5k. Volunteers will be setting up, registering participants, cheering runners/donut-eaters, doing crowd control, etc. The location is close to Stuy! 5th Annual Earth Day Kick Off (Saturday, April 16th) Time: 9am to 5pm Location: Kimlau Square - Park Row, New York, NY 10038 Description: We'll be helping Chinatown Partnership at their two Earth Day events. Volunteers will be planting, street cleaning, and maybe graffiti removal. Friendship Event with Brooklyn Tech and Midwood (Sunday, April 17th) Date: Sunday, April 17 Time: 12pm-3pm Location: Great Lawn @Central Park Description: Together with Brooklyn Tech High School and Midwood High School, we planned a friendship event to celebrate our successful 2015-2016 service year and to get to know each school's key club better! 5th Annual Earth Day Celebration at Kimlau Square (Saturday, April 23rd) Time: 10am to 3pm Location: Kimlau Square - Park Row, New York, NY 10038 Description: We'll be helping Chinatown Partnership at their two Earth Day events. Volunteers will be planting, street cleaning, and maybe graffiti removal. We will be working with Brooklyn Tech and Midwood Key Clubs. Park Slope Family Festival (Saturday, April 30th) Time: 8am to 12pm; 12pm to 4pm Location: 4th St at 5th Ave near Old Stone House/Washington Par, Brooklyn, NY Description: Volunteers will be helping Puppetry Arts out at their family festival. We will be setting up, running, and breaking down the activities. Lunch will be provided!

MEET THE NEW CABINET! President : Jiaqi Gao Hello Key Club! I am Jiaqi Gao and I am thrilled to serve as your 2016-2017 club president. Together with my wonderful cabinet members, we will make Key Club an even more rewarding club to be in. Whether it is by organizing meaningful, local events in New York City, or planning large-scale fundraisers for trips, like our annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC), or to raise money for lower education in Guatemala, we hope Key Club will become an inspiration to all its members. Key Club is more than a simple after school activity where members can gain volunteer hours and I aim to convince more students of this to increase our membership. I love meeting and getting to know new people, so don't be afraid to come up to me and say hello!

Vice President: Michelle Yang Hey Key Clubbers! I'm Michelle Yang, but you could call me Michie. I'm honored to be your Vice President for this service year! As your Vice President, I will assist the President, Jiaqi, in accomplishing our goals for this year. We plan to promote Key Club within our school and increase membership participation in our events. Also, we plan to get our Key Clubbers more involved in the club itself. We will hold more fundraisers so we would be able to donate more to charities and help improve the lives of those who are not as fortunate as us. Aside from Key Club, I really love music especially Kpop. My favorite groups are EXO and SHINee, and after them are every other group from SM! I like being introduced to new things (as long as it has nothing to do with heights :3). I also like dancing, preferably hip-hop but any kind is fine. Feel free to contact me about anything and/or everything. I don't bite, I promise.

MEET THE NEW CABINET! Editor: Yvonne Pan Beaver one, beaver all, Let’s all do the Beaver call! Hi beavers! My name is Yvonne Pan and I am so excited to be your editor for the 2016-2017 service year! I first joined Key Club in my freshman year and I’m honestly so glad I did. I’ve met so many awesome people in the past three years and I really love volunteering and serving the community. This year I plan to make our newsletter The Locksmith, more frequent and better than ever, so be sure to read it! Please send any articles or pictures of Key Club events to with your name and ID to be featured in any future newsletters! Besides volunteering, I also love running, eating, and long walks on the beach. Key Club is such an incredible, student-led organization and I am so honored to be a part of it. I hope you feel the same way! I’m super friendly so don’t be afraid to sing the Beaver song with me if you see me in the hallway!

Webmaster: Alvin Zhu Hello Key Club! I am Alvin Zhu and I and so excited to be your new Webmaster! As your Webmaster, I will do everything in my power to make your online experiences as great as possible. I plan to streamline the website by eliminating unnecessary information and making important ones easier to find. Ironically, the less time you spend on the website the better because my job is to convey information in the clearest and quickest possible way. Furthermore, I will be giving our website incremental make-overs that would make it more beautiful while keeping its professionalism. Ultimately, I hope that our website will inspire you to be more active within Key Club and Kiwanis. Outside of Key Club, I love to watch TV shows and mess around with my phone. I am currently watching Game of Thrones, Fresh off the Boat, Once Upon a Time, The 100, and much more. Feel free to message me whenever you want to discuss about TV shows, Key Club, life, or anything else!

MEET THE NEW CABINET! Secretary: Yuki Lau Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Yuki Lau and I am your secretary for the new service year. I first joined Key Club freshman year and I have made so many friends and new relationships through it. One of my best friends was someone that I have met through Key Club events. Most of my work is behind the scenes, like doing the points sheets, but I'm going to make those systems more organized and easier to access. I also really really love food and don't be surprised if we're talking and I suddenly say, 'do you wanna go to _______ to eat?' Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm a really friendly person.

Treasurer : Sarah Rim Hey Stuyvesant Key Clubbers! It is my pleasure to serve as your treasurer for 2016-2017 and I assure you know that this cabinet will do our absolute best to create the best service year experience for you all. As treasurer, I will plan and carry out many fundraisers throughout the year to help out many different charities and organizations. Don't be afraid to pitch your own ideas and opinions; join fundraising committee! The ability we have as a club is endless! Therefore, let us together make a bigger impact on our club, school, and community.

P r o j e c t C i c e r o Wa s t h e R i g h t P r o j e c t f o r M e By Tiffany Chen

Walking into the Hotel Pennsylvania, I was automatically entranced by the extravagant entrance and lobby. I tried to figure out where I was going, until I finally met this congenial man going to the same event. He led me to an elevator further away from the main lobby and pressed the button for the third floor. Before I knew it, the door opened to a hallway filled with boxes of books and a bunch of hectic volunteers trying to assist the lost teachers. At Project Cicero, volunteers sorted donated children books into their respective genres for teachers of kids from poor communities to pick up and give to their students. There were many genres, such as Biography, Sports, Religion, and Chapter Books. Any book that was ripped, tarnished, or written in must be recycled. At the end of sorting, the cardboard boxes were all recycled as well. I was greeted by the head of the event, a petite brunette that carried the happiness, optimism, and excitement of a five-year-old girl. She explained how everything worked with glee before she sent us on our way. Afterwards, I walked into the Gold Ballroom to help sort donated books to their respective tables and marked boxes. Because I enjoy sorting things and am such a book nerd, I had a lot of fun at this event. Looking at some of the books gave me nostalgic memories—this event reminded me of so many books I read as a child, like the Magic Tree House and Rainbow Magic series. All-and-all, I enjoyed this event a lot. I hope to be a part of another event like Project Cicero soon.

L e a d e r s h i p Tr a i n i n g C o n f e r e n c e By M in Ting Wu (NEST+M Key Club)

LTC, Leadership Training Conference is a conference headed at Albany New York every single year which give Key Clubbers from all over the New York District to meet each others and go to different helpful workshops that provide them a chance of knowing Key Club better. I took the bus with my school club as well as Stuyvesant and Hunter Key Club, it took us around 4 hours to get to the hotel. On the first day, we went to several workshops and the opening ceremony. During the opening ceremony, I got to meet more people from all over New York State and had the amazing opportunity to nominate and help out my best friend to run for District Governor (she is currently the district executive assistant). The second day, my friends and I went to more workshops such as learning how to become a better leaders, Key Clubbers, etc. The award ceremony was on the second night, in the beginning my home club (NEST+m Key Club) and I didn't expect us to be able to get any awards, but it turned out that we won 2 awards. My entire club and friends from other clubs were super excited and happy. I cried after getting the awards back because I realized our hardwork finally paid off! During day three, I went to the delegate meeting to vote for the next district governor, secretary, and treasurer. Going home that day was sad, I cried with some of my friends from Bronx Science because we realize our terms as the cabinet of our respective Key Clubs came to an end already and how much we love about Key Club and the people in it.


Photographs by Alvin Zhu

Wal k f or Ki d s G r ow th By Yvonne Pan

On April 16th, I attended the 4th Annual Walk for Kids Growth. This was the third time I volunteered at this event and I was enthralled by the amazing performance we saw by aspiring pop sensation, Brielle. As she sang, we bonded with Key Clubbers from other clubs like Bronx Science Key Club and Bayside High School Key Club. With the other clubs, we walked the 5,000 meter walk in Flushing Corona Park. I had an amazing time talking to my friends and walking to help raise money to fund research for growth diseases developing during childhood. When we finished the walk, we were treated to pizza, popcorn, and lots of other food. Afterwards, we helped clean up and put the tents away. It was an amazing event and I’ll be sure to sign up for it next year!

Earth Day Friendship Event By Jiaqi Gao

We volunteered with Chinatown Partnership to celebrate Earth Day by beautifying Chinatown with Key Clubs in Midwood High School and Brooklyn Technical High School. We had a great time planting a variety of flowers into newly fertilized soil in and around Kimlau Square. We met lots of notable people including council woman, Margaret Chin, and the Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer. There was a station in Kimlau Square where we learned how to recycle and received a small pouch that could turned into a reusable grocery bag. After a lunch break with some of our new Key Clubbing friends at Yaya's, we helped sweep litter off the streets of Chinatown. This event was really rewarding to be able to help the community that has served us with bubble tea and dumplings.

Photographs by Wendy Li

COMMITTEE HEADS Web/Video Committee Head: As head, you will be directly helping out the Webmaster manage our club website ( You are critical to the well-being of the club because you help consolidate Key Club’s many volunteering events into one convenient space. In short, if you love coding, managing a live website, or making videos, apply to be the next Web/Video Committee head! Art Committee Head: The art committee head is primarily responsible for creating a scrapbook that will be entered to LTC's scrapbook contest and for periodically updating the key club bulletin board. Secondarily responsibilities include assisting public relations with creating posters and helping out with art-related activities. Public Relations Committee Head: As head, you would help spread the name of Key Club throughout the school either through posters, or social media. You would have to work especially close with other committees, since you might need Art to help with the posters or web/video to help promote the event on the stuykc website.

COMMITTEE HEADS The Locksmith Committee Head: The Locksmith Committee is an important part of Key Club because it puts together our newsletter, The Locksmith! Because each newsletter requires a lot of time, thought, and effort, the Committee head must be able to do the following: -Encourage members to write articles of and take pictures at events and collect them -Help with the layout of the newsletter The New Projects Head: The New Projects Committee is responsible for finding and organizing new events for members to participate in. The events that are found in the emails are found by us! We're the backbone of the club, because Key Club revolves around service, and the Project Committee makes that possible. Fundraising Head: The fundraising head must be able to consider every thought, idea, and opinion in their committee to plan and carry out successful fundraisers with the treasurer this service year. Experience is not necessary, but helpful. Don't hesitate to apply for this position! Applications for Committee Heads were due Sunday April 24, 2016 and interviews will be next week. If you missed the deadline, don’t worry! You’ll be able to join the committees after the Committee Heads have been decided.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this newsletter, please email

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