The Locksmith, March/April 2017

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THE LOCKSMITH New York District / Division 11 Volume 5 Issue 1

Stuyvesant High School March/April Issue

Contact us! Stuyvesant Key Club stuyvesantkeyclub@gmail. com

Cabinet: Michelle Yang, President Yuki Lau, Vice President

Stuyvesant High School Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Gilbert Papagayo

Stuyvesant High School 345 Chambers St New York, NY 10282

Jenna Foo, Secretary Justin Chan, Treasurer Tiffany Chen, Editor Jason Lam, Webmaster

Table of Contents Farewell to our old cab! Hello to our new cab! Past Events Timeline Ongoing Events Upcoming Events Timeline Announcements from Stuy Key Club Announcements from Key Club International Featured Key Club Photos and Articles

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Farewell to our old cab! The 2016-2017 service year came to a close, and with that, we said goodbye to our old Cabinet who have done so much for Stuyvesant Key Club. Here are some of their final words. Yvonne Pan, former Editor: After being elected Bulletin Editor for the past service year, I was introduced to all the responsibilities of a cabinet member, which was an invaluable experience. From writing and rewriting emails at 1 AM because I messed up the time of a volunteer event to helping organize a fundraiser at a bowling alley that was vastly overbooked, the spontaneity of Key Club has caught me off-guard but more prepared for anything Circle K plans to throw at me next year. More specifically though, being Editor has taught me crucial organization skills as I recorded all the pictures and articles the Locksmith Committee received. I learned the importance of group work from the ease of subsequent newsletters in contrast to my first sixteen-page disaster. As a Key Clubber, I've been honored with the opportunity to meet hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers that have improved my high school experience by a five-fold and will change the world. Alvin Zhu, former Webmaster: Although I have made many bad decisions throughout my time at Stuyvesant, becoming Webmaster was definitely not one. In retrospect, it was truly the perfect job for me. First off, I have total creative freedom over my duties. More so than my peers, I am not confined by strict deadlines and due dates. I could act out of spontaneity and it is totally okay (the Gallery page, by the way, was a product of this)! Furthermore, my work is specifically dedicated towards our most important people: the volunteers. For all the time and commitment they give to Key Club, the least I could do is make their volunteering process a little bit easier (like having an interactive calendar!). Finally, it has given me the opportunity to combine my passions for technology and Key Club. It served as a playground for me to employ and test my coding skills practically and for good purpose. All in all, my experience as a Webmaster was nothing short of magical.

Sarah Rim, former Treasurer

To all current Stuyvesant Key Club members, It has been such a pleasure working alongside all of you this past service year doing our very best to serve our school club and outside communities. As your treasurer, I participated in the behind-the-scenes work of our cabinet and it has definitely been a meaningful, rewarding experience to observe the tangible impacts of our club’s constant volunteering and fundraising. The tight-knit family we have formed within our club is incomparable and I can’t express my gratitude enough of being able to get to know so many intelligent, gifted individuals. If you haven’t experienced this yet, go out into the world and do so. Continue to attend Key Club events, specifically club meetings, fundraisers, and divisionals to meet so many new friends that all share the same passion for volunteering that you have. Never hesitate to pursue leadership roles, even those beyond our school club and division. I am so proud to have contributed to the work behind the awards Stuyvesant received at our 2016~2017 Leadership Training Conference and for the three specifically regarding my responsibilities as treasurer: dues, club membership, and fundraising. Thank you to all of our official members, new members, and members who attended our various fundraisers throughout the year; we couldn’t have received these awards without your help. Therefore, as you all can see, the success of our club all boils down to the effort and dedication of our members. Thank you to each and every one of you for putting so much of your time and effort into community service and inspiring others to do the same. And to all future Stuyvesant Key Club members, This message isn’t going to differ very much from the above. Thank you for joining this amazing club and I only wish for you to receive the best learning experience, whether it is meeting new people, participating in community events, or working diligently in leadership positions. Although community service may be tiring and time-consuming to some, it is, without a doubt, gratifying and worthwhile. Join our great family of current and past Key Clubbers and never set your work to a certain number (*cough cough* like Red Cross xD). Stuyvesant Key Club will always remain to be a family and community of great individuals working together to make a positive difference. Thank you all for such a successful service year, I will truly miss you all and good luck to you all. With Love, Sarah Rim

Jiaqi Gao, former President:

It really feels like just yesterday I was delivering my presidential election speech with my running mate. I rattled off my list of goals and strategies to improve Stuyvesant Key Club, and in return, I was welcomed with applause. I may have been looking at my script during the entirety of my speech, but I had memorized everything by heart and swore that if elected, I would accomplish all that I said I would. In that moment, I would never have predicted the rugged journey I just signed myself up for. “How does it feel to be President?” I get this question often and I could easily say that it does wonders for my self-esteem, but that’s only half the story. The truth is, being club president is simultaneously empowering and tiring. The former because you’re in a position of influence and can change entire spheres of communities for the better while inspiring others to do the same. The latter because you always have an infinite amount of ideas to accomplish, but only a finite amount of time to do them all. But that’s just the idiosyncrasy of being the president; if the job doesn’t make you tired, you’re not doing it right. To reflect upon my own service year, I’m proud of the work my cabinet has done as a team to accomplish our annual goals. There is the addition of the events calendar and a gallery on the website. We have expanded the amount of fundraisers we do, even being awarded the District Fundraising award for our commitment to helping Icing Smiles (which of course, we couldn’t have done without our directors). We have connected more with the Key Clubs of other schools and with our committee directors. And of course, our membership has grown 50% from the past service year. I strongly encourage every Key Clubber to take on a leadership position within their four years at Stuyvesant. Take risks, be bold, and accept failures when they occur. Learn from them and strive to always become a better person. This has been your Stuyvesant Key Club President of the 2016–2017 service year. Yes, I’m graduating but StuyKC connections will always remain—feel free to hmu whenever. :))

Hello to our new cab! The 2016-2017 service year may be over, but the 2017-2018 will be just as, if not more, amazing than the previous. Meet the new Cabinet dedicated to make Stuyvesant Key Club a great and enjoyable experience. Michelle Yang, President: I’m Michelle, the new President of Stuyvesant Key Club. This year, I plan to make the Key Club in our school bigger and more dedicated than before. One of the points in my speech during the election was to make our club more connected with the other clubs in Division 11 so that is something that I will also work on with the rest of the cabinet. I want Key Club and the people in Key Club to be an inspiration for all the members and a source of encouragement. What I don’t want, is there to be a barrier between the members and the cab because we are a very close-knit and inclusive club. If you guys have any questions or you just want to message me for whatever reason, feel free! I’m always open to talk. HMU if you have Snapchat (@crystallyte740). Yuki Lau, Vice President Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Yuki Lau and I am your vice president for the new service year. I first joined Key Club freshman year and it's been an integral part of Stuy for me. I have made so many friends and new relationships through this amazing club. I also really really love food and soccer (barca!), so don't be surprised if we're talking and I suddenly say, 'do you wanna go to _______ to eat?' Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm a really friendly person so hmu if you have any questions. Hope to meet you all at events!

Jenna Foo, Secretary Hey guys! I’m Jenna and I’m your secretary for the 2017 – 2018 school year!! It still feels surreal for me to say that, especially since I started Key Club for the sole reason that I liked it. Volunteering at events gave me a sneak peek into the way festivals, races, and other events worked. It showed me all the hard work put into a seemingly carefree celebration and brought me closer to my culture and the Key Club community. We joke and say that here in Key Club, we don’t make keys, but it’s obvious to me that Key Club has given me some keys of my own. I have been able to take on a leadership role, something that has given me a newfound independence and an outlet through which I can help others. I have also forged a stronger connection with our own school’s Key Club, and I’ve gotten to know our members on a personal level. As secretary, I plan to devote my full attention and hard work to completing the tasks that keep Key Club running smoothly (updating the points sheet, informing you guys of new events, etc.). But beyond that, I want to become someone more approachable, which will inevitably manifest itself in Key Club’s overall image. Key Club is such a tight-knit community of amazing people and getting more members to discover this hidden gem will always be a goal of mine. Justin Chan, Treasurer Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Justin and I’ll be your Treasurer for the upcoming service year! As your Treasurer, Ii plan on increasing incentives that official Key Club members receive. I also want to expand our club within Stuyvesant by increasing awareness of our events and how we’re much more than a service club. On a divisional level, I plan on expanding our fundraisers by getting other schools to come, which also promotes inter-clubbing. Even though I’m technically in charge of the financial aspect of Key Club, as Treasurer, I’ll do everything in my power to expand Stuyvesant Key Club.

Jason Lam, Webmaster Hello Key Club! I am Jason Lam and I’m super excited to be your new Webmaster for the 2017-2018 service year! As your Webmaster, I will do my best to make your online experience with the club website as great as possible. As Webmaster, I will be implementing new features as well as new visuals to really display Stuyvesant Key Club in the best way possible. Of course, maintaining professionalism is my number one priority, so incremental updates would be the best for both the club and the website. I really hope that the website exceeds your expectations and inspires you to be more active in Key Club. Outside of Key Club, I like to play games and chat with friends and family. I currently play popular PC games League of Legends and Overwatch as well as Super Smash Brothers. Feel free to talk with me about games or if you just simply need a person to talk to!

Tiffany Chen, Editor Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Tiffany Chen, and I’m your new Editor for the 2017-2018 service year. I am super excited! As Editor, I plan to reinvent the Locksmith to make it more representative if Key Club International. Along with including updates from the Cab every issue to let you know what’s going on, I will announce anything that is going on with Key Clubs from around the world. In addition, every Locksmith, I will have a spread of a different school in NYC to let you know how other Key Clubs close to us work. I will try to increase the publishing of the Locksmith from bimonthly to monthly by emphasizing these announcements more in later Locksmiths. However, photos and articles submissions from you all are still a vital part of the newsletter. I plan to increase submissions by emailing the Key Clubbers who attended the event to submit things to the Locksmith. Last, I plan to make the Locksmith more beautiful with new layouts such as this one. I hope you all continue to read the Locksmith. Feel free to hit me up whenever and talk to me about anything! :D

(peep that APCS prep book)

Past Events Timeline ●

March 1:

SING! Security + Concessions Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm and 4:00 to 9pm/10pm!!!! Location: Stuyvesant High School Description: We helped out in SING! with various jobs including checking people in, managing lines as people come in, and sending people to registration tables. Some even got to use a radio transceiver!

March 3:

SING! Security + Concessions March Divisional Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm Location: LaGuardia High School Description: The Division 11 March Divisional was held in LaGuardia High School! There, we updates from the division, met new people, and had fun.

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March 4: March 11:

SING! Security + Concessions Project Cicero Time: Saturday- 2pm to 4pm and/or 4pm to 6pm, Sunday- 11am to 1pm Location: Gold Ballroom at The Hotel Pennsylvania- 401 7th Ave New York, NY 10001 Description: We helped Project Cicero organize their non-profit book drive. It is designed to create school and classroom libraries for children in under-resourced NYC public schools. We helped them to collect and give out books at their annual fair.

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March 12: March 19:

Project Cicero United Airlines NYC Half Marathon Time: 5:30am to 10:30am Location: Fluid Station 4 - West Drive in Central Park at 67th Street Description: We helped NYRR out at their half-marathon. Volunteers set up the fluid station tables, poured water, and kept the area clear. Volunteers received a NYRR volunteer tech t-shirt, and there was coffee and hot tea at check in.

March 21:

Stuyvesant Open House Time: 4pm to 8pm Location: Stuy Description: Stuyvesant had an Open House! Volunteers gave tours, answered questions, and helped out with crowd control!

March 23:

PTCs Time: 5pm to 8pm(Thursday) and/or 12:30pm to 3pm(Friday) Location: Stuy! Description: ARISTA, Red Cross, and Key Club rewarded credits for volunteering for PTC. We helped teachers with their conferences

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March 24: March 31: April 1: April 2: April 8:

PTCs LTC LTC LTC Concern Worldwide Spring Run Time: 7am to 11am Location: Central Park—102nd St and East Drive. Description: We helped with Concern Spring Run in Central Park! In this run, runners supported the fight against extreme poverty; the run provided disadvantaged families with food, water, healthcare, and other resources. Volunteers cheered on the runners, handed out water, or recorded runner's time.

April 9:

Walk for Kids Growth Time: 9am to 3pm Location: Flushing Meadows Park- Fountain of planets nearest to ice rink Description: We helped with Walk for Kids Growth in Queens. Volunteers helped out at the booths and crowd control.

April 15:

Easter Eggstravaganza Time: 12pm to 3pm Location: Target East Harlem Community Garden- 417 East 117th Street New York, NY 10035 Description: NYSoM hosted its annual Easter event in East Harlem. The event had lots of fun activities such as Egg Hunt, Painting Contest, and more! So come help out! We helped out with setup and cleanup, as well as participating during the event!

April 22:

Earth Day Time: 10am to 2pm Location: Far Rockaways (58-03 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Far Rockaway, NY 11692) Description: The fifth anniversary of Hurricane Sandy was commemorated with a day of coastal restoration! We worked with Stuyvesant Environmental Club with activities such as planting beach grass and bayberry, as well as a beach cleanup. Water and all tools was provided.

Chinatown Earth Day Time: 11am to 4pm Location: Kimlau Square - Park Row, New York, NY 10038 Description: We helped Chinatown BID and CPLDC at their Earth Day events. Volunteers planted, cleaned streets, and removed graffiti.

April 23:

Tour de Staten Island Time: 10am to 2:30pm Location: Great Kills Park, Beach Center, 3270 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island 10305 Description: We helped Tour de Staten Island at their rest stops! Volunteers distributed water liquids to runners and cyclists! Since the event is in Staten Island, transportation was provided to and from Stuy!

April 24:

Club Meeting Time: After 10th period Location: Cafeteria! Description: We introduced the new cabinet members, talked about LTC and upcoming events, and more!

April Divisional Time: 5pm to 7pm Location: Cafeteria after our meeting! Description: Stuy hosted the first divisional of the service year! We were introduced to the divisional, heard about new events, revisited our LTC memories and post-LTC depression, and more. We also talked about ICON, the Key Club International Convention.

April 27:

Spring Play: NYC Game Expo Time: 5pm to 9pm Location: Microsoft: 11 Times Square (41st Street & 8th Ave. – Use 8th Ave. Entrance) New York, NY 10019 Description: We helped out at the Game Expo! The event had over 100 games, and they showed off their latest games one-on-one to a crowd of 1000 people. This was an unique opportunity to try out the biggest collection of games made in and around NYC all in one place. Volunteers helped with registration, setup, takedown, and social media.

April 29:

CORE SYI Conference Location: Columbia University Description: The conference opened with brunch and a morning panel of student entrepreneurs. Students then selected one of the three social entrepreneurship tracks - sustainable development, education, and women in leadership. In these sessions, students worked with their peers and mentors from Columbia University, NYC office, and company sponsors to explore solutions toward issues affecting our society today. The conference concluded with our closing keynote speaker and presentations by the students. This conference was free of cost, and students of all backgrounds and interests applied.

April 30:

March of Dimes Time: 8:30am to 10am Location: Lincoln Center Area, Columbus Avenue at 62nd St Description: We walked at the March for Babies with us this year. Every day, thousands of babies are born prematurely and often very sick. We walked to raise money to support March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives.

Ongoing Events

Community Tax Aid (Saturdays, February 11th to 25th, March 4th to 25th, April 1st to 15th) Time: 10am to 2pm; 2pm to 6pm; 10am to 6pm Location: Flushing YMCA (136-48 Northern Blvd, Flushing, NY 11354) Description: We will be helping out Community Tax Aid every Saturday from February to April. CTA prepares tax returns, free of charge, to deserving low income taxpayers. Since the taxpayers speak Chinese, they asked us for translators who can fluently speak either Mandarin or Cantonese. This event would be extremely rewarding to CTA, Stuyvesant and to the community. This experience from this event also just sounds like it can make for a quality college essay. After School Tutoring Time: Monday to Friday (4:00pm [or 4:30pm if you don't have tenth free] to 5:30pm) Location: Simon Baruch Middle School on West 18th St Description: We will have a after school tutoring partnership with Simon Baruch Middle School on West 18th Street, starting March 13th. Volunteers can tutor anywhere from once per a week to every day of the week. Tutors will go to Simon Baruch for the tutoring. Sign up ASAP if you're interested!! IF YOU'RE IN ARISTA, YOU CAN GET ARISTA CREDIT FOR THIS!!!

Upcoming Events Timeline â—?

May 7:

Donut Dash Time: 7am to 12pm Location: Pier 62, along the Hudson River Greenway- 215 West Street, New York, NY Project Captain: *needed* Description: We will be helping ASH at their donut-themed 5k. Volunteers will be setting up, registering participants, cheering runners/donut-eaters, doing crowd control, etc.


May 13:

Endurance Challenge Series Time: 6am to 3pm(Sat); 6am to 12pm(Sun) Location: Bear Mountain (there will be free shuttle bus to/from NYC to Bear Mountain!) Project Captain: *needed* Description: We will be helping with North Face Endurance Challenge in May! The volunteer positions would including helping by handing out water and food to runners as well as at the festival with running booths and handing out information to participants. Volunteer should be 16 or older! Everyone will get a North Face tech shirt and catered lunch. Please sign up asap in order to guarantee a spot for this event! Please choose Aid Station Volunteer and morning -2pm shift for Saturday/morning-11am shift for Sunday on their form!

NAMI Walks 2017 Time: 8am to 12pm Location: South Street Seaport Museum Promenade- 12 Fulton Street Project Captain: *needed* Description: We will be helping NAMI with their greatest annual mental health walk in the New York City. We will be greeting participants, giving out water, distributing food, and managing the crowd. Sign up for this ASAP please!

May 14:

Endurance Challenge Series Japan Day Time: TBD Location: Central Park Bandshell Project Captain: *needed* Description: Japan Day will have food and activity tents as well as a stage program displaying a wide range of Japanese culture so be sure to come! Last year we helped out with t shirt tents and crowd control. The year before that we helped out at the Yukata and Calligraphy tents but we may be assigned different roles this year. If you're interested in this event, please sign up and send your signed waiver to

May 21:

AIDS Walk Time: 7am to 4pm Location: Central Park -TBA Project Captain: *needed* Description: We will be helping with annual AIDS Walk to raise money for GMHC, the world's first and leading provider of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy! This is one of our largest event of the year! We will be volunteering as crowd control etc.

May 27:

Passport to Taiwan Time: 1pm to 6pm(Sat); 9am to 6pm(Sun) Location: Union Square North Plaza Project Captain: *needed* Description: We'll be helping out at the Annual Passport to Taiwan festival celebrating Taiwanese heritage. There will be lots of food, crafts, and performances. Volunteers will be prepping food, setting up, selling food, breaking down, and manning the tents.

Color Run Queens Time: 7am to 12pm Location: Citi Field: 123-01 Roosevelt Avenue, New York, New York 11368 Project Captain: *needed* Description: The Color Run Queens will be raising money for Back on My Feet, a charity that raises money to help those experiencing homelessness. Volunteer tasks include handing out water , revving up the crowd, and throwing powdered color (corn starch) at runners. Sign up ASAP before spots run out!

Announcements from Stuyvesant Key Club Stuyvesant Key Club won a bunch of awards at LTC. We won the District Project Fundraising Award for our work with Icing Smiles and received recognition for our Early Bird Dues. We won the Achieved Increased Membership Award for increasing the number of official members in our club by 53.4 percent and won third place for our non-traditional scrapbook. We also won the Interclub Award with Midwood High School and Brooklyn Technical High School for our Good Earth Day and Friendship Event. Our old Vice President and our current President, Michelle Yang, won the Distinguished Vice President Award. Congratulate her whenever you can! Many Stuy Key Clubbers won the Distinguished Key Clubber Award. Congrats to Kalvin Chi, Jenna Foo, Jiaqi Gao, Christy Guan, Yuki Lau, Sarah Rim, Henry Zheng, and Alvin Zhu!

Three Stuyvesant Key Clubbers are in the committees for the division. Justin Chan and Arlene Gao are part of the Events Committee and Michelle Yang is in the Social Media Committee. Congratulate them when you have the chance!

Announcements from Key Club International ICON, Key Club International’s convention, is coming up! There, you can attend workshops, meet fellow Key Clubbers, and learn about higher up positions such as International Trustees. In addition, you can tour San Antonio, which is where ICON is taking place. It will be from July 5 to July 9. A deposit of $500 is required by May 1 and spots are filling up rapidly! Email for more information. On April 18, Key Club received Thirst Project's Vision Award at the Eighth Annual Thirst Gala. Go Key Club! In March, A Florida Kiwanis club and the Key Club it sponsors fit hundreds of children with new shoes and socks. In April, Oklahoma Key Clubbers help homeless kids with club dues, school supplies and more through the annual Stride 4 Shelter Bubble Run.

Featured Key Club: Midwood High School Each Locksmith, we feature a different high school’s Key Club to spread awareness of our interclub activities and emphasize the large community Key Club fosters. This issue, we will be focusing on Midwood High School of Division 9. Anthony Guan, Editor of Midwood Key Club Hello, my name is Anthony Guan, and I am the club editor of Midwood High School. One of my favorite things about Key Club is all the wonderful friends I get to make, not only from the city divisions or the New York district, but from the whole country's Key Clubs. I still keep in contact with some of the friends I made outside of the state and it's amazing to see them achieve greatness. Being not only an officer but also a regular Key Clubber, I have enjoyed going to all these amazing events because it was that fun volunteering and seeing everyone's warm smile. Currently in my club, we are trying to do an inter-club event with a different school. Once it is all planned out and set, I hope you see you guys there, but more importantly, I hope to see you guys at all the future events!

Anthony Annunziato, IP Head of Committees of Midwood High School My name is Anthony Annunziato and I’m a member of Midwood High School’s Key Club and I am the IP Head of Committees for Midwood Key Club. My job was to overlook the Scrapbook and Outreach Committee and I co-head the Outreach Committee with IP VP Flora. We were in charge of getting the word out to Midwood about Key Club. We also made the poster for the Non-Digital Poster Contest at LTC, and we got 3rd place. Some of my favorite events were when I participated with Division 11. My favorite fundraiser I was a part of was Stuy Key Club’s Bowling Fundraiser in January. It was an amazing fundraiser because I got to do something I love to do, which is bowl, and got to hang with my amazing friends from D11. I also got to get closer with the Stuy officers. The thing I enjoyed the most was the sushi afterwards because it was my first time eating it and I loved it. I also got to hang with my friends from D11, which I don’t really get to do that often. Some upcoming events that Midwood Key Club is participating in are King Plaza Canarsie Kiwanis Peanut Day, March of Dimes-March for Babies, TD Five Borough Bike Tour, King Plaza Canarsie presents A day of Bowling benefiting Mt Sinai Metabolic Unit, Japan Day, HOD Society 5K Race, and Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Fundraiser with D8, 8A, 10, and 11. Some past events we just did was Project Glam and ConSERVE Earth Day Event, 19th Annual Concern Spring Run, and Foundation for Letters Brooklyn 5k/10k/15k Run. My time in Key Club is running out with 2 months left and I officially am heading to CCNY Circle K, but Midwood Key Club is in an amazing place with an amazing set of officers who will do anything to get our members to participate and all care about serving our communities.

Photos and Articles

MS Climb to the Top By Alexander Radu MS Climb to the Top was really fun! We were able to help many people fight a disease that stops the human from moving called multiple sclerosis. I made new friends will a girl who currently goes to Columbia University whom I helped at the event. Overall, I had a fun time!

Photos from Alexander Radu

Photos from Sammi Lin

SING! Security and Concessions

Photos from Ryan Wu

Photos from Ryan Wu

March Divisional By Tiffany Chen I met up with Jenna to go to Laguardia for March’s Divisional at the 123 Chambers Street station. While I have gone to a decent amount of divisionals, it was Jenna’s first, so she was a bit anxious. We were both calm by when we got off the 2 train. We followed Google Maps until we got to Laguardia. We told the security guards that we were there for the divisional and they let us in. However, they only told us to go to the cafeteria, and we had no clue where that was! We explored the second floor, where the senior art show was, for ten minutes until we asked two students where the cafeteria was. They told us it was on the seventh floor before laughing at us and muttering, “Stuy kids.” Luckily, when we got to the cafeteria, the divisional did not start yet. We found a table and met up with Julia, and we just talked about classes. A few Key Clubs were selling food and necklaces to help pay for LTC, so I bought a pack of gum. Then the divisional began. The funniest part of the divisional was attendance. At divisionals, every school takes attendance by screaming how many Key Clubbers from that school are attending. When Stuyvesant came up, Kalvin, our former LTG, automatically screamed 2, assuming he and Chris were the only Stuy kids at attendance. That was when Jenna, Julia, and I screamed, “5!” We were not offended; we just found it funny. The saddest part of the divisional was seeing our Divisional Board go. Kalvin’s speech was heart-wrenching, and some of the Divisional Board members were crying. It made me sad to know that the service year was coming to an end for them. The divisional did not end on a depressing note. Instead, it ended on a hopeful note. We were all looking forward to what the next service year is going to bring.

Project Cicero

Photos from Sammi Lin

Photos from Sammi Lin

Photos from Sammi Lin

United Airlines NYC Half Marathon

Photos from Sammi Lin

Photos from Sammi Lin

Open House By Tiffany Chen I walked into Open House, excited to meet the incoming freshmen and advocate for Stuyvesant. I’ve gone to Open House before, but I’ve never been to the one where only incoming freshmen came, so I was happy that I was able to experience something new with soon-to-be Stuy students. Open House didn’t start until 5:00 p.m., and then, the large group of volunteers was divided into two smaller groups: one to do tours first and one to do tours second. Sadly, I was not part of that first group, so I had to wait until the first presentation was done to conduct my first tour. However, that’s okay; I was able to greet all of the freshmen and give them all high-fives. My tour went incredibly well. I had a small group. We started on the tenth floor and then continued to go down. We talked about SING!, ARISTA, any courses freshmen have to take, and more. As I led them, I became more and more comfortable. I really loved that they were willing to listen to any advice I had as I led them through halls and classrooms. Once the tour ended and I said goodbye to my tour group, I was devastated. However, I left the school knowing that I helped incoming freshmen ease their nerves before Camp Stuy Parts I and II, which still makes me smile.

Leadership Training Conference By Tiffany Chen Honestly there’s too much to say about LTC to fit in one article. The experience was unforgettable. I’ve met so many people and made so many memories. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to go to LTC, as it actually changed my life. Here’s to all the Mafia and Chinese poker games. Here’s to me losing something every five minutes. Here’s to sharing snacks like there was no tomorrow. Here’s to all the changing and all the hoping that it wasn’t business-professional. Here’s to barging each other’s rooms all the time (at least, the girls did this). Here’s to all the delicious food and desserts (and that one time when we got five full plates of them). Here’s to the name tags and the schedules. Here’s to staying up late, attempting to finish homework. Here’s to the long bus rides and the hotel/dollhouse we stayed in. I met countless people at Playfair, this huge icebreaker. I posed in too many pictures. I gave so many standing ovations any time an award was awarded. I battled a friend only to get destroyed. I ate so much food that I probably gained a couple pounds. I played basketball on Facebook Messenger and came out on top. I wore my “Editor” and “(smile)” stickers with pride. I watched people run for the District Board, and I watched some cry once it was all over. LTC is something that I certainly want to do again. I got closer to the people I already knew and became acquainted with people I didn’t. I smiled, laughed, and joked around. LTC was worth the three days and two nights; in fact, it’s worth so much more. I can’t wait until next year when I can have the opportunity to go again.

Photos from Anthony Guan and Jenna Foo

Photos from Jenna Foo

By Vicky Zhu As this was my first time attending LTC, I was initially clueless as to what occurs during the trip, and only had descriptions of experiences from friends who have gone in the past years to go by. Needless to say, their words have definitely not prepared me for how amazing and fun LTC actually is. Award ceremonies, workshops, and the Playfair are just some of the events I can name off the top of my head that have left a deep impression on me. Particularly during the award ceremonies, these moments were what really struck me to realize just how united clubs within the same districts can be even when we're all from different schools, and I felt extremely excited with the amount of energy everyone possessed as they cheered each other on. At LTC, you can truly experience what it's like to be part of the Key Club family, and realize that Key Club extends far beyond just simply being another club in high school. For me, some of the most fun I had on this trip did not actually occur at the hotel, but rather much earlier, at the bus trip to Albany. Before this trip, I can say I only knew one person (Michelle) really well, but by the end of the 3 days going back to NYC, I'm proud to state that I've made far more friends than I can count. The bus trip itself presented me the opportunity to get to know the cabinet of Stuyvesant Key Club much better, and allowed me to realize that these people aren't as out of reach as people may think they are, but rather they're normal, everyday Stuyvesant students like you and me. Besides the awesome people that I've come to know, I can also go on and on for hours about the food and decor of the hotel but still probably not do them justice. It's one thing to hear about another person's experiences, and another to really experience it for yourself. Thus, I can say with confidence that I truly recommend this trip to anyone who can go next year, as an opportunity to meet hundreds of people from all around New York State while also having tons of fun doesn't come quite often in a lifetime.

Concern Worldwide Spring Run

Photos from Sammi Lin

Photos from Sammi Lin

Walk for Kids Growth

Photos from Irene Chen

Photos from Irene Chen

Photos from Sammi Lin

Easter Eggstravaganza

Photos from Tania Cao

Photos from Tania Cao

Photos from Tania Cao

Photos from Tania Cao

Photos from Tania Cao

Photos from Tasnuba Sukanna

Photos from Tasnuba Sukanna

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