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October 2009 Volume 5, Issue 2

Stuyvesant High School Key Club

The Locksmith LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT It is with great pleasure that I welcome the Stuyvesant High School Key Club of 2009-2010 to the new service year. I hope to learn from each and every individual member, and to get to know everyone on a more personal level. Don’t hesitate to stop me in the hall and give me a quick, “BOOMBA!” The 2009-2010 service year is going to be a huge one, because there are so many changes that we as a cabinet wish to implement. Not only do we wish to preserve our tradition of excellence, but we also want to make the club more fun and relatable on so many levels. We will continue to both volunteer and walk at popular events, like MSABC (Making Strides against Breast Cancer), AIDS Walk, and March of Dimes, in addition to helping various gardens and parks around the city. Our help in cleaning, weeding, mulching, and planting is crucial in beautifying our city amidst the cement and pollution. We also volunteer at soup kitchens and we help monitor outdoor events. While a majority of our events will require traveling around the city, we are also trying to diversify the locations of the volunteer opportunities we offer. Hopefully we can find some events in your local area, and if not, please let us know! If you find that your schedule this year allows for little time to volunteer outside of the school week, we do offer other opportunities to earn service credit, such as submitting to our newsletter, helping to print and put up flyers around school, decorating our bulletin board on the second floor, fundraising, and more. This is a club that seeks to change. It is evident that we are high school students, no longer children, but not yet adults. However, each hour, each minute, each second that an individual reaches out to help another is another dollar, another full stomach, another smile. The change we make may seem insignificant at first, but together, I truly believe that we can make a difference in the world, starting with our own school and our own communities. Key Club is dedicated to volunteer work and community service, but more importantly, I wish to foster leadership in every single member. It is my sincere hope that at the end of each service year, the members will be able to take something away from their experiences, and feel both empowered and encouraged to seek something greater than what they are limited to. With that, I wish everyone a successful 2009-2010 service year! Sincerely. Bette Ha President of the Stuyvesant High School Key Club

Your Vice-President’s Word Welcome to the new Key Club year at Stuyvesant High School! It will be a delight to meet and work with new members this year, and I am equally thrilled to see some familiar faces of returning members. As you may know, Key Club is the club for volunteer events. Whether you need to volunteer or just simply love to do it, this club is right up your alley. There is a huge assorted variety of events, and if you can’t make it to one, then just go to the next one! Aside from volunteering, I am really hoping for some club bonding

this year. Each event is another chance to meet different people, and it would be great to have a club filled with people who see each other as more than just coworkers. On one final note, if you ever see me in school, I’m always open to questions or concerns you might have about Key Club. Or better yet, you can give me a call; I’d be glad to hear from you personally! Whether this year will turn out decent or spectacular, I wish everyone a memorable service year and I’ll see you at the next event!

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning “

A Dose of “Didja Know?” from Your Secretary There are two things about Stuyvesant Key Club. One: We’re a community service club located in Manhattan, which is in New York City (aka one of the greatest cities in the world, and that’s not just my opinion). And the other thing: Because of this, we’re a part of the New York District Key Club. Key Club is an international organization but look at it from a different perspective; Key Club is also composed of hundreds of clubs in different districts throughout the U.S. So where does this leave us? Are we seen as just another club on the district level? There are tons of distinctive clubs in our district and Stuyvesant definitely ranks among them. At this year’s District Convention, many of the Immediate Past cabinet members were presented with outstanding officer awards and our IP editor won the distinguished Key Club editor award. In addition, members from our club got together and made a video which won first place for the New York District Club Video Contest. We placed first for the major emphasis award and were also awarded with the outstanding Governor’s Project award, which focused on promoting environmental preservation. Fifteen of the members from our Key Club were given the New York Distinguished Key Clubber Award. I guess it’s safe to say that we’re not just another club out of the 261 Key Clubs in the New York District. For our community, for our school, and for our district, we’ve accomplished some pretty outstanding things. There’s no doubt that this year’s going to be even better. And I may be biased, but Stuyvesant Key Club is definitely the most amazing Key Club out there. Fannie Law, Secretary


Talkin’ Bling with our Treasurer So apparently the Locksmith Committee wants me to write a short letter in order to prevent forest fires. I would like to respond first by telling them that a response through email won’t save anything except maybe 44 cents. Now all joking aside, a question that many people may ask (I’ve gotten the question before) is, “Why does Key Club need money?” We’re a service club, right? Right. Well, firstly, we need supplies. The art committee often redesigns the 2nd floor board every month and that requires a bit of money in order to look amazing. Also, the other year, our gavel broke and we needed to buy a new one. Basically, we’re going to need a stable account in order to keep up with these small necessities. Secondly, we have our shirts. Every year the design changes and every year we sell. The money has to come from somewhere and it’s always possible that we may not end up, in the end, with the same amount of money as we started. As Key Club, we strive to not end up in a red zone of debt because that would definitely be troublesome to MANY people! [Can you imagine treasurers passing down a debt that might be counted with interest?!] It would be the end of us all. Thirdly, we, or I should say I, like stability. Whenever we raise money for charities or events, I would like to be able to also send them some of the money that we have because we ought to donate too. Or if we don’t hit the amount we want to raise, we can always count on our resources to help us out. Money makes the world go round. Ohohohoho Sarah Zhao, Treasurer

A Pre-Game Chat with Mr. Editor Hi Key Clubbers Old and New! The school year just started but the Key Club year is in full swing. Stuy Key Club has set new goals for creativity and communication. This year we are continuing to update out bulletin board every month and making sure everyone who enters the school notices it. We are also aiming for newsletters and posters that will keep our meetings at full capacity and encourage more students to join. Our website is being maintained constantly and will become and valuable source to all of our officers and members. The new idea this year is to have the Art, Locksmith, PR, and Web Committees do a joint project for one month to support a cause. There is no limit to how much help they may need this year and it would be great if you can help them. Key Club isn’t all about service and credits. Now, let’s talk football. =) I always go into every game, every drive, and every play with a game plan. If I don’t, my quarterback is going to get sacked. The same thing applies for Key Club. If we don’t put our heads together, we are going to get sacked. It hurts too! We rarely do things on the spot. We got our game plan and get the job done. Welcome to Team Stuy KC! *fanfare* Jensen Cheong, Editor and Head Coach


Key Club FAQ’s FOR ALL MEMBERS of STUYVESANT KEY CLUB What is Key Club? No. Key Club does not make keys. It is the biggest service club in Stuyvesant High School. (We’re the biggest club in general!) Key Club International is the largest service organization in the world. Boasting over 500 members, StuyKC does service all over the city and in rare occasions in the suburbs. Our service ranges from cooking for the hungry to cleaning the streets of Chinatown and we always plant a few flowers in gardens. Key Club also is the first place many students make friends in Stuy. J What are POINTS? What are the minimum requirements of StuyKC? You receive one point for every minute you volunteer. There are MANY ways to earn points. You can go to the Key Club events which range from 2 hours to 12 hours. You can also join a committee and earn points through helping the committee heads with their work. You can take pictures and record videos too! We expect all volunteers to reach 3000 points (50 hours) by the end of the year but you will get credit for reaching 1500 points (25 hours) How do you join StuyKC? To be an official member of StuyKC and Key Club International, you must join the yahoo group when you receive an invitation. Then you must pay dues. What are dues? Every chapter of Key Club International is required to pay $12 per member every year. The dues help fund our district, club and insurance! This also allows you to be a cabinet member or a district officer in Key Club. You get 60 points for handing them in early! How do you sign-up for an event? E-mail with your name, ID, and phone number. Or do it the COOL WAY and sign-up at our website! What is a project captain? How do you become a project captain? A project captain of an event is responsible for taking attendance of the members attending an event. He must sign them in AND out of each event. At the end of the event, the must complete a project report form with how many points each volunteer gets. Project captains get up to 50 additional points. You can become project captain by signing up for an event with an ASTERISK.

Yahoogroup: E-mail: Website:


JOIN PR COMMITTEE! EARN POINTS THROUGH MAKING AND PUTTING UP POSTERS! JOIN Locksmith! Help US Make the newsletter so none of the pages look like this one!


58 reasons to join Key Club 1. What other club has members dedicated enough to procrastinate by listing reasons as to why people should join Key Club? 2. What other club would just choose a random number such as 58 for a number of reasons? 3. Caring is our way of life 4. Volunteering is beneficial to the two most important things in life: your community and your transcript 5. You get an opportunity to meet the AMAZING cabinet of 2010, which is arguably the greatest year anyway. 6. Fan of the Tell Me dance? Well just ask the Vice-President to perform it! 7. Action. Comedy. Drama. Suspense. Sexual innuendo. All in a day’s work 8. Free T-shirts. Need we say more? 9. Turns out we will. Free food as well 10. And cake. Cake is important. Good cake too 11. When you leave to go volunteering, you are guaranteed to find a subway seat. We’re just that special 12. Never seen a sunrise? Well you’ll see one from that subway seat you just got. Sunset too 13. We are certified to randomly thrust our pelvises. Pants optional (though suggested) 14. See those people staring at the two kids shouting boomba? Yes those two kids are ours 15. See that one guy glaring at those two kids? That’s a Brooklyn Tech Key Clubber. He’s just jealous of how awesome those two kids are 16. In Stuyvesant, you lose your name but gain a four digit ID. In KC, you get to keep your name AND gain a seven digit ID. 17. Since we’re not a math club, we will do the math for you for the previous statement. That’s a gain of THREE digits! Isn’t it great to take a break from all that advanced algebra? 18. That bubbly feeling people fake getting in movies when they’ve done something good? Same here, only it’s legit. Or gastrointestinal. Same thing really 19. We can play truth or dare at any place and any time. We also disregard any decisions you may make unless it is dare. We have your best interests at heart. Acts of humiliation are far more fun than truth 20. Screaming, cooking, marching, gardening, cheering, marshalling, docking, judging, timing, shivering, burning, desecrating, playing football with a makeshift tree - Never a dull moment 21. Our club is the most noticeable in club/pub fairs. We don’t need a Wii or some flashy dancers to attract people. Should there be a blackout or a massive case of polio or gangrene, we’d still have a huge turnout in club/pub, huge being relative to the number of people attending the fair amidst the blackout or the polio/gangrene epidemic 22. What other club has a publication that offers complimentary cards for x amount of pictures submitted to the issues? 23. What other club intends to mislead its members with offers of amazing complimentary cards? (Disclaimer: you will get the card; we just won’t tell you want it does until you choose to use it)

24. If you’re shy, not to worry. With our social butterfly of a president, you’ll be cured immediately! 25. Stuyvesant’s version of a rap battle? Sure. It’s on Facebook but it’s more intense, and longer than 1000 characters 26. We are proud to say that we have a world class dumpling eating champion. Likely you’re thinking so what? What would you say if we claimed they were green? Still not convinced? What if we also said they were also possibly radioactive?


27. We are also proud to say that almost everyone in the club doesn’t lie as much as the person who wrote that previous comment, though his lying ability is probably equal to that of the total number of people in the club. Wouldn’t you want someone with that kind of potential in your club? 28. If you’re a fan of mischief, our editor will sort you out. Or join you. In actuality, more than likely join you. Try not to clog the toilets too often 29. At least once a year, you can bear witness to a very romantic wedding! If you’re not a fan of that, there’s also a divorce that typically follows minutes after, once one of the two realizes the other is a cheating adultering scumbag or a loaded rich person from whom s/he can get heaps and heaps of money from. And if you’re not a fan of that, we offer free food at expensive prices at these weddings 31. You claim that we’ve skipped a number? Didn’t we just say that we’re not a math club? 32. If you’re shy, not to worry. With our social butterfly of a president, you’ll be cured immediately! … What? We said this already? Okay so we’re not a language club either. Stop berating us! We have feelings too! 33. Only have four tagged pictures of you on Facebook? Not to worry, it’ll shoot up to 500 in about a month. Whether you’re actually in the picture is debatable. Who cares if it’s a picture of some crossdresser [probably one of ours] doing a strip tease? 34. A pile of T-shirts nearly half your height await you. Unless you’re a baby or a toddler. If so, in addition beware of clothing avalanches 35. Never been to the Bronx? Queens? Manhattan? Brooklyn? Staten Island? Long Island? Pennsylvania? Gulf of Mexico? Join Key Club and you will be guaranteed to visit to one of these places 36. Your friends are already more than likely going to drag you to join. No need to act tough; we know you want to join 37. Looking for stability in your 13 class schedule ranging from periods -1 to 11 without lunch?! Try not to be late for the meeting though; we know how important that 11th period class is 38. It’s what the cool kids do to procrastinate. No one will believe that your computer broke down or that you wrestled a hobo and won but the hobo got back at you by stealing your homework and then eating it. However, if you tell your teacher that you were route-marshalling for MSABC or JDRF, s/he would be too distracted by the impressive sounding acronyms that she would forget about that missing thirty page assignment 39. Our mascot is a beaver. How awesome is that? 40. If you go to some social networking site and spam ‘boomba,’ you’ll be happy to see that among the 1234567890+ flaming comments, one person will yell back hey. And possibly some other comments to go with the hey. Let’s leave those out 41. We have our own garden. Just putting that out there 42. Enjoy playing Ultimate Frisbee? Our treasurer will easily slaughter you. Just saying 43. We punish any late-coming cabinet members by making them sizzle under the sun roof. How can you possibly miss out on that? 44. Our ice-breakers typically involve some sort of physical activity that may or may not injure the cab bodily. Failed that test on underwater basket weaving? Here’s one way to work off that anger. And our cab members like it! … provided they survive for the next day


45. “ ”“¿Habla usted español?” “Parlez-vous français?” … Damn it I thought we just said that we’re not a language club! 46. Never gotten an email in your entire life? Well, join Key Club and you’ll be receiving at least 10 emails a week [two of which are legit and another eight to apologize for messing up]


47. Someone from the Locksmith Committee will eat you if you don’t. No pressure 48. At the same time, someone from a different Key Club will attempt to recruit you but use even more extreme methods, like handing out pamphlets. Wouldn’t you rather be eaten instead? 49. Fan of arriving four hours late? Not to worry, our secretary will accompany you… likely after you miss the next four trains 50. If you get the chance, hang with our Art Committee and drink bubble tea at Vivi’s 51. The remorseless type? Then hang with our Fundraising Committee and exploit other people for money! 52. The cold, heartless, unscrupulous, dastardly, sarcastic, EVIL, yet still completely innocent type? Feel the urge to get back at someone who wronged you? WANT TO SEE THINGS GO BOOM?! The Locksmith Committee is for you! 53. The type to take the initiative? Play volleyball? Frisbee? Then join the New Projects Committee! 54. Have a printer? Like murdering trees? Join the Public Relations Committee! 55. Intrigued by that picture in the Audesirk biology textbook of kwashiorkor? Like to pretend that you have a conscience? Want to be acquainted with a couple of devils? USACF is for you! 56. Have a computer? A mouse? A keyboard? You may be qualified for the Web Committee! 57. Unsatisfied with your community? Like to argue for no reason whatsoever? NEED HELP WITH YOUR MATH HOMEWORK?! Join the Advocacy Committee! 58. We don’t like to brag but we’re just awesome 59. What other club lies about the actual number of reasons to join its club? 60. If this list does not convince you to join KC, KC is willing to offer you a bribe of roughly nineteen cents. Please note that this offer expires approximately fifteen seconds after you began reading the title “58 reasons to join Key Club.” We of Stuyvesant Key Club are not responsible for any emotional or physical trauma that you may have received after realizing that you’ve been tricked. However, we do encourage you to join the club in order to hunt down the person who decided to include this blasphemous offer. If you manage to acquire some volunteer hours in the process of hunting down Jensen Cheong, well that’s good too. OK WE LIED THERE’S 60 REASONS!


Art Committee ●

Hey Key Clubbers!!! >.< To all you freshmen, I hoped you like STUY!!! (Even if you didn’t, Key Club makes up for it) To the sophomores, juniors, and seniors… well after at least one year of Stuy you all probably know how to deal with it XD. Well, to start off…Key Club has many committees you can join. BUT…ART COMMITTEE IS THE BEST!!!

I mean, where else can you show off your wonderful ideas and creativity?

● For those who can draw and love art, we can let you show off your skills!!

But don’t fret if you are not that good of an artist… you can help us brainstorm ideas for our board by the 2nd floor entrance or be our photographers (everyone can be photographers!!! =D)!!! You can send us pictures of active Key Club members working at events!!

Put fun and friends together and you get the ART COMMITTEE!!! So you guys should all join!!! ^_^ Send us an email at!!!


Stuyvesant Key Club BOARD Members The people WHO RUN the CLUB Who are the cabinet members? President: Bette Ha E-mail: Aim: rainymood

Treasurer: Sarah Zhao E-mail: Aim: blademastmonkey

Vice- President: Johnny Szeto E-mail: Aim: johnny628s

Editor: Jensen Cheong E-mail: Aim: flyingbluejensen

Secretary: Fannie Law E-mail: Aim: flawlesslytimed

Who are the committee chairs? They help the CAB!

Advocacy: Kenny Yu- Jenny Chan-

Public Relations (PR): Cassandra Tang: Winnie Tong:

Art: Amy Guan: Jennifer Kuo:

USACF: Helen Song: Christine Ha:

Fundraising: Ronald Leong: Victoria Tsang:

Web: Olivia Cheng: Keith Yeung:

Locksmith: Bryan Nguyen: Sharif Mahfouz:

New York District Webmaster: Victor Ma:

New Projects: Donna Koo: Justin Yang:

Yahoogroup: E-mail: Website:

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