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Inside this Issue:




J U N E ~ J U L Y

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Summer Issue!

Page 2Welcome to Key Club! Page 3American Cancer Society—Relay for Life

Page 4The Great StuyKC Water Fight Page 6– Welcome to the new cabinet and committee chairs Page 8KC Word Search; Tour de Queens

CCN: It’s hot and sweaty! Instead of wasting away at home, why not cool off with a WATERFIGHT!



Welcome to Key Club!! It’s the start of a new year for Stuyvesant Key Club! Last year was great, but this year will be even better. More events, more smiles, more EVERYTHING. But most importantly, just have fun. You do not have to attend EVERY event but try to make it to them because with more people, we can help those in need while gaining leadership skills along the way. Not only do you gain skills that could help you in the future, you also gain a family: the Key Club family! (EN (Editor’s note): Yes, it’s corny but you get the point =P) While helping out, you could get to know a whole new part of Stuyvesant population. People that you would have never thought of talking to might end up as your best friend.

CCN (Committee Chair Note): Our Key Club Logo, you better not forget it!

Caring – Our way of Life

“Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation

CCN: Lets do our best to add to that super bowl of caring, shall we?

determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it” Lou Holtz

Goals we want to reach this year!!! •

To make this term an unforgettable one =)

To feel like a family in Key Club

No more procrastinating! =O

To receive articles and/or pictures of events from everyone in Key Club!

To have fun while doing work!

(CCN: To capture the fun from the events into words!

To establish close relations within the Locksmith Committee, as well as the other committees and board)




American Cancer Society Relay for Life By Fannie Law

Dumpling eating contest, scavenger hunt, tug-of-war, and band performances; what’s not to love about Relay for Life in Columbus Park? Each year, the American Cancer Society hosts this signature fundraising event in an effort to raise awareness about cancer and to support those who are suffering. The event focuses on three objectives: celebrating the victories already achieved over cancer, remembering those who have been affected by this disease, and fighting back against cancer by making a personal commitment. Each year, we have participated in this event and this year was no different. Last year, we won a number of contests and were able to have a huge donation in our name to the American Cancer Society. This year, our club registered to participate as a team again along with Bronx Science Key Club. Before activities started, cancer survivors were invited to circle the field together in the Survivors Lap which represents how Relay for Life can help save more lives each year through their efforts to raise money to support a cure for cancer. It was also a chance for survivors to give thanks to friends and family for helping them through the fight against cancer. Our team competed against Bronx Science in first round of the tug-of-war contest and although neither team ended up in first place, it was a great inter-club opportunity. The dumpling eating contest separates this Relay for Life from other events held throughout the city. To participate, three team members needed to consume as many dumplings as possible in a total of 3 minutes. Our team ended up with a total of 30 dumplings and many members agreed that it was one of the most entertaining parts of the event. The event ended with a touching luminaria ceremony at night where glowsticks were placed inside paper bags spread throughout the park to represent the lives lost in the battle against cancer and give people time to remember loved ones or people who have been affected by this disease. One of the coordinators of the event gave a speech on how the fight against cancer would be passed down to future generations. One of the most inspiring events of the year, Relay for Life is definitely a can’t-miss event!









The Great StuyKC Water Fight! By: Frankie Choi and Sing Yang Yoo Yikes–it's 90 degrees, everyone is sweaty, tired, and HOT. Your legs stick to the seat of the car, and when you hug your friends, you practically stick to them. You think to yourself it's too hot to do anything, right? WRONG. There are still fun ways to play when the sun is high in the sky, but make sure to put on sunscreen before starting your day. You wouldn't want to get skin cancer. When playing outside in the heat, try to stay cool. Things you can do to get cool are jumping into the pool, taking a walk on a shady trail with your friends, washing your dog, organizing a car wash… etc. There are so many options! In general though, you would stay in the shade or get wet. An easy way to play while getting wet is to have a WATERFIGHT!!! Which brings us to… If you couldn't come or didn't want to come to this fantastic event, you definitely missed out. Water guns. Sling shots. Water balloons. Everything needed in the water fight we got. But everyone knows that everything doesn't go according to plan. The water balloons were a disaster since they bounced off of people and splashed on the floor but this added to the overall excitement! Catch the water balloon and throw it right back at the offender! However, water balloons didn't play a big part. We brought out the big guns. If you’re thinking of the ones that shoot bullets, then try again. I was talking about WATER GUNS! The ones that squirt of water at an intense level. If you had your hands on one of those babies, you were feared by all! No matter. Everyone got wet. We cooled off and stayed cool!

Getting splashed, having fun, and getting shot at with water during the Great Stuyvesant KC Water Fight!~






Welcome to the New Cabinet Members President: Fannie Law The club president is responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary, recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division.

Vice President: Keith Yeung The role of the club vice president can be summarized in one word: service. The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. He or she is also expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary.

Secretary: Daniel Lin The office of secretary is one of the most demanding in the organization and a good secretary is essential to the proper functioning of any Key Club. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes, keeping records and maintaining all important files for the club.

Treasurer: Shirley Lu The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. He or she collects member dues, prepares and monitors the budget and maintains accurate financial records.

Editor: Jennifer Kuo The club editor is responsible for keeping the membership informed about important activities, opportunities and deadlines at the club, district and international level.








and Committee Chairs! Advocacy: Andre Chow and Angie Koo The Advocacy Committee is responsible for writing letters to support an important cause they deem important and sending these letters to government officials and influential figures. These causes can range from ending human trafficking to protecting endangered animals. This committee is one of the reasons why our club is special.

Art: Jacqualine Ng and Elizabeth Shvidky The Art Committee is responsible for decorating the Key Club bulletin board near the second floor entrance, compiling a scrapbook for the New York District Key Club convention, designating photographers to take pictures of events for The Locksmith, and making posters for certain events.

Fundraising: Kevin Su and Justin Yang The Fundraising Committee is responsible for raising money for organizations, such as the March of Dimes and UNICEF. The committee works with the treasurer in selling candy and in other fundraising projects, which include selling teddy bears for the March of Dimes. Foundation.

Locksmith: Frankie Choi and Sing Yang Yoo The Locksmith Committee edits and puts together The Locksmith, the official newsletter of Stuyvesant Key Club. Key Clubbers can contribute to the Locksmith Committee by submitting articles about an event they have attended or by taking photos at events.

New Projects: Michelle Chan and Cheng Ma The New Projects Committee is responsible for finding new projects for Stuyvesant H.S. Key Club by contacting organizations. That ways, you guys don’t get bored doing the same events every year.

Public Relations: Katherine Chen and Amy Guan The PR Committee This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it is responsible for promoting Key Club, recruiting new members, and informing Key Clubbers about Key Club meetings. They are the people that manage the posting of those cute Key Club signs with the beavers around the school. Public Relations also assists Art in making a club poster for district convention.

Web: Jacqueline Yeung and Lisa Li The Web Committee is in charge of the website that you are looking at right now. They are responsible for posting members' points on the website, uploading pictures and videos of events, compiling contact info of the cabinet and committee heads, and putting up a list of our recent and upcoming events. Follow us on our new blog !








Don’t we all just love to play a game of word search? t s m t r a p o l r e c y s c

j n t t u c k w o n y t e o r

w o d r y e e e r u p k m b o

o i t o o s n d r t i m m c p

Find these words: (These words can be spelled backwards and diagonally as well!)

l t p o i n c b i o i r v k s

u a e r r a i t n t c t i e e

r l o c k s m i t h o n c y a

n e w p r o j e c t s r e c t

t r e e t n e d i s e r p l b

i c e n b v r a y t e t r u w

d i c r e r u s a e r t e b e

Committee President Art Vice Prez Advocacy Secretary Fundraising Treasurer Locksmith Editor New Projects Public Relations Web

Tour De Queens

By Kevin Su

Tour de Queens was one of the earliest events I went to this summer. It was a hot Sunday morning and by seven, it was 80 degrees and dozens of riders had already arrived at the unisphere in Queens Meadow Park. Key Clubbers helped the crew from transportation alternatives set up signs and directional arrows to the globe and registered riders for the tour. It took all morning to set up and the half of the afternoon to break down tents. but it was fun...and I met somebody too =D

b l i i t i h r d e e a z t r

t b l k i s y c a c o v d a k

f u n d r a i s i n g d d p o

i p e n m e r c t u r i e i n

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