The Locksmith: April Issue

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The Locksmith Volume 6 Issue 12







Contact Us Letters from the Cab

Updates from Division 11

Updates from NYDKC

Updates from KC International





Welcoming New Directors Calendars of Events

Service Spotlights Member of the Month

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Check out our events form! HERE


Hey Key Clubbers! The new service year is now in full swing and our first month was already filled with lots of fundraising and service. Thank you to everyone who attended a service project (or many) in April or supported any of our fundraising efforts in April, whether it's buying a book at Barnes and Noble, coming to see Avengers: Endgame, buying a donut at March of Dimes, or grabbing a bite at Chipotle to close off the month. Our first month was already so amazing, I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the service year! With the start of a new service year means a new cycle of committees! The entire cabinet spent the beginning of April conducting committee director interviews. Congratulations once again to all the new directors, who you will hear from in this issue and kudos to everyone who applied because you guys were all so great and the decisions were not easy. Committee signups were released and are now closed. Some directors had already sent out their first assignment while others are planning to conduct interviews for committee applicants! I'm so excited about all the things that will


be achieved this committee cycle! May is full of more awesome events, like Japan Day and Passport to Taiwan just to name a few. We also have some fundraisers planned for y'all so watch out for those, such as the current Yuda Bands fundraiser that you should definitely check out! I look forward to another month of outstanding service projects and fundraisers! "May" the next month be even better than this one. Yours in caring service, Jason President of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Hey everyone!


April has gone by quickly and in comes May! I hope everyone enjoyed Endgame because I personally still haven't watched it :') If you haven't taken your APs yet, good luck! For those of you who took them already, good job! I'm sure you all will do amazing! APs aside, I hope that the events we've had were enjoyable and fun for everyone! If you have any comments on what's currently going on in Key Club, I really would appreciate it if you reached out to any of the cab members to give us any suggestions and improvements! I'd like to meet anyone that I haven't met yet either, so message me for anything! I'd love to just talk about random events! Here's to another fun month! Yours in service, David Shi VP of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Hi Key Clubbers! As some of you guys may have noticed, I’ve been sending out confirmation emails this month and will continue to do so for May. Your cab has decided to divide the confirmation emails throughout the service year among ourselves. In June your new editor, Rachel Joh will be sending them. I will be updating events and fundraisers for May very soon. During this service year I will look to update everything I need to and gradually add changes to the website as things carry on.


My plans for the next coming months is to revamp our entire website to have a more modern and convenient design as well as update the website as much as possible. Also, look forward to our LTC video coming soon! Yours in service, Jackson Ngo Webmaster of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020 TREASURER VINCENT HUANG

Hey Key Clubbers <3 It's your treasurer Vincent here! April has been an extremely busy month for fundraisers but I'm proud to say that we're starting off the service year STRONG. Looking back to the month of April, it has been so much more successful than I ever thought it would be and I want to say thank you so much. Thank you for buying books from Barnes & Noble. Thank you for buying donuts and Chipotle. Thank you for your continued support of StuyKC- YOU are what make us so great :) Now to talk money, for our Barnes & Noble Fundraiser early on in April, a portion of all purchases made with a voucher went to the Thirst Project. We made $204.36 and it was amazing to see so many new and old faces supporting the cause. For our big Endgame Fundraiser with BxSci Key Club, we had over 300 people show up, making $1,534 to go to the Thirst Project. Just two days after that, at our annual March for Babies, StuyKC sold Krispy Kreme Donuts and we managed to sell 300 donuts and make $312. Lastly, from our Chipotle fundraiser, we made $106.61. That’s $2,156.97 raised already! Though our fundraising goal of $10,000 might seem impossible, we're making amazing progress. With Benefit Night

factored in, we’ve made over one third of the fundraising goal already and I can't wait to continue the hard work and effort with my new/old fundraising directors- Alan Guo and Evelyn Caoas well as the Fundraising Committee. I hope that you guys continue to support StuyKC for the month of May because we have a lot of things planned. We’re continuing to sell Yuda Bands throughout this week and all proceeds will be going to Juana Angelica Coj Ajquejay, our sponsoring student from Guatemala. She’s an amazing person who wants to pursue a better path for herself and her family in life so let’s all help her in doing that! Not only that, we have a special bake sale planned after AP season on the 29th! It’ll be different from anything you’ve seen before- we’ll have macarons, cake pops, tea and so much more! I’m so excited to be serving as your treasurer and I can’t wait for everything we have planned. If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me about it! Or if you just wanna talk, hit me up :) also remember to buy apparel because the crewneck is super nice! Yours in service, Vincent Huang Treasurer of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Hi everyone! Hope you’re having a happy May. It was super rainy today, so I hope you stayed dried and warm. (I didn’t *~*). Some committees have already released their acceptances, and some haven’t yet, so look out for that. I’m really happy if you guys chose to join. Speaking of committees, our new directors of the 2019-2020 service year has been released. Big clap clap! We have so many wonderful events the month of May, so make sure to sign up and attend! May 18th currently has more than 3 events, so volunteers are welcomed. Aids walk is on the 19th, and it’s divisional! Come to meet other people from the division. In addition, tomorrow is the May divisional held at Baruch. We will be going as a group, so make sure to come if you can! There will be cards, board games and more. I hope that all of you enjoyed our first May meeting held on Friday. Thank you for coming if you did. Another meeting will be held soon. Lastly, I’m sure many people have


already said this but, buy the apparel!! It’s super cute, and the more people that buy it, the cheaper it gets. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, don’t hesitate to shoot me a text. Caring: Our way of life Yours in service, Pamela Yang Secretary of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Remember to sign up for May events! You need to go to events in order to send pictures and articles ;) And don't forget to buy Yuda Band! You can find us selling them in the cafeteria or 2nd floor near the scanners. Help Juana become a teacher and contribute to ending the cycle of poverty!! Buy now before they sell out! EDITOR RACHEL JOH

Hey Key Clubbers! It's your Editor again with a new issue this time also introducing your new directors!! Please take the time to read the WHOLE issue to get a better idea of what Stuyvesant Key Club is up to! As always, thank you to everyone that sends in pictures and sign up for articles. Shout out to the locksmith director Keyi Guo for helping me put together this issue :0 We'll be collaborating in order to provide you guys with the best newsletter hehe. Look forward to our next issues where we will be introducing the new locksmith committee!!

Buy our merch!! It looks pretty cute this year :> Feel free to message me with any questions or comments. Yours in service, Rachel Joh Editor of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Division DIVISIONAL TRAINING CONFERENCE The Divisional Training Conference is a one day conference where Key Club officers can train for their positions and regular Key Club members can attend workshops and learn other skills such as how to tie a tie! This conference will include a Keynote Speaker, other special guests and tons of workshops and more! If you are interested in attending this conference, please fill out the interest form linked below! Interest Form here!

ICON ICON is Key Club's International Convention. Clubs from around the globe come together in a larger scale version of LTC. This year, ICON is in Baltimore, Maryland from July 1st-7th. For more information, click here.

District DIVISIONAL BOARD!! District Governor: Camille Brock District Internal Executive Assistant: Qianting "Tiffany" Chen District External Executive Assistant: Jaron Belmore District Secretary: Linna Cheung District Treasurer: Anthony Lim District Bulletin Editor: Angelo Lontok District Webmaster: Ramisa AzadÂ

DISTRICT GOALS Last weekend, the New York District Key Club Board convened and voted on the service hour goal and fundraising goal for the district. Service Hour Goal: 120,000 hours Fundraising Goal: $200,000 GOVERNOR'S PROJECT Our Governor, Camille Brock, has chosen the New York Chapter of the Special Olympics as her Governor's Project this year. Special Olympics is a sports organization that provides training and competitions to children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. DISTRICT PROJECT The district project is to be chosen by you, the members. Please fill out the following Google Form with the 3 choices for this year's district project. Descriptions of each charity will be provided on the form. Vote here by May 15th!


Everybody Deserves Water!!! Join the Thirst Project 1. Thirsty 30 is a 30-day fundraising challenge for clean water, and hundreds of Key Clubs around the country still are participating. The only way to avoid Thirsty 30 FOMO is to visit here for more info on how to join the fun. 2. Go digital. Create an online campaign page and do something epic for the water crisis. We have seen Key Clubbers swim around the Statue of Liberty, run a half marathon or get pied in the face for clean water. Plan Safe something crazy and create your campaign page here 3. International Convention The International Convention will be held in Baltimore, Maryland this year from July 1-7, 2019. Join Key Clubbers from all over the world, attend workshops and build your leadership skills!



Hey guys, I'm back! Now that I'm the art director, I can't wait to do so many things this service year with my codirector. I'm determined to hold many workshops hosted by the art committee and make the scrapbook/ update the bulletin board. There's so many fun things in store and I believe art will be a tight knit group. All of you guys should apply for Art, even if you're not that artsy, and I believe we will make Key Club colorful together <3.

Lucy Wu

Penny Wang

Heyy, my name is Lucy Wu for those of you that don’t know me. Key Club means the world to me, and I’ve enjoyed meeting so many people through it. Art is also my favorite hobby, so I’m thrilled to be working with Penny as one of your art directors for the 2019-2020 service year. As art director, I wish to get members of the art committee to be more involved by holding several workshops for things like scrapbooking or changing the theme of the bulletin board. I also want to work on time management to make sure we complete all assignments on time, especially the scrapbook. Let’s work on getting first place! I’ll do my best to make sure this service year is fun and memorable. :))


Hey everyone! I doubt anyone is going to actually read this but I am so excited to serve as your Social Media Director for the 2019-2020 service year!

Constance Chen

I cannot be more grateful for the day I decided to be lazy and join Key Club instead of Red Cross (we had a shorter form ahah) since I cannot even begin to imagine what it would be like without Key Club. It allowed me to be part of a community that works together towards for a greater purpose.

As Social Media director, I hope to work together with my co-director, Irene, to celebrate our achievements as a club through our Instagram and recap videos. On Instagram, not only do we want to be more active in highlighting events and fundraisers, but also to bring a spotlight to new members and members of the month. We also want to create appealing posters and videos to promote fundraisers and produce recap videos for our YouTube channel. Hopefully, we can work together as family to make a positive and lasting impact on our club!


Hey guys! I’m Irene and I’m one of the social media directors for the new service year! I’m super hyped to be working with you all and I hope to improve on my work from last year when I was the Web/Video committee director. I will work hard to keep our social media up and running, create more videos, and help promote our events and fundraisers. Make sure to keep up Irene Chen with Social Media Committee’s posters, recaps, and posts! I look forward to meeting, bonding, and having fun with our new committee members! Join our committee to make your key club experience the best haha


Hey hey HEY! Your [favorite] fundraising director is bacccckkkkk for another rich service year. If you don’t know me yet, my name’s Alan and I’m just a tall guy from a small town, but with BIG dreams, especially for Key Club! This time around, I'm joined with my cohead Evelyn Cao, and Treasurer Vincent Huang! For this year, we’re planning even bigger things: AT LEAST one fundraiser held monthly and bringing them even closer to Stuyvesant High School. We plan to reach out to our close community and let our student peers get the most fun out donating to charity at the same time. With our wonderful fundraising committee, we plan to make a closer-knit team with much more involvement in behind the scenes work like planning, and greater independence when hosting. With this, we hope by the end of the year to have our members plan and host their own fundraiser with minimal help! The year may seem daunting, but I know StuyKC can destroy our expectations and raise even more money for amazing causes.

Alan Guo


Hello everyone, my name is Evelyn and I'll your fundraising director for 20192020 service year! As fundraising director, my job will be to organize fundraisers along with my other director, Alan Guo, and my lovely treasurer, Vincent Huang. Vincent, Alan, and I have so many new ideas in mind for this service year. We plan on hosting several fundraisers at venues around Stuyvesant at places we have never held a fundraiser at Evelyn Cao before and even host a fundraiser inside Stuyvesant (not the traditional selling things at a table kind). We are also branching out from our traditional fundraisers and adding new and exciting elements to them for fresh experiences for our attendees (Wink Wink). Throughout the service year, we will have committee members be more involved in the logistical details behind planning fundraisers in preparation for our big finale fundraiser: a member organized fundraiser where the members plan out everything! Cheers to a new service year and (hopefully) lots of MONEY MADE!!!!


Hello Key Club! This is your new New Projects director, Zi. First, I want to say that Key Club has been an important part of my high school experience, and it is the biggest family I have at Stuy. Through Key Club, I joined New Projects, which always attracted me, since I’m not the most outgoing person, and finding events was a very interesting experience. I want to also thank the previous directors and secretary, since they did so much for the committee last year. Zixuan Liu As director, I will try my best to help Key Club achieve our goals for the 2019-20 service year, especially making sure that we hit our goal of 9,000 hours. Along with Elizabeth, we are ready to make sure that New Projects will be an efficient committee, and we will implement minor changes this year so that our Key Clubbers can be more updated about events. Events are very important, and they are essential when it comes to bonding with fellow members and exploring the world, so I will ensure that they will be pleasant experiences. I am very excited to work with our Cab members and fellow directors to make sure that the year runs smoothly!


Hi guys!! My name is Elizabeth Doss and I’m super excited to be one of your New Projects committee directors! I am currently a junior and hope to find tons of awesome events for everyone to volunteer at this year. As a director I will try to find events that all Key Clubbers will enjoy and surpass our past number of completed service hours with events that are more convenient for members. I am looking forward to working with the other directors, the Cab, and committee members to make this year amazing!

Elizabeth Doss


Hi everyone! I’m Keyi Guo, your Locksmith director for the next service year! I am currently a sophomore and as the director, I will work with Rachel to improve each issue of the Locksmith. This year, we are working to adhering our Locksmith to district standards. I hope that everyone submits pictures and articles. We need your effort to help publish monthly. We would like to share your memories of events and the fun you have. I am looking forward to working with everyone and I’m open to suggestions too. Please read the Locksmith :)

Keyi Guo

Current Events Past Events April






8 Barnes & Noble Fundraiser













Mitzvah Day 2019 ✡


March for Babies








Spring Feast 2019

Walk for Kids’ Growth









Easter Eggstravaganza


Avengers Chinatown Earth Endgame Day Weekend Wa Fundraiser

Current Events May







4 TF Bike







11 Ecology City

Project NAMI Walks NYC


Japan Day












Flotilla Microsoft Spring Play Taste of Tribeca NYSoM Superhero



25 26



29 May Bake Sale



Passport to Taiwan

Serv Spotl

vice lights


It was a sunny April morning, not too chilly or warm. The event started at 8 AM, but I woke up at 7:30AM. I wasn't in a massive rush since I practically lived 10 minutes away from the event. As project captain, I met up with some of the other volunteers who'd arrived earlier outside the building. I signed them in, and we decided to head inside to check in with the coordinators. We were handed light blue shirts to our desired size and quickly tossed them on. Afterwards, we were directed to an auditorium. A line to the breakfast station had already been formed. While some headed to save seats, others like myself went down the line, grabbing orange juice and seeded bagels with cream cheese and returned. We ate our morning meal in peace and conversed. Each of us had on a tag with our names and the location of our event, for Mitzvah day is a volunteering event where they send groups of their volunteers to places all across the city. We discussed and decided to head to one of the destinations together: MetCouncil. Before the coordinators sorted us into our groups, they asked all of the volunteers to push all the chairs to the back of the room and hop on the raised platform in the front for a group photo. Our group and a few other volunteers were lead to a small room, where we were introduced to other leaders specific to the event, played icebreakers, and handed in our waivers. Many of the other volunteers were from nearby high schools like Madison, Midwood, and Brooklyn Tech. We and volunteers heading for two other locations were packed into a school bus and set out on a 45minute bus ride. Our group got off last. We arrived to find that though the event was halfway over, our help was still welcome. Half of us were in charge of breaking down empty cardboard boxes, while the other half placed 15 apples or 10 grapefruits in plastic bags and handed them out to the tables in the front, where seniors would present their cards and volunteers would hand them a bag of fruit; one card for one bag. A few of us also helped out with cleaning up by dismantling the tent and tables and packing the leftover fruit into the remaining cardboard boxes. One of the heads of the senior food drive led us to one of the many multi-storied apartment buildings to donate some of the leftover fruit to its inhabitants. Afterwards, as thanks for our help, we were allowed to help ourselves to the apples and grapefruit. The leader also passed out some interesting drinks of chocolate and coconut juice and jalapeno and mango juice. It would be pointless to say that the second drink was less than unpleasant, but surprisingly, a few of us actually enjoyed them. We headed back to the JCH building, where some of us left early and the rest waited for the promised free pizza. Thought the wait was long, the coordinators tried to alleviate our boredom by playing music and having a dance party.



The Spring Feast, coordinated by the Parent Association, was one that I never knew about in my time here but essentially, its aim was to raise money for the community. It was an event that I enjoyed immensely due to the festivities going on- I was amazed to see so many other students and parents present, representing clubs to the best of their abilities and putting on amazing performances, ranging from Acapella to Latin. The volunteers even got to enjoy amazing food courtesy of the restaurant, which we were extremely thankful for. Key Clubbers volunteered in the event mainly by selling products. I sold scarves, headphones, and other supplies to the attendees of the event along with the project captain while others sold raffles. We also helped out at the auction later on, and it was so fun to see the types of prizes handed out, from luxury vacations to a night out with Mr. Contreras. Although the event went into the late hours of the night, this event was extremely memorable. I saw leadership skills emerge and develop in participating members and a passion for the Stuyvesant community that I had never known before. I definitely encourage others to participate next year!




March Of Dimes

Rachel Joh - Editor

Before the event started, members of the Stuyvesant Key Club went to Krispy Kremes and bought 25 boxes of a dozen donuts in order to raise money for the event, March of Dimes, itself. Volunteers participated in the 3 mile walk, held up posters supporting the cause, and sold donuts to other participants. Key Clubbers from different divisionals were able to gather and mingle from just this one event. I greatly recommend this event for anyone and everyone!


Dear Key Club, I was going to join you before I entered Stuyvesant, but I joined a different club instead because I thought I had to pay $15 to join and I was a broke kid back then (but now I have money to pay my dues :D). That was a big mistake looking back, and one of my biggest regrets from Stuy. When I actually first joined you near the end of my sophomore year, it was because my friend told me to come with her to volunteer at the Cherry Blossom Festival at Roosevelt Island. Like most people, I didn’t know much about you and I didn’t think that I would be that committed, besides going to the occasional event. That changed when I decided to go to the March of Dimes Divisional event. There, I found out how big and connected you were to other schools beyond Stuy. It was also there when I got “scammed” into buying expensive donuts and persuaded into joining the Fundraising Committee by our current treasurer, which is probably one of the best decisions I’ve made at Stuy. When I joined the Fundraising Committee, I saw that there was much more to you than just volunteering. Through fundraisers, I

was able to see that your members were truly decided to giving back to the community and helping to make the world a better and safer place. Fundraisers also gave me a chance to make new friends and memories and go to places that I’ve never gone before. But not only did you give me a sense of pride through volunteering and fundraising, you also gave me a family in Stuy. Your members are truly some of the most dedicated and amazing people that I’ve ever met and they are some of my closest friends who I love with all of my heart. They are truly what make you amazing and the reason why I’m still committed to this club. So thank you for giving me the some of best experiences I had at Stuy, from going to events and fundraisers to going to LTC. I don’t have much time left with you, but I’m determined to make the most out of what we have left :). Yours in service, Tiffany :D P.S. Buy Yuda bands from our upcoming fundraiser!!! All proceeds go to help Juana Angelica Coj Ajquejay obtain an education

Thanks for Reading!!

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