The Locksmith: August Issue

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The Locksmith

AUGUST ISSUE New York District Key Club Division 11

Stuyvesant Key Club Volume 10 Issue 8

Table of Contents 1 2-5

Contact Us Letters from the Cabinet


Letters from the Editor and Director


Updates from Division 11


Updates from NYDKC


Updates from Key Club International


Timeline of Past Events


Upcoming Events

14-22 23

Service Spotlights Member of the Month

Give us a Shout!

Send emails to:


Letter from the President Reach out to Jenna Foo: Hey guys!

I hope everyone’s having a great start to the school year so far, especially the freshies :) Just like me trying to fix my wack sleep schedule, all of our committees have been hard at work to help our club transition into the new school year! In the future, there will be even more events and fundraisers to attend where you’ll be able to meet people from Key Clubs all over New York City. I hope you guys are just as excited as I am! We’ll also be at Club Pub Fair and our interest meeting will most likely be held sometime in early October, so make sure to pay us a visit if you’re interested in learning more about Key Club. I hope to see everyone soon, both familiar faces and new ones!


Vice Prez Reach out to Penny Wang:

Hey guys! I hope school has been going well and stress-free. Now that we're back from summer, we can do so much more in school! Look forward to a new updated bomb-ass bulletin board, an amazing upcoming Locksmith, a great recap, and more! We're all getting back into the groove of things but I'm anticipating great things!

Hi peeps! Reach out to Tiffany Zhong: Hopefully, your first week of school went great even with program changes. With the school year starting, I'll hopefully be seeing you guys at more events! I've been updating different aspects of the website, so you should definitely check it out. ( Â If you ever need help with school, Key Club or life, don't be afraid to reach out to me! See y'all soon. 3


Letter from the Secretary Reach out to Jason Xiong: Hey Key Clubbers!

Can you believe it's September and sadly, time to go back to school? On the other hand, it is a good thing because going back to school means more Key Club! This summer has been extremely productive in terms of volunteering and I'm so proud of all of you for that. Sorry, I've been missing in action for a while back in August to study for my Bio SAT, but I'm back and all the hours should be updated. As usual, feel free to message me if there's anything wrong with that.

With September here, the New Projects Committee has been hard at work all summer to bring y'all new events to attend and we are currently working on organizing some spooktacular October events too. If you did not attend any events during the summer, don't be afraid to start volunteering. Welcome back to school and I hope to see you at an event soon!


Letter from the Treasurer Reach out to Freya Zhu: Welcome back, everyone! I hope you all had a great summer and are ready for school, more events, and fundraisers! For the month of August, we held an End of the Summer Celebration with Bronx Science Key Club. It was held at Prince Billiards and Whitestone Lanes. We had a decent number of Key Clubbers show up and I'm sure everyone had fun! We made a total of $360 which will be donated to Kamp Kiwanis which is fantastic! I hope for the month of September, we will get a bunch of new faces. That will be the main focus and everyone should stay tuned for our interest meeting! It's going to be great! Good luck everyone :)



Hey everybody! I hope you guys all had amazing summers and are all now gradually getting reaccustomed to school life! (as sad as that is :( I wanted to thank everyone again for sending in photos and articles, and especially a big shout out to all our new Key Clubbers this year! You guys are already doing such a great job, I can't wait to see everything you'll do a year from now! And as always, I hope everyone enjoys this issue!Â

I hope you guys had an amazing summer to make up for this hectic first week of school :P (don't worry, it'll get better hopefully). Here's a new issue to help start off the year! Thank you to everyone that contributed and remember to continue volunteering and sending in articles/pictures!

Director 6

Division Check out these upcoming divisional events!

ALZHEIMER'S WALK --QUEENS-WHERE: Flushing Meadows, Queens WHEN: Sunday, September 16th at 7:30am - 1pm MORE INFO: Sign ups will close September 13th

--MANHATTAN-WHERE: Riverside Park, Manhattan WHEN: Sunday, October 14th at 8am-1pm MORE INFO: Sign ups will close October 11th

Sign up here for either Alzheimer's Walk!


District Governor Erica's 1st New York Minute ← ← ←

Also check out Governor Erica's August Bulletin → → →


International Update from Trustee Alice Geng Read Alice's third update here! Click here to vote for the charity that our sistrict apparel will support through a CustomInk Fundraiser. Click here to fill out an anonymous google form to tell about your Key Club experience with the Key Club International! ↓ Trustee Update #1 ↓

Alice Geng International Trustee

↓ Trustee Update #2 ↓

Check out the first two updates from Trustee Alice Geng !


Past Events August





SAT 4 Summer Streets Alice on the Wall













Play NYC


Hong Kong Boat Festival #OneCrownHeights Festival



Summer Streets Lion Dance Expo




27 Donut Dash

23Student 24 Rebuild Enviro Challenge



Back to School Sport & Health Day Hong Kong Boat Festival


29 Bxsci x 30 Stuy Bowling Fundraiser

25 Back to School Bonanza



Upcoming Events September



SAT 1 Richmond County Fair







8 Photoville Volunteer Orientation


New York Century Ride








Sakura Park Festival


17 Big Apple ASL Festival

23 End Alzheimers

Color Run

Cafeteria Recycling






Autumn Moon Festival

PS 124


Autumn Moon Festival Cafeteria Dumpling Eating Festival Recycling

30 NYC Step Out Walk







Be the Match Walk and Run


Serv Spotl

vice lights

AUG 4 & 18


by Sonia Lee My summer wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be so I decided why don't I just sign up for some events. I choose to volunteer for the Summer Streets event. Basically, they block off a bunch of streets on a Saturday and have mini giveaways, free gifts, and games for the people of New York City. I woke up at about 8am and drove out to the event. It was raining really hard and the water was building up like a flood but the event was still happening. I got really lost to the check-in place because I forgot where worth street was and I ended up walking a really big circle to the destination. We were in charge of helping Chinatown B.I.D. with games for children and there weren't many people there for games because it was pouring. As we were hiding under the tents, the build up of water on top of the tent kept pouring down in increments making us even wetter. I remember the rain stopping at some point and it was just a light drizzle and more kids started coming to play, go on the zip line and get free bike helmets.


AUG 11 & 12Â

DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL By Ashley Tian The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival was my first Key Club event as an incoming freshman. Despite the stormy weather, my friends and I arrived there an hour earlier than expected. Although we were there as volunteers, we mainly ran around delivering frisbees or visiting booths for free gifts. At one point, my friends and I decided to join the Macy's raffle which I somehow ended up winning despite my notoriously bad luck. Day Two of the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival was muddy. Extremely muddy. I helped out at the Arts & Crafts center and learned how to make miniature dolls using yarn and beads. At the end of the event, I helped to clean up by carrying chairs and tables which were actually quite heavy. I would be lying if I said I didn't complain from soreness for the next couple days. The event celebrated cultural and ethnic diversity through traditional dances, arts, and food. Over at Meadow Lake, numerous teams had gathered up for the dragon boat race. Live performances took place throughout the day including a martial arts demonstration from the New York Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Association. Even though it was raining, the audience remained enthusiastic as elderly danced and sang along to the rhythm of the music. Overall, this event was a valuable learning experience and a great way to meet new people. I look forward to volunteering in future Key Club events and would definitely recommend checking this festival out next year.



AUG 25


By Jessica Jiang A total of four people came, including myself, which is to be expected because the SATs and subject SATs were taken earlier that day; nevertheless, it was a fun and relaxed event. Even though we only had four people, it all worked out in the end because there wasn’t that much work for us to do. The program's goal was is to help the neighborhood by offering free school supplies by doing various activities in the four gardens that were situated at intervals along the block. At the first garden, participants were handed an index card with one sticker already stamped on it; the first garden offered free food but since they already got the sticker, they could continue onto the next garden. Their goal was to get three more stickers from the each of the remaining three gardens and when they get four stickers in total, the index card is showed to the person at the last garden and they get a free book bag with school supplies in it. I was in front of the first garden with Tiffany Soe and we both helped to explain about the gardens and hand out index cards. It was really comfortable; we were under the tent so it wasn’t too hot and we had a chair to sit on. Once 4:30 passed, no one new showed up and so we chilled and talked.


As I mentioned before, they had a barbeque in the first garden and at so 5, I got permission to stand in line to get food for both of us. The second garden offers face-painting to children and I heard that Elissa Huang and Keyi Guo, the two stationed there, had a lot of fun. Elissa even learned how to paint faces and decided that if a school doesn't work out, she can paint faces for a living (just kidding). There were also two guys from Bronx Science High School that volunteered at this event and they had the job of handing out the stickers at the various gardens. Even though the event lasted for only three hours, so many people showed up that about ten minutes before 6:00, which is when the event closed, they ran out of school supplies to give out. By 6:00 all the staff and volunteers gathered at the first garden to clean up and at the end, there was a really nice lady that gave all six of us a pep talk and thanking us for spending our Saturday here. It was heartwarming but kind of awkward at the same time because how does one react when another tells them that they are intelligent and hardworking? Cheesy beyond words but she, along with the rest of the staff, was really nice. She also reminded us that the next time we volunteer here, we are always welcomed to get food. We were also offered these Soylent bottles that they were selling in a tent in front of the first garden. Soylent is a drink that has enough nutrients and proteins that it can replace a meal and they are super expensive (I searched them up while I got home). Okay, they're not that expensive but still. So even though we didn’t get free school supplies (which is why I was so excited to go to this event in the first place TT), we still got something. But if you ever tasted Soylent before, you wouldn’t be so excited.



#HASHTAG LUNCHBAG by Keyi Guo #HashtagLunchbag took place on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. There was a bit of rain, but it didn’t bother us. The event took place inside at Crossfit Kingsboro, a gym located in a quiet area. It was quite the unexpected location. When you walked in, you were greeted by staff members and organizers. There were a couple other notable volunteers besides Key Club. A veterans group was helping as well. The volunteers were split into three main jobs. The first job was preparing the sandwiches and cookies, which done mainly by the adults. Many of the Key Club members took the second job of writing thoughtful notes to be attached to the sandwiches. The post-its were small, yet full of inspirational and aspiring words. I worked on packaging the lunch bags with a couple Key Clubbers and staff. We had to make sure each bag had a bottle of water, clean apple, and a sandwich with a note. Then, we would fold and seal the bag to place them into boxes. There were a couple breaks where the organizers cheered us on and gave us a pep talk. It was their second anniversary of #HashtagLunchbag in Brooklyn, thus they wanted us to spread the love and word on social media. You can check out some pictures of us working hard on Instagram with the #hashtaglunchbagbk. It was quite humid inside, but we worked quickly to ensure that we produced as many lunch bags possible to give to the needed. After two hours of working, we ended on a great note. We packaged approximately 877 lunch bags to be given out. It was a great achievement and it could not have been done without all of us cooperating. 19

AUG 26


By Susan Zheng and Leo Lin Our story takes place on the dawn of Sunday, August 26th, when 2 awfully tardy freshmen squids awoke with great difficulty at approximately 5:00 AM. Determined to make it to the volunteering event on time that day (as that was a rare occurrence for both of them), the two woke up and completed their morning rituals to prepare to leave their respective houses. Brushing their teeth, changing their clothes, eating breakfast (if what each of them ate could be called breakfast), etc. etc. Fast forward, and the 2 close friends agreed to meet up before arriving at the event location. But as fate would have it, one of the two (which will remain unnamed) arrived late - which shocked neither of them - causing the pair to arrive at the event site a tentacle late. They proceeded to meet up at the event site (Pier 62 of the Manhattan piers) with the other volunteers, who had all gathered there to help out at the Donut Dash: a fantastic event hosted by ASH (Ambassadors for Sustained Health).


In summary, ASH is a non-profit organization that hosts events/fundraisers and uses 100% of the raised profits to promote healthy habits and help maintain healthy lifestyles in Kenya. Those participating in the Dash, as well as the volunteers helping at the event, all came together to support this wonderful cause and, in all honesty, it was amazing since so many people took time out of their lives to help others on the other side of the planet that they’ve never even met before. WITH THAT SAID, BACK TO THE EVENT! Where we last left off, the 2 squids arrived at the pier, found the others (after some momentary confusion and difficulty), and checked in with the project captain of the event, Key Club’s amazinggg treasurer, Freya Zhu. After the event coordinators greeted and addressed the group, jobs were delegated and different roles were given to different people. BUT HERE’S A 482% NECESSARY INTERLUDE: If one were to have a birds eye view on the two squids, one would find him or herself captivated by what one of the squids was holding. And if one were to zoom in on what one of the squids pulled out of the bag she held, one would come to the conclusion that it was not one, but TWO (I repeat, TwOOooOOOOoOOooOoOoOOOOooOo) motivational posters that the 2 squids had desperately made the day before. Although the posters were optional, the squids felt a strong, compelling desire to create them. Festooned with puns and decoration, and with no regard to bias whatsoever, the posters were a huge success and did a great job in supporting and cheering on the participants.


In addition to providing moral support for the runners, volunteers also helped set up, handed out refreshments and nutritious snacks, acted as course marshals and helped direct wandering runners, and helped clean up after the race. The main leads of this tale, our 2 squids, were assigned the role of standing at the entrance to direct prospective runners to the registration table further down the path. They were given a large donut inflatable to attract the attention of Donut Dash participants, which they had also used half the time to perform never-before-done tricks (some of which were hula hooping, tossing the donut, and balancing it on their heads). After registration closed at 9:00, they continued to act as cheerleaders for the runners, course marshals that made sure everyone was going in the right path, and congratulate-ers (gave a final burst of applause and congratulations to the runners after the race). To celebrate the conclusion of the Donut Dash, the runners, as well as the volunteers, were invited to have refreshments and donuts at the registration table (hence the name Donut Dash). Pictures were taken, drinks were deserted, and the people were quaking. THE END.





Hey everyone! Summer has passed by so quickly and I’m so proud of Key Clubbers for attending events. I’m Keyi Guo, the member of the month. I was quite surprised to be chosen since I started volunteering in the second week of August. At events that month, I was able to make new friends and catch up with acquaintances. The weather was often dreadful, but we created fun memories with everyone. My most memorable event was the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, where we helped out in a constant downpour of rain. Shout out to our Locksmith Director Rachel for forcing me to be more proactive. She encouraged me to take pictures and write articles for the Locksmith. School has started already and hopefully, everyone participates in events amidst the chaotic start of a new school year. Good luck to everybody for a fresh start! 23


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