The Locksmith: September Issue

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Volume 10 Issue 8

NY District Key Club | D11 | Stuyvesant Key Club

The Locksmith

Table of Contents


Contact Us


Letters from the Cabinet


Letters from the Editor and Director


Updates from Division 11


Updates from NYDKC


Updates from Key Club International


Timeline of Past Events


Signup for October Events!


Service Spotlights


Member of the Month

Give us a Shout!

Send emails to:


Letter from the President Reach out to Jenna Foo: Hi guys! Happy October! Firstly, thank you all for coming to see us at our interest meeting! Despite the technical difficulties and lots of other problems :’), I’m so happy that there were so many people interested in joining our family! Our New Projects Committee has been very hard at work finding fun Halloween events for our club so I definitely recommend attending at least one! Also, keep an eye out for our first club meeting, where we hope to do some kind of Halloween-related activity (like painting pumpkins?) Let me know if you guys have any ideas! Finally, don't forget to go check out our bulletin board near the bridge entrance! It's updated monthly with our new events. Happy volunteering! :]

Letter from the Vice Prez Reach out to Penny Wang: Hey guys! I'm so glad to see so many new Key clubbers at our interest meeting and I hope just as many of you guys attend our events and become active members, because you guys are what makes Key Club so great! I hope we can all attend events together and that I can see you guys at future meetings! Also, make sure you guys check out the bulletin board that members of our art committee worked so hard to put together. Our new projects committee has so many great new events for us to attend and our web and video committee director put together an amazing video of what Key Club is all about. I hope that their hard work can inspire you guys to perhaps get more involved in Key Club and maybe one day create your own videos, make a bomb-ass bulletin board, look for amazing events, contribute to the locksmith, run fundraisers, etc. Gl in school!


Letter from the Secretary Reach out to Jason Xiong: Hey guys, we're finally done with our first month of school! We were so happy to see so many new faces at our Interest Meeting and at September events too. With the arrival of October means lots of Spooktacular events and other fall events too. All the hours of events before Columbus Day should be up to date but please let me know if anything is wrong. Signing in was a little chaotic at the Interest Meeting so if there were any issues, please let me know. Those of you signed up without putting your 4 Digit ID, please check your StuyActivities Profile and let us know what your 4 Digit ID is by emailing or texting me. Don't stop the Key Club grind and I hope to see you at an event soon!

Letter from Webmaster Reach out to Tiffany Zhong: Hey guys! I hope you guys are doing swell and life is treating you well. It was great seeing the massive amount of people who showed up to our interest meeting. If you were one of them, thank you for coming :)! I hope that you guys found key club worth joining. As for the website I hope you guys will continue to use it as a source for information. Please let me know if there's anything that I can do better. Enjoy your October!


Letter from the Treasurer Reach out to Freya Zhu: Hey Key Clubbers - both old and new! If you're new, I just wanted to say welcome to our club and I hope you find it as enjoyable as many of us do already! For the month of September, we didn't hold a fundraiser as we focused more on promoting our club and increasing our member count. I was ecstatic at the large number that signed up during club pub and the number of attendees at our interest meeting. It was a little messy with the technical difficulties but I think in the end it went well. For the month of October, I am attempting to hold a fundraiser that is somewhere along the lines of a picnic to act as a welcoming event for all our new members and if it works out, I will be sure to inform you guys of any updates. We will be holding a meeting next Friday to talk about UNICEF boxes and how all of you should grab a box and join the fight against Tetanus! We will also be collecting dues that will grant you membership to our club. Though it is not mandatory and you can still volunteer and get certificates without it, by paying these dues, you will become a true member of Key Club International and will be awarded many benefits. That's about it for now! I hope I see you guys at events when I become less lazy and will drag myself out of bed! See you all next time!



Hi everyone! I know it has been a rough first two months of school, but I hope you are all adjusted and prepared by now to tackle the rest of the school year! This issue of the September issue is, admittedly, a bit behind schedule and I really apologize for that! I got caught up trying to make it look as beautiful as possible and lost track of time. I hope you all enjoy the issue nonetheless! Huge thanks to all of our volunteers that signed up to be writers for events. You guys are amazing!

Hey all! It's already the second month of school :0 I hope you haven't been too busy to attend some events o_O. Shout out to Freya Zhu and David Shi for being RESPONSIBLE Key Clubbers and FINALLY sending in their segments <33. And as always, mucho thanks to Jason for always being there to answer my spam. Thanks for sending in all your articles/pictures, the locksmith wouldn't be able to function without you guys. Happy volunteering!!



November 5th-November 9th is Key Club Week! Key Club Week gives you the opportunity to show your community what Key Club is truly about: service. Each day places an emphasis on service, to promote Key Club within our homes, schools, and communities and to make Key Club a household name.

Learn a little more about how to show your K-Family Pride each day at: Do you want to be Key Club famous? Let us know how you plan to celebrate or promote Key Club Week, and you might see yourself featured on Key Club social media. Submit your photo and tell us how you’re going to celebrate or promote Key Club Week. Learn More: 6

Division *NEW* Divisional Apparel!!! Vote on our Facebook group to decide what divisional apparel we will make this year! In order to have the best design possible, we want to see what ideas YOU ALL have! Please submit your logo designs here

Our annual Fall Rally is coming up soon! It's like DTC and a mini LTC, but this time we will have Divisions 8-13! Make sure to save the date! Please keep in mind that spots are limited, so sign up quickly! Sign up here 7


Governor Erica's October Bulletin -> ->

Governor Erica's 1st New York Minute ← ← ←



WANTED: COMMITTEE MEMBERS Do you want to increase transparency within Key Club and empower members? Do you want to represent our members and provide insight? Apply for an International Committee Member Representative position! (Applications due by October 31 at 11:59 p.m. EDT) Click here for details. 9

Past Events September






New York Century Ride













Photoville Volunteer Orientation Color Run


Sakura Park Festival







Cafeteria Recycling



Chinatown Moon Festival End Alzheimer's [Brooklyn] Dumpling Eating Festival

30 NYC Step Out Walk


Autumn Moon Festival



Cafeteria Recycling




29 Be the Match Walk and Run


Future Events October








Key Club Interest Meeting





Walk to End Alzheimer's [Queens]




Stuy Open House


Harvest Fest



Walk with Us to Cure Lupus



Making Strides of Central Park





Bike MS

28 Halloween at the Garden



Key Club First Meeting


20 NYSoM Monster Mash NYSoM 27 Halloween Havoc Walk to End Alzheimer's [Manhattan]




Light the Night Microsoft Halloween Expo


Serv Spotl

vice lights


By Freya Zhu When I arrived at the event, it was slightly drizzling. I made my way into the park in search of a familiar face. I then saw one of my friends from Bronx Science Key Club and approached him. He told me about how we could get free food so I was very happy. I then found the other members of my club. I was then asked to go the nearest department store to buy some ponchos. After looking at some candy and chips, we bought around 10 ponchos and brought them back to the event. I was then given tickets which my friend and I used together to get some poke and fries. My friends from Bronx Science came stole some of our food but in the end it was still very fun. After eating, we looked around the festival and took a picture of us. The picture was then printed out and we decorated it with geometric shapes of a variety of colors. Despite the rain and the cool weather, this was one of my favorite events in a long time as I got to see my friends and chill. It was a nice breather.




By Sabrina Chen I remember I was so ecstatic for Color Run. I had seen numerous pictures of people coated in vibrant colors online. My sister, who had also gone to Color Run, told me about her experience. She came home with green hair that day. She said I’ll love volunteering there and she was definitely correct. When I arrived with my friends, we were unsure where to go. This was only our 2nd time at an event so we were pretty inexperienced. We finally found a booth where we were signed in with other volunteers from other organizations. Then, we immediately got to work. My friends and I were assigned to clean up trash that was littered, especially empty color packets. We were given two gigantic, black trash bags and to my surprise, we filled it very quickly with empty drinks, bottles, and color packets. My friends and I actually received a packet of color dust so we ended up throwing it on each other and being showered in color, just like the pictures I had seen. As we cleaned up, the concert was still going on. Color packets were being thrown in the air and popular music blasted through the speakers. Once we finished, the bags were so heavy that we simply could not pick it up. After we cleaned up the litter, we were assigned to put away the set up. We untied the ropes on the decorations and then folded them. This was a teamwork effort since they were quite heavy and bulky. This took about 20 minutes to get all of it neatly folded. After the heavy duty was done, they treated us with bagels, fruits, candy, and juices. This was a wonderful break where we could socialize with other key clubbers and fulfill our hunger. Overall, this event was super fun, laid-back, and an amazing way to make friends as well as volunteer. I definitely recommend this event to anyone looking to have fun, listen to music, or get covered in colors.




New York Century Ride




Autumn Moon FestivalÂ


By Victoria Chen I originally signed up late and was upset to hear that all the spots were taken up as the festival really interested me. However, the day after I received a confirmation email and I nearly jumped out of my seat. This was the moment where I finally decided that I would actually attend the event after I did not attend and slept through the last two events that I signed up for. I bolted out of my house, where I forgot to bring the bag that I packed for the event. I was constantly staring at my phone to use google maps to guide me to the Chase bank, but I ended up entering and leaving 4 different trains before the E train came. It felt very awkward in the train as I was the only teenager and people kept staring at me, wondering if I can manage a train ride by myself. Well let’s just say they were right, after exiting Lexington Ave 53-St for the first time, I was so confused where the 6 train was. By the time I actually arrived to the 6 train, I was out of breath. After, the 6 train stopped at Bleecker Street, I ran like I’ve never ran before with the help of google maps. We agreed to meet in front of a Chase bank, but when I arrived to the Chase bank, there was no one there. I was very confused and resorted to texting for help. I sent the address of the Chase bank that I went to and then the project captain said that I went to the wrong one and sent me the correct Chase bank which was several blocks away. I finally found the Chase bank and just as I arrived, I received a text from someone I had texted before. He said that there was no need to rush and that the project captain wasn’t even there, so it doesn’t matter. By the time I read that message, I saw the group of people that I’m supposed to meet up with. My legs felt like jelly, I was sweating everywhere, and I was so out of breath. I hope I made a first good impression for most of them. The project captain informed us that she would be an hour late, so we signed up via phone and were very confused on what to do. We weren’t given instructions on what to do other than moving barricades to let cars in. Finally, the project captain arrived and we got to do some “real” work.


We helped set up and move some heavy boxes, but with some teamwork and cooperation, it wasn’t too hard. I felt very relaxed and just walked around a bit until I heard an event coordinator ask for some volunteers. He needed some people to hold these rings with strings attached to each other. I wanted a fairly easy job and me being very oblivious thinking “I just have to hold some rings with strings”, I volunteered. After the rings and strings were fully spread apart, they brought out a sheet to put over it. That’s when I realized that I was holding a part of the dragon that’s normally in many Chinatown festivals. I still thought it was pretty easy as I just held up the dragon pole to make sure it doesn’t fall down. This ended up being about an hour and my feet were in a lot of pain. I knew that it’d be okay as long as I didn’t walk too much. The event coordinator walked up to me and asked if I would be okay because I was “small”. Now this really offended me as I thought “small people can easily hold up a pole just as well as a tall person” so I said I was fine. Out of nowhere, I feel a slight tug and I realize we are actually moving the dragon ourselves. We did one walk around the whole street and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. However, we continuously walked around, making multiple trips around the street. I tried to awkwardly smile for the people attending the event, but it was so hard when there were some little kids who decide to hit the dragon where I’m holding it. After what seemed like endless walking, they finally stopped the dragon. Then they brought out the main reason why I attended the event, the FREE FOOD. The people who held up the dragon were able to get food first which made me feel very accomplished and proud of myself. There was actually no official seating, but I figured that the staircase of some restaurant is better than my legs suffering even more. They seemed to not need any help as the event was going on so I managed to read manga for an hour until the event was over. We helped to move and close some of the tents and clean some areas up. We then decided to take a group picture which was nice. I realized that at the event I barely had any good pictures due to holding up the dragon so much. I enjoy the fact that I’m never going to forget my first Key Club event and I know that this definitely won’t be the end, but rather the beginning.


l a u n n A 15th g n i t a E g n i l p m u D t s e t Con

By David Shi

It would turn out to be a tiring day, as I would end up being the project captain for this event and Walk to Alzheimer's just minutes beforehand; the Dumpling Eating Contest turned out to only be a few blocks away from Walk to End Alzheimer's! Along with Arifa, Sandy, and Jessica, I headed to the place as soon as we could after we helped with the breakdown of Walk to End Alzheimer's. There turned out to be two more volunteers from Stuyvesant Key Club, but a lot more from Bronx Science! We got very cute green volunteer shirts and this insulated food bag which had the same logo on the shirt. The contest was actually to see who could eat the most amount of dumplings in 2 minutes and I remember hearing that someone managed to eat 78! We never got to see the people eating, partially due to the huge amount of people watching and our job but it sounded really fun to watch! We held up signs to help lead the attendees to the booth where they sold the dumplings being eaten in the contest! It was almost like a real take-out restaurant, as they had this line of people cooking dumplings constantly because of how many people came to buy dumplings! The smell and sight of the dumplings made us hungry ourselves but we got an entire metal tray of the dumplings to share between ourselves! There was also free onigiri and a bunch of drinks we could take as well! It was just an enjoyable day, filled with friends talking and a bunch of yummy food!


Member of the Month

David Shi Hi there! I'm David, and I recently just became active in Key Club again after being away for a summer job. Already being project captain for 3 events in one weekend, it's been fun volunteering again with the rest of the family. Key Club has had such a big impact on me, and it all started last year when my friend Terry dragged me to an event known as 'Light the Night.' I still remember all those people, walking for a cure to blood cancer, and it astonished me. I still have the lantern I got from that day and it symbolizes the start of my love for Key Club. 24

 Key Club is a huge defining factor of who I am now, and I can't imagine life without it. It has also lead me to believe that true Key Clubbers sacrifice their own time in order to volunteer and give back to the community; not only for hours but because they love helping people. I love when someone says that I could be of use and that my volunteering really made a big difference and that encourages me to keep volunteering. Key Club has also had such a big impact on me since it's one of the biggest reasons why I can be so happy and smile a lot of the time. It's just so fun. Through Key Club, I got to volunteer with my friends at amazing events and got to meet awesome people like Jason and Freya. I'll never love Key Club enough.


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