Akua Run for Vocations Pledge Form

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Volunteer Pledge Form AKUA Run/Walk For Vocations

AKUA Run for


Mahalo for your interest in becoming a v o lunteer for the M a rathon Series for the Catholic Faithful of Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii . Please complete this form and email/mail/fax to the Vocations Office. If you have questions, kindly contac t: Rev. Pascual IV G. Abaya, Vocations Director (manao@rcchawai Lorg) at (808) 585-3343.

' Volunteer Information (please print or type) Name Mailing address City, State & Zi P Code Telephone (mobile/home) Fax E-Mail Certification (RN, EMT, MSW, etc.)

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Marathon Information (click your preferred marathon} February 18, 2013 (Monday). Great Aloha Run (OAHU) www.greatalo harun .com March 17,2013 (Sunday). Big Island International Marathon (HAWAII) www. hiloma rathon .o rg June 23, 2013 (Sunday) 1ih Kona Marathon & Family Fun Run (HAWAII) www.konamarath on.com September 1, 2013 (Sunday) 2010 Kauai Ma rathon (KAUAI) www.t he kauai marathon.co m D September 22,2013 (Sunday) Maui Marathon & Half Maratho n (MAUl) www .mauimarathonhawa iLcom D Decembe r 2013 (TBI-\) (Sunday) Hon olulu Mara t hon (OAHU) www.ho no lulum arat ho n.o rg


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Pledge Information I (we) intend to collect "prayer for vocations" pledges from the following : Kind/Form of Pledges: (e.g. Holy Hour, Names: Rosary, etc.)


Signature(s) :

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Please send this form to: Vocations Office, Diocese of Honolulu

1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813-3384 PHONE: (808) 585-3343 FAX: (808) 585-3384 Website: Vocations.catholichawai Lorg Emai: manao @rcchawa ii.org


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