2 minute read
Feel Younger Through Regular Exercise
By Julie Germaine
Engaging in regular physical activity is the first and most important step in achieving your fitness goals. If you want to lose belly fat to regain your figure, enhance your mood for improved quality of life, or crave the satisfaction of strangers underestimating your age, structuring your weekly routine to allow time for fitness is a must. My clients have heard me say repeatedly that resistance training is the fountain of youth! Don’t believe me? Here is a run-down of some of the fantastic ways that physical activity slows the aging process.
1My favourite form of exercise is WEIGHT TRAINING (2 to 5 times per week, 20 to 45 minutes) because it releases feel-good endorphins, strengthens your muscles and bones, and builds your metabolism. Osteoporosis is more likely to develop as the body weakens, so at any age it is beneficial to take up lifting. If you’re not comfortable amongst the bodybuilders at the gym, then sneak into an aerobics class that includes some resistance training, or try some of my free callisthenics home workouts at www.juliegermaine.com/swj
2By incorporating MOBILITY TRAINING (2 to 4 times per week, 10 to 60 minutes) you will prevent tightening and permanent shortening of the muscles and tendons that naturally happens with time. This can put you at higher risk for injury and chronic pain, and can also cause conditions like hunchback posture, which gives you the appearance of being elderly. You could take a yoga class a few times each week, or simply end every workout with ten minutes of relaxing stretches.
3Your mind gets to take a break while your body runs the show during all FAT-BLASTING EXERCISE, so you can enjoy a leaner body and healthier heart, along with a quicker brain. It has been proven that memory lapses due to age are significantly reduced with the inclusion of an effective fitness program.
Try doing short, intense workouts to age gracefully, feel good,and live better.
Julie Germaine is a 2x Pro Fitness Champion, Certified Nutrition Expert and Specialized Belly Fat Loss Coach. She has helped thousands of men and women lose 2” from their waistlines in less than 30 days through her virtual coaching since 2005. Check out her services at www.juliegermaine.com or book a FREE diet consultation: www.calendly.com/juliegermainecom or book a FREE consultation: www.calendly.com/juliegermaine

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