1 minute read
The loneliness epidemic: with
The last two years have highlighted the issue of loneliness. It is estimated that there are around nine million lonely people in the UK and four million of those are older people. There are serious health implications of this epidemic; loneliness is likely to increase your risk of death by 26% and puts us at greater risk of dementia. Around half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone and nearly half of adults in England feel lonely sometimes or often. Women reported feeing lonely more frequently than men and nearly half of those with poorer health or disability are often or always lonely. There can be many reasons for loneliness including a lack of a support network, relationship breakdown and bereavement.
So, what can we do about it? There are lots of ways to combat loneliness and the first step is to recognise it and to talk about it. Local organisations, such as Age UK, offer support for older people including a telephone and face-to-face befriending service, social activities, transport and IT training. Sometimes legal support is needed, and I regularly visit people in their own homes to support them. If loneliness is impacting on your health then you should seek medical advice and support. A kind word and a smile can go a long way to brighten up a lonely person’s day.
Hannah Lisseter is a Director specialising in Wills, Probate, Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection matters. Email: hannah.lisseter@gdlegalservices.co.uk Tel: 01983 527878.
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