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The theme of this edition of pantheon// is funk. Funk is, as you might know, a genre of music. It’s a mixture of soul, jazz and R&B, known to be rhythmic and danceable. Music that inspires me, for this upcoming year, as it is not afraid to deviate from it’s standard.
Last year, we celebrated 125 years of Stylos. Now that we are facing a new era, we want to shake it up a bit. Stylos’ lustrum was a year in which we paid attention to history and traditions. Adding to that, we celebrated the collaboration between students and the city of Delft. A year of appreciation and looking back. This upcoming year of Stylos, is the start of a new era. A year with endless possibilities and a chance to use the knowledge we gained during our lustrum and use it to create a new vision for the coming years of Stylos. A vision in which we are progressive, ambitious and fearless.
In addition to that, we want to respond to the latest changes in society. For instance, by introducing Stylos Green we want to reduce our own footprint, make our network aware of the problems that we are facing as a society, but also activate our students to participate in the debate about sustainability themselves and create their own vision.
The upcoming year will be a year in which we will face difficult questions, and make tough decisions. But that is also what makes these topics interesting for us to discuss. Taking part and having discussions is a very educative for the students to take part in. While Stylos used to have a very important role within the public debate, Stylos’ voice has been muted for the last couple of years. Now, we are seeking to re-enter this debate. Sustainability will only just be the start. We want to encourage you all to join us in our dance, explore your own vision, and participate in the upcoming events in which we will add some funk.
We are looking forward to share all of this in not only in this edition of pantheon//, but also every edition that follows. In addition to that, we will we posting regularly on pantheon// online and want to invite you to join us there by showing your voice. Together, we can shake it up a bit. //
Lenneke Slangen Board 126 of D.B.S.G. Stylos
To close the beautiful lustrum year, there was an event “Bouwen met Delft”. Together with the whole city, Stylos built a house made of recycled cardboard. Even the mayor helped a little!
Like every year, the Midzomernacht Festival was a success! A lot of happy people, sunlight, drinks en foodtrucks. Several DJ’s and even an desperados bar made the day even more special.
In the summer, the Big Trip committee organised an unforgettable trip to Brazil. Thirty students enjoyed and discovered different parts of the country for three weeks straight.
In december, we closed the year together with the faculty, the students, the teachers and the staff. A collaboration between Stylos, the Bouwpub and the faculty!
This year, the exchange is together with the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Together with Portugese students, Stylos will get to know student life in Portugal.
In February, our association will be 126 years old. There will be several activities in and around the faculty to celebrate the birthday of Stylos.