Funeral brochure

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Farewell Service for the Late Madam

Clara Addo Akotua (Nee Clara Kwafoa Addo) of The Royal Family of Ahwerease

Aged: 97

Order of Service PART


PRE-BURIAL 5:30am-8:00am  Opening Hymn and Prayer.  Hymn  Filing Past  Hymn  Tributes  Hymn  Closure of Casket PART II-BURIAL SERVICE      

     

Procession Scriptural Sentences Hymn Prayers Hymn Biography and Tributes - Family, Children, In-Laws, Grandchildren, Church and Women s Fellowship. Hymn Scripture Readings Hymn Sermon - Minister Apostle s Creed - Minister Christian Charity - Congregation

PART III       

Hymn Service of Commemoration Prayers and the Lord s Prayer Announcement - Church and Family Closing Hymn - Minister Benediction - Minister Recession

PART IV - GRAVE-SIDE      

Hymn Committal Prayers Hymn Thanksgiving Benediction


Minister Minister Minister Minister Family Member Minister


Sunday August 16, 2015 Presby Park Pokrom Nsabaa 9am prompt.


Biography OF THE LATE MADAM CLARA ADDO AKOTUA Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, when you will say, I have no pleasure in them before the sun and light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the clouds return after the rain . Eccle 12: 1 and 2.


he late Madam Clara Addo Akotua also known as Yaa Kwafoa was born in 1918 at a village called Manfo near Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Her parents were Opanyin Kwasi Addo and Obaapanyin Abena Owusua of the Asekyire Royal Clan and Asona Clan respectively of Akuapim Ahwerease in the Eastern Region. She had no formal education, but was trained as a seamstress, trader and farmer. She was one of the best seamstresses of her time. She in turn trained a number of people. Whilst at Manfo, she caught the eyes of Opanyin Obour Gyam alias Nana Adu Gyam I, the late Chief of Petrensa who was then a cocoa receiver for G. LEVENTIS Company. They had two children. Akua Agyakoma now Madam Rose Gyam and Kwabena Oduro now Pastor Oduro Gyam , Head Pastor of Greater Joy Charismatic Ministries Tokoradi. There was a divorce. Later, on a visit to one of her sisters by name Mad. Bonsu at Sakyikrom via Nsawam, a young Army Nurse by name Mr. Jonas Kwasi Akotua who had by then returned from the Second World War spotted her. He proposed love to her and they eventually got married and had six (6) children. They are Dr. Mrs. Felicia Danquah (Vice President Jofel Catering Services-Kumasi & Anyinam). Mad. Martha Akotua Rtd. Senior Nursing Of cer (KorleBu Teaching Hospital, Accra) Mad. Mary Akotua, Trader, Pokrom, Mr. Joseph Akotua, Business man Kumasi, Mrs. Dorothy Awuah of Dot Land Company, Kumasi and Mr. Kingsley Akotua Addo (UK). Married to a Senior Nursing Of cer, she had the opportunity to travel around parts of the

country. They travelled to places like Kyebi, Takoradi, Cape Coast, Akuse, Koforidua, Bolgatanga, Walewale, Jumapo, Bunso, and Nsawam. Her husband after retirement settled at Pokrom. Aunty as she was affectionately called was a devoted Christian and staunch member of the Methodist Church. She was born into the Anglican Church but after her marriage joined her husband to fellowship with the Methodist. She joined the Holy Christian Church at Pokrom when there was no Methodist church but later joined the Methodist Church when a branch was opened at Pokrom by her daughter Mad. Mary Akotua. She used to be an active member of the Women's Fellowship and the Prayer Group. She loved and associated herself to every man or woman of God. She believed in prayers and that prayer was of her life. She therefore devoted most of her life praying for her children and the entire family and friends. Aunty Clara had a good relationship with her neighbours. She was always holding a bible and sleeps with it even though she couldn't read or write. Very often she would pray for unity amongst her children. Many people, young and old have always been fed at her home. She will share all her food and sometimes sleep on an empty stomach. Her spiritual life was full of faith and trust in the Lord. Aunty loved to wear white clothes all the time. God indeed has been good to her as she passed on to glory peacefully in her bed. She was survived by eight children, three (3) males and ve (5) females with twenty-nine (29) grand children, thirty (30) great grand children and three (3) great great grandchildren. Finally, it is our belief that Auntie Clara in all spheres of her life fought the good ght. She has indeed nished the race and has kept the Faith. It is our prayer that her soul will be honoured with the Crown of Righteousness which our LORD, the Righteous JUDGE will award to her.

Tribute by Children

Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearance (2 Tim 4:8 NKJV).


e have gathered here today to pay our tribute to our mentor and our dear mother Auntie Clara. Though we are adults, it's so painful to lose her. Our mother, Aunty as we affectionately called her, was one of a kind. She was loving, hardworking , principled, and hospitable and above all, God fearing. Auntie, you were con dent, you never exposed your children to the outside world. In the year 1991, our father passed on to Glory and your prayers have sustained us until 2015. The book of Proverbs 22:6 says Train up the child the way he

should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Our mother trained and nurtured us according to how this scripture wants parents to train up their children and the result is that though we have not reached perfection in character, we can con dently say that our mothers' training has shaped our characters to an appreciable level. You are not going to eat today our mother would remark if any of us misbehaved. Despite this remark, our mother being caring, loving and compassionate would go and buy bread, hide it in her cloth and give it to the offending child. What a mother that she was. Auntie, you were not a quarrelsome woman, as you would always pray and look for peace. By your patience, you remained in your matrimonial home till our dad passed away. Auntie, above all you were very humble and respectful to everyone you came across. Auntie, your good Christian life was attested to by your virtues already mentioned and

Mad. Rose Gyam

your unwavering gift of faith and your prayer life which was very ch a l l e n g i n g t o u s we r e inspirational. Auntie, you dried our tears when our father died. You had the magic glue that xed our broken pieces together. We remember you in the kitchen busily cooking for us. You were a good cook and would always prepare delicious food for us and our friends. You taught us how to manage our homes and also how to cook. Neighbors' were always praising you for your delicious meals no wonder one of your children took to the catering industry. Auntie, thank you for teaching us h ow t o d r e s s t o m a t ch a l l occasions: this is one of the legacies you've left for your generation. Thanks for not tearing us off in public. You always got us home before you let us have it. Finally, Auntie, thank you for making friends with everybody and also feeding the sparrows and we thank you for introducing us to the human race. In all aspects of our lives you were a mother who was an inter locking chain that held our world together. We all say THANK YOU Auntie, Nyame Nfa Wo Nsie.

Pastor George Oduro Gyam

Dr. Mrs. Felicia Danquah

Mad. Martha Akotua

Mad. Mary Akotua

Mr. Joseph Akotua

Mrs. Dorothy Awuah

Mr. Kingsley Akotua Addo

Supt. Ernest Opare Akotua

MESSAGE FROM GRAND CHILDREN THANK YOU ANTE CLARA If we live we live for the Lord and if we die we die for the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's Romans 14:8

Ante! Ante! Nanao! Kwafo Akoto! We are here, do you have food? We are hungry ohhh. With a smile you will always say, don't worry I will get the soup ready .. We have indeed lost a friend, a lawyer, a mother and our prayer warrior. If we decide to tell stories about you, this ceremony will never end. In all, we say thank you very much for being part of this journey with us. Thank you for showing us the way to love, Thank you for showing us the essence of sharing, Thank you for showing us that in unity lays our strength, Thank you for showing us that there is reward for hard work, Thank you for showing us that if we put our trust in the Lord, all will be well with us. We know the Almighty has prepared a place for you already, so rest Ante, rest when you get to see the Lord. Tell Blue Blue we miss him; tell him we will never forget Ebenezer House. Tell Blue Blue we have grown to be responsible adults like he always wanted us to be. Tell him we are happy you are nally united. Ante Nante Yie

Tribute by Great Grandchildren


he rst time we saw you and the last time when we visited you in Pokrom are times we will cherish the most. We will never forget you. But until we meet again in heaven, I pray, we wear a wreath of memories of you around our hearts, stories you narrated as well as history of the family will be cherished forever. You had become an oak tree great-grandma and in your absence all the trees and the vegetation which bene tted from you it's our prayer could continue your exemplary life for the world to appreciate. You lived a life worthy of emulation, great-grandma, because 97 years is not easy. Da yie! Great-grandma, damiri fa due

Tribute By Family "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,nor crying,neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away". Rev.21:4.


th June,2015 will forever be unforgetable in out minds since it was the date and day when the shocking news of your sudden death was passed on to us. Mama,Auntie Yaa Kwafoa,why should you leave us at the time when we needed you most? Some of us were depending on you to teach us more history of the family,teach us tradition and customary rites but you did not do this to the fullest. Mama Kwafoa,the vacuum you have created in the family is so deep it will be dif cult to ll. You left without saying goodbye to any of us;not even to Osabarima Professor Opare Addo 2 (Ahwerasehene), who you helped install as chief of Akwapim Ahwerase. In paying tribute to you, Auntie Kwafoa,we sincerely wish to praise the name of our Lord God Almighty for givinh us such a wonderful opportunity to be part of the life of such a great woman like you. Mama Kwafoa,what your family has to say is: "Damirifa Due";rest in peace till we meet again

Tribute to Dearest


 Ahum Kese atu, O e aye Komm! Odupon kese atutu, O e gya Adum! Mmea retwa agyaadwo! Na mmarima ani aso ogya! Ampa asem kese ato yen!


baapanyin Clara Addo Akotua whose mortal remains lies before this august gathering of mourners from far and near, accompanied her late husband, Mr. Jonas Kwasi Akotua of blessed memory, on transfer to man the Jumapo Maternity and Clinic in the early 1960s. The husband worked as the Medical Superintendent in Charge of the Clinic while she worked at home as a Seamstress. I vividly remember my rst encounter with this Godfearing woman was when my mother, then a chop bar operator, sent me to collect her dress from this quiet but charming and very elegant woman. When I entered the house I was told the woman was indoor sewing. I was left standing in the open as nobody offered me a seat.

Moments later, this woman opened her door and saw me standing and sweating in the sun. Young as I was by then she said; Sorry, my Son, why are you standing in the sun, please come in as she willingly offered me a seat in an adjourning hall. I later reported my experience with this admirable woman to my mother and ever since, a bond of good companionship, profound love, absolute con dence and mutual respect have held the two families together. It was therefore not surprising that in early 1972, then as a young Lieutenant in the Ghana Army, the DANQUAH and AKOTUAH families willingly sealed a covenant which brought 'JB' and FELICIA together as HUSBAND and WIFE. The rest is history!. Looking back, it was an honour to have had the o p p o r tu n i t y t o k n ow t h e u n a s s u m i n g seamstress better over the years. 'AUNTIE' as she was affectionately addressed, had the biggest heart I have ever seen, Indeed, she was an epitome of the wise saying that SILENCE IS GOLDEN!. In my own little way, I found her to be gentle and loving, compassionate and sel ess, humble, understanding and exceptionally motherly, yet very rm when she had to be. I also admired her strength and courage, her humility and calmness, and the abundance of love that exceedingly owed from her heart to anybody who came her way. In sum, I found her to be a GEM of a mother-in-law everybody would be proud of. Let me therefore stand on behalf of the bereaved family and especially, on behalf of the children and on my own behalf, to exceedingly thank the Good God for bestowing on her during her life time, that powerful combination in human behaviour, and more so, for granting her enough years 97 YEARS on Earth to touch so many lives.

And now, beloved Clergy and distinguished mourners, in my parting moments with my beloved mother-in-law let me humbly seek your clearance to address OBAA PANYIN CLARA in spirit. Auntie, from the records available to me, Life's circumstances could not deter you from achieving God's will for your life on earth. In fact, you rose above them with ABSOLUTE FAITH and FIRM HOLD in God, your maker. Representing the entire FAMILIES, let me therefore say we admired your humility, integrity, sel essness and most especially, the matured manner you handled provocative issues. We are, indeed, very proud of your priceless legacy. Finally, in my moments of great pain and grief, and in the presence of this august assembly of mourners from far and near, let me also PERSONALLY THANK YOU, for the exceedingly dedicated and most understanding wife, a lifetime partner, an unyielding pillar and a special advocate, you have given to me in the person of AKUA OPAREBEA, whom you affectionately addressed DADA! AUNTIE, OPAREBEA and I will FOREVER MISS YOU! AUNTIE, additionally, my dear mother, Obaapanyin Akua Boahemaah of Akyem Moseaso, my entire siblings of ELEVEN, affectionately called the TEAM, and the entire ASONA Clan of Akyem Moseaso are with me in spirit to wish you OKWAN SO KOSE, KOSE! We will all miss you AUNTIE and even though you are gone, you will forever be in our hearts as we say: The Lord bless you and keep you; May He make His face shine upon you, And be Gracious to you; May He lift His Countenance upon you, And give your Soul peace till we meet again and nally, MAY YOUR WORKS ON EARTH FOLLOW YOU! Rest in Perfect Peace! Amen.

A Special Thank You Message To My Dearest Mum From Dr. Mrs. Felicia Danquah

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them (Rev.14:13)


untie, a lot has been said about you so I don't need to say much. I am standing here in front of such an august gathering to say a BIG THANK YOU for the pain and hazards you endured in the course of our upbringing. I was in Primary Class One at the age of 5 when I became sick and through injections I became paralyzed and started crawling as a baby even at that age. Although I was a little girl, I remember vividly what you told a friend, that you would do whatever it takes to put me back on my feet. Being a very prayerful woman you prayed all day. Your hands were always in hot water in your effort to massage me. Whilst doing that, tears were owing from your eyes. The good Lord heard your prayers and here I am today. Auntie Thank You! Whilst in Primary Class 3, I was selling toffees one day and unfortunately was bitten by a huge dog and had to stay at home for several months. There too Auntie, you took up the challenge till I recovered fully. You were a seamstress but you stopped sewing for your customers till I became t. Auntie, Thank you!

In 1990 my catering business crumbled, as the then Government ordered that the entire structure should be demolished. My husband had travelled outside the country for Peace Enforcement duties in the then war torn Liberia. As a gem of a mother, your advice gave me hope and promise in the Lord. Auntie Thank you! When I was returning to Kumasi the money you had on you was Twenty (20) Cedis. You gave me fteen (15) Cedis out of it to go and start my business. I added it to what my husband sent to me and by the abundant grace of God my business was revit alized. Auntie, Medawoase. You showed love to everyone who came to your house. You cared for a lot of children and that is the legacy you have left for your children and grandchildren. I stand here on behalf of all my siblings and our off springs to THANK YOU and THANK YOU DEARLY for everything you bestowed on us. We thank you for your relentless PRAYERS and the PAINS you endured in our upbringing. Auntie, OKWAN SO BREOO. Yesre NYAME SE ONGYE WO AWAA-AWAA-ATUU!

Tribute by Madam Obaa Yaa Akoto


Lord it belongs not to my care, whether I die or live; to serve thee is my share and this thy grace must give. MHB 647, 1st Stanza

adam Clara Addo Akotua affectionately called Auntie was a wonderfully caring and loving mother to all who knew her; she was a quiet and peaceful woman. I got to know her through her daughter Akua Oparebea; also known as Dr. Mrs. Felicia Danquah who is more of a sister than a friend to me. Through Akua, Auntie became a mother to me. She bore the name KWAFO AKOTO, and since I am Obaa Yaa Akoto, we decided that fate had brought us together as mother and daughter. Auntie would always enquire about me anytime Akua visited her in Pokrom and made sure she sends me a little parcel. There was a time she sent me a loaf of bread with the words I love you molded on it through Akua. I teased my sister Akua about the fact that even she who had actually been to Pokrom had not received such special bread. This was just one of the many ways Auntie showed her love and affection to me. We used to communicate very often on phone and she will always be requesting that I come and visit her soon. One of these calls occurred three days before she passed away. I called Akua who happened to be at Pokrom and spoke to Auntie and told her that I was out of the country and would visit her on my return. Unfortunately, three days after this conversation, I received a message from Akua that Auntie has passed away. So great was my grief, especially since I could not be there to comfort my sister Akua and family. Auntie thank you so much for your love and may the angels watch over you and keep you until we meet again. Auntie KOSE! KOSE! KOSE! KWAFO AKOTO DAMIRIFA DUE OBAATANPA NYAME NFA WO NSIE ASAKYIRIO DEHYEE DA YIE KOSE! KOSE! KOSE!

Tribute by Pokrom - Nsabah Methodist Church


he apostle Paul said in ( II Timothy 4:7-8) I have fought the good ght, I have nished the race, I have kept the faith. Hence forth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing. Madam Clara Addo Akotuah joined the Calvary Methodist church in the year 2008 at Pokrom. Even though AUNTIE CLARA was at her old age yet she did not play with her services in the Lord's vine yard. Her advice and support both physically and spiritually was nothing to talk home about. Meanwhile, Auntie Clara was one of the old founding members of the Methodist in church in the Northern sector of Ghana whilst she was with her late husband Mr. Jonas Akotuah, a medical of cer. Ever y community that they went to, Auntie Clara would not hesitate to help plant a Methodist church there. We can proudly say that for our beloved grandmother and mother had to play a prominent role. The Calvary Methodist church of Pokrom Nsabah would always remember Madam Clara Addo Akotuah for her ability to invite the Aburi circuit women fellowship executives to open a branch at PokromNsabah. Once Auntie Clara said to me, my dear son, brother Aboah, I will help form a youth brass band group which would be named after me.. This important mission of our beloved Auntie Clara could not be accomplished but I am sure my dear brethren in the Lord that as her mortal remains lie in front of us today, we will all assist to accomplish her mission and say, AUNTIE NANTEH YIYE, ONYAME MFA WO KRA NSIE . AMEN!

Tribute From The Founder The Holy Christian Church


met the late Clara Addo 40 years ago when establishing a branch of my ministry, at Pokrom-Nsaba. The Lord directed me to organize our activities in the house of our deceased sister, though she was not personally known to me and was then residing in Kumasi with the husband. The Lord had also through a revelation to her directed that her house be used for church activities though who was to use the residence for ministry work was not revealed. She was not surprised when she visited only to nd her residence was being used for church activities. She then encouraged us to continue the ministry work in her house and later became a member of the church. Aunty Doctor as we used to call her was very steadfast on the Lord and a strong pillar of the church who did all within her resources and ability to ensure the growth and development of the Holy Christian church. Later the church acquired a new land and all the activities were moved there. We'll not forget about her pieces of advice for the youth and both the married and unmarried people. We'll always remember her for her act of sharing. At Christmas, Aunty made sure every gift she gets be shared for all the members of the church.

Hymns Hymn 428 Because Aunty's house was noted for the work of God, even though in her old age as she could no longer walk to church, the Methodist Church approached her to use her residence for church activities. She gave them a place and later joined them. Indeed, the void occasioned by her passing on would be very dif cult to ll. May the Almighty keep her safe till we meet again. Safe journey valiant soldier of God.

1. I'll praise my maker whilst I have breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers: My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. 2. Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God he made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train: His truth forever stands secure, He saves the oppressed, he feeds the poor And none shall find his promise vain. 3. The lord pours eyesight on the blind, The lord supports the fainting mind, He sends the laboring conscience peace, He helps the stranger in distress' The widow, and the fatherless, And grants the prisoner sweet release. 4. I'll praise him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler powers, My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought and being last, Or immortality endures.

Hymn 110 1. JESU, Lover of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high: Hide me, o my savior, hide Till the storms of life be past Safe into the heaven guide Oh receive my soul at last. 2. Other refuge have I none Hang my helpless soul on Thee Leave ah! Leave me not alone Still support and comfort me All my trust on Thee is stayed All my hope from Thee I bring Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing

3. Thou oh Christ art all I want, More than all in Thee I find, Raise the fallen cheer the faint, Heal the sick and lead the blind, Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness, False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4. Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin, Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within, Thou of life and fountain art, Freely let me take of thee, Spring thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity.

Hymn 896 1. Now praise we great and famous men, The fathers named in story, And praise the lord who now as then, Reveal in man his glory. 2. Praise we the wise and brave and strong, Who graced their generation, Who helped the right and fought the wrong, And made our folk a nation. 3. Praise we the great of hearts and mind, The singers sweetly gifted, Whose music like a mighty wind, The souls of men are lifted. 4. Praise we the peaceful men of skill, Who builded homes of beauty, And rich in art made richer still, The brotherhood of duty. 5. Praise we the glorious names we know, And they whose names have perished, Lost in the haste of long ago, In silent love be cherished.

6. In peace their sacred ashes rest, Fulfilled their day's endeavor, They blest the earth and they are blest, Of God and man forever. 7. So praise we great and famous men, The fathers named in story, And praise the lord who now as then, Reveals in man this story.

Hymn 427 1. Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still, My heart and tongue employ. 2. Of his deliverance I will boast, Till all that are distressed , From my example comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. 3. O magnify the Lord with me, With me exalt his name, When in distress to him I call , He to my rescue came. 4. The host of God encamp around the, The dwelling of the just, Deliverance he affords to all, Who on his succour trust. 5. O make but trial of his love, Experience will decide, How blest they are, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 6. Fear him ye saints and you will then, Have nothing else to fear, Make you his service your delight, He'll make your wants his care.

Hymn 679

Hymn 602

1. Pleasant are thy courts above, In the land of light and love, Pleasant are thy courts below, In this land of sin and woe, O my spirit longs and faint, For the converse of thy saint, For the brightness of thy face, For thy fullness, God of grace,

1. Father I know that all my life, Is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see, But I asked thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing thee.

2. Happy birds that sing and fly, Round Thy alters, O most high, Happier souls that find a rest, In the heavenly Fathers breast, Like the wandering dove that found, No repose on earth around, They can to their ark repair, And enjoy it ever there. 3. Happy souls their praise flow, In this vale of sin and woe, Waters in the desert rise, Manna feeds them from the skies, On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach Thy throne at length , At thy feet adoring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. 4. Lord be mine this prize to win Guide me through a world of sin Keep me by thy saving grace Give me at thy side a place Sun and shield alike thou art Guide and guard my erring heart Grace and glory flow from thee Shower O shower them, Lord on me

2. I ask thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And wipe the weeping eyes, And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize. 3. I would not have the restless will, That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know, I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 4. Wherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts, To keep and cultivate, And a work of lowly love to do, For the lord on whom I wait. 5. I ask thee for a daily strength, To none that ask denied, And a mind to blend with outward life, Still keeping at thy side, Content to fill a little space. If thou be glorified. 6. In a service which thou will appoint, There are no bonds for me, For my inmost soul is thought the truth, That makes Thy children free, And a life of self-renouncing love. Is a life of liberty.

Hymn 607 1. O God of bethel by whose hand, Thy people still are fed, Who through this weary pilgrimage, Has all our fathers led. 2. Our vows ,our prayers we now present, Before thy throne of grace, God of our fathers be the God, Of their succeeding race.

3. Through each perplexing path of life, Our wandering footsteps guide, Give us each day our daily bread, And raiment fit provide. 4. O spread Thy covering wings around, Till all our wandering cease, And at our Father's loved abode, Our souls arrive in peace. 5. Such blessings from thy gracious hand, Our humble prayers implore, And Thou shalt be our chosen God, And portion evermore.

Hymn 608 1. Captain of Israel's host and guide Of all who seek the land above Beneath thy shadow we abide The cloud of thou protecting love Our strength Thy grace, our rule thy word Our end the glory of the Lord. 2. By thine unerring spirit led, We shall not in the desert stray, We shall not full direction need, Nor miss our providential way, As far from danger as from fear, While love, almighty love is near.

Hymn 611 1. Lead us heavenly father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us For we have no help but thee Yet possessing every blessing If our God our father be 2. Savior breathe forgiveness o'er us All our weekness thou dost know Thou didst tread this earth before us Thou didst feel its keenest woe Lone and dreary, faint and weary Through the desert thou did go. 3. Spirit of our lord, descending, Fill our heart with heavenly joy, Love with every passion blending, Pleasure that can never cloy Thus provided, pardoned, guided Nothing can our peace destroy

Hymn 612

Hymn 478

1. Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom Lead thou me on The night is dark, and I am far from home Lead thou me on Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see The distant scene, one step enough for me

1. Jesus, my Savior, Brother, friend, On whom I cast my every care, On whom for all things I depend, Inspire and then accept my prayer

2. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou Shouldst lead me on I love to choose and see my path but now Lead thou me on, I love the garish day and spite of fear, Pride rule my will, remember not my past 3. So long Thy power hath blest me sure it will Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone And with the morn those angels faces smile Which I have loved long since, and lost a while.

Hymn 615 1. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land, I am weak, but thou art mighty Hold me with Thy powerful hand, Bread of heaven Feed me now and evermore 2. Open thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream shall flow, Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through Strong deliverer Be thou still my help and shield. 3. When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fear subside, Death of deaths, and hell's destruction, Land me save on canaan's side Song of praises I will ever give to thee.

2. If I have tasted of thy grace The grace that sure salvation brings, If with me nowThy spirit stays And hovering hides me in his wings 3. Still let him with my weakness stay Nor for a moment's space depart, Evil and turn away' And keep till he renews my heart. 4. When to the right or left I stray His voice behind me may I hear, Return and walk in Christ thy way, Fly back to Christ for sin is near 5. His sacred unction from above Be still my Comforter and Guide Till all the hardness he remove And in my loving heart reside 6. Jesus, I fain would walk in thee, From nature's every path retreat Thou art my way, my leader be And set upon the rock my feet. 7. Uphold me savior or I fall, O reach me out Thy gracious hand Only on thee for help I call Only by faith in thee I stand.

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