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4. Release Your Happy Hormones By Dr. Mercola


issing is a uniquely human trait that's said to have emerged as a way to pass germs from one person to another, ultimately building immunity. But that's rather unromantic, isn't it? While it seems plausible that kissing would have an underlying biological function, there's also no denying its role in bonding or overall health.

8 Health

Bene ts of

Kissing Kissing not only feels good, it's good for you. It relieves stress and releases epinephrine into your blood, making it pump faster, which may result in a reduction of LDL cholesterol. Kissing may even be a novel way to receive certain hormones, like testosterone: “'Mucous membranes inside the mouth are permeable to hormones such as testosterone. Through open-mouth kissing, men introduced testosterone into a woman's mouth,' which 'is absorbed through the mucous membranes… and increases arousal and the likelihood that she will engage in reproductive behavior.” Interestingly, Andréa Demirjian, author of Kissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about One of Life's Sweetest Pleasures, believes “a kiss a day really can keep the doctor away.” And she recently shared eight reasons why with CNN:

1. Reduce Your Blood Pressure Kissing helps to dilate your blood vessels, which may help lower your blood pressure.

Kissing prompts your brain to release a happy elixir of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. This isn't only important for your happiness, it also may also help to strengthen your relationship. As MSN reported: “'This [oxytocin] is the hormone of love, and the better the oxytocin levels, the more capacity for love,' explains psychotherapist Arthur Janov, Ph.D., author of 'The Biology of Love' and the director of the Primal Center in Santa Monica, Calif. 'We have found that those who cannot commit in a love relationship are low in oxytocin.'” Interestingly, kissing activates the same areas in your brain linked to reward and addiction. According to the researchers who revealed this finding: “Kissing may have evolved as a way to stimulate brain systems associated with sex drive, romantic love, and attachment so that humans are triggered to seek a variety of potential mates, then focus attention on one for mating, and finally be able to tolerate that mate long enough to raise a child as a team.” Your lips are also densely packed with sensory neurons, which are stimulated by the touch of another's lips. This prompts the release of sebum, which is thought to play a role in bonding.

5. Burn Calories It's not going to replace your workout session… but a vigorous kiss may burn 8-16 calories. Not too shabby for a kiss.

6. Boost Your Self-Esteem One study found that men who received a passionate kiss before they left for work earned more money. This suggests the

that the majority of men and women surveyed reporting that a first kiss could be a turn-off. Women, in particular, place more importance on kissing as a “mate assessment device” and as a means of “initiating, maintaining, and monitoring the current status of their relationship with a long-term partner.”

Kissing May Even Boost Your Immune System and Provide Signi cant Stress Relief The average person spends more than 20,000 minutes of their life kissing, and for very good reason. In addition to the benefits above, kissing has been shown to boost your immune system and reduce allergic responses in people with skin or nasal allergies. Separate research also revealed that people who spent six weeks making kissing a priority with their partners reported significant decreases in their levels of stress. In addition to improvements in stress, the kissing participants also reported greater relationship satisfaction and improvements in total cholesterol. There may actually be an even more primal reason for why “kissing” developed, however. Because some cultures don't include kissing in their mating rituals, it's possible the first kiss was given by a mother to her child rather than being shared between a couple. Psychologists conjecture that kissfeeding – exchanging pre-masticated food from one mouth to another -- was how babies received the nutrients needed to grow up strong and healthy either in addition to, or after, breastfeeding. This jump starts the digestion process and makes vitamins like B-12 more easily absorbable while also promoting attachment and bonding.

2. Relieve Cramps and Headaches

kiss (and perhaps the happy home-life it

The blood-vessel-dilation effect described

suggests) makes people happier, boosts

above also helps to relieve pain, particularly

self-esteem and, ultimately, more

from headache or menstrual cramps.

productive at work.

Whether sex, kissing, or even hugging,

7. Tone Your Facial Muscles

biological roots that impact our bodies,

A vigorous kiss helps you shape up your neck and jawline by working out a number of facial muscles.

modern-day. So grab your partner today,

these forms of affection have primal,

3. Fight Cavities

typically in a beneficial way, even in the give him or her a smooch, and embrace

8. Check Out Your Partner's Compatibility

this fact: kissing can provide for a longer,

A kiss can be a powerful measure of your initial attraction to a person, so much so


healthier and, most would agree m o r e

e n j o y a b l e

The Syringe

When you kiss, saliva production increases in your mouth, and this helps to wash away plaque on your teeth that may lead to cavities. That said, cavity-causing bacteria can also be transmitted via a kiss, especially if the person you're kissing has poor oral habits. It's even been shown that cavity-causing bacteria can spread from a mother's kiss to her baby.

l i f e .

Compiled By: Abdul Jamal 3rd year Bsc Nursing




The Syringe






ormally when we say "fashion” most people think it is all about putting on expensive clothing, even though that may count but that is not all. Fashion is also about how smart and comfortable you are in a dress. It enhances your condence level as well as your gure (stature). If all these are not considered then your whole day in a dress can be a hell because you will feel very uneasy and uncomfortable. Remember, what we wear, how we wear it and the time we wear it, is very very important in fashion to ensure comfort. You must look at the occasion, time of program and the weather so as to dress accordingly and most importantly your body shape should inuence the way you dress. Jeans trousers and a top can be worn as casual wears, long or short (knee level) dress can be worn to church and other programs. NOTE: ( 1) that short straight dresses should be a little bit tight on you because when loose, it can be carried up when the air blows exposing you, but if preferred can be worn with trousers beneath it. (2) it's advisable that long (foot level) straight dresses should not be worn with a hilled shoe, this is because you can accidentally step on the dress yourself and fall, to prevent this ,it can be

worn with a nice down shoe, slippers or sandals. I would encourage my fellow ladies to pay much attention to their hair styles, since our face is the point of contact and the most adoring part of our body, hair styles really contribute a greater portion of beauty to ourlooks. Also, choice of colors as in shoes, bags, lip sticks, eye shadows, dresses etc. should be considered. Men should also know and understand what they wear. It is rather unfortunate that improper dressings are now termed as fashion. It would marvel you that some people even use the way we dress to estimate our level of intelligence. Please it is never a fashion to put on a T-shirt with a tie and short trousers nor is it a fashion to put on a short sleeve shirt with a tie. Do not put on a material shirt with jeans and it is not appropriate to tuck in a shirt which is long at the back and short in front or a shirt with its both sides bisected. Remember, fashion is not about what you wear, but how u wear what u have. You can wear any dress but not all dresses are worth wearing. You are not fully dressed without a smile. DRESS DECENTLY. BY ANAAFO MARY

The Syringe



THINK? Money or Sex

Which sustains a marriage?

Ujunwanne Precious Onedibe

Nursing 3



David Metcalf, a 42 year, was led by his father's belief that what women want is a high‐earning husband to look a er them. 'The li le lady would be happy as long as I was earning well, was his credo'. I side with his credo and will choose money over sex to sustain marriage cos money can get you nannies to look a er your children while you are busy, money can buy you the best of clothing, jewelry, best cars, and best bou ques etc. which are essen als of life. But, hey…mind you…coming from the divine purpose of marriage it takes emo onal compa bility, trust, understanding, love, good communica on and respect to keep a marriage when the novelty of sex and money fade away.

Collins Nyarko Boateng Emergency nursing 3 Marriage and its sustenance is a mul disciplinary and mul factorial topic which makes it very difficult for anyone to s ck his neck out to say that is either money or sex that sustains marriage. For instance a person will go into marriage already rich so for this person if the partner is refusing to provide money is less likely to cause collapse of their marriage, on the other hand a person who also enters into marriage with the hope to be provided for will always see things wrong if the partner fails to make money available. In the same instance, somebody also goes into a marriage hoping to enjoy marriage sex life and have kids as well so if the partner is not sexually sound then such a marriage is likely to be on rocks. On the contrary, if the individual does not fancy sex that much he or she will have no problem if the other partner is not sexually ac ve. So in a nut shell, it will be unfair to say that either of sex or money can sustain a marriage because it is the expecta ons of the individuals and their level of commitment to the marriage that will determine whether the marriage will last or collapse even in the absence of sex or money.

Tabitha Sarkodie Konadu Nursing 3 To 'sustain' requires resources. Resources require money to get. There I'll choose money over sex to sustain marriage. A er all, sex is a pleasure that lasts only some seconds for you to enjoy the most important sec on. But money on the other hand can do a whole lot, a er all money can get me something in place of a sex organ….lol….I think money sustains marriages than sex.

Rose Esther Harley Nursing 3 To sustain means to establish and strengthen. So what I think is, sex will sustain marriage because sex is lovemaking where you exchange emo ons hence bringing about some kind of bond and in macy. As long as the bond is there the marriage will last. But for money, it's just something physical that adorns a marriage and can never ever sustain it. A er all, if money were everything like some rich married men won't chase a er other women. Sex solves it all cos it keeps the founda on strong and moving. Marriage couple out there you need to bang your

Adu poku Louis Nursing 3 For me, I think none can actually sustain a marriage. Marriage should be built on love and acts of kindness. If you hold sex in high esteem in your marriage nothing you do aside sex will interest your partner. The same goes for money. Marriage itself is a life me imprisonment, so what if along the line your partner loses his or her sex organ? What if you lose all the money in a blink of an eye?...Remember love will conquer it all.

Wilhelmina Aweke Sociology 3 Sex is the most important perk in marriage and cannot take the role of obscurity when marriage is men oned. In fact, good and hot sex makes you feel real good and physically and psychologically sa sfied, and in the absence of sex there is this loss of belongingness that is felt so strong in the heart. Come to think of it, why do you think people get hurt when their partners go have sex with another person?...I think sex does sustain marriage.

Amagyei Albert Nursing 3 Marriage ends with 'age' hence it becomes a personality, when you start to get yourself engaged, you must as well get yourself well versed for the journey ahead, the most important thing in life pertains to anything that can affect the individual physically and psychologically, the two seems to do same right? But ask yourself what did Maslow include in his theory, the two words sex and marriage are almost synonymous oo. Money can buy sex but sex cannot, hence sex is the main thing.

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The Syringe


Pro le

Of The Current




Name: Kwadwo Aduse Poku Date of Birth: 29th November Denomination: Assemblies of God, Ghana Status: In a relationship Parents: James K. A Opoku Nimako and Comfort Kyei Mensah Siblings: 5 (4 brothers and a sister) and the 5th of 6 children Favourite food: Fried yam and plantain Favourite game: Ludo and Monopoly

Most Remarkable day: 21st birthday Educational Background: Attended Emmanuel Day Care and Prep School, Methodist Preparatory school, Ejisu D/A Experimental JHS, Amakom Adventist JHS and then continued to Prempeh College in 2008. Currently in KNUST pursuing Nursing. Positions held in KNUST: President of NSAKNUST and Chairman of the Allied Health Students' Council, KNUST. All in the year 2014/2015. Personality type: Conscientious Role Models: Pastor Mensah Otabil and Ben Carson Hobbies: Reading, writing and cooking Favourite Quote: “If better is possible, good is not enough”- Samuel Jonathan Favourite Books: 1. Go, Borrow Vessels – Pastor Mensah Otabil 2. Gifted Hands – Ben Carson 3. Fully Alive – Dr Larry Crabb 4. The Client – John Grisham Ambition: Anaesthetist, Counsellor, Inspirational Speaker, Writer/Author, Poet and Entrepreneur Inspirations: 1. “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do” – Helen Keller 2. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing” – Edward Burke 3. “There is nothing so powerful than an idea whose time has come” – Victor Hugo 4. “I attribute my success to this- I never gave or took any excuse” – Florence Nightingale





reast cancer is a group of cancer cells that starts in the cells of the breast. It can affect both males and females but is more common in females. It can spread to the brain to cause brain tumour and also to the lung to cause lung cancer. In Ghana, it is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women and research has shown that at least 70% of clients who are diagnosed of breast cancer have it in its advanced stage of which they usually die of.

 

Signs and symptoms  A breast lump will be felt or there is a thickening of the breast ssue a n d w h e n to u c h e d i t fe e l s different from the surrounding ssue.  There may be a discharge or bleeding from the nipple  There will be redness or pi ng of the skin over your breast, it will look like the skin of an orange  The pigmented area of the skin surrounding the nipple may peel, scale or flake off  There may be enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit  Presence of a mass that may feel as small as a pea  An area that is dis nctly different from any other area on the other breast

Does a lump in the breast means it's cancerous? Not all the me because a lump in a breast of a woman below the age of 35years mostly does not turn out to be cancerous, though it may but the incidence of such is of low percentage. How can breast cancer be prevented? 1. The first most important is self‐ breast examina on. This should be done at least 5‐7 days every month. Between 20‐29 years should have a clinical breast examina on every 3years and finally, yearly clinical breast exams a er 40years. 2. Having children early if possible 3. Reduce or avoid intake of fat and alcohol 4. Eat lots of food containing Vitamin C (fruits) and Vitamin A ( carrot, palm oil) 5. Avoid prolong use of hormonal therapy during menopause 6. Exercising regularly at least 5 days in a week 7. Exclusive breas eeding for at least 6 months 8. Regular breast cancer screening Priscilla Aba Aggrey Midwifery 3

The Syringe

What are the risks factors? There is no one specific cause for breast cancer but there are factors that can make you suscep ble to breast cancer. They are  Ge ng older. Older women who are over 50 years have the higher chance of ge ng the disease.  Familial tendency. Women who have their very close rela ve or a family member having breast cancer is more likely to develop it and not only breast cancer but if any close rela ve of hers has developed ovarian cancer the woman has higher chances of developing breast cancer too. The reason is that some of the cancer genes can be inherited.  Height. Women who are taller than the average height are more likely to develop cancer  A history of Breast cancer. A woman who had had breast cancer before has a higher chance of developing it again.  Dense breast ssue. Women who have denser breast ssue have greater chance of developing the disease.

Alcohol consump on. Women who drink alcohol regularly and also take it in higher quan es have higher risk of developing breast cancer. Consump on of red meat especially in early adulthood can increase one chances of developing breast cancer disease. Radia on exposure, having had a previous radia on therapy to the breast can put you at risk Not breas eeding. the longer a woman breas eeds her children, the more she lowers her risk of developing breast cancer Never having children or having them a er 30 years Menarche or beginning your menstrual period before the age of twelve


Puzzle + Riddles


RIDDLE RIDDLE #1 I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will, And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?

#2 I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?



#3 I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. What am I?

#4 Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray, I'm read from both ends, And the same either way. What am I?

#5 At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?

#6 I'm where yesterday follows today, and tomorrow's in the middle. What am I?

#7 From the beginning of eternity To the end of time and space To the beginning of every end And the end of every place. What am I?

#8 In a marble hall white as milk Lined with skin as soft as silk Within a fountain crystal-clear A golden apple doth appear. No doors there are to this stronghold, Yet thieves break in to steal its gold.

#9 It is said among my people that some things are improved by death. Tell me, what stinks while living but in death smells good?

#10 All about, but cannot be seen, Can be captured, cannot be held, No throat, but can be heard. What is it?


The Syringe





Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question, "Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?" "None," replied Johnny, "cause the rest would fly away." "Well, the answer is four," said the teacher, "but I like the way you're thinking."

Kofi: I was arrested at a political rally yesterday. Friend: why? Kofi: I saw a lady journalist with the inscription –PRESS on her badge at the right side of her breast, so I did press. Friend: Did what? Kofi: I pressed it.


Little Johnny says, "I have a question for you. If there were three women eating ice cream cones in a shop, one was licking her cone, the second was biting her cone and the third was sucking her

, n asks the father ner table. The so din e th at is ly , mi A fa there?' The father ds of boobs are h 'Dad, how many kin man goes throug s, 'Well, son, a wo surprised, answer three phases. s, round and sts are like melon ea br n's ma wo a e, In her 20s, e like pears still nic and 40s, they ar s 30 r he In m. fir ions.' 'Onions?' , they are like on 50 r te Af . bit a u cry.' hanging and they make yo s. You see them asks, er the son asks, 'Ye ht . The daug wife and daughter his ed iat e ur inf is e? Th llies are ther ' th rent kinds of wi fe dif ny ma w ho ugh 'Mom, , a man goes thro d says, 'Well, dear mother smiles an three phases also. ghty and hard. In e an oak tree, mi lik is lly wi his s, In his 20 liable. After ch, flexible but re bir a e lik s it' s, ee?' the his 30s and 40 .' 'A Christmas tr a Christmas tree e lik s it' s, 50 his and the balls are from the root up ad de s, 'Ye . ks as daughter n. just for decoratio

cone, which one is married?" "Well," said the teacher nervously, "I guess the one sucking the cone." "No," said Little Johnny, "the one with the wedding ring on her finger, but I like the way you're thinking."


Be not proud of your achievement You are nothing but a faceless cruel You whimsically and capriciously Whisked our two great fellows away Like Mr Mosquito being carried away by north-east trade winds. When the dust is about settling

Aggrey Priscilla Aba Midwifery 3




1. Wedding1.Anniversary Wedding Anniversary A fancy A fancy restaurant restaurant in New in New YorkYork waswas offering offering a promo a onal promo deal. A married onal deal. couple A married could couple eat at the could restaurant eat at the for half‐ price restaurant on their for anniversary. half‐ price onOne their Thursday anniversary. evening, Onea couple Thursday claimed evening, it was a couple their anniversary, claimed it was buttheir didn't bring any anniversary, proof. The butrestaurant didn't bring manager any proof. was The called restaurant to speak with manager the couple. was called When to speak the manager with theasked couple. to hear When about the the manager wedding asked day, tothe hear wife about replied, the wedding ''Oh, it was day,a the wonderful wife Sunday replied, a''Oh, ernoon, it wasbirds a wonderful were chirping, Sundayand a ernoon, flowers birds were in were fullchirping, bloom''. A anderflowers nearly were 10 minutes in full bloom''. of ran ng, A she er th comes to tell him that today 28to wedding nearly 10 minutes of ran ng,was she their comes tell him that anniversary. today was their 28th wedding anniversary. ''How lovely'', the manager said, 'However, you do not qualify for the discount. Today is not your anniversary, you are a liar'. How did the manager know that it wasn't their anniversary?

2. Who is the murderer? There There are five are people. five people. One One of them of them shot shot and killed and killed one of one the ofother the other four. Which four. Which man isman the murderer? is the murderer? Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. Mike considered being a farmer before he moved to the city. Jeff is the top‐notch computer consultant and wants to install Ben's new computer next week. The murderer had his leg amputated last month. Ben met Jack for the first me six months ago. Jack has been in seclusion since the crime. Dan used to drink heavily. Ben and Jeff built their last computers together. The murderer is Jack's brother. They grew up together in Sea le.

When I see the truth and diffe r from it When I see the light and turn from it When I feel it's right yet shun from it Tell me was it supposed to be done that way? When I feel bad yet dwell in it When I sense sin yet walk to it When I feel grief yet rejoice in it Tell me was it supposed to be approached that way? All the moves All the wrongs All the sins All the thoughts All the fears All my flaws How come I never get to righ t them all? THE SETTING SUN It went down like a falling gold garment Its grace reached no other Like waters on a crystal glass The clouds gathered behind the sun Like sea level from a far distanc e It lays calm Like striking thunder The clouds formed an image Going down with each blink of the eye Such glory is made by one unb elievable King His artistic features matches no other The Great Artist is an underst atement Mariam Odame Adunyame Nursing 1

Jokes + Poems + Brain Teasers

and our tears yet undried You again laid your icy hands on our young promising fellow Why? Do not claim to be an achiever A cowardice act you've perpetuated There you stood gazing with a pot-belly Hanging on a tiny two legs Like a typical marasmic war-thorn zone child Being deprived of food and shelter. Sheepishly grinning of your achievement Whiles we mourn our great fellows; You jubilate The families wailed of the demise of their beloved You rejoice and dance Azonto Huh! What a merciless creature Who knows not good. Do bring us juicy news For we are weary of sadden demise of a fellow. Be proud not The agony you've inflicted on the families, friends and love ones Is still glare on our faces: I mean it's unbearable and difficult to come to terms with Do spare us a break! Why always the fellows? You may direct your arsenals to the ebola-infected bats and chimpanzees You a shameful idiot who claims to be brave Oh!! Why ? Fellows take up your Holy Bibles Let's thwart the effort of this nothing But a faceless and merciless thief by prayer Because he has caused mental and emotional trauma to us all It is possible with God.




3. Who is Who? A man escaped from jail with the help of his girlfriend. Four girls are accused of being the man's girlfriend. His girlfriend is lying. Two girls are innocent and telling the truth. The other girl is the man's sister who is helping the girlfriend lie. Who is the man's sister? Amanda: “Melinda is his girlfriend.” Vanessa: “Eva is lying.” Eva: “Amanda is lying.” Melinda: “Vanessa is not his sister.”


f the dumb had voices They would voice out what the masses have bottled up in there If the blind had their sight They would probably point out what most intellectuals failed to discover If some had chance to live a minute longer They would have told their loved ones how much they care before breathing their last So now that you have a chance to do what others find impossible Do not ignore it, for it might never come your way again.

The Syringe





he University Nursing Students Association of Ghana (UNSAG) was established in 2010 with the core mandate of seeking for the welfare of Ghanaian students pursuing Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the various universities across the country. UNSAG as a National body is obliged to speak on issues and also find solutions to problems affecting university nursing students.

University of Cape Coast, University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Central University College, Valley View University College, University of Development Studies, Garden City University College, Presbyterian University College, Westend University, St. Karol School of Nursing and our proud new members Christian Service University College and Allied Health University.

The Association for the past five years has held six successful congresses to discuss issues of importance to the Health sector on also to elect executives. The last Congress was hosted by University of Development Studies (UDS) in November 2014. With the theme 'Raising the falling standards of Nursing, the role of the student nurse'.

The Association recently in a press release expressed its dissatisfaction about the delay in the postings of qualified nurses waiting to start their National Service. This press release received the attention desired as the postings were released just a day after the ultimatum issued by the Association.



UNSAG has a membership strength of Nursing Student Associations from twelve universities namely;

The major challenge facing greater majority of BSc. Nurses is life after school. This spans from they being denied the Health Internship

President Baah Nantwi Augustine

1st vice president Weke Anthony

General Secretary Jessica Valentina Randolph

Treasurer Agyei Kwarteng Isaiah

Allowance that is enjoyed by our colleagues from the Nursing training institutions to employment difficulties. UNSAG will seek to help resolve these pertinent issues. The NEC of the University Nursing Students' Association of Ghana wants to thank all who played strategic roles in the building of this united front for Degree Nursing Students. Special thanks also goes to our Patron Mr. George Kumi Kyeremeh, the Chief Nursing Officer for his guidance. Finally, UNSAG wants to express its gratitude to all member Associations for their support. We would also like to call on Co-operate bodies who have the health of this country at heart to also open their doors to us anytime we call on them for sponsorships for our programs. LONG LIVE UNSAG LONG LIVE THE NURSING PROFESSION LONG LIVE GHANA

2nd Vice President Barbara Angelica Asiedu

National Organiser Owusu Banahene Abigail


Educa on is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

” C ~Nelson Mandela

ome to think of it. How true are

these words of one of African's

greatest men? On what basis

could he have u ered these words? It will be unfair to the logic of man if these words are disproved as false. However, outright acceptance keeps most of us wondering. Is educa on really bringing the change we desire in our poli cal world? I guess that's

go off of familiarity, physique, wealth, ethnicity, etc and for once consider leadership quali es when vo ng? Will we consider our educa on as worthless and our integrity as nothing before a people that holds us in high esteem? If we cannot make the right decisions as graduates, how do we influence that of the illiterate on the street? If ₵10 worth of air me is enough to buy your vote as an undergraduate, do you consider a bo le of coke too small for that homeless teenager on the streets? Human slavery might have been horrible but this mental slavery is very devasta ng. Abolishing human slavery required weapons and bloodshed but emancipa on from mental slavery requires a change in the way of thinking. It requires a collec ve effort to make things right. “Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds”~ Bob Marley. If we have been able to break the chains off our feet because of human right then let's break the chains off our minds for educa on sake. We do not need agreement with our colonial masters to experience this freedom. It requires an effort from you and me to allow our educa on to influence our minds and way of life. It is me to demonstrate to the world that pride of Africa our selfless leaders believed in. Edmund Burke was right‐ “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. If everyone decides to mind their own businesses and never addresses issues of na onal interests as this, then we have failed as a people. I do not hate poli cs neither do I have any issues with poli cians but “POLITRICKS”, I find that a bi er pill to swallow. To get any leadership role that has to do with vo ng definitely involves poli cs and thus I can poli cs has become part of us. In our bid to lead our people, there's the part where we present our ideas and policies to be analyzed by the people. However, taking advantage of this to convey empty promises to the populace should no longer be tolerated. BY ADUSE POKU KWADWO NURSING 3

The Syringe

the ques on to be asked. In the 21st century when the world is considered a global village and civiliza on is expected to diffuse across the na ons of the earth, some people around the globe don't seem to be experiencing this breeze of civiliza on. I wonder if Africa is part of the 21st century world. Nelson Mandela was STILL an African when he u ered these words. He believed in the black genera on and our response to change. It hasn't ceased to be true that “if you want to hide something from the Blackman keep it in a book”. It is undeniably that Africa hasn't crossed its hurdles of educa on yet, that is no excuse to wallow in sheer ignorance. While some fail to read, the few that read are failing to prac ce what they read. In an era where poli cs has taken over the world, it is pathe c when you are unable to dis nguish the learned from the illiterate in the aspects of decision making. If the elite is now swayed by politricks, what then does the future hold for the illiterate? If the university student can't differen ate a leader's ideas from a “politrician's” promises, what hope does the na on have? I speak as a Ghanaian who is disappointed by the worthlessness of our educa on. A great man once said, “ There is no

educa on if it cannot improve the community. Educa on without convic on is useless”. Truly, by changing nothing, nothing really changes. If students will do anything for power in the universi es, if they will resort to propaganda just to obtain power at the university level, then I fear for the lives of people should such people have a desire to head the na on. It is yet another poli cal season. While the 'leader‐like' candidates are pu ng down plans to make life be er for others, the 'politricians' are deploying means to rig the elec ons to obtain power. Scratch beneath the surface of the words these 'politricians' use and an obsessive concern with their well‐being will show itself, a concern that is willingly commi ed to using others including God , for their self‐ centered purposes. It is therefore not surprising how they are able to buy the minds of some people to abandon their pursuit of a degree just to follow the dreams of these selfish 'politricians'. The church has not been any different as it upholds some of these 'politricians' because of their contribu ons to the church. Can't we overlook the meagre contribu ons and avoid pu ng square pegs in the round holes? Can't we for once consider the future of our dear ins tu on or na on and get the right people to lead? Enter the various university campuses and you would gape at the several reasons people consider during elec ons. On familiarity you would hear, “He is from my class, we a ended the same shs, we belong to the same denomina on, he is a family friend, his dad and mine were mates in the university, he is from my tribe, she's my friend's girlfriend, etc. Consider physique and you would hear “she's very pre y, the posi on really suits him, he's too short to be president, I like his hairstyle, etc”. What a pity! Do we expect any change in our na onal elec ons when we (the considered elites) have failed to reason? What happened to Morality, Selflessness, Competence, Poten als, Capability, Gentleness, Respect for Others, Innova on, Commitment, etc when choosing our leaders? Can't we let




Solution to RIDDLES #1 Tomorrow. #2 Breath. #3 Smoke. #4 An eye. #5 Stars or Dreams.

Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike. 3 1 If Amanda is telling the truth, then The calendar repeats itself every 28 years. Melinda is lying. If Melinda is lying, then So, if they were married on a Sunday 28 Vanessa is his sister. If Vanessa is his years ago, the day they were at the sister, then she's lying about Eva. If Eva restaurant would also have to be a Sunday. isn't lying, then Amanda is lying, which Since it was a Thursday, the manager knew would contradict the fact that Amanda is they were lying, and abruptly kicked them telling the truth. That means Amanda is out of his restaurant. lying and could be his girlfriend or sister. 2 Eva must be telling the truth since Jack is not the murderer because he's the brother of the murderer. Dan can't be the Amanda has to be lying. So Vanessa must also be lying, and Melinda is telling the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg truth. Since Melinda is telling the truth, amputated and wouldn't be running a Vanessa isn't his sister and must be his marathon of any magnitude that quickly. girlfriend. Amanda is the other liar, so Ben isn't the murderer if he just met Jack, since Jack and the murderer grew up she must be his sister. together. This leaves Jeff and Mike. Since Jeff is s ll alive (he wants to install a new computer next week, present tense) he must be the murderer. Mike also didn't grow up with Jack. It has been determined that Jack, Dan and Jeff are all alive. Ben must also be alive since Jeff plans to install


Answers to brain Teasers


#6 A dic onary. #7 The le er 'e'. #8 An egg. #9 A pig. #10 The wind.

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