Saint Ursula Academy Magazine - Fall 2014 Cincinnati

Page 1

FALL 2014

Innovations in Technology: New Ways SUA is Helping Students Thrive

In and Out of the Classroom – page 2

Also inside: - Thank you to our donors in The Annual Donor Honor Roll - See the Expansion of the Arleene Fox Keller ’58 Student Center - Upcoming Events - Follow your Classmates in the Class Notes section!

the president’s

message Dear St. Ursula Community, Summer has waned and it is hard to believe that we are back in the swing of the 2014-2015 school year. The leaves are starting to fall and the cool summer has turned into a warm autumn. We are blessed with 668 young women in this special place we call St. Ursula Academy. I am often asked what it is like being the president of St. Ursula Academy. The answer is quick and heartfelt. I have the greatest job on earth! I am blessed to watch the maturing of a nervous freshman almost running through the line on her first day of school high-fiving faculty and staff, to a graduating senior confidently marching down the aisle in her white

I have the pleasure of hosting Academy Alum lunches with our seniors. During our

gown carrying her red roses. At that point, I know that each graduate is a prophet

lunch, I ask them how life in and out of St. Ursula Academy has prepared them to

prepared to build a better world. I am so blessed to be part of their four year (and

be reflective thinkers, servant leaders, nurturers, and prophets. All of the answers

all-too-quick) transformation.

are insightful, thought-provoking, and at times light-hearted. Though Prophet

Each year, we have a theme for the school year as it relates to the teachings of St. Angela Merici and our Academy Alum Program; reflective thinker, leader serving the community, nurturer, and prophet. The 2014-2015 school year is the Year of The Prophet--one who witnesses her faith in the world; works to create a society where the rights of the disadvantaged, marginalized and defenseless are respected and promoted; is sometimes called to reject society’s values; and applies her Catholic/Christian values to her everyday life. These are not easy tasks, but ones that our students strive to achieve. This year, in so many ways, we will remind our students about their call to act as Prophets in the world. My days are rich because I have the opportunity in some small way to share the journey with our girls as they become thinkers, leaders, nurturers and especially Prophets; not only in their words, but in their actions. Our St. Ursula student is quick to help a fellow athlete on the field when she stumbles; she celebrates the success of a teammate when she comes up with the correct answer during

seems to be the most challenging of the four Academy Alum characteristics, when I ask students about their development as a Prophet, I am amazed at the sincerity and attention they have given to this part of the Academy Alum Program. They often answer that their time at St. Ursula has afforded them so many meaningful opportunities to become independent, confident, and planted firmly in their faith. How are they Prophets? One student reflected that she welcomes her college experience and its coming challenges because her four years of learning and living her faith at St. Ursula Academy have made her eager to get started on the next four years. Another graduate told me about her volunteer experiences with the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. In August, a graduate who attends college in the same city as my son, contacted him to ask where he attends Mass on Sundays. So, in this Year of The Prophet, I thank you sincerely for supporting St. Ursula Academy, a school filled with unique faith, joy and love! In St. Angela Merici,

an Academic Team competition. A St. Ursula student tutors young children at schools where additional help is rare. She sings at school Masses ensuring God’s appreciative smile. She lives the life of a Prophet speaking to the whole student

Lelia Keefe Kramer, ’77

body about her mission trip experiences. She opens doors, she says hello, she


helps a slightly lost freshman, and she celebrates everyone as a child of God.

Students are welcomed by faculty and staff in a line on the first day of school


Graduation 2014

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

Editorial Board Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77, President Liz Johnson, VP of Advancement Meridith Spille, Director of Advancement Tori Vogelgesang ’06, Director of Alumnae Relations Editor Jill Grever Cahill ’84 VP of Marketing Contributors Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77, President Craig Maliborski, Principal Jill Grever Cahill ’84, VP of Marketing Steve Dreyer, Outgoing Board of Trustees Chair Liz Johnson, VP of Advancement Barb Bryans ’77, Advancement Services Managerr Tori Vogelgesang ’06, Director of Alumnae Relations Misha W. Bell, Marketing Assistant Photos contributed by Misha W. Bell Jill Grever Cahill ’84 Julie Perry Rick Sofranko Board of Trustees Cheryl M. Beach, Ph.D John B. Berding, B.B.A., M.B.A. Michael L. Besl, B.S.B.A. Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert ’63, O.S.U., B.A., M.Ed. *Jill Grever Cahill ’84, B.A. Manuel Chavez *Jodi Clever, B.S., CPA Anne Dagenbach ’93, B.S., M.A. Paul Dorger, B.B.A., J.D. Steven J. Dreyer, B.S.E.E., Exoffico J. Scott Golan, B.S., M.A. *Elizabeth Johnson, B.A., M.S. R. Peter Kimener, B.S. Paul G. Kitzmiller Jane Knudson, B.A., M.A. Ed.D Leila Keefe Kramer ’77, B.A. Susan Loechle, B.A. *Craig A. Maliborski, B.A., M.A.T. Brian D. MacConnell, B.A. Megan Mullane Molony ’84, B.S. Michelle A. Mullee ’78, B.A., J.D. Elizabeth Niehaus, B.S. Richard A. Paolo, B.A., J.D. Anthony M. Perazzo, B.B.A., M.Acc. Connie Perme, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. Suzanne Thompson Pfeiffer ’82, B.S. Courtney Dorger Ragland ’05, B.A. Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ’82, B.A. Karen Russell Schenck ’77, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. Timothy J. Schroeder, B.A. Paul Silva, M.B.A. Elizabeth Stautberg ’83, B.A., J.D., Chair Mark J. Stepaniak, B.A., AA Economics, J.D. Fr. William L. Verbryke, S.J., B.A., M.Div., Th.M. Mark Weber, B.S. Maurice Williams, B.A.

Graduates Live as Women of Faith, Integrity and Courage In conjunction with the publication of The Academy Alum in spring 2004, the SUA magazine has featured students, alumnae and topics that focus on the four roles that a graduate is ready to play in the world at graduation: thinker, leader, nurturer and prophet. In this issue, the article on page 2 features the innovative and creative ways Saint Ursula Academy is harnessing the power of technology to enhance student learning. As you will read, it goes far beyond the Tablet PC program. This magazine also includes a look inside the new student center expansion, features some alumnae profiles, and thanks all of our supporters in our annual Honor Roll of Donors. Thank you!

CONTENTS Cover Story: Innovations in Technology: New Ways SUA is Helping Students Thrive In and Out of the Classroom 2-5 President’s Message


Advancement News


SUA Ball


A letter from the Board Chair


Honor Roll of Donors Annual Report


Principal’s Message


School and Campus News Alumnae News The Academy Alum program is a model for alumnae as they measure their success after graduation and well into their future.

Class Notes

26-28 29 30-31

In Memoriam


Alumnae Profile


Upcoming Alumnae Events Back Cover

Direct all correspondence to: SUA Magazine, St. Ursula Academy 1339 East McMillan Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 (513) 961-3410, ext. 138

*denotes non-voting member

Cover photo: SUA News is published two times a year by the Offices of Development, Alumnae Relations and Marketing. Page layout and publication design by Siegel Design Printing by Berning Printing.

Saint Ursula Academy students Claire Berding and Nia Crosby can work on their Tablet PC’s from anywhere on campus during school.

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae


Innovations in Technology: New Ways SUA is Helping Students Thrive In and Out of the Classroom


echnology is developing at a tremendous pace. Saint Ursula Academy is committed to innovating and harnessing its power to enhance the student

Technology Assistant Buck McCoart helps students with their tablets at the Student Help Desk

learning experience. SUA remains a leader in Greater Cincinnati and is well known nationally and internationally for its Tablet PC program, established more than a decade ago. Every student uses a Tablet PC. With her tablet comes training on how to use it effectively and responsibly. Students read textbooks, conduct research, turn in papers, work on projects and network with their teachers and groups on their tablets. There is also a Student Help Desk that is staffed all day every school day to help with glitches or questions. The Tablet PC program is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to

Getting Creative in the Classroom with Technology Saint Ursula Academy embraces 21st century learning, which requires teachers to engage students through creative teaching and apply the material to real world applications and examples. At SUA, the faculty uses technology to stimulate creativity and drive original content generation, not just for passive content consumption like reading books and looking up information. Here are some examples of how technology is being used in the classroom right now:

incorporating technology in the classroom. Most importantly at SUA, students learn to use technology as an effective tool to help them reach their goals, in and out of the classroom. Technology is used the engage the students in critical thinking exercises that are helping mold the leaders of tomorrow.


SUA science teacher Mark Simcoe uses a flipped classroom model in some of his classes. In a flipped classroom, students watch pre-recorded lectures as homework at a time that is best for them. They can listen as many times as they like and replay any parts they may want to hear again. Then, they do their active learning in the classroom. The students come to class prepared to experiment

“I believe having access to technology through my Tablet PC has given me an

and work with the information and concepts with the teacher and classmates

advantage because in the real world you don’t work as much with pencils and

who can discuss the material. Students also spend the class time engaged in

paper as you do with real world computer applications and I can do that,” said

films, labs, discussions and other activities that enhance active learning around

senior Claire Crispen.

the subject.

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

access at any time on their Tablet PC, it allows them to find help with tough concepts even after hours.” Tech Club for Students: Saint Ursula’s Instructional Technology and Audio Visual Mark Simcoe spends time in class engaging in the material students watched in a pre-recorded lecture before class

“Because they all have Tablets, they can access the pre-recorded lectures from anywhere, at the time that is best for them,” said Simcoe. “Then I can design the class activities to directly support the material, which in the end helps them to better digest and understand the material.”

Coordinator Margie Matthews

SUAT Team leader and members: Margie Matthews, Nicole Kitko ’15, Julie Maltbie ’17, and Lily Mannix ’17

manages and moderates a club for students called SUAT, which stands for SUA Technology. In the SUAT club, she exposes students to various forms of technology and helps them take advantage of learning opportunities and competitions that can help develop their technology interests. In spring of 2014, the group won honors with its website design for a local non-profit. Matthews is also a board member for INTERalliance of Greater Cincinnati,

Instead of the traditional format where the lectures happen at the beginning

an organization that nurtures young IT talent. She takes a group of students each

of class and take up valuable discussion time, flipped learning gives teachers

year to the Interalliance TechOlympics, Cincinnati’s premiere high school technology

and students more face-to-face interaction. The shift to content delivery

competition. She also presents them with opportunities to gain technology exposure

outside of the classroom in the form of teacher-created videos makes room

and experience though the Women in Information Technology organization.

for “homework” in class, giving students and teachers a chance to discuss problems and explore concepts. Snow Days Online: Saint Ursula students didn’t need to make up any snow days after last year’s frigid and treacherous winter. That is because SUA students could access assignments and connect with their classmates from home on their Tablet PC’s. Principal Craig Maliborski filed his plan with the state and was given permission for the students to complete their work during at-home learning days. Teachers posted assignments online on the snow days and students completed the work at home, avoiding the need to extend the school year when snow days surpassed the five allowed by the state. Screen Casting: Math teacher Jim Fleming uses a technique called screen casting to provide an extra resource for his students. Through screen casting, he records key points from his lessons or tutorials that can help his students with their math work. Through a program called CamStudio, he records video and audio as he demonstrates the proper way to solve a math problem. He especially includes examples of difficult problems that may be challenging for his students. Students can replay the videos at home to review content that

Social Studies teacher David Tonnis engages students through google docs with permissions

Google Docs for Collaborative Learning: SUA Social Studies Teacher David Tonnis is finding creative ways to use Google Docs with custom permissions in all of his classes. He says it’s helpful to keep all of the student’s materials organized in one place. For each unit he covers, he posts everything students need in one place: objectives and need to know terms, note pages, activities, and homework assignments as well as supplemental resources students can use to review including

may be challenging.

links to YouTube videos, timelines, maps, and review games. It’s really an extension of the classroom itself, so students can spend their time in

“The screen castings that I

class learning how to understand, assess, analyze, and synthesize new

create cover popular mistakes

information rather than just gather it.

that I know students have a

“I think it is really useful for students to have access to all the materials

tendency to make or difficult

they need to fully understand the subject,” said Tonnis. “I, of course,

concepts that I know will

review all of the materials to weed out any not-so-reliable sources.”

generate extra questions,” said Fleming. “By creating a short

Students also complete discussion boards on the Google Sites with

video that the students can

permissions. Students in different classes can post reflections on questions posed in class to share with their classmates who can respond Math teacher Jim Fleming uses screen casting to assist his students

to their ideas or post one of their own. They can also work on group

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae


projects and presentations and link them to the class site to share with others in

accounts and budgets to learn how to manage money. Specifically, they learn

the class. Groups of students can work on presentations at the same time-- making

about interest, payment plans, paying bills, managing a budget and savings.

edits, adding comments, and pulling together resources.

• Info-tech and public speaking teacher, Lisa Kuhn, teaches her students

“This allows students to collaborate in a way never before possible,” said Tonnis.

creative ways to provide tech support for their presentations. This encourages

“They are working together on the same presentations online, and then sharing the

them to think about the whole presentation, not just the words. She shows the

information and insights quickly and easily with their classmates.”

students how to effectively use PowerPoint, Prezi, and MovieMaker or some

There are so many examples of how the Saint Ursula faculty and staff are getting creative and harnessing the power of technology. Here are just a few: • Students interested in visual storytelling benefit from video production classes taught by teacher Chuck Strubbe. Strubbe uses his media background and his education experience to make the video production experience enriching for all of his students. • In the Marketing and Alumnae Offices, Jill Cahill ’84, Misha Bell, and Tori Vogelgesang ’06 use personalized URL websites with exclusive messages for prospective students and for alumnae. This allows them to communicate to these groups with specific messages and information that is personalized and customized to their needs. They also use digital tools to notify groups about

combination of the three. She also shares details about how to use Audacity, an audio program. These are just a few of the many ways the faculty and staff are using technology to engage their students in 21st century learning. For the students at SUA, the sky is the limit with their technological creativity! Two students developed the idea to start a blog for prospective and new students that answers questions about St. Ursula that may not be covered in the materials or orientation. Grace Nusekabel ’16 and Halle Homan ’16 tackled questions like What do I do if my screen on my Tablet PC breaks? and Is it tough to get used to using online textbooks? The blog is accessible to students on the main school website under the admissions tab.

upcoming events such as Open House or annual Reunions. • Mr. Doug Porter, a teacher in St. Ursula Academy’s science department, is also a NASA-trained educator who teaches summer workshops in aerospace and robotics. Thanks to Mr. Porter’s working relationship with NASA, St. Ursula students were asked to work with and test NASA educational software, called LunarSim educational software, which allowed students to design a simulated Lunar Base on the moon. He also offers a popular robotics science/ engineering elective to students. • Teacher Emily Rosen helps teach the students about acceleration and deceleration using radar guns. The students record the speed of cars as they approach and depart at the traffic light in front of the school. • For the past several years, Social Studies Teacher Marti Butz and her students have used technology to learn real-world money management skills. SUA has been part of a pilot program called the Budget Challenge Simulation. It is a financial literacy program where students manage their own virtual bank

Students have the convenience to use their Tablet PC anywhere, anytime

In Saint Ursula’s Natalie Bradley ’09 Digital Music Center, students are composing and creating original music in the Music Theory and Composition Class taught by Kathy Backherms ’73. The students are using the most high tech equipment to digitally create their compositions on i-Macs. The students really taking off with this technology include: Elise Hurwitz ’15, Nora Hemmer ’15, Katie Frey ’15, and Emma Maliborski ’16. 19 SUA students participated in the Interalliance TechOlympics in the spring: Lily Mannix ’17, Julia Maltbie ’17, Clare Puttmann ’17, Josie Hamburg ’17, Noel Hattar ’14, Kenzie Warman ’15, Mary Claire Sunderhaus ’14, Michelle Hirnikel ’14, Maggie Schroeder ’15, Nicole Kitko ’15, Tiana Key ’14, Katie Valker ’15, Emma Tepe ’15 and Emily Throckmorton ’14. Special recognition goes to the following students who serve on the Interalliance Leadership Council: Cat Redden ’14, Claire Crispen ’15, Elena Helmers-Wegman ’15, Natalie Danenhauer ’15 and Teresa Callahan ’15. Saint Ursula placed fifth in the overall competition of teams from 54

Student Natalie Welage uses the speed gun to track acceleration and deceleration

high schools, with over 530 students participating! Their entry was a website they created for Open Door Ministry, located near SUA. (See the site at


Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

Saint Ursula senior Claire Crispen ’15 worked on the website for Open Door Marley Molkentin ’16 accepts the national 4-H video award, presented by 4-H Junior Board member and SUA alumna Andrea Vessel ’11

Ministry and describes the experience. “My classmate Emily Throckmorton ’14 started the project by collecting important information from the ministry and what they needed in a website. From

Video Challenge. Marley’s video topic shed a light on the need for community food

there, a few of us started to build pages that would be easy for the director to

gardens in neighborhoods where residents lack access to fresh and healthy food and

maintain and update. While it was not the most technically advanced project at

produce. The focus of her video was Gabriel’s Place in Avondale.

the Interalliance competition, we were complimented on the real world application and usefulness of the site. It really gives a window into the ministry’s work and helps them in their efforts to communicate to the community as well as to donors, volunteers and supporters.”

All of this technology is made is possible at Saint Ursula Academy, thanks to the strong support from the SUA Technology Department, Tim Wilking- CIO, Buck McCoart, Haley Warden, and Margie Matthews, who manage all of the student and staff technology needs, including help desks, tech programs and audio-visual

St. Ursula Academy sophomore Marley Molkentin ’16 recently won the grand

requests. For more information about Saint Ursula Academy and to see other forms

prize in the National 4-H Council and Moline Healthcare Teens Take on Health

of technology in action, visit the SUA website at

Saint Ursula Students to Learn From SUA Technology Partnership with the University of Cincinnati Academy, and Lawrence J. Johnson, dean of the UC’s College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, committed to collaborate on the ways in which students will apply their knowledge and coursework to real-world projects. How it works: Undergraduate UC students currently enrolled in the School of Information Technology will work with their professors to teach “Academy Classes” to St. Ursula students on topics like programming, security, website and application development, networking and more! Through this partnership, students will have the opportunity to apply knowledge gained Ally Nayak, Delaney Dolle, Madison MacEachen, and Imani Crosby learn about and use technology with their Tablet PC’s


aint Ursula Academy is committed to helping students

in these classes to real issues. Students will also have the Craig Maliborski, principal of St. Ursula Academy, and Lawrence J. Johnson, dean of UC’s College of Education

chance to learn from professionals in large area businesses and corporations who partner with UC on IT development.

develop a strong STEM foundation. STEM stands for Science,

Technology, Engineering and Math. It’s our commitment to help expose young women to careers and education in these fields and make sure they have a strong basis, should they choose to pursue a future in any of these fields. In addition to outstanding curriculum offerings like forensics, engineering, robotics, and biotechnology, Saint Ursula proudly announced a new partnership that will

“This is an excellent example of higher education and secondary education working together to find ways to encourage students to look into the field of information technology,” said Craig Maliborski of St. Ursula Academy. “This partnership will help advance the St. Ursula Academy academic strategic plan by developing unique and exciting ways to deliver technology as part of our curriculum.”

take the “T” in STEM to a whole new level at SUA. Saint Ursula Academy is the first area high school to partner with the University of Cincinnati in a technology learning partnership.

SUA and UC and partnering corporations celebrated the launch of the new partnership at a signing ceremony

In a ceremonial signing at St. Ursula Academy in Cincinnati, Craig Maliborski, principal of St. Ursula


Giving Tuesday


aint Ursula Academy is gearing up for its second annual #GivingTuesday event. Scheduled for Tuesday, December 2, 2014, #GivingTuesday is a designated day

of giving back that follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday just after Thanksgiving. We hope that you, as a supporter of Saint Ursula, will #ChooseSUA on that day! “Saint Ursula Academy is dedicated to educating women of faith, integrity and courage committed to building a better world, so our fit with this worldwide effort is natural,” said Lelia Kramer, President of Saint Ursula Academy. “In line with our mission, it’s important for our students to learn the importance of giving back and supporting the organizations that are important to them and the communities they live in and serve.” Saint Ursula’s goal for #GivingTuesday is to raise $35,000 in a single day to help support our students through The Saint Ursula Fund, our annual giving campaign. Last year, we raised more than $30,000. If you would like to learn more about Saint Ursula

SUA students #ChooseSUA! You can, too!

Academy’s #GivingTuesday #ChooseSUA initiative, please visit



Soul of the City Soiree O ne of the most festive events in Cincinnati this year was the Soul of the City Soiree! The evening of fun at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse was held to

benefit the Saint Ursula Leadership Alliance (SULA). Guests were treated to an

evening of fun and dancing that included delicious food, cocktails and the amazing sounds of the Jimmy Church Band, a Nashville based band that is a favorite of Britain’s Prince William and Harry! Held on June 13th, alums and friends of SUA joined together

Kristen Ochs ’13, Claire Berding ’15, Katie Berding ’13, Carlile Willett ’13, Gracie Willett ’16, Ellen Willett, Susan Berding, Mary Lee Waddell

for a great night! If you weren’t there, you won’t want to miss the fun next year! Save the date for Soul of the City 2015, June 12, 2015.

The Stautberg Family

The Chavez Family Christy Bolan Pucci ’82, Nora Lindsey Quinn ’83, Christy Dorger ’84, Kim O’Roarke Schenck ’85, Linder Hunt, Jacki Dillon Lyon ’82 6

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

Save the Date


February 7, 2015 S

ave the date now for St. Ursula Academy’s annual auction event, the SUA Ball (Formerly called Victorian Christmas and Masquerade Ball). It’s

February 7, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Ursula Academy. The theme this year is “An Evening Under the Stars.” Parents, past parents, alums, faculty/staff and friends of Saint Ursula help make the event a huge success year after year. It’s an event you won’t want to miss! The SUA Ball event will feature hundreds of fabulous items in a silent and live auction with dinner, music, and lots of fun. The co-chairs for this year’s SUA Ball are Dan and Shari Torbeck, parents of Maddie ’16 and Beth and Dave Zilch, parents of Betsy ’12 and Molly ’16. They are working with SUA Ball Coordinator, Barbara Hammond, who leads the team to plan the event. They are already hard at work making plans to make this year’s event fabulous and one-of-a-kind! Putting together an event

Chairs for the SUA Ball 2015: Dan and Shari Torbeck and Beth and Dave Zilch

of this size takes a lot of work and planning. Again this year, the program will be designed by a Saint Ursula student, Kate Perazzo ’17. This annual event raises money to help provide scholarships and financial assistance to many students who qualify. We still need volunteers for several committees. It’s a great way to meet other parents and have a lot of fun! If you would like to participate in this fun event that helps so many girls, or would like more information, please contact Barbara Hammond at bhammond@ or call 961-3410 ext. 147. If you would like to help with this event, please visit There are other events that support the SUA Ball during the course of the year including a Grand Raffle, Gift Gathering parties, Tuition Raffle, Saint Nick Surprise for the students. Visit for more information about the upcoming event!

Tuition Raffle winner Susan Oaks and President Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77

SUA parent, Susan Oaks, mother of Emma ’17, was the winner of the 2014 Saint Ursula Academy Tuition Raffle. The Tuition Raffle was held in the spring and offered a half year of tuition or a cash prize with a value of $5,800. The winning ticket was selected in May, 2014. Proceeds from the annual tuition raffle were added to the profits from the SUA Ball event to help in providing scholarships and financial assistance to students who qualify.

SUA Ball 2014 was a lot of fun! 7

a letter

from the board chair H

as someone recently motivated you to do something or stretch for some accomplishment that you’ve never quite been able to get done on your own? Or made you consider an idea that you otherwise would not have thought of on your own? Or maybe you’ve been able to provide that for someone you know… one of your children or a friend or a spouse. Inspiration…both giving it to others or receiving it from someone else is a magical thing. It can make people do things or make things happen outside the normal course of their everyday life. During my tenure on the Board I’ve experienced that magic. Listening to a student or faculty member describe an accomplishment which generates a spark…that I can re-apply in my life. Or, working on a plan for how we should change the SUA campus to meet future needs…in a new way. Or, interacting with a group on how we can continue to provide academic opportunity and excellence to our students…with some new focus. The community of people that teach, administer, plan and support St. Ursula is quite amazing and I’ve been very fortunate to be able to know and learn from some of you this past year. It really does take a community to help develop and launch our young daughters, nieces and friends onto their life paths. To welcome them into a new environment as freshman, nurture them in their early years and inspire them as they grow to enable them to find their ways and make a difference. Along the way they develop their personalities and become academically skilled with lots of hard work. But it’s the inspiration of others that really motivates us to excel and stretch out to reach our full potential or achieve that special outcome or make a difference in someone’s life. Both students and adults respond to kind words, said in ways that support, give confidence and paint a picture of what could be…to inspire them. All of us have the capability to inspire others in this community to make a difference in the lives of others, including our daughters and other students. It’s been that inspiration over the years that has developed St. Ursula Academy into the wonderful institution that it is and will continue into the future. Two years ago, our Strategic Plan was born from the questions, ideas and inspiration of a couple hundred of you who participated in the process. It has grown into ten specific challenge areas that are now being studied by individual work groups. Those groups have made progress at planning and beginning the execution of specific elements of that plan this year. It is the intent of that plan to make a difference in the education and environment that our girls will experience at St. Ursula Academy, both today and in the future. Those ten challenges, including Maintaining Academic Excellence; providing excellent facilities that meet our needs; growing the endowment; maintaining and growing our great employees; will provide the focus we need over the next several years to continue SUA’s positive impact on our young women. The completion of the Keller Student Center expansion this summer and the alliance with UC’s School of Information Technology are just two examples of projects that are rooted in ideas and inspiration of that strategic planning process.


The interplay of ideas, challenge and vision work in this community to keep us on a path toward excellence into the future. For all of you who have, or are participating in this strategic plan, thank you for making a difference. This year also saw some great new ideas and approaches to fundraising through The Saint Ursula Fund, Saint Ursula Leadership Alliance (SULA), #GivingTuesday and the Soul of the City Soiree this summer at the downtown Montgomery Inn. All of these enabled the St. Ursula community to get involved in different ways to help provide financial aid and support the school’s programs. Thank you. It really is making a difference. Many in our community are recognized in this issue for making a difference with their gifts. Without you, we could not continue as the outstanding school that we are. Your gifts support the programs that enable our students to have the breadth of experiences that enrich, stretch and inspire them to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for all your support. It is appreciated and carefully cultivated to produce inspiring results. It’s been my honor and privilege to serve as Board chair for the past two years. I can truly say there are some wonderful, capable people guiding this institution, both as employees and as fellow Board members or volunteers. The people are what make St. Ursula a special place. They are intelligent, professional, fun, capable and inspiring. I have learned many things from my experience here and have enjoyed it tremendously. I will miss it. I’d like to welcome and wish Beth Stautberg ’83 the best, as the new Board chair beginning this summer. I end my tenure knowing that the future is in capable hands. I want to thank Mary Ellen Cody and Scott Golan, the two outgoing trustees this year, for their many years of service and contributions to the school. I also welcome our new trustees to the Board this year – Megan Molony ’84, Brian MacConnell, Courtney Ragland ’05 and Suzanne Pfeiffer ’82. We look forward to their contributions to the future of St. Ursula. Finally, one last thank you to everyone who has contributed their time, talent and treasure to St. Ursula. I’m very confident we will continue to lead into the future and inspire one another to make a difference. Go look for an opportunity! Sincerely,

Steve Dreyer 2013-2014 Board Chairman

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Honor Roll of Donors


St. Ursula Academy has published the 2013-2014 Honor Roll of Donors to acknowledge and thank the thousands of people who have supported the mission of the Academy this school year. Donors listed in this Honor Roll made gifts between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We are truly grateful for this incredible support. Without the generosity of our benefactors, the Academy would not be what it is today.

Every dollar donated makes a difference and is carefully allocated to help our nurturing Catholic educational community founded in the Ursuline tradition. We encourage academic excellence and empower each student to become a woman of faith, integrity and courage committed to building a better world.


FINANCIAL REPORT Each year we are truly blessed by the amazing generosity of our caring benefactors. Alumnae, parents, and friends continued their support of St. Ursula Academy last year. We are grateful to all our donors and volunteers for their dedication to excellent education and programs for our young women. THANK YOU! St. Ursula Academy Statement of Activities* Advancement - Annual Report As of June 30, 2014 Operating Revenue Tuition & Fees $7,495,000 Investment & Endowment Income $118,000 State Reimbursement $208,000 Other Income $37,700 Development Income Applied to Operations $876,500 $8,735,200 Operating Expenses Educational Programs - 53.5% Administrative - 23.7% Plant Operations - 22.8%

$(4,422,000) $(1,962,000) $(1,882,000) $(8,266,000)

Development Income Applied to Operations Annual Fund $439,000 Boosters $67,000 Expendable Scholarships: SUA Ball ** $189,000 Student Walk $30,000 Parents Club/Dawg House $15,000 FISC $12,500 Ursulines of Cincinnati $47,500 SULA $70,000 Other $4,000 Husman $2,500 $876,500


Operating Unrestricted $423,840.02 Operating - restricted to Academic Departments $13,968.65 $437,808.67 Expendable Scholarships TOTAL $384,757.77 Capital & Endowment Gifts Endowment - Restricted to Named Funds $206,259.41 Other Generations Campaign Pledge Payments $10,000.00 Student Center Project Pledge Payments $64,339.36 Athletic Field Pledge Payments $29,242.85 TOTAL $309,841.62 Memorials & Honorary Gifts Endowment Unrestricted $2,265.00 SUA SNOW Ball 2014 Tuition Assistance Fund-A-Need $50,314.70 Unrestricted $189,185.30 Total $239,500.00 Athletic Boosters Fund Includes Golf Outing and other fund raising income $75,930.79 Total $75,930.79 Total Gift Income 13-14


These financials represent cash only. Pledges are not included. * This represents the total charitable gifts received in the 2013-2014 fiscal year. The statement of activities provided on this page shows how much of the charitable gifts was applied directly to school operations.

** This figure does not include the Fund-a-Need portion of the event that brought in an additional $50,314.70 for Financial Aid Scholarships. Income $8,735,200

Expenses $8,266,000







$ 437,808.67



$ 393,412.49


We are pleased to acknowledge our 462 new donors who made a gift to the 2013-2014 Saint Ursula Fund. 10

St. Angela Merici Society The St. Angela Merici Companions recognizes Leadership giving ($1,000 or more) to St. Ursula Academy from alumnae, parents, grandparents and friends of SUA. There were 270 donors who contributed a total of $1,194,584.27 to all fundraising efforts during the 2013-2014 school year. The students and staff of St. Ursula Academy extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to all members of the St. Angela Merici Companions.

FOUNDERS SOCIETY ($10,000 AND ABOVE) Gregory and Phyllis Adams John and Susan Berding Carol Beyersdorfer ’70 Peter Casinelli Manuel and Cynthia Chavez Bob and Jeanne Coughlin Fifth Third Bank Charitable Trusts and Foundations General Electric Glenn and Mary Kay Pastura Hauser ’68 Deborah Huffman ’80 Stephen and Julie Ionna George and Amy Joseph Paul and Lori Jurgensen William and Nancy Nenninger Keating ’45 Arleene Fox Keller ’58 Pete and Claudia Kimener McCormick Equipment Co. Jim and Liz Niehaus Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61 Peter and Krista Perry Settle ’82 St. Ursula Academy Parents’ Club St. Ursula Academy Student Walk Carol Thaman The Dennis M. and Lois A. Doyle Family Foundation The Greater Cincinnati Foundation The Homan Foundation The Ursulines of Cincinnati John and Lisa Grote Zerbe

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY ($5,000 - $9,999) Joe and Trish Baker Stefanie Chavez ’88 Tom and Mary Ellen Cody Joe and Peg Conway Mel and Susan Crispen Anne Dagenbach ’93 Rita Spaccarelli Driehaus ’47 Tom and Mary Liz Finn Robert Gilker Mary Dean Grote Steve and Jennifer Brannen Hemberger ’74 Kevin and Francy Hughes Paul and Laura Kitzmiller

John and Cheryl Korn Lori McElroy Tony and Dianna Hull Perazzo ’85 ProSource Mary Frances Meyer Rogers ’51 Patrick and Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ’82 Joe and Barb Dillhoff Rohs ’82 Benjamin and Amy Russert Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway Foundation, Inc. Ed and Cathy Dillhoff Sarky ’81 Greg and Valerie Schube Elizabeth Stautberg ’83 The Roehr Agency Daniel and Shari Torbeck Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation Rob and Tenesia Wildermuth

BENEFACTOR SOCIETY ($2,500 – $4,999) Frank and Mary Albers Hisham and Kathleen Arar John and Jinny Berten Frederick and Trish Meretta Bryan ’60 Bruce and Pat McCormick Buckley ’68 Michael and Meg Callahan Janel Carroll Geraldine Chavez Jim and Kim Ciesick Mike and Nancy Conaton Vern Dickerson and Maureen Darmanin Steve and Sharon Dreyer Greg and Marianne Ehemann Rob and Joanie Englehardt Paul and Ann Friedmann Daniel and Debbie Heffernan Paul and Mary Hemmer HGC Construction Co. Duane Hickerson Richard and Mag Joseph Greg and Wendy Joseph Mac and Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77 Mary Kuechly Craig and Sondra Kurz LaRosa’s, Inc. Ken and Jenny Luken Tom and Lorie Ballaban MacDonald ’81 Raul and Angela Feldman Ochoa ’97 Kevin and Debra Osterfeld David and Jill Korte Parris ’72 Ambrose and Mary Puttmann Robert and Jennifer Rankin Eugene and Vicki Reilly Joanne Homan Schweer ’41 Jim and Mary Carol Sowar Tom and Christin Spurr Mark and Anne Stepaniak Barry and Christina Stroube Pete and Ellen Sullivan Bill and Amy Thaman James Thaman Toyota Motor Sales USA US Bank James and Aileen VanFlandern Greg and Mary Lee Waddell

Todd and Mary Rita Washburn Bob and Marilyn Wildermuth Maurice and Atra Williams Dale and Sally Zdolshek John and Peggy Engelhart Zink ’81

ST. URSULA SOCIETY ($1,000 - $2,499) Ameriprise Financial Thomas and Shari Andrews Steve and Cindy Bambauer Bank of America Matching Charitable Foundation Mary Ann Bender ’63 Cara Bernard Michael and Stephanie Ciok Besl ’84 David and Elaine Busch Billmire ’68 Dennis Bley Blue Chip Facility Services Steve and Rita Bradley Daniel and Jacqueline Brenning Judith Masset Brown ’81 Andrew and Barb Puttmann Bryans ’77 Camargo Cadillac Company Jeremy Campbell and Melanie Chavez Chris and Beth Canarie Michael Chasnoff Chavez Properties-Cincinnati Park & Fly Katelynn Chavez ’09 Manuel and Mackenzie Chavez, III Cincinnati Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center Andrew and Colleen Dwyer Clarke ’90 Robert and Brynn Colletti Sheila Conway ’84 John and Patricia O’Brien Couzins ’56 Matt and Joanne Curoe Richard and Susan Dansereau Jeff and Jennifer Davis DeBra-Kuempel Peter and Melanie DelGado Susan Dillhoff Denison ’84 Devicor Medical Products Inc. Elizabeth Creighton Diaz ’95 John and Tracey DiFalco Clint and Karen Dorger Paul and Christy Overberg Dorger ’84 Regene Mahoney Dubell ’46 Gerald and Eileen Davis Durkin ’72 Lyle Everingham Mark and Betsy Everingham Rick and Nancy Fehr Fidelity Foundation Fifth Third Bank Drew and Elaine Foster Brian and Karen Frank Hal and Janet Frank John and Miriam Jacob Gallagher ’71 Timothy Garry Phil and Beth Surkamp Gasiewicz ’70 John and Sheela Rath Geraghty ’87 Gary and Mary McGoff Gerken ’77 Clint and Susan Gibler Jon and Mary Monahan Gimpel ’61 Chip and Bridget Glaescher

Scott and Julie Golan Robert and Leslie Goss Todd and Lana Gray Tom and Patricia Grote Barbara Landman Gruber ’50 Mark and Casey Thomas Guilfoyle ’77 Michael and Lisa Habel Brian Gerth and Mimi Hart ’74 Robert Hartkemeier Dennis and Lois Hartoin Michael and Mary Jo Gruber Haverkamp ’72 Tom and Mary Jo Heintz Michael and Mary Anne Elias Hengehold ’74 Allen and Joan Wenker Heyson ’48 Richard and Kathleen Hidy Ruth Homan Hoag Christine Homan Stephen and Laura Huster Hypac, Inc. Robert and Barbara Thul Isemann ’80 Tom and Marlene Jander Donald and Jane Karches William and Joan Keating Keating Muething & Klekamp, P.L.L. Sally Kelley Jan Kenney ’66 Don and Kathy King Kings Honda Christopher and Kim Koenig Mary Jo Lane ’74 Bill and Lynda Leugers Tom and Diane Leugers Lexus RiverCenter John and Amy Linz Paul and Sue Loechle LorMar Auto Group Mark and Melanie Luft Thomas and Noreen Ney Lundberg ’82 Marilyn Maag Craig and Amy Maliborski Glenn and Elizabeth Newbold McClain ’77 Mary Sue McDuffie Stephen McShea John and Julie Mellott Midland Atlantic Development Co., LLC Midwest Community Fundraising Lynn Moster Morris ’84 Mt. Washington Savings Bank Jim and Beth Muething Rob and Cathlin Kane Muething ’75 Michelle Mullee Kappers ’79 Angela Fraley Murrer ’53 Julie Torbeck Mussman ’94 Don and Phyllis Neyer James and Margaret Mary Niehaus OBG Group LLC John and Patty Bruns Osborne ’79 John and Dawn Paquette Jim and Dennie Patton Edwin and Diane Price Steve and Cathy Rabe Eric and Courtney Dorger Ragland ’05 Erin Rouse Ragland ’99


Kevin and Cathy Reilly RGW Development Joseph and Peggy Rickard Alvin and Joan Roehr Joe and Pam Rouse Paul and Mary Ann Kroner Russo ’81 Santoro Engineering Company Dale and Kim Scheidt Karen Russell Schenck ’77 Rick and Beth Schimpf Mike and Judy Schmidt Tim and Lisa Schroeder Betty Busse Schulenberg ’42 Anthony Schweier Dean and Sharon Shanley Tom and Emina Short John and Denise Siegel Anthony and Tammy Silvestri Alice Sparks St. Ursula Academy Women’s Club Amy Hein Stagnaro ’92 Megan Veith Stagnaro ’99 Peter and Lee Stautberg Jim and Kim Stegeman Kevin and Nancy Sullivan James Sunderhaus Emily Gehlert Supinger ’94 Jim and Mary Thacker The Wohlgemuth Herschede Foundation TIAA-CREF Craig and Diane Todd Richard and Nydia Tranter Joe and Barb Trauth Truepoint Wealth Counsel, LLC Larry and Maureen Vignola Rusty Wayne Mark and Lisa Weadick Rob Wegman and Jennifer Helmers Jeff and Kelly Monahan Whelan ’76 Brendan and Julia White Tim Wilking Jerry and Ellen Willett Tom and Carol Winstel (3) Anonymous


HONOR ROLL (UP TO $1,000) A&A Safety, Inc. Terri Reyering Abare ’72 Emily Herman Abbott ’00 John and Julie Abraham Lauren Marie Acton ’07 Erin Adamson Laura Reyering Ahern ’76 Betsy Felts Ahlert ’96 Paul and Amy Serger Ahrnsen ’81 Mary Carole Kucia Albers ’60 Chris and Jodi Allen Alpha & Omega, Inc. American Elevators, Inc. American Heating and Air Matt and Cindy Amyx Harvey and Mimi Anderson Peter and Jeanne Dickenherr Anderson ’61 Ann Brauer Andriacco ’69 Joe and Julie Anhofer Julia Anhofer ’14 Angela Anno Steve and Barbara Bolan Apking Maria Rosa Arbona Courtney Carey Arling ’98 Stephanie Arling ’95 Kathleen Armstrong Melissa Marie Armstrong ’00 Mary Beth Dacey Aronow ’73 Martha Bonomini Arszman ’68 Joe and Cathy Cannon Augustine ’70 Peggy Ayers Tim and Sharon Bachman Kathryn A. Backherms ’73 Shari Bacon Kathleen King Baiers ’94 Dan and Katy Meder Bair ’84 Barb Baker Cynthia Baker Dolores (Sissy) Baker Stephen Baker Laurence M. Baldwin Olga Briccio Baldwin ’49 Arielle Balz

Lisa Katherine Bambach ’07 Norbert and Judy Bambach Jim and Joan Barker Amy Durbin Barrett ’87 Elizabeth Ploeger Barrett ’01 Shannon Hornung Barrow ’97 Andrew and Jenny Barry Rachel Catherine Barry ’12 Trey and Michelle Baumgartner Maureen Smyth Baute ’01 Bayer & Becker, Inc. Cheryl M. Beach Angela Robinson Beard ’89 David and Jean Donnelly Beblo ’81 Beck Consulting, Inc. Emily Ohnmacht Beckman ’58 Emily Behan-Rosen Mary Helen Beimesche ’57 Misha Bell Thomas and Rita Bischoff Bell ’56 Clete and Ann Benken Stephan and Julie Bennett Katherine Helen Berding ’13 Mike and Anne Sheehan Bergeron ’88 Meghan Marie Berigan ’98 Mildred Hais Berning ’52 Chip Berry and Maura Moran ’89 Gene Bertke Natalie Carol Besl ’12 Timothy and Anne Besl Lisa J. Egan Bias ’85 Ashley Nicholle Bisher ’13 Ron and Anna Bisher Paul and Betsy Murray Bissmeyer ’82 Jaime Santoro Bitzenhofer ’89 Jeannie Huseman Black ’63 Stephen and Jeannine Blatt Megan Conway Bley ’93 Melissa Nicole Bley ’02 Susan H. Blocksom ’08 BlueSky Creative, Inc. Victoria Geisel Bohlander ’96 Amy Schweer Boland ’75 Jacqueline Sheppard Bonavita ’55 Nancy Giaccio Boosveld ’88

Julie McDonald Boothby ’94 Karen Boothe Anne Higgins Borger ’43 John and Patty Bosse Rita Bowden ’74 Wendy Dorn Bowden Daniel Bowen and Lorraine Stephens Mary Bower, M.D. ’88 Therese Cahill Bower ’89 Peggy Bradley-Doppes ’75 Dorothy Brady Ed and Nancy Brady Ellen Bragalone Sarah Braley ’13 Braun Heating & Air Conditioning Craig and Christy Braun Ed and Ann Braun Peggy Kurz Braun ’93 Michelle Breen Bob and Sue Breitenstein Mary Clare Wallace Brennan ’84 Matthew and Susan Brennan Marcia Howard Brewer ’67 Michael and Pam Brewer Peggy Brewer Robert and Gwen Brichler Ruth Wenz Bridgeford ’63 Michael Bridgers Joe and Cindy Reis Brinck ’75 Hank and Laureen McGuerty Brinker ’63 Stephen and Lea Garbon Brinker ’65 Abbey Brinkman ’07 Craig J. Brinkman Herb and Sheila Brinkman Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Nancy Strottman Broermann ’68 Jennifer Broo Christine Minges Brookbank ’05 John and Valerie Brookbank Bill and Jan Brown Bob and Dianne Chambers Brown Jay and Bethanne Brown Judith Brown ’54 Doug and Donna Browning John and Lisa Bruemmer-Schmitz ’79 Sue Brueneman ’60 Catherine Dulle Bruggeman ’79 Al and Cookie Brune Arril and Martha Wittekind Bruun ’55 Annie Bryans ’09 Natalie Bryans ’11 Martin and Catherine Donnelly Buckley ’82 Michael and Alison Dempsey Buckley ’01 Frank and Jennifer Budde Buechner, Haffer, Meyers, & Koenig Co., L.P.A. Sarah Buller Robert Bult Susan Trefzger Burbank ’51 Mary Alice Walsh Burke ’47 David and Christin Burleigh William Burnside Dick and Maribeth Ciarnello Buskirk ’68 Tim and Donna Butler Marti Butz

Carol Comello Byrne ’61 Mark and Susan Byrne Ruben and Tish Cabrera Dianne Gray Cahill ’65 Jill Grever Cahill ’84 Laura Cahill ’96 Phil and Lisa Baute Caito ’00 Cheryl Youngpeters Caldwell ’93 Juan and Maria Alonso Calvo ’65 Grady Campbell Madelain Michels Campbell ’63 Sandy Campbell Joseph Cangi John and Leslie Cannon Ken and Lisa Zibulka Canter ’88 Olivia Capannari ’12 Diane Slattery Cappel ’65 Mark and Janene Cappel Mitch and Shirley Carmosino Bruce and Pamela Carothers Diane Egan Carr ’84 Chris and Sara Lanham Carsten ’93 Kristopher and Jessica Wickert Carter ’96 Carthage Senior Citizens Jennifer Stenger Caseria ’79 David and Kathy Cassady Pat and Kay Cassedy Ed and Janet Castellini Sarah Catlin Michael and Elizabeth Caudill CE Power Solutions, LLC Jose Chacon and Tamara Bisher Debbie Chapman Mike and Katie Bower Chapman ’98 Steve Chapman Stephanie Chastang ’11 Ann Cheeseman ’98 Katherine Cheeseman ’95 Robert and Ginger Cheeseman David and Bette Lawler Chenault ’64 Cheviot Savings Bank Ron and Gail Crawford Chimenti ’65 David and Gail Chin Bob and Jeanne McGoff Christenson ’69 Jeff and Becky Christoff Ed and Nancy Ritter Ciarniello ’77 Chad and Ellen Wimberg Cicconi ’83 Mark and Melissa Cinquina Julie Humphreys Cionni ’78 Andrea Meredith Ciske ’79 Marilyn Rubin Ciucci ’58 Richard and Carol Westerfield Clark ’71 Mary Shannon Clark ’73 Rebecca Clark ’05 Linda Tepe Clarke ’88 Melissa Townsend Clary ’86 Class of 1963 Eric and Ann Hartkemeier Clayton ’83 Jodi Clever Brian and Beth Buckley Clifford ’93 Dave Clifford Joan Evans Clippinger ’63 Jeannie Washington Cody ’85 Coffee Break Roasting Co. Ron and Eileen O’Brien Coffey ’58

Allison Doll Cohn ’04 Francis Durkin Colletti ’65 Dan and Pat Faller Collins ’75 Craig and Nancy Combest Jerry and Karen Fogarty Comello ’61 Shannon Tuerck Compton ’92 Steve and Nancy Condon Katie Sciannamblo Conlon ’04 Molly Connaughton ’99 Ray and Arlie Connaughton Michael and Christy Pace Connelly ’60 Barbara Cooke ’59 Glenn and Michelle Corbin Eileen Klosterkemper Corder ’69 Shirley Grunkemeyer Cowles ’67 Carol Gruber Cox ’73 John Crabtree Frank and Karen Crane Claire Crawford Lisa Crosby Mary Ellen White Crowley ’03 Andrew and Liz Bower Curran ’96 Lois Goeke Curtin ’56 Deborah Czech ’84 Richard and Susan Dagenbach Marilyn Gayhart Dapper ’53 Craig and Susan Schrimpf Davis ’86 Purcell and Shirley Davis Rank and Barbara Dawson Megan Scholtz Day ’97 Julie Muehlenkamp Deardorff ’67 Jane Delisio ’11 Michelle Dellecave Jack and Geri Denterlein ’74 Cindy Depoe Jennifer Sullivan Des Rosiers ’88 Steve and Katie DeStefano Laura Schoenling Deters ’89 William and Barb Deters Deutsche Bank America’s Foundation Jerry and Mary Devitt Dan and Katie Deye ’07 Lisa Deye ’77 Thomas and Susan Deye Julie Reilly DiBlasi ’98 Richard and Carol Ann Dickes Die Craft Barbara Diehl ’55 Albert and Claire Dierckes Dominic and Mary DiFalco Joe and Donna Dillon Patricia Dion Cecil and Joane Dobbins Jim and Phyllis Tenholder Doerger ’68 Michael and Suzette Doll Michael and Kris Dollenmayer John and Maureen Donahue Tim and Mary Jo Donovan Bob and Mary Dorger Brooke Dorger ’09 Elizabeth Paige Dorger ’06 Greg and Katie Kelley Dorr ’87 Ben and Abby Riegler Dougherty ’01 Josh and Lindsey Andrews Drake ’01 Margaret Drennon ’64

Michael and Julie Brueggeman Dreyer ’76 Patrick and Betty Driscoll Susan Dsurney Amanda Molloy Duggan ’94 Danielle Duncan ’13 Kevin and Erin Crane Dunigan ’03 Darrel and Jackie Dunker Curt and Linda Dunseath Dan and Mariellen Durbin Kelly Durbin ’89 Mary Cabrini-Durkin ’60 Joe and Kim Walters Dwyer ’02 William and Ceci Luttmer Dykas ’78 Patrice Eby William and Winifred Eckhoff Mary Elizabeth Egbers ’84 Molly Loughead Egnot ’05 Steve Eha Phyllis Ehler ’79 James and Cheryl Eichmann David Ellis Ryan and Dana Leibel Ellsworth ’01 Andrew and Marianne Scott Emmert ’77 David and Ellen Endres Donna Engelhart ’69 Katherine Gehring Erdel ’00 Bill and Marge Ernst Peggy Trice Eshman ’50 James and Beverly Evans Richard and Betty Grunkemeyer Everhart ’40 Chris and Melissa Eyer Barry and Amy Fagel Andrew and Kara Habel Farnham ’04 Ed and Cheryl Fessel Fehring ’69 Jeff and Jeanne Feldkamp Paul and Patti Fellinger Michael and Heidi Mechley Felton ’84 Fenton Rigging Keith and Kathy Jander Ferrara ’85 Eleanor Finn ’12 John and Mary Jane Finn John and Nancy Reyering Fiorito ’74 Amanda Sherwood Fipp ’92 Charles and Katrina Fischer Gael Fischer ’67 G.T. Fischer Bart and Kelley Fitzpatrick Bill Fitzwater and Carolyn Milillo Jim Fleming Michael and Sally Phillips Flesner ’82 Sara Fletcher ’07 Greg and Suzanne Floyd Elizabeth Richter Flynn ’41 Mandy Fontaine Sherry Ford Jeanne Vennemeyer Franz-Huseman ’58 Freund, Freeze & Arnold Lauren Frey ’12 Joan Friedmann Therese Helmer Froehle ’51 Gail Vilardo Frommeyer ’63 Trevor and Wendy Furbay Betty Million Furnish ’71 Alisha Uhlenbrock Furst ’93 Mary Pat Nurre Gaier ’67

Rita Galinari ’67 Betty Galley Troy and Lucinda Galley Gretchen Fogt Galligan ’98 Mary Welz Galowina ’52 Mary Besl Gandenberger ’48 Barbara Ganim ’74 Neal Gardner Erin Gartner ’04 John and Camille Mechley Gartner ’86 Mark and Ann Haas Gartner ’77 Steven and Kristen Hill Gay ’03 Christina Gebel ’03 Karen Geiger Kenneth and Judith Geiman Mimi Gendreau ’77 Elizabeth Gendreau-Maxwell ’76 Leo and Kathy Flaherty Geraci ’79 William and Joan Stubbers Gerding ’48 Amanda Medellin Gerst ’99 Robert and Jennifer Leonard Gerwin ’86 Katherine Herman Gilene ’98 James and Ellen Gilligan Scott and Anne Schroder Gilligan ’74 Mark and Joann Gillming Barbara Kennedy Gingrich ’70 Margaret Schmelzle Glacken ’05 Mary Lou Loring Gleeson ’51 Robert and Hallie Rielly Goldcamp ’69 Gina Spalazzi Good ’98 Patricia Boyce Goodman ’63 Patricia Dalton Goodwin ’60 Simeon and Lynn Wagner Goodwin ’67 Gordon Bernard Company, Inc. Wayne and Kathleen McBride Graff ’65 Caitlin Graham ’06 Barbara Ruff Gravenkemper ’59 Marianne Gregory Gray ’62 Elizabeth Green ’07 Mark and Cathy Greiner John and Becky Cardone Greiwe ’80 Patricia Manley Greulich ’53 Tracey Greve Melvin and Brenda Grier Samantha Grier ’01 Hypha Wehby Groen ’61 Ted and Dorothy Grohs Paula Gieske Gross ’56 Eileen Walters Gruber ’49 Tom and Nancy Kemper Gruber ’72 Hannah Grumbley ’11 Rich and Martha Grumbley Betty Louise Grupenhoff ’62 Claire Guappone ’03 William and Mary Ann Guappone Anne Kennealy Gutzwiller ’61 Matt and Angela Louis Guy ’84 James and Susan Hengelbrok Haag ’68 Olga Haas Bob and Maureen Habel Jane Rolfes Hackett ’72 Mary Metz Haines ’51 Kristin Vance Hallstrom ’98 Gary and Kristine Hamant Ross and Sandra Hambleton


Kathy Hammond Stacey Hammond ’93 Bonne Fischesser Hampton ’66 Gail Pauly Hancock ’63 Sharon Schoen Hand ’60 Hand Surgery Specialists John and Lois Hanselman Mary Jean Grunkemeyer Hardt ’53 Lisa Santen Harris ’78 Sara Jurkowitz Harrison ’93 Maryanne Burns Harsh ’85 Laura Hart ’03 Melissa Dowling Hart ’86 Tom and Mary Rose Hart Alan and Marianne Hartkemeyer Emma Hartkemeier Catherine Hartman ’14 David and Nancy Hartman Elizabeth Hartman ’12 Rae Hartman ’42 Greg and Tracy Hartmann Peter and Julianne Geiser Hartmann ’03 Brandon Hartsel Jackson and Stephanie Harty Mike and Teri Haught Leslie Hayes Roseann Hayes Denise Garbon Hedrick ’68 Daniel and Kay Hoobler Heineman ’60 David and Heidi Heinrich Nick Payne and Cynthia Heinrich ’66 Steve and Laura Heller Anna Hellman ’13 Chris and Lynn Fiorito Helm ’04 Mark and Martha Helmick Rosalie Conte Helmick ’71 Audrey Hemmer ’13 Jon and Laura Hemmer William and Pat Hemmer Francie Henderson Jim and Teri Henderson Amanda Hendy ’01 Joseph and Nancy Weiss Herbert ’54 Mary Beth Herman ’12 Randy and Sue Horner Hershey ’65 Sally Hicks Barbara Loder Hildebrandt ’70 Ellen Hinnenkamp ’88 Jim and Elaine Hinnenkamp Janet Buchert Hirst ’67 Linda Trotta Hlasny ’69 Scott and Amy Hobler Amber Gaylor Hoevenerv ’96 J.E. and Eileen McDonough Hoffman ’46 JoAnn Hoffmann ’51 Kendra Barkocy Hoffman ’90 John and Marguerite Reed Hogan ’85 Mary Kennealy Hogan ’67 Katie Hohnecker ’02 Sharon Glassmeyer Holbrook ’69 Alan and Kenna Watts Holmes ’73 John and Cathleen Holt Steve Holt Ellen Schuler Homan ’59 Kurtis and Melissa Krumme Hooley ’80


Daniel and Nancy Hopkins Robert and Kay Quammen Hopper ’63 Chris and Margaret Maggini Hopple ’86 Barbara Horner Margaret Coffey Hornschemeier ’45 Mary Jo Sanker Horton ’71 Hospira Employee Giving Campaign Janet Howard ’71 Emily Hinnenkamp Huber ’86 Raymond Huber Teresa Huber Christine Bucher Hucek ’76 Colleen Huddleson ’97 Grace Kroell Huddleston ’48 Marika Huelskamp ’10 Ray and Mari Huelskamp Humana Foundation Marcella Glennon Hunt ’90 IBM Matching Grants Program Kim Icsman Dennis and Georgia Imwalle Paul and Stefani Imwalle ING Ingleside Condominium Owners’ Association Stephen and Julie Ionna Meredith Irwin ’01 Abigail Lafkas Isbell ’94 Donald and Sally Singer Isphording ’56 J&N Auto Electric Inc. Richard Jackson Rose Marie Cazel Jackson ’67 Laurie Jacob ’09 Joseph and Carol Jacob Karen Ohe Jagers ’79 Christian and Kim James Frances Soriano Jansen ’61 Karen Snider Jenkins ’63 Lisa Gerdes Jennings ’89 James and Joyce Jerow JLS Architecture Beth Wagner Johansing ’80 Danielle Johnston Johnson ’91 Mike and Liz Johnson Stephanie Johnson Ron and Eileen Johnston Doug and Tracy Jones Samantha Jones ’90 Scott and Pam Jordahl Claire Joseph ’12 Michael and Hilarie Meyer Joseph ’86 Sid and Laura Juliani Daniel and Ronnie Jurkowitz Karl and Muffy Kadon Larissa McMullen Kahle ’95 Nate and Emily Fehring Kahn ’00 Robert and Elsie Kaiser Elmer and Martha Kaising Beth Gillming Kamen ’04 David and Helen Kanitz Rosemary Hamberg Kapitan ’77 Jack and Mary Jo Schnazle Karch ’56 Alison Koch Kastl ’92 Fred Wahl and Ruthie Keefe ’77 Kevin and Anne Wenstrup Keefe ’81

Tom and Debbie Keefe Julianne Dietz Keeling ’87 Scott Keller Terry and Sandy Kelley Brigid Kelly ’01 Erin Kelly Kathie O’Donnell Kelly ’66 Rachel Choquette Kemper ’91 Kip and Susan Kerr Sharon Kesterson Bollen Tim and Tracy Williams Kilfoil ’89 Timothy and Diana Kilfoil Colleen King ’99 Doug King Kristen King ’98 Jane Kinley ’64 Joseph Kinneary and Tracy Monroe Erin Kirkwood ’95 Joseph Jacquette and Rachel Kirley ’99 Daniel and Marianne Gray Kirwin ’63 Patrick and Diana Kirwin Paula Kistner Robert and Veronica Kistner Matthew and Emily Kite Peggy Kite Robert and Lisa Kitko Bridget Klare ’99 Mark and Nancy Kleespies Erin Carey Klein ’91 Amy Kleinfelder ’98 Ryan Klekar Jim and Donna Klingler Hal and Donna Klink Stephanie Klump ’98 Jane Knudsen Mary Beth Koch ’99 Peter and Clare Koch Robert and Barbara Rouse Koch ’65 Joanne Koehl Edward and Jacqueline Koening David and Mary Koening Clapp ’69 Steve and Susan O’Leary Koesterman ’83 Sarah Zook Koetting ’87 James and Amy Konerman Arlene Anness Koon ’55 Thomas and Joan Korfhagen Gerard and Betsy Kortekamp Matt and Mary Margaret Puttmann Kostecka ’01 Jeffrey and Michelle Kotz Madison Kramer ’09 Teresa Elliott Kratzer ’83 Bryan and Diane Kroeger Barbara Busch Kruetzkamp ’83 John and Anne Perry Krug ’80 Gretchen Krumdieck ’98 Roger and Michelle Krummen Dick and Margaret Kuck Elizabeth Kuck ’99 Mel Meretta Kuempel ’60 Lisa Kuhn Judy Kyrkos ’13 Rosario Labrador Bob and Karen Lafkas Ken and Beth LaFountain

John and Susie Lame Christina Locaputo Lammers ’98 Mary Lou Barloh Lang ’51 Wade and Melissa Lang Kathleen Spraul Langworthy ’87 Gerry and Susan Rouse Lanham ’64 Lee and Sondra Lapole Elaine Fox Larbes ’63 Claire Luttmer LaTorraca ’84 Kirsten Ott Law ’00 Melissa Meyers Lea ’87 Christopher and Sandy Rudd Leary ’79 Julie Nerone Ledford ’75 Katherine Bien Leezer ’94 Dick Leist Paul Leitzinger Julie Feltrup Lemke ’65 Kristin Grove Lenhart ’96 Jim and Julie Graves Leon ’81 Heather Momper Leonard ’90 Mark and Pam Leonhardt John and Teresa Leugers Taryn Lewis ’04 Grace Liesch ’13 Jim and Mary Lietz Paul Lindsay Paula Kramer Link ’62 Michael and Christie Lint Joe and Ellie Linz Kevin and Judith Listermann Frank and Mary Ann Lively John Locaputo Rick and Rita Albers Loesing ’80 Michael and Julie Allgeier Loftus ’73 Ralph and Helen Long Anthony and Patricia Bohn Longi ’61 Ed and Norma Longo Richard Lorey Dorothy Lowe ’94 Joseph and Marge Lowry Patricia Lowry James and Marilyn Bowling Lucas ’53 Kevin Lucas Susan Mechley Lucci ’83 Marissa Luft ’13 Luken Construction Thomas Luken Chris and Emily Broun Lund ’04 Steve and Amy Deye Lund ’74 Jason and Martha Minnich Luring ’95 Cecelia Luttmer ’11 Mary Brielmaier Lynn ’64 Mike and Jacki Dillon Lyon ’82 Dan and Rebbie MacConnell Camilla Anne MacKenzie ’13 Macy’s, Inc. William and Martha O’Toole Magnan ’69 Mark and Theresa Mahon Matt and Jill Theobald Maier ’95 Daniel and Valerie Mallaley Angel and Sherri Mancini Ellen Manegold ’09 B’nai Storms Marin ’97 Skip and Jeanne Markley Marsh USA, Inc.

Julie Vogt Martina ’82 Maria Mazza Martinez ’96 Suzanne Egbers Martini ’83 Frank and Leslee Rose Marzullo ’06 Charles and Margie Matthews Lynn and Susan Matthews Teresa Maurer ’73 Mark and JoAnne Wolf Maxwell ’72 Frank and Kimberly Mazzei James and Nancy Fogarty McCafferty ’63 William and Jane Schweer McCarthy ’72 Buck McCoart Christine McConnell Elizabeth Franz McElroy ’93 Laurie McGrail ’65 Anthony and Donna McIllvenna Michael and Dorothea McIntyre Melissa McKee Anne McManus ’04 John and Barb McManus Jim and Mary Ann Buchert McMillan ’46 Kevin and Frances McMurray Ted and Barbara Stenger Mechley ’64 Gene and Susann Vordemesche Medl ’61 Robert and Sharon Ashbrook Medlock ’66 Caroline Costa Melby ’88 Stephen Melink Tony and Tammy Mentzel Bill and Kara Merk Jack and Carol Meyer Merkel ’56 Tom and Paula Merritt Jennifer Mertens ’05 Brent Messmer Allan and Elaine Meyer Allison Meyer ’05 Greg and Susan Meyer Mark and Dianne Daly Meyer ’73 Mary Ann Meyer Alma Stallo Michael ’57 Lynda Michael Patrick and Kathleen Michel Dennis and Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf ’82 Allen and Anne Brown Miller ’78 Beverly Baumer Miller ’79 Bonnie-Jane Miller Chuck and Mary Miller Enzo and Darlene Fels Miller ’99 Katherine Miller ’11 Kay VanAusdall Miller ’63 Rachel Miller ’13 Roger and Lori Miller Rebecca Milostan ’76 Ron and Martha Minges Jena Moeller ’11 Rita Bailer Molina ’46 Erin McCurdy Mollaun ’92 Tim and Kathy Moller Joe and Megan Molony Rob and Lynn Montag Kristin Kierle Mooney ’81 Marty and Chris Mooney Hugh and Melissa Moore Keith and Mary Jo Moore Kelly Moore ’02

Mark and Julie Moore Nancy Moore Ruth Moorman Lois Schomaker Moran ’53 Anthony and Rhonda Morgan Mary Kay Mooney Morgan ’89 Tony and Lucy Morgan Susan Birck Mosby ’92 Carol Ann Topicz Moses ’58 Harriet Enneking Moster ’44 Bill and Sally Helmick Mountel ’73 Adam and Carroll Prendergast Mousa ’61 Paul Hartford and Sandra Dunn ’70 Christine Brauer Mueller Gloria Thieman Mueller ’48 Megan Riga Mullaley ’04 James and Mona Mullen Michael and Katherine Lafkas Mulligan ’88 Sue Murphy ’65 Muskegon County Medical Society Timothy and Libby Tepe Myers ’71 Krista Naber ’04 Richard and Marilyn Holters Naber ’47 Glen and Kris Napolitano Maria Napolitano ’12 Marguerite Howard Nauss ’67 Chris and Julie Nawalaniec Nelnet Business Solutions Erik and Ellie Nelson Gina Nelson ’97 Jamie Neumann ’06 Richard and Marcia Neumann Mark Newton and Jill Herald Peter Ney Tom and Christine Engelhardt Neyer ’58 Kurt Nicaise Lindsey Nieberding ’06 Barbara Niehaus ’66 James and Daryn Niehaus Jeff and Jeannie Niebuhr Megan Niebuhr ’14 Theresa Schrimpf Nixon ’98 Karen Noe Northwestern Mutual Foundation Kate Homan Noschang ’82 Lorie Willing Nugent ’89 Paul and Joanne Nugent Tom and Linda Nurre David Obergefell Jensen and Margaret Oberklein Pat and Karen O’Callaghan John and Heidi O’Connor Mary Alice Brand O’Hagan ’53 John and Elyse Stavale O’Kane ’67 Christine O’Neill ’94 James and Molly Schuermann O’Reardon ’97 Sharon O’Rourke Steve and Cindy Ortner Lanie Nicholas Osborne ’75 Caroline Palcic ’11 Joe and Frances Palermo Alanda Mangold Parchman ’98 Rik and Meredith Seurkamp Parker ’02 Colleen Pater ’03

Danielle Patton ’02 Paul Sillis Construction, LLC John and Debra Pearce Ken Jennifer Bulger Pendery ’75 Anne Penick ’94 Robert and Nancy Beck Perazzo ’73 Charlie and Connie Perme Carla Perrotta ’98 James Perry Tim and Julie Perry Molly Perry-McFarland ’83 Erick Pescovitz and Kelly Mahan Petermann LTD Barry and Brett Peterson Marisa McCafferty Peterson ’07 Sara Rabe Peterson ’98 Jean Pettengill ’71 Bernie and Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer ’82 Debbie Phipps Thomas and Patricia Bolan Platts ’77 Tony and Peggy McCormick Platz ’84 Michael and Alice Bernard Plett ’63 Chris and Janice Plummer Gary Pollock and Jeanne Lavelle Terry and Pamela Pompelia Joe and Debbie Pope Teresa Santoro Porcaro ’63 Doug and Cheryl Porter Mary Porter Christine Potter-Wroblewski Egbert and Estrelita Powell Allison Blocksom Precht ’04 David and Libby Price Print Management, LLC Priority Insulation Alison Probst Albert and Christina Bolan Pucci ’82 Richard and Patricia Kiehfuss Pulskamp ’67 Sara Pulskamp ’95 Kathleen Puttmann ’07 Nora Lindsay Quinn ’83 R.G. McGraw Insurance Agency, Inc. John and Judy Lohrer Racadio ’84 Tim and Mary Ragland

Rakesh Ram Real Estate Group Paul and Ann Rapien Angela Rath ’99 Ranjit and Mary Rath Bethany Rave ’89 Joan Bare Rechtin ’50 Brian and Christa Redden Emily Reder ’12 Diana Reed Mark and Maureen Reese Joel and Sherry Reginelli Kathy Candelaresi Rehm ’77 Lawrence and Mary Ann Sawma Reichard ’70 Bud and Rose Reifenberger Jo Anne Friedmann Reiling ’79 Elizabeth Reilly ’11 Katherine Reilly ’95 Toni Nicholas Reilly ’57 Jill Buerger Reineck ’95 Jay and Amy Schweitzer Reineke ’96 Ellen Reinhold ’11 Caroline Caples Renneker ’01 Bill and Karen Rettig Lisa Hilmer Riccardi ’94 Barbara Seiwert Rice ’58 Courtney Koehne Rice ’92 Peter and Ann Krumme Richardson ’72 Mark Richey George and Donna Richter Renee Hoeffer Ricou ’92 Lynn Surkamp Rieselman ’72 Christopher and Kathleen O’Neill Riestenberg ’98 Myra Rifkin ’64 Jerry and Janice Riga David Riherd Rinehart Staadeker Sussli Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Tom Rinsky Teresa Riva ’03 Susan Kramer Robben ’92 Bradford and Maureen Roberts Ashley Rodd ’12


James and Susan Rodd Allen Barrow and Phyllis Roeckers Diane Thiel Roedersheimer ’61 Robert and Andrea Ulrich Roeding ’02 Victoria Rohan ’06 Lori Berning Rohrer ’75 Margaret Rohs ’12 Helen Rolfes ’67 Paul and Cynthia Rolfes David and Caroline Keefe Rollins ’05 Tony and Fran Romweber Carole Mayer Rooney ’61 Jane Tabar Rosenfeld ’62 Andrea Rosenthal Rosie Reds, Inc. Howard and Joann Rottinghaus Julia Rouse ’04 Louis and Mary Anne Shoemaker Rouse ’60 Chris and Cheryl Rowane Ashely Syphard Rozier ’98 Jamie Rueger ’00 Pete and Kathy Ruehlmann Michael and Shaune Schaefer Rueve ’89 Maria Rapien Rufe ’90 Tracy Buerger Ruiz ’90 Katherine Anderson Rumsey ’90 Carlyn Runnels ’08 John and Peg Ruppert Mary Helen Blum Rusk ’64 Allison Grever Ryan ’90 James and Marjorie Thiel Ryan ’56 John and Pat Fraley Ryan ’77 Brian and Eileen Sabatalo ’06 Robert and Tracie Saelinger Marie Salcido ’11 Bill and Judy Sandquist Therese Bellersen Sangermano ’86 Mark and Sharon Cardosi Sanker ’80 Kathleen Santen ’87 Bette Mullaney Savage ’58 Linda Sawma ’71 Martha Sawma Dante and Julie Alig Scala ’88 William and Patricia Scheimann John Schenk Anne Scherer ’05 Katharine Scherer ’06 Ralph and Linda Scherer Elizabeth Fulcher Scheurer ’66 Christopher and Janet Schlaak Carol and Sally Leroux Schlotman ’60 Frank Schmaltz David and Kathy Holman Schmid ’63 Elizabeth Schmidt Tom and Linda Schmidt Robert and Lisa Schnedl William and Gwynedd Schneller Schoch Tile & Carpet, Inc. Marilyn Thaman Schoelwer ’51 Susan Costa Schoen ’83 George and Blance Naber Schraer ’54 Rita and John Schraer Jeff and Karri Schrand Joseph and Karen Schreibeis


Joanne Williams Schrimpf ’73 Matthew and Angela Schroeder Charles and Rebecca Schroer Katherine Schroer ’04 Frank and Marlene Schube Peter and Mary Schulcz Jack and Jane Schultz Ed and Mary Jean Schutte Bob and Jenny Schwartz Jeff and Kathie Schweer William and Cathy Sciannamblo Beverly Rice Scott ’76 Rosemary Scott Scripps Howard Foundation Don and Nancy Seaman Tim and Mary Seaman Tim and Gail Scheurer Seifert ’70 Thomas and Elaine Besterman Semancik ’54 Victoria Rudd Sena ’54 Katerina Settle ’13 Carolinne Shaffer ’92 David and Linda Shaffer Josephine Shanks Gerald and Heidi Shannon Kyle and Kendal Verrett Shaw ’96 Kevin and Jane Shea Dave and Anera Svetlik Shell ’87 Meredith Angner Shepherd ’98 Robert and Kelley Sherman Robert and Melinda Sherman Catherine Scherrick Andy and Cindy Shetterly Aimee Boesing Shinkle ’90 John and Patty Shinn Jill Shirey ’99 Christopher and Carolyn Shisler Natalie Shoemaker ’13 Richard and Jeannie Bolan Shurmer ’84 Hester Cundall Sicking ’34 Dave and Patti Sidenstick Mary Homan Siefke ’84 Ray and Barb Siegel Raymond and Marilyn Siemer Pamela Hungler Siergiej ’75 John and Nancy Silverman Mark Simcoe Mark and Janie Sims Betty Noppenberger Singler ’52 Michael Sipes Becky Sittason Kenneth and Kathleen Skau Elizabeth Wolf Skufca ’86 Ellen Krumme Slattery ’83 Courtney Smith ’12 Dwayne and Nancy Smith Jennifer Reilly Smith ’90 Kent and Maureen Smith Kent and Pam Smith-Dobbins Rob and Anne Elise Imwalle Smith ’98 Suzanne Frey Smith ’78 Mary Claire Rogers Smoot ’79 Judy Rabe Snell ’61 Christopher Snyder Diane DeLorenzo Snyder ’80

Mary Anne Rensing Snyder ’44 Dorothy Crawford Soller ’55 Paul and Melissa Souleyrette Cara Spaccarelli ’98 Claire Lemkuhl Sparke ’60 Linda Lemkhul Sparke ’63 Steven and Mary Speed George and Diane Spohr Daniel Spraul Julia Springer ’13 Amy Cody Sprong ’93 St. Ursula Academy Alumnae Association Ralph and Chris Stacey Ed and Julie Hart Stander ’86 Jerry and Jeanine Stanislaw Margaret Starks William Staun Leslie Stegeman ’11 Bob and Nancy Stautberg Mark Stehlin Stephanie Story Steider ’04 Grace Stein ’13 Coe Steinert Nicholas and Charlotte Imwalle Steinert ’94 Brian and Bree Zibulka Stenger ’98 Stephen A. Smith Associates Carolyn Stephens Mary Bradley Stephenson ’81 Butch and Rose Stertz Alexandra Stevens ’13 Joey Greco Stickley ’73 Katherine Fisher Stockdale ’92 Jamey Pope Stout ’95 Todd and Mary Ann Straley Sally Campbell Stratman ’63 Richard and Kathleen Strenk Kathleen Byrnes Stretch ’68 Bill and Jeanne Wimberg Stricker ’60 Eric and Christine Monnig Strobel ’66 Linda Strotman Chuck Strubbe Student Loan Capital Strategies, LLC Doug and Peggy Scheimann Sullivan ’97 Meghan Sullivan ’12 Lori Summe ’97 Jim and Alice Sunderhaus Suzanne Suprock Sweaty Bands

Judy Sweeney Constance Schoenling Swisshelm ’82 Todd and Megan Heisel Szewc ’92 John and Charlotte Tafaro Amy Rolfes Taghiof ’86 Deborah Lohrer Talbot ’86 Jamie and Kristin Tatman Tere Taylor ’05 Kathie Templin Candace Nelson Terris ’87 Anne Cody Texter ’91 The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati The Matrix Companies The Pediatric Dentist Louis and Kelly Reichert Thibodeaux ’86 Mark and Mary Thiel Mary Ann Thoman ’61 Alyce Frankenhoff Thompson ’94 Kenneth and Susan Thomson John and Robin Throckmorton Mary Catherine Thurner ’09 Martha Nichols Tipper ’95 Jim and Diane Tomaszewski Julie Roden Topicz ’81 Ted Torbeck Thomas and Carrie Torbeck Cristina Tranter ’12 Doris Tepe Tranter ’64 Melissa Tranter ’06 Tri-State Plan Administration, Inc. Rosann Brockman True ’47 Jack and Bridgette Tucker Bob and Meg Tull Mary Tull ’12 David and Judy Turner Rebecca Boeing Turner ’04 UBS Financial Services, Inc Katherine Uhl ’12 William and Cynthia Uhl Elizabeth Ulm ’07 Steve and Catherine Ulm Darci Ulrich ’04 David and Michele Busam Ulrich ’67 Betsy Robertshaw Umhofer ’63 Ellen Upham ’13 Sara Utecht Todd and Teresa Schutte Uterstaedt ’86 Constance Van Ausdall ’66

Katherine Lowry Van Landschoot ’95 Jerry and Judith Schaefer Vance ’56 Joe and Marge Varatta Chuck and Pam Venable Virginia Kilfoil Verdin ’86 George and Marianne Vesprani Mary Vicario ’79 Caroline Evans Villa ’53 Maria Viola ’87 Tim and Susan Viox Andrew and Teresa Vogelsang Brian Volck and Jill Huppert Mark and Karen Shields Vollman ’74 Eric and Maggie Clark Von Busch ’96 Greg and Karen Zech VonHolle ’87 VonLehman & Company, Inc. Martha Rabe Vorass ’63 James and Jeanne Sanker Vorwald ’76 Kathryn Vorwald ’04 Christina Wainscott Keith and Chrissy Donovan Waleskowski ’99 David and Beverly Waligora James Walker Jayme Denninger Walker ’65 Laura Bellersen Walker ’85 Robert and Bonita Lenzer Walmsley ’68 Gerianne Walsh Robert and Tina Walter Aimee Walthers ’92 Lee Walz Jeffrey and Elvira Wampler Rebecca Wanner Julie Howard Wantland ’73 Aimee Ward ’12 Haley Warden Wards Corner Chiropractic Erik and Emmy Waterkotte Whitney Wauligman ’05 Abigail Weber ’12 Courtney Weber ’99 Mark and Sue Weber Paul Weber Walburga Wehner ’71 John and Ann Weigand Linda Wiener-Kerman Ron and Vicki Weisbrod Vera Welling ’49 Kent Wellington Elizabeth Schoenling Welsh ’83 Elizabeth Wenker ’53 Edward and Virginia Wenstrup Alan and Diane Homan Werner ’67 Kathryn Wernke ’13 Larry and Martha Munoz Wesley ’66 Steve Weyler and Toni Tedesco Clare Whitaker ’09 Tom and Mary Lindsay Widmeyer ’79 Michael and Kathleen Jones Wilkins ’70 Gerald Williams Tom and Toni Tepe Williams ’70 Carolyn Wickert Williamson ’92 Richard and Mary Ellen Fagel Wilson ’73 Zach and Jennifer Peters Wilson ’98 Judith Wimberg ’58 Makenna Winter ’13

Carol Wirtz Bridget Guetle Wise ’99 Todd and Sherry Wise David and Barbara Witte Kristin Woeste ’98 James and Lisa Woodall Dan and Casey Woycke John and Gina York John and Joan York Brian and Karen Kemper Young ’89 Robert and Carol Schuchter Young ’55 Mary Hoffmann Youngblood ’77 Philip and Denise Younts Jennifer Foertsch Zepf ’01 David Ziegler Sarah Ziegler-Grilk ’96 Betsy Zilch ’12 David and Beth Zilch Zimmer Heating & Cooling Riat Stratman Zimmerman ’58 John and Terri Zisko Paul and Marianne Zook (2) Anonymous

ALUMNAE GIVING: Class of 1934 Hester Cundall Sicking


Class of 1940 Betty Grunkemeyer Everhart


Class of 1941 Elizabeth Richter Flynn Joanne Homan Schweer


Class of 1942 Rae Hartman, M.D. Betty Busse Schulenberg


Class of 1943 Anne Higgins Borger Class of 1944 Harriet Enneking Moster Mary Anne Rensing Snyder



Class of 1945 11% Margaret Coffey Hornschemeier Nancy Nenninger Keating Class of 1946 Regene Mahoney Dubell Eileen McDonough Hoffman Mary Ann Buchert McMillin Rita Bailer Molina


Class of 1947 Mary Alice Walsh Burke Rita Spaccarelli Driehaus Marilyn Holters Naber Rosann Brockman True


Class of 1948 Mary Besl Gandenberger Joan Stubbers Gerding Joan Wenker Heyson Grace Kroell Huddleston Gloria Thieman Mueller


Class of 1949 Olga Briccio Baldwin Eileen Walters Gruber Vera Welling


Class of 1950 Peggy Trice Eshman Barbara Landman Gruber Joan Bare Rechtin


Class of 1951 Susan Trefzger Burbank Therese Helmer Froehle Mary Lou Loring Gleeson Mary Metz Haines JoAnn Hoffmann Mary Lou Barloh Lang Mary Frances Meyer Rogers Marilyn Thaman Schoelwer


Class of 1952 Mildred Hais Berning Mary Welz Galownia Betty Noppenberger Singler



Class of 1955 23% Jacqueline Sheppard Bonavita Martha Wittekind Bruun Barbara Toerner Diehl Arlene Anness Koon Dorothy Crawford Soller Carol Schuchter Young Class of 1956 Rita Bischoff Bell Patricia O’Brien Couzins Lois Goeke Curtin Paula Gieske Gross Sally Singer Isphording M.J. Schanzle Karch Carol Meyer Merkel Marjorie Thiel Ryan Judith Schaefer Vance



Class of 1958 26% Barbara Bolan Apking Emily Ohnmacht Beckman Marilyn Rubin Ciucci Eileen O’Brien Coffey Jeanne Vennemeyer Franz-Huseman Arleene Fox Keller Carol Ann Topicz Moses Christine Engelhardt Neyer Barbara Seiwert Rice Bette Mullaney Savage Judith A. Wimberg Rita Stratman Zimmerman Class of 1959 Barbara Cooke Barbara Ruff Gravenkemper Ellen Schuler Homan Anita Ziegelmeyer

Class of 1953 43% Marilyn Gayhart Dapper Patricia Manley Greulich Mary Jeanne Grunkemeyer Hardt Marilyn Bowling Lucas Lois Schomaker Moran Angela Fraley Murrer Mary Alice Brand O’Hagan Caroline Evans Villa Elizabeth Wenker Class of 1954 Judith A. Brown Nancy Weiss Herbert Blanche Naber Schraer Elaine Besterman Semancik

Class of 1957 Mary Helen Beimesche Alma Stallo Michael Toni Nicholas Reilly


Class of 1960 30% Mary Carole Kucia Albers Sue Brueneman Trish Meretta Bryan Christy Miller-Pace Connelly Mary-Cabrini Durkin Patricia Dalton Goodwin Sharon Schoen Hand Kay Hoobler Heineman Mel Meretta Kuempel Mary Anne Shoemaker Rouse Sally Leroux Schlotman Claire Lemkuhl Sparke Jeanne Wimberg Stricker Class of 1961 31% Jeanne Dickenherr Anderson Carol Comello Byrne Karen Fogarty Comello Mary Monahan Gimpel Hypha Wehby Groen Anne Kennealy Gutzwiller Frances Soriano Jansen Patricia Bohn Longi Susann Vordemesche Medl Carroll Prendergast Mousa Kit Rettig Overbeck Diane Thiel Roedersheimer Carole Mayer Rooney Judy Rabe Snell Mary Ann Thoman Class of 1962 Marianne Gregory Gray Betty Louise Grupenhoff Paula Kramer Link Jane Tabar Rosenfeld



Class of 1963 Mary Ann Bender, M.D. Jeannie Huseman Black Ruth Wenz Bridgeford Laureen McGuerty Brinker Madelain Michels Campbell Joan Evans Clippinger Gail Vilardo Frommeyer Patricia Boyce Goodman Gail Pauly Hancock Kay Quammen Hopper Karen Snider Jenkins Marianne Gray Kirwin Elaine Fox Larbes Nancy Fogarty McCafferty Kay VanAusdall Miller Kathleen Bradley Perkins Alice Bernard Plett Teresa Santoro Porcaro Kathy Holman Schmid Linda Lemkuhl Sparke Sally Campbell Stratman Betsy Robertshaw Umhofer Martha Rabe Vorass


Class of 1964 Bette Lawler Chenault Margaret Drennon Jane Kinley Susan Rouse Lanham Mary Brielmaier Lynn Barbara Stenger Mechley Myra Rifkin Mary Helen Blum Rusk Doris Tepe Tranter


Class of 1965 Lea Garbon Brinker Dianne Gray Cahill Maria Alonso Calvo Diane Slattery Cappel Gail Crawford Chimenti Frances Durkin Colletti Kathleen McBride Graff Sue Horner Hershey Barbara Rouse Koch Julie Feltrup Lemke Laurie McGrail Sue Murphy Jayme Denninger Walker


Class of 1966 Bonnie Fischesser Hampton Cynthia Heinrich Kathie O’Donnell Kelly Jan Kenney Sharon Ashbrook Medlock Barbara Niehaus Elizabeth Fulcher Scheurer Christine Monnig Strobel Constance Van Ausdall Martha Munoz Wesley


Jill Korte Parris Anne Krumme Richardson Lynne Surkamp Rieselman

Class of 1968 13% Martha Bonomini Arszman M. Elaine Busch Billmire, M.D. Nancy Strottman Broermann Patricia McCormick Buckley Maribeth Ciarniello Buskirk Phyllis Tenholder Doerger. M.D. Susan Hengelbrok Haag Mary Kay Pastura Hauser Denise Garbon Hedrick Kathleen Byrnes Stretch Bonita Lenzer Walmsley

Class of 1967 17% Marcia Howard Brewer Shirley Grunkemeyer Cowles Julie Muehlenkamp Deardorff Gael Fischer Mary Pat Nurre Gaier Rita Galinari


Lynn Wagner Goodwin Janet Buchert Hirst Mary Kennealy Hogan Rose Marie Cazel Jackson Marguerite Howard Nauss Elyse Stavale O’Kane Patricia Kiehfuss Pulskamp Helen Rolfes Michele Busam Ulrich Diane Homan Werner

Class of 1969 10% Ann Brauer Andriacco Jeanne McGoff Christenson Eileen Klosterkemper Corder Donna Engelhart, J.D. Cheryl Fessel Fehring Hallie Rielly Goldcamp Linda Trotta Hlasny Sharon Glassmeyer Holbrook Mary Koenig-Clapp Martha O’Toole Magnan Class of 1970 13% Cathy Cannon Augustine Carol Beyersdorfer Sandra Dunn Phil and Beth Surkamp Gasiewicz Barbara Kennedy Gingrich Barbara Loder Hildebrandt Mary Ann Sawma Reichard Gail Scheurer Seifert Kathleen Jones Wilkins Toni Tepe Williams Class of 1971 Carol Westerfield Clark Betty Million Furnish Miriam Jacob Gallagher Rosalie Conte Helmick Mary Jo Sanker Horton Janet C. Howard Christine Brauer Mueller Libby Tepe Myers Jean Pettengill Linda Sawma Walburga Wehner


Class of 1972 Terri Reyering Abare Dianne Chambers Brown Eileen Davis Durkin Nancy Kemper Gruber Jane Rolfes Hackett Mary Jo Gruber Haverkamp JoAnn Wolf Maxwell Jane Schweer McCarthy


Class of 1973 Mary Beth Dacey Aronow Kathryn A. Backherms Mary Shannon Clark Class of 1973 Reunion Gift Carol Gruber Cox Kenna Watts Holmes Julie Allgeier Loftus Teresa Maurer Dianne Daly Meyer Sally Helmick Mountel Nancy Beck Perazzo Joanne Williams Schrimpf Joey Greco Stickley Julie Howard Wantland Mary Ellen Fagel Wilson


Class of 1974 15% Rita Bowden Geri Denterlein Nancy Reyering Fiorito Barbara Ganim Anne Schroder Gilligan Mimi Hart Jennifer Brannen Hemberger Mary Anne Elias Hengehold Mary Jo Lane Amy Deye Lund Karen Shields Vollman Class of 1975 Amy Schweer Boland Peggy Bradley-Doppes Cynthia Reis Brinck Patricia Faller Collins Julie Nerone Ledford, J.D. Cathlin Kane Muething Lanie Nicholas Osborne Jennifer Bulger Pendery Lori Berning Rohrer Pamela Hungler Siergiej


Class of 1976 12% Laura Reyering Ahern Julie Brueggeman Dreyer Elizabeth Gendreau-Maxwell Christine Bucher Hucek Rebecca Milostan Col. Beverly Rice Scott, M.D. Jeanne Sanker Vorwald Kelly Monahan Whelan Class of 1977 Barbara Puttmann Bryans Nancy Ritter Ciarniello Lisa Deye Marianne Scott Emmert Ann Marie Haas Gartner Mimi Gendreau Mary McGoff Gerken Casey Thomas Guilfoyle Rosemary Hamberg Kapitan Ruthie Keefe Lelia Keefe Kramer Elizabeth Newbold McClain Patricia Bolan Platts


Kathy Candelaresi Rehm Pat Fraley Ryan Karen Russell Schenck Mary Hoffman Youngblood Class of 1978 Julie Humphreys Cionni Cecile Luttmer Dykas Lisa Santen Harris Michelle Mullee Kappers Anne Brown Miller Suzanne Frey Smith


Class of 1979 Mary E. Bruemmer-Schmitz Catherine Dulle Bruggeman Jennifer Stenger Caseria Andrea Meridith Ciske Phyllis Ehler Kathleen Flaherty Geraci Karen Ohe Jagers Sandra Rudd Leary Beverly Baumer Miller Patricia Bruns Osborne Jo Anne Friedmann Reiling Mary Claire Rogers Smoot Mary Ursula Vicario Mary Lindsay Widmeyer


Class of 1980 Becky Cardone Greiwe Melissa Krumme Hooley Deborah Huffman Barbara Thul Isemann Beth Wagner Johansing Anne Perry Krug Rita Albers Loesing Sharon Cardosi Sanker Victoria Rudd Sena Diane DeLorenzo Snyder


Class of 1981 Amy Serger Ahrnsen Jean Donnelly Beblo Judith Masset Brown, M.D. Anne Wenstrup Keefe Julie Graves Leon Lorie Ballaban MacDonald Kristin Keirle Mooney Mary Ann Kroner Russo Catherine Dillhoff Sarky Mary Bradley Stephenson Julie Topicz Peggy Engelhart Zink


Class of 1982 16% Betsy Murray Bissmeyer Catherine Donnelly Buckley Sally Phillips Flesner Noreen Nay Lundberg Jacki Dillon Lyon Julie Vogt Martina Mary Ann Kuechly Middendorf Kate Homan Noschang Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer Christina Bolan Pucci Elizabeth Spraul Rogers Barb Dillhoff Rohs Krista Perry Settle Constance Schoenling Swisshelm

Class of 1983 Ellen Wimberg Cicconi Anne Hartkemeier Clayton Susan O’Leary Koesterman Teresa Elliott Kratzer Barbara Busch Kruetzkamp Susan Mechley Lucci Suzanne Egbers Martini Molly Lee Perry-McFarland Nora Lindsay Quinn Susan Costa Schoen Ellen Krumme Slattery Elizabeth Stautberg Elizabeth Schoenling Welsh


Class of 1984 Catherine Meder Bair Stephanie Ciok Besl Mary Clare Wallace Brennan Jill Grever Cahill Diane Egan Carr Sheila Conway Deborah Czech Susan Dillhoff Denison Christy Overberg Dorger Mary Elizabeth Egbers Heidi Mechley Felton Angela Louis Guye Claire Luttmer LaTorraca Lynn Moster Morris Peggy McCormick Platz Judy Lohrer Racadio, M.D. Jeannie Bolan Shurmer Mary Homan Siefke


Class of 1985 Lisa J. Egan Bias Jeannine Washington Cody Kathy Jander Ferrara Maryanne Burns Harsh Marguerite Reed Hogan Dianna Hull Perazzo Laura Bellersen Walker


Melissa Meyers Lea Kathleen Santen Anera Svetlik Shell Candace Nelson Terris Maria Viola Karen Zech VonHolle

Class of 1986 15% Melissa Townsend Clary Susan Schrimpf Davis, M.D. Camille Mechley Gartner Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gerwin, II Melissa Dowling Hart Margaret Maggini Hopple Emily Hinnenkamp Huber Hilarie Meyer Joseph Therese Bellersen Sangermano Elizabeth Wolf Skufca Julie Hart-Stander Amy Rolfes Taghiof Deborah Lohrer Talbot Kelly Reichert Thibodeaux Teresa Schutte Uterstaedt, M.D. Virginia Kilfoil Verdin Class of 1987 Amy Durbin Barrett Wendy Dorn Bowden Katherine Kelley Dorr Sheela Rath Geraghty, M.D. Julianne Dietz Keeling Sarah Zook Koetting Kathleen Spraul Langworthy


Aimee Boesing Shinkle Jennifer Reilly Smith

Class of 1988 13% Anne Sheehan Bergeron Nancy Giaccio Boosveld Mary Bower, M.D. Lisa Zibulka Canter Stefanie Chavez Linda Tepe Clarke Jennifer Sullivan Des Rosiers Ellen Hinnenkamp Caroline Costa Melby Katherine Lafkas Mulligan Erin Rouse Ragland Julie L. Alig Scala, Ph.D. Class of 1989 Angela Robinson Beard Jaime Santoro Bitzenhofer Therese Cahill Bower Laura Schoenling Deters Kelly Durbin Lisa Gerdes Jennings Tracy Williams Kilfoil Maura Moran Mary Kay Mooney Morgan Lorie Willing Nugent Bethany Rave Shaune Schaefer Rueve Karen Kemper Young


Class of 1990 Colleen Dwyer Clarke Kendra Hoffman Marcella Glennon Hunt Samantha Jones Heather Momper Leonard Maria Rapien Rufe Tracy Buerger Ruiz Katherine Anderson Rumsey Allison Grever Ryan


Class of 1991 Danielle Johnston Johnson Rachel Choquette Kemper Erin Carey Klein Anne Cody Texter


Class of 1992 Shannon Tuerck Compton Amanda Sherwood Fipp Alison Koch Kastl Erin McCurdy Mollaun Susan Birck Mosby Courtney Koehne Rice Renee Hoeffer Ricou Susan Kramer Robben Carolinne E. Shaffer Amy Hein Stagnaro Katherine Fisher Stockdale Megan Heisel Szewc Aimee G. Walters Carolyn Wickert Williamson


Class of 1993 Megan Conway Bley Peggy Kurz Braun, M.D. Cheryl Youngpeters Caldwell Sara Lanham Carsten Elizabeth Buckley Clifford Anne Dagenbach Alisha Uhlenbrock Furst Stacey Hammond, M.D. Sara Jurkowitz Harrison Elizabeth Franz McElroy Amy Cody Sprong


Class of 1994 Kathleen King Baiers Julie McDonald Boothby Amanda Molloy Duggan Abigail Lafkas Isbell Katherine Bien Leezer Dorothy B. Lowe Julie Torbeck Mussman


Christine O’Neill Anne Penick Lisa Hilmer Riccardi Charlotte Imwalle Steinert Emily Gehlert Supinger, J.D. Alyce Frankenhoff Thompson Class of 1995 13% Stephanie Arling Katherine E. Cheeseman Elizabeth Creighton Diaz Larissa McMullen Kahle Erin Kirkwood Martha Minnich Luring Jill Theobald Maier Sara E. Pulskamp Katherine M. Reilly Jill Buerger Reineck Jamey Pope Stout Martha Nichols Tipper Katherine Lowry Van Landschoot Class of 1996 Betsy Felts Ahlert Victoria Geisel Bohlander Laura G. Cahill Jessica Wickert Carter Elizabeth Bower Curran Amber Gaylord Hoevener Kristin Grove Lenhart Maria Mazza Martinez Amy Schweitzer Reineke Kendall Verrett Shaw Margaret Clark Von Busch Sarah Ziegler-Grilk


Class of 1997 7% Shannon Hornung Barrow Megan Scholtz Day Colleen M. Huddleson B’nai Storms Marin Gina M. Nelson Captain Angela Feldman Ochoa Molly Schuermann O’Reardon Peggy Scheimann Sullivan Lori A. Summe, M.D.


Class of 1998 20% Courtney Carey Arling Meghan Marie Berigan Kathleen Bower Chapman Ann Kelly Cheeseman Julie Reilly DiBlasi Gretchen Fogt Galligan Katherine Herman Gilene Gina Gail Spalazzi Good Kristin Vance Hallstrom Kristen Ann King Amy Katherine Kleinfelder Stephanie Anne Klump Gretchen Ann Krumdieck Christina Locaputo Lammers Theresa Schrimpf Nixon Alandra Mangold Parchman Carla Mariarosa Perrotta, J.D. Sara Rabe Peterson Kathleen O’Neill Riestenberg Ashley Syphard Rozier Meredith Angner Shepherd Anne Elise Imwalle Smith Cara Elizabeth Spaccarelli Bree Zibulka Stenger Jennifer Peters Wilson Kristin Lee Woeste Class of 1999 12% Molly B. Connaughton Amanda Medellin Gerst Colleen S. King Rachel B. Kirley Bridget A. Klare Mary Elizabeth Koch Elizabeth E. Kuck Darlene Fels Miller Angela M. Rath, M.D. Jill M. Shirey Megan Veith Stagnaro Chrissy Donovan Waleskowski Courtney M. Weber Bridget Guetle Wise Class of 2000 Emily Herman Abbott Melissa Marie Armstrong



Lisa Baute Caito Katherine Gehring Erdel Emily Fehring Kahn Kirsten Ott Law Jamie Michelle Rueger Class of 2001 12% Elizabeth Ploeger Barrett Maureen Smyth Baute Alison Dempsey Buckley Abby Riegler Dougherty Lindsey Andrews Drake Dana Leibel Ellsworth Samantha Grier Amanda Michelle Hendy Meredith Brown Irwin Brigid Elizabeth Kelly Mary Margaret Puttmann Kostecka, M.D. Caroline Caples Renneker Jennifer Foertsch Zepf Class of 2002 Melissa Nicole Bley Kimberly Walters Dwyer Katie Louise Hohnecker Kelly Jo Moore Danielle Meier Patton Andrea Ulrich Roeding Meredith Ann Seurkamp


Class of 2003 Anonymous Mary Ellen White Crowley Erin Crane Dunigan Kristen Hill Gay Christina Mary Agnes Gebel Claire Elyse Guappone Laura Christine Hart, M.D. Julianne Geiser Hartmann Colleen Moran Pater Teresa Marie Riva


Class of 2004 Allison Doll Cohn Katie Sciannamblo Conlon Kara Habel Farnham


Erin Marie Gartner Lynne Fiorito Helm Beth Gillming Kamen Taryn Elizabeth Lewis Emily Broun Lund Anne Colleen McManus Megan Riga Mullalley Krista Anne Naber Allison Blocksom Precht Julia Ann Rouse Katherine Elizabeth Schroer Stephanie Story Steider Rebecca Boeing Turner Darci Ann Ulrich Kathryn Jeanne Vorwald

Mary Elizabeth Green Marisa McCafferty Peterson Kathleen Therese Puttmann Elizabeth Ann Ulm

Class of 2005 8% Christine Minges Brookbank Rebecca Anne Clark Molly Loughead Egnot Margaret Schmelzle Glacken Jennifer Marie Counts Mertens Allison Paige Meyer Courtney Dorger Ragland Caroline Keefe Rollins Anne Lind Scherer Tere Lyn Taylor Whitney Rochelle Wauligman, D.D.S. Class of 2006 Elizabeth Paige Dorger Caitlin Mary Graham Leslee Rose Marzullo Jamie Renee Neumann Lindsey Michelle Nieberding Victoria Marie Rohan Eileen Hughes Sabatalo Katharine Frances Scherer Melissa Camus Tranter


Class of 2007 Lauren Marie Acton Lisa Katherine Bambach Abbey Nicole Brinkman Kathryn Marie Deye Sara Diane Fletcher


Class of 2008 Susan H. Blocksom Carlyn Marie Runnels


Class of 2009 Ann Bronwyn Bryans Katelynn Marie Chavez Brooke Frances Dorger Laurie Elizabeth Jacob Madison McLain Kramer Ellen Mary Manegold Mary Catherine Thurner Clare Christine Whitaker


Class of 2010 Marika Lee Huelskamp


Class of 2011 Natalie Patricia Bryans Stephanie Ann Chastang Jane Suzanne Delisio Hannah Catherine Grumbley Cecilia Claire Luttmer Katherine Karle Miller Jena Nicole Moeller Caroline Ann Palcic Elizabeth Anne Reilly Ellen Marie Reinhold Marie Danielle Salcido Leslie Katherine Stegeman


Class of 2012 Rachel Catherine Barry Natalie Carol Besl Olivia Anne Capannari Eleanor MacGuire Finn Lauren Mariel Frey Elizabeth Spalding Hartman Claire Elaine Joseph Maria Ann Napolitano Ashley Nicole Rodd


Margaret Anne Rohs Courtney Elizabeth Smith Meghan Theresa Sullivan Cristina Camus Tranter Katherine Grace Uhl Aimee Ward Abigail Marie Weber Class of 2013 Katherine Helen Berding Ashley Nicholle Bisher Sarah Elizabeth Braley Danielle Margaret Duncan Audrey Catherine Hemmer Judy G. Kyrkos Grace Millicent Liesch Marissa Jane Luft Camilla Anne MacKenzie Rachel Caitlin Miller Natalie M. Shoemaker Julia Elizabeth Springer Grace Catherine Stein Alexandra Grace Stevens Ellen Elizabeth Upham Kathryn Marie Wernke Makenna Charlsie Winter


MEMORIALS/TRIBUTES A memorial or tribute gift is a way to publicly remember someone and a great way of giving to St. Ursula Academy. All memorial and honorary gifts are designated to the endowment fund. The following are tribute gifts made between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. In Memory of Mary Carole Altevers ’52 Allen Barrow and Phyllis Roeckers Mimi Hais Berning ’52 Carthage Senior Citizens Nancy Moore Ruth Moorman Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61 Tom Rinsky Rosie Reds, Inc. Frank and Susan Schmaltz Betty Noppenberg Singler ’52 Lee Walz In Honor of Darlene and Jeff Anderson Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71 In Memory of Steve Bambauer St. Ursula Academy Parents’ Club In Memory of Natalie Bradley ’09 Laurie Elizabeth Jacob ’09 In Memory of James F. Cahill Laura Cahill ’96 In Memory of Mary S. Ciarniello ’35 Maribeth Ciarniello Buskirk ’68 In Memory of Koula Constantinou Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71

In Memory of Virginia Arata Curry ’48 Jim and Joan Barker Andrew and Jennifer Barry Mary Alice Walsh Burke ’47 Clint and Karen Dorger Fifth Third Team of Eric Murphy, Cary Sanders, David Beckett, Jason Griffith, Morgan Winters, Elaine Elko and Jennifer Schwartz Mary Besl Gandenberger ’48 Kenneth and Judith Geiman Barbara Horner Grace Knoll Huddleston ’48 Dick and Ramona Leist Coe Steinert Robert and Marilyn Wildermuth In Memory of Nancy Deters Doris Tepe Tranter ’64 In Memory of Paul Dunphy Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71 Doris Tepe Tranter ’64

In Honor of Jim Niehaus Mark and Patty Stehlin In Honor of Liz Niehaus Cynthia Baker Stephen and Joanna Baker Pat McCormick Buckley ’68 Steve and Nancy Condon Brandon and Katrina Hartsel Stephanie Johnson Scott and Frances Keller Ryan and Sara Klekar Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77 Stephen and Mary Francis Melink Lynda Michael Ron and Martha Minges James and Mary Margaret Niehaus Ray and Barb Siegel Carolyn Stephens Carol Wirtz Todd and Sherry Wise

In Memory of Bud Fetick Ed and Nancy Ritter Ciarniello ’77

In Honor of Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61 Joseph and Marge Varatta

In Memory of Patricia Froelicher Laurence and Joann Baldwin

In Memory of Deborah Pfetzing Sarah Ziegler-Grilk ’96

In Memory of Charles Harrington Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61

In Memory of William J. Reardon Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61

In Honor of Chip and Laura Homan Bob and Tina Walter

In Memory of Gregory Schlueter Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71

In Memory of Dorothy Homan Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61

In Memory of Julia Schmidt ’03 Terri Reyering Abare ’72 Joseph and Ellen Cangi Bill and Judy Sandquist St. Ursula Academy Class of 2003 Anonymous

In Memory of Marjorie Hurley G.T. Fischer In Memory of Phillip Jackson St. Ursula Academy Parents’ Club In Memory of Carol Williams Jodar Tony and Fran Romweber In Memory of Meghan Kirkpatrick ’05 Tony and Fran Romweber In Memory of Anthony J. Lestingi Richard and Marilyn Naber ’47 In Memory of Susan McNamara Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71 In Memory of Margie Mooney-Jacoby ’73 Paul and Patricia Fellinger The Muskegon County Medical Society In Memory of Annie Myers ’06 Steve and Rita Bradley John and Ruth Crabtree Gary Pollock and Jeanne Lavelle Bill and Judy Sandquist Ralph and Linda Scherer In Honor of Bill Myers Doris Tepe Tranter ’64

In Memory of Al and Kay Shannon Sally Feltrup Chase ’70 Gregg Feltrup Julie Feltrup Lemke ’65, In Memory of Jane Kispert Kenniston-Shannon ’39 Scott and Anne Gilligan ’74 Julie Feltrup Lemke ’65 Thomas and Shirley Luken Richard and Joyce Lorey In Memory of Sherry Spurlock Doris Tepe Tranter ’64 In Memory of Joseph and Carmelita Stavale Elyse Stavale O’Kane ’67 In Memory of David Stratman Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61 In Honor of Doris Tepe Tranter ’64 The Sharonville License Girls In Memory of Dorothy Wernsing Westerfield ’45 Richard and Carol Westerfield Clark ’71 In Memory of Mill White Tim and Libby Tepe Myers ’71


NAMED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Alumnae Association Scholarship Fund Jean and David Beblo Scholarship Fund Ellen C. Bolger ’31 Scholarship The Cynthia and Manuel Chavez Family Scholarship Fund Peggy Conaton-Berger ’83 and Besty Conaton-Shannon ’83 Scholarship Fund Diane Holloway Curtis ’66 Diversity Scholarship Fund Dawg House Scholarship Fund David W. and Susan M. Deye Scholarship Fund Geri Walsh Educational Services/LD Scholarship Fund Mary Jean Grothaus Gilker ’40 Scholarship Fund The Matilda Kokenge Homan Scholarship Fund Nancy Nenninger Keating Scholarship Fund McCormick Equipment Company Scholarship Fund Braden and Eileen Mechley Scholarship Fund The Annie Myers Scholarship Fund Nassim Nicholas Education Fund The Niehaus Family Scholarship Fund The Overbeck Family Scholarship Fund Parents’ Club Scholarship Fund Helen Catherine Powers Scholarship Fund Rogers Family Scholarship Fund Wilbur Scott Memorial Fund Sr. Mary Helen Sanker and Margaret Crotty Scholarship Fund Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Trust Scholarship Fund Julia Schmidt Diversity Scholarship Fund Louis and Joanne Schweer Scholarship Fund Wilbur Scott Memorial Fund Elizabeth Knapp Engelhardt Stein ’25 Scholarship Fund The St. Ursula Walk Scholarship Fund Harry and May Thaman Scholarship Fund The Clara S. Thiel Scholarship Fund Ursulines of Cincinnati Scholarship Fund Dorothy Wernsing Westerfield ’45 Scholarship Fund Women’s Club Scholarship Fund Judith A. Wimberg ’58 Scholarship Fund

MOTHER FIDELIS LEGACY SOCIETY The Mother Fidelis Legacy Society recognizes friends who have included St. Ursula Academy in their estate plans or have made an irrevocable planned gift. The Society was named after Mother Fidelis, foundress of the Ursulines of Cincinnati, who was an extraordinarily gifted leader, renowned educator and a valiant religious whose deep faith and firm hope in God animated her life and that of her community. We would like to express our appreciation to the members listed who have made a commitment to the future of St. Ursula Academy in empowering each student to become a woman of faith, integrity and courage committed to building a better world.

6 Anonymous Mary Carole Altevers ’52 Bill and Julie Foy Baechtold ’71 Rosemary Baumann Mildred Hais Berning ’52 Eva Gilkey Booher ’77  Marie Brady ’35 Bruce and Pat McCormick Buckley ’68 X Mary K Carlton ’33 Alice L. Cassinelli ’44  Monica Caveman ’26  Ms. Margaret Crotty


X Emily Curry ’23  Virginia Curry ’27 Geri Denterlein ’74 Peggy Ann Trice Eshman ’50 Gael Fischer ’67 Thomas and Lucille Tateman Gerdes ’66 X Patricia Goodwin John and Elaine Grever Mrs. Richard W. Grote  Rosemary Lehn Hansman ’36 Leo P. Heskamp  Marjorie Huerkamp George and Mary Eckert Jutze ’47 Arleene Fox Keller ’58 Jane Knudsen Mary Jo Lane ’74  Charles H. Lenzer  Margo Locaputo John Locaputo X Colleen McTamney ’70 Carol Meyer Merkel ’56 X June Moorbrink ’31 X H. Scott Murrer Angela Fraley Murrer ’53 X Lynn Jonas Myers ’50 Gina M. Nelson ’97 James and Liz Niehaus X F. Allan Nolan Jack and Kit Rettig Overbeck ’61 James Lee & Denise M. Patton X Margaret McEvilley Rettig ’29 George and Mary Frances Meyer Rogers ’51 Frances R. Romweber Judy and Bill Sandquist Betty Busse Schulenberg ’42 Joanne Homan Schweer ’41  Alma Smeddinck  Elizabeth C. Spraul Mary Ann Thoman ’61 X Dorothy Wernsing Westerfield ’45 Judith A. Wimberg ’58 X Deceased

THE URSULINES OF CINCINNATI St. Ursula Academy is very grateful to The Ursulines of Cincinnati who generously support the Academy through gifts to our endowment and capital improvements. Sr. Mary Henry Bernard, O.S.U Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert ’63, O.S.U. Sr. Eileen Connelly ’84, O.S.U Sr. Margaret Mary Efkeman ’64, O.S.U Sr. Ruth Ann Hartmann ’49, O.S.U. Sr. Elizabeth Lang ’51, O.S.U Sr. Mary William Luxford ’49, O.S.U. Sr. Barbara Niehaus, O.S.U. Sr. Mary Germaine Thorburn ’58, O.S.U.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cheryl M. Beach John B. Berding Michael L. Besl Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert ’63, O.S.U. Manuel Chavez

Mary Ellen Cody Anne Dagenbach ’93 Paul Dorger Steven J. Dreyer J. Scott Golan R. Peter Kimener Paul G. Kitzmiller Jane Knudson Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77 Susan Loechle Michelle A. Mullee ’78 Liz Niehaus Richard A. Paolo Anthony Perazzo Connie Perme Elizabeth Spraul Rogers ’82 Karen Schenck ’77 Timothy J. Schroeder Elizabeth Stautberg ’83 Mark J. Stepaniak William L. Verbryke, S.J. Mark W. Weber Maurice Williams

SUA SNOW BALL 2013 The SUA SNOW Ball was a huge success this year, netting nearly $240,000.00. Below is a list of individuals and businesses who donated items for the online auction and/or the night of the event. Al and Sandi Hurt Albert and Christy Pucci All Occasions Event Rental and Event Design Alvin and Joan Roehr Anderson Professional Business Services Andrea Rosenthal Andrew and Barbara Bryans Andrew and Jackie Tepe Andrew and Marianne Emmert Andy and Lisa Castellini Angelo and Sherri Mancini Ann Fraley Ranaghan Anne Penick Anthony and Rhonda Morgan Appearance Plus Cleaners Arleene Fox Keller ’58 Aston Oaks Golf Club Bad Tom Brewing Bag-Pack Inc. Bart and Kelley Fitzpatrick Beaman and Carolyn Ayers Beauty Society Beth O’Leary Catering Beth Stautberg Bill and Lori Luttmer Bill Burnside Bill Verbryke S.J. Bloomingdales North Michigan Ave. Blue Sky Creative Bob and Monica Dieckman Braco Window Cleaning Services Brinker Animal Hospital Bruce and Cathy Shaffer Bruce and Pam Carothers

C3 Creating Connections Consulting, LLC Carol Beyersdorfer Caroline Renneker Catherine Finley CE Power Solutions Chandrakumar Sinnadurai and Sathya Nagesparan Charles and Bridget Glaescher Cheryl Myers, Mary Kay Cosmetics Chip and Bridget Glaescher Chris and Kim Koenig Chrisi Naber Christian and Kim James Christine Klueh Chuck and Mary Ann Kelly Cincinnati Ballet Cincinnati Eye Institute Cincinnati Federal Savings and Loan Cincinnati Functional Fitness Cincinnati Museum Center Cincinnati Nature Center Cincinnati Netherland Hilton Cincinnati Reds Cincinnati Shakespeare Company Cincinnati Sports Club Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden Cindy Depoe Cintas Corporation Co-Ed Supply Coffee Break Roasting Co. Complete Mechanical Services Covedale Center for Performing Arts Craig and Amy Maliborski Craig and Sondra Kurz Curt and Linda Dunseath Daisy J’s Embroidery & More Dan and Katie Finley Dan and Mary Connaughton Dan and Jill Cahill Daniel and M. Catherine Bair Daniel and Shari Torbeck Dave and Cathy Murray Dave and Jean Beblo Dave Stickel David and Beth Zilch David and Gail Chin David and Maria Schoeppner David Ziegler and Edye Leuin Deborah Majoras DeBra-Kuempel Denny’s Dog House Details...It’s All Inside Donna and Doug Browning Doug and Lisa Habegger Duke University Eddie Lane’s Diamond Showroom Edward and Carole Adlard Edward and Tricia Bender Edward Heskamp Eisele Gallery of Fine Art Eli’s BBQ Elson & Company Emilio and Susan Fernandez Eric and Courtney Ragland Eric Pescovitz and Kelly Mahan

Erik and Emmy Waterkotte Fiber-Seal of Cincinnati Friedhoff Florist & Greenhouses Friend of SUA Frisch’s Restaurants Inc. Funky’s Catering Gael Fischer Geri Walsh Gilson’s Engraving Elegant Gifts Gina Elliott Glamour Shots Graeter’s Famous Ice Cream, Candy & Pastries Great Parks of Hamilton County Greg and Cindy Olson Greg and Marianne Ehemann Greg and Mary Lee Waddell Greg and Mary Massa Greg and Suzanne Floyd H.J. Benken Florist Hamilton County Sherriff’s Office Harlan Graphic Arts Services Inc. Honeybaked Ham Hugh and Melissa Moore Hyde Park Bridal Inspirato It’s In The Details, LTD. Jack and Gina York Jack and Jennifer Asher Jack Heekin - Pedal Wagon Cincinnati/Columbus Jacki Dillon and Michael Lyon Jag’s Steak and Seafood James and Jane Kleinfelder Jay and Bethanne Brown Jeff and Deanna Wall Jeff and Jeannie Niebuhr Jeff and Karri Schrand Jeff and Marilyn Stoops Jeff and Michelle Peck Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estate, Inc. Jennifer Allman Joan York Joanne Koehl Joe and Amy Feldkamp Joe and Juli Lowry Joe and Mary Porter Joe and Megan Molony John and Ann Weigand John and Denise Daggett John and Denise Siegel John and Julie Abraham John and Kathy Heekin John and Marguerite Capannari John and Maria Pagano John and Nancy Silverman John and Robin Throckmorton John and Sheela Geraghty John and Susan Berding Jon and Angie Naylor Joseph and Donna Dillon Joseph and Maria Arcuri Judi Dooley Julie and Jeff Stephenson Julie and Steven Conarroe

Julie Perry Karl and Muffy Kadon Keith and Kathy Ferrara Ken and Beth LaFountain Kenny and Mary Morand Kent Wellington Kevin and Cathy Reilly Kevin and Debbie Osterfeld Kevin and Francis McMurray Kevin and Michelle Atwell Kevin and Nancy Sullivan Kevin and Teri Carrick Kris and Mick Dollenmayer La Petite Salon and Spa Larose’s, Inc. Larry and Betsy Homan Larry and Maureen Vignola Linda Kerman Lori Habegger Messmer Lucy Morgan Mac Kramer and Lelia Kramer Macy’s, Inc. Mad Potter Manuel and Cynthia Chavez Marc and Lisa Cassiere Margaret Callahan Margie Matthews Mark and Janene Cappel Mark and Karen Vollman Mark and Kristy Voytek Marti and Jack Butz Mary Ann Meyer Mary Helen Clothing Matt and Joanne Curoe Matt and Shelley Walchle Matt Bradley Salon Matthew and Angela Schroeder Matthew and Anne Wheeler Matthew and Claire Long Matthew and Laine Barresi

Matthew Brennan Meg Hopple Mercy Healthplex Anderson Michael and Amy Foley Michael and Dottie McIntyre Michael and Liz Johnson Michael and Shaune Rueve Michael and Teresa Haught Michael Winter and Lisa Feck Winter ’80 Mike and Elizabeth Johnson Mike Heizman Mike’s Car Wash Miller Coors Mitch and Joanne West Moira Morgan Monica Swope Montgomery Inn Morgan’s Canoe & Outdoor Adventures Mt. Washington Savings Bank Natorp’s Nursery Outlet Nick & Tom’s Restaurant and Bar Norb and Holly Mechley Northcreek Mezzanine Old World Restorations, Inc. Palette Studios Inc. Pampered Chef Paper Please Pat and Kathy Michel Patrick and Caren Lawler Patrick and Jenee Ferguson Patriot Signs Paul and Ann Friedmann Paul and Betsy Bissmeyer Paul and Carrie Naber Paul and Christy Dorger Paul and Laura Kitzmiller Paul and Lois Reis Perfect North Slopes Perfectly Posh Pete and Krista Settle Peter and Ellen Sullivan Peter and Mary Schulcz Philip and Deborah Wheeler PK Cruise’n Travel Experts Primavista Rachel and Matt Kemper Rakesh and Marcia Ram REACH, INC. Recycled Silver Relevant Works Rich and Sue Dansereau Richard and Mag Joseph Rick and Beth Schimpf Rob and Joanie Engelhardt Rob and Sally Taylor Rob and Tenesia Wildermuth Rob Wegman and Jennifer Helmers Robert and Jennifer Rankin Robert and Jenny Gerwin Robert and Joan Engelhardt, Jr Robert and Lisa Kitko Roger and Lori Miller Roger W. and Michelle Krummen Ron and Anna Bisher Ron and Gina Sawma


Sally and Dale Zdolshek Sandy Campbell Sara Utecht Scott and Amy Hobler Scott and Jane Liesch Scott and Pamela Jordahl Scott and Sara Gurney Sean and Tracie Conway St. Louis University St. Xavier High School Stephanie Trautman Stephen and Maryann Ries Stephen and Stephanie Kastner Sterling Cut Glass Steve and Cindy Bambauer Steve and Laura Huster Steve and Susan Koesterman Steven and Karen Crowley Steven and Susan Dillhoff Denison SUA Logo Committee Suresh and Jenny Nayak Ted and Brenda Christy Teller’s of Hyde Park Terry and Molly Dingeldein Terri and David Karsten Terry and Pam Pompelia The Esquire, Kenwood, and Mariemont Theatres Thirty-One Gifts Thompson-MacConnell Cadillac Tim and Ann Besl Tim and Ann Fallon Tim and Jan Wilking

Tim and Kristyn Jossart Tim and Vicki Garry Tim and Mary Ragland Timothy Garry Tod and Erin Mollaun Todd and Jan Upham Tom and Barbara Frey Tom and Christi Hill Tom and Kathy Barker Tom and Linda Strotman Tom and Shari Bacon Tom Reyering and Stephanie Nugent Tom Williams and Toni Tepe Williams Tony and Donna McIlvenna Tony and Fran Romweber Tony and Joan Muto Tony and Peggy Fryer Tracey and John DiFalco Trey and Meghan Dolle Truck Shop Turner Barber Shop Ultimate Air Shuttle University of Dayton Urban Chick VIP Back Rubs in Hyde Park Vonderhaar Fireplaces, Stoves & Masonry Widmer’s Cleaning Wildtree Foods William and Jan Brown William and Nancy Clements William and Stephanie Danko Anonymous

FUND A NEED On the night of the SUA SNOW Ball, our guests held up their paddles in order to support and enhance our scholarship and financial aid fund. Thank you to all who donated to this worthy cause. Tuition Assistance Fund-A Need $50,315.00 raised John and Susan Berding Ron and Anna Bisher Ellen Bragalone Andrew and Barb Bryans Bruce and Pat Buckley Janel Carroll Manuel and Cynthia Chavez Jim and Kim Ciesick Matt and Joanne Curoe John and Tracey DiFalco Paul and Christy Dorger Steve and Sharon Dreyer Rob and Joanie Engelhardt Keith and Kathy Ferrara Paul and Ann Friedmann Richard and Mag Joseph Tim and Tracy Kilfoil Mac and Lelia Kramer Madison McLain Kramer

Great care and attention was given in preparation of this Honor Roll so that all donors are named and their names correctly spelled. However, we sincerely apologize for any errors or mistakes, and request that they be reported in St. Ursula Academy’s Advancement Office.


Craig and Sondra Kurz Craig and Amy Maliborski Glen and Kris Napolitano Tony and Dianna Perazzo Ambrose and Mary Puttmann Joe and Barb Rohs Greg and Valerie Schube Alice Sparks Peter and Lee Stautberg Gregory and Mary Lee Waddell Erik and Emmy Waterkotte Rusty Wayne Mark and Lisa Weadick Rob Wegman and Jennifer Helmers Steve Weyler and Toni Tedesco Rob and Tenesia Wildermuth Jerry and Ellen Willett John and Terri Zisko Anonymous

the principal’s message Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends of SUA:


et’s build a better world. How? First let’s be women of faith, integrity and courage. Let’s also become Academy Alums--women who are reflective thinkers, servant leaders, nurturers, and prophets who live our beliefs in the world. In these first few lines are the foundations of what we strive to do each day at St. Ursula Academy. We learn and grow so that we may build a better world now and in the future. Each year we choose a theme, rooted in our mission; and this theme serves as the foundation for much of our programming. This year our students created our theme, Prophet: Inspiring Others to Make a Difference, which celebrates and reinforces one of the four roles of the Academy Alum. Throughout the year, students will work to define prophet in a way that is meaningful for them. They will witness prophetic actions and be asked to consider acting prophetically themselves. Finally, they will reflect on their progess as a prophet, knowing that they are called in a special way to this role. In 1536 none other than St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline order said, “Act so that by your example they are stirred and encouraged to live virtuous lives.” By their conscious actions and example, our students will make a difference in our world. On the second day of school, students spent much of the day learning about the role of prophet. To many students the highlight of the day was viewing, The Empowerment Project, produced by a team of five female filmmakers. The documentary featured interviews with modern-day female prophets. At the end of the film, the filmmakers challenge the viewers: What would you do if you were not afraid to fail? Naturally students began answering this very question. What resulted is a roadmap for becoming an Academy Alum prophet. Perhaps even more importantly, students began thinking about the ways they can build a better world, one step at a time. I’d like to share with you some of our students’ hopes and dreams. At the beginning of each section you will find a quick explanation of each different aspect of prophet taken from our St. Ursula Academy Alum Program booklet. Following each explanation are some student responses. I think you will find that these provide a revealing glimpse into the fears, hopes, dreams and resolve of our future prophets. As a prophet, a St. Ursula Academy graduate will witness through word and deed God’s presence in the world. “If I were not afraid to fail, I would... “...ignore judgements.” “ more trusting.” “...share my feelings more instead of bottling them up inside.” “ the world and tell everyone I meet that they are IMPORTANT and WORTH IT!” As a prophet, a St. Ursula Academy graduate will speak and act with hope in a world weighed down with negativity. “If I were not afraid to fail, I would... “ the world, inspiring others through music.” “...start a school in Africa for girls.” “...end gender discrimination.” “...end racial discrimination.” “ a community in a less fortunate place...and put smiles across their faces!”

As a prophet, a St. Ursula Academy graduate creates a society where the rights of the disadvantaged, marginalized and defenseless are respected and promoted. “If I were not afraid to fail, I would... “ less fortunate families get a fresh start.” “ with undocumented immigrants.” “...start an organization for kids with Downs Syndrome.” “...start a nonprofit organization for teens with low self-esteem.” “...speak up!” As a prophet, a St. Ursula Academy graduate acts as steward of creation, living in harmony with the earth and protecting it from misuse. “If I were not afraid to fail, I would... “...take a gap year to hike the Appalachian Trail.” “...teach a gorilla sign language.” “ to not so ’beautiful’ places in the world.” “...start a home for single parents struggling financially and their children. It would be one big family where everyone would share their skills and talents with each other. There would be some acreage so we could have a garden for fresh food and chickens for fresh eggs.” As a prophet, a St. Ursula Academy graduate rejects the world’s values when they are in conflict with the Gospel. “If I were not afraid to fail, I would... “...take harder classes.” “...join the Peace Corps.” “...go out of my way to speak with others and learn their stories.” “...make decisions based on what I want to do instead of what others think of me.” As a faculty and staff, particularly as educators in a Catholic school, we are compelled to prophetic actions. We, too, must be inspired by the words from St. Angela’s Sixth Counsel to “act so that by [our] example they are stirred and encouraged to live virtuous lives.” We know that in order for our students to learn and to live their role as prophets, they must witness prophetic actions--ours included. The faculty and staff at St. Ursula are teaching academic coursework and so much more. Through our education, preparation and knowledge, we are equipping writers, scientists and actors. Through our passion, we are inspiring starters of nonprofits, community advocates and religious. Through our courage, we are inspiring marathoners, Ironmen and skydivers. Through our vocation as educators at St. Ursula Academy, we are helping to transform young women into reflective thinkers, leaders serving the community, nurturers, and prophets. What an important and rewarding task! I look forward to coming to St. Ursula each day. Sincerely,

Craig Maliborski Principal

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae


Tradition of Academic Excellence


Do you know a Future Bulldog? Tell them how they can visit SUA! It’s time again for prospective students to visit Saint Ursula

to our newest Academy Alum, the Class of 2014!

Academy to see what makes it so unique and special. If you know a student in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who is preparing for high school, please share the following information about our upcoming events.

We are proud of each and every student who worked so

Thanks for helping us spread the word about SUA!

hard to earn her SUA diploma. We wish you all the best

To register for these events, please contact Michelle Dellecave,

as you continue your education! 81% of the Class of

Director of Admissions,

2014 earned college scholarship offers totaling more than

or 513- 961-3410 ext. 183.

$20-million for academics, fine arts, service and athletics. The Gold Medal for the highest academic average was

Michelle Dellecave, Director of Admissions

Please include total number of family members attending.

awarded to the 2014 valedictorian, Emma Grace Siegel. The Silver Medal for the second highest academic average

Shadow Day (8th grade): Offered most school days September 8 through December 8

was awarded to the salutatorian, Clare Viola Rahner.

Spend a day as a Saint Ursula Academy student and visit classes, eat lunch in the Keller Student

To see a list of more senior award recipients, please visit

Center, and experience the atmosphere! Open to all 8th grade girls. Coffee Breaks: Offered Wednesday mornings September 10 through December 3

our website at

Parents and guardians can get an in-depth look at campus and an opportunity to have questions answered in a smaller setting with the Director of Admissions. Showcase Nights (7th and 8th grade): November 12 • December 9 The program will be offered on these dates from 6:30-8:30pm. This two-hour program for 7th and 8th graders and parents highlights many parts of a Saint Ursula Academy education. Get inside information on academic programs, extracurricular activities, community service, and college guidance. Entrance Test: November 22 8:30a.m.-12:00p.m. Emma Grace Siegel, Valedictorian


Clare Viola Rahner, Salutatorian

All 8th grade students must take the High School Placement Test to apply to Saint Ursula Academy. We host a test site and accept test scores taken at any other Catholic school in the city.

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

Global Learning at SUA St. Ursula Academy hosted “Artist in Residence” Gerardo Arias of Nicaragua for three weeks during the spring semester. Mr. Arias collaborated with students to create a four panel mural with the theme “Inspiring Leadership for a Bright Future”. Every detail of the mural represents an ideal central to the education and formation of students at St. Ursula Academy. For example, the yellow represents the light that SUA students are expected to shine on the community. Also incorporated in the mural are images related to technology, fine arts, faith, leadership, community involvement, and confidence. The combination of these colors and images speaks to the title of the project, encouraging young ladies to be the leaders of a bright future. Mr. Arias is an art teacher from the Cultural Center of Batahola Norte in Manugua, Nicaragua. St. Ursula Academy has partnered with the Cultural Center for several years and sent students to Nicaragua this summer for the fourth year. The mural is on permanent display in the Keller Center on St. Ursula Academy’s campus.

The completed mural

Saint Ursula Academy connected with Ursuline sister schools worldwide this summer as representatives from Ursuline schools across the globe came together for the first Ursuline Educational Services (UES) Global Conference. Ursuline Educational Services is a network of Ursuline schools in the United States and Canada. Jill Cahill ’84 and Rachel Kemper ’90 represented Saint Ursula in New Rochelle, New York June 15-20th in the global collaboration among Ursuline educators from around various cultures. Participants traveled from Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, England, France, Germany, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan in the Republic of China, Thailand, the United States, and Venezuela. The program included a celebration of common

Ursuline educators from 20 countries in New Rochelle, NY

heritage as followers of St. Angela Merici and sessions on how to enhance the charism of St. Angela in Ursuline schools in the twenty-first century. Open House

Boosting the “T” in STEM at SUA A new partnership with the University of Cincinnati’s School of Information Technology is giving Saint Ursula Academy students additional opportunities for gaining real-world experience in technology. Technology is an important part of STEM programming, which helps students develop strong foundations in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Through this new partnership, students at both institutions will have the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in their respective classrooms to real issues.

Elena Helmers-Wegman ’15

UC undergraduate students currently enrolled in the School of Information Technology will work with their professors to teach “Academy Classes” to St. Ursula students. The classes will take place for one week after school at St. Ursula each term. The final session will be held on the UC campus. “These technology classes are so important for the students because nowhere else will we be able to find such an accessible way to gain instruction and knowledge on the technology that will be shaping our lives and at our fingertips for years to come,” said Saint Ursula senior Elena Helmers-Wegman ’15. SUA students are tour guides at the Open House

Students will also have the chance to learn from professionals in large area businesses and corporations who partner with UC on IT development.

Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae


Good Sports We are so proud to share that for the ninth year in a row, St. Ursula Academy students and fans have been recognized for their commitment to good sportsmanship, ethics and integrity. SUA was selected to win the 2013 Harold A. Meyer Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Award from the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA). Sportsmanship, ethics and integrity are part of the mission of the school and St. Ursula has taken steps to ensure these values are included as part of the St. Ursula education for all students, not just student athletes. This award is presented to schools who take significant steps to not only emphasize sportsmanship to students, coaches, parents and fans, but also to emphasize the values of ethical behavior and integrity. Winning this award takes a lot of effort and

New Saint Ursula Academy Faculty and Staff Members; L-R front: Ashley Kaehler, Meridith Oberklein Spille, Barbara Hammond, Tori Vogelgesang ’06; L-R Back Row: Chris Moran, Zachary Hacker, Linda Thomas, Jill Meiring, Philip Vogel

commitment. Applicants are required to complete an eight-part program in their

New Faces

schools and communities showing that they are promoting the SEI values.

There are some new faces greeting the students this year! We welcome the newest members to the Saint Ursula Academy family. They join a team of outstanding professionals whose talents and experience create the ultimate academic experience for SUA’s young women. Kate Durso

Assistant Principal for Student Affairs

Zachary Hacker


Barbara Hammond

SUA Ball Coordinator

Ashley Kaehler

Administrative Assistant for Facilities

Jill Meiring

Assistant Athletic Director

Chris Moran


Meridith Oberklein Spille

Director of Advancement

Linda Thomas


Philip Vogel


Tori Vogelgesang ’06

Alumnae Relations Director

St. Ursula Academy proudly displays the Harold A Meyer Award for sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity. Front row: SUA Sportsmanship committee members Sophia Settle of Hyde Park, Lindsay Tatman of Madeira, Jill Foster of Loveland, and Marissa DelGado of Clifton. Back row: Principal Craig Maliborski, Physical Education Chairperson Julie Perry, Athletic Director Mike Sipes, and SUA President Lelia Keefe Kramer ’77.

SUA Keller Student Center Expands Saint Ursula welcomed students back for the new school year with a treat; a

community meeting space and a Student Life office that includes the Diversity and

newly expanded student center. Thanks to generous donations from our alumnae,

Community Service departments. The first phase in the Arleene Fox Keller ’58

families and friends, Saint Ursula was able to add additional dining space, a

Student Center opened to the students in the spring of 2012, offering delicious hot

quiet group meeting and study area for students, private meeting rooms, a large

meals for lunch, the DawgHouse spirit shop and several offices and meeting spaces. Students enjoying the newly expanded Keller Student Center


Visit “SUA Alumnae Association” on Facebook for news about SUA and our alumnae

Joining the Academy Alum W hile graduation from Saint Ursula Academy is the end of a chapter, becoming a

member of the Saint Ursula Alumnae Association opens a new chapter. Some of

the most memorable events as our alumnae look back on their high school years are the events just before graduation; May Crowning and The Senior Tea.

May Crowning The sun was shining brightly as the senior class of 2014 honored their mothers and paid tribute to the Blessed Mother Mary during the annual May Crowning Event. The event, a tradition at St. Ursula Academy for over 100 years, encourages the students to reflect on the love and guidance provided by their mothers and female role models through their childhood and teenage years. It also focuses on the important role of Mary in our Catholic faith. Following a service in the chapel, the girls processed outside to adorn the statue of Mary with flowers. Faculty from the SUA Religion

Morgan Miller and Elizabeth Klare at May Crowning

Department selected Morgan Miller of Anderson Twp. and Elizabeth Klare of Colerain Twp. to crown Mary. They were chosen because they have been very active in the school’s Faith Formation activities during their years at St. Ursula.

Senior Tea Do you remember your Senior Tea? The event has been held in several locations around the school over the years from the parlors to the circle drive to our Convocation Center, but the tradition of wearing dresses and hats and greeting your guests in a receiving line prior to sipping tea holds some of the same special memories for every alumna. The Tea organizers did a beautiful job this year of carrying on the legacy. This remains an experience that is unique to Saint Ursula and that our students can look forward to for decades to come!

Three generations celebrate the Senior Tea: Adrienne Geraci, Kathleen Flaherty, Helen Steinbicker Geraci, and Colleen Flaherty Pope

Members of the Class of 2014 posed at the Senior Tea with their mothers, aunts, grandmothers, cousins and sisters who are also SUA alumnae!

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class notes 1961 Mary Monahan Gimpel ’61 was named a Cincinnati Enquirer Woman of the Year in 2014. She is touted as one of the top fundraisers in the Greater Cincinnati area and creates many of her own extraordinary decorations for fundraising events. She has put her skills to work many times while chairing events and volunteering her time on boards and committees. 1967 Mary Ling Schwarz teaches English at Visitation Elementary School in Cincinnati and is sporting an official SUA uniform cardigan, thanks to her students who are starting as freshman at Saint Ursula this fall. 1995 Rachel Vacek is making news in the Library Science/ Information Technology world. Rachel is head of web services for the University of Houston (UH) Libraries. Nationally, she’s the president-elect of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). She was also selected as a 2014 Library Journal Mover and Shaker for her innovation. (Special Thanks to Susan Schrimpf Davis ’86 for letting us know about Rachel’s accomplishments!)

Mary Monahan Gimpel

Mary Ling Schwartz and the freshmen she taught at Visitation

Rachel Vacek

1996 Heather Mitts Feeley The three time Olympic gold medalist soccer star partnered this year with TQL for the She Plays, She Wins Program where female athletes ages 13 to 24 had a chance to win $1,000 in scholarship money or uniform vouchers for their teams through the new program.

Abbie Boeing

1998 Emily Frazee and Millie Parish Zook volunteered together at The Memorial golf tournament 2007 Abbie Boeing was featured in print for her work as fire prevention and life safety coordinator for the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department in Cheatham and Robertson counties in Tennessee. 2010 Emily Gruesser played Field Hockey for Miami University and was named one of the College Sportswomen of the Year by the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Women’s Sports Association. 2011 Mary Jo Bissmeyer is the recipient of a Butler Summer Institute grant. She lived at Butler University with the other research students and worked with her advisor on “Conversational coaching with couples with an aphasic partner.”

Heather Mitts Feeley

Ellyn Gruber was named team captain of Ohio State Buckeye’s Soccer Team. Her coach said she was unanimously selected for the team captain spot by her teammates.

Bretten Hill and Danielle Deusing

2012 Kieran Conway earned a spot on the Deans List at Wittenburg University. She is majoring in Dance, Africana and Diaspora Studies

Anne Dixon, Gina Hurst, Kristen Ney and Olivia Weyler earned spots on the Dean’s List at the University of Dayton

Emily Frazee and Millie Parish Zook

2012 and 2014 Former Bulldog golf teammates Bretten Hill (Ohio Dominican University) & Danielle Deusing (Maryville U), reunited in Evansville, Indiana for a college tournament! 2014 The current SUA JV Volleyball team visited with alumna Kristen Massa ’14 during a recent game at Xavier University, where Massa now plays.

Emily Gruesser


Ellyn Gruber

Kristen Massa

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class notes St. Ursula Alumna Allison Stepaniak ’11 Awarded UC’s Prestigious Carl H. Lindner Scholarship SUA alumna Allison Stepaniak ’11, BBA ’15, received the Carl H. Lindner Scholarship for her academic success at the University of Cincinnati. The Carl H. Lindner College of Business Alumni Board of Governors honored her with the award during the Cincinnati Business Achievement Awards, which were held March 5 at the Westin Cincinnati. The event recognizes community business leaders for achievement and service. Stepaniak, a marketing and international business major, is a Marvin P. Kolodzik Scholar (KBS), Cincinnatus Scholar, and member of the University Honors program. In 2012, she received the Rho Lambda Outstanding First Year Greek Woman Scholarship. As a marketing major, Allison has gained career experience in her field through an internship with the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens and a current part-time job with Courtenay Lambert Florals. A highlight in her experience happened in the summer of 2013 when she represented Courtenay Lambert at the White House. At the White House, Allison created light floral designs and assisted with the set-up for First Family events. Allison’s leadership experience is varied and includes serving as vice president of programming for UC’s Chapter of the American Marketing Association and director of programming/secretary of Chi Omega sorority. She’s also a Lindner College of Business PACE leader and serves on the student planning commission of Dress to Impress Fashion Fair, which is hosted by Lindner Career Services. She is also a member of the KBS Association and serves on the Student Leaders Team.

New Additions to the SUA Family 2005 Robert McCafferty “Mac” Ragland, born to Eric and Courtney Dorger Ragland, May 29, 2014

Weddings in the SUA Chapel 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008

Angie Rath and Brian Antenucci, July 4, 2014 Brittany Nurre and Jeff Aug, May 24, 2014 Andrea Ulrich and Robert Roeding, May 17, 2014 Cara Concannon and Brian Frost, November 2, 2013 Sarah Hampton and David King, June 7, 2014 Tiffany Imbus and Joseph Necamp, July 12, 2014 Jenna Kelly and Daniel Schweitzer, August 30, 2014 Christine White and Josh Bryant, December 31, 2013 Eileen Flaherty and Matt Pittinger, March 22, 2014 Kara Habel and Andrew Farnham, April 25, 2014 Vesper Williams and David Sajdak, May 31, 2014 Lindsey Cornish and Matthew Elias, May 2, 2014 Katie Dempsey and Joe Beyer, June 14, 2014 Caitlin Graham and Matt Felvus, August 23, 2014 Deanna Huber and Justin Grider, March 29, 2014 Kristen Savage and Andrew Taylor, July 19, 2014 Kristen Wedzikowski and Tom Hurst, July 26, 2014 Jenna Bareswilt and Joshua Canafax, August 9, 2014

New Unions 2006 Jaclyn Marie Ionna and Joseph Daniel Lacy, May 31, 2014

Brittany Nurre and Jeff Aug

Jaclyn Marie Ionna and Joseph Daniel Lacy

Lindsey Cornish and Matthew Elias

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The St. Ursula Academy community extends sympathy to the families of the alumnae on the death of their loved ones.

In memoriam

Alumnae Alice Loiuse Cassinelli, class of 1944 Anne Grieme Dorsey, class of 1952 Barbara Hauer Haggert, class of 1957 Helen Frey Wolf, class of 1948 Mary Susan Schroer Zeehandelar, class of 1970

Family Members of Alumnae & Students Ella Albert, grandmother of Leslie Albert Whitford ’05 Nick Anderson, father of Kristy Anderson Goff ’90 Henry Averbeck, grandfather of Elizabeth Averbeck ’00 Steven Bambauer, father of Chloe Bambauer ’17 Audrey J. Barloh, mother of Barbara Barloh ’72 Betty Beck, mother of Jackie Beck Lawrence ’62, Claudia Beck Buchanan ’66 and Linda Beck Greiner ’69 Annette M. Benken, grandmother of Claire Benken ’14 Robert B. Bergheger, husband of Mary M. Meyer Bergheger ’47 Cleary J. Buchert, father of Sr. Mary Jerome Buchert, O.S.U., ’63 and Jan Buchert Hirst ’67 and grandfather of Rebecca Poland Bengel ’02 Martin Buerk, Jr., grandfather of Abby Zyck ’18 Arthur J. Canos, MD, father of Laura Canos ’07 Joan Cardosi, mother of Sue Cardosi Fisher ’70, Sally Cardosi ’77 and Sharon Cardosi Sanker ’80 Mary Pistner Carns, grandmother of Katie Carns ’06 John Corcoran, grandfather of Lauren Morgan Young ’04 Lottie Crane, grandmother of Erin Crane Dunigan ’03 Robert L. Diener, father of Nancy Diener Finke ’88 and grandfather of Katie Kerr ’09 Jean Marie Donnelly, mother of Mary Helen Hedgebeth ’74, Lee Anne Conroy ’79, Jean Beblo ’81, Catherine Buckley ’82, Martha Ray ’86, Elizabeth Dolan ’90 and grandmother of Catherine Hedgebeth ’03, Kristen Hedgebeth ’05, Megan Hedgebeth ’06 and Jessica Hedgebeth ’10 Edward Dohrmann, father-in-law of Michelle Holly Dohrmann, ’97 Thomas Brogan Dulle, son of Elizabeth McVeigh Dulle ’85 Iona Mary Dyment, mother of Carolyn Dyment Johnson ’68 Margaret Emery, grandmother of Abby Emery Shuman ’99 and Sarah Emery Simon ’00 Domenic Fiorito, grandfather of Lynne Fiorito Helm ’04 Francis H. Frey, father-in-law of Beth Lutmer Frey ’78 and grandfather of Paige Frey ’12, Ellen Frey ’14 and Catherine Frey ’15. Helen Gangloff, grandmother of Lindsey Rutenschroer Craft ’03 and mother-in-law of Patty Farrell Gangloff ’66 Gretchen Garvey, grandmother of Maggie Roberts ’07 and Caroline Roberts ’09 Martin Gebel, father of Christina Gebel ’03 Ruth Geil, grandmother of Laura Bange ’03 John Getha, grandfather of Adrianne Eby ’07 Brian C. Gibson, son of Elizabeth Flynn Gibson ’68. Mary Louise Groen, daughter of Hypha Wehby Groen ’61 Frank L. Haffner III, grandfather of Monica Finnigan ’07 Charles Harrington, father of Holly Harrington ’69 and Amy Harrington McGurk ’78 Helen Harrington, mother of Anne Harrington Burke ’81 and grandmother of Shannon Burke ’10 Allen Heyson, husband of Joan Wenker Heyson ’48 Dorothy Homan, mother of Diane Homan Werner ’67 Dorothy Kiphart, grandmother of Elizabeth Macke Hassel ’96, Lauren Macke ’98 and Colleen Kiphart ’03.


Douglas Larbes, husband of Elaine Fox Larbes ’63 Dave Lutomski, step-father of Katie Wernke ’13 Arthur Massa, grandfather of Cate Massa ’17 Albert Masset, father of Judith Masset-Brown ’81 Rita Meyer, grandmother of Regina Meyer Cano ’04, Maria Lees Dunlap ’05, Kathleen Meyer ’06, Kaitlin Meyer ’06 and Kristen Meyer ’09 Thomas L Meyers, Jr., father of Melissa Meyers Lea ’87 and Molly Meyers Walker ’89 John H. Middendorf, father of Lynn Middendorf Hanley ’88 Carl R. Muthert, grandfather of Megan Dee Shiverdecker ’06 Edward G. O’Neill, grandfather of Kelly Backscheider O’Neill ’03 Nathan Pettengill, brother of Jean Pettengill ’71 and Claire Pettengill ’73 Margaret L. Raible, mother of JoAnne Raible Leshney ’75 Ralph Renneker, father of Rachel Renneker Wirth ’97 William Reuter, grandfather of Miriam Reuter ’05 and Rachel Reuter ’10 Joseph Rippe, father of Kathryn Rippe ’02 Florence Robben, grandmother of Alicia Robben ’01, Kimberly Robben Hinderly ’02 and Olivia Roeder’09 Matthew J. Rohde, nephew of Dianne Chambers Brown ’72 and Jeanne Chambers Miller ’81 Suzanne Castellini Rosebraugh, mother of Suzanne Rosebraugh Watts ’86 Irv Scharfenberger, grandfather of Emma Scharfenberger Off ’04 and father-in-law of Jody Streck Scharfenberger ’92 Virginia Schneller, mother of Suzanne Schneller ’68 Mary Jane Schoeny, mother of Mary Pat Schoeny Harris ’70 Lorna Schutte, mother of Teresa Schutte Uterstaedt ’86, Christine Schutte Poth ’88, Meredith Schutte Meyer ’89 and Sarah Schutte Stykes ’98 James A. Schwartz, grandfather of Betsy Schwartz ’07 David G. Stratman, husband of Sally Campbell Stratman ’63 Robert H. Tepe, father of Linda Tepe Clarke ’88 Ozzie Thompson, father of Suzie Thompson Pfeiffer ’82 and grandfather of Loren Pfeiffer ’17 Robert Vignola, grandfather of M.A. Vignola ’16 Lawrence W. Ward, grandfather of Aimee Ward ’12 Rosemary Wilson, mother of Valerie Wilson Jones ’76 and Melissa Wilson Westendorf ’84 William J. Wimberg, father of Mary Anne Bressler ’78, Ellen Cicconi ’83; grandfather of Jennifer Bressler Henz ’99, Kelly Anne Bressler ’03; and brother of Judith Wimberg ’58 and Jean Wimberg Stricker ’60 Mary Catherine Woeste, grandmother of Moira Elizabeth Woeste ’18

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Alumnae Profiles I

t’s part of our mission to educate young women of faith, integrity and courage

Girl Power Linograph, by Clare Saba Blackburn

to build a better world. We are so proud of our alumnae who are doing just

that, building a better world in their own way. Some are professionals, volunteers, parents, doctors, community servants, and so much more! In this section of the SUA magazine, we want to highlight our alumnae who are leaving their mark on the world in their own way. We hope you enjoy

Clare Saba Blackburn, Class of 1982 Clare Saba Blackburn ’82 recently created a beautiful work of art called “Girl Power,”

their stories.

Kaitlin Meyer, Class of 2006 Alumna Kaitlin Meyer ’06 just completed her MBA at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. But it’s something she was called to do outside of her studies that really inspired us.

front of the Academy in the early years. Saba created a Lino (linoleum cut print) of the historic photo and shared a copy with us. She is an art educator in England. “I have now lived in UK longer then I lived in the USA,” said Blackburn. “This realization has led me to do a Retrospective Art Show of my life in the USA. St. Ursula was a big part of who I am today as it helped form who I am and served as an important

Kaitlin picked up running to challenge

foundation of my education and life skills. It was important for me to choose to

herself after playing soccer in college.

incorporate my life at St Ursula in this retrospective. I was inspired to capture

She ran her first Boston Marathon in April 2013. She was fortunate to have finished the race before the terrorist attack at the finish line. She and

Deb, Kaitlin and Dan Meyer after the Boston Marathon in 2014

which beautifully captured the essence of a photo of the Sisters enjoying the snow in

something about the strength and power of the Sisters at St. Ursula. The Sisters have always exemplified “Girl Power;” long before it was a brand. Their educational ethos created individual intelligent women. They were so ahead of their time.”

her family were okay physically, but

Clare graduated from St. Ursula in 1982 and studied at the the Cincinnati Art Academy

emotionally, it was a different story,

for one year. She then studied for three years at Miami University and majored in

since they were just a few blocks away

Textile/Painting with a minor in Graphic and Printmaking.

when the bombs went off.

That compelled Kaitlin to come back to Boston again in 2014, to run for those who no longer could and to join the rest of the country and Boston community

“Being an artist is in my blood. My mother, Judith Diehl Saba, is also an artist. She studied printmaking and sculpture at the Kunstakademie in Dusseldorf, Germany”

in showing that our country is resilient. On April 21st, Patriots Day, Boston was

Clare’s parents encouraged foreign travel and study abroad in her youth. This

thriving with energy, one year stronger, and despite not having the best race day,

encouragement led her to Manchester University in Manchester, England where she

Kaitlin was inspired throughout the course. She specifically remembers the phrase

continued her studies in textile design and the arts. While in England she married and

on one poster that she says carried her 26.2 miles. It said “Run for you, but finish

had two children.

for them.” She has worked in Education in England and taught art in nursery school, then “Being able to be a part of this year’s marathon was something I will never forget and reminds me that despite adversity, the running community, the city of Boston, and our country will always come together and thrive as one.” Kaitlin plans to run the Boston Marathon again next year. She says it is more than just a race; it’s a community event in which it is great to be a part. We wish her luck and will be supporting her with Bulldog pride! She also competed in her first triathalon over the summer to take a break from marathon running and took some time to visit her younger sister Kristen Meyer ’09 in Texas.

secondary schools and now works at Winchester College, the oldest boarding school in England; built by William of Wykeham in 1380 after he realized he needed a feeder school for Oxford University, which he built in 1300. “My Mother and I just recently had a show together in Winchester, England,” said Blackburn. “The number one Lino people wanted to know about was the “At St. Ursula” Lino. All afternoon I was explaining the concept behind this Lino and my St. Ursula story.” Blackburn sent some copies of her Lino as a donation to the school that she says has been a real inspiration in the person she is today.

Do you have a story and photos you would like to share to be featured in an Alumnae Profile or in our Class Notes?

If so, share your information on or contact the Alumnae Relations Office at

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Upcoming Alumnae Events Friday, November 14th Bands, BBQ, BYOB - 7:00-10:00 p.m. Come to this FREE event! It’s an SUA alumnae and friends social in the Keller Student Center featuring Gracie Willett ’16 opening for the popular band Young Heirlooms

Saturday, November 15, 2014 Embodying the Sacred : A Mini-Retreat for Mamas and Soon-to-be Mamas 9:30 a.m. – Noon at Saint Ursula Academy Amid the busyness of preparing for baby, take time to savor the sacredness of giving birth during this morning retreat. Join with other women to actively engage the spiritual dimensions of birth. The retreat will be facilitated by childbirth educator, doula, writer, mother of three and woman of faith, Peg Conway. Open to all mothers and mothers-to-be. Please feel free to invite your friends.

The Class of 1979

Cost $10 (includes copy of the book Embodying the Sacred) To register: email

Wednesday, November 19th

Young alums take a tour to see the newest additions at SUA!

Coffee and Tea Social - 9:30-10:30 a.m. This coffee and tea social will feature a talk about Ursuline history by Liz Curran ’96, Coordinator of Ursuline Spirit. This event is hosted by the spirituality committee of the Alumnae Board. The Ursulines of Cincinnati Archives will be open to visitors following the social!

Tuesday, December 2nd #GivingTuesday On the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes #GivingTuesday. Join us as we kick off & celebrate the “giving season” with a 24-hour give-a-thon. Show your SUA pride by making your annual gift to The Saint Ursula Fund on 12/2 at:

Sunday, December 14th Alumnae Christmas Tea – 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Let’s celebrate the Christmas season with SUA tradition! Gather the special women and children in your life, alumnae or not and join us for an afternoon of tea and holiday cheer.

Saturday, February 7th, 2015 SUA Ball 2015 – 5:30 p.m. Don’t miss one of the best SUA events of the year! Visit for sponsorship opportunities, tickets and more information.

Parents: If you are receiving this magazine at your home instead of your alumna daughter’s, please send us her address at or 513-961-3410 x 148.

Golden Class of 1964 at the Reunion Luncheon

The Class of 1974

Reunion Weekend 2014! The Golden Class of 1964 and all classes ending in 4’s and 9’s celebrated Reunion Weekend 2014 on September 26-27. Some of the highlights included the Bulldog Boutique shopping and social event, the Reunion Mass, tours of the school and the Golden Grad luncheon. Next year, classes ending in 5’s and 0’s will celebrate!

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