K l e i n e C r a c k , s h o t b y J e n t e W a e r z e g g e r s

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5 p. 7 editor’s note p. 9 agenda p. 14 Not Your Techno p. 22 Slagwerk p. 32 Female Takeover p. 40 Team Throwbacks I N D E X
6 10 years Subbacultcha
sub sub hooray
Thank you to everyone who has been working on this birthday magazine; Astrid (in the first place!), Emma, Laura, Dlisah, Ineke, Jonas, Kasper-Jan, Alice, Otis, Jonas, Senne, Yasmine, Sara, Elina, Louis, Lars, Aurélie & all the distributors. Thank you for picking it up and reading it! Mark your agenda and come to our party on 07 Oct at C12 in Brussels!!! We can’t wait to see you.
Today, in the swirling kaleidoscope of events and mind-spinning vertigo of experiences, we would like to take a moment to appreciate how far we all have come. It’s been ten years. We have been to gether, turning our hopes, concerns and aspirations into artistic fuel to propel ourselves forward. Look, what a daring and warm family we have built Wordstogether.by Laura Isachenko
Time passes. Sometimes, it flies by like a colourful kite in a gust of wind; other times it drags horribly like a sticky paste of honey, but it always goes on. We will never be as young as we are now.

Your editor-in-chief, Herlinde
7 E D I T O R ’ S N O T E

Het TheaterFestival: Mario Barrantes Espinoza - El cantar del playo / Ghent, Campo
9 A G E N D A Music TORRES / Ghent, Charlatan
RimaNieuwpoortNajdi - I Grew An Alien Inside Me / Brussels, SalmaBeursschouwburgSaidand Miriam Coretta
Festival: Victor De Roo + Lander & Adriaan + BONA
Performance Het TheaterFestival: Lisette Ma Neza- Some Girls want to go to Europe / Ghent, Campo Nieuwpoort
FemaleAntwerp:Takeover - Heartbeat Of The City / Antwerp, TBA Blue Hawaii / Brussels, Botanique Marina Herlop / Brussels, Bozar Salome / Brussels, Botanique Ravi Coltrane / Ghent, de Bijloke Party Trancegression / Antwerp, Trix 10 YEARS OF SUBBA �� / Brussels, C12 / 23.00 - free for AMOKmembersafterparty / Bruges, TBA Burenhinder / Antwerp, Trix
Schulte - Behind Your Eyeballs / Brussels, Beursschouwburg
Yasmina Reggad - We Dreamt Of Utopia And We Woke Up Screaming / Brussels, ArkadiBeursschouwburgZaides- Necropolis / Ghent, Campo Nieuwpoort Radiant Nights #5 / Antwerp, TeresadeSingel Vittucci & Colin SelfDOOM / Ghent, Campo Nieuwpoort 1 Oct19-208Oct6-764Sept28-29Sept17-18Sept9-10OctOctOct��
LÉA + more / Brussels, Wolftech Dear
11 Carolina Maciel de França - The Hero’s Journey of Anastácia / Brussels, Beursschouwburg Expo Lydia Ourahmane - Barzakh / Ghent,
NaufusS.M.A.K.Ramírez-Figueroa / Leuven, M MuseumLeuvenInMotion
MUBI is a curated online cinema where you can discover the world’s greatest films. Other
Moneytalk: How to be a self-employed creative / Ghent, Subbacultcha office Discounts
Go shop at, Paard Van Troje, Consouling, Art Paper Editions, Hunting and Collecting, Bison 4, Veals & Geeks & Tipi Bookshop and receive a 10% member discount (online or instore).
/ Antwerp, M AlexandriaHKA - Past Futures / Brussels, PhilippeBOZARVan
A G E N D A -22-30-1630Until18UntilOct20-21SeptOctSept8JanSept8JanOct26Feb
AsMUBIaSubbacultcha member, you can enjoy three months of MUBI entirely free.
You can enjoy these events for free as a Subbacultcha member. Scan to discover our membership. 28 Sept
Snick - Dynamic Project / Ghent, S.M.A.K.
IN CONCERT Chantal Acda (NL) vs Bruno Bavota (IT) + Lucia Cadotsch (CH) Dans Dans + Chelsea Carmichael (UK) Acoustic Desert Night – Bombino (NE) William Basinski (US) support : Jessica Moss (CA) ism Stuk Park Jiha (KR) + Brìghde Chaimbeul (UK) SAT WED15.1016.11TUE22.11THU24.11WED7.12 INFO & TICKETS: WWW.30CC.BE – LEUVEN

10 YEARS OF SUBBA �������� You’re invited to our 10th-anniversary party! We’re hitting double digits this year and want to celebrate with you, our Subba community. We couldn’t have done this without you all, from the first members back in 2011 to the ones who just joined this year!
Words by Dlisah Lapidus
Sosounds.come and help us ring in our next decade on 7 October at C12! See you there!
We are so proud to have spent the past 10 years doing what we love most - suppor ting exciting, boundary-pushing artists in the Belgian scene, and we are even more excited for what lies in the future. To celebrate, we’re meeting up with our friends at C12 and inviting some of our fa vourite DJ's, promoters and artists that have worked alongside us during this journey.
Anniversaries are special because, while they obviously stimulate reflection, they also encourage foresight. As we reflect on the past 3,650 days, we can’t help but look forward to the coming 3,650 days as well. This simultaneous outlook onto the past and the future is relatable to everyone. We, as people, are always looking back, remi niscing about our personal influences and experiences over time, while also looking ahead, to what we can transform these experiences into. 10 years of music. 10 years of art. Of parties. Of festivals. 10 years of sharing some of the brightest Belgian talents. For 10 years, Subbacultcha has been a resource for cre ative people, helping to connect artists and audiences.
HE4RTBROKEN’s Liyo and Mobilegirl are taking over with experimental club music, Not Your Techno’s Cheb Runner b2b Spirite will be displaying the diverse electronic community their party series puts forth. Otis Dehaes, DJ and organizer of Slagwerk is getting behind the decks together with Emma DJ and David Numwami and Bugasmurf will be presenting their club
You can enjoy the party for free as a Subbacultcha member. Not a member yet? Scan to discover our membership plans.
10 YEARS OF SUBBA / 7 Oct - C12, Brussels

Interview by Elina Volodchenko shot by Louis Kerckhof
Yasmine Dammak and Sara Dziri founded Not Your Techno because they wanted to improve the accessibility of the party scene in Belgium. They figured that the best way to realize this was through creating a movement with other artists. By changing little things, such as having a more inclusive line-up or a better door policy, they try to create a safe atmosphere for partygoers.
It is everyone’sityournottechno,is
Not TechnoYour
Not Your Techno
S: We try to change the atmosphere at our parties, but we don’t try to attract a different audience. Our door policy is making sure that the people who come in are queer-friendly for instance and they need to be aware of our house rules. We rather allow people inside and give them a chance, instead of re fusing a lot of people at the door. We are aware of the fact that this kind of exclusive door policy is often linked to prejudices, like racism.
You are a ‘party series, a platform and a collective’, can you explain that?
Y: We wanted to create a movement. It’s not just about throwing a party, we have a vision behind it with certain principles. We inthishaveactivismourDNA
S: We want to be a place where everyo ne feels welcome and represented as much as possible. We want people to come to our parties and feel good and respected, regardless of their gender expression, ethnicity or sexual orien tation. Not Your Techno is more than a party in that sense. Do you attract a different kind of audience because of that?
S: We also have a safety team moving around on the dance floor to make sure that people are having a good time. What inspired you to start a collective?
Y: We do have certain rules and a policy that people need to follow so that eve ryone can have this mutual respect and enjoy themselves. How do you make sure it stays a safe space for everyone?
S: I think the main motivation was the vision that we had about what a party should be like, which is inclusive in a real intersectional manner. Not just being pro-queer or pro-women but also conscious of certain prejudices based on ethnicity and trying to find a middle ground in that.
Y: Firstly, we brief our security. In a more indirect way, it is very important for us to have inclusive line-ups and a team that represents our vision.
17Not Your Techno

Y: If you do everything alone, you have tunnel vision and miss out on approa ching things from another perspective. Being with people is quite inspiring S:for me.And especially for artists, it’s impor tant that we form an alliance. Sadly enough, we don't always have a very good position, so working together and strengthening each other is very important.
Why is it so important for artists to come together?

What do you mean by movement?
Y: We have this activism in our DNA because of who we are and where we come from. We try to be reflective about our scene and what can be S:done better.Evenwith our name ‘Not your Techno’, we wanted to make a point that the techno scene belongs to everyone and it should be accessible to everyone. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case. It’s improving but still not as inclusive as it should be. Not Your Techno
A lot of people seem to be looking for a community nowadays.
This is creativityandexchangingtogether,amovementpost-COVIDawithlotofthinkingideassharing
Y: There’s more solidarity after the pan demic as well. Everyone loves to be in a group and cluster again. I think this is a post-COVID movement; a lot of thin king and acting together, exchanging ideas and sharing creativity.
What do you hope Not Your Techno will look like in the future?
S: I think there’s this need to be to gether after these two years of Corona. You notice it in the amount of B2B’s that you see or the number of residencies that are being announced. There’s a need for people to find each other again and collaborate.
Y: Besides a party series, we want it to be a platform as well. In our edition at Decoratelier, we included a dance performance, so we’re exploring this idea of something multidisciplinary. We are dreaming about doing a hybrid concept in the future by including other forms of art. S: We definitely want to keep throwing parties but during the pandemic, we launched a talk series which was also well received. I think that’s an aspect we want to keep and broaden.
Not Your Techno

20Not Your Techno

S: We had two talks. One was about the representation of women in the techno scene and the other was about the representation of the North African community. The latter topic is not really being touched upon despite the fact that Belgium has a very big North African community. And it’s something very dear and personal to us, we’re both Belgian Tunisian.
10 YEARS OF SUBBA with Cheb Runner b2b Spirite (Not Your Techno) 07 Oct - Brussels, C12 You can enjoy the party for free as a Subbacultcha member. Not a member yet? Scan to discover our membership plans.
What was the talk series about?
What should we currently keep an eye out for?
Y: From September on, we will have a resident team that consists of Sara & Cheb Runner, who are DJs and pro ducers, and of two other DJs: Spirite and Timmerman. This team reflects our vision of having real inclusivity at our parties. The idea is to have the residents play as often as possible at our parties and to represent Not Your Techno. We also have our third birthday edition on the 10th of September. There’s a need for people to find each other again and collaborate

Interview by Senne Vanderschelden Photos shot by Jonas Reubens
A ityousatisfactionrestscollectiveonthegetfromyourself
When the responsibilities of a collective land on the shoulders of a single person, something changes. Although outside perception may remain unchanged, the transformed organization of a collective has practical pros and cons. Otis Dehaes, the founder of Slagwerk, talks about this collective turnaround in a conversation about slow compromises, intimate friendships and collective finitude.
What does this overall coordination entail? The events Slagwerk organizes are often linked to different places. Partly due to the lack of space, Slagwerk became nomadic. In consultation with venues, an event is organized and curated. Communication with booking offices is something I did at the beginning of Slagwerk and con tinue to do now. The big difference now is that plans no longer have to go through several people in order to be approved, which ensures that arran gements are faster and more efficient. There is no longer the need to reach a collective compromise. On the other hand, the collective moment of reflec tion is sometimes a loss; by working individually one and the same pattern may be formed.

Can you describe Slagwerk?
Slagwerk consists of three compo nents: the organization and curation of events, a label and the agency of artists. The collective is currently the most tangible through this third component. Artists who are linked to Slagwerk receive support through this. For two years now, I have taken on the overall coordination of Slagwerk, which may mean that the collective idea is slowly fading away. Despite this change, I continue to speak in the we-form.
Slagwerk can still be seen as a collective by the outside world, but the shoulders that carry it are no collectivelonger

What is the story behind the evolution of Slagwerk?
delicate closestsideyouespeciallyconcept,whenworksidebywithyourfriends
A collective is a
To me, a collective is an initiative where all members have equal input. A collec tive rests on the satisfaction you get from it yourself. When that satisfaction is not the same for everyone, there is an imbalance. Slagwerk can still be seen as a collective by the outside world, but the shoulders that carry it are no longer collective. However, we are still involved in each other's projects and support one another as much as possible. I notice that with the label this is starting to happen more and more, without any concrete expectations towards each other.
What does a collective mean to you?
Slagwerk was founded about ten years ago by a group of young friends, some of whom left the collective nest sooner than others, and new friends joined along the way as well. In order to pre serve and protect the artistic practice of many members of the collective, it was decided that I would take on the practical and productional side of Slagwerk. That seemed more ba lanced to me. A collective is a delicate concept, especially when you work side by side with your closest friends. Many friendships have been broken this way and I definitely didn't want to risk that.


Where is the individual practice located within Slagwerk?

In the first place, I am a DJ, so the parties we organize with Slagwerk come out of this practice, in order to give ourselves a platform. Over time, there was so much focus drawn to the organizational aspect that the sets I played suffered the consequences. At the moment there is renewed attention to a qualitative balance. Where does the utopian ideal differ from the practical reality of a collective?

Maintaining consistency within a col lective is very difficult. Once a collec tive is defined as such, there is almost a certainty that it is finite. It can go well for a number of years but because collective functioning slows down the process, frustrations often accumulate. Perhaps it is inherent in collectives to come and go, maybe that is the way it should be. Nevertheless, I have always seen Slagwerk as something long-las ting, maybe something I would pass on one day. Seeing it bleed to death would be very painful.

10 YEARS OF SUBBA with Otis (Slagwerk) b2b Emma DJ 07 Oct - Brussels, C12
Once a collective is defined as such, there is almost a certainty that it is finite
You can enjoy the party for free as a Subbacultcha member. Not a member yet? Scan to discover our membership plans.
What role did Subbacultcha play in the story of Slagwerk over the past 10 years? In the early years of Slagwerk, Subbacultcha was very present. Members could come to our events for free, which ensured a wider audience. After a few years, we were selling out without the promotion and free entran ce for members. This was the moment to detach ourselves from this coope ration. This is what I find great about the idea behind Subbacultcha: the possibility to support new initiatives in their early years and to let them loose at the right time.

Sixteen striking female artists performing together create one hell of an energy inrush: it can't be tamed but has to be expressed. And it is: through dancing, singing, and performing.
Deep respect and this,grewloyaltyoutofhelpingto produce this female energy
To get the chance to feel this dynamism by yourself, come see them perform on 17 September at Dear Antwerp Festival. And in the meantime, why don’t you get to know them better?
Interview by Laura Isachenko shot by Aurélie Bayad
Female Takeover
The main goal is just to doingtogether,empoweredfeelbyworkingsharingeachother'snetworkandshowcasestogether
How did the idea of creating a multidisciplinary project first appear? In 2015, when we were actually a dance group, we got the opportunity to orga nize events at Antwerp Berchem. The idea of creating a Female Takeover came to our minds. We wanted to connect to the female artists we knew at the time. And then there was that one night full of short performances that lasted the whole evening, with just female artists on stage: dancers, singers, art performers. That was the first big spark, which left an unfading imprint that helped us to become what we are now - a multidisciplinary collective that creates a variety of art performances. I read your mission and it talks about sisterhood. What is a sisterhood for you? What is women's empowerment for you? I think the main goal is just to feel empowered by working together, sharing each other's network and doing showcases together. I think just finding ourselves through the collabo rations. That's our main goal. We have had many upcoming artists who per formed their first gigs together with us or developed some skills by working in the collective. Later, if they decided to go on with their solo careers and leave the project, we were always very supportive. The main focus is also on continuous growth and unconditional support. We were like real sisters, like a family from the very start. Of course, there are challenges, you know, when you put so many big personalities to gether. [laughs]
35Female Takeover

36Female Takeover

37 wow, even if we are out of the game for a year, people still remember us.
Lastly, we would like to mention Marina Abramovich. The way she connects with the audience and the energy her performances create is something that strongly resonated with us.
Hmm. There was one singer who started as a backing singer but ended up being a big artist. Her name is YEBBA. We found one of her YouTube videos where she collaborated with a lot of artists - they would turn pop songs into almost gospel sounds, and we all fell in love with it. It really
How tough has it been to avoid drama, given that there are so many young, passionate people? Like in any family, there have been arguments sometimes. Sometimes this massive female energy builds up. [laughs] We have come a long way. It's about not focusing on the problem, but turning to how we can solve it and what we can learn from it. That was a big thing for us. We all want to be heard and express ourselves - that’s for sure, but there are also times when you should sit and listen, or sometimes just let it go and move forward. Balance is the key! We learnt a lot about how to communicate and how to be vulnera ble in front of each other. Deep respect and loyalty grew out of this, helping to produce this female energy. It all came very naturally. Has your project gone through any major changes from what it was originally? In 2017, there was one point when we almost quit the collective - 9 months passed without any collective work done together. Then, out of the blue, we got an email from an event manager based in Antwerp who proposed that we do a show. That’s when we realized: Even if we are out of the game for a year, people rememberstillus
Female Takeover
What was the most useful influence on your project?
Fromhit home.the dancer’s side, there was one - also a female dance collective called Sweggers. They are from France andoh god, they are so good. We went to see their show, and it was amazing. I think that inspired us a lot.
38Female Takeover

Well, nothing is set in stone yet, but we would love to create a physical space where people can come and learn from what we offer, like dancing, singing and writing. We want to pass on our know ledge. We are also thinking of creating our own podcast. Let’s see how the future unfolds. We would love to create a physical space
You can enjoy this event for free as a Subbacultcha member. Scan to discover our membership!
@desingelartscentre@female.takeover Dear FemaleAntwerp:Takeover
- Heartbeat Of The City 17 Sept - Antwerp, TBA
What is the best way for someone unfamiliar with your work to get to know you?
Ohh. We are live performers. You just have to see us live. That’s how we roll. By the way, you've got a chance very soon at the Dear Antwerp Festival! We have prepared 4 pieces for the event!
It always starts with the message, concept or experience that we want to share. That’s at the core. Then we see how we can express it and the puzzle pieces just come together.
Any plans for the future?
What is your creative process like?


Photos shot by Lars
We’re celebrating our 10th anniversary this year so we asked our team to look back on what has been and what will be. In this section, you’ll learn about our team’sinstead of the members’ - lives, perspectives and dreams. Enjoy! Duchateau
I like to walk, read, relax and enjoy the sunshine and nature. Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years. I could pick ten or more; shout out to Amen Dunes, Kanye West, Bladee, Bea1991, Eartheater, Arca, Oklou, Dean Blunt, TOPS and Kendrick Lamar. Where were you at in life ten years ago?
Age: Zodiac35Sign: Aries he/him

What is your background? I studied history in Ghent. After my studies and a couple of internships in Belgium and abroad, I founded Subbacultcha in Belgium.
What do you do for Subba?
I run the company with my sister Herlinde and I'm also responsible for the partnerships, which means I'm in contact with all the cultural instituti ons and independent promoters in our country. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time?
I was starting Subbacultcha in Belgium from my bedroom and working in Les Tartes de Françoise on the side. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self? Enjoy the offline life. :-) How did you first find out about Subbacultcha? I found out about Subbacultcha
Location: Ghent Founder / Partnership Manager since 2011
Amsterdam during my internship in London in 2010, where I worked at a booking agency. All cool bands were playing shows booked by them, but they did not play Belgium. That's why I pitched my idea to start Subbacultcha in Belgium.
I’m enthusiastic about evolving into a more open and diverse cultural field where young people have a voice.
since 2011
What is your background?
HerlindeRaeman Age: Zodiac39Sign: Scorpio Pronouns: she/her Insta: FounderLocation:@herr_lindeGhent/Editor-in-chief
What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years?
I’m one of the founders of Subba cultcha Belgium. In 2011, my brother and I quit our jobs and started building this from zero, before ‘communities’ were a thing yet. After ten years, our crew has expanded and spread all over the world. Which is something I’m very proud of.
To listen to others and be mild. It helps when you work with over 100+ partners and artists a year. We live in a world full of miscommunication. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years?
Yves Tumor, Sleaford Mods, Princess Nokia, John Maus, FAKA, Future Islands, Bladee, U.S. Girls. The afterparties were even more legendary. What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years?

One morning I was drinking coffee in my kitchen in Berlin and got an enthu siastic message from Kasper-Jan about a fun thing he discovered during his in ternship in London. The rest is history ;-)
What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years?
What do you do for Subba?
Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years. I listen only to old music at home hehe. Still, Amen Dunes’ 2018 album Freedom is becoming a classic album to me. I also believe everything U.S.Girls and Ignatz have touched is gold. Both artists I kept on repeat in the last ten years. Where were you at in life ten years ago?
I still think back with great fondness to
My job shifted from administration to working with volunteers and freelan cers to social media, making maga zines and sorting out things for the people working for us. Quite a lot on my plate so I’m more than happy we could hire more people lately so I can focus on the creative side of things. It inclu des looking for interesting people and new artists to feature and work with, going through the input we receive, managing collaborators and interns and blending all of this into the visual identity and the overall vibe of Subba. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time? Reading about and digging into some thing or someone interesting in pho tography, art or music, bragging and trying to convince friends to check it out and hanging out with my daugh ter Lou. I’m studying photography too, slowly thinking about showing some work soon!
Somewhere between feeling down about moving back to Belgium, having a cool job but a shitty boss, making friends for life and plans for travelling to the West Coast, becoming 30 and a godmother and cleaning out the bike storage in our house to make room for the first Subbacultcha office. On the edge of something. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self?
To discover the fun and possibilities in every day. How did you first find out about Subbacultcha?
AstridStubbe Age: 23 now but 24 when you Zodiacread thisSign: Virgo Pronouns: she/her Insta: Location:@astrid.stubbeInthemiddle of nowhere Community & Content Manager since Sept 2022, I also interned in the Spring of 2021 What is your background? I studied cultural management in tending to work in the fashion or art industry and during the pandemic, I decided to do a postgraduate Digital
46 the joyride Different Class has been in the past ten years. Our festival has the best lineup, dress code and people combined. Pretty hard to beat that! What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years? Easy, to take time for yourself. The more, the better. It’s an endless pool of inspiration. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years? Yes, we’re more professional now ;-). We still share the same ideals and vibes, but there’s a better framework. Also, instead of arranging everything ourselves, we are now working with a new generation of creatives to help us out. Super inspiring!

Discovering myself, took me a long time. I always had an idea of who I wanted to be and how I could express myself but never found the courage to be myself without caring what anyone else said about me. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self?
Do what you want to do, wear what you want to wear and be yourself. Everyone always has an opinion anyway so whatever. How did you first find out about Subbacultcha?
Where were you at in life ten years ago?
I can't remember, it has been several years. I suspect through Instagram though. I've always been a frequent listener to emerging artists or slightly more unknown songs, so maybe that's why. What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years?
SOLO DATES!!! I love solo dates. I get to know myself and also meet unknown people. I am very comfortable with myself as the only presence. I go to a lot of exhibitions and even more concerts. Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years. Several songs were close to my heart, attaching good or bad memories. My all-time favourite is ‘No Church In The Wild’ by Kanye & JAY-Z but that track is exactly 11 years old so that doesn't count. I would say everything from Spooky Black / Corbin (especially the album Leaving ). The whole (under ground) Soundcloud era from 2012 - 2018 has influenced me enormously.
I would say the community expo during Antwerp Art Weekend last year. Corona had finally settled down a bit and the expo got a lot of appreciation. Besides, I find it super awesome that Subba has
Quite a lot (if I may say so). I am the community manager, so I handle every thing related to our members. I manage the event calendar on our website. I am also the Content Manager, which means I arrange all interviews from start to finish. I live with deadlines daily. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time?
Content Creation. I wanted to intern at Subbacultcha to learn more about their world. The rest is history I guess! What do you do for Subba?
48 Een zoektocht naar het museum van de toekomst Inspirerende events Dynamische broedplek Cosy ontmoetingsplaatsVerrassende presentatiesResidentie Museumdichter Open mic & speakers’ corner Salon Arents: Arentshuis, Dijver 16 Een project van Aankomende events: • Otobong Nkanga: Book launch & artist talk · 08/09 • Salon Sessions with VENTILATEUR · 17/09 • Soul Repair Café · 18/09 • Salon Sessions with K1D · 24/09 • An Evening with Dalilla Hermans · 29/09 Meer info en kalender: museabrugge.be/salonarents
Funnily enough, I do, even though I haven't been here very long. I've known quite a huge switch of the team, people left and new ones have now joined in the last year. It does give a feeling of a fresh start and new energy, which is nice. We are a young team and I am happy about that. Even though I am the youngest of the whole group. :(
2022 What is your background?
I studied for a professional bachelor in communication management. Afterwards, I started as an event manager and worked for an e-com merce business for two years. I only started working at Subbacultcha in May, so I’m pretty new.
Don't take your time on earth for granted, so make the best of every day. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years?
49 already been able to book artists such as Bladee, Princess Nokia and Shygirl!!

InekeVerhaege Age: Zodiac24sign: Libra/Scorpio, it changes on my birthday Pronouns: MarketingLocation:Instagram:she/her@inekeverhaegeGhentManagersinceMay
What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years?

I’m a big fan of supporting Belgian acts, so - Sound of the Belgian Underground. What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years? You don’t have to earn your existence.
I’m the marketing manager. I started working on a bigger plan to enrich our community with new members. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time?
Probably bored from high school and rushing home to chat with my friends and/or crush on MSN. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self? Care a little less. How did you first find out about Subbacultcha?
Via Astrid. We did postgraduate work together while she started her in ternship at Subbacultcha.
What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years?
Concerts of any kind: big ones, small ones, festivals, at venues,… They make me feel very much alive. Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years. Ahhhh, kill your darlings. Awaken, My Love! by Childish Gambino. Where were you at in life ten years ago?
What do you do for Subba?
52 BozarPastAlexandria:Futures†Mucem-Muséedescivilisationsdel’EuropeetdelaMéditerranée†MuséeroyaldeMariemont artisttheofcourtesyC-print,2015,Background,Sarkissian,Hrair© 30 Sep.’22£8 Jan.’23 at Bozar

since March 2022
Still in high school. Weird how it is both an easier and more difficult time. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self? Keep on smiling. Keep on learning.
Age: Zodiac26sign: Aquarius she/her Insta: GraphicLocation:@emaraaiGhentDesigner
What is your background?
Nowhere, Now Here by Jennifur - IGOR by Tyler, The Creator - United States Of Horror by Ho99o9. Where were you at in life ten years ago?
I studied graphic design at KASK in Ghent. It was quite a big step for me to come to Ghent and to study at an art school. I grew up in a small village and visited Ghent only two times before. For me Ghent was this super super big city, totally new, very scary also. (Now it also feels more like a village. :-) ) When I was a child I loved to draw and to tinker, but I never thought I could make my job out of it. I graduated two years ago with a master project that I am still very happy about and I am still very happy with everything that I am doing right now.
What do you do for Subba?
The graphic design for the magazine. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time? Reading. Sitting in the sun. The combi nation of both is heaven. Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years. Pff so many. Can I give you three?

AliceDooreman Age: Zodiac27 sign: Aries Pronouns: WorkingLocation:Instagram:she/her@adoorwomanGhent/Brusselsonanewproject during

June and July 2022
When I was 19 years old, I moved to Brussels to study history with a minor in political science because I thought I needed to understand the world before I could tell anything about it. Now I
What is your background?
How did you first find out about Subbacultcha?
Through one of my friends. What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years? Subba once organised an event in S.M.A.K. in Ghent. It was with art and (a lot of loud and good) music and performances. I don’t remember the name or date (it was pre-corona, so my memory is already a bit vague), but I do remember feeling something different compared to all the other events that were happening at that time. You could feel that they were doing something different from the mainstream. I liked that feeling. What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years? You can always say no. In a more artis tic context: nobody is waiting for you and your work. But that gives you huge freedom. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years? A bigger focus on visual art.

57 found more inner peace to be selfish and follow my passion, photography. What do you do for Subba?
I made my first big solo trip to Australia, an intriguing experience with a lot of odd characters. Very different from what I had prepared for. I would love to do a project about it. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self?
I enjoy theatre a lot but nothing beats the Marollen on a Sunday. After nosing a bit myself, I end my visits with an onion soup at Le Chineur , watching people stroll by, wondering who they are and what they picked from the piles. Name the best record you listened to in the last ten years.
As long as you stay curious, life will take interesting turns. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years?
I help to prepare a new project. What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time?
I can’t quite remember because it has been some time but I think through friends. What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years? I went to the Sound of the Belgian Underground at Ancienne Belgique last February where a high school friend (@dushime) performed. Seeing her follow her passion through hard work is inspiring. Interesting to see how lives evolve. What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years?
I think it has become more inclusive and at the same time more local.
Try to value your hobbies a bit more because it is an immense privilege to be able to feed yourself at such a young age. I really didn’t have a clue at the time, it seemed obvious in my world. How did you first find out about Subbacultcha?
I’d say An American Prayer by Jim Morrison. It is such a poetic and adven turous classic, its elusive playfulness really attracts me. Where were you at in life ten years ago?
This is my favourite question. In St Petersburg, after a long busy day, I loved walking ten meters to my fa vourite bar in the city called Hroniki
I have been a contributing writer since 2018, then started doing interviews too. Now it’s a mix. But mostly working with texts. If you open the first page of this magazine you will see my intro. ;)
What's your favourite way to spend your leisure time?
LauraIsachenko Age: Zodiac28sign: Virgo Pronouns: Location:Instagram:she/her@isachenko.coStPetersburg,Paris,

There I could see familiar beautiful faces and plunge into an interesting convo or get a black tea with a dash of milk while watching people or reading. I enjoy evening walks with a good friend or solo, along the canals or a river. I love going to the cinema or Philharmonia. Nothing better than spending an evening listening to your favourite pieces: Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Scriabin, Schnittke, and Ravel. What else? Hmm daydreaming, reading, de bating, playing chess. Name the best records you listened to in the last ten years. Sure there were many, but I am going
Writer since 2018, intern this Summer
What is your background? I am from St Petersburg where I studied linguistics, literature and cross-cultural communication. I used to live and work in Shanghai, China. Now I am doing my Master’s in Cultural Projects in France and working as a writer and a transla tor. I am a big-city gal. Metro? The fast pace of life? The abundance of cultural events? Sign me up! What do you do for Subba?
T x, Noordersingel 28/30, 2140 Antwerpen • Artwork: Studio Koevoet Be part of it • t xonline.be 03.09 HIGH GRADE SOUND 17.09 TRUTH & RIGHTS 24.09 ALAIZ 30.09 LIQUICITY ANTWERP 01.10 TRANCEGRESSION 08.10 SOULFUL SESSIONS 29.10 BURENHINDER 30.10 SWEATY PALMS 10&12.11 FULL CIRCLE 02-03.12 CELEBRATION OF LIFE 5 YEAR ANNIVERARYFESTIVALFESTIVAL NACHT 2022

How did you first find out about Subbacultcha? It was in the summer of 2018. I visited a friend in Antwerp and saw a magazine on a bookshelf. Later, I saw it again in S.M.A.K. What was the best event organised by Subba in the last ten years? It is hard to say as I haven’t been able to participate in many. I think this year’s Different class should be lit! What is the most valuable thing you have learnt in the last ten years? Do it as best as you can. If it worksfantastic, and if it doesn't, you know you did all you could, and this just wasn’t for you. Have you noticed any shifts in Subba over the years? I think Subba gets closer and even more inclusive towards the local artis tic communities and upcoming artists.
61 to name 4, each representing a part of my life: HTRK’s Body Lotion EP, Bill Callahan's Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest , Connan Mockasin’s Forever Dolphin Love, Father John Misty’s Pure Comedy Where were you at in life ten years ago? It was a year of awakening for me. I started asking myself questions, got to know myself and what I like and don’t like, and figured out my opinions and what I wanted. Before, I was on autopi lot. But that year, I took a year off from my university, worked in a coffee shop and fell in love for the first time. Oh god, it was a disaster. What advice would you give your ten-year-old self? If they ain’t kind, they ain't shit. / You will never be this young. / We gon make it son... Something along these lines.
10 YEARS OF SUBBA 7 October - C12, Brussels Want to join our team too? We’re looking for interns, distributors, writers, and photographers,... Don’t feel shy to drop us a mail at herlinde@subbacultcha.be with your CV if you want to work with us!
Printer: zwartopwit - duurzaam drukwerk MoMu,PARTNERSKASK& Conservatorium / School of Arts Gent, M Leuven, deSingel, KVS, BePart, Bozar, de Bijloke, De Studio, Mu.ZEE, C-Mine, CIVA, S.M.A.K., Kunst Aan Zet, De Roma, PILAR, Trix, Flagey, CENTRALE for contemporary art, NTGent, STUK, Botanique, Beursschouwburg, 30CC, Democrazy, Zwartopwit, Het Bos, KAAP, Musea Brugge, Z33, MHKA, Het Depot, Fashion & Lace, DIVA Antwerp, Campo, C12, Zwartopwitduurzaam drukwerk, Fotoshop Gent, Artists United, Paypro Services & Mori Film Lab
FounderOFFICE / Partnership Manager: Kasper-Jan Raeman (kasper-jan@subbacultcha.be)
Herlinde Raeman Content Manager: Astrid Stubbe Copy Editor: Dlisah Lapidus
Graphic Design: Emma Raymaekers
You’llDISTRIBUTIONfindourissues every two months in several local stores also offering member discounts, other pickup points supplied by our distributors, and in the mailboxes of our members. Find an overview at subba cultcha.be.
Thanks to Paard Van Troje, Music Mania, Shelter, La Fille d’O, Consouling Sounds, Mood Recyclestore, Warrecords, Panoply, Riot Vintage, Crevette Records, Tipi Bookshop, Balades Sonores, Art Paper Editions, Riot Vintage, Panoply, Hunting and Collecting, Bison 4, Veals & Geeks, KIOSK Radio & Bilbo
Founder / Editor-in-chief : Herlinde Raeman Community & Content Manager : Astrid MarketingStubbe Manager : Ineke Verhaeghe Graphic Design (online) : Jonas Mergan Graphic Design (magazine) : Emma InternsRaymaekers:Alice Dooreman & Laura Isachenko Copy Editors: Gabriela González & Dlisah
62 Front cover Otis shot by Jonas Reubens
SubbacultchaLapidus DendermondsesteenwegBelgium, 80A, 9000 Ghent
63 DeMuziekcentrumBeleefBijloke Met een All You Can Hear Pass krijg je 15 concerten voor amper 50 euro: beleef hedendaags klassiek en nooit vertoonde creaties in de oudste concertzaal ter wereld! Bijlokesite Gent Ontdekdeconcerten | netrecnocedkedtOn|netrecnocedkedtnO | Ontdekdeconcerten |

AntwerpMuseumFashion–MoMu08/10/2022—26/02/2023www.momu.be FASHION & THE PSYCHEDISCOVERTHEEXPOALSOINGHENT!