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The UH HUB Operations Department Continues to Evolve to Promote Inclusion & Effectively Serve HUBs

learn, and respond to our HUB community,

Listening, Learning & Responding to the HUB Community

UH’s approach to meeting or exceeding the state’s HUB goals includes the following strategies: says Dr. Clark. This standard of excellence in identifying areas where new strategies can be implemented drives the department’s programs and successes to increase procurement opportunities for HUBs.

• Familiarizing HUBs with the procurement process and expanding the number of suppliers and contractors through outreach events and partnerships.

• Creating new business opportunities along with supporting the growth and development of HUBs through partnerships, classes, and educational programs.

• Heighten awareness throughout UHS of HUB capabilities through a database of HUB profiles, forums, fairs, and other events.

• Improvement of business conditions encountered by HUBs through events and partnerships.

UH is committed to acting affirmatively to increase HUB participation including departments purchasing from statefully certified HUBs whenever possible irrespective of the funding source or dollar level of purchases in accordance with the UH System’s (UHS) purchasing guidelines.

“In addition to the HOD’s traditional support, there are programs, resources, and many other initiatives available to provide HUBs with a winning chance to do business with UH,” Dr. Clark said.

“We will remain committed to HUBs and continually seek to improve our internal and external outreach, creating new programs, re-imagining existing programs, and eliminating programs that are not effective. As the HOD seeks to identify and respond to gaps in services, I’m confident that our efforts will further increase contracting opportunities for HUBs,” she added.

Are there any new updates in the HUB Strategic Plan that you have wanted to mention since last year?

While the pandemic for the most part is in the rearview mirror, conducting business virtually at least for the UH HUB Department is here to stay. The HUB Strategic Plan has been modified to reflect the use of technology, specifically Zoom as the preferred method of conducting numerous outreach events. To help HUBs succeed in the virtual space, our June 8th UH Systems HUB Forum will include a session titled, “Successfully Presenting Your Business Virtually.”

Please provide detail on some of the strategies below that help HOD meet and exceed UH’s supplier diversity goals.

PROCUREMENT PROCESS & COMPLIANCE — For competitive purchases of $15,000 or more, UH staff are required to make a good-faith effort to obtain bids from at least two HUB vendors.

OUTREACH & EDUCATION — Supports our efforts to foster the operational development of HUBs with the potential for creating long-term relationships.

HUB VENDOR DATABASE — Allows UH staff to easily locate vendors and request quotes.

TARGETED VENDOR FAIR — Provides vendors that provide priority products and services with the opportunity to make presentations directly to UH staff with purchasing authority.

UH SYSTEM (UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON MAIN, UH-DOWNTOWN, UH-CLEAR LAKE, AND UH-VICTORIA) HUB FORUM — Provides an opportunity for vendors to meet with a plethora of state agencies regarding contracting opportunities.


TALENT PIPELINE PROGRAM — Increases the construction industry’s talent pool by providing HUBs with the knowledge to help them be more competitive as prime contractors for construction work, including UH construction projects.

Can you provide a real-life example of how you have seen your program benefit HUBs?

While building construction may always be the University’s highest expenditure; UH’s Colleges/Departments are committed whenever possible to contract with HUBs. For example, in FY22 UH received HUB credit for 96% spent with a HUB providing Temporary Employment Services. UH also experienced an increase of 12% in HUB Spend for Furnishings and Equipment.


What is one of the top challenges you see HUBs face today, and how is your department helping them overcome these challenges?

While it is wonderful that HUBs are seeking opportunities as Prime Contractors on UH projects and/or non-construction procurements, some are challenged in being prepared to comply with solicitation and selection requirements. For example, when a UH solicitation requires a Historically Underutilized Business Subcontracting Plan (HSP), this requirement applies to all businesses regardless of HUB status. All businesses responding as a Prime Contractor are encouraged to take advantage of the Courtesy HSP review as prescribed within applicable solicitations (i.e., where HUB Subcontracting has been deemed probable).

STAFF ENGAGEMENT — HUB staff routinely meet with UH Colleges’ business representatives to discuss expenditures and missed opportunities to contract with HUBs.

READY, WILLING & ABLE — Helps create an environment where participants who do not know each other meet and communicate detailed information (e.g., HUBs share knowledge and experience, and general contractors share tips on submission of a successful bid).

For more information on how you can do business with UH, please contact Dr. Linelle Clark, the Director of HUB Operations at (713) 743-8603 or flclark@uh.edu.

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