2020901079 2020959533 2020987819 2020959541 2020986135 2020987917
CONTENT 1.I NTRODUCTI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2.OBJECTI VE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3.HOTELDESCRI PTI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 . 1 . GEOGRAPHI CANDDEMOGRAPHI C. 3 . 2 . DESI GNANDCONSTRUCTI ON. 3 . 3 . SP ACE&UNI TAL L OCA TI ON. 3 . 4 . BUI L DI NGMA TERI AL&F ABRI CI DENTI FI CA TI ON. 4.LI GHTI NG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4 . 1 . SKYL I GHT . 4 . 2 . DOORANDWI NDOWUPGRADE. 4 . 3 . NA TURALDA YL I GHT . 4 . 4 . TYPESOFARTI FI CI ALL I GHT . 4 . 5 . TYPESOFL I GHTDI STRI BUTI ON. 5.THERMAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 5 . 1 . WEA THERI NZHEJ I ANG. 5 . 2 . SEASONI NZHEJ I ANG. 5 . 3 . SUNANAL YSI S. 5 . 4 . MA TERI AL . 5 . 5 . P ASSI VECOOL I NG. 5 . 6 . OPENI NG. 6.WATERHEATI NG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 6 . 1 . SOL ARWA TERHEA TI NG. 6 . 2 . DESI GNREQUI REMENTS. 6 . 3 . SYSTEMOFSOL ARWA TERHEA TI NG. 6 . 4 . SOL ARWA TERHEA TI NGDI AGRAM. 6 . 5 . I MP ACTOFI MPL EMENT A TI ONSWH.
7.AI RCONDI TI ONI NG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 7 . 1 . TYPEOFAI RCONDI TI ONI NGSYSTEM. 7 . 2 . BASI CDESI GNCONSI DERA TI ONS. 7 . 3 . COOL I NGAREA. 8.WATERCONSUMPTI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 8 . 1 . I NTRODUCTI ON. 8 . 2 . WA TERSA VI NGDEVI CES 8 . 3 . GREYWA TERSYSTEM 8 . 4 . RAI NWA TERHARVESTI NGSYSTEM. 9.SMARTSAFETY,SECURI TYANDAUXI LI ARYSYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 9 . 1 . I NTRODUCTI ON. 9 . 2 . TYPESOFSAFETY , SECURI TYANDAUXI L I ARYSYSTEM. 10.COMPARI SONANALYSI S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 1 0 . 1 . L I GHTI NG. 1 0 . 2 . THERMAL . 1 0 . 3 . WA TERHEA TI NG. 1 0 . 4 . AI RCONDI TI ONI NG. 1 0 . 5 . WA TERCONSUMPTI ON. 1 0 . 6 . SMARTSAFETY , SECURI TYANDAUXI L I ARYSYSTEM. 11.DI SCUSSI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 12.CONCLUSI ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 13.REFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
1. INTRODUCTION. As the world is evolving, the same thing happens to construction industry. In order to create an energy sourcing and better environmental quality enhancement, retrofitting an existing building were introduced with the aim to achieve effectiveness of cost compared to building a new facility. Besides that, to reduce energy usage and the expense of heating, cooling and lighting facilities, it is necessary to implement energy efficiency retrofits. Yet energy efficiency is not the only justification for old buildings to be retrofitted. The aim should be to construct a high-performance building during the planning period by applying the integrated full-building design framework to the project that ensures all main design goals are fulfilled. In addition, it can be considered to update the usability, protection and stability at the same time before deciding on a retrofit. Special care must be paid to the specific elements of the retrofitting of existing buildings. Designing major repairs and improvements that incorporate sustainability measures for existing structures will minimize operating expenses and environmental impacts, and will improve the adaptability, stability and longevity of buildings. Thus, a case study on sustainable retrofit works for boutique hotel will be conducted to see its benefit towards improving the energy consumption as well as the impact on economic and environmental.
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2. OBJECTIVES. The study of lighting retrofits could contribute something that is benefitting in improving the energy consumption, its impact to economic and environmental. The objective of this assignment is to develop understanding about lighting retrofitting and intended to strengthen what student have learned during the lectures by investigating the benefits of interior lighting retrofitting in Boutique Hotel.
To ensure lighting occupies of the overall energy consumption in the hotel in terms of electric lighting energy use and saving potential.
To improve the lighting retrofit strategies of the replacement of lamp.
To ensure the lighting design, lighting retrofit improvement in maintenance, reduction of illuminance levels, and improvement in occupant behavior.
To forecast the weather climate and sun climate in Boutique Hotel.
To provide detailed the material use in Boutique Hotel.
To describe use of control systems and use of daylight systems.
To provide detailed use of Air Conditioning Retrofitting to distributed throughout the Boutique Hotel units that provide area cooling.
To improve access the best smart safety, security and auxiliary system retrofitting use in Boutique Hotel.
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Figure 3.1: Location of Stray Birds Art Hotel.
Stray Birds Art Hotel are designed by Gad Line Studio. The lead architecture is Fanhao Meng. This hotel are located at Lishui, China. Lishui is a prefecture level city in the southwest of Zhejiang province, People’s Republic of China. It borders Quzhou, Jinhua and Taizhou to the north, Wenzhou to the southeast, and the province of Fujian to the southwest. The name of the city literally means “Beautiful Water”.
Figure 3.2: Perspective view of Stray Birds Art Hotel.
Lishui City has stepped up its tourism recovery and integration. Lishui is well known in China for its long history and beautiful landscapes. The city has two dozen
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4A and 5A-level attraction, 2 725 village and more than 4 300 hotel with Chinese style bed and breakfast. Stray Birds Art Hotel is 15 kilometers away from Songyang County and in the depths of the Dazhong Mountain, the ancient village Chenjiapu is built above the cliffs with a history of more than 600 years. It is up in the sky and surrounded by mountains on three sides, facing the deep valley.
Figure 3.3: Birds view of Stray Birds Art Hotel.
Chenjiapu Village is built along the mountain and its settles are distributed along the terraces of the mountain which embraces a fall down more than 200 meters. The overall appearance indicates it as a typical southern cliff settlement-cluster of western Zhejiang. Nearly 100 residential buildings are mostly rammed earth-wood structures, retaining the complete traditional village morphology and built environmental features.
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3.2. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. The Fanhoa Meng as the lead arhictect and Hangzhou PTH as the structural coordination and construction need to transform two traditional houses on the southwest side of the village. The two dwellings are typical rural houses in southern Zhejiang, three sides of which are rammed earth walls and one façade is the adjacent to a stone retaining wall with a traditional wooden roof structure.
Figure 3.4: Ground floor plan before renovation.
Figure 3.5: First floor plan before renovation.
First is to study the local construction system of Songyang residential settlements, and to conclude the spatial structure and stable construction features that are compatible with local natural resources, climate environment, complex terrain, production and lifestyle and cultural characteristics, which provide design basis for maintaining the traditional settlement features. The second is to use light steel structural system and fabricated construction technology and implant new programs, to adapt to the harsh on-site working condition so that meeting the urgent construction timeline and providing better building physical properties at the same time.
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The structural beam column as a basic unit is in a section size of 200 x 90mm. It is cold-rolled and made of two C-shaped steel clasps with a thickness of 2.5mm. The units are bolted instead of welded which ensures smallest structural unit to solve the transportation problem. This bolt-connection mode and the high prefabrication rate are very convenient for on-site construction and installation. The basic dimensions of the original building are measured to ensure that the new structure is within the original plot. The foundation layer is ensured stable. The design uses a flat foundation and the reinforced column foot structure. The foundation structure and the reserved rammed earth walls are kept a safety distance in between to ensure the safety and stability of the bauxite wall as well as enough space for construction operations. Integrated pipelines are pre-buried, the floor heating is laid.
Figure 3.6: Structure during renovation work.
The structural unit are prefabricated, then packaged and transported to the project site. According to the prefabricated details, the workers assemble the structural unit rods on site and complete the main structural part in only one day. In order to retain the original wall to the greatest extent, the rammed earth wall is separated from the newly-built structure to avoid the loads; the second floor is raised due to the increase of the indoor floor height, and the new external wall below the cornice is designed in the form of curtain wall and attached to the main steel structure. The local peasant construction workers use traditional handicraft techniques to repair the rammed earth walls, as well as sprayed a protective layer onto the interior walls. The original entrance door and the stone door covers are completely preserved.
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3.3. SPACE AND UNIT LOCATION. The Stray Birds Art Hotel’s area is 300 meter square. This hotel have 4 room that the customer can stay. Every room have provided bathtub, wardrobes, and toilets. Some room have more area space such as entertainment area and table coffee. Building 1 is located at the end of the village and has a high degree of privacy. The west side of the building faces the canyon and the view of the landscape is excellent. Therefore, it is designed as two flat rooms on the upper and lower floors, and the west side is mainly made of transparent floor-to-ceiling glass allowing the users to enjoy the landscape. The south side as the main façade remains the feature of rammed earth wall to make the building blend with the traditional features. The first and second floors share the entrance, and the circulation space is close to the side of the building gable.
Figure 3.7: Ground floor plan after renovation.
Figure 3.8: First floor plan after renovation.
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The south side of Building 2 is close to the road. Considering the privacy of the living space, the room is designed as loft space, in which the living room is on the ground floor with a landscape sofa-bed by the window and the second floor is the bedroom whose bed and bathtub are facing the landscape. The project is located in a remote mountainous area, transportation is inconvenient, large-scale construction machinery cannot enter, which gives more challenges for the modern space transformation these two traditional houses. The rammed earth walls of the two residential dwellings are relatively well preserved so that the design keeps all of them. The interior space of the original building is divided into very small units. The wooden truss has also been in disrepair for a long time, so has to be demolished and replaced by the new light steel structure. The new structure was separated from the reserved rammed earth walls to prevent the walls from undertaking the load from the new structures. The heights of the original old buildings were so low that they cannot meet the needs of modern living spaces. Therefore, we will raise the original building roof, and the increase height is distributed both to the upper and lower floors in a reasonable way to reserve space for indoor equipment installation and also create a comfortable living experience. On the western side of Building No. 1, the original brick house has already collapsed and abandoned. We built according to the size of the original plot, and cantilever a glass volume on the second floor, which can be used as an extension of the indoor space and better to enjoy the canyon landscape. The renovation plan adopts the exterior-interiors integrated design and construction method. Therefore, the indoor partition wall, stairs, pre-buried pipeline can be prefabbed in the factory and assembled on site to ensure construction accuracy. The partition walls are made of C-type light steel as the skeleton, the metal mesh plate covered, and filled with EPS foamed concrete inside. This makes light weight, good thermal protection and sound insulation partition walls which are conveniently constructed.
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3.4. BUILDING MATERIAL/FABRIC IDENTIFICATION. The building quality assessment of these original rural houses was conducted. The parts with good building quality are preserved and reinforced by using and the recycled materials such as wood, grey tiles, bricks and stones. Most of the houses are using stones as the retaining wall. The design intends to preserve this structure that expresses the characteristics of the regional construction.
Wooden Dwelling.
Rammed Earth Wall
Stone Retaining Wall
Floor Timber Strip
Tiles Roof
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4.1. SKYLIGHT. Second floor is the bedroom whose bed and bathtub are facing the landscape. At night in order to allow guests to enjoy the beautiful starry sky, skylight are added to the roofs above the beds. The originals building roof raised and increased height is distributed both to upper and lower floors in reasonable way to meet the needs of modern living modern spaces. A skylight is a window set in the roof at the same angle as the ceiling. The purpose is not only to provide a view to satisfied guest comfort but also allow natural sunlight to shine into the room thus saving energy economically and environmentally. As natural light that skylight give aesthetic to the room and changes atmosphere thus improve occupant behavior by reduce stress and anxiety. Installing skylight increase amount natural light in a room, which makes even the smallest room look bigger. As a daylight, will use less electricity lighting and utility will decreased. Installing skylight better for environment as decreases carbon footprints compare artificial light with natural light.
Figure 4.1: Skylight attach every room.
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4.2. DOOR AND WINDOW UPGRADE. The openings of the traditional rural house are small, which unable to meet the needs of the guest room for lighting, ventilation and views. In order to improve the lighting environment and landscape view, the original door and window openings are enlarged, and then the modern door and window system are installed to ensure the airtightness of exterior protective structure and enhance the thermal insulation performance. The specially designed aluminum perforated window frames not only provide ventilation, but also ensures a simple and consistent facade. Installation of large window will give a sufficient natural light into interior of building and give some aesthetical value for building. It would change mood occupant and the same time still keep the traditional value even transform into modern design.
Figure 4.2: Enlarged window to improve lighting, ventilation and view landscape.
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4.3. NATURAL DAYLIGHT. Day lighting is the complete process of designing a building to utilize natural light to its fullest. The right orientation building towards sun path is important to get solar exposure with the right timing and proper of the amount of light into the building with taking account seasons, weather, and daily solar cycles. Stray Birds Art Boutique Hotel already design with architecture that makes consideration for building surface sun and interior design project for tenant improvement. Take July as an example to show for sun path direction at Stray Birds Art hotel. In July, the sun has risen in the east and it is higher in the sky. The solar window is very important because between 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. buildings receive the maximum energy from the sun.
Figure 4.3: Direction sun path from the east side at 8.00 a.m.
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Figure 4.4: Direction sun path from the east-south side at 10.00 a.m.
On July, peak solar time is at 12.00 p.m. and there were no shadows and get the fullest energy from the sun. The maximize south and north surface building compare to the east and west side would be the easiest because the northern hemisphere presents no solar heating problems and the south-facing window easiest to protect with passive elements like an awning. Meanwhile, the external wall is already designed in the form of a curtain wall and attached to the main structure so doesn’t need any awning to get attached. The window building at the lower ground for living room with landscape sofa bed by the window will get enough natural light when solar time from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. as same for the skylight window on the roof.
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Figure 4.5: Direction sun path from the south side at 12.00 p.m.
Figure 4.6: Direction sun path from the south-west side at 2.00 p.m.
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At 4.00 p.m. the sun would path towards little to the west that would surface building 1 and have a shadow for building surface towards the south. The sun will set at the time around 6.00 p.m. to 7 p.m. toward the west side that is building 1. Westside of building 1 faces the canyon and the view would be excellent to get view sunset that mainly made of transparent floor to ceiling glass.
Figure 4.7: Direction sunset from the west side at 4.00 p.m.
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Figure 4.8: Direction sunset from the west side at 6.00 p.m.
Figure 4.9: Building 1 facing sunset at the west.
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4.4. TYPES ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. Artificial light refers to any light source that is produced by electrical means, as opposed to natural light. In a wide range of types, sizes, colors of light emitted, and brightness levels, artificial lights are available. There are several different types of artificial light sources. Some of these sources are incandescent bulbs, halogen lamps, metal halide, fluorescent tube, compact florescent light, and LEDs. In our case study stray birds art hotel were using LEDs lighting, it has most beneficial compare to incandescent or halogen bulbs and comes in many range of shapes that give aesthetical value for this boutique hotel. 4.4.1. LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE LIGHTING. LED lighting emits an energy-efficient source of light when electricity is applied to a simple circuit. LED lights are up to 80% more efficient than traditional lighting such as fluorescent and incandescent lights. 95% of the energy in LEDs is converted into light and only 5% is wasted as heat. LED lights also draw much less power than traditional lighting; a typical 84 watt fluorescent can be replaced by a 36 watt LED to give the same level of light. Less energy use reduces the demand from power plants and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. LEDs have a longer lifespan means lower carbon emissions. LEDs last up to six times longer than other types of lights, reducing the requirement for frequent replacements. They are frequently used as a directional light source, to focus light on an object or building element such as sign or reception desk.
Figure 4.10: Colour of Temperature Measure in Kelvin (K).
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LEDs is provided than one of selection colour temperature compare to others artificial light and becoming important for building owners, project designer and electrical engineers to achieve mood and function in certain place. Warm Light resembles the colour of an incandescent; looking orange or yellow. Cool White ranges from Yellow-White (3000K) to White (4000K) to Blue-White (5000K). Daylight ranges from Blue-White (5000K) to Bright Blue (6500K). As we can see in figure, Strays Birds Arts hotel mostly looking orange colour that temperature in range warm light (2700K3000K) that produce colour looking orange or yellow. Research has shown that these ranges of light give different effect on sleep cycles, productivity and mood. Living room in Stray Birds Art provides warm light colour temperature would give relax effect to occupant. Meanwhile as a bedroom were main area for sleep, the warm light helps people relax and prepare for sleeps so this colour temperature may be a good choice in these area for the house. Cool White and Daylight contain blue spectra which helps people be wakeful, productive, attentive, and improves moods. This may applied in fixture of task lighting as LEDs a good choice for direct lighting.
Figure 4.11: Range of Colour Temperature Lighting in Strays Art Birds.
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4.5. TYPES OF LIGHT DISTRIBUTION. The distribution of light is essentially the projected light pattern that a fixture will disperse onto a surface. Choosing the correct type of light distribution for an indoor warehouse or outdoor parking lot is as important as choosing the correct temperature or wattage of the colour. For the intended purpose, the shape (as well as brightness) of the area illuminated by the fixture will determine the efficacy of the lighting. The number of fixtures and the spacing between the installed fixtures may also influence it.
Figure 4.12: Example of Distribution Lighting.
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4.5.1. DIRECT LIGHTING. Direct light is when the light falls on a particular area or an object from a fixture or lamp. Direct lighting luminaires distributes 90-100 % of the emitted light in the general direction of the surface to be illuminated. The term generally refers to light emitted in a downwards direction. When to perform a task, directional is important as it enhances the visibility and focuses the light exactly where it’s needed. Direct light is also used in museums, art galleries and shops to enhance and focus our attention to a certain point or product. The fixture of task lighting perform as directional lighting aimed at a specific task. Task lighting should be free of distracting glare and shadows and should be bright enough to prevent eye strain. In stray birds art hotel, as we can see the task lighting provided at lower floor that fix to wall, besides bed and near bathtub. Accent lighting is also a form of a directional lighting that by generating visual interest, adds drama to a location. It is used as part of an interior design method to attract the eye to houseplant, painting, sculptures and other desirable possession. The texture of a brick or stone wall or window treatment.
Figure 4.13: Task lighting beside dining table and accent lighting provided in bedroom.
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4.5.2. INDIRECT LIGHTING. Indirect lighting usually used to illuminate a wider area. Indirect lighting luminaires distributes 90 to 100 percent of the emitted light upward. Without a sharp contrast between light and shadow, indirect light produces an even harmonic light. Of course, we have natural indirect light shining through a window from the sunshine, lighting a space with a gentle, even light. Instead of introducing more direct sources of illumination, indirect lighting is a perfect way to add more lumen to a room without the strong contrasts of directional light and shadow. Indirect light illuminates the space with a smooth, even light and makes it feel light, warm and inviting to the room. A light source that illuminates both the wall and ceiling also helps to enhance a room's orientation, visual contact and overall comfort. Indirect lighting can be achieved by fixture of ambient that provided traditionally in pendant type or ceiling mounted fixture. In modern design, it can be provided by track lighting for studio room or etc. to look different and aesthetical. Ambient light as a central source in living room and bathroom is fundamental to a good lighting plan. Stray bird’s art boutique hotel as we can see the living room and bedroom using a track lighting type.
Figure 4.14: Ambient fixture provided in track lighting.
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4.5.3. SEMI-DIRECT LIGHTING. Semi-direct luminaires distributes 60-90 percent of the emitted light downward and the balance upwards. The shadows generated by semi-directed lighting are diffused and do not cause discomfort. Semi-directed lighting is employed in applications where strong light is not necessary e.g. stairways, corridors, and storage areas. It can be in fixture of informational lighting that is designed for way of safety. As example a pathway that can be beautiful as well functional and create a dramatic statements.
Figure 4.15: Informative lighting provided at sidewalk.
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4.5.4. SEMI-INDIRECT LIGHTING. Semi-indirect Lighting luminaires distributes 60-90 percent of the emitted light upward and the balance downwards, similar to those of indirect lighting system with the inception that the downward component usually creates a luminaire luminance that closely matches of the ceiling. Semi- indirect lighting scheme is primarily used for indoor light decoration purposes. Wall sconces are some of the most decorative fixtures in the lighting market because they are frequently installed at eye-level in most rooms. Rarely powerful enough to provide enough illumination alone to light a large space and often found on either side of a bed for additional illumination, highlighting these visual focal points in a space.
Figure 4.16: Decorative lamp fix at the wall.
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5.1. WEATHER IN ZHEJIANG. The weather in Zhejiang features monsoon seasons, temperate climates, plenty of sunshine and rain, humidity, and hurricanes. The average annual temperature in Zhejiang is around 18 ° C (64 ° F), with an average temperature in July of 27-30 ° C (81-86 ° F), and an average temperature in January of 2-8 ° C (36-46 ° F). The average annual rainfall in this region is around 1000mm to 1900mm, and the average annual sunlight time is around 1710 hours to 2100 hours. In Zhejiang, the spring season normally begins in March, with average temperatures between 9-15 ° C (48-59 ° F), where the best times to visit Zhejiang are April and May. The Meiyu Season (or Plum Rainy Season, during prolonged rainy days) is from late June to early July. In late summer, hurricanes occur at high frequencies, causing heavy rainfall. During this period, umbrellas and raincoats are very important to carry while you travel in Zhejiang. September and October have excellent weather when clear skies and refreshing air can be enjoyed almost daily. On the other hand, in winter, the city experiences cold, as most places are not equipped with heating systems.
With nice average temperatures in Zhejiang that drop between 20 degrees Celsius (68 ° F) to 25 degrees Celsius (77 ° F), you will most likely experience good weather during May and October. On average, in Zhejiang, July and August are the hottest months.
March, April, May, June, July, August and September have a high probability of precipitation.
The warmest month in Zhejiang is July with an average maximum temperature of 31 ° C (87 ° F).
The coldest month in Zhejiang is January with an average maximum temperature of 7 ° C (44 ° F).
September is the wettest month. This month should be avoided to visit if you are not a fan of rain.
December is the driest month.
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Figure 5.1: High/Low Temperatures.
Figure 5.2: Average Temperature.
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Figure 5.3: Average Rainfall.
Figure 5.4: Air Quality.
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5.2. SEASON ZHEJIANG. 5.2.1. SPRING (MARCH – MAY). Entering spring, the weather in Stray Bird Art in Zhejiang began to warm with a little rain. Traveling in the spring, you can witness the elegant beauty of the southern Yangtze River Delta. The flowers bloom and the plant "wears" new green. Attractions like West Lake and Xitang Water Town have the best scenery of all time, waiting for you to enjoy. Also, this is the best time to visit Meijiawu Tea Plantation where you can appreciate the farmers taking new tea leaves, making their own tea and tasting fresh tea. 5.2.2. SUMMER (JUNE - AUGUST). Zhejiang's climate in summer is humid and hot, with more rainfall than any other season. Generally from early June to early July, it is affected by continuous light rain. Sometimes the highest temperature can reach 38 ~ 40 ℃ (100 ~ 104 ℉). 5.2.3. AUTUMN (SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER). In autumn, the Zhejiang weather is pleasant and light, and tourists can visit beautiful places comfortably. The natural scenery of the season also benefits from the colorful leaves. West Lake, Thousand Islets Lake, and Wuzhen Water Town are all must visit. The great Qiantang River tidal around the Mid-Autumn Festival that falls in mid-September to early October is also not to be missed. 5.2.4. WINTER (DECEMBER - FEBRUARY). Influenced by northwest winds, the climate in winter is dry and cold. The lowest temperature can drop to -3 ~ -1 ℃ (27 ~ 30 ℉). Therefore, it is a low tourist season. But the good news is that travel costs are also declining. Without many tourists, this will be a good experience for you to enjoy the quiet ancient towns like Xitang Water Town and Nanxun Water Town. Starting from February, plums begin to blossom around the southern banks of Taihu Lake, lasts until April.
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5.3. SUN ANALYSIS IN ZHENJIANG. Climate is the state of weather for a long time, tens to thousands of years. The long-term effects of the Sun on Earth's weather are called climate effects. If the amount of heat and light output emitted from the Sun (solar constants) changes with time, and not just the effects of X-rays, ultraviolet and other effects of solar activity, variation will directly affect the lower atmosphere and will certainly change the Earth's climate and climate. But still whether the solar constant has changed in the past or even if it has changed today. The measurements required are very difficult to make with the required accuracy. Because of the absorption and diffusion of sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere, these measurements are unreliable if made from soil. Recently, techniques have been developed to measure solar constants from spacecraft. There are now several instruments in orbit that measure the output of the Sun with the accuracy that should be sufficient to detect variations that are capable of changing climate.
Figure 5.5: Sunrise and sunset with Twilight.
The earliest sunrise is at 5:02 am on June 10, and the last sunrise is 1 hour, 52 minutes later at 6:54 am on January 12th is 1 hour, 59 minutes later at 7:01 PM on July 1st.
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Figure 5.6: Solar Elevation on January 12, 2020.
On Sunday, January 12, 2020, the Sun rises at 6:54 AM and sets 10 hours, 29 minutes later, at 5:22 PM in Lishui, Zhejiang. The solar noon is at 12:08 PM.
The longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:03 AM and sets 13 hours, 57 minutes later, at 7:00 PM on 20th June, while the shortest day of the year, on 21th December, it rises at 6:48 AM and set 10 hours, 20 minutes later, at 5:08 PM.
Civil twilight, the period before Sunrise or after Sunset where it is possible to do outdoor activities without artificial lighting, begins and ends 26 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 6:28 AM and 5:48 PM respectively.
Nautical twilight, during that time it is possible to see the horizon clearly (example, for navigation purposes), starting and ending 55 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:59 AM and 6:17 PM, respectively.
The astronomical twilight, outside it is possible to make the most sensitive astronomical observations, begins and ends 1 hour, 23 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:30 AM and 6:45 PM, respectively.
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Figure 5.7: Solar Elevation on June 10, 2020.
On Wednesday, June 10, 2020, the Sun rises at 5:02 AM and sets 13 hours, 55 minutes later, at 6:57 PM in Lishui, Zhejiang. The solar noon is at 11:59 AM.
The longest day of the year, on 20th June, the Sun rises at 5:03 AM and sets 13 hours, 57 minutes later, at 7:00 PM, while the shortest day of the year, it rises at 6:48 AM and set 10 hours, 20 minutes later, at 5:08 PM, on 21th December.
Civil twilight, the period before Sunrise or after Sunset where time is possible to do outdoor activities without artificial lighting, begins and ending 27 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 4:35 AM and 7 AM: 24 PM respectively.
The nautical twilight, during which time it is possible to see the horizon clearly (the example, for navigation purposes), begins and ends 59 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 4:03 AM and 7:56 PM, respectively.
The astronomical twilight, beyond which it is possible to make the most sensitive astronomical observations, begins and ends 1 hour, 34 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 3:28 AM and 8:31 PM, respectively.
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Figure 5.8: Solar Elevation on July 1, 2020.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020, the Sun rises at 5:06 AM and sets 13 hours, 55 minutes later, at 7:01 PM. The solar noon is at 12:04 PM.
On June 20, the longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:03 AM and sets 13 hours, 57 minutes later, at 7:00 PM, while the shortest day of the year, it rises at 6:48 AM and set 10 hours, 20 minutes later, at 5:08 PM, on December 21.
Civil twilight, the period before Sunrise or after Sunset where it is possible to do outdoor activities without artificial lighting, starts and ends 27 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 4:39 AM and 7:28 PM respectively.
The nautical twilight, during that time it is possible to see the horizon clearly (example, for navigation purposes), begins and ending 59 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 4:07 AM and 8:01 PM respectively.
Astronomical twilight, outside it is possible to make the most sensitive astronomical observations, begins and ends 1 hour, 34 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 3:32 AM and 8:35 PM, respectively.
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Figure 5.9: Solar Elevation on December 1, 2020.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020, the Sun rises at 6:35 AM and sets 10 hours, 28 minutes later, at 5:03 PM. The solar noon is at 11:49 AM.
On June 20, the longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:03 AM and sets 13 hours, 57 minutes later, at 7:00 PM, while the shortest day of the year, it rises at 6:48 AM and set 10 hours, 20 minutes later, at 5:08 PM, on December 21.
Civil twilight, the period before Sunrise or after Sunset where it is possible to do outdoor activities without artificial lighting, starts and ends 26 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 6:09 AM and 5:28 PM respectively.
The nautical twilight, during that time it is possible to see the horizon clearly (example, for navigation purposes), begins and ending 55 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:40 AM and 5:57 PM respectively.
Astronomical twilight, outside it is possible to make the most sensitive astronomical observations, begins and ends 1 hour, 34 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:12 AM and 6:26 PM, respectively.
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5.4. MATERIAL. 5.4.1. WOODEN DWELLING. Wood is a natural insulator and can help reduce energy requirements when used on windows, doors and floors. Wooden frames allow more space for insulation than brick buildings, and wood itself also has natural insulating properties. Of course, a home with better insulation requires less energy to heat and cool, which usually means less fossil fuel consumption.
Figure 5.10: Wooden Dwelling.
Wood does not only serve as a thermal bridge, but it serve as an insulator, therefore keeping the house cool in summer and warm in winter, which makes it a more sustainable construction home. Savings have been calculated between 50% and 60% per year for heating and air conditioning. Wood practically does not expand against heat. On the other hand, by the heat effect, it dries and gains strength. The wood expands slightly is when the humidity level is below 0%. This is scientifically significant. In practice, the humidity level of wood does not drop below 5% even in the driest climate.
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5.4.2. RAMMED EARTH WALLS. Earth is a locally available, cheap, natural, environmentally friendly building material and has been used extensively for this hotel. It has ecological and green characteristics, which can be assessed as very high quality, and they are of significant importance in the context of sustainable development and striving to reduce energy consumption today. Analyses of rammed earth wall thermal performances have shown that the wall has low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and significant thermal mass effect which is the key element enabling thermal stability. The research indicates rather good thermal properties of the rammed earth walls.
Figure 5.11: Rammed earth walls.
Rammed Earth is a medium that offers outstanding thermal mass due to its high density and the high specific heat power of the soil used in its production. The heat capacity of the object is defined as the ratio of the amount of heat energy applied to the object and the resulting increase in the temperature of the object.
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5.4.3. STONE RETAINING WALL. The stone is a natural product of the Earth, the original green building material. There is an abundant supply with different veining, textures, colors, shapes, and technical characteristics. Natural stone contains no harmful chemical or toxin, it can be rest assured that interior environment will be healthy, an important component of sustainable design.
Figure 5.12: Stone Retaining Wall.
Stone is also available regionally and locally. Regionally manufactured and extracted material reduce environment impact by reducing emission of greenhouse gasses during transportation of the material.
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5.4.4. FLOOR TIMBER STRIP. Stray Bird Art Hotel use floor timber strip because it has a natural fiber and material, timber is supposed to have grain and color variations. If more uniform tonality is required, a prior arrangement should be reached between the manufacturer and the supplier.
Figure 5.13: Floor timber strip.
It is important to know the behavior of timber species in relation to moisture. Timber is absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. Changes in the relative humidity of the atmosphere, for example due to intermittent air-conditioning in houses, can induce dimensional changes in timber flooring. Reasonable provision should be made at the perimeter to handle the extension of the flooring. The use of timber floor strip is to measure the thermal resistance of the insulated timber floors in residential construction is greatly influenced by the sub-floor environment, regardless of the direction of the heat flow and the insulation medium.
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5.4.5. TILE ROOF. A tile roof can last for more than 100 years, particularly when built in the right environment. Clay and concrete tile roofs were known to withstand hail, high winds, and even flames. If the tile is finished, any form of roofing will never have to be installed again. Just in case most suppliers offer a 50-year warranty. Unlike timber, the roofs of tiles will never rot.
Figure 5.14: Tiles roof.
The uses gray tiles reclaimed from old buildings as a surface layer that not only reacts to regional culture, but also represents a sustainable ecological principle. At night, to encourage visitors to enjoy the magnificent starry sky, skylights are added to the roofs above the beds. Tile roofs actually is environmentally friendly material, it is composed of earth minerals, and can be pulverized and recycled when removed.
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Figure 5.15: Roof insulation illustration.
The use of tile roofs to measure the thermal insulation which is every tile has properties that strongly reflect sunlight instead of converting it to heat. In comparison, instead of absorbing the heat and moving it back from the roof truss structure, to the roof tiles emit the heat sooner for better energy efficiency. The sun warms the roof and with it the attic and walls, allowing temperatures to climb within your home. While clay roof tiles and insulation tend to reduce this heat gain.
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5.5. PASSIVE COOLING. Trees and plants as passive cooling, lower surface and air temperatures by providing shade and through evapotranspiration. The shaded surface, for example, may be 20-45 ° F (11–25 ° C) cooler than the peak temperature of the unprotected material. Evapotranspiration help reduce summer peak temperatures to 2–9 ° F (1–5 ° C).
Figure 5.16: Stray Bird Art Hotel surrounded by trees.
The use of trees and plants in the urban environment brings benefits as well as reducing urban heat including:
Reduced energy consumption: Trees and plants that directly protect buildings reduce the demand for air conditioning
Improved air quality and lower greenhouse gas emissions: By reducing energy demand, trees and plants reduce air pollution emissions and greenhouse gas emissions. They also remove air pollutants and store and isolate carbon dioxide.
Improved storm water management and water quality: Vegetation reduces flooding and improves water quality by absorbing and filtering rainwater.
Reduced pavement maintenance: Shading trees can slow down road pavement, reducing the amount of maintenance required.
Improved quality of life: Trees and plants provide aesthetic value, habitat for many species, and can reduce noise.
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5.6. OPENING. Shanghai Wei Yi International Design Associates is planning a new Stray Bird Art Hotel in Zhejiang, China. The building has very important lines to provide more space for stunning mountain views around it. The openings of traditional houses are small rural, which unable to meet the needs of living rooms for lighting, ventilation, and views. To enhance the lighting environment and landscape scenery, natural door and window openings are enlarged, and then the modern door and window systems are installed to ensure the airtight of external protective structures and improve thermal insulation performance. Specially designed aluminum perforated window frames not only provide ventilation but also ensure a simple and consistent facade.
Figure 5.17: Window enlarged opening connection with exterior.
This option really reduces the visual impact of the building, also aided by the design team’s decision to use wood and glass details upstairs so that everything blends in with the natural environment, as well as the natural stone retaining walls on the garden floor. Large windows create a continuous connection with the exterior, almost completely tearing down the barrier between architecture and landscape for anyone inside.
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5.6.1. NATURAL VENTILATION. Cross ventilation (also called Wind Effect Ventilation) is a natural cooling method. This system relies on the wind to force cold outside air into the building through an inlet (such as a wall, gate, or window louver) while the outlet forces warm indoor air outside (through roof holes or higher window openings). Modern natural ventilation systems help increase the flow of incoming cold air and help hot air out. This increases the airflow of the building naturally.
Figure 5.18: Cross ventilation (Wind Effect Ventilation).
Wind Effect Ventilation controls the air quality in the building with environment and cost effective. As the wind blows by side of the building, each side is hit with a different pressure. Pressure changes force air toward the lower pressure side of the building in an effort to achieve balance. Ideally, having openings on the lower pressure side allows internal air to circulate to the side with lower pressure. Wind Effect Ventilation relies on natural elements to provide a beneficial and comfortable atmosphere in commercial and industrial buildings. This type of ventilation is very good in almost all climates and is a cheap cooling method. There are no operating costs, carbon emissions, or power consumption.
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Figure 5.19: Building on hill.
Building on slope land along the hillside can increase the natural ventilation that home receives. This natural ventilation, while a source of fresh air, also helps lower home energy bill by becoming less dependent on artificial cooling. Compares to home that built on flat land, homes constructed on hillsides are more energy efficient. This is because of the natural ventilation and they have better sunlight throughout the day and access to natural light, wind and water. The wind tends to flow freely in the hillsides area. As a result, the temperature will not be too high, even in summer, and they do not need to turn on the air conditioner. While it may not seem important, it can help reduce the energy bills they have to pay at the end of the month.
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6.1. SOLAR WATER HEATING. Water heating is the largest single used for electricity, particularly in the construction industry. It is known to use the associated energy supply to heat water higher than its initial temperature as a heat transfer process. Typical domestic use of cooking, washing, bathing and building heating for plight acceptance. That produced up to 1 in 3 of the amounts of energy that was used. The water could be paid to the customers without any pledge. The manager of the hotel, however, is aware that every bathtub, shower, kitchen and laundry are reckoning on their increasing utility bills. Water heating is the comfiest requirement to customers, particularly within the winter. Metal vessels heating a batch of water do not create an ongoing supply of hot water at a scheduled temperature. Predication seldom occurs spontaneously, usually from natural hot springs. The temperature changes with the rate of intake, getting colder as the flow grows. Alternative energy consumption, such as solar electricity, is one of the best ways of water heating in China. It appears that China is the world's largest producer and uses solar water heating. There were, many benefits of solar water heating. The suggestion of provided the SWH is to make the customers comfortable especially during winter climate. Solar water heating existence could make the hotel’s performance much better. Using the sun's energy instead of power or fuel line to heat the bath, solar water- heating system can properly accommodate up to 80 percent of hot water requirements, without a petroleum charge or pollution and with minimal operating and maintenance (O&M) costs. Solar water heating accounts for far less than 1 percent of the
water heating power market. One
of the most popular water heating systems is solar water heating in China. One of the most cost-effective ways to include renewable technologies into a building is by incorporating solar hot water. SWH is one of the great alternatives to be introduced in this boutique hotel for the idea of using solar water heating at Stray Bird Art Hotel since the use of water heating has not been specified. Solar water heaters are an indigenous Chinese technology
that is ubiquitously
found throughout China, especially in rural areas such as the Stray Birds Art Hotel, Zhejiang. SWH, in China, 85 million systems are built, and, in every
province, they are located. Solar
water heating is one transform innovation of low carbon and it was a development including a solar energy technology.
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Figure 6.1: Solar water heaters advantages.
In Stray Bird Art Hotel, SWH is to sustain electricity consumption savings, solar energy is very necessary. The most significant element s solar energy that comes from sunshine as source of solar radiation. The way to source energy could be solar radiation. For the consumer of the hotel, solar rays may be useful for the bathroom, cooking, hot water in order to produce steam and used it in any way such. There were few aspects that must be look to the effectiveness facilities by follow these characteristics:
Water heating load is constant throughout the year (not vacant in summer).
Water heating load is constant throughout the week (use star heat each day).
Price of fuel want to heat water is high (examples embrace electricity, that represents 46% of the water heating market, and propane, which represents 2% of the market in remote locations).
A sunny climate (helpful however not required).
Solar water heating acts on two underlying concepts, the first of which is that it improves as water gets heated due to variations in density between hot and cold-water conditions (thermosyphon effects). Thermosyphon effects described as this system uses solar energy, which is the sun’s energy, which is collected in a solar collecting system and converted to water via the conduction mechanism, and when water is heated kinetic energy is gained and excited from the heating source.
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6.2. DESIGN REQUIREMENT OF SOLAR WATER HEATING. 6.2.1. THE COLLECTOR. The evacuated tube solar collectors are solar collectors that are widely used in hotel industries, especially in China. The main component of the SWH is the solar collector, which changes the energy into heat and then transfers the heat to water. The solar water heating system’s performance is directly related to the leakage from the surfaces of the collector. Output decreases as the atmospheric temperature rises or when the temperature of the collector increases. Meanwhile, by covering the unit in glass. Such as with evacuated tube solar collectors, the drop in performance can be mitigated the isolation of the unit.
Figure 6.2: Evacuated tube collector.
The evacuated tube collector is commonly used, and inexpensive technology used in solar water heater (SWH) products found throughout China, especially in rural areas. The bulk of solar collectors were SWH of water-in-glass evacuated tubes in China solar thermal markers. Evacuated tube SWH are very common in China with low initial costs and short payback periods. High-temperature devices use evacuated tubing to have high insulation ratios around the receiver tube and use angle focusing tubes. High-temperature systems are required for absorption cooling or electricity generation but are used for mid-term. Evacuated tube collectors themselves cost about quite expensive but use of curved mirrors and economies of scale get this cost down for large system sizes to a relatively low cost. A copper heat pipe with an aluminium absorber fin is located through the centre of the tube. Most of the heat from the sun is absorbed and retained by this sealed heat pipe, even in very cold or windy conditions. Labour is a large portion of total system cost and the modular nature of evacuated tube collectors allows assembly by a single installer on the roof. Each component can be carried up a ladder by hand.
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6.2.2. TANK. Water-filled metal tank in a sunny place is the way of simplest collector. The tank will be heat by the sun as soon as heating of the tank and water begins, the heat gained is lost to the environment and this continues until the water in the tank reaches ambient temperature. The challenge is to limit the heat loss.
The storage tank can be positioned lower than the collectors, facilitating greater device design freedom and encouraging the use of pre-existing storage tanks.
It is possible to conceal the storage tank from view.
In a conditioned or semi-conditioned room, the storage tank may be mounted, minimizing heat loss.
It is possible to use drain back tanks.
6.2.3. INSULATED STORAGE TANK. Has inlet and outlet connections from the collector. These work best in areas where temperatures rarely fall below freezing. They also work well in households with significant daytime and evening hot-water needs.
Figure 6.3: Storage tank for SWH.
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6.2.4. SOLAR PUMP. In every solar water heating kit, the pump is a significant part. Via the solar hot water system, the pump circulates fluid. To ensure that you always have the exact flow you need for optimum solar benefit, the pump station has a variety of numerous adjustable pumps. The solar pump station has a variety of other components required for the construction and maintenance of the solar hot water system, such as flow meters, pressure and temperature gauges. Installation related products such as flush and fill valves that your solar installer can enjoy and can be included the solar pump station.
Figure 6.4: SWH pump system.
The option and configuration of a solar hot water system is defined by:
Solar energy obtained for a given location and period, Insolation (irradiation).
Normal min and peak temperatures over a year in the seasonal environmental temperature spectrum.
Regular temperature spectrum - average temperatures of min and max over a day.
The need for hot water in winter.
Solar hot water systems used for delivering hot water can be categorized in different ways.
The type of system-direct and indirect (open and closed).
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Active: The enabling of pumps and/or controls involves electric power. Requires electric power to activate pumps and/or controls.
Passive: The circulation of hot water depends on buoyancy (natural convection) rather than electric control. Thermosyphon systems position a storage tank above the solar collector, while the storage within the collector is mounted by integrated collector storage collectors.
Direct: Heats potable water directly in the collector.
Indirect: Heats propylene glycol or other heat transfer fluid in the collector and transfers heat to potable water via a heat exchange.
An active and indirect method is recommended for the advice system at Stray Bird Art Hotel. For single and multiple solar heating applications such as solar water heating tubs, domestic solar water and others, this type is suitable. It is also acceptable for region of questionable water quality and all-weather conditions. A non-freezing, heat transfer fluid is pumped by pumps through the collectors and a heat exchange. These devices pump heattransfer fluids (usually a glycol-water antifreeze mixture) via collector, and they are common in climates vulnerable to freezing temperatures Heat exchange transfer the heat contained in the tanks from the fluid to the domestic water. Good freeze safety is provided by closed-loop glycol system. However, based on glycolic consistency and machine temperature, the glycol must be tested each year and maintenance every 3 to 10 years. Drain back systems use water as the heat-transfer fluid in the collector loop. A pump circulates the water through the collectors. The water drains by gravity to the storage tank and heat exchange there are no valves to fail. When the pumps are off, the collectors are empty, which assures freeze protection and allows the system to turn off if the water in the storage tank becomes too hot.
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6.3.2. ADVANTAGES OF CLOSED-LOOPS SYSTEM. For several uses, the close loop design facilities easy switching between heat exchangers, as well as excellent freeze safety. With internal heat exchange (coils) with or without electric backup, special solar domestic hot water tanks are available. The coil tanks that allow surplus solar energy to be guided to the bathroom, pool etc. As a Domestic Hot Water (DHW) backup, the top coil may also be added to the hotel boiler. No freeze sensors or valves for drain down are required.
6.3.3. DISADVANTAGES OF CLOSED-LOOPS SYSTEM. As either a tank with a heat exchange coil or an external heat exchange is required, it is usually more complicated than an open loop system. The collector loop can work at slightly higher temperatures than an open loop device, as a heat exchange is necessary. There is a need to pressurize the collector circle. The antifreeze can need to be recharged for a duration of 3 to 5 years (8-12 psi).
Figure 6.5: Closed-loop diagram.
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Figure 6.6: Active-indirect SWH. Solar water heating works:
The sun heats water flowing through the collector in a circuit in the simplest panels.
The water that leaving the collector is cooler and brings its heat into the hot water tank than the water that entering it.
Literally, the water does not penetrate and fill the tank. Instead on one side of the tank, it flows through a pipe and on other side out another pipe, going through a coil of copper pipes (the heat exchange) inside the tank and giving up its heat on way through.
At any moment, hot water from the tank runs out without affecting the activity of the panel. Hot water from the tank runs out without affecting the activity of the
Since the panel does not produce heat all the time, the tank may also
another heating source, usually either a gas boiler or an electric immersion heater.
To pick up more heat, the cold water from the heat exchanger returns to the panel.
An electric pump (powered by its usual power supply or a solar-electric photovoltaic) cell on the roof) keeps the water flowing between the collector and the water tank through the circuit.
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Figure 6.7: SWH locate in Stray Bird Art Hotel.
The flow of solar water heating in Stray Bird Art Hotel:
The sun heats water and flowing through the collector in a circuit in the simplest panels.
The cold water flows into the bottom of solar storage tank.
The solar loop’s heat transfer fluid (usually water and glycol mixture) and pumped up to the evacuated solar collector.
Inside the solar collector, it is heated with the sun’s energy. The evacuated tubes are very efficient at trapping heat from sun and transferring it into this fluid.
As the fluid moves through solar evacuated tube collector, and heated up, it is then pumped back down inside the heat exchange in the solar tank, and its heating the solar tank.
When inside the storage tank is fully heated, then it will flow output to the building such as flowing into the bathroom piping.
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Energy saving: Free energy from the sun.
Save electricity bills: Save up to 100% on electricity for water heating during sunny day. Solar water heaters consume less energy than an electric hot water heater. However, in summer, the heat pumps consume more energy than the solar water heater. The reason is that solar radiation outside is high. Therefore, solar water heater saves 100% of energy consumed by electrical geyser. The heat pump on the other hand is still dependent on electricity to drive a compressor, pump and fan, as a result, the heat pumps consume on average 0.54kWh/day in comparison with electric hot water heater which consumes approximately 3.2kWh/day, thus saving 2.7kWh/day. However, the energy consumption profile between a heat pump and a solar water heater changes in winter. In winter, a solar water heater consumes more energy than a heat pump. This is because during winter daily hot water demand is high, and the solar radiation is low and as a result, solar water heater cannot withstand the load demand while operating separately
High performance: Superior solar absorption and heat retention using double layered Solar Evacuated Glass Tube Collectors. Wider angle to capture sunlight compared to conventional solar flat panel. That is many tons of carbon going into the atmosphere. Switching to solar hot water is a great way to reduce carbon and other greenhouse emissions and protect the climate at Stray Bird Art Hotel’s location.
Green energy technology: Superior solar absorption and heat retention using double layered Solar Evacuated Glass Tube Collectors. Wider angle to capture sunlight compared to conventional solar flat panel. That is many tons of carbon going into the atmosphere. Switching to solar hot water is a great way to reduce carbon and other greenhouse emissions and protect our climate.
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7.1. TYPE OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM. Air conditioning is known as the process of treating air to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet the design criteria for any space in building. This is important to ensure how the comfort of the occupants is maintained and to avoid from discomfort due to excessive heat and humidity. For example, to provide comfort and good air quality to the occupants of a boutique hotel so that they feel enjoyed staying there. Air conditioning system are designed to stabilize the air temperature and humidity within an area. Excess heat from the circulating air is usually removed by cooling coil that is supplied with cold water. Thus, the comfort and air quality can be maintained. For the Stray Birds Art Hotel, it only had a ground floor and first floor with floor area 300m2. The location of this boutique hotel is also built along the mountain and distributed along the terraces of the mountain. This indicates that the capacity of the boutique hotel is not big so it affects in selecting a suitable air conditioning system. The equipment room locations, accessibility and size bring impacts to the location of the air conditioning. Besides that, the other things that need to be consider in choosing air conditioning system is architectural constraints, maintainability, and the cost. Example for architectural constraints, things that need to be considered is floor to floor height, ceiling height, available utility space in ceiling cavity and selection of interior finishes. The system that has been choose for this boutique hotel based on the characteristics of the building itself is multi split system. This kind of air conditioning system are the improved version of window unit system. The heat exchangers are separated which is one will be outdoor unit as condenser while another several indoor units inside the building as an evaporator. It is connected by refrigerant pipe. The reason why this system has been considered to be use for the comfort of the occupants inside this boutique hotel was due to the advantage of this system which is the flexibility use of floor space. The indoor units also can be added anytime after the installation. It also suits with the occupancy usage profiles that is not too many in one period of time. Other than that, this air conditioning system can efficiently cool the air of the rooms during certain seasons and also heat the rooms in winter.
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Figure 7.1: Example schematic diagram of multi split air conditioning system.
While it is possible to monitor each indoor air outlet independently, they are related to the same outside heat pump unit for heat absorption or dispersal. By extracting the heat from the outside world and transferring it inside, a heat pump operates. Thus, a multi split air conditioning is an ideal choice to install air conditioner more than one location in a building and need to independently control the temperature of each room.
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7.2. BASIC DESIGN CONSIDERATION. A multi split air conditioning system works under the same concepts as a split unit air conditioning system, but there are ‘multiple’ evaporator units related in this case. Mainly for small structures, these basic systems were designed for small to medium commercial installations where ductwork installation was either too high or aesthetically undesirable.
Figure 7.2: Example distribution of multi split air conditioning system.
Other than that, for distribution throughout the building of air conditioning system, the fundamental aims that need to be look at is economy which is either it constitutes a single major budget item in building projects. Next, retain is to consume substantial floor space and/or building volume for equipment and distribution elements that must be accommodated during the design process. Lastly, the balance of between the success of a building depends on the ability to provide thermal comfort with the least operating cost such as maintenance, energy or replacement. This also depends on the HVAC system design, equipment and controls. In order to monitor the atmospheric temperatures of a room to satisfy consumer needs, the indoor and outdoor elements of the cooling unit are interconnected. The air is cooled in the interior by means of a fan that blows it over the evaporator. The air is warms on the outside while a fan blasts it over the condenser for seconds. A loop is thus produced that draws heat from the room and discharges it.
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The Stray Birds Art Hotel is using the rammed earth walls as the main façade to make the building blend with the traditional features. Rammed earth walls are constructed by the process of ramming a mixture of selected aggregates, including gravel, sand, silt and a small amount of clay, into place between flat panels called formwork. It is important to take note this detail as it brings impact to the location, weights and support or attachment of the equipment for air conditioning system indoor and outdoor units. Other than that, the location of site utilities, sitting and landscaping impacts on thermal loads can give effect to the size and also location of utility connections. From the observation, there should be no problems to install the multi split air conditioning system at Stray Birds Art Hotel.
Figure 7.3: The plan of Stray Birds Art Hotel of ground floor and first floor. Page | 62
Figure 7.4: The interior of the bedroom at ground floor.
As mentioned before, the Stray Birds Art Hotel only had ground floor and first floor. It also doesn’t have a large floor area hence the number of rooms is limited. The area that need for cooling has been decided for room area and certain space at ground floor and first floor. For the ground floor, they had designed the room to a loft space which had the living room with a landscape sofa-bed by the window. The suggestion to install air conditioning in this room is to give comfort and cooling air to the occupants. They may adjust the temperature to suit with the room. The multi split air conditioning systems are also peaceful and quiet so it would not disturb the occupants to take a rest or sleep. The aim to install air conditioner inside the room is also to supply a constant and adequate supply of ventilation. Other part in ground floor that been suggested to install air conditioner is at the area for dining and living room for occupants. This is because to maintain a suitable degree of humidity in all parts of a building that commonly used.
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Figure 7.5: The plan for ground floor with the suggestion of air conditioning indoor and outdoor unit location.
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For the first floor, it also had the same number of air conditioning suggested as ground floor with one unit outdoor. The first location suggested for air conditioning is in the bedroom that had bed and bathtub facing the landscape. The reason is also to supply air ventilation in the room so that the occupants feel comfort while enjoying the view from the room. Even though they already had natural air ventilation from the window, the air conditioning can help in the process of altering the properties of air to favorable conditions, with the purpose of distributing the conditioned air to an occupied space so that it improves the comfort. The other two locations suggested for air conditioning is also at living room or dining area. With all the suggested location of air conditioning, the occupants will enjoy fresh air that is free from all micro-organisms, dust and others inside the buildings.
Figure 7.6: The interior on bedroom at first floor and the living room area.
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Figure 7.7: The plan of the first floor with suggestion location of the air conditioning.
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8.1. INTRODUCTION. Water consumption is the portion of freshwater use that is taken from ground or surfaces water either permanently or temporarily that is not returned to the original after being withdrawn. Water consumption is distinguished to drinking and communal water consumption or industrial or technical water consumption or firefighting. Water consumption is influenced by several factors including the type, size of the hotel, occupancy, and user's behavior. A hotel building usually uses a large amount of freshwater to provide a variety of facilities and functions such as toilets, showers, bathtubs, kitchens, landscapes, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) and for cleaning purposes. Meanwhile, the energy consumption in hotel building depends on various factors such as topography (affecting groundwater filling), climate, seasonal temperature, average rainfall, water volume, total water needs, and the technology used. The energy consumption in the complete water use cycle refers to the extraction of ground and surface water, raw water treatment, water supply, end-use, and wastewater treatment and recycling for daily consumption in the building. Efficient use of water operations will result in reducing the hotel water consumption, saving energy, and helps to protect the environment. It is a major step towards sustainable water management. According to the Stray Bird Art hotel size, amount of toilet and other facilities, the water consumption is might be smaller amount compared to other huge hotel but still need to minimize the consumption to practice green and sustainable hotel. It is important to provide comfortable environments and unlimited access to water for guests. For Stray Bird Art hotel's green improvement, a few old water sources and water distribution systems will be upgraded to green technology and eco-friendly systems such as water-saving devices, grey water systems, and rainwater harvesting systems. In case of the increasing water demand, together with the pronounced seasonality in tourist arrivals and the limited water resources will give a big impact on hotel management so the suggestion that has been proposed is very useful to overcome the problems. The systems can be implemented without disrupting the normal operation of the hotel and without any inconvenience to guests.
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Furthermore, implementation of the proper water management plan by technology upgrades also will reduce hotel water usage, wastewater, reduce energy consumption, and the most important is cut escalating water bills. It is essential to elaborate on a proper plan that allows the guests consumption without ever neglecting customer service. Besides, another effective ways to reduce water consumption is such as giving awareness to guests to re-use towels and sheets by informing the housekeeping to not wash the towel frequently, optimizing the use of water-saving devices (WSDs), grey water systems and rainwater harvesting systems, ensure the devices and system operate most efficiently, and does periodically reviewing the systems to detect any leakage. Continuous surveillance will prevent leakage or inefficiencies and possible faults that produce an opposite effect to the hotel. Metering and sub-metering of water also can help in tracking water consumption and leak detection in hotel building. Water sub-metering could provide valuable input on cooling water, irrigation, and hot water use.
Consequently, hotel refurbishment with the
suggested system results in the guests to experience the luxurious service and serenity while using less water.
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8.2. WATER-SAVING DEVICES (WSDs). Where large amounts of water are used by the appliances that have reached the end of their lifetime, replacement is perhaps the best way for the retrofit project. The old appliances should be upgraded to water-saving devices. Water-saving devices (WSDs) are "water-friendly" devices that allow consumers to automatically save water without any changes to daily routines or habits. Water-saving devices will reduce and regulate water flow and, hence, water consumption with every use, especially for toilets, bathrooms, and kitchens. Water-saving devices (WSDs) installations have been acknowledged as one of the most effective water conservation measures and have been used widely in China country. Installing water-efficient fixtures in Stray Bird Art hotel for toilets and kitchen could be the first step of reducing water consumption. The existing facilities that should be replaced with suitable water-saving devices are such as washbasin and dishwasher taps, toilet flush, showerheads, and bathtub taps. 8.2.1. WASHBASIN AND DISHWASHER TAPS. They can be installed with hot and cold-water mixers, which automatically shut off, and special aerators mixing air with water. Automatic basin taps with a constant temperature (cold, hot, or premixed) are a great choice. In motion sensor taps water flow is adapting the flow once and then again seems time-consuming. The flow rate without splashes also means a cleaner area in bathrooms and kitchen. In this respect, the auto-closing taps will not lead to sink overflow and guest's dirty hands would not touch the taps.
Figure 8.1: Washbasin mixer tap with sensor for bathroom and kitchen area.
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8.2.2. AUTOMATIC FLUSH CONTROL SYSTEM. The automatic flush control system is the type employing a first water flow to create waste slurry in the toilet and a second water flow to cause the waste slurry to be pumped out of the toilet to a sewer connection. The flush control determines the presence of a user and the amount of time the user uses the toilet. The usage time is compared to a predetermined time value to determine the appropriate flush volume based on an assumption regarding usage time and flush volume needs. The comparative value statistically adjusts to the restroom traffic. A sensor is provided responsive to an undesired condition of the supply water to interrupt and hold the timing count of the timer in place until the undesired condition is eliminated whereupon the interrupted water flow is continued for the remaining time on the interruptible timer without undesirable prolongation of the water flow period thus avoiding a flooding condition.
Figure 8.2: Automatic flush control toilet.
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8.2.3. AERATED SHOWERHEADS AND TAPS. One simple way to save water is switching some of the bath appliances to watersaving devices. The aerator is a small attachment that either fits onto the end of the tap or can be inserted inside of the existing spout. The aerator acts as a sieve, separating a single flow of water into many tiny streams which introduces the air in to the water flow. The water flow is reduced, resulting in water savings. Meanwhile, the aerated showerheads will blend water with air to create larger drops of water. These water saving devices will control the amount of water that flows through the tap and showerheads without affecting the water pressure as they mix the water with air.
Figure 8.3: Aerated shower head for bathrooms and bathtubs.
8.2.4. TOILET TANK BANK. A toilet tank bank is a simple device which is a water-filled bag used to displace part of the volume of water in the toilet tank. This simply fill bag with water can be hanged in the toilet tank and start saving up to 2 ½ quarts with every flush. The toilet tank bank is designed with non-corrosive material and the valve is self-sealing and anti-evaporative.
Figure 8.4: Toilet tank bank for toilet flush.
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8.3. GREY WATER SYSTEM. Grey water, except sewage, can be defined as any domestic waste water that is generated. Organic loading is the principal distinction between grey water and sewage (blackwater). In comparison with grey water, sewage has a much larger organic load. Grey water can be put to good use with a proper treatment. Such applications include water for laundry and toilet flushing, as well as plant irrigation. It is possible to use treated grey water to irrigate both food and non-food producing plants. The nutrients in grey water (such as phosphorus and nitrogen) provide these plants with an excellent source of food. It is really suitable to apply at Stray Birds Art hotel because this hotel located at rural area that great for environment for reuse waste water to replanting plant near hotel that have image for great view of landscape. Re-use of water does not diminish our quality of life, but on many levels, it can provide benefits. The major benefits of grey water, is reducing the need for fresh water. Saving on fresh water use can significantly reduce household water bills, but also has a broader community benefit in reducing demands on public water supply. Reducing the amount of wastewater entering sewers or on-site treatment systems. Again, this can benefit the individual household, but also the broader community. There are various methods for grey water treatment (GWT), varying in their characteristics, types, emission loadings and treatment technique. The selection of the appropriate technology depends on the quantities of grey water, organic contents, final implementation and standards acceptance. Grey water is water from basins, baths and showers that is piped to a surge tank. The grey water is held briefly in the tank before being discharged to an irrigation or treatment system. The grey water can be diverted either by gravity or by using a pump. The surge tank can be any type of container that is suitable for holding (but not storing) the initial surge of water. The surge tank must be emptied completely each time grey water is dispersed to the irrigation or treatment system – grey water must not sit for extended periods of time in the tank.
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A three-way valve manually diverts water from the normal drainage system to the surge tank. The machine discharge pipe must not be more than 300 mm above the top of the machine to avoid overloading the pump, and it must discharge into a 40 mm open pipe to avoid the possibility of water being siphoned from the machine. A gravity system can only be used when there is sufficient fall from the laundry/bathroom drain to the surge tank. Grey water must be filtered to avoid clogging the system. In a simple filtration device such as this, grey water is discharged into a tank containing the filter material that consists of a layer of bark over a filter-cloth and a sand layer. The water flows continuously through the filter and directly to the irrigation system. Grey water filters will need to be replaced from time to time, and the solids that settle on top of the grey water must be removed regularly.
Figure 8.5: Grey water system in Stray Bird Art Hotel.
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8.4. RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM. In addition to efficient systems, the Stray Bird Art hotel is proposed to install a rainwater harvesting system. Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainfall-runoff that has been used widely in China for domestic, industrial, and agricultural activities such as landscape irrigation, toilets, and urinals flushing. A rainwater harvesting system is being a useful way to face the scarcity of water resources crisis and can help to offset the costs of irrigation and promote conservation. Besides, rainwater harvesting allows avoiding overload of the sewer system and flooding. This system has become a top choice because it is easy to operate, high adaptation, low cost, and less energy consumption which suits the requirement of a green and sustainable hotel. This system is suitable to be used for Stray Bird Art hotel because the hotel location receives annual rainfall continuously throughout the year and according to the seasons, the heavy rainfall will occur during certain months. It is the right time to use a rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater for future use. In accommodation facilities, harvested rainwater has the most prominent use in toilet flushing which is the need to run both potable and no potable piping to every bathroom in the building. This is quite logical considering that the water in question fulfill its role effectively without the need for additional processing and disinfection. Countless people pass through hotels, so the hotel management has to accommodate the system appropriately. The quality of water depends on the flushed surface if the water harvested from paved areas highly frequented, as roads or forecourts, is low-quality water, as it contains dust and other pollutants from traffic an if the water collected from roofs is cleaner and requires minimal treatment. As the Stray Bird Art hotel is located in a mountainous area, the rainwater harvesting system is ideal for placing rainwater harvesting gutters surrounding the roof of the building to collect the rainwater. The rainwater harvesting tank can be buried underground to easily supply the rainwater to the plant.
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8.4.1. RECYCLING WORKS AND COMPONENTS. Rainwater harvesting is a green initiative involving a catchment area such roof and any other surface to direct collect rainwater. The rainwater then passes through a filter for treatment which eliminates debris and is stored in a storage tank placed either underground or at the side of a building or in the loft. Then, the harvested water will be pumped to places where it is needed such as bathrooms, bathtubs, and toilets and for plants passed through a dedicated pipe system. Though every system will be different and employ various rainwater collection methods. For Stray Bird Art hotel, the method of rainwater recycling system that will consists of catchments, rainwater gutters, pipes, water filtration, pump, and water storage tank. A catchment area is the surface that directly receives the rainfall and provides water to the system. It can be a paved area like a terrace or courtyard of a building or an unpaved area like a lawn or open ground. A roof made of reinforced cement concrete (RCC), galvanized iron or corrugated sheets can also be used for water harvesting. As the Stray Bird Art hotel has a large catchment area, the rainwater might be full of the storage tank. Rainwater gutter is a channel that surrounds the edge of a sloping roof to collect and transport rainwater to the storage tank. Gutters can be semi-circular or rectangular and mostly made locally from plain galvanized iron sheets. Gutters need to be supported so they do not sag or fall off when loaded with water. How gutters are fixed mainly depends on the construction of the hotel, mostly iron or timber brackets are fixed into the walls. Next, conduits are pipelines or drains that carry rainwater from the catchment or gutter to the harvesting system. The pipes are commonly made up of materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or galvanized iron (GI). Besides, a separate pipe system for harvested water supply should be installed, connecting to areas like toilet, shower, and plant area. Two types of filtration commonly used for harvesting system which is first flush water diverter and sand filtration. A first flush device is a valve that ensures flushing out of the first spell of rain away from the storage tank that carries a relatively larger amount of pollutants from the air and catchment surface. Meanwhile, the sand filter is used to remove suspended pollutants from rainwater collected from rooftop water. The various types of filters are generally used for commercial purposes such as charcoal water filters, sand filters, horizontal roughing filters, and slow sand filters. Page | 76
For instance, the water needs to be of higher quality if it is being used for washing than if it is being utilized to keep a garden. A water storage tank is needed to store the water collected from the roof or other surfaces. The size of the tank can vary depending on the space available and what it is used for. It can be buried underground or located at the side of the hotel building. For systems that are buried underground, a pump is needed to distribute the water to toilets flush, and bathrooms. A few features need to be considered before choosing a pump such as an automatic power on/off. This is essential for pumps that supply indoor plumbing or an automatic watering system. Multiple outlets on the pump gives advantages to allow connect more than one hose, or a hose plus plumbed-in connection, run-dry protection on the pump also can prevent motor damage if the tank is empty.
Figure 8.6: Sketch of rainwater harvesting system cycling for stray bird art hotel.
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8.4.2. TYPES OF RAINWATER HARVESTING TANK. Rainwater tanks are installed to storage rainwater for later use especially when other water supplies are unavailable, expensive, or of poor quality. The stored water can then be released gradually following the usage in the hotel. There are several types of tanks and tank size can be used depends on the potential volume of rainwater that could be collected. The tank can be built underground or aboveground in different shapes, the most common are cuboid and cylindrical. Regarding materials, smaller storage tanks are usually made of bricks, stabilized soil, rammed earth, while larger containers are built with pottery, Ferro cement, or polyethylene. To build an environmentally sustainable hotel and to maintain their rural concept, rainwater harvesting tank for Stray Bird Art hotel recommended using concrete rain tanks, buried underground which could decrease the life-cycle energy consumption, saved from strong wind and changing climate so it has long life span, low-leakage possibilities and can afford the quantity of rainwater collected.
Figure 8.7: Concrete rainwater harvesting tank for stray bird art hotel.
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8.4.3. TREATMENT OF RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM. The quality of the captured rainwater is influenced by the cleanliness of the catchment area. Therefore to improve water quality, water treatment can be done by filtering or screening process. Several methods are recommended for Stray Bird Art hotel to treat the harvested water such as by first flush water diverter and sand filter where commonly installed before the storage tank. By adopting the first flush water diverter, polluted water is diverted into the device, instead of flowing towards the tank. The contaminant in harvested rainwater will be removed to avoid them enter into the tanks. When the water level in the diverter chamber rises, the ball floats, and once the chamber is full, the ball rests inside the diverter chamber preventing any further water from entering the diverter. The subsequent flow of water is then automatically directed to the storage tank. Besides, sand filters also the best way to filter the harvested rainwater. To provide cleaner water for guests and hotel interior use, the harvested rainwater must flow to the sand filter. Sand filters usually constructed by brick masonry and consist of a 10cm gravel layer, 10cm charcoal layer, 25cm sand layer, and 25cm gravel layer. The water will pass through the sand filter and removes other finer particles of dust or dirt. Even this water is not completely particle-free, though the water can be used for flushing and gardening purposes.
Figure 8.8: Rainwater harvesting first flush water diverter.
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Figure 8.9: Modern sand filter that can be used for rainwater harvesting system.
Figure 8.10: Sketch of rainwater harvesting filtration process for stray bird art hotel.
After the filtration process, the rainwater from the roof is harvested, filtered, stored and filtered, and utilized ready for flushing in the guest rooms and for watering the garden. Both these systems work on gravity feed systems, with no power being used to run motors to collect the water. From a green hotel point of view, it is even more important to save every drop of rainwater and use it judiciously, thus contributing to energy conservation.
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9.1. INTRODUCTION. Safety and security has become one of the essential elements to ensure high performance of the hotel. Hotels management are responsible to secure their guest and should be a haven for guests to store their luggage, properties, rest, and recuperate in peace. Safety issues can affect the loss of the hotel's reputation and goodwill. Considering to the building 1 of Stray Bird Art hotel located at the end of the village and building 2 is located close to the road so that a good quality of safety and security system must be carried out. It is important for hotel management to continuously monitoring the safety conditions and standards. Meanwhile, smart safety, security, and auxiliary technology are advancing at a faster pace than conventional systems. A great improvement of safety and security system can lead to saving of energy use in the Stray Bird Art hotel building and make the guests stay more comfortable and convenient. The improvements can be made by using intelligent access throughout the hotel, update surveillance technology, and fire protection which includes check-in and check-out system, electronic door lock system, closed-circuit television surveillance (CCTV), and smart fire protection devices. Hotel rooms access based on biometric offers clear benefits to both hoteliers and guests. Biometric devices are authentication devices based on human physical or behavioral traits that can be used for identification and verification. The guests can enter their name for identification and use the biometric device for verification. Generally, biometric devices come in the form of hardware devices such as digital fingerprint verification, iris scanning, and even heart and palm readers. At present, electronic door locks are commonly used and more popular in the hotel industry. It is a type of contactless and inexpensive lock to replace keys. By using the electronic door lock system, the guest may use the PIN, chip card, fingerprint, or mobile application to unlock the door. It helps to eliminate the need to manage key card inventory and the headache of lost, stolen, or deactivated cards that can cause guests dissatisfaction. Also, a pattern recognition technology is being introduced, coupling closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras with motion sensors to observe the occupancy status of the corridors and around the hotel.
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9.2. TYPES OF SAFETY, SECURITY AND AUXILIARY SYSTEMS. Hotels have become more high-technology and automated in many ways. For the fastest and safest way to identify hotel guests and enhance access control security, several high-technology systems need to retrofit the Stray Bird Art hotel building. There are a few suggestion types of safety; security and auxiliary system that will help to reduce the energy consumption in Stray Bird Art hotel such as automated check-in and check-out, face scanner, iris recognition, smart room keys, fingerprint scans, CCTV, security alarm, smart reserved parking, smart mirror, and smart fire protection devices. 9.2.1. AUTOMATED CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT. Stray Bird Art hotel could make a better first impression with their guests by revamping the check-in and check-out process to make it easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Hotel management may consider providing the custom check-in and checkout kiosk at the lobby so guests can approach the kiosk to confirm their booking and room number, significantly saving time for the concierge. With automated check-in and check-out systems, the guests can simply check-in remotely through their smartphone earlier before they arrive at the hotel. This technology also alerts the staff when guests are about to arrive, allowing them to offer upsells and personalize the guest experience and helps the guests no need to wait for long to get into their rooms. Besides, the hotel management can better predict or manage their staffing needs and have ample time to provide clean rooms for guests.
Figure 9.1: Self-Check-In and Check-Out Kiosk.
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9.2.2. FACE SCANNER. Facial recognition has already come into play at multiple properties in China for guest reservation and access journey in the hotel using a face scanner. Stray Bird Art hotel suggested providing face scanner devices in the lobby and front of each guest door room. Guests must approach the face scanner device to scan their faces and input their contact information first at the lobby before access into the guest room. The system then verifies their identity to confirm the booking information and room number. Before entering the room, the guest needs to put their face near the device for scanning. After the device confirmed the guest identity, the locked door will automatically unlock and let the guest to access the room safely. Having a database of known criminals and other problem figures will alert security personnel of potential dangers. Alternately, hotel management can use the technology to control entrance to limited-access areas.
Figure 9.2: Face scanner device that can be used at the lobby.
Figure 9.3: Face scanner device that can be used for door room.
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9.2.3. IRIS RECOGNITION. Iris scanning is a unique entry system used as the key-system. Iris scanning technology is a far more secure and accurate, efficient, and quick system than traditional swipe cards. Even the housekeeping cannot enter the room until it times out. Iris recognition used by the image of the iris using Near-Infrared LED light, algorithms is then used to form an encoded representation of the texture of that iris. The encoding is used to match against other templates and confirm or refute identity. Because of using an infrared camera, recognition is available even at night or in the dark. Other than that, this system is hygienic to use because it can detect the iris without touching the device. Iris recognition is just not for high-end presidential suite but as green technology for boutique hotel like Stray Bird Art hotel.
Figure 9.4: Iris recognition device.
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9.2.4. SMART ROOM KEYS. Stray Bird Art hotel can install smart room access systems that allow guests to unlock their room doors by simply swiping their phones across a keyless pad on the door, Bluetooth, or pressing on a button on their phones instead of a physical room key or key card. The smart key is sent virtually from the hotel to an app provided by the hotel includes an encrypted code able to unlock the hotel room door. When the guests reserved a room, an encrypted code would be sent to their phone along with the corresponding room number. By using this system, the guests can easily enter their room without picking up keys at the reception desk, struggling to find the key in a bulging pocket, and front desk staff will not face any issue with new keys if a guest loses their room key. This system can save the hotel the expense and hassle of managing a key card inventory that is susceptible to lose and demagnetization.
Figure 9.5: Smart room key for stray bird art hotel.
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9.2.5. FINGERPRINT SCANS. Another innovative way for Stray Bird Art hotel to offer a secure keyless experience is through a fingerprint-activated room entry system. Only guests with authorized fingerprints can access the rooms. Guests can simply scan their fingerprint at the reception desk at the lobby whereupon the concierge would then immediately have access to guest personal information, reservation and automatically can be used for room entry. The fingerprint device should be located in front of every room door. Thus, fingerprint authentication eliminates the costs associated with producing magnetic stripe cards or replacing loss access cards.
Figure 9.6: Fingerprint scans device.
9.2.6. CCTV. The safety and security are fully assured with CCTVs, motion-sensitive/ night vision cameras, and intruder alarms in the building. For this recent year, the surveillance technology outperforms old-school cameras by leaps and bounds. The technology can outfit the guest or staff property with both hidden and visible cameras to keep an eye on every last inch of the hotel building. Video surveillance is a physical crime deterrent and can help thwart crimes to which hotels are most vulnerable such as lone attacks on a guest or theft. Theft of merchandise is a common problem for many hotel establishments. Coupled with the software, the video camera can recognize activity in interior or exterior areas of the building especially around sensitive areas such as the reception desk and cash drawer. And recent innovation of CCTV system provides voice command capability, where staff can see and warn off people captured on surveillance.
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CCTV system helps hotel management ensure the customer receives the best service but having CCTV to monitor without no one looking at the monitors is not guaranteed the safety of the whole building. To meet sustainability goals and saving energy consumption for Stray Bird Art hotel, the hotel manager can install an IP surveillance system over an analog one because only one IP megapixel camera can cover just like analog cameras which cover altogether. Thus, one IP camera's consumption is lower than the total energy consumed by analog cameras.
Figure 9.7: Multi-Sensor Surveillance Camera.
9.2.7. SECURITY ALARM. Stray Bird Art hotel could maintain its safe environment by installing a security alarm. The security alarm helps to protect properties against theft or property damage. Some security alarm designed with fire protection but somehow alarm systems may also be combined with closed-circuit television surveillance (CCTV) system to automatically record the intruder’s activity and may interface to access control system for electrically locked doors.
Figure 9.8: Security alarm with sensor.
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9.2.8. SMART RESERVED PARKING. Hotels become familiar with smart reserved parking especially when the hotels have a limited space parking area. Stray Bird Art hotel is suggested to use smart reserved parking with sustainable design and high security parking lots for their precious guests' accommodation since they provide limited parking space. Automated parking systems provide hotels and hotel guests with more convenience, satisfaction, and security compared to conventional solutions. This system uses smart sensors and an app to allow guests to reserve parking spots in advance of their visit and to have their space assigned upon arrival. It will give a smoother experience than let guests managing their parking manually.
Figure 9.9: Smart reserved parking with sustainable design.
9.2.9. SMART MIRROR. To make Stray Bird Art hotel an environmentally sustainable hotel, smart mirror is suggested to be installed in the guest room or the bathroom instead since it’s designed with waterproof material. Smart mirror is the next level of the Internet of Things is complete with weather and calendar. A "smart mirror" acts doubles as a TV, a virtual concierge platform, a systematic controller and when turned off, it will turn to a traditional mirror. The smart mirror can hang on the bedroom wall with its wires hidden. Stray Bird Art hotel management can customize it to suit the property's specific needs, adding apps for guests to order room service, be entertained, read about the weather and trending news, listen to music, make special requests by contacting the guest service, search local maps and find best recommendations for things to do. At night, the smart mirror turns off with no computer-esque glow to keep guests awake.
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Thus, smart mirror in guest rooms also rely on PoE. PoE infrastructure can be less expensive to install and has built-in energy management features that can save between 30% and 40% on energy costs. For safety and security, the smart mirror can activate the emergency alarm and function to give earlier notice about disaster might be happening around the hotel area. With an all-in-one function, the smart mirror is the one best controller system in a hotel building.
Figure 9.10: Smart mirror for guest rooms and bathrooms.
9.2.10. SMART FIRE PROTECTION DEVICES. For the Stray Bird Art hotel retrofit project, smart fire protection devices shall be installed to ensure their guests are staying in safe and having energy-efficient accommodation. A fire alarm system requirements are should be small-sized; lowcost, effectively monitored and maintained, need to provide early detection, warning of a real fire, and a procedure that enables the safe evacuation of all hotel occupants in a controlled manner to prevent fire accidents from happening. Compliance with fire safety regulations will be ensured through a well-maintained fire alarm system. The innovative device for fire protection is a smart fire alarm system with person detection and thermal camera. The camera has an optical lens and a thermal lens to capture visible videos for temperature monitoring and person detection that can detect the potential of fire accident. Thermal videos can record the temperature change of any area in the hotel building especially in the kitchen where it has a high potential to fire. Person detection and temperature analysis are completed in real-time. When the temperature is high while no person is detected, the hotel staffs in charge will give alarm buzzer in the kitchen and phone calls, or sending instant messages from mobile application for hotel management to give a check around the area. Page | 90
Thus, detectors such as smart wireless detectors also should be employed to reliably distinguish fire smoke from disturbance variables to avoid false alarms. Smart wireless detectors use long-life batteries that can last up to 7 years. That is the shelf life of the smart unit itself. The sensor is activated by connecting it to a mobile account. Users can activate, deactivate, and assign fire alarm functions to each sensor from anywhere. The detector comes with more pleasant audio warnings to occupant in the hotel building.
Figure 9.11: Smart Fire Alarm System with sensor.
Figure 9.12: Smart Fire and Smoke Detector.
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BEFORE RENOVATION a) No skylight. -
There’s no skylight
installment and only have
Installment of skylight same angle at ceiling above beds each room.
conventional roof. b) Roof raised. b) Lower of height roof.
Increased height and distributed both to upper and lower to meet reasonable of modern spaces.
2. Window.
a) Small window.
a) Enlargement window.
Poor view and limited for natural lighting.
b) No glass window.
Improve lighting environment and landscape view.
b) Glass window. -
Give sufficient natural lighting and aesthetical value.
3. Artificial light.
a) Incandescent lighting.
a) LED Lighting.
Energy inefficient, high
Long lifespan means lower
operating cost, life span too
maintenance, energy efficiency,
short, very fragile.
environment safe.
Page | 93
a) Brick.
a) Wooden Dwelling.
The brick wall have a low
The wood exhibit a low
thermal mass and it will
thermal conductivity with is
takes a longer time to
high heat insulating capacity
cool down a lower
compared with material
temperature and it also
metal, concrete and etc.
take more time to heat up again as thermal mass in
b) Rammed earth walls
the hotel slowly recharges
The rammed earth wall has
with heat. And after the
low thermal conductivity, high
heat wave stop, it will take
heat capacity and significant
a longer time to hotel
thermal mass effect which is
cools again.
the key element enabling thermal stability.
2. Floor.
3. Roof.
a) Concrete cover.
a) Timber strip.
The use concrete cover
The use of timber floor strip
as floor before renovation
is to measure the thermal
in hotel sometimes can
resistance of the insulated
cracks form. This is
timber floors in residential
because the vast expanse
construction is greatly
of the slab needs to
influenced by the sub-floor
tolerate fluctuations in
environment, regardless of
temperature, humidity and
the direction of the heat flow
and the insulation medium.
a) Wood roof.
a) Tile roof.
The use of wood roof is to
The use of tile roofs to
measure the thermal input
measure the thermal
of individual roofing layers
insulation which is every tile
in order to find the right
has properties that strongly Page | 94
insulation technologies for
reflect sunlight instead of
the weather in China.
converting it to heat. In comparison, instead of absorbing the heat and moving it back from the roof truss structure, to the roof tiles emit the heat sooner for better energy efficiency.
4. Door and windows.
a) Small opening.
a) Large opening.
Before the renovation in
The new door and window
this hotel, the openings of
systems are designed to
traditional rural houses
enhance more cross
are small, it difficult to get
ventilation can make remove
wide cross ventilation.
the warm air throughout the hotel.
Page | 95
1. Water Heating.
Not provided.
a) Solar Water Heating. -
The system that been used for solar water heating is active and indirect system. This type of system are effective and common use in China country since China is the largest world manufacturer.
The solar collector that been used in this SWH is evacuated tube collector. The main component of SWH is the collector. High-temperature devices use evacuated tubing to have high insulation ratios around the receiver tube and use angle focusing tubes.
Good freeze safety is provided by closed-loop glycol system
The beneficial of solar water heating is it can save electricity bills, can be a high performance which is superior solar absorption and heat retention using double layer solar evacuated glass tube collectors, and lastly is it is a green energy technology.
Page | 96
1. Type of System.
a) Not use any type of system.
- Only depends on the natural
a) Multi Split System. -
adequate of ventilation into the
ventilation from windows.
- Cannot efficiently heat or cool the room during certain
cooling during hot seasons.
- The air is not fresh as it -
cannot be adjusted as there is no air conditioning system. - Energy consumption is low.
Efficiently wash and free the air from microorganisms and dust.
or dust from outside air. - Temperature at each room
Help to treat the occupants by heating during winter seasons or
exposed to microorganisms
Can supply a constant and
Can control temperature at each room to suit with the environment. - Energy consumption must be well-planned so it won’t be a burden to the owner of the building.
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1. Water-Saving
Not stated/None
The use of water-saving devices
(WSDs) helps to reduce water
and energy consumption that leads to cost-saving. Besides, the device is easy to install and maintain.
2. Grey water
Not stated/None
Grey water systems can be used for irrigation, toilet flush, and outside taps to reduce water usage, costs, and energy consumption. Grey water systems are also easy to install and operate.
3. Rainwater
Not stated/None
Rainwater harvesting systems is
a simple technology that can be
used for irrigation, toilets, plants, landscape, potable, and nonpotable. The system causes to reduce water bills, promotes water and energy conservation, and protects the environment by reducing stormwater runoff, and soil erosion. The system also easy to install and operate.
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1. Automated
Not stated / None
The use of automated check-in
Check-in and
and check-out is easier to
interact with guests while enhanced guest satisfaction. Automation can save energy consumption by reducing manual labour and operating costs for the hotel.
2. Face scanner.
Not stated / None
Face scanner device is more efficient in identify specific people and enhance security to be more robust. The use of face scanner helps to prevent crime and save energy consumption.
3. Iris recognition.
Not stated/ None
Iris recognition is unique and stable over time besides easy accessibility. In order to improve security, iris recognition is highly accurate and more hygienic. For sure this device can save energy consumption by reducing management time and labour costs.
4. Smart room keys.
Not stated/ None
The use of a smart room key is reliable and cheap. It helps
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reduce the risks like loss, theft, cyber hacking, and demagnetizing. 5. Fingerprint
Not stated/ None
Fingerprint scanner is a nontransferable and more accurate tracking of workforce hence it is highly a secure device to be used in hotel. The installation of the device is easier, cheaper, and faster to setup.
6. CCTV.
Not stated/ None
Hotel security can be enhanced by installing CCTV around sensitive areas. The installation of CCTV with multi-sensors and minimal movement helps to reduce cost and energy consumption. CCTV is able to detect uninvited guests, to prevent theft, and can reduce acts of vandalism.
7. Security alarm.
Not stated/ None
The use of security alarms will improve the security of hotel guests and staff. The security alarm is a function to mitigate risk damages and alert the hotel building occupant.
8. Smart reserved parking.
Not stated/ None
Smart reserved parking helps to increase the safety of guests and staff vehicles while reducing pollution to the environment. Meanwhile, providing smart reserved parking with sustainable
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design will reduce storm water runoff and avoid flooding.
9. Smart mirror
Not stated/ None
The use of smart mirrors in guest rooms and bathrooms will create a more sustainable hotel. Smart mirror is the systematic controller for facilities provided in the room that results in energy-saving and cost reduction besides improving the level of hotel personalization.
10. Fire
Not stated/ None
Fire protection device is used for
monitoring buildings and give
warning of early fire to save the lives of guests and staff, property in the hotel building. Smart fire protection will save energy consumption and decrease the risk of fire damage. Meanwhile, a smart smoke detector will avoid smoke inhalation.
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11. DISCUSSION. One building which is wanting to achieve the sustainable building must be fulfil the few requirement needed. Especially in this discussion, it is focus on the lighting retrofits that could contribute benefit of energy consumption and the impact on the environmental economic conditions. To achieve the title, a building must ensure the suitable operation concepts and installation of the one whole building’s services. There are retrofit aspects that need to make some examine in this boutique hotel’s buildings, which is the light retrofitting, lighting retrofits strategies, thermal insulation, water heating, air conditioning retrofitting, water consumption retrofitting and smart safety, security and auxiliary system retrofitting. In meantime, this discussion will be the learning process includes a study of the specific characteristics of each type of services, the safety requirement for both installations. There are few differentiations between the before and after conditions of the boutique hotel that contain in this retrofitted works. It is also containing the sequence of design implementation, method operation, and expected savings and benefits. In future this changer will provide the best way to maintain the sustainable building of environmentally friendly.
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12. CONCLUSION. This discussion shows the beneficial of retrofitting works for boutique hotel building which is focus on the energy sourcing and consumption and indoor environmental quality enhancement. Clear that from all the examine result that been proceed in this discussion shows, there are many benefitting in improving the energy consumption which is it can impact to economic and environmental condition. For sure that, all the changer of retrofitting works such as light retrofitting, lighting retrofits strategies, thermal insulation, water heating, air conditioning retrofitting, water consumption retrofitting and smart safety, security and auxiliary system retrofitting have their own specialities to keep the building maintain as the sustainability toward environmentally and economic conditions. In meantime, the HVAC control system also shows it better performance such as allowing for more efficient shut off of systems for energy savings according to the occupancy status, intelligently pre-awake systems before rooms are occupied, automatically adjust room climate set points according to occupants’ thermal preferences, effectively optimize energy consumption and thermal comfort within permissible bounds. Making buildings and the construction process sustainable and environmentally friendly needs different inputs and skills/expertise from different stakeholders at different stages of the building life cycle. Clearly, there is a need of technologies and tools in decision making in achieving sustainable building of boutique hotel.
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