Submerge Magazine: Issue 112 (June 4-June 18, 2012)

Page 1



jun 10


union HearTs • sHarp obJecTs • boaTs!

blue lamp • 1400 alHambra blvd • sacTo • 21 & over • 8:00pm saturday

aug 18

Mother Hips plus

rose’s pawn sHop

Harlow’s • 2708 J sT. • sacTo • 21 & over • 8:30pm

Russian ciRcles

and so i waTcH You from afar deafHeaven


jun 27

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm

fungo mungo

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm

heaRTless basTaRDs liTTle huRRicane

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm

sTrung ouT

TwisTed bY design sub urban wasTeland blues


aug 10 monday

aug 13 sunday

aug 19

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm

scoTT h. biRam ResTavRanT

blue lamp • 1400 alHambra blvd. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm

THe growlers

Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm


Harlow’s • 2708 J st. • saCto • 21 & over • 8:00pm


sept 12 thursday

sept 13 wednesday

oct 17

abstract entertainment

TickeTs available aT: The beaT (17Th & J sT.), Dimple RecoRDs, phono-selecT oR online aT:, • TickeTs for Harlow’s sHows also available aT


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Featuring entertainment by: HARLEY WHITE JR.ORCHESTRA








6 - 10P


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


16 10



112 2012


Submerge: an independently owned entertainment/lifestyle publication available for free biweekly throughout the greater Sacramento area.

04 06 08 09 10 12 14 16 20 22 30 33 34

cofounder/ Editor in Chief/Art Director

Melissa Welliver cofounder/ Advertising Director

Jonathan Carabba senior editor

James Barone Contributing editor

Mandy Johnston


Contributing Writers

Zach Ahern, Joe Atkins, Robin Bacior, Corey Bloom, Bocephus Chigger, Anthony Giannotti, Blake Gillespie, Ashley Hassinger, Nur Kausar, Ryan L. Prado, Steph Rodriguez, Adam Saake, Amy Serna, Jenn Walker

2308 J Street, Suite F Sacramento, Calif. 95816


Contributing photographers

Mike Ibe, Nicholas Wray Follow us on Twitter! @SubmergeMag


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

printed on recycled paper

june 4 - 18

Dive in Submerge your senses The Stream The Optimistic Pessimist SExrat tongue & chic

La Bombe Kidsolar danny cocke JOey Brezinski calendar capitol capture

summer ‘fits the grindhouse

men in black 3

the shallow end

All content is property of Submerge and may not be reproduced without permission. Submerge is both owned and published by Submerge Media. All opinions expressed throughout Submerge are those of the author and do not necessarily mean we all share those opinions. Feel free to take a copy or two for free, but please don’t remove our papers or throw them away. Submerge welcomes letters of all kinds, whether they are full of love or hate. We want to know what is on your mind, so feel free to contact us via snail mail at 2308 J Street, Suite F Sacramento, Calif. 95816. Or you can e-mail us at

dive in crazy thing called life Melissa welliver In case you are unaware, the first week of June is National Cancer Survivors Week. Last year at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center I attended their “Survivors Picnic.” Danny Cocke, who is on our front cover, happened to play bass in the band performing that day. After a few songs were played, Cocke shared an enlightening story about his fight with stage IV testicular cancer. Affecting him during what I’d consider one of the most critical times, his early 20s, it was just when things were picking up for him and his former band. His was one of the most moving stories I had ever heard. He briefly shares parts of it in our feature on him starting on page 16. On top of surviving cancer, what makes Cocke such a standout individual is that he recognizes that it is because of everything he suffered through that he is in the amazing place he is today. Cocke has really started to make a name for himself as a composer in Los Angeles’ film and trailer scoring world. His music is in trailers for some of the biggest blockbuster movies around and he is about to score his first full-length feature film, The Devil’s in the Details, starring Ray Liotta. BTW, he’s only 30 years old! Something about Cocke’s story made me want to feature him in our June issue around the time of Survivors Week. It’s to remind everyone that even though cancer has this horrible way of slipping into the lives of people we love, don’t ever take life, or people for that matter, for granted. From just days ago learning that a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cervical cancer, to my grandmother having breast cancer and passing away many years ago, it really hits home and makes this a disease I absolutely despise. Perhaps Cocke’s story can be viewed as a refreshing cancer tale, which is something needed. When my grandmother passed, her home in Weed, Calif. was purchased by music producer Sylvia Massy. Strangely enough, Massy also purchased the theater just down the street where had I worked from 14 to 18 years old. While I’ve yet to meet Massy, it seems we share a surprising amount of personal history. But more importantly, she is someone I respect for producing some of the most amazing songs and albums of the past few decades. Sacramento rock ‘n’ roll band Sexrat has had the pleasure of spending a fair amount of time with Massy in my old stomping grounds recording their second full length album, Masters of Obscurity, due out late summer. Toying with Massy’s massive vintage equipment collection as well as taking their time with the recording kept the boys inspired and they produced an album you will undoubtedly love. Be sure to attend the downtown Concerts in the Park on June 15 to see Sexrat and pick up a copy of their album in advance. Please read our feature starting on page 1o to learn more about their recording process, Sylvia Massy and their love for the young band Dog Party. I’ve rambled on long enough about my favorite two features in the issue, but I’m sure there are more features in these pages that you will enjoy too. Start reading! Enjoy issue #112. Melissa-Dubs

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back Cover Photo of joey brezinski by Jody Morris/Red Bull Content Pool

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

S k AT e A m o n G T H e W o R l D ’ S b e S T / Q U A l i F Y F o R n Y C

Q UAli F i eR

J U n e 9 / SAC R A m e n To, C A

I N F RO N T O F T H E M A R R S B U I L D I N g / 4 P M 20 T H A N D J S T. M I DTOW N / 10 5 0 2 0 T H S T., SAC R A M E N TO, C A

e v e n t i s F r e e & O p e n tO t h e p u b l i c / r e g i st e r at F tc i n sac r a m e n tO O r p l a i n FO l s O m . O n s i t e r e g i st r at i O n sta rt s at 3 p m .

Q UA l i F i e R W i n n e R S G o To Wo o DWA R D e AS T J U lY 2 1 S T Fo R U S F i n A l S COLEMAN PARK NyC

S AT U R DAY, AU G U S T 18 Wo R l D F i n A l S A n D o p e n S e SS i o n TO P A M AT E U R S F R O M A R O U N D T H E WO R L D &

S U n DAY, AU G U S T 1 9 p R o C o n T e S T I N v I T E - O N Ly P R O E v E N T

R e D b U l lU SA . Co m / m A n n Y m A n i A

@ReDbUllSkATe #mAnnYmAniA

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Your Senses SEE HEAR TASTE Touch


Marc Del Chiaro’s Dreams v. Reality Album Release Show • June 8 Sacramento musician Marc Del Chiaro has been playing around town for 15 years in bands like Leisure, Life of Riley, 7th Standard and others. Most recently he has been gigging with bluegrass group Hot Tar Roofers as well as recording his first solo album, Dreams v. Reality, with Ira Skinner at Alley Avenue Recording Studios. On Friday, June 8 at Guild Theater (2828 35th Street) Del Chiaro will celebrate the release of the nine track CD with an all-encompassing event comprised of paintings and photography from Sam Sellers, a discussion on NEOfarm technologies by Scott Geremia, live painting and drawing from Molly Devlin of Art Bazaar, Jenna Maggard from Hands for Humanity will even be in the lobby providing massages for $1 per minute and 10 percent goes to charity. Del Chiaro will welcome to the stage many local talents and friends to recreate the songs that he estimates he recorded 95 percent of himself in the studio, including Bill and Scott Sanders (who also play in Hot Tar Roofers), Casey Marshall, Matt Lancara, Colin Viera, Noah Clark and others. Opening the show will be Adelynn Costa. “As much as I wanted it to be a quiet, not-abig-deal event, I wanted a place where everyone would be sitting and listening,” he recently told Submerge of the choice to do it at Guild. “It’s a beautiful old theater and felt it should be used more by local musicians. I used to go see shows there all the time in the ‘90s.” Doors open at 8 p.m. and the $10 cover charge includes a copy of Dreams v. Reality.


Tap Into Art at Verge • June 7 Throughout the entire month of June if you order a pint of Ruhstaller at over a dozen participating restaurants and bars around town—for example Bows and Arrows, Pangaea, Red Rabbit, Davis Beer Shoppe, Matteo’s and more—a portion will be donated to Verge Center for the Arts, local nonprofit advocates of contemporary art. So if you’re out and about, order a Ruhstaller dangit! Submerge suggests the Captain Black IPA, it’s delicious and tastes nowhere near as heavy and dark as it looks. You also cannot go wrong ordering a pint of their 1881 California Red Ale. The “Tap Into Art” launch party will take place on Thursday, June 7 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Verge (625 S Street), where there will be beer, food from Roxy and Lucky Dog Ranch, cool artwork and tours of artists’ studios, music and more. Visit for more information.


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


11th Annual Sacramento French Film Festival • June 15–24 Now in its 11th year the Sacramento French Film Festival continues to provide Sacramento with an extraordinary amount of culture and class. It allows us to peel away from streaming silly shows on our laptops and falling in line to watch over-hyped Hollywood blockbusters at the cineplex to experience films with far less predictability and much more passion. One fan of SFFF, a woman named Belle from Milwaukee, put it best in a video viewable on their website “We’ve got some good movies, but they’re all predictable,” she said of American films. “In French movies, the heroes die, they don’t get the girls and you never know who is going to come out on top at the end.” This year at SFFF see over two dozen features including classics like Children of Paradise and Hotel du Nord along with five feature films directed by women, four special guests including San Francisco Chronicle film critic Mick LaSalle, six films fresh from France in exclusivity, comedies, dramas and everything in between. There will be food, wine, great company, conversation and most important of all, great films. Do yourself a favor and do not miss the Sacramento French Film Festival at the Crest Theatre (1013 K Street). Opening reception is on Friday, June 15 at 6 p.m. View the entire program and learn more about buying tickets in advance by visiting SFFF’s website.


Frisbees, flip-flops and beers at the Second Saturday Beach Party on 20th St. • June 9

As Submerge went to press with this issue it was certainly feeling like summer in Sacramento, heating into the upper 90s, and summer means beach parties! Sacramento Comedy Spot, Mr. Pickles and others at the MARRS building (1050 20th Street) are bringing the beach to the street from 4 to 8 p.m. so grab your board shorts, bathing suits, Frisbees, flip-flops, beach balls and squirt guns and head to the party. Enjoy a beer on the patio from Luigi’s or Mr. Pickles, then hit a comedy show at Comedy Spot afterwards where there will be summer-themed improv shows. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


The stream RESTaURaNT & NIghT clUB

2708 J Street • Sacramento 916.441.4693 • WEDNESDAY



JUNE 7 10PM $12



Tommy CasTro

and The Painkillers



JUNE 9 10PM $10


Feva in tha Funkhouse ALBUM RELEASE PARTY


JUNE 15 10PM $10


The Blues Broads


Rock & Rhyme

7PM $25


Dear LeFt Brain




JUNE 19 7PM $12


JUNE 20 7PM $15


JUNE 21 8PM $12

Ryan StaR • Silent Comedy

Joe CraVen Trio The sizzling sirens Burlesque show



JUNE 22 10PM $10


JUNE 23 10PM


JUNE 24 7PM $25


Send regional news tips to By day, local stand-up comedian on the rise Daniel Humbarger is an attorney, but at night he tells jokes about his girlfriend buying a “max-iPad” and “poop jokes that make you think.” “Dropping a few timely, witty jokes in the courtroom is always exciting,” Humbarger recently joked with Submerge, “Assuming they go over well with the judge.” Just a year-and-a-half into his craft, Humbarger has a ton of shows under his belt and he feels like he is finally finding his “own voice” as a comedian. “I’ve still got a long way to go,’ he admits. “It’s been weird, awesome, embarrassing and incredibly rewarding. But mostly it’s just been really fun. I’m having a great time with it.” Humbarger hosts his “Thursday Night Jive at Shine” every first and third Thursday of the month at the cozy little coffee shop, eatery, gallery and performance space located at 1400 E Street in downtown Sacramento. On any given night he’s got four to six featured comedians, both local and touring, as well as a couple slots that he keeps open for other comics who show up. “I’ve always liked the space and thought it lends itself well to comedy,” Humbarger said of his choice to host the reoccurring comedy night at Shine. “But mostly it’s because it’s close enough that I can stumble home afterwards.” The next installment of Thursday Night Jive goes down on June 7 when Humbarger will welcome three San Francisco comics who regularly get on stage at Punch Line, Caitlin Gill, Ivan Hernandez and Ben Feldman. Locals Johnny Taylor, Michael O’Connell and Ben Rice will also perform. On June 21 catch Clare O’Kane and David Gborie, both from San Francisco, along with locals Ray Molina and A.J. De Guzman. Humbarger hosts all of the shows rather than doing a proper full-length set. He attempts to get the crowd worked up and introduces each comic. “It’s good for me. It teaches me how to warm up a cold crowd and as a host, you learn the show isn’t really about you at all,” he said. “It’s about setting up the crowd for the comedians coming up next. But, it’s also nice for me, because I can try new stuff and take risks I couldn’t otherwise.” Learn more about Humbarger at and to view videos of his stand-up visit Youtube. com/DanielHumbarger. Learn more about Shine and view upcoming concerts, poetry readings and more at

Photo by Drew Ruiz




Jonathan Carabba


“Life” W/ DJ epik & DJ Oasis

JUNE 8 7PM $20


Switching gears a bit (pun intended) from local comedy happenings, Submerge would like to point out that the GEICO AMA EnduroCross Championships Series is set to tear through Natomas at the Power Balance Pavilion on Saturday, June 9 for its first ever Northern California stop. EnduroCross is a thrilling and treacherous hybrid of Supercross, trials and enduro racing in which riders guide their bikes through gnarly obstacles like giant boulders, logs, tires, sand, mud, a water hole and more. For the series’ stop in Sacramento, Power Balance Pavilion will be transformed by master builders Schaefer Tracks who will use 1000 cubic yards of dirt, 100 tons of rock, 1000 feet of logs and more to create an extreme offroad race course indoors. The finished product is a grueling and physically demanding track that will take about 30 hours to build and will host some of the worlds best riders come race time. Keep an eye out on Northern California raised riders Colton Haaker (who enters the Sacramento stop as the points leader) and Cody Webb (currently sitting in fourth), both of whom are considering this stop their “hometown” race. Both have got their work cut out for them if they hope to dethrone Poland’s Taddy Blazusiak, the three-time GEICO EnduroCross champion. Opening ceremonies and racing start at 7:30 p.m. on June 9. Learn more at or at Do not miss what is undeniably the toughest racing on two wheels!

COMING SOON June 27 June 29 July 3 July 6 July 7 July 14 July 18 July 19 aug 1

russian circles & 30 tainted love James Hunter Dean-o-Holics Joel the Band modern english Steve Kimco asleep at the Wheel Paul thorn


Call: 916.441.4693x19 Email:


aug 8 aug 10 aug 13 aug 18 aug 19 aug 24 aug 25 Sept 13 oct 17

ottmar liebert Fungo mungo Heartless Bastards mother Hips Strung out Dan curcio Hapa Growlers Starfucker

1815 19th st. sacramento OPEN TUES-SAT 11-11

ThUrS JUNE 7 (8Pm)

ThUrS JUNE 21 (8Pm)

Sea of Bees & Little Wings

Neal morgan & Sad horse

Live Music

ThUrS JUNE 14 (8Pm) Live Music



call For reServationS includes cover charge For most Shows

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Prarie Dog, Flowerss & Nightgown

SAT JUNE 16 (7Pm) Live reggae Music

muSic PreSeNt By the BarLey LegaL Beer cLuB

Live Music

TUES JUNE 26 (8Pm) Live Music

gentleman Surfer, moon Pearl & Dash Jacket ThUrS JUNE 28 (6Pm) Live figure drawing

with POmPSicLe

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

The Optimistic Pessimist Only You Can Prevent America from Becoming an Asshole’s Paradise

Bocephus Chigger

Few things are more American than baseball. When you enter a stadium and see the perfectly manicured greenery of the outfield, the crisp white base lines of the infield and the seats filled with fans holding $6 hot dogs and $8 Bud Lights, you can’t help but feel patriotic and proud. Such was the case this weekend when some friends and I went to see the Oakland A’s take on the New York Yankees. As the game began, we noticed that there were three bros in the front of our section who were still standing. Being the gentleman that I am, I said, “Excuse me fellas, would you mind sitting down so we can see the game?” To which they replied, “No. Fuck you. What are you going to do about it?” Getting into a fistfight over $20 seats is some childish shit, and there was another open section right next to us, so we did the adult thing and moved. Once again, we settled in to watch the game, but these assholes wouldn’t let it go. Apparently, our moving made them feel real tough, so they kept turning around and talking more shit. We were soon returning the favor and things started to escalate. You could feel the tension in the air. The other people in our section were getting antsy, and the parents started to pull their children closer to them. A cotton candy vendor asked the assholes to sit down, but they blew him off too. The assholes even told a family with small children sitting behind them that they weren’t going to sit down for them either. In the midst of talking shit, the fattest asshole (who we’ll call “Fat Asshole”) managed to spill his entire beer onto his gut. The crowd laughed and Fat Asshole was embarrassed, which only made him more determined to show us just how fat of an asshole he could really be. He wiped off his gut, walked over to us, sat down and proceeded to talk more shit. Now like I said before, fighting over bleacher seats is childish, but we weren’t about to let some asshole walk all over us. My friend’s wife did her best to defuse the

situation as the rest of my friends surrounded Fat Asshole. Fat Asshole’s friend, Slightly Thinner But Still Gaping Asshole, looked like he was trying to decide whether he should come up, while the third asshole, Stupid Asshole, just stood there wearing his Brewers jersey and looking lost. Despite the noise of the stadium, it felt as if you could hear a pin drop. Right before things were about to explode, a woman’s voice yelled out from behind us, “Go back to your seat and sit down, asshole!” to which she got the same asshole answer everyone before her had heard: “These are general admission seats, we can sit where we want and we aren’t moving.” She walked off with her cell phone in hand and a couple of cops were there moments later. Slightly Thinner But Still Gaping Asshole saw them first and signaled to Fat Asshole that it was time to find different seats and maybe actually sit in them this time. They grabbed Stupid Asshole and skulked out to the applause of everyone else in our section. The cops missed them by seconds, but we didn’t care; those assholes were gone and we could finally watch the game. The events of that day reminded me that there is something more American than baseball. Unfortunately, that thing is being an asshole. The assholes in my story were born of their desire to inexplicably block the view of an entire section behind them, but there are so many other types. Wall Street “Wizards,” crooked politicians, your boss, your mortgage lender, that d-bag who cut you off on the freeway last week… This country has assholesa-plenty and they seem to be spreading fast. These gaping assholes are threatening to swallow us all if we don’t act soon. Look how much airtime they already give to Donald Trump! The rise of the asshole is real. Assholes want to ruin your life for their own amusement. We have to fight back before these assholes make the world shittier than ever before! Now who’s with me?!?



wednesday, JUne 6

Rockin’ Northern California Since 1987 9426 Greenback Orangevale ALL SHOWS ALL AGES • 21+ BAR AREA saTURday, JUne 16

VanishinG affair

doWnshiFt, jaxx, the artisan, built the stereo, bamVox, deVil’s train Freightline (tribute to grand Funk railroad) THURsday, JUne 7


Calista sky, e-squared, the ViCious kenits, saymo green

FRiday, JUne 8

simpl3jaCk, the Community, the trees saTURday, JUne 9

A SAvAge LocAL Show brodi niCholas, mr. p Chill, sunny b, penjula, island oF blaCk & White, the old sCreen door THURsday, JUne 14

dj Clay (insane CloWn posse), diVided allegianCe, syndiCate oF silenCe, kiCkuindateeF, loWer leVel

THURsday, JUne 21

the bar Fly eFFeCt, selF-proClaimed saTURday, JUne 23

Vero, oFFiCial response, simple sono t-dub & the internationals, creation parallel THURsday, JUne 28

shades of deVastation salythia, the War Within FRiday, JUne 29

Wesley aVery

method eCho, Wrings, the reel, sensual saint, the andromeda projeCt saTURday, JUne 30

FRiday, JUne 15


bispora, journal, soma ras, taunis year one, symbolik

restrayned, suCker punCh, ForCe oF habit, terra Ferno

tickets aVailable at all dimple records locations, and boardWalk box office doors @ 7pm /shoW @ 8pm for most shoWs. check for up to date ticket prices, door & shoW times

get the


off grid the

ELKHORN SALOON COUNTRY BAR & GRILL 18398 Old RiveR Rd West sacRamentO, calif. 95691 (916) 371- 2277

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Photo by Katy Hayek

Photo by Marc Thomas Kallweit

The Year of the Rat

Sexrat teams up with renowned producer Sylvia Massy on forthcoming album, Masters of Obscurity Words Steph Rodriguez


Photo by Marc Thomas Kallweit


ock ‘n’ roll is alive and well. It’s heard in the echoes of music from past greats and pulses between the new musicians of today. With seven years to their credit, Zach Goodin, Marc Kallweit and Devin Hurley of Sexrat look forward to releasing their second album, Masters of Obscurity this fall. A three-year labor of love in the making, the album was recorded at a 1900s vaudevillian theatre in Weed, Calif. that is now converted into Radiostar Studios by avid instrument and gear collector Sylvia Massy. Not only is Massy known for collecting pieces of rock ‘n’ roll history, she’s also known for producing tracks for multi-platinum musicians such as Tool, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, R.E.M and more. What’s more is her collection of vintage gear and equipment, which, according to Sexrat guitarist and vocalist Goodin, all have a story behind them. “She turned a 6,000-square-foot art deco movie theater, like a small version of the Crest [Theatre], into a recording studio with tons of vintage gear,” explains a smiling Goodin, his eyes gleaming with excitement behind a pair of dark shades. “Every piece of equipment has some crazy story like, ‘Oh, I got that from the Stones,’ or, ‘I got that from Led Zeppelin.’” Strumming guitars held by respected rock ‘n’ roll pioneers and turning up the amplifiers created custom by companies like Marshall or Mesa Boogie for some of the biggest names in music history kept inspiration flowing during their time in Weed. Goodin says having access to Massy’s never ending collection of rock ‘n’ roll trinkets set the tone during Sexrat’s recording sessions. “This place, just the vibe and the acoustics, makes for a way bigger sound,” says Goodin of Radiostar Studios. “We took our time doing it and [the album] sounds great. They’ve got great gear up there and they’ve got a good ear, so they really push you to do your best.”

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

The 12-song album, recorded by Massy and her main engineer, Rich Veltrop, features Bud Gaugh, drummer of Sublime and longtime friend of the band’s, and also Gaugh’s wife Nicole Hutcheson. Goodin met Gaugh while living in Southern California playing music for various bands and says Gaugh even hooked Sexrat up on tours with musicians like Matisyahu, Pepper and Fishbone. Although Goodin says the band felt like “the redheaded stepchild” of that particular tour last summer because Sexrat sounded the least like Sublime, he feels shows with a fixed audience are perfect environments for his band, because it exposes them to a variety of listeners. At the end of the day, Goodin and the rest of Sexrat just want the opportunity to connect audiences to their music, despite genres. “We get tied into the reggae rock scene, but that’s not really what we’re doing,” explains Goodin. “Maybe a little bit, but I would say we’re probably more psychedelic rock. We’re not really a reggae band.” And they’re not. Sexrat jam, intermingling neo-psychedelic organs with guitar solos, effects pedals and catchy lyrics prominently in their song, “Made in China.” The song features Gaugh on drums alongside Sexrat’s drummer, Hurley, who often plays keyboards simultaneously and is now adding backing vocals to his list of duties. But, at the moment, Goodin says his favorite track off their new album is “Walk of Shame,” a song he says is always fun to play. Packing a variety of sounds, the song starts off with surf rock-style guitars, mellowed out with the introduction of Goodin’s vocals resonating in ‘90s alternative rock, and then finished with hardhitting drums. “We’re all in our mid-30s, and we are a product of the ‘90s. That’s true to our sound,” says Goodin trying to pinpoint Sexrat’s Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

genre. “We’re kind of hard to categorize. We cover a lot of ground. It’s all just music to me I guess, but we all have our own way of playing and together that’s what makes our sound.” When they’re not rocking stages up and down California, the guys of Sexrat spend time in town with friends and family and Goodin has even acted as musical teacher and coach to the girls of punk rock duo Dog Party. He says witnessing sisters Gwendolyn, or his preferred “Gwenny,” and Lucy Giles’ eagerness to just play music and learn is refreshing to see in the youth of today. Especially as he and his two band mates continue to perform after all these years. “I’ve been playing since I was 10 years old,” remembers Goodin. “It’s the same old guys that play music [in Sacramento]. As we get older, we see who’s more dedicated—like all those guys from Kill the Precedent, we’ve all played the same backyard parties with the Filibuster guys; it’s cool to see everyone who’s still playing.” Although their album isn’t set for release until later this fall for those outside of Sacramento, Sexrat will be performing at next week’s Concerts in the Park series alongside Relic 45, Reggie Ginn and more. The guys will also have fresh copies of Masters of Obscurity for sale at Cesar Chavez Park offering those in attendance first dibs for an early listen. After their performance at the park, the guys of Sexrat are off for a weekend of music in Goodin’s old stomping grounds, Long Beach. But, what they’re really looking forward to is performing at Massy’s annual 4and20 Blackbird Music Festival in Weed. After spending a year getting to know Sexrat in her massive studio, Massy invited the guys to play the main stage at her event this August alongside bands like Forever Goldrush and Merle Jagger. The two-day festival boasts seven outdoor stages, five indoor stages and myriad genres, vendors and street performers. “They have managed to capture something rare in today’s musical offerings—true honesty,” says Massy of Sexrat. “They are organic, gritty and melodic. They are fun, and yet they express deep emotion in their music with inspired performances coming directly from the heart.”

“I’ve been playing since I was 10 years old. It’s the same old guys that play music [in Sacramento]. As we get older, we see who’s more dedicated— like all those guys from Kill the Precedent, we’ve all played the same backyard parties with the Filibuster guys; it’s cool to see everyone who’s still playing.” – Zach Goodin, Sexrat

WORRIED? STRESSED OUT? DEPRESSED? There are answers in this book. BUY AND READ




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Enjoy the country ************** 15downtown minutes Sac. ************** 20downtown minutes Davis

Sexrat will play Friday Night Concerts in the Park at Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento on June 15. To get up-to-date info, like the band on Facebook at



ELKHORN SALOON COUNTRY BAR & GRILL 18398 Old RiveR Rd West sacRamentO, calif. 95691 (916) 371- 2277

Photo by Brandon Remler

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012




7:00:49 PM

TONGUE & chic Open 7 days a week State-of-the-art Sound 3 Dance Floors 4 Smoking Patios 15 Bar Stations And Yes.... A Pool!




Check Out Our Website For Upcoming Events!


Bombes Away La Bombe


3020 H Street • Sacramento


Words adam saake | photos nicholas wray



2 0 t h & K S t • S a c r a m e n to • ( 9 1 6 ) 4 4 8 - 7 7 9 8 • w w w. fa c e s . ne t


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Veteran restaurateur Jennifer Dare Sparks, of the long-time Sacramento Spanish food establishment Aioli Bodega Espanola that’s been around nearly 20 years now, as well as the now defunct Habanero Cava Latina, Port Rouge and Barbarosa, has opened a new ice cream parlor in the heart of East Sacramento. On May 19, Dare Sparks and partner Bruce Strickley Jr. welcomed customers inside La Bombe, a small and attractively painted storefront in the McKinley Square shopping complex on the corner of H and Alhambra. Serving over twenty flavors of Gunther’s Ice Cream, espresso drinks and sandwiches, their real specialty is a unique frozen confection called bombes, or if you’re not into brevity, les bombe glacés. Like Dare Sparks’ previous endeavors, bombes are borrowed from the European culinary experience. The typically French dessert is spherical and can be layered with ice cream, cake, waffle cone, fruit preserves or syrups. Besides the fact that they’re delicious, Dare Sparks didn’t have to travel across the ocean to make them just as you don’t have to to enjoy one. “I’m interested in starting something that is unique to the American market by

utilizing materials that we have locally like Gunther’s Ice Cream, and combining them and composing them into unique European items,” says Dare Sparks. And she’s done just that. Her influence and points of reference come from when she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Italy, in the early ‘80s and when she later married an Algerian chef (Aioli co-founder Reda Bellarbi), now her ex-husband and business partner. Dare Sparks spent time in Paris and Algiers and speaks four languages including French, Italian and Spanish. Her passion for European lifestyle and cuisine shows through on the specialty dessert menu that includes Affogatto, vanilla ice cream topped with espresso and candied orange peels or the Granitta di Café con Panna, an Italian iced coffee with sweetened espresso topped with whipped cream. But the dessert she says is most unique to the shop is the frozen hazelnut fudge in a cup and topped with whipped cream, Gianduia con Panna. “I don’t know anybody, anywhere who’s doing that in the United States,” says Dare Sparks. “I’ve only had that in Italy.” The bombes at first seem a little curious, but once you bite into one your sensory Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

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memory will remind you that it’s ice cream and other sweet goodies you’ve already had before and most likely already love. What is also attractive about these desserts is the portion size. It’s roughly equal to a scoop of ice cream and a cone, so you’re not trying to wolf down a giant dome of ice cream in once sitting. It’s just right. Some notable creations were The Colonial Bombe, a combination of coconut, chocolate and banana ice creams with chocolate cookie wafers, dusted with cocoa and topped with toasted coconut or The French Bomb, which has chocolate ice cream, black raspberry sorbet and vanilla ice cream layered with chocolate cookie wafers, raspberry jam with raspberry syrup. And as La Bombe gets all settled in, you can expect bombes du jour as well as rotating creations changing on the menu. It’s June and it’s already hot, and foot traffic and families spilling over from McKinley will surely keeping the ice cream scoops a-scoopin’, but La Bombe isn’t only serving up sweets. They’ve got a very focused sandwich menu that is killing with the cold cuts. “I’m hoping to get the word out,” says Dare Sparks. “Between what the chefs are doing with the simplicity of adding herbs to mayonnaise and quick pickling the cucumber and then we have a great rep; Steve

Campanelli at Tony’s Fine Foods.” A great deli sandwich starts with two slices of quality bread, theirs being from Bella Bru. And then is closely followed by high quality meats; Tony’s Fine Foods has got it covered. “I knew what I wanted. I wanted the purest flavors for our meats,” says Dare Sparks. “We’re trying to do something of a really high quality.” Upon our visit we tried the Proscuiutto Cotto ham and Emmi Gruyere Swiss cheese sandwich on a baguette as well as the Deitz and Watson Rare London broil with white cheddar. Both were of exceptional quality— simple and delicious without being overcrowded or over complicated. It’s the perfect sandwich to pick up to go and hop across the street to watch the ducks in the park or pull up a chair at the bar that lines the bright front windows, perfect for people watching. “We fell in love with this location and I said, ‘I’ve been working on this idea for five years.’ You know, when young people started saying, ‘It’s the bomb?’ And I like playing on words,” jokes Dare Sparks. La Bombe is “the bomb” and it won’t take long before this place blows up.


, venue restaurant and bar -re*opens &


ELKHORN SALOON COUNTRY BAR & GRILL 18398 Old RiveR Rd West sacRamentO, calif. 95691 (916) 371- 2277

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Under the Radar

Kidsolar and his crew K.I.D.S. hope to change your perception of graffiti culture Words Amy Serna


here is a part of growing up when we learn to stop coloring on the bathroom wall and learn to color “inside the lines.” As kids the entire world was a canvas waiting to be drawn on but as adults we feel foolish doodling on the sidewalk. Children lose their urge to color on everything when they learn the difference between right and wrong. But even as an adult, graffiti artist Chris Kidsolar MB is one of those individuals that still holds on to this urge to paint the world with vibrant colors. He is a part of a graffiti art crew, rightfully named K.I.D.S., who create art that you wouldn’t find hanging in a typical gallery but display their work on the streets of Sacramento. They paint large, beautiful murals in a matter of days for the entire city to enjoy. But despite their best efforts to paint the town, they have received a huge cold shoulder from local citizens. Graffiti art stands next to a bad reputation and is often looked at as a form of “vandalism” and even gang related. It is usually associated with rebel teenagers and bad neighborhoods.


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

“It’s perceived as something bad but a lot of times when you look into it, its messages [are] from kids that feel hurt or unimportant because that’s how society sees them,” Kidsolar explained. “So a lot of the times it’s kids that wanted their name out or a certain message out and go paint everywhere and say to the world, ‘I exist, this is who I am, this is my opinion and this is my point of view about life.’ Like any other kid I had point of views and ideas that I wanted to get out.” After moving from Los Angeles to Sacramento in 1996, Kidsolar became drawn to the world of graffiti and realized his hometown was full of pictures that are unwelcomed by society. After finding a group of people that shared a love of the hip-hop culture and graffiti art, including his younger brother, he formed an art crew. “It wasn’t always viewed in a positive way because back then, we might have been viewed as a gang. But that’s not what we had in mind,” Kidsolar said. “I don’t think people were used to Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

seeing a group of artists coming together to do that, so they didn’t quite know where to fit us in.” The group name is an acronym that could have multiple meanings but the most two popular are, Knowledge Is Divine Sight and Kolorful Intelligence Defines Soul. “We came up with the word ‘kids’ because that’s who we felt like we needed to hold on to,” he said. “Essentially that’s the part of everybody that generates the most creativity and imagination. I think imagination derives in an early stage from when we were kids, so I wanted to play off that whole sense and relate it to us.” Growing up, Chris always had a curiosity for art but couldn’t find his passion anywhere in a high school classroom, in fact he admits that he mostly got Ds in art classes. Instead of learning in school he received hands-on instruction from a local artist, Jose Lott. “He started teaching us how to paint with the brush and that’s how we started really infusing the graffiti into fine art,” he said. Since then Kidsolar and his crew have been creating graffiti art, as well as attempting to project a positive light on a misunderstood culture. What most people might not understand is that there is an unspoken “code of conduct” within the graffiti community to respect private property such as homes or churches. “When you see it on stuff like that it’s obviously somebody who has no respect for his own culture,” he said. “[People] see it on somebody’s home and they are like, ‘Stupid dumb graffiti kids,’ but it’s not all of them. It’s one kid that doesn’t know how to respect.” Even with their code of conduct Kidsolar and his crew feel unwelcome in the city of Sacramento and often travel to San Francisco or Davis where people want them to paint outside of their businesses or homes. The K.I.D.S started to branch out from their “under the bridge” art to create free murals wherever they had permission. “We’ve always managed to stay under the radar. It’s never been our goal to be famous, popular or known. We just wanted to do what we love doing. And we want to give back and be part of the hip-hop culture,” Kidsolar explained. “We want to be heard and we want to project a positive message that we’ve always had.”

“We’ve always managed to stay under the radar. It’s never been our goal to be famous, popular, or known. We just wanted to do what we love doing. And we want to give back and be part of the hip-hop culture. We want to be heard and we want to project a positive message that we’ve always had.” – Chris Kidsolar MB m d • t e e r t s 14th 5&51e 1400 • shines -10pm • sun 9am-6p 916

cl os in g

pm • sat: 9am


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Recently, the crew has noticed a rise in support from art galleries and local artists in the area. Kidsolar and the crew were featured in an exhibition last year at Sol Collective called The Enlightenment, they have been supported by Streets of Soul art events, and will be seen in an upcoming Second Saturday show at Vox Sacramento. The art show and fundraiser, Art Speaks, will feature local Sacramento artists, live music and a live painting demonstration by Kidsolar himself. “What I like about them [Vox] is that they are not out to make money, like most places that we have gone to,” Kidsolar said. “Vox and Sol Collective definitely stand out for us because they are more supportive. They really are about supporting the arts community, instead of trying to make money off of art.” Even with the support from local art galleries, Kidsolar and his crew have a long road ahead to being accepted as true artists with the entire community. Convincing people to view graffiti as an art form instead of an illegal act may not ever be accomplished. But despite critics, Kidsolar’s art will continue to be seen on the streets of the city and could turn “vandalism” into being seen as a creative message. “How do you define art?” Kidsolar asked. “Who are you to say what is creative and what is not? I just basically always been about bringing people together, that’s why I formed K.I.D.S.” Art Speaks will take place on June 9 at Vox in Sacramento, located at 1818 11th Street (corner of R), from 2–9 p.m. In addition to live painting from Kidsolar, Shaun Burner and others, there’ll also be vendors and live music from DJ Whores, Mahtie Bush, Tribe of Levi and many others. This will be a fundraiser for Vox Sacramento. For more info, go to

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ELKHORN SALOON COUNTRY BAR & GRILL 18398 Old RiveR Rd West sacRamentO, calif. 95691 (916) 371- 2277 Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012




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Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Composer Danny Cocke Gets to work on scoring his first feature film and prepares to release a new album of trailer music Words James Barone


or some, getting to the cinema early for the trailers is just as important as seeing the feature presentation. Who can blame them? The trailers are often more exciting than the actual movies they’re meant to market. Trailers fuse all the best parts of the movie into an endorphindrenched nugget of excitement, loaded with quick cuts, epic voice-overs and even more epic music. Los Angeles (by way of Sacramento) composer Danny Cocke handles the latter. Though just eight years ago, his music career and his life were in serious jeopardy. In 2011, Cocke released From the Blue, an album of short but dramatic tracks, through L.A.based licensing and publishing company RipTide Music. At the time, Cocke admits he was “dirt broke.” Much of From the Blue was even recorded in his old bedroom at his parents’ house. “I was recording bands at the same time just to pay the bills, and all of a sudden it was the first Thor TV spot, and then Conan…Captain America, Green Lantern, and then I got called into custom score the first The Amazing Spider-Man trailer where they actually gave me picture— where he was in first-person running across the roof,” Cocke says. “I was a huge Marvel fan as a kid... It was totally surreal. I did not expect that level of explosion.” Portions of Cocke’s music have also been used to promote what will likely be the biggest movie of the year, The Avengers. A full track from From the Blue, “World Collapsing,” was used in the trailer of the recently opened fairy tale adventure flick, Snow White and the Huntsman. Having a full song used throughout the entirety of a trailer is a rarity, according to Cocke. “It was like, ‘What the hell?!’” he says of his reaction to the news.

Cocke says it’s a rush each time he hears something he wrote in a trailer, even though at this point it’s happening a lot more often. “They Came from the Blue,” another track off From the Blue, was placed in about a dozen trailers, he reports. “Some of my composer buddies are like, ‘Knock it off!’” Cocke says. Currently, he is poised to release another album’s worth of trailer music, this time through Position Music, titled The Verge of Total Chaos. The album is scheduled for a July 3 release, but Cocke has already started releasing tracks to his SoundCloud page. He also just started working on scoring his first feature film, The Devil’s in the Details, starring Goodfellas’ Ray Liotta. His career is on the upswing, but just eight years ago, it almost ended before it really began. Cocke was diagnosed with stage IV testicular cancer, which he managed to fight off after a tough struggle. When Submerge spoke to him, it was the day after his eighth anniversary of his diagnosis, and today he stands cancer-free. When we caught up with Cocke, he was enjoying some time away from Los Angeles back home in Sacramento. He admits that the concrete jungle of L.A. does wear on him. “There’s a hum of constant sound and lack of nature,” he says. “After about two months, I start going crazy.” However, luckily for him, his work affords him the chance to leave town often, not that it’s a complete vacation. Cocke enjoys home cooking, creatively speaking, and still composes in his old bedroom at his parents’ house while he’s in Sacramento. We open the following interview talking about his process for scoring The Devil’s in the Details before discussing his latest album and his battle with cancer. Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

When you did From the Blue, it was an album’s worth of music, do you also approach a film score as if it was an album since it’s about the same length of music? It’s a very different approach. It’s cool because I’ve slowly built up experience. Last summer, I helped out this bigger composer Paul Haslinger on Death Race 2. He gave me about 10 minutes of scenes to write music for. It was basically ghost writing. [It’s credited as if] everything was composed by him, but 10 minutes of it was me. And then I had two short films that I did, and then I had a bigger scale short film last summer, and then I just finished a 30-minute film that’s being used as a pitch, and that’s crazy looking. It’s like The Dark Knight meets The Bourne Ultimatum. It’s incredible. I had to do 30 minutes worth of music in two and a half weeks. It’s a lot different approach. My album was 30 minutes of music that took six months. Also, though, I’m doing whatever I want with the album. With scoring, everything has to be really tailored to picture, and each scene really dictates what you’re doing. Have you started work on the Ray Liotta movie? June 1 I move into a house just for the summer, down in L.A., in the valley, and that week I get reel one and sit down with the director and start spotting out the cues. It’s all got to be done on Aug. 10, too, so it’s about 100 minutes of music in two and a half months. It’s going to be crazy. Do they breakdown the plot for you or anything like that, or will you be going into that June 1 session totally blind so to speak? Well, I read the script beforehand—quite a while ago, actually, like last year. And I know the director pretty well, so he’s always telling me what his vision is. I just try to get in sync with what they’re seeing and imagining. With film score, there’s such a heavy reference on other film scores, so it’s like, “OK, in this scene I want The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’s score meets these horror films…” So you have all this really nice reference so you’re not shooting in the dark. So it’s like, “OK, I’m just going to do my version of that.” Set up that kind of a palette, I guess.

Do you have an inkling of what you’d like to do with the film as of now? I haven’t started making sounds yet. It will discover itself, but I have an idea. The way the movie goes, you don’t know what’s going on. It’s very peaceful, and then all of a sudden, the guy gets held hostage. And from then on it’s super tense. It’s going to be two parts, so there’s going to be some serene music to start off, and then the nastiest, on-edge music. It’ll be fun. I’ll start creating sounds and playing stuff over the picture and seeing what’s working. Creating orchestral elements that don’t sound mocked up is going to be the challenge, making them sound somewhat real. You’re working on a new album of trailer music, The Verge of Total Chaos… It’s just now finished. I was actually done with it at the end of March, but the mixer was busy on a film, but he just turned in the last mix. We’re just starting to release stuff online—one track here or there. All the trailer companies have eight of them, but they’ll have all 12 by Tuesday, and they’re already getting cut into a ton of stuff. Then it will come out on iTunes in a few weeks. With From the Blue you said you didn’t have any expectations, but with The Verge of Total Chaos, you’ve already made a name for yourself. Your music is being used in a lot of trailers for blockbuster movies. With this album, did you, say, have films in mind that you knew were coming out that you thought the music you were making would fit in with? I didn’t. I attacked it more from a musician’s standpoint. I did a lot of rock songs on From the Blue, and one or two of them got placed. I realized that this hybrid orchestral sound was what was working, what they were looking for, and all the editors responded saying that too. They love the old traditional stuff mixed with this new edgy stuff. But I kind of really wanted to expand on melodies and huge epicness, so a lot of the tracks have a really orchestral, epic feel. The other half is sound design-like, straight up electronic alien robot demons [laughs]. It’s always a risk each time. I just put it out and hope for the best.

Eight years ago yesterday, you were diagnosed with stage IV testicular cancer. When you were diagnosed, how did you react? Did you think, “This is it?” Well, the first 30 seconds were a shock. I definitely had a panic attack. I’ve had panic attacks my whole life, and surprisingly at that moment after, I was super calm. Something otherworldly told me that there was going to be a lot more, and this wasn’t it. Then it was just going one day at a time. But if I had to go back and do it again, I would do it again—even lose all the hair and throw up every day for six months and get cut open—just to be who I am now. I ended up volunteering in a hospital for a couple of years after and helping other cancer patients. It was such an intense spiritual feeling of helping, and sometimes they wouldn’t make it and it was very heavy too. But it gives you such an appreciation of life. I think I put it all into music in a way that I never would have done. Did you write a lot of music during that time? Right before it, my band, we were signed. We were at Nine Inch Nails’ Danny Lohner’s house, and it was just like the most epic, exciting time. We were right on the verge of potentially having a really great band career, which at the time was a dream come true. I’m thankful now. I’m so much happier I’m composing. I’m glad I’m not in a band and touring and doing things like that. That was the biggest frustration. It wasn’t even chemo and all these cancer treatments, it’s that I lost the momentum of the band. I tried to keep it up as best I could. I actually spent so much time learning even more computer production during that time, because I’d be in my parents’ house. I didn’t really have energy to go down into the band room and practice music live, so I’d just be working on the computer. Definitely after that, six months after treatment and I was in remission, I dove into music like crazy.

The Verge of Total Chaos will be available through iTunes and In the meantime, you can hear songs from the album at (or, just go to a movie, because you’re bound to hear something he did in a trailer). You can learn more about Danny Cocke at or at

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


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July 3

t u E s day


fair sTruggle • OverwaTch

June 17

s u N day

June 24

s u N day

avenue saints

t h u r s day

CatCh Without arms

will be played in its entirety

July 5

life in 24 frames • Tragic culTure hands liKe hOuses

June 8

F r i day

plus speCial guest


June 19

t u E s day


t h u r s day

June 28

sTuck • The hungry siMpl3jaCK the trees

F r i day

July 6


sat u r day

June 9 Tyler Rich

F r i day F r i day

June 22

Incredible Me TallBOy • chernOBOg malcOm Bliss • gears Turn represa

F r i day

June 29

July 7

June 15

Outsiders Calling all survivOrs the sun sets here

sat u r day


sat u r day

June 16

sat u r day

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

June 23

sat u r day

June 30

gaudy BOyz • a-mad-g

sat u r day

July 14

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

gOddaMn gallOws

plus speCial guest

t u E s day

July 17

w E d N E s day

t h u r s day

July 19

t h u r s day

eazy dub

July 25

July 26

Neil Diamond Tribute sat u r day

august 4

august 17

F r i day

w E d N E s day

sat u r day

september 5

september 8

plus speCial guest


F r i day

July 20

F r i day

July 27

t u E s day

august 21

F r i day

september 14

M O N day

september 24

plus speCial guest

Max bundles the laCs dry COunty drinKers brOdi niChOlas

sat u r day

July 21

hellOgOOdbye williaM beCKet hOuse Of herOes

t u E s day

July 24

s u N day

July 29

F r i day

august 24

end Of days • deadlands

F r i day

august 3

t h u r s day

august 30

t h u r s day

september 27

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012



Manual for


International Skateboarding star Joey Brezinski’s Manny Mania returns to Sacramento Words Jenn Walker


uangzhou, China, is a prime location for skateboarding. Everything is brand new, there is marble everywhere and the likelihood of getting kicked out for pushing around on a board is slim. That’s because security guards are too busy watching in awe. So says pro rider Joey Brezinski, anyway, who visited there recently. “It is one of the best places I’ve ever skated in the world,” he says over the phone from his home in Venice, Calif. While the sight of Brezinski flipping tricks may be foreign in parts of China, skateboarding is catching on in many regions around the world. Whether he intended to or not, Brezinski has facilitated the process by coming up with a unique skate contest that, in its sixth year running, now spans five continents and 12 countries, attracting participants anywhere from the United States and Chile to Sweden, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates. Red Bull Manny Mania is a skating competition concentrated on the manual, one of the most basic, fundamental skating tricks around. There are nine amateur qualifiers taking place in the United States alone. Sacramento will host a Manny Mania qualifier this month for the first time in three years, being the only qualifier taking place on the West Coast in 2012. For those unfamiliar with skate-speak, a manual means that a skateboarder balances on one end of the board while the other end comes off the ground, moving forward all

the while. In other words, it’s the skateboard version of a wheelie. It may seem relatively straightforward, but it’s harder than it sounds. “It’s a lot more technical,” Brezinski explains. “Instead of having to go big or find a gnarly ramp or handrail, I try to stay low to the ground and maneuver the board more.” The competition demands creativity. Beyond performing the manual, competitors are expected to tie in a variety of other skate tricks into a smooth combo. A sequence might sound something like: a perfect nose manual to late flip on the high box. Again, to the non-skater this is gibberish. The bottom line is, this stuff gets complex. To top it off, each round lasts eight minutes, during which the rider has to maintain fluidity. The rider who demonstrates the most consistency and control, in addition to the most tricks, wins. “It’s a lot of balance and endurance, I like to say, because the contest is like running a marathon,” Brezinski explains. “You try to do as many tricks in eight minutes as you can, and it’s pretty exhausting.” Thus skaters like Youness Amrani come forward—the 2009 Manny Mania championship winner—who, according to Brezinski, are taking things to the next level. One of the most memorable big stints Amrani pulled involved a kickflip manual backsmith, Brezinski says.

Photo by Giovanni Reda/Red Bull Content Pool

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Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Photo by Jonathan Mehring/Red Bull Content Pool As the competition has gained popularity, more and more riders have come to the table to compete at both the professional and amateur level. Big names like Kenny Anderson, Danny Montoya, Daniel Castilo, Brandon Biebel, Jason Dill, Eric Koston and Stevie Williams have shown up in past years. The contest has also brought names like Sewa Kroetkov to light. He was relatively unknown in the skating world until he gave Brezinksi a run for his money in last year’s competition. What started out as a skate contest in Venice, Brezinski’s hometown, has evolved into a worldwide competition. Brezinski, who made his name debuting in the film Hello JoJo for the French company Cliché Skateboards in 2006, approached Red Bull in 2007 with the idea of creating a manual skating contest. Red Bull was immediately on board, and the result was Manny Mania. “It was something I always wanted to do,” Brezinski says of the competition. In addition to the nine amateur qualifiers taking place in the United States, others are cropping up across the globe to draw new talent into the competition. Riders as young as 14 are entering the contest. Each nation’s finalist will

compete in New York’s world final in August at Coleman Park; and the winner of the world final will return the next day to compete in the Manny Mania Pro Event. Since its inception, winners have included Ronnie Creager and Eli Reed. Brezinski won the Venice competition in 2007, in addition to the pro final in 2008 and again last year. Some years have proven more challenging than others. For instance, in 2009, Brezinski tore ligaments in his ankle prior to the competition while shooting the TransWorld skate video Right Foot Forward. Last year he shot another video for the X Games Real Street contest. Aside from Manny Mania, Brezinski isn’t one to enter skate contests (it means more time spent traveling and less time skating the streets), but last year he made the exception to shoot the one minute of skate footage that, if it had been chosen, would have aired on NBC during the X Games. “It was insane,” he recalls. This year he is shooting yet another video, apparently, this time for Cliché. It’s for a sponsor he loves. Whereas other brands don’t provide him many travel opportunities, Cliché allows

“It’s a lot of balance and endurance, I like to say, because the contest is like running a marathon. You try to do as many tricks in eight minutes as you can, and it’s pretty exhausting.” – Joey Brezinski on Manny Mania

Photo by Jody Morris/Red Bull Content Pool him to head to Europe every year for a visit. Still, anticipating this year’s competition, he vows to take it easier than he did in 2009. Plus, he has energy to save for another big endeavor, namely his new business, Andale Bearings, which he just started with co-owner Paul Rodriguez earlier this year. For Brezinski, the business world is new territory. “Like skating, every day is a new trick,” he says. Commanding a business with a mission to put the best bearings into skate wheels means fewer hours on the road and more hours at home in Venice. That leaves a couple hours a day at the skate park.

Yet, while exotic locations like Guangzhou will always have skating allure, Los Angeles remains one of his favorite spots to skate. Not only is it where the first Manny Mania went down, it’s also where he Red Bull Manny Mania’s only West started out Coast qualifier will take place in on a board at Sacramento on June 9 in front of the age 8 or 9. MARRS Building (1050 20th Street). The event is free and open to the public. Skaters can register ahead of time at FTC in Sacramento, PLA in Folsom or at the event starting at 3 p.m. Skating starts at 4 p.m. To keep abreast of all things Joey Brezinski, follow him on Twitter @ joeybrezinski.

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Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


6.07 kevin Seconds Travis Latrine Javalounge 8 p.m.


Political plum

Musical Charis, LP Sessions, Hey Zues Powerhouse Pub 8 p.m.

The Boardwalk Egg, Calista Sky, E-Squared, The Vicious Kenits, Saymo Green, 8 p.m. Bows and Arrows Sea of Bees, Little Wings, 8 p.m.

music, comedy & misc. Calendar

june 4 – 18 use a qr scanner on your smart phone to view calendar online

6.04 Monday

The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Harlow’s JD McPherson, 7 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays hosted by Ross Hammond, 7:30 p.m. Old Ironsides The Nuance, 7:30 p.m. Plea for Peace Center Vow of Hatred, War Hound, The Beautiful Ones, 7 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club Hot Tar Roofers, Old Tire Swingers, Delta City Ramblers, 8:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Fresh, 7 p.m. Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m.

6.05 Tuesday

Dive Bar Le Twist Tuesdays w/ Sam I Jam, Adam J, Taylor Cho, Roger Carpio, 9 p.m. Marilyn’s Bob Woods Swampbilly, 5:30 p.m.; Open Mic w/ Chris 2Me, 7:30 p.m. Powerhouse Pub College Night w/ DJ Rigatony, DJ Alazzawi, 10:30 p.m. Press Club FFFreak w/ CrookOne, DJ Hailey, Dogtones, 9:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Fresh, 7 p.m. T2 Nightclub & Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Torch Club Quinn Hedges, 5:30 p.m.; Lew Fratis, 9 p.m.

6.06 Wednesday

The Boardwalk Rick Derringer, Frank Hannon (of Tesla), Freightline (Grand Funk Railroad tribute), 8 p.m. Center for the Arts Vital Information, 7:30 p.m. Club 21 Bojangles Dance Club w/ DJs Robert Long, Daruma, Markz, Peanut, 9 p.m. Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. District 30 DJ Dainjazone, Nate Davit, 9 p.m. Dive Bar James Cavern, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Ian Mcferon, 8 p.m. Laughs Unlimited Karaoke, 8 p.m. Marilyn’s Coyote Grace, 9 p.m.

Center for the Arts Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, Erin McKinney, 7:30 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Blame the Bishop, Saralyn Adkins, 8 p.m. Fremont Park Hot Lunch Concert Series w/ The Bell Boys, 11:30 a.m.

Momo Lounge LIFE w/ DJ Epik, DJ Oasis, 10 p.m.

Harlow’s Georgia Anne Muldrow, Dudley Perkins, 10 p.m.

Old Ironsides Open Mic, 9 p.m.

Javalounge Kevin Seconds, Travis Latrine, 8 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Musical Charis, Political Plum, LP Sessions, Hey Zues, 8 p.m.

Marilyn’s Rock On Live Band Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Press Club Hoods, Being as an Ocean, 8:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Fresh, 7 p.m. Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Howell Devine, 9 p.m. Uncle Vitos (Davis) Boom Bip w/ The Flower Vato, 10 p.m.

6.07 thursday

Antiquité Maison Privée Peter Case, Troubadour Blues screening, 6:30 p.m. The Blue Lamp Ming & Ping, Mike Diva, NVR-NDR, 9 p.m.

Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Whiskey Dawn (Reunion Show), 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Fresh, 7 p.m. Shenanigans DJ Blend, 9 p.m. Torch Club X Trio, 5 p.m.; Bleedin Hearts, Dry County Drinkers, 9 p.m.

6.08 Friday

Ace of Spades Dredg, Hands Like Houses, Life In 24 Frames, Tragic Culture, 6:30 p.m. continued on page 24


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

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Henningsen-Lotus Park Coloma Blues Live w/ Jackie Greene, Laurie Morvan Band, California Honeydrops, David Jacobs-Strain, Sacramento Blues Revue, 11 a.m.


6.08 Mr. P Chill & trunk of funk

2Mex, Tribe Of Levi, Lumis, Cleen, Ms. Vybe, Max Bundle Marilyn’s 8 p.m. The Blue Lamp C-Plus, N Pire, Chase Moore, Peso Harlem, DJ Epik, hosted by Blee, 9:30 p.m. The Boardwalk The Secretions, Simpl3jack, The Community, The Trees, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Get Down to the Champion Sound w/ DJ Esef and special guests, 10 p.m. Cesar Chavez Park Concerts in the Park w/ Mumbo Gumbo, Todd Morgan and The Emblems, DJ Mikey Likes, 5 p.m. District 30 Ladies First Fridays w/ DJ Billy Lane, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Standing & Staring, Rebel Punk, The Lurk, 9 p.m. Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m. Guild Theater Marc Del Chiaro (CD Release), Adelynn Costa, 8 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Wonder Bread 5, 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m.

Ace of Spades Mickey Avalon, Dirt, Richard The Rockstar, Rock & Rhyme, K-Ottic, 7 p.m. The Blue Lamp The Resurrection Men, The Generals, Model A, 9 p.m. The Boardwalk Brodi Nicholas, Island of Black and White, Old Screen Door, Mr. P Chill, Penjula, Sunny B, 8 p.m. Cesar Chavez Park Fiesta En La Calle w/ Salvador Santana, Colores, Velorio, DJ Ricardo Rayas, 4 p.m.

Red Hawk Casino Robbie Walden & The Gun Slingers, 5 p.m.; Left of Centre, 10 p.m.

Coconut Grove Sports Bar & Grill O Street Dub (CD Release), Storytellers, Verbatim Fire Dancers, 8:30 p.m.

Shine Mason Rex, No Where But Up, TJ McNulty, 8 p.m.

District 30 DJ Foley, 9 p.m.

Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Shayna & The Bulldog, Little Owl, Brooke Parrott, 8:30 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Super ‘70s Soul Jam w/ Dennis Edwards and the Temptations Review, The Stylistics, The ChiLites featuring Marshall Thompson, The Emotions, 7 p.m. Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Terry Hanck, 9 p.m.

Javalounge Archimedies, Watch Out, Thirty Seven, 4 p.m.; Moondrool, Trikome, 8:30 p.m. Luigi’s Fungarden Sister Crayon, Sea Bees, Doom Bird, 8 p.m. Luna’s Cafe JANG, Good Amount, The Symbolick Jews, 9 p.m. Marilyn’s Mr. December, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Fascination w/ DJ Dark Star, DJ Blix, 9:30 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Inspector 71, 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Robbie Walden & The Gun Slingers, 5 p.m.; Left of Centre, 10 p.m.

Fox & Goose Secret Lives of Squirrels, Pomegranate, In Letter Form, 9 p.m. G Street WunderBar Element of Soul, Harlow’s 2nd Saturday Summer Series w/ Live Manikins, Iconoclast Robot, Street Urchinz, Jonny James, Krave Deez, 7:30 p.m.

Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen Be Brave Bold Robot, DJ Hail Bop, artwork by Paul Imagine, 6 p.m. Shine Erik Dower, BWILD, Jon Droll, artwork by Eric Brandon & Morgan Shotwell, 6 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Buxter Hoot’n, TV Mike & The Scarecrowes, 9 p.m. continued on page 26


Harlow’s Tommy Castro and the Painkillers, 7 p.m. Javalounge PK, Brave Season, The Somebodys, 8 p.m. Luigi’s Fungarden Sister Crayon, Sea Of Bees, Exquisite Corps, 8 p.m. Luna’s Cafe 12 Mile Blues, B2E, 9 p.m. MARRS Building Gabriella Ruiz, 5 p.m. Marilyn’s Mr. P Chill’s Birthday Bash w/ 2Mex, Mr. P Chill & Trunk Of Funk, Tribe Of Levi, Lumis, Cleen, Ms. Vybe, Max Bundle, 8 p.m. Old Ironsides In the No, Island of Black & White, Brewfish, 9 p.m. On The Y Barbarous Cock, 9 p.m. The Park Ultra Lounge Stonerokk, DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m.


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

6.09 Jackie Greene Coloma Blues Live

Laurie Morvan Band, California Honeydrops, David Jacobs-Strain, Sacramento Blues Revue

Henningsen-Lotus Park 11 a.m.

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

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Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Audio Express — Sacramento Submerge — 6/4/2012


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Thunder Valley Casino Resort Piolo Pascual, Kuh Ledesma, Lani Misalucha, 5 p.m. Torch Club Johnny Guitar Knox, 5 p.m.; Chris Cain, 9 p.m. Townhouse Nü Sensae, G.Green, Screature, Stalins Of Sound, DJ Hailey, 9 p.m. Vox Sacramento Art Speaks w/ Century Got Bars, Task1ne, The Bell Boys, Tribe of Levi, Nome Nomadd, Cristo, Miek Snique, Aly, DJ Kool Kuts, DJ JayTwo ThowZen, DJ Whores, Mahtie Bush, 2 p.m.

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ZuhG Life Store Bolo Rodrigues, Ross Hammond, Light Skinned Croele, Groovin High, 1 p.m.

6.10 Sunday

The Blue Lamp The Swingin Utters, Union Hearts, Sharp Objects, Boats!, 8 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m. Club 21 Bojangles Dance Club w/ DJs Robert Long, Daruma, Markz, Peanut, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m.

read often. your brain will thank you.

Javalounge Dogbreth, Strip Tantrum, Well Red, 8 p.m.


Red Hawk Casino Left of Centre, 7 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Bone MacDonald, 8 p.m.


Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Townhouse Ellie Fortune, Young Hunter, Cormorant, 8:30 p.m.

Marilyn’s Dirt Nap Band, 5:30 p.m.; Open Mic w/ Chris 2Me, 7:30 p.m.

ZuhG Life Store Steve Mahoney, The Somebodys, 12 p.m.

Naked Lounge Downtown Dry County Drinkers, Hans Eberback, 8 p.m.


Old Ironsides Karaoke, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub College Night w/ DJ Rigatony, DJ Alazzawi, 10:30 p.m.


The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays hosted by Ross Hammond, 7:30 p.m. Old Ironsides Blame the Bishop, 7:30 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club Bastards of Young, Great Apes, Build Us Airplanes, Sun Valley Gun Club, 8:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Patton Leatha, 7 p.m. Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m.

Press Club FFFreak w/ CrookOne, DJ Hailey, Dogtones, 9:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Patton Leatha, 7 p.m. Shine Jazz Jam, 8 p.m. T2 Nightclub & Lounge Karaoke, 9 p.m. Torch Club Bill Mylar, 5:30 p.m.; Tess Marie & Her Poor Man Band, 9 p.m.

6.13 wednesday

Club 21 Bojangles Dance Club w/ DJs Robert Long, Daruma, Markz, Peanut, 9 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Tom Rigney, 10 p.m.

Club Car The Double Shots, 7:30 p.m.

Press Club Sunday Night Soul Party w/ DJ Larry & DJ Hailey, 9 p.m.

Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m. District 30 Haute on the Dance Floor w/ DJ Elements, 9 p.m.

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Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


Bastards of young Great Apes, Build Us Airplanes, Sun Valley Gun Club Press Club 8:30 a.m.

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Dive Bar Chris Clouse, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Steve McLane, 8 p.m. Javalounge Nacho Business, Fingers of the Sun, Armando Riviera & the Featherweight Champions, 8 p.m. Laughs Unlimited Karaoke, 8 p.m. Marilyn’s Rob Brundage, Cole Crook, 9 p.m. Old Ironsides Open Mic, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Lonely Kings, Black Delaney, Bound, Matt Gauge, 8 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Patton Leatha, 7 p.m. Torch Club Acoustic Open Mic, 5:30 p.m.; Keri Carr, 9 p.m. Uncle Vitos (Davis) Boom Bip w/ The Flower Vato, 10 p.m.

6.14 Thursday

The Blue Lamp The Session w/ Task1ne, Mahtie Bush, Hennessy, Kobane Shane, Akese, Ill Effect and more, 9 p.m.

The Boardwalk Anybody Killa, DJ Clay, Divided Allegiance, Lower Level, Syndicate of Silence, KickUInDaTeef, 8 p.m. Bows and Arrows Prarie Dog, Flowerss, Nightgown, 8 p.m. Club Car Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m. The Coffee Garden Open Mic Night, 8 p.m. District 30 Lights Down Low w/ Goldroom, DJ Shaun Slaughter, Adam J, 9 p.m. Dive Bar Dueling Pianos, 9 p.m. Fox & Goose Rupert Wates, Julie & the Jukes, 8 p.m. Fremont Park Hot Lunch Concert Series w/ Jonah Matranga, 11:30 p.m. Harlow’s Darrell Scott, 7 p.m. Javalounge The Dan Dan Noodles, Ben Stienert’s Assualt, The Out-Highs, 8 p.m. Luigi’s (Davis) Jonah Matranga, Survival Guide, 8:30 p.m. MARRS Building Kyle Rowland, 5 p.m. Marilyn’s Rock On Live Band Karaoke, 9 p.m.

Old Ironsides The Speak Low, Emily O’Neil, Stephen March, 9 p.m.

Capitol Garage Get Down to the Champion Sound w/ DJ Esef and special guests, 10 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub 2 Steps Down, 9:30 p.m.

Goldroom Lights Down Low

DJ Shaun Slaughter, Adam J District 30 9 a.m.

Cesar Chavez Park Concerts in the Park w/ Relic 45, Out Of Place, Sexrat, Reggie Ginn, Shaun Slaughter, 5 p.m.

Red Hawk Casino Patton Leatha, 7 p.m. Shenanigans DJ Blend, 9 p.m.

Club Retro Shipwreck Pedro, Brolly the Well, Branches, 7 p.m.

Shine Blues to You!, 8 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen Jail Weddings, Audiafauna, 8 p.m.

Fox & Goose Ardellas Crown, Stoneberry, Strange Jerome, 9 p.m.

Torch Club X Trio, 5 p.m.; The Diamond Light, 9 p.m.

G Street WunderBar DJ Chrispix, 9 p.m.


Golden Bear DJ Crook, 10 p.m. Harlow’s Feva In Da Funkhouse (Album Release), 9 p.m.


Ace of Spades Havenside, Lifeforms, Tempest, Take Pride, Desiderata, Your Own Destroyer, The War Within, 6:30 p.m.

Javalounge Blame the Bishop, Mark Cross Band, 8 p.m. Luigi’s Fungarden FAVORS, Pets, Dante Bones, The Master System, 8 p.m.

The Blue Lamp Alarms (7” Release), S.T.R., The Vibrating Antennas, Shambles, 8 p.m.

Luna’s Cafe Jeff Java, 8 p.m. Marilyn’s Dad’s LPs, Blisses B’s, The Jay Band, 9 p.m.

The Boardwalk Fallujah, Bispora, Journal, Soma Ras, Taunis Year One, Symbolik, 8 p.m.

MARRS Building Kyle Rowland, 5 p.m.

6.14 Old Ironsides Brazilian Dance Party w/ Boca Do Rio, Brothers Catatayud, Little Brasil, 9 p.m. On The Y The Moth Anatomy, The MonoMyth Inception, Revolver, Zeroclient, 9 p.m. The Park Ultra Lounge Taryn Manning, DJ Gabe Xavier, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Motley Inc., 10 p.m. Press Club DJ Rue, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Ice House Blues, 5 p.m.; Whiskey Dawn, 10 p.m.

Shine Justin Farren, Justin McMahon, The Dan Dan Noodles, 8 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen The Petrojvic Blasting Company, Hollow Point Stumblers, 9 p.m. Swabbies on the River DJ Wokstar, Jade Steel, Urbanfire, 6 p.m. Thunder Valley Casino Resort Bret Michaels, Night Ranger, Slaughter, 7 p.m. Torch Club Pailer & Fratis, 5:30 p.m.; Cafe R&B, 9 p.m. ZuhG Life Store James Cavern, 3 p.m.


continued on page 28

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Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Samantha FiSh 27


MARRS Building Mason Rex, 5 p.m. Old Ironsides Storytellers, Tribe of Levi, 9 p.m. The Park Ultra Lounge DJ Spider, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub The Atomic Punks, 10 p.m.

June 08-10 Edwin San Juan

Punchline Comedy Club Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.

6.16 Saturday

Ace of Spades Damage Over Time, Drop S7ven, Serpent & Seraph, EgoStall, Neckrocyst, From Cities To Salt, 6:30 The Boardwalk Vanishing Affair, Downshift, Jaxx, The Artisan, Built the Stereo, Bamvox, Devil’s Train, 6 p.m. Cesar Chavez Park Fiesta En La Calle w/ Celso Piña, El Sonido Callejero, Vital, Latin Touch, 4 p.m.

Club Retro The Listen Now, One Direction, Our Hearts Alive, 6:30 p.m. Fox & Goose Whitewash Station, Takilma, Three Times Bad, 9 p.m. G Street WunderBar DJ Alazzawi, 9 p.m. Harlow’s The Blues Broads, 7 p.m.; Dear Left Brain, Rock & Rhyme, 10 p.m. Javalounge David Houston, Tisra DeWitt, Olla, 8 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Taylor Chicks, David Sylva, 9 p.m. Marilyn’s The Original, Street Urchinz, 9 p.m.

Press Club DJ Larry Rodriguez, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Ice House Blues, 5 p.m.; Whiskey Dawn, 10 p.m. Shine Adrian Bourgeois, Brian Jennings, Nat Lefkoff, 8 p.m. Sophia’s Thai Kitchen The Devil Whale, French Cassettes, The Range Of Light Wilderness, 8:30 p.m. Southside Park 3rd Annual Piñata Festival w/ La Misa Negro, DJ Leydis, El Indio (of World Hood), Agua de Beber Capoiera, Maquilli Tonatiuh Aztec Dancers, 12 p.m.


Ace of Spades My Darkest Days, Allinaday, Fair Struggle, Overwatch, 6:30 p.m. Capitol Garage Karaoke w/ Jeff Jenkins, 9 p.m. Club 21 Bojangles Dance Club w/ DJs Robert Long, Daruma, Markz, Peanut, 9 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 8 p.m. Press Club Sunday Night Soul Party w/ DJ Larry & DJ Hailey, 9 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Buck Ford, 7 p.m. Torch Club Blues Jam, 4 p.m.; Golden Cadillacs, 8 p.m. ZuhG Life Store Orange Morning, Ken Koenig, 1 p.m.


Thunder Valley Casino Resort Henry Kapono with Sister Robi, 8 p.m. Torch Club Johnny Guitar Knox, 5 p.m.; John Lee Hooker (CD Release), 9 p.m. ZuhG Life Store Mr. Rogers, Old Screen Door, Mantra Band, William Patton, 1 p.m.


Fox & Goose Open Mic Night, 7:30 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Nebraska Mondays hosted by Ross Hammond, 7:30 p.m. On The Y Sexcrement, Human Filth, 9 p.m. Powerhouse Pub Karaoke, 9 p.m. Press Club Concussion, Bad Engrish, Beerlords, 8:30 p.m. Red Hawk Casino Nathan Owens, 7 p.m. Sol Collective Microphone Mondays, 8 p.m. Comedy Laughs Unlimited Brad Bonar Jr, Mike Betancourt, June 8 - 9, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Flips, Beaners & A Brotha Comedy Jam, June 14, 8 p.m. Justin Rivera, Kul Black, June 15 - 17, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10:30 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. Luigi’s (Davis) The Comedy Space, every Monday, 8 p.m.

Luna’s Cafe Keith Lowell Jensen’s Comedy Night, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Naked Lounge Downtown World’s Worst Doctors Comedy Improv, May 31, 8:30 p.m. Po’Boyz Bar & Grill (Folsom) Comedy Open Mic, every Monday, 9 p.m. Punchline Comedy Club Sacramento Comedy Showcase, June 6, 8 p.m. Sam Bam’s Comedy Jam (DVD Release), June 7, 8 p.m. Edwin San Juan, June 8 - 10, Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. Ari Shaffir, June 14 - 17, Thurs., 8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m. Sacramento Comedy Sportz Mayhem Improv Comedy, every third Thursday, 9 p.m. ComedySportz, every Friday & Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 7 p.m.

The Boxing Donkey Open Mic Variety Night, 8 p.m. Distillery Karaoke, 9 p.m.

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iSland of Black and white, tiSria dewitt

6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/13 6/16

213 e Street


530-231-5177 every monday



the comedy Space hoSted By tim logan & ray molina daviS muSic feStival

doors open at 8 pm sunday - wednesday 8:30 pm thursday - saturday all ages ... all the time


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Sacramento Comedy Spot Comedy Space w/ Tim and Ray, June 5 & 12, 8 p.m. The Neighbors Kids Improv, June 7 & 14, 8 p.m. Top 10 List Podcast Live!, June 8 & 15, 8 p.m. Worlds Worst Doctors Improv, June 9, 8 p.m. Open Mic Scramble, June 10 & 17, 8 p.m. Lady Business, June 16, 8 p.m. Shenanigans Comedy Work Out w/ host Dorian Foster, Thursdays, 8 p.m. Shine Thursday Night Jive w/ Caitlin Gill, Ivan Hernandez, Ben Feldman, Johnny Taylor, Michael O’Connell, Ben Rice, hosted by Daniel Humbarger, June 7, 8 p.m.

Misc. 1801 L Street The Mastermind Hunt: Sacramento, June 9, 4 p.m. Blue Cue Trivia Night, every Wednesday, 8 p.m. Born Free USA Off the Wall: Mural Opening Party w/ artist Cabron, June 9, 4:30 p.m. The Boxing Donkey Trivia Night, every Tuesday, 8 p.m. Crest Theatre 11th Annual Sacramento French Film Festival, June 15 - 24 Dimple Records (Citrus Heights) Book Signings w/ authors Ruthie Bolton, Cindy Sample, Amber Garza, Colene Sawyer, June 7, 6 p.m.

The Stoney Inn Comedy Open Mic, every Monday, 8 p.m.

Fox & Goose Pub Quiz, every Tuesday, 7 p.m.

Tommy T’s Real (Funny) Housewives of Rio Linda, June 6, 7 p.m.

Golden Bear Random Knowledge Trivia Night, every Wednesday, 8 p.m.

Arnez J, June 8 - 10, Fri. & Sat., 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. Maronzio Vance, June 14 17, Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m.; Sun., 7 p.m.

JayJay Gallery Women Under the Influence: Paintings by Wendy Kveck, Jane Callister, Mary Warner, reception June 14, 5:30 p.m. Luna’s Cafe Poetry Unplugged, every Thursday, 8 p.m. Book Signing w/ authors Sam Ortega, Robert Hernandez, June 13, 6 p.m. MARRS Building Red Bull Manny Mania, June 9, 4 p.m.

Powerhouse Pub Sac Pong Circuit, every Monday, 8 p.m. Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen Hunt the Grid: Annual Bicycle Scavenger Hunt, June 9, 3 p.m. Shine Poetry with Legs w/ hosts Primal Urge, Bill Gainer, June 6 & 13, 7:30 p.m. 2nd Saturday w/ artwork by Eric Brandon, Morgan Shotwell, June 9, 6 p.m. Southside Park Sacramento Cyclefest Bicycle Show, June 10, 10 a.m.

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3rd Annual Piñata Festival, June 16, 12 p.m. Spanglish Arte Diego Re’s Photography Exhibition: Native Americans, opening June 7, 6 p.m. Studio 24, Inc. 3rd Annual Sacramento Entertainment Fair, June 9, 10 a.m. Thai Basil Restaurant (Midtown) 10 Year Anniversary Celebration, June 9, 9 a.m.

This publication would not be possible without the support of our wonderful advertisers. Please visit them and tell ‘em Submerge sent you.

Time Tested Books Reading, talk & signing with author Anthony Swofford, June 8, 7 p.m. Vox Sacramento Art Speaks w/ live painting demonstrations by Briana Poronowicz, Irubiel Moreno, Kidsolar MB, Mike Jones, Daniel Osterhoff, June 9, 2 p.m.


3rd Annual Piñata Festival Southside Park 12 p.m.

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


3-dARt iL nA

Capital Capture


w/ M oF t Entio His n Ad

Versatility as its best Jenn Walker

If you are looking for fashionable, dapper folks around town, try spending a few hours at Friday night’s Concert in the Park. Ladies and gents on the grid integrate versatility into their wardrobes like nobody’s business. Capital Capture spotted several sweet summer ‘fits. Here are a few.

CREAtiVE nAiL dEsiGn

JAPAnEsE snACKs, sodAs And GiFts


1) Whitney Milward and Casey Modert This couple was a lovely sight to behold. Sheer dresses with sleeves keep things cool yet classy at the same time. As you can see, an above-the-knee dress looks just as striking with a pair of lace-up oxfords as with any heel or boot, and nothing beats oxfords with a print! A waist belt is perfect for spicing up a feminine, solid-colored dress, especially if the belt has contrasting colors and prints. A tip to the guys, a fresh Obey tee never goes out of fashion.

Downtown Plaza 2nd level {545 l Street} Sacramento


2) Tarah Foxx Here is another example of an above-theknee dress combo pulled off with flats. Usually one might not think to cover up a little black dress, especially a V-neck, yet this long, slightly sheer buttondown blouse not only adds color to an otherwise all-black affair, it also adds an element of femininity.

2 3

3) Lydia Reiser Tribal print shirts are everywhere you look. Tribal print shorts, however, take the cake. If you really want to make your tribal prints stand out, match them with an unexpected color. Coral wedges, anyone?

4) Lena Garcia Long black skirts are in, we know. But a long, black lace skirt paired with a cutoff muscle tee is where the money’s at. Just when you thought fanny packs were relics of the past, someone ingeniously busts out with a sweet black leather (or pleather?) fanny pack strapped over their shoulder. Top that!

4 30

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

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Affordable. Effective.

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


11th Sacramento French Film Festival

a m e n i C h c n e ŗ F n i s t n e m o Gŗeat M 1013 K STREET, SACRAMENTO

June 15-24, 2012 Crest Theatre Presents

Online Schedule





Northern California Premieres Classic Masterpieces Short Films Late Night Movies English Subtitles • 916- 44 -crest


Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012

Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas

Dressed to Kill Men in Black 3 Rated PG-13

Words James Barone Time travel is usually just a good way to riddle a film with plot holes. For evidence see any movie in the Back to the Future trilogy, which is perfect despite its flaws. No matter how intelligent the script may be or how thoroughly its theory of time and time travel is fleshed out, paradoxes are inevitable. Strangely enough, the third installment of the Men in Black series handles the oft-used sci-fi motif brilliantly by keeping its view of the time line as vague as possible. In Men in Black 3, agents K (Tommy Lee Jones) and his partner J (Will Smith) are back again to save the world from an alien threat. This time it comes in the form of Boris the Animal, played by a nearly unrecognizable (much to the makeup artists’ credit) Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords fame. Boris is the nastiest creep in the galaxy, and also one of the most dangerous. K imprisoned him on the moon, saving Earth from imminent destruction 40 years ago, and for all that time, Boris has been planning his revenge. He escapes and tracks down a device to send him back in time so he can dispose of K and lead an army of super villains in an invasion of Earth. Boris succeeds—sort of.

The Animal’s plan did not take J into account. J finds himself in a present where K had perished at Boris’ hands; however, J’s the only one who seems to remember the reality where K was triumphant. It’s up to J to travel back in time and set things right. In 1969 New York City, he runs into K as a younger man (played by Josh Brolin) and the two team up to combat the duo of Borises. It’s hard to believe that the first Men in Black movie was released almost 15 years ago. (It’s been 10 since the release of the sequel.) Then, the Barry Sonnenfeld-helmed mega—blockbuster was a technological marvel. Now, with Sonnenfeld back in the director’s chair for the third time, Men in Black isn’t much different from any other computer effects-riddled sci-fi/action flick. What does separate it from the rest of the schlock out there is its creativity. The creatures, such as a giant extra-terrestrial fish encountered in the back of a Chinese restaurant or even the grotesque character of Boris himself, are bursting with personality. Another thing it has that other franchises lack is its star, Smith, as viable a big budget actor as there is. MiB 3 is something of a

comeback for the Fresh Prince; it’s been three years since his performance in the somewhat dour Seven Pounds. Here, he’s the charming, wise-cracking, yet still believable action hero we’ve all come to know and love. No doubt he has a great team around him—as if the aforementioned costars weren’t enough, Emma Thompson also chips in as agency head O—but this is the Smith show, and he pulls it off with such casual ease that it hardly seems like he’s accumulated any rust in his time away from the silver screen. However, as it turns out, the problematic plot device of time travel actually happens to be the film’s greatest boon. Not only does it allow for another nifty performance from Brolin, but it also opens the door for some surface discussions on the nature of time and probability. The character of Griffin (Michael Stuhlberg), who much of the film’s conflict

hinges upon, is of a race of beings who exist in “the fifth dimension.” Griffin has the ability to see infinite possibilities and multiple outcomes. It’s sort of a beginner’s guide to string theory and leads to some of MiB 3’s more interesting and even thought-provoking moments. Stuhlberg’s performance is sweet and comical, forging an endearing character. Of the utmost importance, The Men in Black series is about entertainment, and while this film, like those that proceed it, may not be groundbreaking, innovative or all that memorable, it does well not to take itself too seriously. The mood is light, even when a creature that lives in Boris’ hand is shooting spikes through people’s foreheads. Hey, it’s all in good fun. Who knows if this will be the last time Jones and Smith down the black suits and sunglasses, but if it is, they’re certainly going out in style.

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


the shallow end It wasn’t all that long ago that I dedicated this space to a fungus that was turning ants in the Amazon into zombies. You probably remember it. It was a classic. I posited that it could be the start of a global pandemic that would wipe out humanity. I wasn’t being serious, of course. In fact, I don’t buy that a zombie invasion could wipe out humanity—seeing as we have welltrained militaries in every corner of the globe and unmanned drone sniper bots (or whatever the fuck they are) and all zombies can do is grunt and paw at you. Then I heard what might be the most disturbing and destined to be memed story of the year. A crazed man in Miami dubbed “the naked zombie” ate most of the face right off the head of a homeless man before being shot dead by a police officer. Instantly, I slipped back into panic mode. Over Memorial Day Weekend, while many of us were firing up our barbecues and slapping patties of dead cow meat on the grill, Rudy Eugene was on the hunt for a more gamely meal. The 31-year-old man found poor Ronald Poppo, 65, who had been living on the streets for almost half his life, under a bridge near a highway on-ramp. The gruesome attack occurred in broad

The Law of the Jungle

daylight and lasted about 18 minutes. By the time police arrived on the scene, both men were naked and Poppo was in a pool of his own blood. Eugene refused police orders to stop mauling the victim, only growling in response, and was eventually shot dead. Poppo, as of this writing, is somehow still alive but in critical condition. Reports claim that almost 80 percent of his face is gone, while some go as far to say that Eugene left nothing but Poppo’s goatee. Of course, with anything this horrific, the public is left to wonder, “How the fuck could this happen?” Eugene wasn’t a model citizen, but other than marijuana possession and one altercation in 2004 that led to police using a Taser to subdue him, the 31-year-old didn’t seem like the type to go off and nom on faces. Some of my fears were assuaged though. It wasn’t an outbreak of mutant jungle fungus at play here. As it turns out, a designer drug is believed to be the culprit in Eugene going must be 18+ to purchase


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James Barone off the deep end. Many are pointing their fingers at a bizarre chemical cocktail known on the streets as bath salts as having a hand in turning a more or less mild mannered man into a naked zombie. Bath salts are weird types of drugs, and not just because they sound like something you’d expect to find in the bathroom of a gentleman of a certain age, whose apartment is decked out in shag carpeting, whose bed is round, who refers to his bedroom as the “boudoir,” who struts around his Pleasure Palace—er, suburban duplex—wearing an open bathrobe and silk briefs, who always smells faintly of suntan lotion, who calls everyone baby, who always wants you to come by and hang out with you and your girlfriend, and so on. In fact, they have nothing to do with baths at all, but everything to do with getting you supremely fucked up. The effects of bath salts, which can be ingested, snorted or injected, combine all the worst aspects of methamphetamines, cocaine and LSD, and

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have the potential to turn users into wild-eyed, hallucinating psychopaths, or in this case, naked flesh-eating zombies. The problem with bath salts (if you can call it a problem), is that they’re cheap (less than half the price of cocaine) and easy to get due to the gray legal area in which they reside. They can be purchased from head shops, bodegas and adult stores and come in a variety of brand names that all sound like titles of ‘80s skin flicks, like Lady Bubbles or Ivory Wave. However, they’re usually labeled that they’re not for human consumption— kind of like other people’s faces. Many states have banned the sale of bath salts, and a federal ban is probably not too far off, so disaster averted. I mean, averted if bath salts were to blame. It’s only supposed that Eugene may have been under the influence bath salts at the time of the attack. There’s another theory, and a far more insidious one. In a story posted on Tampabaytimes. com, Eugene’s long-time girlfriend acknowledged that drugs might have been a factor, but also supposed, that if they were not to blame, then it must have been the work of a voodoo curse. Not even robo-sniper-drones stand a chance against magic, so you’d better start locking your doors.

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444-2222 Dive Into Sacramento & Its Surrounding Areas



Debut Self-titled 7” Release Show




The vIbRATIng ShAmbLeS AnTennAS

The bLue LAmP 1400 ALHAMBRA, SAC | 8PM | 21+ Fa m i ly o w n e d s i n c e 1 9 3 4


1901 10th Street

Downtown Sacramento

eVeRy monday niGHT

liVe mUsic

June 4+25: The Nuance June 11+18: Blame the Bishop

eVeRy TUesday niGHT



eVeRy wednesday niGHT

oPen mic!


7:30pm Free 9pm Free

sign-Ups 8:30pm

9pm Free

THURsday jUne 7 9pm free


FRiday jUne 8 9pm $5

9pm $5

The Speak Low, Emily O’Neil, Stephen March 9pm $8

Blackfish Productions Presents:

saTURday jUne 9 FASCINATION: ‘80s new wave dance club

plUS Drink SpecialS 9-11pm

FRiday jUne 15

In The No, Island Of Black & White, Brewfish 9:30pm $5

* THURsday jUne 14

BrAzILIAN DANCE PArTy WITh.. Boca Do rio, Brothers Catatayud, Little Brasil

saTURday jUne 16 9pm $5

Storytellers, Tribe Of Levi

THURsday jUne 21 7:30-10pm free!


FRiday jUne 22 9pm $10

Johnny Legend & The Chuckle Berries, rebel Punk

saTURday jUne 23 9pm $5

Crazy Ballhead, Tipsy hustlers, Lauren Wakefield

deeelicious old timey lunches served monday - friday 11:30am - 2pm

Issue 112 • June 4 – June 18, 2012


june 4 – june 18, 2012


danny cocke

the perfect score

lA bombe

ice cream dreams

sexrat here to stay

Joey Brezinski

Skateboarding’s Marathon Man

+Marc Del Chiaro Releases New Album


Revs Up Power Balance Pavilion

3 Men in Black 101

String Theory



Shedding Light on the Underground

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