Subsea UK News - November 2014 Issue

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IN THIS ISSUE In-Depth: Interview with Apache Subsea News and Events Worldwide National Subsea Research Initiative Relaunched Prospect Celebrate 15th Year New Technologies and Innovation


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Welcome to the November Issue of Subsea UK News We have entered a period of reflection for our industry with a slight slowing down of the market and while order books for the remainder of this year and 2015 are strong, there are signs of a slight reduction in the rate of growth due to a degree of uncertainty around fiscal and political issues. The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement should energise the market as we expect to see greater fiscal incentives to stimulate exploration and production. Maximising economic recovery is a focus for all industry stakeholders and subsea skills and technology have a pivotal role to play in achieving it. We see the importance of how strong investment in technology can benefit the industry, particularly at a time when operators and the supply chain are facing escalating costs. It is therefore vital that industry, government and academia work together to invest in subsea technology and the recently launched National Subsea Research Initiative will bring all relevant organisations together so that we can retain our position as the world-leader.

Subsea UK Subsea UK News, produced by Subsea UK, reaches over 15,000 subsea-affiliated people each issue. Subsea UK is the champion for the UK subsea industry. We act for the entire supply chain bringing together operators, contractors, suppliers and people in the industry. With some 53,000 employees, worth almost £8.9 billion in services and products and with over 750 companies, the UK subsea industry sector leads the world in experience, innovation and technology. The UK will maintain a leading technological edge by sustaining and expanding this important business sector. Whether you are a company looking to join and reap the benefits or an individual looking to develop your career in the subsea industry, explore our website or contact us to find out how Subsea UK can help you, your business and your industry. Find out more at

New Members Aero Stanrew


Subsea UK recently welcomed its 300th member, Apache North Sea. Reaching this figure is a significant milestone and demonstrates the reach and depth of our representation across the sector’s entire supply chain from oil and gas operators to small, niche technology companies.

Environmental Technologies



Reef Subsea

In this issue we sit down with Apache North Sea’s Mark Richardson to get the company’s view of the industry and its future plans. The fourth largest producer in the UKCS, it has the highest operational efficiency of any operator in the region, much of which is harvested from its subsea portfolio of over 40 subsea wells and 120 pipelines.


With financial constraints ever present, the article outlines how Apache North Sea has managed to take existing infrastructure and successfully bring smaller fields into production in a highly cost-effective manner. I hope you enjoy this edition of our magazine.

Neil Gordon Chief Executive, Subsea UK

Subsea UK News is a magazine which invites contributions from the subsea industry, and is published by Subsea UK. The views and opinions expressed herein are not those of Subsea UK News or its owner, Subsea UK. The opinions and views expressed herein are those solely of individual contributors, and do not reflect in any way those of Subsea UK News, Subsea UK or its staff. All materials published in this magazine are published with the consent and authority of the authors. Subsea UK News makes no representations about the suitability of any information and/or services published for any purpose. Subsea UK News is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims, all liability for, any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, litigation, or the like) of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information published within this magazine. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in Subsea UK News, no guarantee is given that the information published is correct, complete, reliable or current, and its publication in this magazine does not constitute an endorsement by Subsea UK News.

Eureqa Engineering Solutions Highlands and Islands Enterprise

PetrolValves SCOTFAB Subsea Vision Tool Tec X-Subsea

To view the full Subsea UK members list, visit the Subsea UK Directory at

Forthcoming Events November 2014 Subsea Systems Integrity Conference Woking, UK 18 November 2014 Fundamentals of Subsea Systems Aberdeen, UK 19 November 2014 Fundamentals of Subsea Systems Aberdeen, UK 20 November 2014 Manufacturing for Subsea in the North West - Conference Manchester, UK 27 November 2014 February 2015 Subsea Expo Aberdeen, AECC , UK 11-13 February 2015

Subsea UK Awards Dinner 2015 Aberdeen, AECC, UK 11 February 2015 March 2015 Subsea Tieback Forum & Exhibition New Orleans, LA, USA 3-5 March 2015 Australasian Oil & Gas 2015 Australia 11-13 March 2015 April 2015 Subsea UK Golf Day Peterculter Golf Club, Aberdeenshire 24 April 2015 November 2015 Subsea Asia 2015 Jakarta, Indonesia 4-7 November 2015

These are some of Subsea UK’s events but please visit our website for full details of all forthcoming events


Environmental Technologies’ PANOLIN in the North Sea Offshore renewable energy is fast developing into a global industry which combines traditional working practices with new ground breaking ideas such as the multi-faceted subsea Trenching System.

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 24

The machine, considered to be an industry first, will lay 43 seabed power cables for phase 1 of the Borkum Riffgrund Wind Farm development in the North Sea. Once constructed the wind farm will produce 320MW of electricity, enough to power over 300,000 homes. UK coastal waters and the North Sea have long been regarded as the most heavily regulated seas in the world in respect to pollution. Selection of hydraulic fluids therefore had to be considered at the design stage.

A major benefit of Environmental Technologies’ PANOLIN oil is its universal multi-purpose use for launch & recovery systems, electrical junction boxes and motors in addition to the ROV hydraulic systems; this universal approach is appreciated by operators and simplifies storage on board support vessels. In addition the oils have a proven long service life which will help to lower the Carbon Footprint from the construction phase of the development.

Renewables trencher is believed to be an industry first

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Subsea UK News | November 2014










Patent Approval for Maritime Developments’ 4-track Tensioner

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 23

Maritime Developments, a leading provider of back-deck equipment to the oil and gas industry, has secured a patent for its 4-track tensioner. The company has already delivered two of the new tensioners to clients and is on the brink of completing a third one for its rental division. The TTS-4/140 series tensioner is a 50-tonne 4-track caterpillar system for the handling of subsea products such as umbilicals, risers and flowlines. The caterpillar tracks are fitted with V-shaped pads and operate by gripping the product between the opposing track carriages with failsafe hydraulic cylinders. Thanks to its innovative design, the 4-track tensioner can be used vertically, horizontally or on a ramp. It adds to Maritime Developments’ existing offering of 2-track tensioners used for side or top loading, allowing the company to deliver tensioners with either electric or hydraulic drives.

The company has also launched its innovative portable vertical lay system (VLS). The flexible design allows for road transport and assembly at the quayside; it can also be used with a vessel of opportunity and requires only two lifts on to the vessel – one for the VLS and one for the tensioner. The business recently completed a series of projects, including delivery of reel drive systems, tensioners, winches and control units for international contractors. In addition to securing key projects in the North Sea for international contractors, Maritime Developments has expanded in the past into markets such as the Gulf of Mexico, Asia/Australia and West Africa.

Mike Gaskin, commercial director at Maritime Developments, said:

“ We’re delighted to have secured the patent. The development of our 4-track tensioner highlights once again the flair, vision and expertise within our business.”

Right: Mike Gaskin, Commercial Director at Maritime Developments Below: Maritime Developments’ new tensioner

Subsea UK News | November 2014



Successful Inspection of Coflexip Flexible Pipe on Seabed with MEC-FITTM At the request of an operator in Norway, Innospection has recently performed a successful inspection of an 8” Coflexip Flexible Pipeline using the MEC-FITTM (Magnetic Eddy Current) technique. The challenge of the inspection was the detection of wire disorganisations and defects such as metal loss or wire cracking in the tighter wire setup of the flexible pipe with a 15° wire angle arrangement. The operational task was the inspection of the major accessible area of the flexible pipe on the seabed, including a larger bend of the exposed section. The patented MEC-FITTM technique was developed by Innospection to provide a reliable and technically advanced solution for the inspection of flexible risers operated from offshore installation. This field proven technique combines magnetic field lines with Eddy Current field lines which not only allows the deeper penetration into the various armour layers for defect detection in the inner layers but also enables the optimisation of inspection for a specific layer from which a defect signal is received.

Originally used for the detection of metal loss and cracking in flexible pipes with a 30°-45° wire angle of the armour layers, the MECFITTM technique was successfully verified to be sensitive also in the detection of defects in flexible pipes having a tighter armour wire setup at 15° wire angle. With a signal to background ratio of >6dB, a 90% Probability of Detection was achieved for defect types like single and multiple wire gap in the outer layers, multiple wire gap in the inner layers as well as extra wire on top outer layer at 15° and 35°. To overcome the subsea deployment challenge, a customised inspection tool known as the MEC-Crawler was built. This tool enables the scanning of the flexible pipe in the axial direction and can also be repositioned to perform the inspection in the circumferential orientation using its hydraulically driven wheels. The scanner head with a multiple sensor array covers 180mm circumferentially and several axial runs with overlaps were taken to cover the major accessible areas of the flexible pipe. The distances driven are measured with an encoder wheel. An umbilical connected to the inspection tool not only supplied the electrical and hydraulic power but was used also for the routing of the signals via fibre optics to the Eddy Current Data Acquisition system located at the topside.

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 41

Feature: MEC-Crawler scanning the bend of the flexible pipe on seabed Left: Inspection of flexible pipe on seabed with MEC-Crawler


Subsea UK News | November 2014


High Integrity Sealing Solutions for HP/HT Applications Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 48

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has unveiled its ‘next generation’ sealing product – the MultiContact Turcon® Variseal®. The ground-breaking product is ‘immune to stick-slip’ issues and eliminates breakout concerns after long periods of inactivity. The Multi-Contact Turcon® Variseal® from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions has been developed to replace multiple chevron seals or V-stack type products in subsea valve stems requiring a high-integrity sealing capability. It includes a series of single-acting spring-energised seals housed within a U-shaped Turcon® PTFE based material seal profile. The seal is designed to provide integrated redundancy, helping to extend the flex life of seals in high-pressure applications while providing better performance and lower operator costs. With the addition of anti-extrusion devices, the Multi-Contact Turcon® Variseal® can withstand pressures of up to 207 MPa/ 30,000 psi. Andrew Longdon, UK technical manager for Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, said: “We believe this innovative product represents the next generation in sealing. The unique single-piece design significantly improves sealing integrity and leak tightness in high-pressure applications by providing higher contact force across multiple seal hardware interfaces.”

Andrew Longdon with the ‘next generation’ seal

He added: “Subsea valves can remain in one position for months or potentially years - however during intervention activities or workovers, when operators need to change the state of the valve, they need the seal to perform perfectly – first and every time. Due to stick-slip issues, elastomer contact seals can potentially be destroyed at startup. We would therefore always recommend an energised PTFE based seal”.

“ The Multi-Contact Turcon® Variseal® is immune to stick-slip after long periods of inactivity. This avoids seal damage that can lead to valve leakage, which can cause environmental contamination and expensive asset recovery along with the associated overhaul costs and production disruption.”

Outstanding Products Reliable imaging and ancillary equipment. We understand your underwater needs. Gemini 620pd profiler is ready to enhance your survey > Gemini sonar image as post-processed in Hypack

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TECHNOLOGY Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 119

Compact XMTs Drive Small Bore Valve Extra-long Stem Innovation Engineers at LB Bentley, a Severn Glocon Group company, have developed fully tested stem extensions up to 6.3m in length to overcome space restrictions on XMTs. The innovation was prompted by a challenge the small bore subsea valve specialist faced for a North Sea subsea project. Through conduit gate valves and dual manual rotary gate valves needed to be positioned some distance from where they would be controlled by a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) outside the structure. Stem extensions ranging from 1m to 6.3m in length were required, bringing significant design challenges. Material selection demanded particular attention. It involved a detailed assessment of tensile strength since the extensions needed to be robust and non-flexing, but not brittle. Ultimately mild steel was the material of choice. The research and development team also looked in detail at existing valves’ design to identify changes required to accommodate the longer stems. Consideration was given to the interface between valve and extension, the required angle for turning and the relative indicator rod position. Indicator rods usually move rotationally, but due to the stem length required in this project the design was modified to accommodate a linear movement. Another important feature of these valves is the indicator rod’s shear point, enabling the valve to remain operational even if the indicator rod should become inoperable. The stem extensions themselves have a modular design, which potentially offers shorter lead times as they can be back stocked when offering stem extension on future projects.

Robert Walker, Head of Sales and Marketing for LB Bentley, says:

“ This breakthrough solution greatly enhances the flexibility and versatility of our small bore valves. As XMT design becomes increasingly compact, it unlocks a wider spectrum of potential locations.” The modified valves and stem extensions have been fully approved. In-factory tests were conducted on the entire assembly, providing assurance that the set-up was functional before the valves were added to the XMT.

Extra-long stem extensions for small bore valves can overcome XMT space


Subsea UK News | November 2014

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15 years ago Prospect Flow Solutions delivered its first Advanced Engineering Service to the energy industry. To mark this historic milestone, Alistair Gill, one of the founding directors and current Vice President of Prospect, takes us back to the beginning and looks to the future of this unique company. “The Prospect Way is how we work, how we think, how we act and interact with clients and each other. It’s a philosophy; the cornerstone of which is respect,” said Alistair. Founded in 1999 by Ivar Iversen, Prospect set out to provide the industry with something new. Ivar, now retired, had the vision of providing clients with advanced engineering solutions to real life engineering challenges. A fresh approach was needed to find useful, practical and timely answers to often extremely complex engineering problems, explained in a way the client could easily identify with. Having been there from the early days, Alistair has seen firsthand how Prospect has changed over the last two decades. “We’ve come a long way since that first job; a Computational Fluid Dynamics Analyses of a Bi-Phase Turbine. To date we have provided services to over 700 clients both nationally and internationally and successfully delivered in excess of 5,000 projects. These projects span a number of engineering disciplines; CFD, Engineering Design, Structural Analysis, Marine Dynamics and Subsea Engineering. We’ve designed and analysed everything from the reservoir to the flare tip using our experience and expertise always guided by The Prospect Way. That has never changed and never will. The Prospect Way is also the same in any language having now been field tested in offices in Aberdeen, Stavanger, Houston, Dubai and Singapore and indeed is enhanced by the diversity of the staff employed in the company with 10 different nationalities represented. It’s an integrated global team.” Looking forward to 2014 and beyond, Alistair says it will be business as usual: “The Prospect Way is a progressive philosophy and is the reason we are so adaptable and resilient in an ever changing market place. We are expanding our service to provide a complete solution; our talented engineers are going offshore to survey equipment and diagnose the problem first hand. We’ve invested in 3D scanning technologies to improve this process. The problem is then solved using our advanced engineering skill set and the loop is finally closed by designing and managing the fabrication/ installation of the solution. It is a complete solution. ”

Alistair also commented on the challenges ahead for Prospect: “Remaining at the forefront of Advanced Engineering excellence, delivering on time and providing practical solutions is always a challenge, but our ISO accreditation and Quality Management System is an important foundation to meet that challenge. One of the more challenging questions we get from clients is ‘How do we know your analysis is correct’? It’s a fair point, but over the years we have validated our analysis processes against test and field experience, and we continue to improve or understanding. It is our main differentiator; our analyses methods are fully validated.” An example of this is Prospect’s participation in the Joint Industry Project SURE – Advanced modelling tool for Subsea Gas Release. The objective of which is to develop computational models for gas transport in water and to conduct experiments to improve insight and to enhance the validation basis of the computational models. Prospect are on the steering committee for this three year research project on Subsea Gas Plume Modelling; that includes STATOIL, SHELL, BP, TOTAL and Wild Well Control. This is leading edge and important work for the industry and the wider community. It is also the type of work which keeps Prospect at the forefront. Through 2015 and into the future, Alistair sees further growth: “We’ve been making expansion plans this year and are on track to open offices in Stavanger, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. We’ve been testing the market in these regions this year and have engineers from our existing offices poised to take the next step. We’re creating a globally integrated team. The existing offices and engineers interact in a very positive and open “Prospect Way”. We’re migrating to cloud based business tools including MS Dynamcs and Sharepoint, which allows this global expansion to be relatively smooth. The same software and systems can be used and accessed anywhere in the world. In principal we’ll be in a position to execute engineering projects over a 24hr Visit us at period by passing the project from KL to Dubai SUBSEA EXPO to Aberdeen to Houston and so on, following Stand 5 the sun.”




Prospect develop and validate against test a method for offshore processing equipment simulation. Ivar Iversen founded Prospect Flow Solutions with the vision to provide a world class independent consultancy to the Oil and Gas Industry.

1999 2010 Prospect take part in a major Fire & Blast Failure Investigation.

Prospect opens an office in Houston.

Prospect develop and validate against full scale test the thermal analysis of subsea production equipment.

2003 2012

2013 Prospect creates a capping stack containment simulation for wild well control.

Prospect perform a failure investigation, and deliver via Design by Analysis and project management a fabricated solution.


Prospect Engineers use 3D laser scanning equipment to assist with offshore surveys and structural design work.

Joint Industry Project – Prospect develop and validate using a full scale experiment of their Subsea Gas Plume Prediction. Prospect sponsor two students from Aberdeen University Formula Student Team.


Making the Complex Simple. Latest Addition to GE Oil & Gas’ Subsea Trees Portfolio Addresses the Challenges of Deepwater When iconic innovator and GE founder, Thomas Edison, said “I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it,” little did he realise that, many decades later, the business would continue to heed this philosophy. Today, GE Oil & Gas’ engineers and technologists remain firmly in agreement that, through technology, expertise, innovation and working closely with their customers, they can develop solutions to meet the ever more challenging operational environments that are characteristic of today’s exploration and production (E&P) activity. This was the overarching message at the launch of GE’s Deepwater Vertical Xmas Tree (DVXT), unveiled today at the company’s new, interactive Technology Solutions Center in Stavanger, in conjunction with the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) 2014 conference and exhibition. The latest addition to GE Oil & Gas’ comprehensive range of subsea products is rated for depths of up to 3,000m and expands the company’s portfolio of pre-engineered, pre-qualified modular systems, designed to enable products to be brought to market faster.

“There is a rising sense in the oil and gas industry that many of the challenges faced today can be addressed by leveraging standardised products and solutions in order to simplify processes and reduce lead times,” said Chris Phebus, Engineering Executive for Subsea Systems at GE Oil & Gas. “By offering our DVXT as a standard product, we can not only improve cycle times, but also ensure the highest levels of quality, safety and reliability for our products.” Deployed with the company’s next-generation remote electronics canister—the SemStar5-R—the DVXT incorporates the latest in communication technology and is designed with the objectives of higher subsea reliability, extended service life and improved environmental monitoring. Already a market leader with communications out to 220km, at depths of up to 3,000m, the ModPod subsea control module is designed to complement the DVXT’s modular layout and enables an even more flexible communications network—a key ingredient for future field expansion and enhanced access to remote wells.

Mike Wenham, Subsea Trees Senior Application Engineer, GE Oil & Gas, said:

“ Just a few decades ago, the idea of producing oil at depths of more than just a few hundred feet would have been unthinkable. Now, the ocean’s depths are the key to meeting the rising global demand for energy in this age of complex fuel. As an industry, we need to make sure we stay focused on both the future and the now, working to address the challenges of deepwater development.” “The launch of our new DVXT is a great example of this, providing customers with a leading-edge production system that enhances our subsea trees portfolio to meet current and future needs, and enabling us to offer the industry a tree to meet any of its challenges, regardless of depth.”

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 117


Subsea UK News | November 2014


Subsea UK’s MSc scholarship recipients: Jonathan Capanda, Mark Brain and Darren Brown

Scholarships Securing the Subsea Talent of Tomorrow The subsea sector has been one of the biggest success stories in recent years, generating close to £9billion and while the UK is at the forefront of the industry, that position can only be maintained by building on the existing talent pool and developing the right skills for the future. Alongside developing member services for those already working in the industry, Subsea UK has pioneered a number of initiatives to address the skills issue and encourage more people to consider a career in subsea. A key element of this investment in the talent of tomorrow is the annual scholarship programme which enables successful candidates to study towards a post-graduate MSc in Subsea Engineering. Since its launch in 2011 the scheme has funded seven engineering students who, it is hoped, will become the subsea leaders of the future and will drive forward the next generation of subsea services and technology. Applicants which met criteria set by Subsea UK were put forward by universities, and received up to 80% of the total cost of their studies. The 12 month full-time or two year part-time course involves individual research and lectures, with students also encouraged to attend a number of key industry events. Darren Brown was one of the first recipients of the scholarship in 2011. He was drawn to the subject after learning about the challenges facing exploration and production in ever deeper waters and harsher metocean conditions. He says: “The thought of being able to safely drill thousands of metres below the sea and into the seafloor, all from a floating platform, challenged what I believed was possible and I knew I wanted to play a role in developing these technologies further.”

Neil Gordon, chief executive of Subsea UK, said: “Strong

collaboration between academia and industry is important for the health of the industry. Not only does it keep us at the forefront of research, it also enables us to share knowledge and expertise. Furthermore, it ensures our industry is provided with highly skilled and experienced workers in the future and has a sustainable pipeline of talent. The Subsea UK scholars bring to the table a host of fresh ideas and different perspectives and it is encouraging that four years on, the standard is as high as ever.”

Subsea UK News | November 2014



Huge Potential for the Subsea Industry as MTCS Launches Fast & Efficient Online Competence Programme MTCS (UK) Ltd, has devised a fast and efficient, virtual learning environment to help companies gain competence accreditation for their employees. The system has been built to aid companies whose individuals spend a lot of time offshore on vessels or rigs.

convenient to them. Once they sit the exam and score above the threshold, a certificate is issued instantly. So if someone is taking our exam in Australia, they don’t need to wait for our UK office to issue a certificate.”

Gail Bartolf from MTCS explains: “While we are known for sending trainers worldwide both onshore and on vessel to company employees; changing shift patterns means extra issues with the training and getting trainees together. A major issue is cost to the company, which can include flights, accommodation and perhaps day rates.

Doug said:

“Now we are taking what we do in the classroom out to the worksites. It makes our products available anywhere, anytime, allowing companies to use one system to track and monitor learners’ progress throughout their offshore career. This gives them direct, real-time and instant access to how their employees are getting on with the competence programme, without having to make reference to MTCS. It is a very secure and reliable system, using the same sort of security as the online banking system, giving both companies and their employees peace of mind.” Doug continues: “If the employee is going to a place where there’s no internet access, they can download our products onto a tablet, or whichever device they choose, and can then complete the course at a time


Subsea UK News | November 2014

All competence certificates are IMCA graded and the programme is compatible with Apple Mac, Windows 7/8, Android and iOS tablets and mobiles.

“This is a faster and more efficient way for MTCS to deliver solutions to our global client base and obviously has huge potential for companies.”

Courses available via MTCS Online include the popular high voltage course, ROV hydraulics, and skills assessor. Additionally, the system is host to the competence programmes for all IMCA grades, including marine back-deck, diving, survey, and in fact all offshore IMCA competence grades.

SKILLS / TRAINING Steve Cullen, Training Manager

International Subsea Technology Training Academy Launched A first-of-its-kind subsea training academy is being launched in Aberdeen today in the worldrenowned subsea centre of excellence at Westhill. The subsea technology training academy will meet global demand for improved competency in the configuration, operation and maintenance of increasingly sophisticated equipment required in more complex subsea oil and gas projects, in deeper waters and hostile locations around the world. Aberdeen head quartered company, Ashtead Technology, has invested almost £500,000 in its subsea technology training academy which will attract delegates from around the world. In a pilot scheme prior to launch, the Ashtead Technology Academy has already delivered several courses to a number of leading subsea companies, including a three day acoustics course and a one day introduction to offshore survey equipment course. The courses, for support engineers and new recruits from the subsea construction sector, have achieved tangible results and excellent customer feedback. Tim Sheehan, commercial director of Ashtead Technology, said: “As the subsea industry continues to grow and leading-edge technology evolves to deliver systems to meet more complex challenges in deeper waters, subsea survey, construction and maintenance companies must have the skills and competency to ensure these systems are properly configured, operated and maintained. Ashtead is well positioned and resourced to fill the gap in the market for high quality training that will meet the skills and competences required.

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 44

“ Today’s launch is the result of considerable investment in the best facilities, trainers and training materials by Ashtead Technology. Through our 30 years of experience and expertise in working with specialist subsea technology, we have developed a range of courses which will give delegates the confidence and competence required in working with the latest systems available in the market.” The Ashtead Technology Academy will be led by Steve Cullen who has joined the company in the newly created position of training manager. Formerly with Subsea 7, Mr Cullen is an electrical and electronic engineer with over 20 years’ offshore experience in subsea construction, hydrographic survey, fibre optics, remote intervention and drilling operations support. He spent several years in vocational and public sector education and training roles focusing on science technology subjects with particular experience in innovative instructional design methodologies. The courses available at Ashtead Technology’s purpose-built training facilities will cover the basics and the more complex functioning of offshore survey equipment, acoustic positioning and motion sensing systems, hydrographic and geophysical survey equipment, cable and pipe detection and tracking systems and ROV sensors and multiplexors.

Subsea UK News | November 2014



Apache The Elements of Success SAFETY, COMPLIANCE, PRODUCTION Established in 1954 as a U.S. exploration and production company with seed capital of 250,000 USD, Apache has grown to be one of the strongest independent players in the global oil and gas market. Worth more than 30 billion USD on the New York Stock Exchange, it has expanded into Egypt, Australia, Canada and the UK North Sea with a complete range of on and offshore capabilities. Apache arrived in the UK North Sea in 2003 following its 680 million USD acquisition of the BP Forties field; it then undertook its second major acquisition in January 2012, the Beryl complex from ExxonMobil which included the Ness, Nevis, Skene and Buckland fields along with the SAGE gas plant and pipeline. In only 11 years, the company has established itself as one of the most successful oil and gas exploration firms in the region thanks to strong investment in drilling activity, facility upgrades, major projects and field re-evaluation. Apache is well known in the North Sea for its track record of delivery. “Our performance record has been achieved while maintaining the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility,” explains Mark Richardson, Projects Group Manager at Apache. “Apache is absolutely invested in safety, compliance and production in that order and that is reflected in our safety statistics. We are a top quartile performer in terms of dangerous occurrences and reportable injury frequencies with continuous improvement year on year and over the last five years. We have had no prohibition notices and one of the lowest levels of improvement notices of any operator.” A clear example of this commitment to safety came with the recent conclusion of a four-year process to install a Subsea

Isolation Valve in the Forties pipeline at a cost of 96million USD. This highly complex project with significant commercial, technical and safety risk was delivered with no accidents or incidents ahead of the shutdown schedule. “While the spend was considerable, through this project we were able to mitigate a significant risk to our personnel, the environment, our asset and reputation.” This strong safety record is mirrored in Apache’s production and costs record: as of 2013, Apache was the third largest oil producer and fifth largest by barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in the UKCS with 71,000 net boe per day and lifting costs 45% lower than the average for the UK North Sea.

Much of their success in production comes from Apache’s significant subsea infrastructure, with 40 subsea wells and over 120 pipelines including three bundle tie-backs.


$30bn 120



71,000 40 SUBSEA WELLS


One of the bundle tie-backs installed by Apache is the Bacchus field, a tie-back to Apache’s Forties Alpha platform. “This was brought into production in 2012 and has been incredibly successful, paying back within eight months,” explains Richardson. “At its peak, it was producing up to 18,000 barrels a day and two years on it continues to produce 7,000 barrels a day. This was a development brought on stream at a significantly lower price than the North Sea norms and has had almost 100% uptime.”

Richardson is quick to point out that Apache North Sea’s 2.7billion USD turnover is one of the company’s best performing regions (rate of return), and this has been achieved by the company’s approach to doing business. “We don’t have any systems, contractors or assets that aren’t widely available to other companies operating in the UK North Sea,” he says. “What we do have is a flat management structure that encourages open accountability and responsibility, where employees are given the authority to make decisions at the lowest level.”

Richardson anticipates a considerable number of subsea opportunities for Apache over the coming months. To that end, the firm will soon have two semi-subs and a jack up, the Rowan Gorilla VII, on hire to carry out exploration, appraisal and development work around its infrastructure. With 25% of all development wells in the UKCS being drilled by Apache, there is a great platform to further strengthen of the business.

“People are invested – financially and personally – in the business, exemplified in our safety and production records. You have the authority to solve a problem wherever you see it and that is supported by our management team, who recognise that Apache’s successes come from understanding and managing risks, making decisions and acting with a sense of urgency.”

“ There are several reasons that Apache are delivering in the region, but one of the main ones is due to our operational efficiency: we have gone from 15th in the league table of North Sea operators when we acquired the Forties field in 2003, to number one sitting at over 90% efficiency. Given that the average in this region is about 60%, we are leading the way on efficient delivery.”

With a highly motivated workforce, most of whom transferred from BP or Exxon Mobil, a close relationship with its contractors, a strong safety record and the best production efficiency record in the region, Apache has made a considerable impact in just over a decade of operations in the UK North Sea. With a focus on continued investment in both assets and people, the future looks even more promising.

Apache move into new office at Prime Four Business Park, Kinkswells


NorSea Group Reinforces Long-term UK Commitment NorSea Group (UK) Limited has made a major, long-term commitment to the UK with the announcement that it has taken over the operatorship of Smith Quay and Embankment at Peterhead on a 10-year agreement. NorSea Group also has a 15-year lease at South Quay in Montrose and a long term agreement with Scrabster Harbour Trust. John Wallace, CEO at Peterhead Port Authority is delighted to welcome NorSea Group to the Port given their profile within the industry, personnel and resources. “We built Kim Christensen, up a strong portfolio of clients at the Smith Quay UK MD, NorSea base, but it became apparent that we needed a professionally focused and integrated company such as NorSea Group to continue the success and provide the level of service expected at Peterhead, to grow this business further. NorSea Group is synonymous with safety and service, I warmly welcome them and look forward to this partnership blossoming.” The announcement represents the next phase of NorSea Group’s plans for ongoing increased activity in the UKCS, and follows its acquisition of the Danish base and logistics

company, Danbor, earlier this year. Danbor was also established in UK at the time of the purchase, but the UK company has now been merged with NorSea Group (UK) Ltd. The merger secures NorSea Group’s long term plans to service oil and gas operators, service companies and drilling contractors through its offices and warehouses in both Aberdeen and Montrose. “When we signed an agreement with Scrabster Harbour Trust and opened our office in Aberdeen last year, we did so with the intention of building a significant presence in the UK,” said UK MD, Kim Christensen. “The past 12 months have seen considerable company growth within the UK and we now have a major presence in four key Scottish ports – Aberdeen, Montrose, Peterhead, Scrabster with additional service provision at Lerwick and Invergordon.” Together with their other bases; nine in Norway, one in Denmark and one in Holland, NorSea Group can now offer a unique coverage of the North Sea Basin.

NorSea Group’s Director of International and Project Operations, Knut Magne Johannessen continues:

“ Traditionally known as a service provider for the oil and gas industry, our purchase of Danbor has given us the additional resources and facilities we needed to support our intention to provide a full range of services to the renewables and decommissioning markets, both on and offshore.”

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New Harkand High-spec DSV on Schedule for North Sea

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Work is well under way on Harkand’s new DP3 diving support vessel (DSV), which it aims to have working in Europe during 2016. The international IRM company ordered the US$ 200 million vessel from VARD at the end of 2013 and it holds an option for a second identical ship from the Norway based shipbuilder. The newbuild DSV has been designed specifically with the region in mind and will be equipped for a role alongside the two other DSVs in Harkand’s North Sea fleet – the Harkand DaVinci and Harkand Atlantis. Harkand Europe managing director David Kerr said: “Cost effective IRM is all about making sure that you have the best tools for the job. Managing expenditure on older assets and subsea infrastructure represents a key challenge to all industry players, to ensure we safely extend the life of North Sea oil and gas production.

“ VARD has a strong reputation for constructing complex and specialised vessels custom-built for use in the oil and gas industry through its use of cutting edge technology at its top of the range facilities.”

“With much of the global subsea fleet and resource dedicated to large scale, new development work on a worldwide basis, there is a growing but more niche market in terms of inspecting, repairing and maintaining the ageing infrastructure and complex new subsea systems being installed.

“This is a turnkey project and VARD is on track to deliver the DSV in Q2 2016. With the major engineering work due to be completed by the end of this year, including the building of the dive system chamber complex and assembly of the main engines and propulsion system, we are well on target to start building the vessel’s project backlog.”

“We currently have nine vessels and 32 ROVs in our international fleet as well as six portable air diving systems. With highly skilled and proven survey, inspection, repair and maintenance teams, we are well placed to deliver the most effective solutions for our clients.

The hull is currently under construction at VARD’s facility in Tulcea, Romania, and will be towed to Sovik in Norway for outfitting. VARD will equip the DSV to the exact specifications requested by Harkand, with systems supplied by reputable European companies. Mr Kerr continued: “The introduction of this new, modern and efficient vessel will be a welcome addition to what has been historically an ageing North Sea DSV fleet.”

This is the second time Harkand has teamed up with global shipbuilding company VARD. In May, the company took delivery of the Siem Spearfish, currently mobilised in the Gulf of Mexico. Mr Kerr said: “We have a very strong, solid and successful working relationship with VARD most recently experienced with the delivery of the DP2, multi-purpose service and ROV vessel, the Siem Spearfish.

The DSV has been designed for low fuel consumption and is equipped with grade 3 dynamic positioning for excellent station-keeping. It will be outfitted with a Rolls-Royce propulsion system, a Drass diving system, NOV main crane, Kongsberg DP system and Wartsila main engines.

3D model rendering

Subsea UK News | November 2014



Fugro Completes on Gwynt y Môr Aberdeen-based Fugro Subsea Services Limited (FSSL) has successfully completed the trenching and burial of inter-array cables for CT Offshore at the Gwynt y Môr wind farm in the Irish Sea off the North Wales coast. The 160 turbine Gwynt y Môr is currently the largest offshore wind farm under construction in Europe. Central to the success of the cabling operation was Fugro’s custombuilt Q1400 Trenching System which can perform both jet trenching and mechanical chain cutting of soils. In total 37 cables were trenched into very hard seabed with a mixture of soils and hard clays interspersed with boulders and cobbles, gravels and sand. Despite these demanding conditions the Q1400 was successful in burying all the cables.

“ The Q1400 has the manoeuvrability and compact size to be able to trench right up to the cable j-tube, or in this case the cable protection system, which minimised the need for rock dumping or matressing, potentially saving on cost.” Mike Daniel, Trenching Business Line Manager at FSSL

Gwynt y Môr is the second wind farm project where the Q1400 trenching system has been used when soils have been beyond the capabilities of standard jet trenching systems, and this follows on from a busy 2013 with completion of four successful Oil and Gas trenching projects one off the West Coast of Ireland and three in the North Sea.

“ We have experienced outstanding cooperation with the Fugro team throughout the Gwynt y Môr project,” said Jimmy Laursen, Project Manager at CT Offshore A/S. “We met many challenges, especially with the demanding soil conditions on the GyM project. With Fugro as our trenching partner, we were able to overcome these challenges and accomplished the installation and burial of the interarray cables in the safest and most efficient way.” One of the two Fugro owned Q1400 Trenching Systems is now fully integrated into the subsea support vessel Fugro Saltire allowing both jet and mechanical chain cutting trenching to be carried out from a single vessel, and providing operators with the flexibility to entrench a wide range of seabed terrain from silty/sandy soils to hard clays and boulder fields. The Saltire was also used to conduct unexploded ordinance (UXO) surveys and other subsea work while at Gwynt y Môr.

Clockwise from left: Launching the Fugro Q1400 trenching system; the Q1400 swung out on its launcher alongside a Fugro FCV 3000 ROV; and the Fugro Saltire showing the Q1400 in its dedicated launcher.


Subsea UK News | November 2014

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Xodus Group, Saipem and Chiyoda Join Forces to Set Up New Subsea Company International energy consultancy Xodus Group today announced the launch of a global subsea engineering company in partnership with major oil and gas contractor Saipem and mid and downstream oil and gas giant Chiyoda Corporation. The new organisation plans to challenge the largest tier one subsea engineering companies for a share of the global market. It will be headquartered in London and have a presence in several cities across Europe, Africa, the Americas, Middle East and Asia Pacific including eight dedicated engineering centres in priority energy locations. Xodus Subsea engineering services will take a unique approach to technical subsea challenges by bringing together Xodus Group’s front end engineering capability, Saipem’s turnkey Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation expertise and Chiyoda’s experience in managing large scale international projects. The company will offer a wealth of technical subsea expertise and also have access to more than 1,000 multidiscipline engineers through the partner companies. Colin Manson CEO of Xodus Group said: “The launch of Xodus Subsea marks a new era of subsea engineering support to the global oil and gas industry. For the first time operators can choose a subsea engineering company that is backed by world leading contractors without being exclusively tied to them. We have the global reach, capability and technical prowess to support the world’s largest and

most complex subsea projects. We offer integrated subsea services to minimise project risk and deliver the best technical results.”

“ Because of the unique way Colin Manson, CEO of Xodus Group the company is set up, it will pass on the benefits of being able to evaluate and select suitable technology early in the decision-making process without being constrained by convention or ownership. The aim is to create clever engineering coupled with accurate, dependable cost estimates that clients can use to make informed decisions.” Xodus Subsea engineering services cover field development, projects including FEED and detailed design, and lifecycle consultancy with a focus on working with partners to support the development of new technologies. The company provides extensive knowledge in deepwater engineering, pipelines, trunklines and export systems, riser systems, subsea processing and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Matt Kirk, Americas’ regional director for Xodus Group will take up the new position of Xodus Subsea managing director with other key positions in the leadership team being filled by managers from all three companies.

oil and gas, renewables and decommissioning industries in the UK.


The recently launched initiative aiming to coordinate research and development activities within the UK’s subsea oil and gas sector has appointed a chairman and project director.

Well-known industry figure, Peter Blake, has taken up the role of chairman of the National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) and Dr Gordon Drummond has joined as project director. Mr Blake is Subsea Systems Manager at Chevron’s Energy Technology Company and Dr Drummond is Technology Manager at Subsea 7. NSRI has been set up to ensure the UK’s subsea technology needs are understood and met within the country’s increasingly complex and competitive technology strategies and associated funding landscape. Under the aegis of industry body, Subsea UK, the NSRI will benefit from already established and effective links with the whole industry. Subsea UK chairman, Bill Edgar, said: “The board of Subsea UK, as the managing member of NSRI, is greatly encouraged to see so many high calibre, experienced individuals willing to serve on the NSRI board and be part of the organisation.” Commenting on the appointments, NSRI Steering Group leader John Mair, who has been working with Subsea UK to drive the initiative forward, said: “There is a genuine need for meaningful engagement between industry, government and academia and it is crucial that our team has experience in

developing technology and an understanding of the intricacies involved in funding such work.

“ Peter and Gordon have extensive backgrounds in working to advance technology and know full well the difficulties those in this field can face. We are exceptionally pleased to have two such experienced people on board to drive the initiative forward.” Mr Blake will chair the NSRI board whose other members have also been confirmed today. They are Paul White (GE Oil & Gas), Paul Charlton (PDL Solutions), Jason Tisdale (Fugro), Professor Albert Roger (University of Aberdeen), John Mair (Subsea 7) and Neil Gordon (Subsea UK). With more than 25 years’ industry experience, Mr Blake is subsea systems manager with Chevron Energy Technology Company where he is responsible for supporting subsea


L to R – Gordon Drummond, John Mair and Peter Blake

projects and operations worldwide, developing and deploying new technology. Mr Blake was instrumental in the setting up of Chevron’s Global Technology Centre in Aberdeen and also holds a position on the board of industry body Subsea UK. As project director, Dr Drummond will advise business, technology developers, universities and academics as they look for support in bringing new innovations to market that can push the UK energy industry forward for years to come. With a PhD in Condition Monitoring, Dr Drummond has been seconded to the NSRI role from his current position as Technology Manager at Subsea 7. He has been involved in the

subsea sector since 1994, initially working on diving vessels before taking on more engineering based roles. In recent years, Mr Drummond has participated in several technology development programmes including the Subsea 7 technology team engaged in many high value enabling technologies with worldwide application. Initial three-year funding for the NSRI, which is a not-for-profit organisation, has been secured from Scottish Enterprise, Subsea UK and industry with further industry funding expected in the coming months.

Mr Blake said: “It is critical that the UK industry and government continues to invest in

subsea technology to ensure we remain at the forefront of the industry. Countries like Norway and Brazil are placing a major focus in areas such as deepwater research and we will only stay ahead of the game by improving the knowledge transfer between our industry and academia. This is where NSRI can play a major role by bringing all the relevant organisations together to keep the UK as the global leader in the subsea sector.”


Fugro Supports BP Drilling at Schiehallion Field

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Fugro has been awarded a contract by BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd for the provision of wellhead and riser monitoring services. The contract will support BP drilling activities for the Quad 204 redevelopment of the Schiehallion field, West of Shetland. A total of 25 wells are to be drilled over the next seven years using the new Deepsea Aberdeen semi-submersible rig. Under the contract Fugro will provide its wellhead and riser instrumentation service (WARIS), which has the DeepData subsea motion monitoring pods at its core. The DeepData pods are ROV recoverable, can be deployed for up to one year and will be positioned on the blow out preventer (BOP), lower marine riser package (LMRP) and selected riser positions. The pods communicate motion data and statistics to the surface via subsea hydroacoustic modems and the vessel’s existing high precision acoustic positioning (HiPAP) system. A topside data acquisition system will collate and process the subsea data.The system will also integrate data feeds from the existing Fugro environmental monitoring system, allowing the subsea structural motion to be correlated against parameters such as significant wave height and currents. These data will allow a full understanding of the riser and wellhead behaviour.

Gordon Hamilton, Commercial Manager at Fugro GEOS said: “We are delighted to support BP with their work on the Schiehallion redevelopment. Our experience of deploying motion monitoring with subsea data processing and hydroacoustic communication along with integrated metocean data will provide a platform for accurate real-time monitoring.”

DeepData Motion Pod with hydroacoustic modem in ROV receptacle


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Houlderís award winning design

Houlder Picks Up Design Team of the Year 2014 at BEEAs with Gripper Arms Project Houlder’s mechanical design team has been named Design Team of the Year by the 2014 British Engineering Excellence Awards (BEEAs). Now in their sixth year, the BEEAs celebrate those UK companies that are demonstrating the skills, invention and dedication required to succeed on an international stage. Houlder’s team of mechanical and structural engineers won the award for their ingenious work on large, specialist offshore wind farm equipment. The award, sponsored by Tech UK, rewards successful interaction between professionals, sound decision making and effective management of project milestones as well as high quality design.

The judges described the Gripper Arms project as

“ a fantastic example of a huge, multidisciplinary project that meets a unique and demanding engineering challenge”. Rupert Hare, Houlder’s CEO commented: “Mechanical Design is an increasingly important part of our business. Our clients require larger and more complex pieces of equipment and our people have consistently responded to the challenge impressively. We are delighted this has been acknowledged by the British Engineering Excellence judges and look forward to more successful projects to come.” Winners were announced in October 2014 at a glittering awards lunch at 8 Northumberland – one of the finest Victorian buildings in London.

Subsea UK News | November 2014



FlexTech Invests £500,000 in New R&D Hub As part of its ongoing growth and development strategy, flexible pipe specialist FlexTech has invested £500,000 into a new manufacturing and fabrication base in Lincolnshire. Since its inception in March 2013, the Aberdeen based company has achieved turnover of £1milllion, and it is on track to reach £2.5million by the end of year two. With existing research and development and manufacturing premises in Aberdeen, and an R&D facility in Lincolnshire, FlexTech’s new Grimsby base will help to expand its presence across the UK, with plans to extend its capabilities and offerings into the renewables sector. FlexTech Engineering Director, Craig Keyworth, said: “Since start-up, the company has been performing successfully within the oil and gas industry. The new investment in Grimsby is strategic due to the region emerging as a key player in the renewable energy industry, with potential to become the UK capital of the offshore wind industry.

“ With such clear synergies between our services and equipment offerings within the oil and gas and renewables sectors, and the renewables developing at such a significant rate, the placement of our R&D facility in the region positions us well for an advance into the sector.”


Subsea UK News | November 2014

The newly acquired one and a half acre facility, with 3,000 sq. ft. office and workshop, currently employs seven skilled personnel, with a further five to be recruited over the next 12 months. It will provide FlexTech with an excellent base in the region both now, and as it increases staff numbers and service offerings in the future. The new facility will support the delivery of projects worldwide, with the team in Grimsby supporting FlexTech’s increased presence in the region. With direct access to the world’s biggest offshore wind farms, and Quayside access to one of the UK’s largest ports, it will also allow FlexTech to offer its range of products and services to a wider market and breadth of companies operating within the area. FlexTech’s core business is the successful delivery of flexible pipe and riser engineering projects, marine offloading systems and integrity management and inspection. It also has a range of innovative products designed to facilitate ease of installation, ensure operational integrity and prolong the life of the flexible in field. FlexTech currently has a team of 12 subsea and marine specialists. Its management team boasts more than 50 years’ experience in the oil and gas industry among them.

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 177


GE Invests $5Million in Norway Technology Solutions Center to Fuel the Future of the Oil and Gas Industry GE Oil & Gas has formally unveiled its new Technology Solutions Center (TSC) in Stavanger, Norway. The result of a $5m investment, the centre offers a stunning visual showcase of GE’s technologies across the oil and gas industry, and has been designed to help operators achieve optimal efficiency, environmental performance and safety, both now and in the future. Located opposite GE’s existing Subsea Systems facility in the port of Dusavik, the centre features a combination of interactive digital displays, live demonstrations and scale

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 117

models, including GE PII’s Intelligent Pigs, responsible for the delivery of accurate diagnostics and insightful pipeline integrity reports, the Safire 2.0 multiphase flow meter and the newly launched Deepwater Vertical Xmas Tree (DVXT). Mr Simonelli said: “Norway and the wider North Sea region have been incentivised to become leading-edge thinkers — largely the result of stringent regulation and governing standards — and although a maturing province, significant greenfield developments in recent years have put the area firmly back on the map.”

MeteoGroup Signs Offshore Weather Forecasting Contract with Shell MeteoGroup is to provide a weather forecasting service to Shell offshore operations in the UK, Ireland, Norway and the Netherlands. The service has been designed specifically for Shell to help maximise safety and efficiency by supporting the identification of key operational weather windows whilst minimising costs. The weather data will be provided via an innovative web portal developed by MeteoGroup to deliver 24/7/365 access to seamless forecasting and other key information. Those using the system will, amongst others, include logistics co-ordinators, marine controllers, surveyors, rig movers, OIMs, drillers and crane operators.

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Bibby Offshore Expansion Continues with Office Opening in Norway Bibby Offshore continues to expand its international operations with the opening of an office in Stavanger, Norway. The Norwegian office for Bibby Offshore will be headed by Arne Lier, who will become Managing Director of Bibby Offshore AS. Bibby Offshore has a leading subsea services position in the UK North Sea and the opening of the office in Norway highlights the potential the company sees in the Norwegian sector. The Company is currently participating in a number of tenders in the Norwegian Continental Shelf and is focusing on expanding its existing services to offshore operators in the region, benefiting from the depth of relationship that Bibby Offshore already has with the UKCS divisions of many operators. Howard Woodcock, Chief Executive of Bibby Offshore, commented: “The opening of an office in Norway is in recognition of the size and opportunity of the offshore market in the North Sea and specifically in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Norway is a very important marketplace for us to operate in as the Company looks to grow and expand our international presence.”


Subsea UK News | November 2014

Arne Lier MD Bibby Offshore AS

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NEWS IN BRIEF N-Sea Announces Strategic Move to Premises Aberdeen-based subsea IMR provider, N-Sea Offshore Ltd is to move into new premises as business continues to grow. The company has outgrown its current offices in Dyce and is adding additional office space to accommodate an increase in staff numbers as it expands operations both in the UK and internationally. The new office facility at Salvesen Tower will not only accommodate N-Sea’s significant expansion of Aberdeen-based staff, but has also been chosen to house an enlarged project management and engineering department. Since early 2014, N-Sea has added 15 UK staff allowing the company to expand its service offering. Explaining the strategic relevance of the move, N-Sea’s chief operating officer, Roddy James said: “N-Sea has evolved considerably in the short time since we established our presence within the UK. We are currently in the process of articulating our plans for expansion through investment in people, equipment and vessels to ensure we continue to deliver effective and cost efficient solutions to our clients. “Our new premises will house our ever-increasing personnel and its professional capabilities, which are fundamental to our drive to become a leading subsea IMR company in the North Sea and beyond.”

Roddy James, N-Sea chief operating officer

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Reef Subsea Awarded First German-waters Contract Reef Subsea announced today that it has been awarded a contract with AREVA Wind GmbH, to provide field support in the Global Tech I wind farm. The charter commenced in early October and is anticipated to continue until at least February 2015, with the option to extend the contract further. This project will utilise the Reef Despina, a multi-purpose, environmentally friendly DP2 construction support vessel, and will see the Reef Subsea team providing vital field support to AREVA Wind for the commissioning of eighty 5MW AREVA offshore turbines spread over 100km of coastline. Reef Despina Construction Support Vessel

Newcastle upon Tyne Subsea Manufacturer DUCO Rebrands to Technip Umbilicals To align itself more closely with parent company Technip, the award winning umbilical manufacturer has seen substantial growth lead to this exciting change. The rebrand follows the 2012 opening of the dedicated research and development centre and 2014’s opening of the world’s most capable steel tube umbilical assembly plant. With many record breaking projects under their belt and a high production rate of steel tube umbilicals, the company also remains strongly committed to thermoplastic hose umbilicals. This year has seen the winning of many thermoplastic projects, including a large thermoplastic umbilical in the North Sea.

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Technip Umbilicals’ MD, Jean-Louis Rostaing

Subsea Innovation Complete Major Expansion Subsea Innovation has completed work on its new headquarters and manufacturing facilities. The development, which is double the size of its previous headquarters, has enabled Subsea Innovation to test Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) to lift up to 100 tonnes and it has installed cranes capable of handling up to 50 tonnes of equipment. The move has allowed the company to compete for larger contracts and it has already sealed a seven figure order from Middle-Eastern energy supplier RasGas to supply pipeline clamps and connectors. This growth has seen the business increase its staff numbers from 30 in 2012 to an expected 50 by the end of this year. Martin Moon, Managing Director at Subsea Innovation, said: “The facility can test heavier equipment and with more capable cranes and the additional workspace that it brings it will enables us to develop our research and development side further, which will prove to be a key factor in securing future work.”

Visit us at SUBSEA EXPO Stand 152

Subsea UK News | November 2014



North-east Specialist Project Management and Subsea Firm Makes Key Appointment Aberdeen based CSL has appointed Iain Fullerton as Business Development Manager – Subsea Engineering and Projects, to assist with the firm’s five-year growth and development plan bringing both new and enhanced services to clients. Mr Fullerton brings a wealth of knowledge and more than 30 years’ experience within the oil and gas and offshore industry having held various business development and sales and marketing roles for leading organisations within the oil and gas and marine manufacturing sector. He said: “I am very pleased to be joining CSL in this important role. It is great to be part of a company with a strong vision, clear direction and a comprehensive service offering to the market.”

Iain Fullerton, Business Development Manager – Subsea Engineering and Projects, CSL

Bibby Offshore Appoints Stuart Jackson as Strategy Director Bibby Offshore are pleased to announce the appointment of Stuart Jackson as Strategy Director. Stuart will also be appointed to the board of the Company with immediate effect.

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Stuart’s appointment follows his working as a consultant during the Company’s recent high yield bond issue, where he worked directly with the Company’s Chief Executive (Howard Woodcock) and Finance Director (Neale Stewart). Stuart Jackson, Strategy Director, Bibby Offshore

As Strategy Director, Stuart will focus on the delivery of the Company’s growth programme and will be based in London; frequently travelling to Aberdeen and other Bibby Offshore offices. Stuart has over 30 years’ experience in the energy sector having worked in exploration & production, power generation and offshore services.

Aurecon Appoints New Client Relationship Executive Aurecon has appointed Colby Hauser as Client Relationship Executive, Oil and Gas. Based in Aurecon’s Perth office, Colby will focus on growing Aurecon’s Oil and Gas business in Western Australia, the Northern Territory, and Papua New Guinea. Industry Director for Oil and Gas, John Wood said, “It’s exciting to welcome Colby to our rapidly expanding Oil and Gas team. His appointment is a natural progression as we continue to build our portfolio within the upstream, downstream and advisory sectors.” Colby Hauser, Client Relationship Executive, Oil and Gas, Aurecon


Colby has many years of experience working in the oil and gas industry, primarily in business development and project, as well as contracts and procurement roles.

Subsea UK News | November 2014

NASNet® subsea positioning system The NASNE119 sub&ea posltlonrg syS:snl Is a mult~user solution 1hat can lllrrU!aneoul!ly posttlon unlimited objects at long range, making It ide81 for meeting deepwater, seismic rod cons1Nction fAl\lfJ'J needs. " ill highly aoarat8 and 1ield..proven, with 1alt "'1date rates and no acoustic lnlBrferenoe. That means Ieee -bed aaaetB to Install rod no need for frequency management. Naulrorix technology also ina118118S battery life, rectlcing ongo~ maintanance costs.

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NASDive is the first fully-digital diver communications system. It requires significantly reduced numbers of twisted-pairs compared to other systems, yet delivers superior helium unscrambling, and never-before achieved levels of speech quality. NASDive has also revolutionised through-water communication, using its unique through-water noise filtering techniques. NASDive wired and through water communications systems are the safest, and most effective diver communications systems on the market today.

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