Subsea UK News - May 2017 Issue

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Best choice ever

for underwater tasks everywhere the future is electric




Welcome to Subsea UK News Finally, after more than two years, there are encouraging signs that the oil and gas market is beginning to recover. The relatively sustained period of $50 - $55 oil is leading to increased confidence and an upturn in activity among the operators. This is starting to trickle down but it will be some time before there’s cause for genuine optimism right across the subsea supply chain. If this downturn has taught us one thing, it’s the need to have a more balanced spread, not just in terms of geography but also in relation to the industries in which we operate.

Neil Gordon, Chief Executive, Subsea UK

The term subsea was first coined in the oil and gas industry. Indeed, our industry was largely honed from underwater operations in the North Sea and, for many of us, it’s still all about subsea oil and gas.

We consider ourselves an industry sector in our own right, not simply a sub-set of oil and gas but the reality is that the majority of revenues derived from subsea are still attributable to oil and gas. However, increasingly our members are also operating in marine renewables, primarily offshore wind, but also wave and tidal, inter-continental subsea cables and connectors, through-water communication defence and oceanology. Whether it’s driven by necessity as a result of the collapse in one market or by the opportunity being created in another, diversification leads to long-term success and sustainability. Given the ground-breaking activities of the UK subsea sector over decades, it’s not surprising that our underwater capabilities are being looked at more positively and inquisitively by other industries. This edition of Subsea UK News is centred around the growing opportunities for diversification. Offshore wind, wave and tidal are the obvious markets into which our products and services can be most easily transferred and, with the predicted boom in renewable energy, there is no better time to make it happen. Energy, defence and oceanology are the industries of today but we also need to explore the industries of the future and there are exciting opportunities emerging in deep sea mining and aquaculture. We cannot forget that the UK is universally recognised as a global leader and pioneer in subsea engineering. We have an enviable track-record for excellence in project management, design engineering, asset and operational management, design and manufacturing of advanced equipment, research and development, safety management, training and education and professional services. With such a pre-eminent capability, diversification really is a no-brainer for our sector and for the emerging industries which are seeking underwater expertise, knowledge, skills and technology.

Subsea UK Subsea UK News, produced by Subsea UK, reaches over 28,000 subsea-affiliated subscribers each issue. Subsea UK is the champion for the UK subsea industry. We act for the entire supply chain bringing together operators, contractors, suppliers and people in the industry. The UK subsea industry leads the world in experience, innovation and technology. The UK will maintain a leading technological edge by sustaining and expanding this important business sector. Whether you are a company looking to join and reap the benefits or an individual looking to develop your career in the subsea industry, explore our website or contact us to find out how Subsea UK can help you, your business and your industry. Find out more at

New Members Ashford Instrumentation Ltd

OPB International Ltd

Rotomotor Ltd

Orca Subsea Ltd

Saxon Weber Swagelining

Current2Current Ltd Atlas Professionals Euroload Ltd

To view the full Subsea UK members list, visit the Subsea UK Directory at

Call for Speakers Subsea UK has issued a Call for Speakers for two major upcoming subsea calendar events: the Underwater Vehicles Conference (24 October 2017) in Aberdeen, and Subsea Asia (13-16 September 2017) in Jakarta. For more information, please visit Subsea UK’s website:

Neil Gordon Chief Executive, Subsea UK

Serious about your subsea business? We’re serious about helping you develop your business! The voice of the subsea industry. Working for its Members | Supporting and Promoting Providing Leadership | Driving Collaboration | Influencing | Internationalising | Adding Value


Subsea North East Conference 14 June 2017 Newcastle, UK

MTS / IEEE OCEANS ’17 A Vision for our Marine Future 19 - 22 June 2017 Aberdeen, UK

Subsea Springboard 27 June 2017 Aberdeen, UK

Subsea Malaysia 11 - 13 July OGA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Subsea UK Golf Day 25 August 2017 Aberdeen, UK

Networking Event Inverness 29 August 2017 Inverness, UK

These are some of Subsea UK’s events but please visit our website for full details of all forthcoming events.

Subsea UK News is a magazine which invites contributions from the subsea industry, and is published by Subsea UK. The views and opinions expressed herein are not those of Subsea UK News or its owner, Subsea UK. The opinions and views expressed herein are those solely of individual contributors, and do not reflect in any way those of Subsea UK News, Subsea UK or its staff. All materials published in this magazine are published with the consent and authority of the authors. Subsea UK News makes no representations about the suitability of any information and/or services published for any purpose. Subsea UK News is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims, all liability for, any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of profits, litigation, or the like) of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information published within this magazine. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in Subsea UK News, no guarantee is given that the information published is correct, complete, reliable or current, and its publication in this magazine does not constitute an endorsement by Subsea UK News. To contact Subsea UK News, please email editor Dan Fearon at


SMD Secure QTrencher Contract with Van Oord Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd (SMD) are pleased to announce the signature of a contract with Van Oord for the manufacture and delivery of a QTrencher 1600. This contract follows the successful deployment of SMD’s QTrencher 1400 on Van Oord’s Gemini Wind Farm. The QTrencher 1600 is due for delivery in February 2018, it will come complete with a high sea state Launch and Recovery system designed and built by SMD, as well as jetting and mechanical cutting tools to tackle a wide range of seabed conditions. Additional functions include beach operation to offer cable installation for export and inter array campaigns. The equipment will be loaded directly onto Van Oord’s state of the art cable-laying vessel, Nexus from SMD’s works in Wallsend, UK. The QTrencher 1600 is scheduled to be deployed from the Nexus onto various wind farm projects in 2018. “Van Oord have been using QTrencher 1400 on their Gemini installation campaign so already have good experience with our technology. It’s a strong endorsement of our quality and performance in the field

to be able to supply direct to a contractor like Van Oord,” said Paul Davison, Managing Director of SMD Trenching, Mining and Renewables. “With the continuing demand to lower LCOE and obligations to get it right first time, the market is demanding better performance. Our technology is well placed. We look forward to working with Van Oord and ensuring the trencher has a smooth entry into service.”

“We have chosen SMD for a very good working experience with one of their machines and their vast track record of the subsea trenching machines.”

Van Oord said:

The QTrencher 1600 is the next generation of the QTrencher 1400 model, and the power available to the trenching tools has been optimized for offshore wind applications in shallow water. With 45 years of experience in the subsea trenching industry, SMD have developed a wide range of QTrencher vehicles from 400 to 2800 horse power. The QTrencher’s adaptability allows for application across many markets, from telecoms, through to power cables and oil & gas construction.

Subsea Innovation Successfully Deliver RasGas Structural Repair Clamps Subsea Innovation are immensely proud to have successfully completed the design, build and testing of four structural pipeline repair clamps for RasGas in Qatar. The clamps are to provide contingency repair cover for 38”, 32”, 28” and 16” pipelines, offering a swift and organised response to reinstate the mechanical integrity of a damaged section of pipeline whilst maintaining high HSE standards and keeping production shutdown time to a minimum. These repair clamps are some of the largest of their kind in the world and come complete with NAS 00625 (Nickel Alloy) cladding on the internal bores and seal faces for use with high HS2 content wet sour gas. Equipped with a triple block seal system the clamps have a design pressure ranging up to 345 Bar g. These modular repair clamps are also fitted with field proven SIGrip® structural collet packs. The structural collet pack system not only ensures that the clamp remains in position on the pipeline at all times, but the profiled collet housing and tapered collets provide a mechanical means of increasing the gripping force exerted upon the pipe, as any axial tension loads or pressure induced loads increase reinstating the pipeline’s structural integrity. These diver-installed structural pipeline repair clamps have also been supplied complete with a single bespoke innovative ROV or downline reel hot-stab operated installation tool which is interchangeable to accommodate the full suite of clamps. The tool was designed, manufactured & tested in accordance with DNV 2.22 – Rules & Standards for Lifting Appliance.


Subsea UK News | May 2017


World First as JFD’s COBRA Passes Conformity Assessment for CE Marking; the Only Approved System of its Kind JFD, the world-leading subsea operations and manufacturing company and a part of James Fisher and Sons plc, has successfully completed rigorous trials on its new COBRA (Compact Bailout Rebreathing Apparatus) system verifying its capability and performance to CE Mark status. COBRA is the only commercial emergency rebreather system in the world to have been granted CE Marking status to NORSOK U101 (Diving Respiratory Equipment) and EN14143 (Self Contained Rebreathing Apparatus), leading the way in terms of safety and functionality. COBRA was designed and developed by JFD in response to a crucial need for bailout technology which can support the depth requirements and excursion durations of new generation diving operations. Norway pioneered new guidelines which stipulate that a diver must have a minimum of 10 minutes of emergency breathing gas calculated at a breathing rate of 62.5 l/m which render open circuit bailout methods non-conforming at depths greater than 56m. The only two systems in the world which can satisfy these requirements are JFD’s Divex SLS and COBRA. The Divex SLS has been sold globally by JFD for the past 20 years. In response to Diver feedback, JFD designed COBRA to further enhance the SLS technology creating a compact, easy to operate and maintain, mechanical system which can provide up to 45 minutes endurance. COBRA is the only system which can be tested any time by the diver, this is a step change compared with previous systems which once activated, could not be switched off. Rigorous tests and trials have been undertaken throughout the development and CE marking assessment phases in order to assure performance under the most arduous conditions, environments and breathing requirements. The trials included measuring the work of breathing (WOB), testing operational parameters, resistance and endurance tests as well as pressure and environmental testing. As part of the CE Marking process, two days were spent testing COBRA using independent divers within the JFD dive tank pushing the kit to the required limits. Successfully passing the assessment declares that COBRA meets the required safety, health and environmental standards to comply with EU legislation to the standard EN14143 and NORSOK U101. JFD has received an extremely positive response to COBRA following recent seminars and events and has already sold a number of sets globally.

Subsea UK News | May 2017



Swan Hunter Loading Tower Ready for Operations Swan Hunter are pleased to announce the completion of their new Basket Carousel Loading Tower.

The equipment has recently completed factory acceptance testing, and is now being assembled in The Netherlands ahead of an upcoming mobilisation for flexible riser installations offshore Ghana. The Loading Tower comes complete with a new-build 10Te tensioner, and is supplemented with additional project specific components including an under bender chute and height extension sections. The system is capable of handling flexible products up to 550mm outer diameter. Package Manager John Young said: “After a challenging fast track design and fabrication schedule, we are pleased to see the hard work come to fruition with the final assembly of the loading tower. We are eager to put the equipment to work and display Swan Hunter’s ability to provide robust and reliable equipment to the subsea installation market.”

Basket Carousel Loading Tower


Subsea Collaboration Pushes Industry Boundaries with Vertical Connector Solution Hydratight and Connector Subsea Solutions have completed a major project with an international oil and gas operator in West Africa to repair two risers at the base of a hybrid system. A solution was developed from the industry proven MORGRIP® Mechanical Connectors range and was remotely installed on the existing infrastructure, vertically, at a water depth of more than 1,300m.

Subsea Solutions enabled this control to be inherent during every stage of the contract execution.

Pal Magne Hisdal, Managing Director at Connector Subsea Solutions said: “One of the major reoccurring

James Rowley, Global Subsea Market Development Manager at Hydratight said: “The supply of field proven remote connectors was never the critical challenge, having already supplied significant quantities over the last 15 years to many of the major operators. The challenge with remote repair operations is actually the control and verification during installation. Even in the horizontal plane, the handling, alignment, activation and testing of the repair tools carries the most risk to a successful project. To sufficiently mitigate this risk within a reasonable time frame and cost, can be technically challenging. Achieving this in the vertical orientation at such a significant depth is a huge milestone.”

interfaces was with regards to coating removal. It was not until after the project had started we realised how limited the technology is when it comes to removing different pipe coatings without damaging the parent material. The connector installation frame and the connectors themselves required clean, bare pipe to operate at their designed structural and pressure retaining capability. The systems available in the industry simply were not capable of achieving this without damaging the parent material – which could lead to catastrophic failure. We had to design and qualify a new coating removal tool that would meet the rigorous demands of the project.”

Prior to installing the connector, new ROV compatible tools had to be designed, developed and tested, including coating removal tools, support clamps, support clamp installation tools, connector installation frames and ROV skid and control systems to support the repair procedure.

“Other new systems we needed to develop included a 3D buoyancy milling tool that could machine enough space in the buoyancy to enable the risers to be accessed. We also developed a new high load clamp that would provide the structural support for the repaired risers.”

To mitigate project risk, the key interfaces between the riser, connector, installation systems and control units had to be tightly controlled. The collaboration between Hydratight and Connector

The entire system was successfully tested on site and during a wet trial prior to deployment. The system is currently in country and following successful repair.

Subsea UK News | May 2017



New Downhole Product Development using Onshore Downhole Test Facility

Vision and Mermaid

BHR’s onshore downhole test facility can be used for development and testing of new downhole products/systems for a fraction of the cost associated with offshore field trials. Located in Cranfield, Bedfordshire, BHR Group’s onshore, downhole test rig provides companies with an easily accessible facility that accurately reproduces downhole conditions. This can assist downhole product suppliers in product development and qualification testing/ type approval of downhole equipment. Operating at pressures up to 260bar on the inner casing string and with the ability to operate with a variety of fluids at a range of temperatures, the facility enables testing under representative well conditions. It incorporates accurate, high speed measurements of downhole pressure, temperature and flow ensuring that the product performance can be mapped under a range of conditions and providing a comprehensive equipment testing capability. The development of an independent, onshore downhole test facility with the ability to replicate a variety of real life conditions gives equipment manufacturers the opportunity to evaluate prototypes at much lower costs than if the testing was undertaken offshore. The onshore location also allows product designs to be modified more

quickly and easily than before; reducing the time to market for new downhole products.

Rig Montage

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) testing is often required for new products to be adopted by the oil and gas industry. Based around API 17N standard, these tests ensure that new components are verified to avoid production issues and more importantly to prevent environmental disasters. Navigating the TRL process can be a drain on resourcing and testing costs can increase considerably through the various stages of the TRL process. As a result, many designers can handle the simulated computer modelling of new components at the early stages, but struggle when it comes to the rigorous field testing of full scale prototypes occurring in the later stages of the TRL process. BHR’s knowledge base and expertise can support with product development which will in turn, speed up the testing process and help get product to market quicker.

Ocean Installer Aberdeen Turns Five Ocean Installer in May celebrates five years in Aberdeen. Over the last half decade, Ocean Installer’s people in Aberdeen have secured, executed and delivered on more than a dozen subsea projects covering Europe, Africa, the Mediterranean and Australia. Originally established in Stavanger, Norway in 2011, Ocean Installer opened its Aberdeen office near the exhibition centre in Bridge of Don in May 2012. Starting with two members of staff, the office now houses over 50 employees. From a limited regional approach focusing on the UK continental shelf, Ocean Installer’s Aberdeen office now contributes to the tendering and execution of projects all over the world. The opening of the Aberdeen office was the first step in Ocean Installer’s global expansion and since 2012 the company has increased its international presence further with regional offices in Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Dubai and Perth, counting a total number of over 200 employees.


Subsea UK News | May 2017

Ocean Installer’s CEO Steinar Riise says the company’s UK office has played an important role in the company’s further growth and expansion.

“Aberdeen was a natural first step as Ocean Installer went international and the pool of highly qualified subsea resources to be found in Aberdeen has been very valuable in building the organisation, both in the UK and abroad,” said Steinar Riise.

Head of the Ocean Installer UK office, Gregor Scott, notes that even as the UK regional offshore activity level as come down since Ocean Installer established itself in Aberdeen, its resources continue to be of importance to the company. “I am very happy to see that even as Ocean Installer increases its international presence the UK and Aberdeen continues to play an important role in the company’s development, both domestically and supporting Ocean Installer’s other regions,” said Gregor Scott, Business Acquisition Director, UK.


Uninterrupted Production During Critical Isolation and Repair of Damaged Subsea Gas Export Pipeline in Thailand STATS Group has completed its second subsea pipeline repair and isolation project which was the result of vessel anchor damage. The pipeline technology specialist was commissioned by CUEL Ltd to repair an 8” gas condensate export pipeline which had been dragged eight metres out of position by a vessel anchor and required a permanent repair. STATS utilised its range of subsea products to facilitate the repair, which included BISEPs, slab valves, hot tap fittings, completion plugs, end connectors and abandonment plugs – all engineered, manufactured, tested and deployed in-field - allowing a pipeline repair with no impact to production, the environment or risk to diver safety. Working with CUEL and the pipeline owner, a repair methodology and solution was developed, whereby an 8” bypass was installed on the seabed as a permanent repair to re-route the pipeline medium away from the damaged pipeline section, which was situated at a water depth of approximately 60 metres and had an operating pressure ranging from between 7 and 21 bar. Mark Gault, Subsea and EPRS Product Line Manager for STATS Group, said: “This complex subsea pipeline repair project presented many operational and technical challenges. The successful completion demonstrates STATS ability to accommodate complex operations while maintaining high levels of safety at all times.

“STATS range of subsea isolation and intervention equipment provides operators a turnkey service for pipeline repair scenarios and establishes STATS’ capabilities within the subsea market. We will use the experience and our proven track record of first class delivery of these major projects to seek out other global opportunities for similar subsea contracts.”

8in Hot Tap Fitting and Slab Valve

be completed without the need for shutting-in pipeline production or depressurising, thus, ensuring production was maintained uninterrupted.” STATS have previously completed a subsea isolation on behalf of COOEC Subsea Technology when the Yacheng pipeline in the South China Sea – an important asset for suppling gas to Hong Kong – was severely damaged by a ship’s anchor. The pipeline was repaired at an unpiggable location 280 km from shore and in water depths of 60 metres without depressurising and flooding the entire pipeline. UK-headquartered STATS Group is supported on Asian projects from its base in Kuala Lumpur and has engineering, design and storage facilities in Abu Dhabi and Qatar.

the subsea spool specialists

STATS’ patented BISEP was selected to provide leak-tight isolation of the pressurised pipeline and was deployed through a full bore hot tap penetration at the isolation location through a mechanical hot tap fitting. Mr Gault added: “The DNV GL type approved BISEP provides a fully proved, fail-safe, double block and bleed (DBB) isolation barrier from the pressurised pipeline. This level of isolation complies with industry guidance on isolation and intervention for diver access to subsea systems, ensuring diver and worksite safety.

HTM and Clamp Deployment Overboard

“The pipeline repair solution incorporated installing a permanent bypass pipeline, which allowed the operations to

engineered for extremes Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen AB21 0GZ I 01224 722 544

Subsea UK News | May 2017



Unique Group Expands Survey Equipment Rental Portfolio with Edgetech 6205 and Reson SeaBat T50P Unique Group’s Survey Equipment division has recently purchased new hydrographic surveying equipment to further upgrade its rental pool. The purchase includes two Edgetech 6205 Swathe Bathymetry Sidescan Sonars and a Reson T50P Multibeam Echosounder, and will be available on rent to customers from the Group’s Aberdeen office. The Edgetech 6205 is an unrivalled, high-quality vessel-mounted interferometric wide swathe bathymetry and sidescan system that offers swathe coverage of over 200º in shallow water when compared to other single head systems. The equipment helps in the faster and safer completion of surveys by providing superior coverage, rejection of multipath effects, reverberation and acoustic noise commonly encountered in a shallow water environment. The versions purchased provide 230/550kHz dual frequency sidescan data with 550kHz bathymetry. The Teledyne Reson SeaBat T50-P is the latest state-of-the-art vessel mounted Multibeam Sonar with distinctive features permitting our clients to perform quick surveys with minimal processing. The system is specially designed for smaller vessel portable use and allows for fast mobilisation, minimal interfacing and low space requirements. Software features such as Water Column Visualisation, Autotrack, Normalised Backscatter and Selectable Beam Density are available with this high specification system. Alan Cameron, General Manager at Unique Group’s Aberdeen office said: “For over 30 years, our GSE brand has been offering Edgetech products to customers in Europe. The performance of these systems and their popularity with our rental customers, ensures that these systems will be kept busy.

“The SeaBat T50P is an unparalleled sonar that provides extremely clean data with minimal noise and artifacts, thereby minimising data processing which helps reduce client costs. Andy Doggett, Director of at Unique Group’s Survey Equipment division, said: “Over the years, Unique Group has been widely accepted as one of the world’s leading providers of technologically advanced survey equipment. The addition of these systems to our rental inventory will only enhance our already extensive fleet of equipment, with the best of both types of swathe bathymetry technology. The T50P and the Edgetech 6205 can both be utilised with our class-leading POS MV INS systems to give our customers the tools to acquire data of highest quality and efficiency, even in marginal weather conditions.” The division also purchased the Innomar SES 2000 Medium 100 Sub Bottom Profiler earlier this year. The high-power vessel mounted system provides visual data of very high quality that allows imaging of small buried cables that are otherwise extremely hard to detect with alternative vessel mounted systems.

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The UK is at the forefront of the international subsea sector and leads the way in terms of experience, innovation and technology. Part of that success is based on growing exports and exploiting the everincreasing increasing opportunities for diversification. With global offshore wind expenditure expected to reach ÂŁ210 billion over the next 10 years, Subsea UK is encouraging companies to expand into the renewables sector to sustain long-term growth. To diversify into renewables, companies need to be willing to reinvent themselves by adapting their current capabilities and operating models. Subsea UK News spoke with three companies that are excellent examples of those which have planned a diversification strategy and been willing to grasp opportunities to ensure they gain a competitive advantage over global industry players.

FEATURE ARTICLE Ecosse Subsea Systems Ecosse Subsea Systems (ESS) is a prime example of how technologies can be adapted to emerging markets. Traditionally, the business was focused on oil and gas projects but in the last five years it has become a leading provider of seabed clearance, pre-cut trenching and backfilling services on key renewables and interconnector workscopes. ESS has developed an impressive portfolio of patented tools which are designed, tested and manufactured at their headquarters near Banchory. Continuous investment in R&D has positioned ESS as the leading innovator in seabed preparation and its SCAR seabed systems – including the largest boulder clearing tool in the world which matches raw power Ecosse Subsea Systems Managing with versatility - can be deployed on a variety of Director Mark Gillespie subsea tasks required on offshore windfarm projects. The SCAR seabed system is easily deployed from the stern of anchor handling and other smaller vessels, which greatly reduces operating costs and vessel charter hire rates for the end-client.

Ecosse SCAR Seabed System onboard the Havila Jupiter

ESS’s experience on strategic renewables projects continues to grow and in the last year the company has executed a £5 million project on a windfarm contract in the Southern North Sea, and extended a trenching scope in a follow up to an earlier project on an offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. In Q1 2017, ESS completed a boulder clearing operation on a windfarm located in the Moray Firth.

Underlining the company’s ability to diversify, ESS was commissioned by an international infrastructure

group to design and build a1500-ton carousel and associated spread to be used in the storage of spare cables required for UK offshore windfarms, and it has developed other technologies, including a backfill plough which was commissioned for a major interconnector contract. The recent appointment of Mark Gillespie as managing director has strengthened the ESS management team and positioned the company for significant growth over the next five years.

Mark Gillespie said one of the important factors in joining ESS was its strong focus on developing new technologies. He said:

“ESS was one of the first oil and gas service companies to realise there was an urgent need to diversify and it has done so with great success. We are now able to tender for major UK and European renewables and interconnector projects, while still servicing our long-established oil and gas clients, who remain an important part of our business.” Commercial director Keith McDermott is spearheading a push in to emerging renewables markets in the Far East and USA, while consolidating the company’s platform in the Baltic Sea, and a recently agreed multi-million-pound revolving credit facility with Handelsbanken will support larger tenders on renewables and power generation projects. ESS expects turnover in the current year to increase to between £23-£25 million.

Flowline Specialists Established in 2001, Flowline Specialists designs, engineers and manufactures a range of equipment to handle flexible pipes, umbilicals and cables on and offshore for the global oil and gas, subsea and renewables industries. Originally formed to serve the North Sea industry, it has since created an operational base in Dubai and has a presence in the Netherlands. Based in Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire, Flowline Specialists continually invests in expanding and upgrading its product range to meet client demand around the world. Jim Smith, CEO of Flowline Specialists, joined the company in 2008 and has led it since 2012. A graduate of the University of Aberdeen, he has worked in the oil and gas industry his whole career. Upon joining the firm, Jim realised that for the business to grow it needed to diversify. His leadership has Jim Smith, CEO, driven the international expansion of the business, which has Flowline Specialists been aided by entering the decommissioning and marine renewable markets. Overseas sales now represent around half of the firm’s turnover and consistent overseas sales growth led to Flowline Specialists being granted a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade in 2016. “There have been two aspects to the diversification of the business – exports and entering new sectors,” said Jim. “Until 2009, the firm’s focus had been on the domestic UK oil and gas market, with some overseas activity undertaken as a result of approaches from clients.”

Jim added: “The last three years alone, with the oil price fall, has shown why it is important to not just concentrate on one market sector. Similarly, having a reliance on one geographic area will not necessarily deliver growth or create a sustainable business. “Both the decommissioning and marine renewable sectors provide great opportunities for diversification. Underlining the prospects in the marine renewable sector, the leaders of G7 and G20 nations have committed to accelerating access to renewable energy. This will include marine renewables where significant investment is being made in testing a range of power generation devices around the world. The energy mix is changing and the business has been aware of this transition for some time, evolving its offering to keep in step.” Flowline Specialists’ core business centres on a range of equipment that supports the installation and recovery of flexible pipes, umbilicals and cables. Therefore, regardless of whether it is the subsea, marine renewable or decommissioning sectors, Flowline Specialists has suitable equipment and personnel to handle the project. With an in-house engineering capability, the firm has the expertise to adapt its products and equipment to meet the specific job requirements of clients.


Rotech Subsea Having recently celebrated 30 years in the industry, during which time it repeatedly raised the bar in the subsea sector, Rotech Subsea could be forgiven for living off former glories. But this forward-facing innovator is doing anything but. Following the 2011 sale of its “T-shaped” Subsea Excavation Assets that took the sector by storm in the late 1990s - Rotech Subsea re-entered the oil & gas and energy sectors with its new Controlled Flow RS Excavation Range in 2015. Within weeks its cutting-edge RS1, TRS1 and Backfilling systems were operating successfully on commercial projects. Never one to stand still, in 2016 Rotech Subsea launched its new TRS2 systems for major sandwave clearance and pipeline trenching scopes.

The secret to Rotech’s success is simple.

“We listened to the market,” says Director and named inventor on many Rotech patents, Dr. Donald Stewart. “We

knew from research that our new Controlled Flow Excavation (CFE) technology could bring greater efficiencies to a rapidly-changing marketplace. And more importantly having seen the test results we knew there would be a demand for our CFE technology.” From the higher pressure RS1 and Twin RS1 (ideal for cable works) to the higher volume RS2 and Twin RS2 (higher volume for inspection, repair and maintenance), Rotech Subsea has introduced a revolutionary jet excavation system that is faster, more accurate and more powerful than previous technology. This ground-breaking CFE technology reduces the risk of damage to cables compared to tracked vehicles as well as being much cheaper and safer to deploy. It is also two to three times faster than previously existing technology.

Earlier this year, following the success of Rotech Subsea’s operations on the Burbo Bank Wind Farm, DONG Energy sanctioned the TRS1 Jet Trenching System method to post trench array and export cable routes. The deal meant that Rotech’s RS technology became the first non-contact jetting method to carry out such operations on major array and export routes. The successful completion of the DONG Energy / Burbo Bank project is set to be a game-changer for Rotech Subsea. Whereas in the past operators would not consider MFE for trenching - because the trenches created could be too wide and with a lack of uniformity in depth - Rotech’s new Controlled Flow Excavation (CFE) kit has proven it is a true trenching platform. Add in Rotech’s capability to bury cable or pipe in the trench they have created and the company is perfectly poised to offer a new solution to an industry searching for greater efficiencies in the face of difficult market conditions. In fact, since the successful completion for DONG, Rotech is experiencing growing demand for its installation and trenching services and have won several challenging workscopes for DONG subcontractors because of the capabilities of its new systems. After a whirlwind two years since its return to the subsea sector, Rotech is readying itself to roll out its technology across the continents. But, far from resting on its laurels, Rotech Subsea is constantly innovating. The latest result is the new TRS1 LD technology, developed by Rotech’s in-house R&D team, which has added 25% more jet power, and crucially - can be deployed in shallower water than existing technology. As it has done throughout its 31-year journey in the subsea sector: Rotech has listened to the market and delivered.

Rotech CFE tool


Collaborative Initiative for Subsea Decommissioning Launched Decommissioning specialists from across the supply chain have joined forces to create a database to share decommissioning lessons and provide guidance in design. From an industry perspective, decommissioning of offshore infrastructure is a no-reward exercise. Unarguably necessary, and not unlike all other sectors of the industry, economically the focus is on maximising efficiency and minimising cost. Where decommissioning does differ is that what industry has to work with is pre-determined, often from a design and installation phase some decades earlier.

The purpose of the subsea database is to identify decommissioning issues, based on real industry lessons learned, and translate these into potential solutions which could be implemented in future designs. Collaboration and sharing of information has allowed the creation of the database, but wider participation, contribution and use of the information will continue to add value to the database, and drive future decommissioning efficiencies.

It’s clear that with some design phase planning the subsequent decommissioning, years or decades later, can be made significantly more efficient. It’s with this ultimate aim that the decommissioning specialists of 13 operators, contractors and consultants have formed to provide the Design for Decommissioning Subsea Database. Participants include Ardent, BP, CNRI, DNV-GL, ENI, Jee, Proserv, Premier Oil, Woodside and Xodus. The database has been developed to provide feedback from late life and abandonment operations and provide practical guidance to engineers when designing new, or modifying existing facilities.

Team photo of the initiative

MDL Spread Concludes Trinidad job Maritime Developments’ flex-lay spread has concluded its latest project in the Atlantic. MDL’s 400-tonne reel drive system and patented 4-track tensioner both forming part of the MDL Offshore Service fleet - were deployed alongside the company’s unique Portable Vertical Lay System (PVLS), as part of a flexible installation offshore Trinidad and Tobago. The system mobilised on-board the North Sea Giant at the start of the year, before heading to the Caribbean for the 35-day campaign, which included numerous flexline and umbilical lays. Once the project concluded, the spread returned to Europe, where it was demobilised off the vessel in a 48-hour operation. Greig May, MDL Rental Manager, said: “The project went well and ran smoothly with no issues which is our objective on every job, so both the client and our team were happy with the outcome.

“This was the largest demobilisation that we have carried out to date, and demonstrated the key benefit of the MDL solution, which is the ease and speed of mobilisation, saving the client a lot of idle vessel time, when the boat is sat in port doing nothing.” All of the MDL systems forming part of the integrated spread feature unique safety solutions that reduce the risk to the product and personnel, while facilitating smoother handling and quicker turnaround between products and port calls - reducing the overall mission time and therefore costs. Thanks to their portable design, all of MDL equipment can travel by road in modules, and can be mixed-and-matched to form the most efficient horizontal or vertical spread for individual project requirements. This includes the most recent add-on to the MDL Offshore Service fleet, the 110-tonne 4-track tensioner, which has also returned to the Peterhead facility in modules, following its maiden project offshore India. The MDL TTS-4/310 was used to transition a small-diameter umbilical from the beach to seabed at 160m water depth. The project was completed ahead of schedule. Mike Gaskin, MDL Commercial Director, said: “We welcomed the opportunity to deploy our latest tensioner in a new location for MDL, and so quickly after the system’s delivery late last year. “These two projects demonstrate the benefits of the complete MDL package – equipment and personnel - to global flex lay operations, wherever in the world the next project might be taking place.”


Subsea UK News | May 2017


Market Activity Report Q2 2017

Using the market intelligence tool, SubseaIntel, we have compiled this report covering the latest oil & gas developments worldwide.


Overview The oil price is sitting at just over $51 a barrel and saw a high of $60 a barrel in January. Along with the steadying oil price, it is expected that there will be a rise in subsea tree orders from next year with most activity taking place in Brazil, GOM and West Africa. Many of these orders are driven from delayed projects over the last 18 months allowing plenty optimism for the subsea industry. More and more companies in this sector are diversifying into other industries such as renewable energy whilst the subsea industry is in a state of recovery. In doing so, these companies can utilise their skills and products and cross them over to broaden and strengthen their business in the market.

Gulf of Mexico Subsea 7 Awarded EPCI Contract from BP for Deepwater Mad Dog II Project

South America TechnipFMC Awarded Subsea Contract for ExxonMobil Liza in Guyana

North Sea

assistance (EPMA) work as well as options for continued maturing of the design.

Aker Solutions Secures FEED Contract for Johan Sverdrup Phase II

The Johan Sverdrup project is estimated to produce up to 660,000 barrels of oil equivalents a day and hold a total of 2-3 billion barrels of oil equivalent. Production is estimated to start in late 2019 with the project to be fully developed by 2022 and have a lifespan of about 50 years. The first development will consist of four platforms all linked by bridges.

Statoil have awarded Aker Solutions a front-end engineering and design (FEED) Contract for the second phase of their major development, the Johan Sverdrup project offshore Norway. As part of the FEED contract win, Aker Solutions will be working on the new processing platform and the bridge that connects to the developments riser platform. As well as this, the contract will also include the design of a module and the work to integrate the module with the riser platform. The FEED contract will build on the experience gained through the developments first phase and look to be delivered in the first quarter of 2018. The development will involve more than 250 Aker Solutions employees based in Oslo and Stavanger. The FEED contract is valued at around NOK 300 million and is part of the 10-year framework engineering agreement that was awarded to Aker Solutions for the Johan Sverdrup project back in 2013. The contract also includes engineering, procurement and management


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Minesto Awarded Consent for Holyhead Deep Installation Minesto, a leading tidal energy developer has received a marine licence for a 0.5MW installation at Holyhead Deep. In receiving this, it has allowed the company to take the next step towards commercialisation of its unique Deep Green technology in Welsh tidal streams. The marine licence was approved by the consenting authority, the Natural Resources Wales for the installation and operation of a 0.5MW Deep Green power plant in Holyhead Deep off the coast of Anglesey. The marine licence was awarded after an in-depth Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) took place. During this investigation, the EIA took into consideration the considered the potential impacts acts on marine mammals, fisheries, sea birds, marine archaeology and


North Sea Aker Solutions Secures FEED Contract for Johan Sverdrup Phase II Minesto Awarded Consent for Holyhead Deep Installation Premier Hires Wood Group for Tolmount FEED

West Africa Total Brings on Stream Moho Nord Deep Offshore Project

Australasia Gorgon Ramping Up

cultural heritage as well as looking at shipping and navigation, which were concluded to be ‘not significant’.

Gulf of Mexico

The installation in Holyhead Deep is planned for later in 2017 and will include a single Deep Green device, seabed foundation and a buoy moored that the surface. This first commercial-scale installation of Deep Green by Minesto will demonstrate and prove the unique tidal energy technology with plans to expand Holyhead Deep in the future into Minesto’s first tidal energy array.

Subsea 7 Awarded EPCI Contract from BP for Deepwater Mad Dog II Project

Premier Hires Wood Group for Tolmount FEED Premier Oil has awarded a contract to Wood Group to deliver front end engineering and design (FEED) to their Tolmount offshore field situated in the North Sea. As part of the project, Wood Group will provide Premier Oil with topsides, jackets, pipelines, flow assurance and subsea engineering expertise for the Tolmount offshore assets as well as export pipelines, which ties into the Dimlington onshore terminal, which is also operated by Premier. This new contract is in addition to the recent contract award from Premier Oil in the UKCS where Wood Group were awarded a $50 million contract to deliver topside operations and maintenance services to the Solan installation, West of Shetland as well as the Balmoral floating production vessel in the Central North Sea.

BP has awarded Subsea 7 a substantial contract as part of the deep water Mad Dog II project in the Gulf of Mexico. The scope of the contract awarded covers engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines (SURF) and other associated subsea architecture. BP and Subsea 7 have worked closely to allow for the delivery of a lump sum integrated solution from the initial design work, right through to supply, installation and commissioning. Subsea 7 has also collaborated with their Subsea Integration Alliance, One Subsea, a Schlumberger company who have together been awarded the Subsea Production Systems (SPS) contract. Additional areas of cost improvement have been identified as well as reduced risk which will enable the original value of the Mad Dog II development to be reduced significantly.

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SPECIAL 4 PAGE REPORT The offshore installation activities are set for 2019-2020 with Subsea 7 providing project management and engineering from their Houston base with additional support coming from their Global Project Centre in London.

West Africa Total Brings on Stream Moho Nord Deep Offshore Project

Chevron will look to complete the commissioning and start-up of additional equipment to boost efficiency of the three trains which are currently operating at over 85% of their aggregate 15.6 million tonnes per annum nameplate capacity. Chevron will look to boost the efficiency by using turbo expanders and end flash gas compressors. Fed by the Gorgon and Jansz-lo fields, the Gorgon LNG project lies on Barrow Island which is situated about 130 and 65 kilometres off the West Coast of Australia, respectively. It also includes a domestic gas plant which has the capacity to provide Western Australia with 300 terajoules of gas per day.

Production has commenced at the Total operated Moho Nord deep offshore project which is located 75 kilometres offshore Pointe-Noire in the Republic of Congo. The Moho Nord project has a production capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The Moho Nord field is the first of its kind for Total in Africa, where the field is developed through 34 wells tied back to a new tension leg platform. The oil is processed on Likouf, a new floating production unit and then exported by pipeline to the Djeno onshore terminal which is also operated by Total. As part of Totals effort to minimize their environmental footprint, there will be no routine flaring and the all-electric design will help to improve energy efficiency by optimising the amount of power required to run the installations. As well as this, all water produced will be reinjected back into the reservoir.


South America TechnipFMC Awarded Subsea Contract for ExxonMobil Liza in Guyana Exxon Mobil Corporation affiliate company, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana have awarded TechnipFMC a contract for engineering, manufacture and delivery of subsea equipment for their Liza deep water project in Guyana. As part of the contract, TechnipFMC will provide Exxon Mobil with 17 enhanced vertical deep water trees and the associated tooling along with five manifolds and the associated controls and tie in equipment. The Liza development is located in the Stabroek block approximately 193 km offshore Guyana in waters depths of 1,500m to 1,900m. The development has an estimated recovery in excess of one billion oilequivalent barrels.

Gorgon Ramping Up The Gorgon liquified natural gas project is being ramped up by its US supermajor operator Chevron. The operator is looking to nameplate capacity before looking at optimisation and debottlenecking of the Australian gas project.

Further Information The information contained in this report was gathered using SubseaIntel. For more details visit


Subsea UK News | May 2017


MAATS Complete Work on Cable Laying Vessel MAATS Tech Limited have successfully completed the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of the complete deckspread and cable handling equipment for the newbuild Cable Laying Vessel (CLV), the NKT CLV Victoria. This included a 7000tonne on deck carousel, a 4500tonne below deck carousel, two x 45tonne 4 track tensioners, 3tonne wheeled tensioners and associated deck equipment. All equipment supplied has been designed and built under DNV rules and certification to meet vessel notation CLV. The 45tonne 4 track Tensioner was designed by MAATS Tech to simplify the loading/laying operations for offshore CLVs involved in laying heavy interconnector type cables for deeper offshore and inter island projects. The machine is completely open to the top and the only action required to load product is retraction of two upper tracks of the 4 track, X-layout. Track pads are steel-rubber bonded assemblies profiled to suit a defined range of products ensuring safe and secure handling. Tensioner tracks are each powered by an electrically driven variable speed motor utilising air cooled frequency converters mounted in stainless steel cabinets below deck.

AREG Encouraging North-East Skills Transfer Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) is exploring how oil and gas companies can transfer technology, skills and engineering expertise into the renewables sector. AREG is actively supporting diversification of oil and gas skills into renewables and working closely with Aberdeen City Council’s Trade and Inward Investment team to help shape the city’s approach to trade development activities and new investment opportunities to benefit the local economy.

Squeeze force is provided by hydraulic cylinders lowering the upper tracks onto the product and served by an on-board hydraulic power unit & manifold and nitrogen accumulator(s) for providing tactile and failsafe control of product. All hydraulics are mounted on board the machine, so only electrical services are required. The Tensioner can be calibrated to work in either direction and, without its subframe, can be lay-tower mounted to work in the vertical plane. Fully interactive PLC control is standard, with normal HMI via SCADA system.

Morag McCorkingdale of AREG said: “We want Aberdeen to be as famous for renewables as it is for oil and gas. There needs to be a sustainable energy sector, which supports jobs for future generations and it is important we retain critical energy skills as well as promoting our capabilities across the country and globally.” AREG helps its members to access business opportunities and influential industry players. Membership is open to individuals, businesses and companies involved in the renewable sector and those who are looking to diversify from oil and gas. Aberdeen City Council has been active in renewables for more than 15 years. The area is now Scotland’s largest employer in offshore wind by some margin. As well as offshore markets, North-east companies are also diversifying into fields such as bio-energy, heat, solar and electricity storage.

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2017 Delivers Increase in Pigging and Plugging Scopes at Jee Jee Ltd’s pigging and plugging division has had an excellent Q1 of 2017 with 11 new projects awarded by six different clients across Europe, Africa and South East Asia. The new projects, nine of which relate to pigging and two to plugging projects, are being delivered alongside eight contracts continuing from 2016. Sitting within Jee’s core engineering capabilities, the new 2017 scopes cover the full asset lifecycle from new projects to decommissioning pigging scopes and range from: Feasibility and concept studies for “unpiggable” or challenging pipelines and plugging operations; technical assurance of complex ILI campaigns including subsea launch/receipt, multi-diameter pipelines and bi-directional inspections; technical assurance of plugging operations for topside valve change-outs; and site execution work overseeing pigging and inspection operations. Paul Otway, Jee’s Head of Pigging, said: “2016 was a good year for Jee’s pigging and plugging discipline, but this year has already started at pace. We are very excited to see where the rest of 2017 will take us, especially given the diversity of projects underway and on the horizon for existing and new clients.

Pipeline Pigging

“This time last year, inspection scopes were being deferred, increasing operational risk and the likelihood of a failure. It is encouraging to see a significant increase in the number of pigging and plugging scopes being considered and undertaken by operators, both in the North Sea and further afield, reflecting a more positive outlook across the industry.” Jee has a long and successful track record of undertaking pigging and plugging related projects for clients around the world. From feasibility studies, through concept development to execution, Jee offers niche engineering support and project management for pigging and plugging operations. Jee’s engineers are frequently involved in troubleshooting stuck pigs and isolation plugs, tool selection, testing and development, risk assessments and technical assurance. Focused on reducing risk and maximising the probability of a successful operation, Jee consistently receives excellent feedback from operators who praise the level of detail in their documentation that helps projects run smoothly during execution.

iSURVEY Sees Success in First Quarter of 2017 Leading provider of survey and positioning services to the global oil and gas, offshore renewables and telecommunications markets, iSURVEY, has reported a strong end to 2016 and a positive first quarter of 2017, including ongoing recruitment due to a string of significant contract wins. New business this year includes: a three-year, non-exclusive call-off contract with Shell UK Ltd, Shell NAM, Norske Shell and Shell E&P Ireland for the provision of rig positioning and surveying services; a four-year contract with Maersk Oil Danish Business Unit, with iSURVEY named the nominated first caller contractor for survey and positioning services; and a marine construction survey support contract with Solstad Offshore Asia Pacific to support its 2017 pipeline and platform installation programme in Thailand. Part of this growth has also been attributed to iSURVEY’s diversification into the offshore wind sector last year. Having already worked on a number of cable preparation, laying and burial projects in 2016, a significant percentage of iSURVEY’s turnover last year came from renewables projects. The company is targeting further growth in this sector this year, with Scottish Enterprise’s Strategy Development Project Support helping iSURVEY engage with specialist consultants. This initiative is designed to assist companies identify key operational strategies, projects and high level implementation plans to build competitiveness and achieve growth aspiration. As a result, iSURVEY will be taking on more offshore personnel and a new business development manager, which is set to bolster the UK team by 20%. Managing director of iSURVEY Offshore, Andrew McMurtrie, said: “Our outlook for 2017 is positive based on the success we have


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already experienced in Q1, and in the last few months of 2016. As well as a steady level of international work, projects and long-term contracts in the North Sea are also increasing.”

Andrew McMurtrie , Managing director of iSURVEY Offshore,

“We believe that this recent success is down to the fact we remain an independent business with a team which always delivers, and a reputation for providing a costconscious service which is centred on quality.”

“We have a very strong track record in the oil and gas subsea sector, particularly within our cable installation and burial business line in Norway, and this experience has transitioned well into the offshore wind cable installation sector, where we see great potential. “As well as retaining a significant number of our clients, we have also seen many return after weathering the storm of the last couple of years. Our team is feeling optimistic about what 2017 will offer and we look forward to continued work with clients old and new.”


Power and Communications for the Digital Ocean Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) announced commercial availability of “A New Paradigm” in offshore power and communications, the PB3 PowerBuoy®, at the Offshore Technologies Conference (OTC2017) in Houston, Texas in May. The rugged, ocean-ready PowerBuoy® converts ocean wave motion into a reliable electric power source for payloads such as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) charging stations, subsea equipment and environmental monitoring, site safety and security, communications, and real time data collection and transmittal. A full size PB3 was displayed in OPT’s booth at OTC, which is the largest oil & gas industry event in the world. The PB3 has a peak power generation rating of 3,000 Watts with a site-dependent continuous average power. The PB3 provides its power to on-board payloads or equipment located on the seabed while also providing real time communication to remote shore facilities. The modular Energy Storage System (ESS), scalable up to 150kWh nominal, acts as an Uninterruptable Power Supply for up to two weeks in extended periods of flat-calm seas. The ESS is well suited for applications that have varying continuous power requirements including larger occasional peak power demand. The PB3 is a moored system and can operate in any ocean depth over 20 metres. Data and connectivity empower real time critical decision making that can result in significant cost savings. The PB3 platform provides power and communications for the Digital Ocean, and enables operational productivity gains and increased profitability. The PB3 has the capability of supporting AUV recharging while simultaneously uploading the collected data to an onshore facility. It can also accommodate their subsea reprogramming for other missions. These operations can be performed autonomously in the field, or managed remotely, substantially reducing the need for mobilisation of costly support vessels. AUV capabilities are driven by OEMs, oilfield service providers, and oil & gas companies who are developing interchangeable AUV modules and operating capabilities independent of human operators. The PB3 solution enables these extended, resident AUV capabilities. It is designed with the flexibility to accommodate internally and externally mounted multi-mission payloads. It has been used for ocean observing and defense & security purposes, including powering radar, sonar and met-ocean instrumentation. OPT’s OTC2017 announcement follows news of the first PowerBuoy® lease to Mitsui Engineering and shipbuilding (MES) in late 2016. The PB3 leased to MES is planned to be deployed for six months off KozuIsland, Japan.

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Impact Subsea Launch the ISM3D – Heading, Pitch & Roll Sensor Impact Subsea is excited to announce the launch of a ground breaking underwater Attitude & Heading Reference System (AHRS), the ISM3D. The ISM3D utilises high grade Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based accelerometers, angular rate gyroscopes and magnetometers all of which feed into an advanced fusion engine driven by a dual core micro-processor. The unit provides Heading to ±0.5° of local Magnetic North with Pitch and Roll to ±0.05° accuracy. For optimal performance, a hard and soft iron calibration can be performed on the unit once installed on the ROV, AUV or other underwater platform. This ensures that a consistently accurate heading is provided at all times. In areas where a large amount of steel of other magnetic disturber is present, the unit can be switched to operate using the angular rate gyroscopes and accelerometers, without input from the magnetometer. The low drift rate of the advanced MEMS based gyroscopes enables navigation to be conducted in areas where previously only a fibre or ring laser diode based heading sensor would suffice.

Provided in a titanium housing, depth rated to 6,000 metres, with a length of 65mm, the ISM3D sets a new standard in size, durability and capability.

MEMS: Micro-ElectroMechanical-Systems

Ben Grant, Managing Director of Impact Subsea, said:

“With the ISM3D we have built on the AHRS capability already packaged within our other products. Utilising extremely high grade MEMS sensors has enabled the creation of a high accuracy underwater sensor in a very compact housing. The ISM3D greatly complements Impact Subsea’s existing range of advanced altitude, depth and temperature sensing solutions.”

DOF Subsea Innovates for Efficiency DOF Subsea has been providing survey services for many years with a number of clients across the globe, delivering diverse services with a keen focus on safety, quality and innovation. Recently, through development of new technologies and DOF Subsea specific solutions, the company has been able to bring significant benefits to clients. The Hugin 1000 joined DOF Subsea’s asset fleet in late 2016 and since then it has completed 23 dives. As part of DOF Subsea’s innovative approach, the AUV has been fitted with a Cathx Laser System, capable of gathering very high resolution mapping and photographic data, vastly improving the quality of data that can be gathered subsea. Combined with the AUV’s innovative pipetracking capability, DOF Subsea can provide class leading mobile mapping and route survey / pipeline inspection services. DOF Subsea is actively engaged with oil and gas operators and subsea contractors in the development of survey solutions supporting the delivery of safe and successful projects. Gordon Beattie, Survey Innovation Lead said: “We are continuously developing solutions to improve efficiency and safety of personnel on the project. For example, in the last 24 months DOF Subsea has adopted technology that enables us to provide accurate HDR photography for topsides dimensional control. “We have introduced use of lasers and Field Gradiometer Systems on


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platforms, including ROV and AUV, and integrated laser technology into our Marine Construction service that enables more efficient and accurate positioning for structure installation and pile verticality, and worked with our technology partners to devise and implement a system of dynamic laser metrology that will dramatically reduce the timescales involved in subsea metrology.” There is an on-going appetite for Survey innovation at DOF Subsea. Clients want their suppliers to be with them at the front, offering the most appropriate and efficient solutions for their projects. The company sees the technological demands of the market growing as the industry looks for more efficient ways to deliver results.


Orca Subsea App Keeping Projects on the Move A new logistics app for the oil and gas industry has been launched by an Aberdeen company. Orca Subsea’s “Mobilisation Manager” app offers real-time updates on project mobilisations, which can be sent directly to a computer, tablet or phone. Users can access the app via Orca’s secure website and any iOS device. The company, which offers support and engineering services to the subsea industry, works with their clients to identify individual pieces of equipment for a project. Each individual item is then tagged using radio frequency identification (RFID), allowing multiple users to monitor the status of the item and its location in real time, from the supplier’s yard to the quayside. Greig Masson, Orca’s Supply Chain and Logistics Manager, said: “Checking if all the required equipment has arrived at site normally requires a visual inspection and checking the items off a manifest. By utilising RFID technology, Orca’s management applications can scan an area up to 200 metres and return a list of all equipment within that range in less than 30 seconds. This allows live tracking of all equipment during the mobilisation with use of the interactive deck plan and project summary.” Once the item has been scanned and uploaded the back-deck function enables the user to access interactive and high resolution drawings, deck overviews, equipment layouts, plus all other

associated documentation for each individual item, such as certification packs, procedures and operation manuals. Statuses are colour coded and can be changed at a finger swipe, giving instant feedback on the progress of the mobilisation. This means preventative and restorative action can be taken much sooner than would be possible using traditional methods.

“Through Orca’s extensive experience in project mobilisations, we noticed the same failures were often highlighted,” said Greig. “Daily reports are often only compiled and communicated to project managers, department heads and directors long after an event has taken place. The dreaded late-night email or phone call asking for advice or permission to proceed with a course of action without fully knowing the current status is something every project manager is familiar with.”

Freudenberg Oil & Gas Technologies (FOGT) to Revolutionise Subsea Vertical Landing System by Minimising Installation Time FOGT have primarily been a connector supplier within the oil & gas and subsea industries. Supplying vertical installation equipment has previously meant collaborating with others, using FOGT’s Optima™ connector and Duoseal™ Sealring with a third party’s vertical landing equipment. However FOGT felt that this was often a compromise and, by fully integrating the Optima™ connector into the vertical landing system, could make several improvements and therefore have developed the Optima™ Vertical Landing System (OVLS). During the design process FOGT looked carefully at how they could improve and simplify the installation process. The design has a carefully considered interface between the inboard and outboard system that encourages the outboard system to self-right during land-out. This interface

also allows the installation team to just use a single tool for draw down and intervention reducing ROV time and simplifying the process. FOGT’s outboard system has been carefully designed to enable it to take the loads that are often applied during land-out and installation. This is achieved via a strengthened top plate which helps the system handle any potential installation loads that may be encountered. Also, integrating the Optima™ connector into the outboard system has allowed FOGT to reduce the number of parts in the assembly, reduce the overall height along with the overall weight of the system. FOGT’s inboard system has also had extra attention paid with regards to the design. The bolted interface between the hub and inner funnel has been design to enable it to transfer the full torsional capacity of the connector into the structure. FOGT have developed a range of OVLS systems ranging right up to 24” nominal bore including a range of suitable long and short term pressure caps, debris caps and intervention tooling for seat cleaning and seal replacement. Following on from their 36” Connector development for Statoil’s Polarled field, Freudenberg believe this is another example of them taking bespoke subsea technology into the marketplace that saves the client valuable offshore installation time.

Subsea UK News | May 2017



Integrated Emergency Cutter for Fibre Rope Winch Hydraulic cutting tools specialist, Webtool, has developed an integrated fibre rope emergency cutter for maritime winches. In the event the winch gets into difficulties during towing and lifting, the softline cutter provides an instant emergency disconnect, preventing further risk to the vessel.

Webtool Winch Cutter

Fibre ropes are an attractive alternative to steel wire in towing, lifting and salvage operations. Easier to handle, lighter and stronger, they allow ship operators to maximise winch load capacity. The Webtool softline cutter is a lightweight aluminium construction. Mounted on a transverse arm, this allows free movement of the rope through the closed mouth without affecting normal operations. When the cutter is activated in an emergency, the recessed blade is released and the rope is cut against the tool’s anvil.

“Demand for fibre rope cutters is increasing as companies take advantage of the rope’s handling and strength characteristics to meet demanding project requirements,” said Keith Elliot, engineering director, Allspeeds Ltd. “The winch mounted cutter incorporates key features from our standard softline cutters, and is readily adapted for use on any type of winch.”

The hydraulic guillotine cut of a 100mm diameter rope is achieved within seconds. To ensure the blade doesn’t cut accidentally, the softline cutter is fitted with replaceable shear pins.

The Webtool range of high performance cutting tools is designed and manufactured exclusively by Allspeeds Ltd.

Subsea Integrity Laser-inspection Technology Provides Vital Insight for Marine Benthic Researchers Marine science researchers have successfully integrated Savante’s underwater laser profiler technology aboard a low-cost towed benthic sledge equipped with solid-state LED lighting and video cameras. Deployed from a fishing vessel on a towing harness; sub-millimetre accurate micro-topographic seabed surveys have been recorded over a variety of cobble and Sabellaria worm reefs. Combining ground-truth video footage with data provided by Savante’s real time, synchronised underwater laser profiler; researchers precisely determined the height of discrete outcrops of worm reef and cobbles on the seabed. This enabled a more accurate understanding of the benthic environment and the identification of important reef features. Laser scan data was recorded in shallow waters throughout the day in the presence of significant ambient lighting; marking a unique breakthrough in the development and application of the technology. Dr. Grant Thomson, Savante Managing Founder said: “Visual inspection offers environmental researchers vital insight into the diversity, distribution and populations within the benthic environment. Towed-sledge based “ground-truth” habitat mapping surveys are often conducted using towed sledges for reasons of cost and simplicity and at velocities of up to 3 knots along the seafloor. Vehicles are lowered by rope harness and a basic umbilical from fishing vessels of opportunity. Long, linear transects of the seafloor are conducted and guided using only a simple compass and GPS navigational tools. Surveys of vast areas of the seabed have been made possible through the economics of this low-cost, effective and very fast means of survey. “Video cameras and solid state LED lighting, whilst basic tools, are typically the only sensors robust enough that can be reliably deployed aboard these vehicles. SONAR technology is rarely used as it lacks sufficient speed, refresh-rate, spatial-resolution and can


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easily be damaged by collision events on the seabed during towing operations. When operating in littoral and estuarine waters, surveys can often be subject to high turbidity; close-range inspection offers the only opportunity to acquire high quality video in these difficult-tosurvey areas. “The processing of visual habitat survey data relies upon expert interpretation; it can be time-consuming, subjective and costly to process video and photographic footage from a single low-cost video camera towed at speed. Our underwater laser mapping technology delivered sub-millimetre accuracy, quantitative seabed scans in realtime and its solid state design enabled continuous operation despite multiple significant collisions and overturning incidents between the towed vehicle and partially-buried boulders.

We are delighted that the reporting and measurement capabilities Savante developed in support of subsea oil and gas asset integrity market are equally applicable to the wider marine scientific community.” Savante Subsea will be releasing a low-cost, research-grade underwater laser profiler in Q3 2017.


N-Sea and University of Strathclyde Collaborate for Innovative Subsea Project Integrated subsea service provider, N-Sea, and the University of Strathclyde’s Institute of Sensors Signals and Communications at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, have secured substantial funding from the Data Lab Innovation Centre for an innovative research project to automate subsea pipeline inspection. The collaboration combines N-Sea’s state-of-the-art inspection expertise and the University of Strathclyde’s innovative data analytics research. David Murray, Survey and Inspection Data Centre Manager at N-Sea, said: “We’re enjoying working with the University of Strathclyde on this innovative project and grateful to the Data Lab for supporting this partnership. Our joint collaboration is pivotal to the success of the project which we hope will transform pipeline inspection operations. “As a world-leader in subsea pipeline inspection, we have seen ROV technology evolve significantly over the years. However, inspection operations still require ROV pilots and inspection engineers who annotate the data acquired. By working closely together, we aim to automate the inspection process and operate ROVs at previously impossible speeds.” In the last 10 years, the subsea inspection landscape has come a long way in terms of sensors and high definition cameras, however the annotation process remains a largely manual process. The approaches and techniques adopted by the University and N-Sea have never before been attempted in the subsea environment and promise to transform the inspection industry. Commenting on the University’s partnership with N-Sea, Dr Christos Tachtatzis, Academic Principal Investigator, Lecturer and Chancellor’s

Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, said: “Our research group is excited to partner with N-Sea in this innovative project for the hostile and extreme subsea environment. Deep learning approaches have great potential to speed up the inspection processes which remain manual and labour intensive.

“We have a long tradition of conducting industrially relevant research with high economic, environmental and societal impacts and this is a prime example of the challenges we seek to provide solutions for. Owing to the support of the Data Lab, we are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with N-Sea.” Duncan Hart, Business Development Executive at the Data Lab, said: “We’re very excited to support this project, using state of the art data science to help N-Sea create an innovative solution, which will have a significant positive impact on the oil and gas industry during these tough economic times and will continue to advance academic research in this field.”

N-Sea’s vessels, including the Siem Barracuda, will utilise this innovative technology

Subsea UK News | May 2017



Innovation: The Driver for Diversification Gordon Drummond, Project Director, National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) A growing global market that is keen to embrace pioneering technologies makes offshore renewables hugely appealing to an innovative UK supply chain with strong offshore oil and gas and maritime expertise. Companies serving the offshore oil and gas sector must accept that crude oil prices are not going to bounce back anytime soon and look to diversify into other market areas which will generate immediate revenue streams. Diversifying into renewables provides greater resilience for companies while providing an opportunity to gain a foothold in a growing global industry. The UK has extensive experience in operations and maintenance (O&M) – particularly inspection, repair and maintenance (IRM) activities. Applying skills from oil and gas into the renewables sector could be crucial to sustaining the growth of offshore companies. Around 40 percent of the typical lifecycle costs of offshore wind farm developments come from O&M requirements. Based on UK Government projections for offshore wind deployment, the O&M costs for more than 5,500 turbines could be worth £2billion per annum by 2025. Given the UK industry’s existing IRM capability, companies could break into the offshore wind market by offering individual services such as automated inspection, cable scour inspection, condition monitoring, remote monitoring, increased turbine access and risk based inspection. In time, these services could be bundled to deliver a full life-of-field offering. It’s also believed that diverless solutions will be of growing interest as offshore wind developments move further offshore into deeper waters. Harnessing a range of oil and gas and renewable resources is essential if we are to ensure security and longevity of energy supply. In addition to offshore wind, wave, tidal, defence and subsea mining developments also have the potential to deliver complementary revenue streams for UK supply chain companies. We also need to target emerging industries where, traditionally we wouldn’t think to deploy our skills and services. For example, the aquaculture industry. According to studies, by the year 2050, there will be nearly 2 billion more humans populating the earth. Meaning that we will need to produce 60% more food than we do today; Aquaculture systems could be the answer to solving that problem. Since farmed fish are being raised to ultimately be consumed, regular inspections of their ecosystems are imperative to maintaining high-quality standards. This presents an opportunity for UK companies to step up and support the industry with its proven inspection, mapping and monitoring capabilities. UK oil and gas companies have a global reputation for excellence, built over more than 50 years of exploration and extraction in the harsh North Sea environment, however they must now leverage that expertise to develop and deliver solutions for a range of other markets.

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Call to Arms for the Subsea Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community. NSRI are proposing to jointly hold an event to test the appetite of a subsea user group. NSRI will be hosting a meeting to determine firstly the demand for a user group, and the format of a series of meeting and subjects that might make up a programme. If you would like to be considered please get in touch.

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World’s First 20,000psi In-riser Safety Valve Developed by Interventek Aberdeen-based well intervention technology specialists, Interventek Subsea Engineering, have pushed the boundaries of oil and gas industry capability with the launch of their latest new product, an ultra-high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) version of their Revolution safety valve for in-riser landing string systems. This new shear and seal valve is able to withstand working pressures of 20,000psi and temperatures up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. There are currently no other 20K in-riser shear and seal safety valves on the market and the new product line was developed to support the industry as it advances into more challenging HPHT, deep water well environments, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico.

Gavin Cowie, Managing Director at Interventek said:

“Our new 20K in-riser Revolution valve is a natural extension of our uniquely reliable shear and seal technology. The 20K device maintains the superior cutting capability of previous Revolution valves and our unique resilient sealing provides the operator with a future proof, flexible HPHT solution, giving peace of mind as operating conditions become ever more challenging. “As a young company with a game changing disruptive technology, we are pushing against people’s inbuilt preference to choose what they are used to – older, familiar, more conventional technology. But now that we are achieving traction in the market, and our products are proving themselves in the field, we are finding that clients are approaching us to deliver new solutions to industry challenges.

Developing the 20K in-riser valve was not only to meet the HPHT need but also to demonstrate how new technology can exceed expectations. Our design is flexible and scalable and doesn’t suffer from the shortcomings of other valves so it was easy and natural for us to develop what we believe is a world-first.” The 20K in-riser valve has a 5 1/8” bore size and is able to cut wireline and coiled tubing up to 2” x 0.203”, 148ksi tensile strength. It uses Interventek’s award-winning Revolution valve technology, providing a step change in performance at a dramatically reduced cost due to a number of unique features. The Revolution valve is the only wireline /coiled tubing class valve on the market that does not compromise its ability to seal with its shearing action. It uses separate cutting and sealing components so that the seal is never compromised. Resilient seals avoid the use of vulnerable elastomer components for fluid containment, enabling use in HPHT applications. It is easily scaled to meet all well bore sizes, to cut all likely obstructions and its compact size means it is ideally suited to the challenging confines of in-riser interventions. External rotary actuators provide a superior cutting force and hydraulics are kept separate from the wellbore. It is quick to manufacture and provides easy access to components, dramatically reducing the cost of ownership by around 50%. It can surpass endurance testing over many hundreds of cycles and is specifically aimed towards meeting the highly rigorous API 17G industry standards. No other safety valve on the market offers this unique combination of benefits.

DiveSource Collaborate to Launch Dive Control Simulator International diving consultancy DiveSource, have partnered with Norwegian simulator developer PaleBlue to bring their Dive Control Simulator to Aberdeen this month. Already recognised for providing highly competent diving personnel, industry leading training course and dive audit services, DiveSource have further committed to strengthening their diving teams available by being the first to invest in the simulator technology.

engine by PaleBlue, Icon™. Running on screens with multi-touch interaction, the simulator can be switched from traditional valve-based to modern computer monitor-based within seconds. Dive Control Simulator supports a range of scenarios from normal daily operations to ‘what ifs’ to emergency situations.

Sarah Hutcheon, Managing Director of DiveSource said:

“Our core emphasis is on quality and competence. Even in times of difficulty we must continue to improve and evolve to succeed.”

PaleBlue develops advanced simulation and visualisation solutions with industrial application within oil & gas, subsea, maritime and renewables. The simulator benefits from the best-in-class touch panel simulation

“By providing Dive Supervisors with real life operating conditions we’re able to test the competency of the employees before they reach our clients. We can also use the system to verify the competency of not only dive supervisors but also the behavioural attitudes of our client reps using the emergency scenarios within the system. This type of training will not only enhance safety for dive supervisors, but it will also streamline processes which will save time and money for our clients.” The launch of the VR diver will follow later this year providing a full virtual reality training solution to be used both for planning phase of subsea operations, and for familiarisation of controls in chambers and diving bells.

Subsea UK News | May 2017



Prevco Develops Subsea Diver Operated Electrical Switch Prevco subsea have developed a new diver/surface operated subsea electrical switch. The development has been spearheaded over the last few months by engineer Don Christensen at the Prevco head office in Arizona, USA. The switch allows for the turning on-and-off of different functions within a subsea pressure vessel, for instance the turning on and off of power or electrical signals. It has several positions allowing for the control of up to 10 different functions with a four-position switch being Prevco’s standard. There are many customisable options for the switch including material, number of switch positions and hand held or attachment options. Prevco are currently making the devices from stainless steel, aluminium 7075 and titanium grade 5 with operating capabilities up to 6,000m. These material options address a broad range of applications related to corrosion resistance, material compatibility, depth rating, weight, and of course cost. Internally, the electrical function can be specified to include a single or multi-deck arrangement, single or dual poles and configured for the desired number of positions. It can be in a ‘break before make’ configuration where each rotation of the switch breaks the current contact before it makes a new contact at the next position. Alternatively, it can be configured as ‘make before break’ in which case as the switch rotates to the next stop, contact is maintained for a short while with the previous position before breaking. This is also known as ‘’shorting and nonshorting’’ switching. Diver switch FCR mount version

The switch was developed due to a clear need in the industry, reflected in the high customer demand.


EC-OG Switch on Subsea Power Hub Unit EC-OG has recently switched on the Subsea Power Hub (SPH) for the first time. The ocean current energy conversion system was successfully installed and is now fully operational. The unit, which is being tested at EMEC’s Shapinsay sound test site, is currently performing in line with the technical predications. The next step is to leave the SPH running 100% autonomously with wireless data monitoring over the summer months. This testing validates the technical capability of the system which has been designed to fulfil the need for cost-effective and reliable subsea power. This groundbreaking subsea hybrid drive system uses a combination of a marine energy convertor coupled directly to a lithium based energy storage system. Robert Cowman, Engineering Director at EC-OG said: “Although the weather was not on our side, we were still able to successfully complete the installation and commence testing ahead of schedule. The system is performing very well and I’m pleased at

how quickly the results are correlating with the theoretical basis for the test. Having a vertical axis turbine means that the SPH is operating effectively in these unpredictable, sporadic flow conditions. “Thanks go to the EC-OG team as well as those who have helped us at EMEC, Leask Marine, Castle View and Scottish Enterprise.”

Neil Kermode, EMEC Managing Director, said: “We’re

delighted to have EC-OG demonstrating their innovative power technology at EMEC. This is an exciting project for us building closer links with the wealth of offshore engineering experience evident in the North of Scotland. This is also a huge step forward for the oil and gas industry, incorporating renewable energy into their operations enabling them to work more efficiently.” Scottish Enterprise have been instrumental in the continued success of EC-OG, facilitating significant funding for the SPH development programme and supporting the business throughout the rapid growth journey. EC-OG were recently named Best Small Company at the Subsea UK Awards 2017.

Power Jacks has it All Configured Out Lifting and positioning specialist Power Jacks has introduced a new online engineering tool for customers with designs on instant access to the company’s product portfolio. The innovative portal system means design assistance or product selection is available to customers anywhere in the world, 24/7. “It’s our way of empowering customers who want to benefit from Power Jacks’ capabilities and expertise, and want to do so swiftly and efficiently,” said Marketing Director Bruce Hamper.

“For businesses located overseas, or with multiple international bases, we believe this online engineering resource is a genuine problem-solver – an immediate solution when timescales are tight and product reliability is paramount.”

The Power Jacks Portal – accessed via the company’s website www. – offers a single point of access to twin services: • a CAD Configurator, enabling users with a sound technical knowledge of their requirements to select a product type and then tailor it to their specific needs. From there, a CAD model can be downloaded in 3D or 2D in virtually any native format and a dynamic data sheet generated. • a Product Selector, allowing customers with less technical knowledge to enter their application parameters and let a built-in engineering intelligence system recommend the optimum product solution. The system then generates a CAD model and datasheet along with a summary of calculated values. The portal has a user-friendly dashboard facility and all its capabilities can be accessed via a single log-in – all customers have to do is register on the website. “We’re pleased to be adding this new dimension to our customer service capabilities,” said Bruce. “We understand the issues and challenges our customers can face, and we believe this new online engineering resource helps them to address those.” The service initially includes products for machine screw jacks, ball screw jacks, stainless steel screw jacks, linear actuators, bevel gearboxes and load links. However this is set to be enhanced as further products and system-building accessories are added. Power Jacks has chosen to base the portal on the CADENAS engine. “CADENAS is a world-leader in the development of CAD part systems and their delivery worldwide via the internet,” says Bruce. “Its commitment and development strategy mean our customers will have access to the best systems, using the latest technology. More than that, CADENAS has a global support structure in place to support our international customer base.”

Subsea UK News | May 2017



James Fisher and Sons PLC Acquires Wind Turbine Specialists Rotos 360 James Fisher and Sons plc (James Fisher) has announced the acquisition of Rotos 360 - a specialist wind turbine inspection and repair company. The acquisition further enhances James Fisher’s existing offshore renewables capabilities, Rotos 360’s innovative and uniquely efficient blade curing repair techniques have been proven to significantly reduce wind turbine downtime. The expanded service offering from James Fisher enables customers to achieve further supply chain optimisations and reduce contractual interface risks. The combination of assets and resource will support renewables projects around the UK, helping to deliver improved responsiveness and reduce costs.

“The acquisition of Rotos 360 provides James Fisher with market leading capability in wind turbine blade repair, further broadening its offering in the growing offshore wind farm sector. We are delighted to welcome the Rotos 360 team to the Group.”

Nick Henry, CEO of James Fisher said:

John Galliford, operations director of Rotos 360 said: “I’m delighted that Rotos 360 is joining the James Fisher group. The opportunities this affords us, to increase the scope and scale of the projects we undertake for customers through access to the Group’s wider resources, is huge.”

Scrabster Looks to the Future as it Doubles Oil & Gas Visits in Four Years Last year, Scrabster Harbour celebrated 175 years of operation. The harbour, situated next to Thurso on the north of Scotland, originally provided deep water anchorage to seafarers and became a key gateway to Orkney, Shetland, the Faroe Islands and Scandinavia, primarily as a fishing and ferry port. The harbour still proudly serves the fishing and ferry sector - the Scrabster Harbour Trust, who run the harbour, predict that 2017 will be one of their busiest years for both of these important sectors. However, the Trust has long recognised the importance of diversification. In 2013, the Trust invested £18m into the renovation of the Old Fish Market pier to transform it into the new Jubilee Quay to position the port as an attractive port to the oil and gas and renewables sectors. The Jubilee Pier allows suitable berthing for oil & gas vessels, such as supporting PSV, project mobilisation/ demobilisation and crew change activity. This investment has seen the number of offshore oil arrivals increase from 72 in 2012/13 to 136 in 2016/17 - almost doubling the number of visits in four years. The tonnage of vessels has increased from just under 300,000 tonnes in 2012/13 to almost 700,000 tonnes in 2016/17, which underlines the success of the new quay. The investment has allowed the harbour to welcome more businesses of the oil and gas sector and the Trust continues to invest in the harbour, with ambitious plans for the coming years.


Subsea UK News | May 2017

With the recent announcement by Hurricane Energy of the “largest undeveloped discovery” of oil in UK waters west of Shetland, Scrabster Harbour is well placed - both due to its geography and its infrastructure - to serve the sector now and in the coming years. From a small fishing port in 1841 to one of Scotland’s key harbour and business locations, the Trust believes Scrabster Harbour can play a pivotal role in the next chapter of Scotland’s oil and gas story. The harbour hopes to continue to welcome and service businesses for the next 175 years, the gateway to the North.


Brimmond Group Invest in New Large Marine Crane to Rental Fleet Brimmond Group have invested heavily in adding new rental assets, most recently an Effer 175000 6S marine crane capable of duties such as mattress recovery, boulder removal, subsea equipment deployment and general deck lifts. Along with its sub-division, Preffered Marine Cranes, Brimmond have been official Effer agents for over five years and have built up a sizable fleet of rental, new stock and second hand cranes. The new crane will be available from this month onwards and can be supplied with a DNV 2.7-3 base skid and HPU. With the cranes variable lifting capacity of over 20 tonnes at seven metres and over five tonnes at 21 metres, this crane aims to fulfil the market’s demand for larger outreach and lift requirements. New safety devices come as standard which include a variable sea state over load device. The provision of marine cranes greatly complements Brimmond Group’s wide range of services and equipment which includes the manufacture, rental, design, refurbishment, testing and service of equipment such as HPUs, umbilical reelers & spoolers, filtration spreads, pump packages and load testing to name just a few.

3D image of crane

Steven Simpson, Business Development Manager at Brimmond Group, said:

““We We have continued to invest in new equipment and services over recent years to meet our current and future clients’ requirements including the additional of multi-use marine cranes, large capacity diesel and electrical Hydraulic Power Units, variable flow filtration spreads and umbilical reelers. We are very optimistic about the future and have also recruited new design and hydraulic engineers to the team in recent months.”

Offshore Handling Systems Specialist Caley Appoints Engineering Sales Manager Offshore handling systems specialist, Caley Ocean Systems, has strengthened its sales team with the appointment of John Garratt as engineering sales manager. As a senior mechanical design engineer with Caley, John Garratt specialised in winches, drives and advanced hydraulic system design.

John Garratt - Engineering Sales Manager - Caley

John, a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), has worked at Caley for over 12 years. During this time, he has developed his skills, knowledge and expertise through design testing and on-site commissioning for clients around the world. Notable projects have included installation and commissioning of the Subsea 7 Borealis friction clamp pipelay system, and the design, development and deployment of the innovative Deepwater Lowering System for subsea deployments in the Gorgon field. “We are delighted that John Garratt has accepted the promotion to engineering sales manager. His knowledge, experience and strong interpersonal skills are already proving invaluable to the clients he is developing advanced handling system solutions with,” said Gregor McPherson, sales director, Caley Ocean Systems.

Namaka Subsea Appoint New Operations Manager Subsea consultancy company Namaka Subsea has appointed Angela Stephen as their Operations Manager to assist with ongoing operations as well as the development of the company within the UK and overseas. Director, Sandy Harper said: “This appointment is an important milestone for the company. With a high level of business activities within the UK and overseas, we decided that an Operations Manager was essential and having worked with Angela previously it was clear that she was the perfect candidate for the role.”

Angela Stephen Operations Manager

Namaka Subsea has been awarded several large contracts over the past two years and are continuing to grow both at home and overseas.

Subsea UK News | May 2017






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