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FEATURE SubTel Cable Map Updates
The SubTel Cable Map is built with the industry standard Esri ArcGIS platform and linked to the SubTel Forum Submarine Cable Database. It tracks the progress of some 300+ current and planned cable systems, 45+ cable ships, over 800 landing points, as well as mobile subscriptions and internet accessibility data for 254 countries. Systems are also linked to SubTel Forum’s News Now Feed, allowing viewing of current and archived news details.
This interactive map is a continual work and progress and regularly updated with pertinent data captured by analysts at SubTel Forum and feedback from our users. Our goal is to make easily available not only data from the Submarine Cable Almanac, but also more and more new layers of system information.
For this update, we have transitioned the map to the ArcGIS Dashboard platform. This allows users to see an array of key data points without having to dig through complicated menus and settings to drill down into the data that is important to you. Be sure to check out the slide over panel on the left hand side of the map to filter data based on Region, System Supplier, System Installer or System Owner.
Want to know how much capacity is available along Transpacific routes or how many kilometers of cable a supplier has produced over the last five year? Now all it takes is couple simple clicks to see your data!
We hope you continue to make use of the SubTel Cable Map in order to learn more about the industry yourself and educate others on the importance of submarine cable systems.
Please feel free to reach out to our Lead Analyst, Kieran Clark, should you have any comments, questions or updates at kclark@subtelforum.com. STF
Since the last issue of the Magazine, the map has updated 60 cable systems. The full list of updated systems are as follows:
2Africa AAG AC-1 AC-2 ADRIA-1 AJC Alasia ALBA-1 Aletar APG Arctic Connect ASC ATISA Avassa BALOK BKK Digitek CANI Ceiba-2 COBRACable Coral Sea Crosslake Fibre Curie DARE1 DGASA Dos Continentes Dunant Eastern Light EAUFON EllaLink FOA Grace Hopper Guantánamo Bay Cable H2 Cable HAVFRUE/AEC-2 HAVTOR Hawaiki Indigo Central Indigo West JGA North JGA South Junior Katittuq Nunavut Malbec Manatua One METISS MKCS
North Sea Connect PCCS PLCN PPC-1 SAEx1 SAEx2 SAIL SAM-1 SAPL SEA-ME-WE 3 SEAX-1 SJC2 SkagenFiber Southern Cross Southern Cross NEXT