10 minute read
Henri Michon de Vougy (18077-91)
Since our first issue in November 2001 more than 550 subject matter experts from around the world have provided timely insight into the health and ever-changing technology of our very special submarine cable industry. SubTel Forum’s vision has always been to be the “Voice of the Industry” and with their help we have done so. Thanks to all the Authors who have contributed to SubTel Forum over the last 19 years!
Abhijit Chitambar Abiodun Jagun Ph.D. Adam Hotchkiss Adam Kelly Adam Sharp Aislinn Klos Alain Peuch Alan Mauldin Alan Mccurdy Alan Robinson Alasdair Wilkie Alex Vaxmonsky Alexis DiGabriele Alexis Pilipetskii Alfred Richardson Alice Amiri Alice Leonard de Juvigny Alice Shelton Allan Green Amanda Prudden Amber Case Amy Marks Anders Ljung Anders Tysdal Andrea Rodriguez Andres Figoli Pacheco Andrew D. Lipman Andrew Oon Andrew Ray Andrew Rush Andrew Evans Andrew Lipman Andrew Ljung Andrew Lloyd Andrzej Borowiec Andy Bax Andy Cole Andy Lumsden Andy Palmer-Felgate Andy Riga Andy Shaw Anne LeBoutillier Antoine Lécroart António Nunes Anup Changaroth Arnaud Leroy Arunachalam Kandasamy Ashutosh Bhargava Barbara Dean Ph.D. Basil Demeroutis Benoit Kowalski Bernard Logan Bertrand Clesca Bill Barney Bill Burns Bill Carter Bill Glover Bill Kolb Bob Fredrickson Bran Herlihy Brett Ferenchak Brett O’Riley Brett Worrall Brian Crawford Brian Lavallée Bruce Neilson-Watts Bruce Rein Byron Clatterbuck Captain Nick Parker Caroline Elliott Cate Stubbings Catherine Creese Catherine Dixon Catherine Kuersten Charles Laperle Charles Foreman Charlotte Winter Chris Barnes Chris Bayly Chris Butler Chris de Josselin Chris Ellis Chris Wood Christian Annoque Christian Keogh Christian von der Ropp Christine Cabau Woehrel Christopher Noyes Christopher Wood Chuck Kaplan Cliff Scapellati Clifford Holliday Clive McNamara Colin Anderson Craig Donovan Dag Aanensen Daishi Masuda Dallas Meggitt Dan Parsons Daniel Carragher Daniel Hughes Daniel Perera Daniel Wiser Daryl Chaires David Cassidy David Coughlan David Lassner David Latin David Lipp David Liu Jianmin David Martin David Mazzzarese David Miller David Robles David Walters David Warnes Dean Veverka Debra Brask Denise Toombs Denise Wood Derek Cassidy Derek Greenham Derek Webster Devin Sappington Dmitri Foursa Donald Hussong Doug Madory Doug Ranahan Doug Stroud Douglas Burnett Edward Saade Edwin Danson Edwin Muth Elaine Stafford Emma Martin Emmanual Delanoque Emmanual Desurvire Eric Handa Erick Contag Erlend Anderson Eyal Lichtman Fan Xiaoyan Fiona Beck Francis Audet Francis Charpentier Frank Cuccio Frank DiMaria Frank Donaghy Ph.D. Funke Opeke Gabriel Ruhan Gareth Parry Gary Gibbs Gavin Rea Gavin Tully Genius Wong Geoff Ball Geoff Bennett Geoffrey Thornton Georg Mohs George H Baker George Krebs George M Foote George Miller George Samisoni George Tronsrue Lii Georges Krebs Gerald Soloway Glenn Gerstell Glenn Wellbrock Gordon Duzevich Graham White Graham Cooper Graham Evans Greg Berlocher Greg Kunkle Greg Otto Greg Stoner Greg Twitt Gregor McPherson Guillaume Huchet Gunnar Berthelsen Guy Arnos Hans Christian Nilsen Harold Bock Hector Hernandez Heiner Ottersberg Helen Veverka Henry Lancaster Henry Lancaster Herve Fevrier Ph.D. Himmat Singh Sandhu Horst Etzkorn Houlin Zhao Howard Kidorf Hubert Souise Hugh Thomson Hunter Newby Ian Davis Ian Douglas Ian Fletcher Ian Gaitch Ian Watson Igor Czajkowski Ilissa Miller Inge Vintermyr International SOS Ioannia Konstantinidis Iris Hong Jack Richards Jack Runfola
James Barton James Case James Cowie James Halliday James Herron James Neville Jan Kristoffer Brenne Jas Dhooper Jaynie Cutaia Jean Devos Jean-Francois Baget Jean-Marie Fontaine Jed Duvall Jeff Gardner Ph.D. Jeffrey Hill Jeffrey Hoel Jeffrey Snider Jennifer Gibbons Jeremiah Mendez Jerry Brown Ph.D. Jim Bishop Jim Byous Jim Lemberg Jing Ning Jiping Wen Joe Capasso Joel Ogren Joel Whitman Joerg Schwartz Ph.D. John Golding John Hibbard John Hill John Horne John Kasden John Manock John Melick John Pockett John Tibbles John Walker John Weisbruch Jon Seip Jonathan Liss Jordan Kearns Jorn Jespersen Jorn Wardeburg Jose Andres Ph.D. José Chesnoy Jose Duarte Joshua Henson Judi Clark Jukka-Pekka Joensuu Jules BenBenek Julian Rawle Kaori Shikinaka KarenBoman Karl Jeffery Katherine Edwards Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi Keith Russel Shaw Keith Schofield Ken du Vall Ken Weiner Kent Bressie Kevin Summers Kieran Clark Kjetil Korslund Kristian Nielsen Kristian Ohleth Kurt Ruderman Kylie Wansink Lara Garrett Larry Schwartz Laure Duvernay Laurie Miller Leigh Frame Leo Foulger Liam Talbot Linda Evans Lindsay McDonald Ling Zhao Lionel Carter Lucia Bibolini Lynsey Thomas Madeleine Findley Mai Abou-Shaban Marc Fullenbaum Marc-Richard Fortin Maria Garcia Alvarez Marianne Murfett Mark Davidson Mark Enright Mark Hukill Mark Wickham Marsha Spalding Martin Foster Mattais Fridström Matthew Milstead Mattias Fridström Maui Sanford Maxim Bolshitysnsky Meredith Cleveland Merrion Edwards Ph.D. Michael Reimer Michael Craigs Michael Jones Michaël Marie Michael Nedbal Ph.D. Michael Ruddy Michael Schneider Michael s Carter Michel Chbat Ph.D. Michel Martin Mick Greenham Mike Conradi Mike Daniel Mike Hynes Mike Last Mikinori Niino Mohamed Ahmed Mojeed Aluko Molilaauifogaa Seanoa-Lamua Morgan Heim Motoyashi Tokioka Muhammad Rashid Shafi Murray Eldridge Nancy Poirier Natasha Kahn Neal Bergano Neil Lambert Neil Tagare Nguyen Vu Nicholas Kazaz Nicole Starosielski Nigel Bayliff Nigel Shaw Nikos Nikolopoulos Ning Jing Norma Spruce Olav Harald Nordgard Olivier Courtois Olivier Plomteux Olivier Tremblay-Lavoie Omar Jassim Bin Kalban Pamela Barnett Panagiota Bosdogianni Pascal Pecci Patrick Faidherbe Paul Budde Paul Davidson Ph.D. Paul Deslandes Paul Eastaugh Paul Gabla Paul Gagnier Paul Grant Paul Hibbard Paul Kravis Paul McCann Paul Polishuk Ph.D. Paul Rudde Paul Savill Paul St. Clair Paul Szajowski Paul Treglia Paula Dobbyn Per Handsen Per Ingeberg Pete LeHardy Peter Bannister Peter Evans Peter Ford Peter Lange Peter Liu Peter Phibbs Peter Worthington Phil Footnman-Williams Philip Roche Philippe Dumont Pierre Tremblay Priyanth Mehta Puja Borries Ragnhild Katteland Raj Mishra Rannveig Bergerød Aase Rannveig Li Raul Magallenes Ray Chrisner Ray Drabble Remi Galasso Renzo Ravaglia Rex Ramsden Rich Potter Richard Faint Richard Kram Richard Nickelson Richard Blann Richard Buchanan Richard Elliott Richard Romagnino Rita Rukosueva Rob Eastwood Rob Hudome Rob Munier Robert Bannon Robert Lingle Jr. Robert Mazer Robert McCabe Robert Mecarini Robert Stuart Robert Thomas Robin Russell Rogan Hollis Roger Carver Roland Lim Rolf Boe Ron Crean Ross Buntrock Ross Pfeffer Rubayet Choudhury Russ Doig Rusty O’Connor Sally Sheedy Salon Ma Samir Seth Sammy Thomas Sandra Feldman Sarah Lockett Scott Foster Scott Griffith Scott McMullen Sean Bergin Serena Seng Sergei Makovejs Sergey Ten Seth Davis Shashank Krishna Sherry Sontag Shreya Gautam Siddhartha Raja Siew Ying Oak Simon Brodie Simon Frater Sir Christopher Bland Søren Arentsen Stan Kramer Stephane Delorme Stephanie Ingle Stephany Fan Stephen Dawe Stephen Dres Stephen Grubb Ph.D. Stephen Jarvis Stephen Lentz Stephen Nielsen Stephen Scott Stephen Wright Steve Arsenault Steve Briggs Steve Duthie Steve Grubb Ph.D. Steve Lentz Steve Misencik Steven Gringeri Steven Shamburek Steven Wells Stewart Ash Stuart Barnes Ph.D. Subtel Forum Research Team Sverre Myren Tayo Adelaja
Henri Michon de Vougy (18077-91)
Ted Clem Ph.D. Teijiro Kitamura Theresa Hyatte Thomas Popik Thomas Soja Tiejun Xia Tim Janaitis Tim Pugh Toby Bailey Todd Borkey Tom Davis Tom McMahon Tom Stronge Tong Liu Tony Frisch Travis Kassay Troy Tanner Trygve Hagevik TSA Newsfeed Tsunekazu Matsudaira Ulises Pin Ulrik Stridbæk Vegard Briggar Larsen Venkata Jasti Ph.D. Vicky Liang Vinay Nagpal Vinay Rathore Virginia Hoffman Vivian Hua Wang Jingwei Wang Ke Wang Yanpu Wayne Nielsen Wesley Wright Wildred Kwan William Barattino Ph.D. William Harrington William Harris William Marra Ph.D. William Wall Winston Qiu Xiaoyan Fan Xu Yewei Yali Liu
Thanks to all the sponsors that have contributed to SubTel Forum over the last 19 years. Yiannis Koulias Yoani Sanchez Yoshio Utsumi Yuzhu Hou Yves Baribeau Yves Ruggeri Yvonne Lin Zatri Arbi Zhang Kai Zhao Ling
Zhu Hongda
A2Sea AIS Live Alcatel-Lucent Anritsu APAC APTelecom AquaComms atlantic-cable.com Australia Japan Cable Axiom AZEA BJ Marketing Communications Boss Portal Cable & Wireless Caldwell Marine Ciena Columbus Networks Concept Experts Corning Cable Systems CTC Marine Projects CYTA Global Deltaic Systems Digital Energy Journal Digital Oilfields EGS e-Marine Entelec Ericsson Esri euNetworks Exfo, Inc. FLAG Fugro General Offshore Global Marine Systems Ltd Global Netwave Globalinx Subsea Colocation GlobeNet Great Eastern Group Hengtong Marine Cable Systems Hexatronic Huawei Marine Networks ICPC IEEE Workshop IHC EB Inchcape Shipping Services Infinera Information Gatekeepers International
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Systems Virginia Beach Economic Development WFN Strategies Xtera
play for offshore wind. those of public perceptions, will help to pave the way for STAY CURRENT community buy-in and long term success of these installa-
Climate Change tions. In the past century and a half, humans have come to
While the telecom industry has been operating for understand a significant amount about our oceans and how quite some time and has made significant advances in our they function. Through the course of hundreds of subsea knowledge of benthic marine environments, climate change cable installations, the telecom industry has been at the is one issue that we will have to face in conjunction with forefront of uncovering benthic knowledge. Our underall offshore maritime industries and the wider world. The standing of seafloor hydrology, shifting sediments, ecologpush for projects concerning environmental monitoring ical interactions, and even earthquakes and tsunamis has and communications is spreading throughout the industry, greatly increased. By taking what we have learned and apwith a current focus on issues relating to marine megafau- plying it to the burgeoning offshore wind industry, we can na and fisheries targets. Initiatives such as SMART cables best position ourselves to reap the rewards of an extensive and similar monitoring systems in offshore wind will go a renewables network while mitigating social, environmental, long way towards narrowing existing knowledge gaps and and ecological impacts. We have extensive local fisheries ensuring that we have lengthy and reliable data records as and communities networks, professional guard vessels and our seas undergo this period of immense change. crews, broad knowledge of the marine environmental and
As mentioned previously, interdisciplinary initiatives applicable requirements and legislation, and, above all, we such as ROSA will be integral in encouraging data sharing have a vision for long-term, sustainable success in harnessand data tracking as some common fisheries and conserva- ing our renewable natural resources for clean energy. To our tion target species exhibit spatial and temporal distribution partners in the offshore wind industry— we are ready and shifts. By working together, industry and local stakeholders willing to help you reach your goals. can broaden our collective knowledge of how the oceans around us will be impacted by climate change related phe- Emma Martin is the Marine Systems nomena. As such, we can hope to mitigate issues to the best Associate at Seagard. She has her BA in Biology from of our abilities and focus on nurturing sustainable growth Boston University, USA and her MSc in Marine Systems of both telecom and offshore wind industries, keeping the and Policies from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. world connected and providing reliable sources of clean, She has performed marine field work around the world and renewable wind energy. Similarly, collective knowledge on looks forward to continuing to support maritime infranatural system faults, both for subsea cables and offshore structure developments. wind infrastructure, will contribute to our understanding of how best to shift future engineering and operation innovations to cope with an increase in strength and frequency of inclement weather events and other climatic factors.
Summary Throughout both industries, a common theme is the importance of early and continued stakeholder engageFOLLOW US ON ment. “We stand by the idea that stakeholder engagement and outreach with other maritime users and operators is incredibly important,” Ryan Wopschall, ICPC GM states, “Raising awareness of subsea cables within the offshore renewable energy sector and encouraging developers and SOCIAL MEDIA stakeholders to contact us in regard to new and ongoing projects will further facilitate safe and efficient use of marine resources and long-term protection of seabed infrastructure.” All marine users must be considered throughout project development, and these considerations, alongside
NOVEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 115 79