3 minute read
Ihad the pleasure of attending ICPC in Madrid last month, which was an extremely well-considered and effective event for the 200 or so of us attendees. Not only was it the first time we met in the flesh in four years, but it was also a chance to meet or make friends with folks we had not seen for a long time, if ever. Congratulations to the ICPC team for making such a memorable plenary.
Welcome To Andres
Welcome to Andrés Fígoli who has volunteered to create a new department for SubTel Forum, that being Legal & Regulatory Matters. And for his premier article he has penned an interesting look at capacity agreements, namely “Three Things You Should Know About Capacity IRU Agreements.” We are thrilled to have his insights going forward.
Suboptic Awardees
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of SubTel Forum’s Excellence in Industry Awards presented in March at SubOptic ’23 in Bangkok; namely:
• Michael Clare, SubOptic 2023 Best Oral Presentation Award
• Kristina Shizuka Yamase Skarvang, SubOptic 2023 Best Poster Presentation Award
• Nancy Cai, SubOptic 2023 Best Newcomer Award
We have the pleasure of republishing their papers in this issue, which are all very interesting reads.
Submarine Cable Almanac
The 46th issue of the Submarine Cable Almanac will be available later in May and will contain details on every major submarine cable system in the world. Keep an eye out for all the new cables mentioned (https://subtelforum. com/almanac/).
Ask The Expert Button
In our last issue we added the “Ask the Expert” button to a number of department articles and are a little overwhelmed with the interest and response – Thanks – and please keep asking…
We are thrilled to be traveling to the UK at the end of the month and attending the Submarine Networks EMEA Conference. The folks at Total Telecom provided some excellent content to this issue, and we expect their event to be an excellent opportunity to learn, as well as see a lot of industry friends.
Thank You
Thanks for their support to this issue’s advertisers: Submarine Networks EMEA, Fígoli Consulting, and
WFN Strategies. Thanks also to the many authors who continue to make our issues interesting and so far reaching. Of course, our ever popular “where in the world are all those pesky cableships” is included as well.
Lastly, we hope that SubTel Forum continues to be your primary destination for news and analysis related to the submarine cable industry.
Stay well and save me a seat at the nearest pub – Slava Ukraini STF
A Publication of Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc.
www.subtelforum.com | ISSN No. 1948-3031
PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER: Wayne Nielsen | wnielsen@subtelforum.com | [+1] (703) 444-2527
VICE PRESIDENT: Kristian Nielsen | knielsen@subtelforum.com | [+1] (703) 444-0845
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Hector Hernandez | hhernandez@wfnstrategies.com | [+1] (210) 338-5413
EDITOR: Stephen Nielsen | snielsen@subtelforum.com
ANALYTICS: Kieran Clark | kclark@subtelforum.com | [+1] (540) 533-6965
SALES: sales@subtelforum.com | [+1] (703) 444-0845
DESIGN & PRODUCTION: Weswen Design | wendy@weswendesign.com
DEPARTMENT WRITERS: Andrés Fígoli, Iago Bojczuk, Kieran Clark, Kristian Nielsen, Philip Pilgrim, and Wayne Nielsen
FEATURE WRITERS: Andrew Desforges, Brian Lavallée, Chris Wood, Dag Roar Hjelme, David Tappin, Dean Veverka, Edward Pope, Emily Lane, Isobel Yeo, James Hunt, James Panuve, Jan Kristoffer Brenne, Jan Kristoffer Brenne, Jan Petter Morten, John Murray, John Tibbles, Julian Rawle, Keith Shaw, Kerry Merritt, Kevin Mackay, Kristian Nielsen, Kristina Shizuka, Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi, Marta Ribó, Martin Connelly, Michael Clare, Michael Williams, Nancy Cai, Nigel Parnell, Peter Talling, Richard Wysoczanski, Robin André Rørstadbotnen, Ronald Rapp, Sally Watson, Samiuela Fonua, Sarah Seabrook, Sean Bergin, Shane Cronin, Steinar Bjørnstad, Steinar Bjørnstad, Taaniela Kula, Tom Soja, Valey Kamalov, and Yamase Skarvang
NEXT ISSUE: JULY 2023 – Regional Systems featuring Submarine Networks World Conference Preview
Wayne Nielsen, Publisher
AUTHOR & ARTICLE INDEX: www.subtelforum.com/onlineindex
Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. www.subtelforum.com/corporate-information
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Margaret Nielsen, Wayne Nielsen and Kristian Nielsen
SubTel Forum Continuing Education, Division of Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc. www.subtelforum.com/education
CONTINUING EDUCATION DIRECTOR: Kristian Nielsen | knielsen@subtelforum.com | [+1] (703) 444-0845
Contributions are welcomed and should be forwarded to: pressroom@subtelforum.com.
Submarine Telecoms Forum magazine is published bimonthly by Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc., and is an independent commercial publication, serving as a freely accessible forum for professionals in industries connected with submarine optical fiber technologies and techniques. Submarine Telecoms Forum may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without the permission of the publishers.
Liability: While every care is taken in preparation of this publication, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information herein, or any errors which may occur in advertising or editorial content, or any consequence arising from any errors or omissions, and the editor reserves the right to edit any advertising or editorial material submitted for publication.
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Copyright © 2023 Submarine Telecoms Forum, Inc.