1 minute read

Question 5: A comparison with previous years

"How helpful has your involvement with SUBU been…" Average



N/A - Not been involved in SUBU

*Note. The option “N/A – Not been involved in SUBU,” has been added this year.

Not helpful

Slightly helpful

The proportion of students saying SUBU was at least helpful, with the factors on the previous slide, has increased by 7.8% since 2021.


Very helpful

Extremely helpful

In the same period, those saying SUBU was either very or extremely helpful has increased by 15.5%!

Question 6: Please select your top 3 preferred ways to hear about SUBU's activities/ events (e.g. on-campus events, Speak Week, Elections, campaigns, volunteering, clubs and societies, Student Summit, etc)

Instagram was by far the most popular choice for students for how to stay updated on SUBU, with it being selected by over three quarters of students.

More than a third of students chose email and Tik Tok.

Just under a third chose on-campus promotions and posters.

Question 7: In your opinion, how good is SUBU overall at communicating with students?

Between 2017 and 2021, the percentage of students who think SUBU communicates well or very well decreased by 9.6%.

However, this figure has increased by 20.8% since 2021 and is now 11.2% higher than in 2017!

Therefore, it is very positive that more students are now happy with how we communicate as an organisation.

Question 8: Have you heard of/ engaged with any of the following ways to influence SUBU’s work/ provide SUBU with feedback?

Over 40% of students said they have not heard of SimOn, Speak Week or the ‘Your Ideas’ Platform.

Over a third had not heard of Student Members’ Meetings or SUBU Summit.

Over 40% of students had engaged with Student Reps.

Less than 10% had not heard of Student Reps.

Less than 20% of students had not heard of the Full-Time or PartTime officers.

Question 9: How good is SUBU at updating students about the work it has done in response to student feedback?

Almost three quarters of students said that they believe SUBU is good or very good at updating students on the work it has done in response to feedback.

Only 5% said they believe SUBU is poor or very poor at updating students on how it responds to feedback.


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