4 minute read

Question 10: We would like to know how inclusive SUBU is for the diverse student population at BU:

"SUBU's involvement opportunities are of interest to me"

Approximately three quarters of students said they agree or strongly agree with all three statements, highlighting the inclusivity of SUBU.


"SUBU is inclusive for me personally"

Strongly disagree

Less than 5% said they disagree or strongly disagree with each of the three statements.

Question 11: We've noticed campus is sometimes quieter than expected. Please tell us whether the following things affected your ability to come onto campus this year:

A majority of students said the cost of food and drink and a part-time job affected their ability to come onto campus.

More than 40% also said that a lack of face-to-face activities, travel costs and it simply not seeming “worth it” were also factors.

It just doesn't seem 'worth it' for me to come onto campus

Lack of space on campus for personal study, group work, etc

Lack of staff available face-to-face on campus

These findings suggest that the cost of living and a lack of incentives are the most significant factors explaining why the number of students coming to campus has been lower than expected.

The Cost-of-Living impact on different groups of students

64.6% of students were impacted by the cost of food and drink of campus.

50.9% of students were impacted by having a part-time job.

41.3% of students were impacted by travel costs.

These proportions were higher for international students (EU and non-EU).

70.3% were impacted by the cost of food and drink of campus.

60.0% were impacted by a part-time job.

53.8% were impacted by travel costs.

The impact is different for certain groups of students, for example, those aged over 30.

64.0% were impacted by the cost of food and drink of campus.

44.0% were impacted by a part-time job.

62.0% were impacted by travel costs.


An overwhelming majority of students said their timetabled learning was either all or mostly face-to-face.

All face-to-face

Mostly face-to-face with some online

An even balance of face-to-face and online

Mostly online All online

Less one in ten students said that they had an even balance of face-to-face and online timetabled learning.

Just over 3% of students said their timetabled learning was either mostly or all online.

Question 13: In your opinion, does SUBU influence positive change in the University for students?

The percentage of students who think SUBU influences positive change decreased by 11.3% between 2017 and 2021. This has since increased by 6.8% to just over three quarters of students.

However, this is still 3.5% lower than in 2017. SUBU is keen to see this figure increase even further in the future.

77.3% of students said they felt SUBU did influence positive change in the University for students. This was the case for 82.9% of the students who said they were actively involved in one or more aspects of SUBU in Question 1. Therefore, those more involved in SUBU were more likely to see the positive change it provides for students.

The impact of SUBU from different groups

These proportions vary for student groups.

80.9% of female students.

78.2% of our LGBT+ students.

80.6% of our transgender students.

78.9% of students aged under 21.

80.0% of students aged over 30.

74.4% of international students (EU and non-EU).

82.2% of students with children or dependents.

Question 14: What should SUBU start doing (that we're not doing already) to be a better Students' Union for you?

Communication with students

66 out of 361 free text comments (18.3%)

“Separate emails for club/nightlife events or ability to turn these off in my regular emails, ability to filter the types of promotion I receive from the SUBU email.”

• Students wanted SUBU to have more presence on campus.

“Advertise more.”

“More involvement and presence on campus.”

• Students stated they wanted more awareness of the events that were taking place.

• Some students wanted to hear more about specific social events, such as nightlife events.

“More advertisement of what the plans are and how students can help.”

“More awareness of what they [SUBU] do/work on.”

Question 14: What should SUBU start doing (that we're not doing already) to be a better Students' Union for you?

Cost of living

54 out of 361 free text comments (15.0%)

“Make food cheaper. Bring back £1 breakfast.”

• Many of the comments related to students’ cost of living are similar to feedback received throughout the year.

“Lower costs, more paid jobs.”

“Reduce cost of food for students who are struggling because of the Cost of Living crisis.”

• Many of the comments addressed concerns over the price of food and drink on campus.

• Another theme raised was a desire for more paid jobs on campus.

“Organising free events where students can participate and have fun. Paying for every event is not optimal for students.”

“Have more help with students struggling with finance and Uni at the same time.”

“Make some food more affordable.”

Question 14: What should SUBU start doing (that we're not doing already) to be a better Students' Union for you?

Improve events

53 out of 361 free text comments (14.7%)

“More timetabled in social events so people have to the chance to meet AUB and BU students not just one or the other.”

• There were multiple comments from students saying that SUBU should provide more events for students.

“More activities for PGR/PhDs.”

• This included a wider variety of events.

• These events included more outdoor trips, less activities based around alcohol.

• Some students asked for more events for specific types of students.

“I would like more socials, fun activities, day trips that are NOT based around alcohol or apart of ResLife.”

“More small events which are advertised at accommodations.”

“More events on campus to help get a wider range of people involved.”

Question 15: "When I consider everything that SUBU does, (SUBU Advice, Student Reps, clubs and societies, campaigns, etc.) SUBU has a positive impact on my life as a student"?

The percentage of students who think SUBU has a positive impact decreased by 20.4% between 2017 and 2021.

This figure has increased by 17.8% since 2021, with over 80% of students now saying they think SUBU has a positive impact.

However, this is still 2.6% lower than in 2017. SUBU is keen to see this figure increase further in the next couple of years.

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