Volunteer Committee Roles and Responsibilities

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Committee Roles and Responsibilities 2013/2014 The Volunteering Committee exists to help plan, organise and run the events of SUBU Volunteering. It should help to promote the value of volunteering among the student body. Join us and a growing number of students to make a difference in the local community. Last year SUBU Volunteering and the Volunteer Committee helped:  Over 425 students volunteered  They gave over 2,000 hours of their time  Between them they completed over 700 volunteering opportunities  MAD (Make a Difference) Days  2 Student Led Project

Mission Statement To take action together to improve our communities by making a difference!

Values: Promote & facilitate involvement to tackle problems & fulfil the needs of the community with drive & enthusiasm. Gather students’ interest into addressing communities’ needs. Create a partnership between students & organisations (charities) to ensure harmonious & valuable collaboration.

Aims: 

Take action

See results

Make a difference

Feel good


People take an active role



Enjoy a new experience – life/work


Team work



General Expectations Time Commitment    

You will be expected to attend fortnightly meetings during term time and weekly meetings during busy periods. You will also be expected to liaise with the volunteer co-ordinator on a fortnightly basis. Planning events and research will also be part of your weekly duties where necessary outside of committee meetings. Attendance at volunteering events is also expected. You will also be expected to attend the initial committee training and team building session during the summer (date tbc).

Location  

The majority of meetings will usually take place on Talbot Campus. Volunteering events will be on Talbot Campus, Lansdowne Campus and within the local community. Transport will be provided where necessary.

Support 

There will be 3 monthly meetings with the volunteer co-ordinator to check that you are happy within your role and to discuss any training requirements

Benefits    

Make yourself more employable. It looks great on your CV and you will learn many new skills which could include leadership, time management, budgeting, events planning, organisation, communication and collaborative working. Access to BU training as required Meet new people Have fun while doing something worthwhile

Rules 

The committee must meet at least once a fortnight.

You must inform the secretary in advance if you cannot attend a meeting.

If you are regularly absent from meetings we will review your position in the committee.

All expenses must be authorised/approved by the volunteer Co-ordinator.

If a time for a committee meeting has been set the committee will start at that time and late comers will join in when they arrive.

The committee will respect people when they are voicing an opinion & will not talk over one another.

Every committee member has an equal voice.

President The Executive Officer for Volunteering is automatically elected as President of the Volunteering Committee Specific Roles and Responsibilities   

    

Co-ordinates the activities of the committee and ensures the committee are achieving their goals Chair committee meetings Set the agenda with the help of the volunteer co-ordinator leaving time for other committee members to discuss their projects. Liaison with local volunteer groups with the volunteer co-ordinator Liaison with other student led volunteering groups from other Universities and Students’ Unions with the volunteer co-ordinator Be responsible for the [committee name]’s email account Help to organise and implement activities during National Student Volunteering Week Complete a handover to the new President at the end of the academic year

Secretary & Communications Officer Specific Roles and Responsibilities           

Organise all Committee meetings including booking rooms Liaise with the rest of committee to ensure the date of committee meetings is most suitable for the committee and keep a record of apologies sent Write the minutes of meetings and distribute these to the committee and volunteer co-ordinator Ensure action points are written within the minutes and keep track of these being actioned in a timely manner Keep a diary of all events the committee are running. Help to organise and implement activities during National Student Volunteering Week Complete a handover to the new Secretary & Communications Officer at the end of the academic year Ensure that Facebook and Twitter feeds are kept up to date Create press releases Responsible for adding the committee’s opportunities onto the SUBU Volunteering website Help to create publicity material for the committee

Volunteer Officer (x3 positions) Specific Roles and Responsibilities           

Take the lead on some volunteering projects Research in the community what types of events are required Organise projects with the help of other committee members Complete risk assessments with the help of the volunteer co-ordinator Point of contact for students that would like to set up their own project alongside the volunteer coordinator Help to organise and implement activities during National Student Volunteering Week Complete a handover to the new committee members at the end of the academic year Liaise with the Students’ Union Green Team and other Executive Committee Officers as appropriate Carry on the mission and values that were set up by last year’s committee. Promotion of SUBU Volunteering among the student body Attendance at volunteering events and on-going student projects

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