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new year, new you

Got the winter blahs? You’re not alone. With the lighthearted holidays behind us and a stretch of cold, dark days ahead, this time of year can be rough, especially when many of us are forced to isolate away from friends and family. Banish winter yuck with a few of these nourishing self-care tips.

Rest. With Covid-19 continuing to surge (not to mention the flu, colds and various other ailments running crazy eights through many households this time of the year), taking time to rest can help protect your health. Treat yourself to a cat nap, early bedtime, or simply rest with your eyes closed for 15 minutes.


Tip: Are worries keeping you awake? Write them down in a worry journal along with three daily gratitudes. Spray lavender essential oil mixed with water on your pillow. Then, lights out.

Collect the good stuff. File away feel-good comments people share with you and read them when you’re down. Make a Pinterest board with items that raise your spirits like inspiring quotes, pretty homes, or comforting recipes.

Tip: Start a Joy Jar. Include notes from friends, photos that lift your spirits, enlightening quotes, small trinkets, funny quips from your kids or daily gratitudes.

Make lists. No, not to-do lists which can only serve to overwhelm a tired, tender spirit. Instead make lists that answer questions like: Wouldn’t it be amazing if…? What are my dreams? What do I need less of in order to get more of what I want in my life? What am I grateful for? Who am I grateful for? What did I notice today? Or simply list your favorite books, movies, people, music, etc.

Tip: Decorate a special notebook just for your dream lists.

Disconnect. Just as you can catch feelings of sadness, anger or happiness from people you interact with face-to-face, a study published in the journal Proceedings in the National Academy of Sciences suggests that emotionallycharged posts on social media can also influence your mood. Notice if you feel bummed or drained after spending time on social media. Curate your feed by unfollowing consistently negative individuals or groups, disable constant news notifications, and be aware of the types of posts you click on and share.

Tip: Take weekly social media sabbaths and establish daily time limits to regain control. Curb social media use by downloading an app like Space, Freedom or App Detox.

Listen. Dial up your favorite tunes by creating music playlists that either soothe or energize you. Also, try a guided meditation. Even a few minutes a day can help you interrupt the loop of negative, anxiety-provoking thoughts.

Tip: Check out the many mindfulness apps available like Insight Timer, Calm, Head-space, and Stop Panic and Anxiety.

Get away—sort of. Escape winter by traveling to a warm, sunny spot virtually. At VisitFlorida.com, feast your eyes on a beach bonfire or watch a sunrise while listening to the soothing sounds of the surf. Or visit Hawaii on YouTube and take a relaxing two-hour stroll along Waikiki Beach in Oahu.

Tip: Get into the spirit of your virtual getaway by making food and beverages inspired by the destination. At DiscoverPuertoRico.

By Christa Melnyk Hines

com, for example, take a virtual road trip around the island while sipping on a cocktail like a pina colada or mojito. (Check out YouTube or Pinterest for recipes.)

Read. From inspiring memoirs, humorous essays to page-turning novels, curl up with a book and a warm beverage. Share your love of reading by starting a virtual book club with other enthusiastic bibliophiles.

Tip: Follow your favorite authors online for quick hits of inspiration.

Relax. Are you someone like me who has trouble warming up on a cold day? On days like that, my go-to is a warm, soothing bath. Candles and lavender Epsom salts are inexpensive ways to make bath time even more special.

Tip: Schedule a massage, hot stone treatment, manicure or pedicure. Don’t forget to ask about their COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

Seek deeper conversation. Remember how good you feel after you’ve spent time laughing or discussing meaningful topics with close friends? Good conversation that goes deeper than small talk helps us feel a strong sense of connection with others. And, it’s good for you. Even time spent virtually with good friends can help boost our immune sysTip: Schedule a Zoom or FaceTime coffee or cocktail hour with a friend or two. Even an hour will make a significant difference in your outlook.

Give. Big or small, doing something kind for someone is uplifting times two! Surprise an acquaintance with a thoughtful note, mail a funny card to a friend, or post a positive review for a local business.

Tip: Pay for the customer behind you in the drive-thru at your favorite coffee shop. Baristas say they get inspired by this practice too!

Exercise. If weather permits, bundle up and take a walk. The fresh air, the bright light of the sun on your face and time spent in nature can effectively lift an otherwise damp mood. If you can’t get outside, any kind of regular exercise can boost the feel-good endorphins in your body. For additional motivation, ask a friend to join you for a socially distanced stroll.

Tip: Part of healthy living includes feeding your body well. Choose colorful berries, winter vegetables and comforting soups.

Play. We aren’t designed to work, work, work all of the time. Even animals play! Play with paint, turn on the tunes for an impromptu dance party with your kids, or try a Pinterest project just for fun.

Tip: Get your family playing by scheduling a game night or goofing off outside together.

Declutter. Feeling stuck and bogged down? Begin decluttering your home, and you’ll immediately feel lighter. Start with things that are broken, damaged, no longer fit or no longer bring you joy.

Tip: Grab a bag or box and go around your house, picking up something from each room that you are ready to give away or discard. For additional tips, check out the book Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver.

Laugh. With all of the chatter, vitriolic opinions, depressing news and chaos in the world right now, it’s easy to get mired in everything that isn’t going right. Sharing silly memes and videos on social media, talking with a friend who makes you laugh, and watching laugh out loud sitcoms helps.

Tip: Set your DVR to record reruns of your favorite sitcoms or funny movies and watch when you need a break.

**Note: Depression and anxiety are serious health conditions. Please consult your physician if you continue to struggle.**





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The Forge: Lemont Quarries

Why waste a perfectly good winter stuck inside? Winter is just another reason to get outside and play at The Forge! At The Forge Ice Skating Shelf, the family can take to the ice for a classic winter activity. Or sign-up for The Forge Winter Classic: 3 on 3 Shinny Hockey Tournament, a series of pond hockey tournaments for all ages and skill levels. Looking for a family outdoor dining experience? Globe Dining offers an unforgettable meal under the stars in our cozy, clear globes. For exhilarating activities, food experiences like no other, unique seasonal events, and more, head to www.forgeparks.com. Embrace the winter outdoors!

MISH MASH Adventures

MISH MASH Adventures is an indoor urban adventure where teams of 2-6 players work together to complete the challenges that are behind every door. Each challenge and room is different, taking 3-5 minutes to successfully complete. Some are physical, like the floor is lava - and some are logic, but you won’t know until you open the door! Private bookings available. MISH MASH is located in Fox Valley Mall, Aurora, IL. Book online at www.mishmashadventures.com or call 630-339-3609.

Ice Castles

Ice Castles is an awe-inspiring, must-see winter phenomenon that brings fairytales to life. The experience is built entirely by hand using hundreds of thousands of icicles hand-placed by professional ice artists. The castles include breathtaking LED-lit sculptures, frozen thrones, ice-carved tunnels, slides, and fountains. Geneva National Resort, 1221 Geneva National Ave S, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. For more info visit: www.icecastles. com/wisconsin

Lyman Woods Nature Programs

Nature programs at Lyman Woods offer outdoor adventures to explorers of all ages! Kids can enjoy programs such as outdoor cooking, gardening, campouts, scavenger hunts and more. For adults, Lyman Woods offers beekeeping workshops, dog training classes and more! Looking for a unique date night? Join our Wild Nights Out for Adults featuring a nighttime hike. Once the cold weather sets in, visitors can enjoy the wonders of winter at Lyman Woods with snowshoe rentals! 901 31st Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630.963.9388. www.lymanwoods.org Learn more and register at www.dgparks.org.

Fleetwood Roller Rink - Summit

Fleetwood Roller Rink (established 1957) is a family-owned business. Our venue hosts public skating, birthday parties (our specialty) privates and fundraisers. We promote family fun for all ages plus for “health sake, roller skate” Come visit us and join in our fun. Instruction available every Saturday at 1 pm Check for our ongoing specials and public skating times. Located at 7231 West Archer Ave., Summit. 708-458-0300. www. fleetwoodrollerrink.com

Hit the ‘Slopes’

By Sherry Wells

For some people, the first sign of snow means it is time to dig out the wool socks and blankets and go into hibernation. For others, though, it means time to wax those skis and hit the slopes!

Skiing is an incredible sport that involves physical, mental, social and emotional aspects of wellness. Often times winter can bring people into a depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.). Skiing combines the great outdoor air with physical activity and some sunshine exposure that many people forget about. With a year like we’ve had, skiing is an outdoor activity families can choose to do safely within CDC guidelines,outdoors. Ski gear is expensive so if you’re a first-timer then rent your skis or snowboard, ski boots and ski poles otherwise, pack it.

Nothing ruins skiing quite like getting wet so make sure you pack the right ski clothing to stay dry. Again, first-timers can rent or borrow a ski jacket but if you’re looking to get your own then there are two key things to look out for: waterproof rating and breathability.

When it comes to ski clothing, the most wellknown and trusted materials used for waterproofing and breathability are Gore-Tex and eVent.

Waterproofing is essential for ski pants as they get more snow on them as you fall over, sit on chairlifts or sit on the snow waiting for your friends. Same rules apply as ski jackets: rent or buy if it’s your first time.

A helmet is the most important item you will wear on the slopes. If you don’t want to buy one or if you forget to pack yours, you can rent one for under at most ski resorts. It could mean the difference between another lap on the slopes or a trip to the hospital. Just wear it.

You need goggles to avoid glare, increase contrast and they’re important for protection from the cold, wind or debris which is why they are preferred over sunglasses.

Ski Gloves or mittens. are a most. Just make sure they’re waterproof and insulated.

Socks could be the difference between a good day or a bad day. Get a good pair of socks, either a tall woolen pair or if you’re vegan/

Places to ‘hit the slopes’...

Whitecap Mountains - 9106W CTY Rd E, Upson, WI. whitecapsresort.com

Villa Olivia - 1401 W Lake St, Bartlett, IL bartlettparks.org

Four Lakes Alpine Snowsports - 5750 Lakeside Dr, Lisle., IL fourlakessnowsports.com

Cascade Mountain - W10441 Cascade Mountain Rd, Portage, WI. cascademountain.com

Wilmot Mountain - 11931 Fox River Rd, Wilmot, WI. wilmotmountain.com

Alpine Valley Resort - W2501 Co Rd D, Elkhorn, WI. alpinevalleyresort.com

Devil’s Head Resort - S6330 Bluff Rd, Merrimac, WI. devilsheadresort.com

Granite Peak Ski Area - 227200 Snowbird Drive, Wausau, WI. skigranitepeak.com.







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Don’t stay cooped up this winter, get outside and PLAY!

All winter-long, enjoy awesome outdoor experiences you can’t get anywhere else. From delicious outdoor dining to tree-lit wonder, classic ice skating outings to shinny hockey tournaments, the world’s tallest climbing towers to a stroll through nature - there’s something for everyone to enjoy!

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