Irving Parent, December 2019

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December 2019 \ FREE

Money Matters










reparations for Christmas are upon us! And with all the festivities, decorating, socializing, and shopping, we need to take a break and reflect. Buried under all the worldly preparations for Christmas is an innate longing for something more meaningful. And not recognizing this, our emotions can become depleted. In our family, celebrating the season of Advent, which is the time of prayerful preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas, helps us remember the real joys of Christmas. Yes, of course, we too are busy with decorations, gifts, wrapping, celebrations, etc., but having those advent candles glowing on our table at breakfast and again at dinner is a reminder of the true gift of Christmas. A few years ago I went shopping for Advent candles, and a woman in line with me asked why I had 3 purple, one pink and one white candle. I told her that these were for celebrating the Season of Advent (Latin: adventus=arrival) which starts four Sundays prior to Christmas Day. It’s a time to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus. Continuing, I explained that these 4 weeks simply enrich My command is the celebration of Christmas and allow us to have a God-focused experience, both precious and peaceful during what is often a hectic this: Love each holiday season. other as I have Stay true to your traditions! When they are done right they lend a loved you. certain magic and spirit to our own lives. Blessings to all our readers and advertisers! — John 15:12


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COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Misty Stagnone Photography

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ACCOUNTING Carrie Vincent

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Carter, 6 years Carter is in first grade and has a younger sister named Carly (3). He loves to help his mom cook and he likes to play checkers with his Papa. He also likes to make blog videos. Mostly, he enjoys playing and watching sports. When he grows up, he wants to be a professional football player.


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Suburban Parent and Irving Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.

YOU SHOULD KNOW All we want for Christmas is...

ALL WE WANT In a CensusWide survey, nearly half of the women surveyed said they want jewelry for Christmas. The next lower percentage said they’d like a weekend break or holiday. Gift vouchers to a favorite store are third on the list followed by handmade presents. For men, a third of them want gift vouchers, but only around 20% get them. Another third want clothing, but way more than a third (almost half) gets clothing. What do you want for Christmas this year?


Teenage Happiness

Etiquette experts say it’s fine to regift things, but there are guidelines to follow when doing it. Regifting shouldn’t be about unloading something you don’t want. No, you should be as thoughtful as when you’re buying a new gift and consider who might actually like it. Only give it away if it’s in perfect condition in its original packaging. Rewrap it completely. And, don’t give it to someone who knows or interacts with the original giver. If you get caught, tell the truth. With the rising popularity of second-hand and sustainable goods, regifting is definitely better than throwing an item away.

DON’T RECYCLE? When all the gifts are open, remember, not all wrapping paper is recyclable. If it’s shiny, laminated, metallic, textured or has glitter on it, it can’t be recycled. And, putting it in the recycle bin will make the entire load unrecyclable. Unlaminated paperbased and pre-recycled wrapping papers are usually recyclable. So try to use those kinds of paper this year. Better yet, think of other ways to “wrap” your gifts.


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Teen angst and moodiness are simply a part of growing up. But studies show that teenagers are actually happier than adults. Why? Because they have high expectations for their futures. Other things that affect teen happiness include healthy eating and physical activity. Studies also show access to the internet makes teens happy, but too much time spent online leads to unhappiness. The biggest influence on teen happiness, though, is family. Rich or poor, teens are happier in a stable home life. What a great reminder to put the focus on family this Christmas!


This Christmas, give gifts that won’t end up in a yard sale or landfill. Consider passing on an heirloom, a favorite book, or a plant. Give an experience instead of an object. Start a saving’s account or make a donation. Create something handmade or bake something homemade. If you must shop, choose things of value, purpose, and meaning, or at least made from recycled or sustainably sourced materials.

- A DV E R TO R I A L -

Seven years without a cold? NEW DEVICE STOPS A COLD BEFORE IT STARTS


ore and more people are saying they just don’t get colds anymore. They are using a new device made of pure copper, which scientists say kills cold and flu viruses. Doug Cornell invented the device in 2012. “I haven’t had a single cold since then,” he says. People were skeptical but EPA and university studies demonstrate repeatedly that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper.

That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about viruses and bacteria, but now we do. Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in seconds. So some hospitals tried copper touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives. Colds start after cold viruses get in your nose, so the vast body of research gave Cornell an idea. When he next felt a cold about to start, he fashioned a smooth copper probe and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never got going.” It worked again every time.

He asked relatives and friends to try it. They said it worked for them, too, so he patented CopperZap™ and put it on the market. Now tens of thousands of people have tried it. Nearly 100% of feedback said the copper stops colds if used within 3 hours after the first sign. Even up to 2 days, if they still get the cold it is milder and they feel better. Pat McAllister got one for Christmas and said “one of the best presents ever. This little jewel really works.” Now thousands of users have simply stopped getting colds. People often use CopperZap preventively. Frequent flier Karen Gauci used to get colds after crowded flights. Though skeptical, she tried it several times a day on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed.

a 2-day sinus headache. She tried CopperZap. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” Many say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.” Copper can also stop flu if used early and for several days. Lab technicians placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found alive soon after. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams confirming the discovery. He placed millions of disease germs on copper. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched the surface,” he said. The handle is curved and finely textured to improve contact. It kills germs picked up on fingers and hands to protect you and your family. Children can use CopperZap on their hands and fingers but should not use it in the nose. Copper even kills deadly germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. If you are near sick people, a moment of handling it may keep serious infection away from you and your loved ones. The EPA says copper still works even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of different disease germs so it can prevent serious or even fatal illness.



Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people are sick around her she uses CopperZap morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had colds going round and round, but not me.” Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had

It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. It is $69.95.


BUY ONCE, USE FOREVER. WWW.COPPERZAP.COM • 1-888-411-6114 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent DECEMBER 2019




What will my three year old learn in preschool that I can’t teach him at home?

All learning starts at home. While this isn’t an option for many parents, finding an excellent preschool program that will partner with you in caring for your child is essential. A preschooler will thrive in the right environment where they are loved, nurtured and encouraged. A great preschool program helps strengthen your child’s social and emotional development, allowing them to explore, interact and play with others their age. Learning to make decisions independent of their parents and learning to interact within a group setting through playing in centers and group time, fosters independence and confidence. A language-rich environment is pertinent to their vocabulary and will benefit their speech. They will also begin learning pre-math and pre-literacy skills and gain fine and gross motor skills. And finally, your child should have fun and develop a positive attitude towards learning. Paige DeLeon \ Lower School Principal Prestonwood Christian Academy


should my child stop Q When using a pacifier? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends stopping pacifier usage around 12 months since it has shown some correlation with middle ear infections. This is also recommended by Speech-Language Pathologists to prevent complications from prolonged use such as dental malocclusion, otitis media, tongue thrusting and frontal lisps. It’s recommended to just go “cold turkey” to stop the pacifier usage. There might be a few rough days, but then it is DONE. A visit from the “Paci Fairy” could take them away or children can wrap them up to deliver to a baby or hospital where babies can use them. Wink, Wink! An alternate soother like a stuffed animal could replace the pacifier. It’s a tough part of growing up, but essential to development. Meredith Sorokwasz, MA, CCC-SLP Speech-Language Pathologist and Owner Let’s Talk Speech Therapy

The Holidays make me sad, though I try not to show it. Do you have any tips to make them more enjoyable?

First, know that THIS IS NORMAL! We are told this is “the most wonderful time of the year” and set up unrealistic ideas that we must always be joyful. Be true to yourself and be proud of where you are today. Spend time with people you love and that uplift you. Also, spend quality time with yourself. Do something that makes YOU happy. This self-care can be active or relaxing. Find a balance and limit extremes too. Often we feel like we are pulled to one extreme or another (super busy and stressed, then hibernation mode). Finally, reframe your thinking. Change negative thoughts into a positive or neutral outlook on situations. If you feel like you can’t do this by yourself, reach out to a professional. Katrina Colwick, MA, LMFT \ Marriage and Family Therapist Colwick Counseling


How do I keep my preschooler healthy during the holidays?

For preschoolers and little ones new to sharing germs, staying healthy through cold and flu season can be a challenge. Getting exposed to viruses can lead to colds, ear infections, and more seriously influenza. Many of the viruses kids will encounter this season, such as influenza (flu), rhinovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are spread through droplets or contact. This means the things they touch and the people closest to them can spread germs to your kiddos. Help children stay healthy by reminding them to 1. Keep their hands washed and away from the face. 2. Cough and sneeze into their elbow. 3. Snack on whole fruits and vegetables. Most importantly, talk to your child’s pediatrician about getting the flu vaccine. Have a healthy holiday season! Dr. Angela Moemeka \ Pediatrician \ Mark9 Pediatrics

Our Experts Meredith Sorokwasz


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Paige DeLeon

Katrina Colwick

Dr. Angela Moemeka

Wear a Smile; it fits all sizes! • Board Certified Pediatric Dentist • Now accepting most PPO, Chip and Medicaid • IV sedation and hospital privileges

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Now Enrolling (Limited Space) Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent DECEMBER 2019



Dreaming of Ballet

LITTLE FINGERS BALLET Finger holes, ballet leggings, and a dash of imagination will immerse readers as they flip the pages and test out ballet steps from the actual choreography of their favorite shows. The pages feature scenes so beautiful that readers’ heartbeats will dance along. With stunning art and interactivity – your little dancers will want to keep reading! Ashley Marie Mireles \ For Kids A Story of a Flamingo That Never Gave Up

FABULOUS FLOYD Even before he hatched, Floyd’s keepers knew his life would be different! This inspiring children’s book is about a real flamingo at the San Diego Zoo who overcame many obstacles in this life, including several operations to straighten his crooked legs. Floyd encouraged others to never give up! Georgeanne Irvine \ For Kids

MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT LIFE 127 Exercises for Self-Acceptance

More books about animals coming soon! True Story of a Brave Baby Orangutan

KAREN’S HEART Karen the Orangutan has always been special to her caretakers at the San Diego Zoo. This is the true story of this orangutan’s brave journey through historymaking heart surgery and a challenging recovery and how, in the process, she won the hearts of everyone around her.

An interactive journal that shows how to ease the pressure in our daily lives, with charmingly illustrated activities and exercises. Get tips for breaking out of the usual routine. Find prompts to inspire us to be gentler on ourselves, to slow down and not worry so much about racking up accomplishments. Embrace the things that make you, you.

Georgeanne Irvine \ For Kids

Irene Smit & Astrid Van Der Hulst For Adults

Choo, Choo...Let’s Talk Family

CHRISTMAS TRAIN This festive train will chug its way into readers’ hearts this holiday season. Bright and adorable elves, snuggly snowmen, friendly carolers, Santa, and more Christmas characters each teach counting and seek-and-find skills. This adorable two-in-one board book unfolds into a 56” train (perfect for playtime or room décor!). David Miles \ For Kids


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AKE FINANCIAL GOALS MORE ATTAINABLE The key to achieving financial goals is to make them measurable. Try to focus on achievable outcomes that slowly push you in the right direction financially. For example, if you are planning to make a large purchase, give yourself a specific, short-term goal like saving $50 from a paycheck so you can effectively measure your progress and build toward your purchase over time. Redeeming your credit card rewards wisely can also help you more seamlessly reach your financial goals. Some cards allow you to redeem cash rewards directly into a checking or savings account or to apply to your credit card balance. In some cases, rewards can also be applied into longer-term investments like 529 accounts for college savings or a retirement fund, letting your everyday spending help fuel your future goals. Earning cash back on everyday purchases can provide extra funds to invest, splurge on a family vacation, or put a down payment on a new car. Whatever your financial goals are, a rewards card can help you get closer to achieving them. REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CREDIT CARDS IN YOUR WALLET About 52% of Americans weigh down their wallets with multiple cards to earn rewards across different categories. By choosing a flexible credit card that allows you to earn benefits across various categories, you can consolidate and eliminate the need to juggle a variety of rewards cards.

One flexible card option is the Bank of America Cash Rewards credit card, which allows you to choose from one of six categories – gas, online shopping, dining, travel, drug stores or home improvement – to earn 3% cash back on purchases each month along with 2% cash back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs, up to $2,500 each quarter. Cardholders also earn 1% cash back on all other purchases. Cards such as this reward all your purchases, especially those in the places where you spend most frequently so you can maximize your cash back. CUT UNNECESSARY SPENDING AND TACKLE DEBTS If you’re dreaming of financial freedom, a budget is one of the first steps toward getting there. Start by reviewing bank and credit card statements from at least the past three months to gain a better understanding of your spending habits and identify areas you could improve. While cutting back on non-essentials is typically a good place to start, this is also an opportunity to identify areas you can get better deals by switching providers for things like car or homeowner’s insurance as well as your cellphone, internet and other home services. Once you’ve addressed your expenses, consider tackling your debts. To determine which debts need to be prioritized, look at the interest rates and principal costs of each and focus on paying off debts with higher interest rates first. Reducing your debt should take priority over most savings goals.

for many americans, reaching and maintaining financial stability is a goal that tops their checklists. 12

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DISCOVER NEW WAYS TO BE REWARDED You may be eligible to enroll in a banking rewards program which gives members access to a variety of everyday banking benefits including credit card rewards bonuses on eligible cards from 25-75%, home and auto loan discounts, free stock trades, ATM fee waivers and more. Layering your banking rewards program together with airline, hotel, credit card, dining and shopping rewards programs can help boost your financial rewards earnings to the highest level. USE DIGITAL BANKING TOOLS TO GAIN FULL VISIBILITY INTO YOUR FINANCES When using a combination of multiple rewards and savings strategies, it can be hard to keep track of where and how much you’re earning and saving at a given time. Your bank may offer digital tools that provide assistance and resources to simplify your

banking experience. For example, some digital dashboards allow cardholders to track their rewards earnings and redemptions, and discover additional benefits. Those using their bank’s application on their computer or phone can typically manage their rewards, deals and benefits across multiple rewards programs. KEEP TABS ON YOUR CREDIT REPORTS AND SCORES A numeric representation of your credit, your credit score signifies to lenders what kind of borrower you are. Because it influences everything from mortgage and auto loan rates to credit card approvals, keeping an eye on where you stand can be important in achieving your financial goals. It’s smart to periodically check your credit score to make sure everything is accurate and know where you stand. You can check your score through the major

credit bureaus, and some credit card issuers even allow you to view your score for free through online or mobile banking. The key to keeping your finances fresh is to create a simple strategy that allows you to push toward your financial goals all year long. By consolidating your wallet, creating realistic goals and budgeting, you can set yourself up for financial success. EARN REWARDS WHERE YOU SPEND MOST According to the spending analysis of more than 50 million Bank of America credit and debit cardholders, the average cardholder spent $3,174 on groceries, $2,430 on dining, $2,319 on travel and $1,627 on gas last year. Regardless of whether your spending priorities change frequently or remain steady, you should consider a flexible card that allows you to earn cash back across multiple categories that align with your spending patterns.

consolidating your wallet, creating realistic goals and budgeting, can set you up for financial success.

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Give the gift of summer camp! Kanakuk is a premier summer camp in Branson, Missouri for boys and girls ages 6–18 that provides fun and safe experiences to help Kampers grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. 1353 Lake Shore Drive, Branson, MO 65616

Dekmark offers custom canvas, metal and the new changeable fabric prints. This new product allows you to interchange your image as often as you'd like and fold the older ones away for another time. A 6 or 12 month subscription is available. Starts as low as $17.50 a month. Spend $49 and receive free shipping and a free 8" x 10" canvas with coupon code freegift (limited time only).

Hand-blown Glass Ornaments and Gifts are perfect keepsakes or gifts. Create your own glass ornaments in our studio on select dates through December 28. Visit Vetro’s Gallery to purchase handmade ornaments, fine art glass jewelry, lighting, sculptures and more. $30 Traditional Ornament Events and $50 Extreme Ornament Events.



SLIDING HAIR TIE These ponytail holders feature a patented sliding system that gently tightens the elastic without twisting, tugging, breaking, or creasing your hair. Dangling crystals on the end add sophisticated shine. Available in a variety of colors and charm styles. When not in your hair, Pulleez can be worn around your wrist like a bracelet. $20.00


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Don’t get caught with an empty tank. This digital propane tank monitor keeps an eye on propane levels with a digital scale. Check the display for alerts or receive them on the app that also tracks cooking time. The propane tank sits on the scale while it’s connected to your grill.

This Made in the USA kit includes a bow, two matching arrows, and a bullseye target. The stuffed, soft-tipped arrow is gentle for little archers, so they can’t poke themselves—or each other—when they work on accuracy, distance, or create their own bow and arrow games. $24.95 $30.00

Holiday Gift guide




Rock out to the beat of your own flexible drum. Unroll this portable drum kit to play on the go. Jam to real drum sounds, including pedals for bass and hi-drum. Record and play back your masterpieces or use headphones to practice, then hook up to an external speaker to show off.

Never fumble in the dark again trying to find your charger cable. Designed with a dim light to illuminate your cords, it is the perfect bedside accessory to keep your cables secure and out of the way. Available in choice of three styles and can hold up to 3 different cords.

The Ticket Kitchen’s chocolate-on-a-stick is the ultimate hot chocolate experience. Swirl a block into steaming milk and you’ll have a cup of hot chocolate worth lingering over. Each chocolate Ticket Stick is handmade in their San Francisco chocolate kitchen using top quality Belgian couverture. 12 servings. $49.95 $19.95 $54.00




An infinity pocket scarf adds style and function to any outfit. A zippered pouch safely keeps essential items out of sight yet close at hand. Store a wallet, phone, keys, glasses, tickets, medication, and more. The one loop design makes you less likely to drop or lose it.

A portable magnetic target game that performs like a sport and plays like a board game; great for indoor and outdoor gatherings. Using metal rods, players send magnets soaring toward the Kooba target in an effort to be the first to stack up their markers in the race to win. Ages 14 and up.

The Üllo wine purifier targets sulfites that can potentially cause unwanted side effects and alter taste. Sulfites work as a preservative to keep wine fresh until the cork is popped. They can cause things like a stuffy nose for some people and even affect a wine’s flavor. Just pour a glass of wine through the sulfite capture filter and enjoy. $49.95 $79.95 $49.95

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Tips to

Improve Wellness and Prevent S

troke is often thought of as something that happens to older people, but more people under 50 are having strokes due to increased risky behaviors, such as smoking and untreated high blood pressure. Strokes don’t discriminate, according to the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease and stroke. They can happen to anyone, at any age. About 1 in 4 people worldwide will have a stroke in their lifetime. However, up to 80% of first strokes may be prevented. “Healthy habits can protect and improve brain function and lower your stroke risk,” said Dr. Lee Schwamm, MD, American Stroke Association volunteer chairman and executive vice chairman, department of neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The American Stroke Association offers these five tips to help reduce your risk of stroke and maintain mental sharpness as you age:

1 2

Keep blood pressure in mind and under control. High blood pressure

is the No. 1 controllable risk factor for stroke. Work with your doctor to manage your blood pressure and get it into a healthy range (under 120 over 80).

Eat colorful fruits and veggies. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables

can lower blood pressure over time, which may help reduce your stroke risk. Some fruits and vegetables, such as mangos, avocados and blueberries, are especially rich in vitamins and minerals that improve brain function and heart health.


Rest up. Getting 7-9 hours of quality

sleep each night can improve brain function both today and long-term. A soothing bedtime routine and avoiding screen time before bed can increase the quality of sleep you’re able to get. Sleeprelated breathing issues may also increase stroke risk, so seek treatment right away if you suspect sleep apnea or similar problems.


Meditate. Emerging science shows

practicing mindfulness and being aware of your breathing may reduce blood pressure. A quick way to be mindful anytime is to pause, notice your breath and observe details in your surroundings.


Take a hike. Getting active activates

brain cells, encouraging them to grow and connect more efficiently. Aerobic exercise, like going for a walk, also gives your arteries a workout and makes your brain more resilient to reductions in blood flow that can cause strokes. To maximize health benefits, the American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (or a combination) and two days per week of moderate- to high-intensity muscle strengthening activity. “These simple suggestions are great for everyone to follow, even if you don’t think you’re likely to have a stroke,” Schwamm said. “While many adults don’t think they are at risk for stroke or reduced brain function, the reality is that nearly half of all adults in America have high blood pressure, and untreated high blood pressure is one of the most common causes of stroke and also causes up to 60% of dementia.” For more information and tips for preventing stroke, visit

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December 7 Kick-off your family’s holiday season by attending the season’s most spectacular event with marching bands, festive floats, and fun activities.


Thru January 5

Navigate your way through an imaginative wonderland of festive photo ops, enchanted rooms, interactive spaces and loads of nostalgic moments.


Momentum Dance Company’s The Nutcracker 1:30-2:30pm Momentum brings an exciting start to Thanksgiving Weekend and the best time of the year by performing this holiday classic. Tickets: $25 for adults; $18 for seniors and students; $15 for children. Through Dec. 1. 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving The Very Hungry Caterpillar Christmas Show 1:30-3pm During the 2019 holiday season, the whole family can enjoy a new collection of stories brought to life from beloved children’s author and illustrator Eric Carle. Enjoy Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; 10 Little Rubber Ducks; Dream Snow; and of course, a reprisal of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Filled with colorful puppets and adorable animals, this extraordinary spectacle is pure holiday magic. Enjoyed by all ages. Tickets from $17. Through Dec. 29. 5938 Skillman St, Dallas Scrooge Puppet Theatre 12:30-6:30pm NorthPark Center’s whimsical Scrooge Puppet Theatre has been a holiday tradition for decades. Come back time and again for this improvisational performance and be sure to catch the final show on Christmas Eve, when Scrooge is finally filled with the holiday spirit. Located on level one in EastCourt near Dillard’s. Shows start at the bottom of

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every hour from: Mondays– Saturdays 11:30am–8:30pm; Sundays 12:30–6:30pm; Christmas Eve 10:30am–3:30pm. Free. Through Dec. 24. 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas Texas Christkindl Market 11am-9pm This free, family-friendly market features a unique outdoor shopping and holiday experience for unique gifts, decorations traditional festive goods and new this year, an ice skating rink. Visitors will discover handcrafted gifts and collectibles from more than 25+ holiday vendors along with food, live musical entertainment, and a Christkindl-style warming hut. Tree Lighting Ceremony, November 29 at 7pm, outdoors in The Plaza at Texas Live! Through Dec. 22. 1650 E Randol Mill Rd, Arlington Texas Ballet Theater’s The Nutcracker 2-4pm Experience the most magical Christmas tradition of the season as Clara and her Nutcracker Prince travel throughout a winter wonderland to meet the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Kingdom of Sweets. Kingdom of Sweets: Come at 12:30pm on Dec. 7 for crafts, coloring, story time, photo opportunity with a ballerina, and a chance to try on costumes. Tickets from $25. Through Dec. 8. Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St, Dallas www.texasballettheater. org/performance-19-20/ the-nutcracker?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp6ztgYvq5QIVDM-

DICh2dnwUREAAYASAAEgLecvD_BwE Vitruvian Lights 5pm-12am Vitruvian Park transforms into one of North Texas’ most spectacular holiday destinations during Vitruvian Lights, when over 1.5 million sparkling LED lights are wrapped around more than 550 trees on 12 acres. Nightly through Jan. 1. Free. 3875 Ponte Ave, Addison

MONDAY 2 Sensory Friendly Dallas Zoo Lights 5-9pm On select nights through Jan.5, after the animals head in for the evening, the Dallas Zoo will transform into a winter wonderland with over one million twinkling lights illuminating ZooNorth throughout the holiday season. Modifications will be made to make Dallas Zoo Lights more comfortable for those with sensory sensitivities or anyone who may benefit from reduced flashing lights and sounds. Tickets are just $10 per person or $8 for Dallas Zoo members. Pre-registration is required. Dallas Zoo, 550 South R.L. Thornton Freeway, Dallas Some Illustrator! Pictures by Melissa Sweet This new exhibition featuring works of art created by the acclaimed author, illustrator and artist. On view in the Dupree Lobby. The exhibition, organized

by the National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature (NCCIL), features watercolor and art in her signature found-object collage style, which often incorporates wood, hardware, vintage office supplies, wallpaper and fabric. Free. Through Jan. 26. Irving Arts Center, 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving www.

TUESDAY 3 Speechless: Different by Design 11am-5pm Explore the many ways in which we connect to the world around us through our senses in speechless: different by design, an exhibition of multisensory, interactive, and immersive experiences for visitors of all backgrounds and abilities. Created in collaboration with designers, scholars, and scientists, speechless presents unique opportunities for discovering new perspectives through communications beyond speech and words. Requires a $16 ticket with discounts for seniors, students, and military. DMA Members and children 11 and under are free. Through Mar. 22. 1717 N Harwood St, Dallas www.

WEDNESDAY 4 Snowday 10am-8pm Guests are invited to navigate their way through an imaginative wonderland of festive photo ops, enchanted rooms, interactive spaces and loads of nostalgic moments and even experience possible encounters with Santa or one of his elves! Photo booths will be integrated throughout the exhibit. Open Monday–Wednesday 10am–8pm, Thursday–Saturday 10am–10pm, Sunday noon–8pm. Tickets are $30 for adults, $22 for children, $25 for groups of 10 or more, and kids 3 and under are free. Through Jan. 5. The Plaza at Preston Center, 8314 Preston Center Plaza Drive, Dallas www.

Winterfest: Wednesday Night Live- The Grinch 7-7:45pm Families are invited to watch Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966) and indulge in holiday treats. Free. Valley Ranch Library, 401 Cimarron Trail, Irving www.

THURSDAY 5 23rd Annual M.E.N.D. Christmas Candlelight Ceremony 7:30pm. Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death invites you to a ceremony honoring babies lost to miscarriage, still birth or infant death. Calvary Church, 4401 N Hwy 161, Irving. Childcare provided for children 6 weeks to 4 years old. Reservations are requested using the online registration at JumpstART- Deck the Halls 10-11am Every first Thursday of the month, create a take-home art project with your kids as part of this fun and free morning activity. December 5 — Deck the Halls: The Art of the Holidays! ‘Tis the season to celebrate winter holidays – with stories and art! For kids ages 2 and older. All supplies are provided, and the galleries are open for viewing afterward. Free. 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving www. Christmas Lights Celebration and Shopping Stroll 4-8pm Experience the magic of the holidays at Highland Park Village’s Christmas Lights Celebration and Shopping Stroll, featuring spectacular live performances, photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, exclusive store promotions, and special activations with community charity partners. For one evening only, sip and shop under the lights at historic Highland Park Village, Dallas’ landmark shopping and dining destination. Free. 47 Highland Park Village, Dallas

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TIME OUT pez, plus five new songs written for the Broadway production. With a cast of beloved characters and loaded with magic, adventure, and plenty of humor, Frozen Jr. is sure to thaw even the coldest heart. $14 adults; $10 students and seniors; $9 children 9 and younger; free for lap children 2 and younger. Through Dec. 15. Actors Conservatory Theatre, 359 Lake Park Rd #118, Lewisville

FRIDAY 6 Christmas at the Anatole: Peppermint PARK 5-9pm Book a wish list weekend at Hilton Anatole to enjoy Peppermint Park. Peppermint Park offers fun for the whole family. Book your wish-list weekend getaway below to enjoy holiday activities, contests, games, and more. Activities include a Christmas tree lighting, North Pole miniature golf, Holiday train ride, cookie decorating, face painting and so much more! Admission into Peppermint Park does not include activity coupons. Activity coupons must be purchased on-site. Pricing for games and activities vary. The event happens on select days through Dec. 22. See website for more information. 2201 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas christmas-wonderland Holiday Open House 5:30-7:30pm Irving Arts Center’s Holiday Open House is a tradition like no other in Irving. For the past 27 years, Irving Arts Center has celebrated the holidays with free family fun, highlighted by the annual Holiday Open House celebration, which this year embraces the theme A Holiday of Masterpieces. The free holiday open house event features complimentary refreshments, holiday cookies, decorated trees and art. Activities for the family include the opportunity to snap a selfie with Santa, rides on the Polar Express Train in the Sculpture Garden, stilt-walkers, a caricature artist, holiday art projects and greeting card stations. Free. 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving www. Frozen Jr. 7-9pm The enchanting modern classic from Disney, Frozen Jr., is based on the 2018 Broadway musical, and brings Elsa, Anna, and the magical land of Arendelle to life, onstage. The show features all of the memorable songs from the animated film, with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lo-


SATURDAY 7 Irving’s 2019 Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting 5pm Parade. 6pm Entertainment. 7pm Tree Lighting and Firework Show. Join us for free hot chocolate, fun and activities including Letter’s to Santa. Get details at Centennial Park Lights Dusk-10pm Each night Irving’s Centennial Park is lit up for the holidays. The free light display affords a leisurely stroll through one of the jewels of Irving’s Heritage District, Centennial Park. The park is decorated with 60,000 lights on the fences, trees and bridge, and walkways are lighted on each side to keep pathways visible for visitors after dark. This holiday tradition is staffed 24/7. On-duty employees wear uniforms day and night, clearly identifying them as city staff, and visitors can ask any questions they have about the decorations. Free. 444 W. Second St., Irving www. Santa Saturdays 2-4pm Don’t get caught waiting hours in line for a mall Santa! Take selfies with Santa make holiday cards & crafts, and enjoy holiday decorations throughout Irving Arts Center, 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving www. Dallas Holiday Parade 10am-12pm Kick-off your family’s holiday season by attending the season’s most spectacular event with marching bands,

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festive floats, and fun family activities to carry into the new year. The 32nd annual Dallas Holiday Parade will march down Commerce Street in Downtown Dallas to ring in the holiday season. Give your children a holiday to remember. Free. Reserved bleacher seats available from $20. All children 24 months and younger sitting in an adult’s lap do not need a ticket. Premiere tickets include stadium seats, a swag bag, and a Meet-N-Greet with Santa 1321 Commerce St., Dallas www. Holiday at Galleria Dallas 6pm Every show features Galleria’s ice-skating, back-flipping, pyrotechnic Santa Claus, live performances by Olympic and National Champion-ranked skaters, and students from the Galleria Dallas Skate School, who introduce the lighting of the country’s tallest indoor tree. Saturday 6pm shows on Dec 7, 14 and 21. Santaland is open on level one near Banana Republic through Dec 24: Santa invites all families to his Village in a Winter Wonderland to hear gift requests and take photos. 13350 Dallas Pkwy, Dallas Reliant Lights Your Holidays 5:30pm Reliant lights up the holidays at the AT&T Performing Arts Center, so bring your entire family for an evening of holiday magic. The Center’s campus will be illuminated with dazzling lights to celebrate the arrival of the holiday season. This free festival includes kids’ arts and crafts, a fireworks show and holiday concert featuring the original band WAR, Mariachi Rosas Divinas and Santa. Free. 2403 Flora St, Dallas Tree Lighting Celebration at Klyde Warren Park 2-6pm Enjoy a holiday tradition at Klyde Warren Park’s annual Holiday Show & Tree Lighting celebration. The free event features a festive day of family-friendly activities and entertainment, including photos with Santa and story time with Mrs. Claus, face painting, crafts, games and real snow. The day

will culminate with a live show featuring performances of holiday music, visits from Santa’s friends Frosty and Rudolph, and Klyde Warren Park’s annual tree lighting. Free. 2012 Woodall Rodgers Fwy, Dallas www. Little Women the Musical 4:30-6pm Celebrate life, love, and family in this festive musical adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s cherished novel set against the backdrop of the American Civil War. Embrace the spirit of the holiday season through a story that has captured the hearts of readers for more than 150 years. Performed by the Dallas Children’s Theater Academy all-teen cast. Recommended for ages 9 and older. Tickets are $16. Through Dec. 22. 5938 Skillman St, Dallas Elf the Musical 7:30-9pm Buddy, a young orphan, mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported to the North Pole. The would-be elf is raised, unaware that he is actually a human until his enormous size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the truth. This modern-day holiday classic is sure to make everyone embrace their inner elf. Tickets from $14. Through Dec. 21. 444 E Pipeline Rd, Hurst Gift of Lights 6-10pm Gift of Lights at Texas Motor Speedway is a mile-long LED light show, a giant, glittering, dancing show of lights that line the road as you drive through the iconic raceway. After driving the show, patrons can experience the magic of the holidays in Santa’s Village. Enjoy pictures with Santa, ice skating, train rides, concessions and more. Nightly through Jan. 5. 3545 Lone Star Cir, Fort Worth www.

SUNDAY 8 Disney Jr. Holiday Party! On Tour 3-4:30pm This 75-minute show is the perfect holiday outing for kids and families. You won’t want

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to miss Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Vampirina, Puppy Dog Pals and other Disney Junior favorites performing live onstage together, singing Disney Junior hits and other holiday classics. Tickets from $19. A variety of VIP packages are also available, including pre-party and after-party experiences with character greetings, as well as the opportunity to take pictures with Santa. The Theatre at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Pl, Grand Prairie

MONDAY 9 Holiday at the Arboretum 9am-5pm Holiday at the Arboretum features the magnificent The 12 Days of Christmas outdoor exhibit, as well as nearly 1 million lights throughout the garden at night, trimming the architecture of the historic homes— including a 30-foot-tall tree at the center of the property. The exhibit features 25-foot-tall Victorian-style gazebos that come to life, depicting scenes from the traditional carol. Visit the website for a detailed description of activities. Through Dec. 31. 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas www.

TUESDAY 10 Santa at the Shops at Willow Bend 10am-9pm Santa will be located in Macy’s Court near Crayola Experience for Christmas greetings and photos. Please refrain from using personal cameras during your visit with Santa. Photo package pricing varies. Through Dec. 24. 6121 W Park Blvd, Plano

WEDNESDAY 11 A Charlie Brown Christmas Live 7-9pm Just in time for the holiday season, A Charlie Brown Christmas Live on Stage celebrates the timeless television classic as the whole family can join Charlie




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Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the Peanuts characters in their journey to uncover the true meaning of Christmas. After the final bow, the audience is invited to join the Peanuts gang in singing traditional Christmas songs and carols. The show is 90 minutes including intermission. Tickets from $29.95. Children ages 2 and up require a ticket. 300 West Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving

THURSDAY 12 Origins – Fossils from the Cradle of Humankind 10am-5pm Come see Origins – Fossils from the Cradle of Humankind at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. The 5,000-square-foot exhibition will explore the discovery of fossils that have never been displayed outside of South Africa. The exhibition will feature interactive experiences, a simulated excavation site, and the intriguing stories of the diverse, multinational scientific teams who excavated both discoveries. This special exhibition requires a surcharge for members and non-members. Members: $7. Non-members: $21–30. Through March 22. Perot Museum, 2201 N Field St, Dallas www.

FRIDAY 13 Centennial Park Lights Dusk-10pm Each night Irving’s Centennial Park is lit up for the holidays. The free light display affords a leisurely stroll through one of the jewels of Irving’s Heritage District, Centennial Park. The park is decorated with 60,000 lights on the fences, trees and bridge, and walkways are lighted on each side to keep pathways visible for visitors after dark. This holiday tradition is staffed 24/7. On-duty employees wear uniforms day and night, clearly identifying them as city staff, and visitors can ask any questions they have about the decorations. Free. 444 W. Second St., Irving www.

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TIME OUT BMW Dallas Marathon 7pm Come run the 1 mile night race in this 3-day marathon event! Along the way, runners will pass through various popular neighborhoods with exciting cheer stations and on-course entertainment before finishing the race at Dallas City Hall Plaza! See website for the complete weekend race schedule and registration information. All ages. Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla St, Dallas


An Evening with Chevy Chase + Screening of Christmas Vacation 7-10pm Light up your holidays with Chevy Chase live on stage plus an audience Q & A following a 30th anniversary screening of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. After the showing of the holiday classic, the celebration will continue with actor Chevy Chase (Clark Griswold) sharing stories from his career and the making of his classic movies and legendary television programs. Tickets start at $34.45. The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, 316 West Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving an-evening-with-chevy-chasescreening-of-christmas-vacation The Boho Market Pop-Up 10am-5pm The Boho Market Pop-Up at the Dallas Farmers Market is a unique event where you can shop over 50 amazing local makers along with live music and delicious food + drinks. In addition to our farmers, ranchers, artisans, makers and small businesses! Free. 920 S Harwood St, Dallas event/the-boho-market-popup-2/2019-12-14

SUNDAY 15 The Very Hungry Caterpillar Christmas Show 1:30-3pm During the 2019 holiday season, the whole family can enjoy a new collection of stories brought to life from beloved


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children’s author and illustrator Eric Carle. Enjoy Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; 10 Little Rubber Ducks; Dream Snow; and of course, a reprisal of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Filled with colorful puppets and adorable animals, this extraordinary spectacle is pure holiday magic. Enjoyed by all ages. Tickets from $17. Through Dec. 29. 5938 Skillman St, Dallas

MONDAY 16 The Trains at NorthPark 10am-9pm The Trains at NorthPark showcase more than 750 railcars on a 1,600-foot elaborate configuration of tracks and scenes. This holiday tradition is located on level two, between Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. $7 adults; $4 children ages 2–12 and free for children under 2. Through Jan. 5. NorthPark Center, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas

TUESDAY 17 Once Upon this Island 7:30-9:30pm Winner of the 2018 Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical, Once on this Island is the sweeping, universal tale of Ti Moune, a fearless peasant girl in search of her place in the world, and ready to risk it all for love. Through Dec. 22. Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St, Dallas www.

WEDNESDAY 18 Scrooge Puppet Theatre 11am-8:30pm NorthPark Center’s whimsical Scrooge Puppet Theatre has been a holiday tradition for decades. Come back time and again for this improvisational performance and be sure to catch the final show on Christmas Eve, when Scrooge is finally filled with the holiday spirit. Located on level one in EastCourt near Dillard’s. Shows start at the bottom of every hour from: Mondays–Sat-

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TIME OUT Birthdays

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Winterfest Teens: Nightmare Before Christmas Party 6-7pm Love Halloween and Christmas? So do we! Join us for a spooky winter holiday party where we’ll eat snacks while creating ornaments. Supplies are limited. Grades 6-12. 401 Cimarron Trail, Irving www. Texas Christkindl Market 11am-9pm This free, family-friendly market features a unique outdoor shopping and holiday experience for unique gifts, decorations traditional festive goods and new this year, an ice skating rink. Visitors will discover handcrafted gifts and collectibles from more than 25+ holiday vendors along with food, live musical entertainment, and a Christkindl-style warming hut. Tree Lighting Ceremony, November 29 at 7pm, outdoors in The Plaza at Texas Live! Through Dec. 22. 1650 E Randol Mill Rd, Arlington www.

Christmas at the Anatole: Peppermint PARK 5-9pm Book a wish list weekend at Hilton Anatole to enjoy Peppermint Park. Peppermint Park offers fun for the whole family. Book your wish-list weekend getaway below to enjoy holiday activities, contests, games, and more. Activities include a Christmas tree lighting, North Pole miniature golf, Holiday train ride, cookie decorating, face painting and so much more! Admission into Peppermint Park does not include activity coupons. Activity coupons must be purchased onsite. Pricing for games and activities vary. The event happens on select days through Dec. 22. See website for more information. 2201 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas www.



Lone Star Christmas and ICE! Featuring A Charlie Brown Christmas 10am-9:30pm Be amazed by ICE!, an indoor winter wonderland with two-story ice slides and larger-than-life ice sculptures of Charlie Brown and friends in this walk-through exhibit carved from more than two million pounds of ice. There’s also ice skating, 12 lanes of snow tubing, a Gingerbread Decorating Corner, Breakfast with Charlie Brown & Friends, and scavenger hunts. Ticket prices vary by activity. See website for more information. Through Jan. 5. 1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine www.

Winterfest: Pictures with Santa 11am-1pm We will bring Santa, and you bring your camera to capture the moment. Tickets are required. 401 Cimarron Trail, Irving www.

Elf the Musical 7:30-9pm Buddy, a young orphan is mistakenly transported to the North Pole and raised as an elf. This holiday classic is sure to make everyone embrace their inner elf. Tickets from $14. Through Dec. 21. 444 E Pipeline Rd, Hurst www.

Little Women the Musical 4:30-6pm Celebrate life, love, and family in this festive musical adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s cherished novel set against the backdrop of the American Civil War. Embrace the spirit of the holiday season through a story that has captured the hearts of readers for more than 150 years. Performed by the Dallas Children’s Theater Academy all-teen cast. Recommended for ages 9 and older. $16. Through Dec. 22. 5938 Skillman St, Dallas



Christmas at the White House 2007 9am-5pm Christmas at the White House 2007: Holiday in the National Parks is an exhibit you won’t want to miss. Visitors will get a glimpse into the magical White House holiday celebration of 2007 that highlighted America’s national parks. George Bush Presidential Center, 2943 SMU Boulevard, Dallas

Winter Wonderland 12-4pm Final day to come get lost in a light maze, fall into our snow pits, speed down our snow slide, listen to live performances, wander through fairyland, giggle in elfland, explore our candyland, enjoy nightly movies in our theatre and more. See website for tickets and for more information. Tickets start at $20. Frisco Fresh Market, 9215 John W. Elliott Drive, Frisco www.

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North Pole Express 1:30pm There’s no better place to feel the magic of Christmas than on board the Grapevine Vintage Railroad’s North Pole Express. After the train arrives at the North Pole, guests walk through the snowy North Pole Forest as they enter Santa’s workshop, where a cast of elves and Santa’s helpers perform traditional Christmas musical numbers and share the joy of the season. Tickets start at $28. Check website for more information on departure dates and times. 707 S Main St, Grapevine



THURSDAY 26 Holiday at the Arboretum 9am-5pm Holiday at the Arboretum features the magnificent The 12 Days of Christmas outdoor exhibit, as well as nearly 1 million lights throughout the garden at night, trimming the architecture of the historic homes—including a 30-foot-tall tree at the center of the property. The exhibit features 25-foot-tall Victorian-style gazebos that come to life, depicting

scenes from the traditional carol. Visit the website for a detailed description of activities Through Dec. 31. 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas


Snowday 10am-10pm Open Monday–Wednesday 10am–8pm, Thursday–Saturday 10am–10pm, Sunday noon–8pm.Tickets are $30 for adults, $22 for children, $25 for groups of 10 or more, and kids 3 and under are free. Through Jan. 5. The Plaza at Preston Center, 8314 Preston Center Plaza Drive, Dallas www.

Junior Geologist Join a naturalist for a geology-related lesson and a walk to explore the inorganic side of nature. Fossil Finders from 1–2pm: What are fossils, and how are they made? What fossils can we find at the park? (for kids 5–8 years). Paleontology from 2:30–3:30pm: How are fossils formed, and what can they tell us about the history of the Earth? (for kids 9–14 years). $7/$9 per child. Save $2 with MAC membership. Pre-registration required. Register at the MAC or online. 1650 Matlock Rd, Mansfield



Dallas Theater Center’s A Christmas Carol 8-10pm Brimming with joyful songs, magical spirits, and holiday cheer, Dallas Theater Center’s A Christmas Carol boldly reimagines Dickens’ classic tale of joy, redemption, and the spirit of Christmas. Tickets start at $20. Through Dec. 29. Wyly Theatre, 2400 Flora St, Dallas

Noon Year’s Eve @ South Irving Library 10:30-11:30pm Ring in the New Year with a party for pint-sized revelers. Instead of staying up past bedtime, children will be wide awake for a festive countdown to noon. The following locations will also host this event beginning at the following times: 11 a.m., Valley Ranch Library, 401 Cimarron Trail; 11:30 a.m., West Irving Library, 4444 W. Rochelle Road. Free. South Irving Library, 601 Schulze Dr., Irving www.


SUNDAY 29 Dallas Cowboys vs. Buffalo Bills 12-3pm Come show your fan support and cheer on the Dallas Cowboys as they take on their rivals, the Washington Redskins! AT&T Stadium, 1 AT&T Way, Arlington Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Musical 7-9pm The beloved tradition that continues to capture the hearts of children comes to the live stage for the first time ever! Featuring an original story and score, dazzling sets and costumes, and wondrous moments that make even the most cynical believe, this momentous celebration of the season leaves spirits high and captivates all with the splendor of Christmas. Tickets from $29. Majestic Theatre, 1925 Elm St, Dallas

Mommy’s Time Off- New Year’s Craft Party 9am-12pm This drop off class is great for mommies, daddies or whoever wants a little break! Let your kids express their creativity while you enjoy some time to yourself. Send your young artist to Kidcreate to make all they will need for a fabulous New Year’s Eve celebration. We will create noisemakers, party poppers, and New Year’s Eve hats. Please pack a nut free snack and a drink for your child. For kids 3-9 years. $33.30 member/$37 non-member. Kidcreate Studio Mansfield, 920 US Hwy 287 N. Suite 300, Mansfield www.eventbrite. com/e/mommys-time-off-newyears-craft-party-3-9-years-registration-66726188827

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FUN STUFF Make something WHAT YOU DO... - Tie brown chenille pipe cleaners around the top of the glass jar. - Cut one pipe cleaner in half and wrap around the end of first pipe cleaner. - Repeat with other side and other pipe cleaner. - Fill jar with brown candy. - With a hot glue gun, affix googly eyes to the jar. - Glue the red fuzzy ball below the eyes.

REINDEER CANDY BOTTLES MAKE SWEET GIFTS These crafty bottles filled with sweets are easy to make, don’t cost a lot, and are really cute and festive — meaning they’re perfect gifts.

WHAT YOU NEED... - Glass or plastic milk jars with lids - Brown chenille stems/pipe cleaners - Malt balls or other brown candy (like Whoppers) - Red fuzzy craft balls - Googly eyes - Scissors - Hot glue gun

GOTTA LOVE ‘EM While making reindeer food with my daughter last year, we somehow missed one of the ingredients. I told my daughter it would be okay, Santa would never know. She replied, “What, he knows when I’ve been bad or good, but he won’t know we ruined the Reindeer food?” — Cathy, mom of 2



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Copy the picture and send a photo of your final masterpiece with your name to:



hello honey

Drinking tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey is a time-honored way to soothe a sore throat.

HAVE YOUR PANTRY PREPARED WHEN COLD OR FLU STRIKES Keep on hand these proven comforts. Although there is no universal cure for a cold, there are ways to help you feel comforted while you’re sick. Put on your softest PJs, grab a pillow and snuggle under the covers. And remember to stay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth, warm apple juice or warm lemon water with honey can all help loosen congestion and prevent dehydration. Avoid alcohol, coffee and caffeinated sodas, which can further dehydrate you when you’re sick.

Don't deprive yourself It’s important that you don’t deprive yourself of sleep. Not enough sleep is going to make you feel a bit crabby. Know that our immune system does some of its best work while we snooze, including fighting off infections. So try to sleep for 7-8 hours. Oh, and prepare a no phone zone.



This recipe is like bottling up the Christmas smell! It’s a great way to make your home smell like the holidays! Slice or quarter your orange and place all ingredients in a saucepan with 4-6 cups water. Bring to a simmer over low heat. Let it simmer as long as you like, adding more water as needed.


DECEMBER 2019 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

- 1 cup cranberries - 1 orange - 2–3 sprigs rosemary - 2–3 cinnamon sticks - 2 tsp cloves

Brown paper just needs some creativity and maybe a few colorful additions to make it anything other than boring. Small brown bags can make great gift bags. Simply decorate them as you would boxed gifts. With some sprigs of mistletoe, holly or small pine cones, colorful gift tags, twine, yarn, recyclable ribbon, small ornaments or even holiday stamps, you can turn any plain gift into a lovely addition under the tree!

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