Suburban Parent ND, February 2017

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the everything baby issue





Happy Valentine’s Day YOU COULD WIN!







“Semper paratus” Always be prepared


ell, welcome to February! Our Baby & Maternity issue; the first of 2 issues each year. Nothing is more important that being prepared for bringing your new baby home. You have about 40 weeks to prepare; picking a name, planning the nursery, the perfect crib and bassinet, the different stages of clothing (which change quicker than you can ever imagine), breastfeeding or bottle feeding and more! My opinion, as a health professional, “if you can breastfeed, do breastfeed.” It truly is best for babies and a bonus is that it’s best for a mom’s recovery too! Read up on the benefits and what to expect. That first latch is not always comfortable, but, you can be assured your first milk is considered “liquid gold.” The nutrients and antibodies in Colostrum will protect your baby from infections right from the beginning of life. It also helps your newborn’s digestive system to grow and function properly. So go get those special nursing bras and nursing sleepwear and be prepared. Our feature article about Older Moms helping New Moms is an inspiring read that may have you looking for some attention from an experienced mom. This is a true story, and everyone loves to read a true story. This month is also Dental Health month. It you have been slacking in the care of your teeth and gums be inspired to create better habits. Beware moms; pregnancy and its hormonal changes increase the risk of oral health problems, like gum disease (periodontitis). Ask your dentist about this. And of course, have a Happy Valentine’s Day! A day for love and friendship and a great time to show those you love how you feel.


Mary Ellen Caldwell, RD, LD, CLT


Renée Higgins

COPY EDITOR Francie Morin

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dr. Fred Abeles Dr. Marco Coppola Emily Smith Kathryn Streeter



Misty Stagnone Photography

AD DESIGNERS Blake Boring So Hee Lee Won

ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Denise Miller Jennifer Wassell Julie Lesser Williams


Francie Morin


Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. — John 13:34

Carrie Vincent

CONTACT US FACEBOOK follow Mary @mecrd suburbanparentmagazines




972.887.7779 8344 Sterling Street Irving, Texas 75063

MEET OUR COVER KID... CARLY, 4 MONTHS OLD Our cover kid this month is Carly. She loves playing with her big brother, Carter (3). Her favorite food is milk, of course. She’s a happy girl who wants to be sure she has your attention. If not, she’ll grab your cheeks and give you a big gooey smile. So cute!


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Suburban Parent and Irving Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.


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dark chocolate

better bites

Oh, the benefits of dark chocolate! While you certainly shouldn’t overindulge, one study says that consuming dark chocolate (30g = to 1 square) daily, while pregnant, could help in the improvement of placental function and the reduction of preeclampsia. And there’s more - new studies keep coming out giving us more reasons to love dark chocolate. One study suggests dark chocolate positively improves cognitive performance. Researchers think it has something to do with the flavanols contained in cocoa that improve blood flow to the brain. So, Bring on Valentine’s Day and those heart shaped boxes of cognitive and pregnancy goodness!

this is your brain... It’s true, pregnancy changes you, but one study observed how pregnancy changes your brain, specifically the area responsible for social cognition (how you perceive other people’s feelings). Apparently pregnancy causes a loss of gray matter in that area. But that’s not a bad thing, because the more gray matter lost, the more attachment a mother demonstrated toward her baby. Those good ol’ hormones are at it again. This time they’re paring down on certain areas to make those associated with mothering more efficient (i.e. recognizing the needs of your infant). In case you’re wondering, these changes remained for at least two years after delivery.

Granted every baby is different, but one study found that babies who were breastfed exclusively for six months were 72% less likely to have misaligned teeth. Note that pacifier use can cancel some of the breastfeeding dental benefit.

baby’s gums

Know that breastfed babies can still get cavities, so be sure to wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, moist cloth everyday starting a few days after birth. Then brush twice a day with a tiny amount of toothpaste as soon as the first tooth emerges.

SUMMER CAMP FRIENDSHIPS Learning to make new friends is one of the best outcomes for kids who attend camp. Not only are they forced to meet new people (who are different from them), they get to break out of stereotypes and branch out from their normal circle of friends. In the process, they discover new things about themselves. Plus, friendships made at camp are often some of the best relationships children will have. There’s a lot of bonding that goes on over their shared experiences.


dear hubby... let’s talk. Got something to say? Get to the point. Husbands don’t mean to be difficult, they just process information differently. You’ll get a better response if you give him the bottom line first, then go back and fill in the details. If you start from the beginning and work up to the point, you’ll likely lose him before you get there. It also helps to let him know ahead of time if you’re looking for feedback or just wanting to talk. Happy Valentine’s Day all you lovebirds!

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q&a Sam, Dad of 3 Q. When my child falls and hits their head, how do I know if I need to take him/her to the emergency room?

A. With blows to the head, the key to knowing when to seek medical care is watching your child closely. When they hit their head, did they lose consciousness or go limp briefly? Did they soon start vomiting or seem uncoordinated and off balance? These are signs that they need to immediately be seen by their primary care doctor or an ER physician. It’s also important to remember that signs of a concussion may not appear for several days after the blow, so keep a close eye on them and when in doubt, seek medical care. With head injuries, you can never be too careful. Dr. Marco Coppola | Board Certified in Emergency Medicine Family ER + Urgent Care in Irving

Amy, mom of 1 Q. My child is in 2nd grade and keeps asking if she can go to camp. Her best friend will be attending an away camp and I’m just not ready for that.

A. Amy, it’s okay. This is a family decision and everyone needs to be onboard. There are so many great local camps that your 2nd grader can enjoy. Camps have a special type of community where kids come together to have fun. Even at day camps your child will develop a sense of independence as they try new adventures. She will also learn new social skills, like conflict resolution, communication, a feeling of connectedness to others. Campers also receive positive feedback from counselors and new friends when they achieve an accomplishment. Take a look at the camps that are featured in our publication and our online Summer Camp Directory! Mary Ellen, RDN | Your Favorite Editor

Melanie, mom of one Q. Is it true that it’s important to bring an infant to swim lessons?

A. Yes! Newborns are fresh from the aquatic environment of the womb and don’t yet know they are land animals, so this is a perfect time to introduce them to the water! As they become more mobile, and more independent, their safety around water becomes increasingly important. Tragically, drowning is the number one cause of unintentional death of children (1-5 yrs) in this Country. A 2009 study by the Institute of Child Health & Human Development found that participation in formal swimming lessons showed an 88 percent reduction in the risk of drowning in 1-4 year-old children. It’s recommended to teach your child early water safety along with infant swimming lessons. Not only will they become safer around water, but they’ll also begin to develop a life-long love for swimming! Emily Smith | Director | Emler Swim School


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My sister-in-law has recommended that I save my baby’s umbilical cord blood. Could banking his cord blood help my other child, age 2 years, if needed? A. Yes! A full sibling has a 25 percent chance of being a perfect match and parents are considered a half match to their child because they received half of their genetic information from each parent. The blood in the umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells and other important cells. The blood that is left over after the cord is cut can be collected by your healthcare provider in the minutes following birth and stored in cryogenic storage at a cord blood bank for future use by your child or possibly other family members. Stem cells have the capacity to correct inherited enzyme deficiencies in children, and stem cell transplants are used on patients following chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Learn more at

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1 Like no other



The Brushies Story Book and 4 Brushes was designed by two doctor moms and made here in the USA. This adorable book comes with four finger puppet toothbrushes. Perfect for your little one’s little teeth! And a great way to teach your toddlers the importance of brushing. 4 weeks – 4 years. Find it at $29.95

the peace of mind that their toys can stay clean and mold-free. Marcus & Marcus’ Bath Time Toys are designed to allow you to clean and air dry them after each use to prevent mold growth inside the toys. Find them at Sears. com $7.99 and up.

The HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper allows you and baby to sleep as close as you like! With your baby in his own separate sleep area the risks associated with bed-sharing are greatly reduced. Designed to be eye level allows you to soothe your baby quickly. Fits next to almost any bed. Fit for up to 5 months of age or 20 pounds. Find it at Babies R Us $199.99

4 Swaddles and Sacks

2 Ball Support

Stability balls are of course useful for core workouts and other physical fitness exercises. But, they’re also great for inducing labor and calming down fussy babies. Yes, the repetitious movement of gently bouncing on the ball while holding the baby will rock the little one right to sleep. It’s worth a try. Find it at www. $40

3 Safe Bath Time Toys

Your little ones can have all the fun of a squirt toy, while you have

4 3


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The HALO SleepSack wearable blanket and HALO SleepSack Swaddle replaces loose blankets in the crib that can cover your baby’s face and interfere with breathing. Baby sleeps more safely, and better too. Halo SleepSack Swaddle makes swaddling easy. Birth to 18 pounds. Halo SleepSack Blanket is cozy and your baby can’t kick it off. Birth to 24 months. Each comes with the message “Back is Best” to remind caregivers to put babies to sleep on their backs. $25-$38

pictured left to right

• Casey Drake, MD • Lynne Day, MD • Virenda Wood, MD • Nicole Laird, MD • Nadine Wakim, MD • Grace Pecson, MD • Tricia Dudek, MD • Velouette Zavadil, MD

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happy campers A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.

Raising an Entrepreneur

It’s said that behind every successful entrepreneur are parents who helped nurture their child’s passion into a fulfilling and successful career. Written by a mother of two thriving entrepreneurs, who interviewed 60 entrepreneurs and their moms! Like, TOMS Shoes, founder Blake Mycoskie, Wordpress founder, Matt Mullenweg, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, and many more. Margot Bisnow For parents & budding entrepreneurs


The Nocturnals The Mysterious Abductions

If you have an animal lover, then this Award Winning book is for you. Said to be the perfect read-aloud for parents and kids together. So snuggle up each evening before bed and read about the adventures of a group of animals who band together to protect their friends and find adventure! A charming story. Tracey Hecht Illustrations by Kate Liebman Ages: Middle Grades

God Bless Texas

Even our little ones want to know how special Texas is! Take a tour with your child and explore the most amazing landmarks and cities in the Lone Star State, including the Alamo, Guadalupe Peak, the NASA Space Center, and much more. You may be inspired to take a road trip. Illustrated by Peter Francis Ages: Early Readers

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Camp Rolling Hills A good read with lasting memories. Middle grade readers will devour this laugh-out-loud book about the world of summer camp. With letters home (may inspire a few of their own,) a map, a scrapbook, and of course, prank wars! Know that Camp Rolling Hills captures everything about summer and the years before tweens become teens. Stacy Davidowitz

ages 11-13

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Value of Older Moms

“My Friendship With Older Moms Helped Me More Than My Peers Ever Could.”



n the beginning, it was a lucky chance I ran into you, Older Mom. I didn’t pick you on purpose, I’m embarrassed to admit. I was expecting our first baby less than a year living in another country. You were the only friend I could find, an older Irish woman with two preschool-aged sons. Pregnant and in a foreign land, I obviously needed a momfriend and you were it. Hand on ballooning belly, I complained I wasn’t ready. “No one is throwing me baby showers!” I said. “What’s that?” You listened and then wagged your finger at the local drugstore a few doors down from where we were having icecream with your kids. “Everything you need is a quick stop. It’s not complicated.” By everything you meant diapers, what else was there to need? End of discussion. I sucked in my breath and had a private palm-to-forehead moment. Even taking into account different cultural practices, your reaction resonated deeply. I trusted you because you had already done this new mom thing plus one. I’m glad I stumbled across you, Older Mom, because since then, I’ve intentionally sought you out. As a younger mom, I felt you had my back. I sensed your veteran Older Mom hand gently pulling along my green one, helping me find my way through the storms of motherhood. In our times together, we traded stories. You dished out counsel, encouragement and general pep-talk. “What do you wish you would have known when you were my age?” Out of this simple question I hoped for answers to better navigate common parenting pitfalls. Faithful friend, you never let me down. Remember that moment, Older Mom, when two-days before a major move, my son appeared at breakfast with a puffy, irritated eye? In my mind came visions of the entire family infected with full-blown cases of conjunctivitis. I was thinking a doctor’s visit or a race to the ER, if necessary. You challenged my assumptions, Older Mom of three adult boys, trotting me down to the drugstore for an antihistamine. The swelling vanished. More than the medication, you deserve my thanks. Later, you made homemade chocolate chip cookies with my kids. They destroyed your kitchen and you didn’t mind, in fact, you laughed. I observed, eyes glowing, because my two didn’t have

grandparents around to do anything of the kind. Thanks for filling in, Older Mom. They haven’t forgotten that day and neither have I. My cookies never turn out so well. You balked when I vowed to charge my tween son $1 each time he refused veggies. Your 70-something retired doctor-husband had never learned to eat his greens. “Your young man needs to know that you’ll love him even if he doesn’t eat his veggies.” I dodged a bullet that day, Older Mom. I’m eternally grateful! “Teen acne. What a bummer part of adolescence.” I sighed and sipped my coffee across from you. But your eyes flared because my comment triggered a memory of a past wrong. Your failure to react swiftly in getting help for your teen intensified his low self-esteem. My teen wasn’t asking to be rescued, but I made a dermatology appointment and off we went. In a few years, our nest will be empty. You share secrets about being a twosome again. With adding sons and daughters-in-laws to your family. Of the anxieties of infertility and miscarriage and finally, grandkids. I listen to you describe the joyful thrill of grandparenting. “Do you want to see pictures?” You whip out your phone. And then in a flash, it happened: I am that Older Mom. I’m stunned, but as a mother of teens, it’s my turn to give back, to offer my Older Mom hand to the next generation of moms. I meet my young friend and her toddler at a park. I watch her; swollen with an 8-month basketball belly, talk about her pending delivery as she swings her giggling son. We walk, pointing to the ducks by the lake and her little guy throws his whole bag of Cheerios at them with one grand flourish, shrieking. I was enjoying myself—it all seemed so pure and simple, this young life I remember of strollers, swings and playgrounds, squealing and feeding ducks. But I know Motherhood is a long road. What’s needed most is the stuff of relationships, not lavish baby showers. One hand reaching to another, this is how we make it, moms. The circle of Older Moms hand-in-hand with young moms, pulling along, cheering, hugging and advising. We’ve got your back, young moms. SP

Kathryn Streeter: Writer, mother, wife. Find her at


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5 Signs Your Headache May Be Caused By



early everyone on occasion experiences a throbbing headache that interferes with concentration at work or school, or saps the joy from the day. But sometimes the source of that headache can be surprising. For many people, the pain that emanates from the head can be traced back to their teeth, their bite relationship and the alignment of the lower jaw. “Pain doesn’t happen randomly or because of bad luck,” says Dr. Fred Abeles, author of the book “Break Away: The New Method for Treating Chronic Headaches, Migraines and TMJ Without Medication.” “There’s a cause and effect to almost everything in the human body.” With many headaches, the cause is the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, the place at the front of the ear where the lower jaw and the temporal bone on the side of the head meet. Sometimes the bite and the lower jaw are out of alignment, putting additional strain on muscles, which leads to the headaches. And for many, TMJ headaches aren’t going away because people try to mask the pain with medication rather than correct the underlying cause. But how do you know a headache is caused by TMJ? These are some of the warning signs.



Your jaw clicks or pops. Any joint in your body should work silently and seamlessly. If your jaw clicks or pops when you open or close it, it’s a clear sign that the lower half of the joint is not in the proper position. Even if the popping and clicking don’t produce pain, he says, the muscles that have to support and stabilize the joint become fatigued and will produce pain.


Your bite feels off. The TMJ is the only joint in the human body that has 28 teeth stuck between the opening and closing motion of the joint to complicate things. Every other joint is completely controlled by muscles, and the position of the joint, its movement and range of motion are mediated by muscle. The TMJ’s position is dictated by where our teeth come together in our bite. So if your bite feels off or your teeth don’t fit together well, there’s a good chance your TMJ joints are off, too.


You have pain around your forehead, temples, back of head or radiating down your neck. Ninety percent of pain comes from muscle. If your muscles are not functioning well because of fatigue from supporting one or both of your TMJ joints in an improper position, they produce pain. It’s much like when you exercise or work hard and feel

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muscle pain later. The only difference is that TMJ is more subtle and chronic.


You have forward head posture. Our heads are supposed to be centered over our shoulders. If yours is in front of your shoulders when you are upright, you have “forward head posture.” That relates to your bite and your airway. The human head weighs about eight to 10 pounds. The farther forward it is off the center axis, the more strain it places on neck muscles and vertebrae.


You snore. Snoring is a red flag that respiration during sleep is disturbed. Several factors can lead to snoring, but one of the most important is the position of the lower jaw, he says. If your lower jaw is a little too far back, then the tongue is farther back as well. “If the tongue is slightly farther back than optimal it vibrates against our soft palate, closes off our airway and we snore,” Abeles says. The snoring doesn’t cause the headache, but it could be a sign the lower jaw is too far back. As a result, the muscles that support the jaw in an improper position produce the headache pain. SP Dr. Fred Abeles is one of the most sought after TMJ He is author of the new book “Break Away: The New Method for Treating Chronic Headaches, Migraines and TMJ Without Medication.”

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timeout community calendar | february 2017


1 | WEDNESDAY Parachute Party

10:30am. 2-6 yrs. Join us for rhymes and songs using giant parachutes. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

Babies Story Time

10:30am. Up to 18 months. Drop in for story time at 10:30, 11 and 11:30 am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Homeschool Book Club

1:30pm. 7-10 yrs. Stop by for open discussions about new books and explore the Library’s many resources, as well as complete a hands-on activity. Carrollton Library 4220 N. Josey Lane, Carrollton www.

Shake, Rattle, & Read Story Time


6:30pm. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

2 | THURSDAY Parent Coffee

8:15-9am. Join us for coffee and to hear about our school

and programs. Please RSVP. Another Coffee scheduled for March 21. The Guthrie School, 598 Old Custer Rd, Allen 972596-6929 www.guthrieschool. com. See ad in this issue.

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Cry Baby Matinee at the Angelika

1:30pm. Every Thursday. Relax and enjoy a film without worrying about unexpected tantrums or feedings in the dark. Angelika Theater, 7205 Bishop Road, Plano www.

3 | FRIDAY Story Time at the Interurban Railway Museum in Plano

10:30am. Children take a magical train ride through the tales of professional storyteller Genie Hammel and her sidekick Eugene the Motor Mouse. Interurban Railway Museum, 901 E. 15th Street, Plano 972-241-2117 www.

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101

Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Yogees Yoga 4 Kids

10:30am. 2-6 yrs. Bring a yoga mat and meet at NorthCourt for a literary journey through yoga breathing, stretching, story and shavasana led by Stephanie Spett. NorthPark Center, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas 214-671-1381 www.

Winter Wonderland

11am. 2-6 yrs. Winter-themed crafts and activities! Come and go. Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Pkwy, Plano www.

Glass Blowing - Create Hearts and Flowers

2-6pm. Vetro Glassblowing Studio & Gallery – Get creative! And go home with a piece of Glass Art. Starting at $30. 701 S. Main St. Grapevine

DFW Winter Boat Expo

3-8pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models on display and over 100 vendors. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369

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UPLOAD YOUR BIRTHDAY KIDS PICTURE @ Submit by 10th of the month PRIOR to their birthday.


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4 | SATURDAY Hot Chocolate 15k/5k

7:30am. A brisk 15k or 5k run, with inflatables and games to occupy the kids and an all chocolate post-race party. Fair Park-Automobile Building, 1121 1st Avenue, Dallas www.

Ballerinas Against Bullies Runway Show

10am. A day of fashion, dance and fun! Vendors, Sponsors, loads of fashion & dance wear will be featured. Great Wolf Lodge, 100 Great Wolf Drive, Grapevine 203-923-5317

Target First Saturdays

10am-5pm. 3-12 yrs. Free admission and fun family programming. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St, Dallas 214-242-5100 www.

DFW Winter Boat Expo

10am-8pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models on display and over 100 vendors. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369

Glass Blowing - Create Hearts and Flowers

10am-1pm & 2:30-6pm. Vetro Glassblowing Studio & Gallery – Get creative! And go home with a piece of Glass Art. Starting at $30. 701 S. Main St. Grapevine www.

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Special Needs Screenings at SMG Plano “A Dog’s Purpose”

11am. Family friendly movies free for children with special needs and their siblings, with adult tickets available for before-noon price. Studio Movie Grill Plano, 4721 W. Park Blvd., Plano, Texas, 972-596-4627 www.

Library LEGOS

3pm. All ages. Build together and go wild with tons of LEGOs! Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

2017 Monster Jam at AT&T Stadium

7pm. The talented performers on four wheels are set to hit Arlington for another eventful night of Monster Jam. AT&T Stadium, One AT&T Way, Arlington, Texas, www.

5 | SUNDAY DFW Winter Boat Expo

10am-4pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models on display and over 100 vendors. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369

Penguin Days at the Zoo

9am-4pm. Daily. Visit the African penguins and all of the other animals at the Dallas Zoo for just $7 per person during the month Feb. The Dallas Zoo, 650 R. L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas 469-554-7500

6 | MONDAY Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.planolibrary. org

Annual Sweetheart Dance

5pm. 3-15 yrs. Dads, Granddads, and Uncles: bring your special little one to an evening with dinner, dancing, a 5x7 photo, and a gift for each little girl. The Atrium at the Granville Arts Center, 300 North Fifth Street, Garland

Mother Daughter Book Club! 6:30. 8-12 yrs. Once a month, for mothers and daughter reading fun. John & Judy Gay Library, 6861 W. Eldorado Pkwy., McKinney 972-5477323

7 | TUESDAY Toddler Story Time

10am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

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timeout 2 Years Story Time

3-5 Years Story Time

3-5 Years Story Time

Penguin Days at the Zoo

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco 11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Project WILD

3:30pm. 3-6 yrs. Join us to explore wildlife and the world around us through a wide range of activities. Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Parkway, Plano

St. Mark Catholic School OPEN HOUSE

6-7:30pm. Join us for an Open House. Tour the school, meet the staff, and learn more about our award-winning program. St. Mark Catholic School, 1201 Alma Drive, Plano, Texas, 972578-0610

8 | WEDNESDAY Morning Mindstretchers

10am. 3-5 yrs. Come play educational games with your child, including simple math, science, and early literacy activities. Come and go. Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Parkway, Plano www.

Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Rd, Plano

Sensory Storytime

2pm. All ages. An interactive, inclusive storytime ideal for children with special needs, such as autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans. Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Pkwy, Plano

Shake, Rattle, & Read Story Time

6:30pm. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

9 | THURSDAY 2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco


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11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco 9am-4pm. Daily. $7 per person during Feb. The Dallas Zoo, 650 R. L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas 469-554-7500 www.

10 | FRIDAY 2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Story Time at the Interurban Railway Museum in Plano 10:30am-11am. Children take a magical train ride through the tales of professional storyteller Genie Hammel and her sidekick Eugene the Motor Mouse. Interurban Railway Museum, 901 E. 15th St, Plano 972-241-2117 www.

Yogees Yoga 4 Kids

10:30am. 2-6 yrs. Bring a yoga mat and meet at NorthCourt for a literary journey through yoga breathing, stretching, story and shavasana led by Stephanie Spett. NorthPark Center, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas 214-671-1381 www.

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Art Start

11am. 3-6 yrs. Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on art activity each week. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

DFW Winter Boat Expo

3-8pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369 www.

11 | SATURDAY DFW Winter Boat Expo

10am-8pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models on display and over 100 vendors. Dallas

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timeout Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369


2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Nature-themed crafts with your children included with admission. Texas Discovery Gardens - Fair Park, 3601 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Dallas 214-428-7476 www.

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Valentine’s Day Pre-K Party

10:30am. 2-5 yrs. Youngsters will enjoy interactive Valentine’s Day tales and treats while making memories and new friends. Wylie Recreation Center, 300 Country Club Road, Wylie 972-516-6360

3-5 Years Story Time

Crafty Mondays

Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco



Toddler Story Time

1-4pm. Free art program for children, introduces the world’s most famous artists through engaging and creative activities. Located at NorthCourt, level one between Nordstrom and Macy’s. NorthPark Center, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas 214-363-7441 www.

MattyB Raps feat and The Haschak Sisters in Dallas 3pm. The Majestic Theatre, 1925 Elm St. Dallas www.

10am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

15 | WEDNESDAY Play & Learn

12 | SUNDAY DFW Winter Boat Expo

10am-5pm. Come see over 650 all new 2017 boat and watercraft models on display & over 100 vendors. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369

Second Sunday Funday

1pm. Free program that’s fun for the whole family. Irving Arts Center, 3333 N. Mac Arthur Blvd., Irving 972-252-4406

Vintage Valentine Tea at Irving Heritage House

2-4pm. The silver is polished, the sweetheart has been secretly selected, and the recipes are being double checked. Irving Heritage Center, 303 South O’Connor, Irving 972-252-3838 www.


FEBRUARY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Your Best Friends At Connemara

1-5pm. The Connemara Conservancy welcomes dogs back to the Meadow Nature Preserve with a special play day in the Meadow. You can bring up to three dogs for a $10 donation per dog. Dogs must remain leashed and owners must clean up after their pet. Other rules apply. Connemara Meadow, 1314 W. McDermott, Allen www.

Sensory Storytime

2pm. All ages. An interactive, inclusive storytime ideal for children with special needs, such as autism spectrum

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Helping clients identify and develop the skills they need to manage their ADHD... and live a QUALITY LIFE.


timeout disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans. Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Pkwy, Plano

Shake, Rattle, & Read Story Time

6:30pm. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

16 | THURSDAY Help with... • Homework Hassles • Morning Routines • Peer Relations • Behavioral Struggles CALL FOR A COMPLIMENTARY COACHING SESSION FOR PARENTS TODAY! ($100 value)

Mary Ann Lowry, M. ED.

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Academic Life Coach, Certified Facilitator of Daring Way™ based on the research of Dr. Brene’ Brown



2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Art Start

11am. 3-6 yrs. Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on art activity each week. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

Visit Texas Sculpture Garden

9am-5pm. Open to the public, this significant and unique collection celebrates the work of many prominent Texas artists. Texas Sculpture Garden, 6801 Gaylord Parkway, Frisco www.

Special Needs Screenings at SMG Plano “The Lego Batman Movie”

11am. Family friendly movies free for children with special needs and their siblings, with adult tickets available for before-noon price. Studio Movie Grill - Plano, 4721 W. Park Blvd., Plano 972-596-4627

Build Stuff with Junk

3pm. All ages. Create cardboard castles, toilet paper towers, and more. With your imagination, the sky’s the limit! Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Pkwy, Plano www.

LCSO presents Leslie Massenburg

6:00pm. Parents of FISD students with special needs Early Childhood School, 10330 Red Cedar Drive, Frisco, Texas,



Run for Rover 5k

Penguin Days at the Zoo

9am. Sign up your pup for a dog-specific race benefiting the Carrollton Animal Services and Adoption Center. Don’t have a dog? You can still participate! Or swing by the Adoption Center where your new best friend is waiting for you! McInnish Dog Park, 2241 Sandy Lake Road, Carrollton

FEBRUARY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

9am-5pm. Is one of your BIG goals for 2017 to write a book? Join us and explore the keys in getting started and maintaining momentum. The Mix Coworking & Maker Space, 9125 Diceman Drive, Dallas 469-569-2204

8pm. Romance is in the air as we feature Leslie Massenburg, bassoon, performing Hummel’s Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra. Irving Arts Center - Carpenter Hall, 3333 N. Mac Arthur Blvd., Irving 972-252-4800 www.

Group Parent Training - Emotional Health of Wellness


1-Day Author Retreat Workshop

9am-4pm. Daily. Visit the African penguins and all of the other animals at the Dallas Zoo for just $7 per person during the month Feb. The Dallas Zoo, 650 R. L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas 469-554-7500

Fort Worth Cattle Drive

11:30am & 4pm. (subject to

weather and the longhorns’ dispositions) the world’s only daily cattle drive clip-clops its way over the brick-paved streets of the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards. Fort Worth Stockyards, 121 E Exchange Ave, Fort Worth

Third Sunday Open House 1- 4pm. Kids crafts and games, facepainting, entertainment, live animals, working blacksmiths, and docent-guided tours. All historic buildings are open to the public free of charge (does not include the museum). Frisco Heritage Center, 6455 Page Street, Frisco 972-292-5657 www.


24 hours. Call 214-446-2222 to hear different stories each week!

is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

Sensory Storytime

2pm. All ages. An interactive, inclusive storytime ideal for children with special needs, such as autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans. Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Pkwy, Plano

Shake, Rattle, & Read Story Time

6:30pm. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

23 | THURSDAY 2 Years Story Time

20 | MONDAY Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano

Storytime Around the World – Arabic 7pm-7:30pm. All ages. Enjoy bilingual storytimes from around the globe. Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Pkwy, Plano

21 | TUESDAY Toddler Story Time

10am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

22 | WEDNESDAY Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

24 | FRIDAY 2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

Art Start

11am. 3-6 yrs. Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on art activity each week. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano www.

25 | SATURDAY Dallas Blooms: Flower Power

9am-5pm. The Southwest’s largest spring floral festival. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Rd., Dallas 214-5156500 www.dallasarboretum. org

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timeout 2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

ADVENTURE KIDS PLAYCARE .......................................23 972-668-5990 Frisco 972-612-5400 Plano


BREITLING YOUTH THEATER...........................................27 972-658-3915 CAMP BIZSMART........................... 9 408-395-1937 CHILDREN’S TREEHOUSE BUCKINGHAM.............................. 25 972-530-8436 CLUB SCI KIDS............................. 24 214-530-5979

30th Anniversary Gala at The Fulton School CUB CREEK SCIENCE CAMP.................................................. 22 DESTINATION SCIENCE......... 25 888-909-2822 J CAMPS............................................23 KANAKUK CAMP..........................21 UTD CHESS CAMP.....................27 972-883-4899

See complete Directory online @

1626 Smirl Dr., Heath 972-7724445 www.thefultonschool. org. See ad in this issue.

The Secret Life of Pigeons

1pm-2pm. Learn some uncommon facts about your friendly neighborhood pigeon Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Dallas 214-716-4500 www.

26 | SUNDAY Penguin Days at the Zoo

9am-4pm. Daily. Visit the African penguins and all of the other animals at the Dallas Zoo for just $7 per person during the month Feb. The Dallas Zoo, 650 R. L. Thornton Frwy, Dallas 469-554-7500

27 | MONDAY Play & Learn

11am. 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano

28 | TUESDAY Deadline to enter 2017 DART Student Art Contest

Showcase your art on DART with this year’s theme: The adventure starts here. Your art could win a spot on DART buses and trains, plus $1000 or other prizes. artcontest. See ad in this issue.

Toddler Story Time

10am. Frisco Library, 6101

Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

3-5 Years Story Time

11am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

save the date mar-


5 | MARCH Plano Symphony Orchestra presents Bugs Flowers & Bees

2:15pm. Music highlights include Flight of the Bumblebee, Spring from The Four Seasons and Flower Duet from Madame Butterfly. Plus Le Theatre de Marionette puppeteers from Geppetto’s Marionette Theater will perform. Mar 5 performance in Plano with another performance May 21 in McKinney. Tickets & info at 972-473-7262. See ad in this issue.

25 | MARCH Open House at Eldorado Montessori

10am-2pm. 11600 Teel Pkwy, Frisco 972-334-9444 www. See ad in this issue.

12-16 | JUNE 2017 Summer Chess Camp at UT Dallas

Join beginner, intermediate or advanced chess classes for ages 7-14. Morning (9amnoon) and afternoon (1-4pm) plus extended playing classes available. Other camps Jun 19-23, Jul 10-14 & Jul 17-21. Register at chess. See ad in this issue.

Please note: Although we strive to bring you the most current information available regarding event dates & times, confirming with the event venue before going is always a good idea.


FEBRUARY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

Reaching local latino families and giving advertisers the ability to market their brands to the rapidly expanding purchasing power of hispanics.

Call to Advertise!


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funstuff from the love doctor


surprise him


Do something different for your spouse this Valentine’s Day

A discussion with my grandson

• Play hooky together (while the kids go to school)

Getting ready this morning, I told Grayson, almost three, “You need to brush your teeth.” Grayson: “Grandma, I already did it!” Grandma: “Really? When?” Grayson: “One night before bed!” — Norma, Grandma to Grayson

• Study up on Foot Reflexology, and treat him to a foot massage (maybe he’ll do you too!) • Wake up early and watch the sunrise • Reminisce about or recreate your first Valentine’s Day • Make your own drive in movie – grab some food and a portable DVD player. Snuggle in the backseat and watch your favorite Love Story (Casablanca, Roman Holiday, The Princess Bride)

Leo Buscaglia Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

• Hold hands wherever you go. Tell him, “When you hold my hand, you hold my heart!”

You kidding me?

What did the stamp say to the envelope? I’m stuck on you!


FEBRUARY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

What did the boy candy say to the girl candy? It’s Valentine’s Day and we’re mint for each other.


eat healthy Eating for one, two, or more? Yes, there comes a time when women really need to consider their diets. And becoming pregnant is one of those times. In the 40 weeks or so of pregnancy, as well as before and after, a healthy lifestyle should include eating a balance diet, gaining weight the right way, physical activity, and supplementation that may be prescribed by your physician. Avoiding alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances is also recommended.

Your diet may include: Whole grains, Fruits, Vegetables (a variety of colors), Lean Protein (meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans and peas. Limit white albacore tuna to 6 ounces per week. (Avoid: shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish).

Iron In, Anemia Out During pregnancy, the recommended amount of iron increases from 18(mg) per day to 27(mg) per day. Symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia can range from dizziness and fatigue to premature labor. The best sources of iron are meat and legumes. The Lucky Iron Fish could help increase daily iron needs! Add the fish to a pot of boiling water for soup, rice or other entrees, and it provides a family with up to 75% of their daily iron intake. The fish lasts for 5 years. It’ll let you know when it’s time to get a new one by turning its smile upside down. Learn more

tip Get Fortified at Breakfast Getting the 400 mcg of Vitamin B (folic acid) every day is easy! Simply eat a serving of breakfast cereal that has been enriched with 100% of the daily value of folic acid. Not every cereal has this amount. Check the label on the side of the box, and look for one that has “100%” next to folic acid.


FEBRUARY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase the risk of developing gum disease, which in turn, can affect the health of your developing baby. So, brush, floss, waterpik daily!

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