Suburban Parent ND, September 2017

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the back to school issue






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Mary Ellen Caldwell, RD, LD, CLT


ell it’s Back to School season already. And I still have an at-home office over-run with my daughter’s school stuff from her freshman year. As a parent, I can tell you that my kids have both enjoyed their away time this summer. My daughter went to camp and was mentored by loving young women and men, who shared their faith with her and gave glory to God for everything, including the mud on the ground and the hot Texas air. She has been going to the same camp with the same friend since 3rd grade. She had a blast and always comes home filled with the love of God and an awareness that I can’t describe. She seems older and dare I say, wiser. My son had multiple events, including several friends’ weddings (yes, 20-somethings!) He also spent 6-weeks in sunny Florida at Ave Maria University learning about the missionary work he will be doing for FOCUS on campus for his senior year at TX A&M, and two years following, at another university, that we don’t know yet. My husband and I would find ourselves sitting close in front of his laptop to search the hundreds of photos posted from camp leaders looking for our girl. (She’s a red-head, so easily found!) Each picture of her reassured us that she was safe and having fun. But with that, these photos also told us another story. Mostly, that she is growing up. Then we would wait for the nightly posting or images sent to us as updates from our son. He too is now a mature 21 year old and an amazing young man that we are so proud of. My husband and I are not living vicariously through our children (we did enjoy our time alone too), we are living along-side them, even when they are away, and we always will be. Reflecting on the amount of love we feel for our children, and how we can become overwhelmed and filled with great joy, by simply looking at a photo or reading an evening post, I am reminded that our love for our children is but a mere reflection of God’s love for us. Hmm, I wonder if God is noticing I am getting older and maybe wiser. Parenting is a privilege bestowed on us and comes with rewards. Mine came in a large trunk filled with sweaty clothes, and a payment due request from our credit card! I couldn’t feel more blessed.

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19


Renée Higgins

COPY EDITOR Francie Morin

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Pam Molnar Kathryn Streeter



Misty Stagnone Photography

AD DESIGNERS Alex Canales So Hee Lee Won

ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Fran Keng Mesha McDonald Tamara Tamez Ashley Weatherall Julie Lesser Williams


Francie Morin


Carrie Vincent

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EDITORIAL 972.887.7779 8344 Sterling Street Irving, Texas 75063

MEET OUR COVER KID... TYLER, 6 YEARS OLD Tyler is a smart little guy who loves anything to do with math. He would answer multiplication and division problems all day long if you asked him to! He also enjoys playing sports, particularly soccer and baseball. He has two younger siblings, Ashton (4) and Sammy (2).


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Suburban Parent and Irving Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.


• Children study the classical art during the Art Encounter Class • Music • Natural outdoor learning environment • Neighborhood Setting • Science Curriculum in a well equipped Discovery Lab • An open Indoor Gymnasium/Activity Room • iPads in Primary Classrooms • Several extracurricular activities - Art, Computers, Dance, Soccer, Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Private Piano Lessons etc.

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shouldknow mid-life running

walk this way


Now that school is back in session... We need to watch out for the kids walking to and from school or the bus stop. At the same time, they need to be watching out for us! Hopefully there’s a sidewalk, but if there’s not, remind your student to walk on the edge of the left side of the road. That way they can clearly see cars coming toward them. Be safe out there everyone!

FAMILY + COOKING Cooking together is a great family activity. When cooking with our children, we can teach them how to choose healthy foods and make them taste good. Cooking also teaches patience, responsibility, gratitude, independence and teamwork. Not to mention a little reading, math and science too. Cooking together is also a wonderful way to bond while passing down family traditions. What’s on the menu tonight?


We always thought so, but now we know for sure. Smiles are contagious. Research explains that our brains actually make us mimic all facial expressions when we see them in order to understand what others are feeling. Then we’re able to respond to each other appropriately. It’s an instinctive form of communication. So even if we’re not particularly happy, seeing a smile will make us smile. And smiling makes us feel happy. Kinda cool, huh?


Think it’s too late to start running? Think again. New research shows that while elite runners peak at 35, average or late blooming runners won’t peak until 50. Basically, we have more gas left in our tanks, if you will. So, even if our physical peak has passed, there’s still plenty in there to push ourselves later in life. We do have to be smart about our training though. And take recovery time seriously. Try a running app for beginners and see what happens.


By now you’ve heard about the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal – like better sleep, lowered stress, more happiness, even less illness. But what’s so important about writing our thoughts down instead of just thinking them? Gratitude expert and psychology professor, Robert Emmons, explains that writing things down makes us more aware of them and deepens their emotional impact. He also says not to hurry when journaling, but to “relish” the depth of your gratitude. You can journal anywhere, anytime, on anything. You don’t have to get fancy. And of course, there are apps for that.

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Are you tired of your


learning different

child not Reaching their true


Great Lakes Academy, an accredited, non-profit private school in Plano offers 3rd-12th grade students with average to above average intelligence, diagnosed with various Learning Differences, ADHD or Asperger’s Syndrome, a positive school experience.

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q&a P.J., MOM OF 5 BOYS

Carmen, mom of toddler Q. How does a Montessori education benefit younger children? A. Montessori education is based on a deep understanding of young children’s development and is a program that meets the specific needs of that development. This means that everything that happens in a Montessori classroom has a purpose and supports the development of executive functioning skills, independence, concentration, self-control, respect for others, and compassion and empathy. As well, the learning materials allow children to explore and discover key concepts in their world – whether it is in science and nature, language, math or their place in the culture of their community – the children are exposed to key academic concepts in a way that matches their development. A Montessori child discovers they have the ability to learn whatever they want to know, and have the tools to accomplish it. Peggy Larson | Director of Early Childhood Programs | Alcuin School

Anita, mom of 2 littles Q. What is the benefit of Heart Rate Inverval Training? A. The benefit of heart rate based high intensity interval training is the scientifically backed strategy for improving your health, building lean muscle, burning fat, and increasing your endurance. Since your workout is based on your own heart rate, most are able to stay within their limits of a safe workout and will continue to see improvements as their body continually becomes more conditioned. This way a high performing athlete can work alongside someone who is just getting started on their fitness journey, and still get the same benefits of the workout. Hilary Vitale | Marketing Manager | Orangetheory Fitness North Texas

Maddie, mom of 2 Q. How do I keep a good relationship with my daughter during the teen-years? A. I remember reading about The Mother Daughter Project. It showed that girls really do long for a good relationship with their mothers, especially for the love and support mothers provide. It showed that as teens grow up through adolescence, they look beyond their immediate families to discover who they are and how the world works. That’s why it’s best for mothers to forge close relationships with teen daughters in conjunction with other mothers and girls who value the same thing. Make time to do things together with other Moms with daughters. Your thirteenyear-old might not go to the movies with just you, but she’ll go with a friend, her friend’s mother and you. Plus, teen girls need other adults who can give them a positive vision of themselves and their future and who can open doors for our daughters that we can’t. Mary Ellen | Editor


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I’m a mom with kids playing in our yard and running through the sprinklers. In addition to EPA-approved insect repellent and protective clothing, what can I do to protect us? A. You can show pesky mosquitoes who’s boss with tactics to cut their numbers and discourage them from visiting your backyard in the first place! Guard your yard with mosquito traps. Keep your lawn free of puddles, and ask your neighbor to do the same. Check your gutters for clogs, which are wonderful locations for mosquito eggs. Drain flowerpot dishes and all containers in your yard. Mosquitoes breed in treerot holes, so fill them with sand or cement. Check for leaky faucets (you’ll be surprised how these can go unnoticed!)

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welovethis 1


Enter for a chance to win these goodies at winthis@suburban

3D BACKPACK BY MADPAX 2 Yeah, don’t be the status quo – stand out from the crowd with this bold, three-dimensional take on the classic book bag. Sizes for the entire family, including a padded laptop compartment. Pricing starts at $31 and up. Find it at

1 DreamPad

Back to school just got better! These Therapeutic pillows ensure you and your family get the rest your bodies need. A clinically proven, technologybased solution for reducing stress and improving sleep. Each Dreampad prompts your body to relax, converting music into gentle vibrations only you can hear. Pricing starts at $149 and up.

2 ZIPIT’s Beast Box

This is perfect for moms to take along in the car. Kids can keep their small stuff safe inside this sturdy fabric covered case and moms can use it too for makeup, miscellaneous items, a first aid kit and more! The fun colors, patterns, and special designs, make this cute pencil case a sure conversation starter! We found it at

3 Tin Can Robot

Recycle a soda can by turning it into a silly robot that can move! Kit includes all working parts, motor, wheels, arms, googly eyes, and full detailed instructions. The Tin Can Robot teaches basic electrical wiring, battery power, and recycling! Two AAA Batteries required. Find it at www., $14.99

4 Family Time Idea – Breakfast!

With all the activities that seem to interfere with dinner time these days, consider having family meals in the morning. It’s the one time of day everyone is home together… and breakfast foods are fun! Plus, it’s the most important meal of the day… right?





10, $9.99 (also at Staples and Walmart).

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beyond the books


The library is a free resource found in many communities. While you may associate the library with hardcover and paperback books, library patrons know their local library has so much more to offer. If it has been awhile since you have been to the library, stop in today and get the full experience.


EBOOKS Many readers have chosen their ereaders over a

paper book. To save money, check out the local library ebook catalog (which you can do online). OverDrive is used by libraries around the globe and offers 2.6 million titles available for check out for free.


AUDIO BOOKS Audio books are also available through OverDrive or as CD sets to be checked out. Children’s versions at the library usually come with a matching paper book as a great reading aid.


MUSIC Library collections include a large variety of music on CDs. Emusic is also available through apps like Freegal or Hoopla. It’s a great way to extend you own music library.


VIDEOS Watch the latest release or binge watch TV shows

you have missed. Videos are available for all ages and genres. Check free DVDs or Blu Rays or watch them via online access through free apps like Hoopla.


STORY TIME Most libraries offer story time in their children’s section. Kids can listen to the story while you browse

the adult section or parents can sit in, too. Often times, the library arranges a craft to go along with the story.


library. Some clubs for adults found at your local library may include knitting club, scrabble club, English as second language conversation groups and book clubs for a variety of genres and meeting times.


SPEAKERS Your local library may schedule speakers to come in and talk about many subjects, like super couponers, historians, tax advisors and small business consultants.


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COMPUTERS Not only do libraries offer free Wi-Fi for your

own devices, they also have computers and printers that you can use onsite. Libraries do charge a small fee per sheet for printing so bring along some pocket change.


OTHER MEDIA Your local library might also have scanners, fax machines, equipment to convert VHS to DVD, 3-D scanners and printers. Check with the library about any fees associated with use or to reserve space during busy times.



CLUBS There are several clubs that meet through the

we love about the library


CLASSES Need to brush up on your computer skills?

Check with your local library for free seminars and classes on Microsoft Office, analog converting software or graphics software. While it is not enough to make you an expert, it will help you to get your feet wet.


GENEALOGY AND LOCAL HISTORY You can research various historical databases, newspapers, archives, military records and more. Libraries often carry memberships to websites like, Fold 3 or Heritage Quest.


ONLINE RESOURCES. Online memberships at the

library are not limited to history. Ask your librarian about databases for business, legal, career assistance, medical, investments or to learn a language through Rosetta Stone.


INTERLIBRARY LOANS If you can’t find it at your library, you can borrow it from another library through interlibrary loans. You can request books, DVDs, CDs, magazines or journals on microfilm. It’s a great resource for research not available online.


BUSINESS SERVICES Libraries offer services to help you locate a job, freshen up your resume, brush up on your computer, speaking or writing skills. They can even help you to start your own business.


SCHOOL BOOKS When your child forgets his book at school and the online book is having a glitch, contact your local library to see if they have a copy in their reference section. Some libraries may carry your school district’s books for 1st- 12th grade on a variety of subjects.


A PLACE FOR THE TEENS Libraries are one of the

many places competing for teen’s attention. Libraries offer designated space for socializing, homework assistance, teen book clubs, writing contests, movie nights, teen clubs like Anime, ACT/SAT prep and video game loans.


HOMESCHOOL SOURCES With more than 1.7 million homeschooled kids in the U.S. alone, libraries have stepped up to meet their needs. Ask your local library about library events for homeschoolers like daytime speakers, workshops, writing classes, book clubs or exhibits.


PROGRAMS JUST FOR KIDS In addition to story time, libraries offer crafts, author celebrations like Dr. Seuss’ birthday, puppet shows and more. Kids also have a designated space with lower shelves and comfy spaces to sit. Computer games in the children’s section offer help with grammar, spelling, and math or just for fun.


BOOK AND DVD SALES Friends of the Library sales allow libraries to cull their collection of multiple copies or slow moving materials. Prices are usually 25 cents to a dollar and go to purchase new books and media.


WORK SPACES People often come to the library to

get away from the distractions of a home office, work with a tutor or work on group projects. Private rooms are available for small groups or larger community meetings. SP Pam Molnar is a freelance writer, mother of three and frequent visitor to the library.

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Use Your Words! Encouraging Expressiveness in Children



scuffle erupted in the adjoining room between the two cousins. The next moment, the sweaty girls, bedecked in matching Disney princess nightgowns, burst into the room to tell the adults what was happening. My toddler wanted to be the explainer: “Maddy was pulling my hair. I was pulling Maddy’s dress. I was so frustrated!” Though her tantrum didn’t make me happy, her ability to choose her words did. I found her word choice reassuring because as a 30-something mom, I was concerned about how to nudge my verbal firstborn toward accurate, expressive language. She was quick, parroting every word dropped around her, enabling her tendency to sass back. Abandoning all the parenting books and research which effectively contradicted each other, I went the way of the simple, banning dumb, hate and boring. I believed that these particular throw-away words she randomly deployed masked what was going on inside. True feelings required a meatier vocabulary and I hoped banning these overworked words would help nurture robust language. A few years into my experiment, she first heard the “f-word” on the playground after kindergarten. On our drive home, instead of talking about the monkey bars she’d mastered or what happened in the lunchroom, my daughter wanted to discuss this new word. Like a piece of candy, she wanted to


taste it and have more. This experience confirmed my belief that trying to protect kids from bad language—whether of the tsk-tsk-tsk-kids-shouldn’t-say-thesewords garden variety or raw sewage adult variety—is a misguided approach. I wouldn’t always be there to clap my hands over her ears and protect her from hurtful, ugly words thoughtlessly spewing around her. Words are untamed beasts and the world is a jungle full of them, stalking the elementary schoolyard as much as anywhere. I was glad I’d pursued a different path years before. I thought it to be better to help my chatterbox daughter learn what to say, not simply what not to say. “Mom! I hate sunscreen!” Well, I hated this sloppiness. I wanted to force her to use her words to precisely identify emotion and speak more accurately about her experience. So I ask her to slow down. “Use your words. Why don’t you like sunscreen?” What she really meant was that the slimy feel of sunscreen is yucky. Perfect. My concerns for my child are long-term. Indiscriminately blurting out words will blunt her ability to be emotionally in tune with herself. Precisely identifying her emotions would promote stronger decisions and build healthier relationships. Understanding her weaknesses and strengths would aid her to unapologetically play up her strengths. In short, I desired her emotional IQ to be as strong as her brain. The word boring repulses me in a

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different way. I don’t think anyone should be bored. There are certainly tasks that are boring to execute, but sitting around feeling bored? No way. Teaching my child that “being bored” was utter-nonsense, an agenda item I couldn’t let go of, putting me on the hot seat more than the other words. When she would mumble the b word, I’d produce picture books for reading, notebooks, colored pencils and crayons from my big mom bag. Eventually, she’d lose herself designing mazes or drawing curvy women in fashionable gowns. Or maybe one of her beloved stuffed animals would emerge “talking” out of my pocket in the middle of Trader Joe’s when a meltdown was imminent. I played the role of magician in the short-term. In time, I reconsidered and made adjustments, gradually phasing myself out as entertainer. I left her to figure it out. Not helping her cope with feelings of boredom would ultimately help her learn resourcefulness, one of life’s most valuable lessons. As a parent, I often feel bogged down by having to enforce all the rules I set up. With my early decision to ban just three words, I felt a weird sense of relief, that this was something I could enforce. In return, it was encouraging to watch my child respond. Three words were doable for both of us. SP

This essay was originally published by ParentMap



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timeout community calendar | september 2017


Water Gun Fight

Open Riding at The Superdome in Frisco

8am-5pm. Open to the public. The Superdome, 9700 Wade Blvd. Frisco


Dash’s Track Disc Golf

8am-8pm. This 18-hole course is described as short and wooded. Most holes are under 200’ with a few open holes. Dash’s Track Disc Golf, 3335 4th Army Drive, Frisco

Story Time at the Interurban Railway Museum in Plano

10:30am. Fun-filled, interactive experience. Interurban Railway Museum, 901 E. 15th Street, Plano 972-241-2117 www.

2 | SATURDAY The Marketplace in Downtown Garland


Kam 5 o n J uy la ly 2 2

9am-2pm. Fresh local produce, culinary items and artisan/craftsman vendors. The Marketplace DFW, 150 N. 6th Street, Garland 469-275-9616

Garden Brothers Circus

1:30pm. 11⁄2 hours of excitement and fun. Garden Brothers Circus, 4999 Naaman Forest Blvd., Garland 972-487-4700

Stargeezer Star Party Garland

6:30-10pm. Call the hotline at 214-800-6000 prior to heading to the event to make sure that it has not been cancelled for any reason. Spring Park, Jonandrea Lane (between Jupiter Rd and Clear Springs Drive), Garland www.

3 | SUNDAY Lemonade Stand Benefit for “Kids Shouldn’t Have Cancer” Foundation

2-4pm. Joining in the fight against pediatric cancer, the

4 | MONDAY Labor Day Pool Party

12-6pm. $10/person or $30/family. Members are free. Food, traditional pool games and fun. Texas Pool, 901 Springbrook, Plano 972-881-TEXAS

5 | TUESDAY Toddlers in Motion Storytime

10am. Get your free ticket at the 2nd floor Ask Us desk on the day of the class, limit 5 tickets per party. Space is limited. Frisco Pubic Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

7 m A b r ae m b e r 2 t p e S 5 on Ava 5 on Sep tem ber 4

A v e ry e r 16 te m b 1 on Sep

UPLOAD YOUR BIRTHDAY KIDS PICTURE @ Submit by 10th of the month PRIOR to their birthday.


11am-1pm. Kid friendly, no water balloons, play guns only. Dress to get wet! Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Dallas www.

Seventh Annual Lemonade Stand Fundraiser will be held to benefit the Kids Shouldn’t Have Cancer Foundation in memory of Jonny Wade. Newman Village Central Plaza, 4131 Fallbrook Drive, Frisco 214-636-1260 www.

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6 | WEDNESDAY Play & Learn

10am. Ages 18-36 months. Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Pkwy, Plano

7 | THURSDAY 2 Years Story Time

10:30am. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco, Texas,

8 | FRIDAY Oktoberfest: Crafts & Drafts

4pm. One big street festival featuring artisan arts and crafts, local craft beer vendors, live music, games and activities for adults and kids. Entry and parking is free. Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm, 970 Garden Park Drive, Allen 972-747-8000

9 | SATURDAY Open House at Eldorado Montessori

10am-2pm. 11600 Teel Pkwy, Frisco 972-334-9444 www. See ad in this issue.

Firewheel Town Center Farmer’s Market

9am-5pm. Vegetables, produce and other farm-fresh items for sale each weekend. Firewheel Town Center, 245 Cedar Sage Drive, Garland

Wags and Waves

10am-4pm. Dogs and their families are invited to the Hawaiian Falls beach party. Hawaiian Falls Water Park in Garland, 4550 N. Garland Avenue, Garland 972-675-8888

Showtime Saturdays

11:30am-12pm. Free entertainment. Dallas Galleria - Level 3 Near the Children’s Play Place, 13350 Dallas Parkway, Dallas 972-258-6313 www.

Frisco Starfest

6-10:30pm. Members and guests get together to observe and educate others about the night sky. Check the hotline before you go: 214-800-6000. Frisco Starfest, 8000 McKinney Road, Frisco

10 | SUNDAY Historic McKinney Farmers Market

8am-12pm. Quaint setting for weekly farmer’s market featuring local and organic meat, honey, produce and dairy. Historic McKinney Farmers Market, 315 S. Chestnut St., McKinney 972-562-8790 farmersmarket

North Dallas Toy Show

9am-3pm. Find all types of collectibles at more than 70 vendor tables to browse. Admission is $2 (free for kids 11 and younger). Dallas Events Center, 4343 Sigma Road, Suite 600, Dallas 214-3583628

Youth / Junior Group Ride at the Superdome

1-2:30. Come join one of our weekly rides! The Superdome, 9700 Wade Blvd., Frisco 972-849-9368 www.

11 | MONDAY Dash’s Track Disc Golf

8am-8pm. 18 hole Disc Golf Course in Frisco. The course is described as short and wooded. Most holes are under 200’ with a few open holes. Dash’s Track Disc Golf, 3335 4th Army Drive, Frisco

Power Hour Games

4:30-7pm. Power Hour™ is the only time of day you can play an entire hour of UNLIMITED video games for just $10! Dave & Buster’s, 2601 Preston Rd. 1200, Frisco 214-3870915 www.daveandbusters. com/frisco

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timeout 12 | TUESDAY


Story Time for Babies

Preston Valley Farmers Market

10am. Introduce your babies to vital pre-reading skills with interactive story times. Rowlett Public Library, 4000 Main Street, Rowlett 972-412-6161


9am-2pm. Local farmers, food producers, craftsmen, and sample and purchase their products in a colorful, family-friendly venue. 12817 Preston Rd., Dallas 972-8390005

Kids Eat Free @ Mattito’s!

Trinity River Wind Festival

4-9pm. Kids eat free with purchase of an adult meal. Mattito’s Tex-Mex, 6129 Main Street, Frisco 214-872-3411


11:30am-12pm. Free entertainment. Dallas Galleria - Level 3 Near the Children’s Play Place, 13350 Dallas Parkway, Dallas 972-258-6313 www.

Park(ing) Day Dallas

Heart of Gold 5K Run for the Children

11am-6pm. City dwellers will transform permitted on-street parking spaces into dozens of tiny parks stretching several blocks along Main Street (between Field and S. Harwood) in Downtown Dallas. www.

Addison Oktoberfest

12-6pm. Enjoy fun contests such as dachshund races, bier barrel bowling, a German Idol yodeling contest, a German spelling bee and more! Addison Circle Park, 4950 Addison Circle Drive, Addison www.

15 | FRIDAY Art Start

11am. Ages 3-6yrs. Stories to inspire your little artist followed by a different hands-on art activity each week. Things may get messy! Smocks and materials provided. Free tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis 30 minutes before the program. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano

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Showtime Saturdays

31st Annual GrapeFest

10am-10:30pm. Four days of family fun with a midway! Downtown Grapevine, 636 S. Main St., Grapevine www.


11am-5pm. Kite shows, giant inflatable kites, stage shows, kids zone, and more! Family fun and free admission. Trinity River Corridor Project, 146 W. Commerce Street, Dallas

Run to help fund research to find a cure and provide support services for families with a child battling cancer. Kids obstacle course, food, music, prizes and a commemorative balloon release. The Plaza at Galatyn Park, Richardson. See ad in this issue

17 | SUNDAY 3rd Sunday Open House

1pm. All ages. Crafts, games, face painting, entertainment, live animals, working blacksmiths, and docent-guided tours. Free. Frisco Heritage Center, 6455 Page Street, Frisco 972-292-5665 www.

Comedy and Magic Show for All Ages

1pm. Two very talented magicians have you in awe no matter your age! Come early for lunch. Improv Addison, 4980 Belt Line Road #250, Dallas 972-404-8501 www.


Walk to Remember Saturday, October 7 • 1:00 PM Calvary Church 4401 State Hwy 161, Irving


to commemorate National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month register @ Registration closes October 4


Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death 972-506-9000 •

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timeout 18 | MONDAY


Mother Daughter Book Club!

Dollar Days at the Dallas Arboretum

6:30pm. Ages 8-12yrs. For Mothers and their daughters. John & Judy Gay Library, 6861 W. Eldorado Pkwy., McKinney 972-547-7323

19 | TUESDAY BrooklynJai Hip Hop Master Class 2-6:30pm. Brooklyn Jai began his dancing career at a young age and began teaching at 13. He is a well- known choreographer from California. 2385 Midway Road #100, Carrollton 972-861-2547

9am-5pm. Admission is just $1, with $2 hotdogs, root beer floats, ice cream sundaes and pies. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Road, Dallas 214-515-6615 www.

21 | THURSDAY Visit the Perot Museum

10am-6pm. Buy general admission online and save $2 per person! Family fun with 11 permanent exhibit halls, exciting special exhibits, hands-on activities, amazing films, live science demonstrations, and more! Perot Museum of Nature and Science, 2201 N. Field St., Dallas 214-4285555

22 | FRIDAY Plano Balloon Festival

Runs Sept 22-24. 4-10pm. Three day festival with music, food, fireworks, kid’s activities and incredible hot air balloons. Amphitheater at Oak Point Park, 2801 E. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano

23 | SATURDAY The Marketplace Mesquite

9am-2pm. Fresh local produce, culinary items and artisan/ craftsman vendors. The Marketplace DFW, 150 W. Main, Mesquite 469-275-9616 www.

Live Well Go Green Expo

9am-1pm. Free health screenings, pet adoption, flu vaccines, safety and environmental exhibitors, giveaways and free activities for kids. Curtis Culwell Center, 4999 Naaman Forest Blvd., Garland 972-205-2191


10am-4pm. Educational safety programs, giant fire truck slide n bounce, hose cart races and more! Dallas Firefighters Museum, 3801 Parry Avenue, Dallas


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Showtime Saturdays

11:30am-12pm. Free entertainment. Dallas Galleria - Level 3 Near the Children’s Play Place, 13350 Dallas Parkway, Dallas 972-258-6313 www.

24 | SUNDAY Youth / Junior Group Ride at the Superdome

1pm. Come join one of our weekly rides! The Superdome, 9700 Wade Blvd., Frisco, Texas, 972-849-9368 www.

25 | MONDAY Play & Learn

11am. Ages 18-36 months. Playing is learning! Toddlers explore and connect in this unstructured and imaginative playtime. Parent/Caregiver participation is required. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano, Texas,

26 | TUESDAY Story Time for Babies

10am. Introduce your babies to vital pre-reading skills with interactive story times. Rowlett Public Library, 4000 Main Street, Rowlett 972-412-6161

27 | WEDNESDAY Shake, Rattle, & Read Story Time in Frisco

6:30-7pm. Classes are created and presented by early literacy experts. Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco

28 | THURSDAY Sensory Storytime

11am. All ages. An interactive, inclusive story time ideal for children with special needs, such as autism spectrum

disorders, sensory integration challenges, or short attention spans. Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road, Plano 972-7694300

29 | FRIDAY State Fair of Texas Opens

The Fair runs through Oct 22. Fair Park, Dallas. Plan your trip at BIGTEX.COM. See ad in this issue.

30 | SATURDAY Preston Valley Farmers Market

9am-2pm. Fresh foods and more in outdoor market setting. 12817 Preston Rd., Dallas 972-839-0005 www.

Showtime Saturdays

11:30am-12pm. Free entertainment. Dallas Galleria - Level 3 Near the Children’s Play Place, 13350 Dallas Parkway, Dallas 972-258-6313 www.

save the date


OCT 7 Walk to Remember

1pm. Join us to commemorate National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness month. Calvary Church 4401 State Hwy 161, Irving. Register by Oct 4 at 972-506-9000. See ad in this issue.

OCT 11 Admissions Preview at St. Philip’s School & Community Center

8am. Next previews are Nov 10 (8am), Dec 13 (8am) and Jan 9 (5:30pm). 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Dallas. Call 214-421-5221 ext. 156 or register online at See ad in this issue.

Please note: Although we strive to bring you the most current information available regarding event dates & times, confirming with the event venue before going is always a good idea.

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of s d r o w dom wis GOTTA

let’s get organized Organization is a big part of raising kids! How about a Wall to Ceiling Calendar of Events! A bit of wall prep, some chalk paint, wooden letters, 42 pieces of paper (in the size you want the calendar squares to be) and a few more items and you are ready to create an amazing planner/scheduler. Get detailed instructions at

You kidding me?

Barbara Aberc Determination is an inside job, but inspiration comes from the outside.

LOVE ‘EM At a recent visit to the Aquarium with our five year old daughter, we had stopped to watch some jelly fish in their tank. I said, “Look honey, these are jelly fish!” She looked intently for a few moments then asked, “Mommy, where’s the peanut butter fish? — Donna C.

How do you turn soup into gold? You add 24 Carrots,

Because it wasn’t peeling well.


SEPTEMBER 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

Source: The Book of Jokes, For Kids, From Kids.

Why did the Banana go to the doctor?

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