Success Business Magazine - Issue 6 | August, September, October 2012

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PRICE Celebrating 30 mango seasons

15 MINUTES WITH: Sonia Kruger


CENSUS RESULTS Our region’s performance


featured inside

publisher’s panel

cover story


Marissa Candy



6 8 26 29 42 61 66 70 72 74

Katie Brennocks


Rachel Licciardello Tracey Lee Gordon Katherine Powell

DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY Skye Millard Luke Taylor Amber Burling

Regional Update Andrew’s Angle 15 Minutes With On the Rise Presenting Word Play My Top 5 Calendar of Events Cheers and Beers News Desk


Success Business Magazine Pty Ltd PO Box 5660 Townsville QLD 4810 ACN NO. 147 633 814


Steve Price

22 Walker Street, Townsville QLD 4810 ph. 07 4771 2669 fx. 07 4721 1974

Dancing with Melanie Hooper

Celebrating 30 Mango Seasons Find us on facebook



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All information and images are subject to copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior permission in writing to the publisher. The views and opinions of authors and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information at the time of print, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or subsequent consequences including loss or damage from reliance on information in this publication. Circulation: 10,000 copies quarterly Regions of Distribution: Townsville, Charters Towers, Ingham and Burdekin. © Copyright 2012


Moore Stephens The essentials of business insurance


Choice Training Who’s looking after the manager’s development?


The Athlete’s Foot The importance of a great fit


First National Nicholson Real Estate Marketing your most valuable asset


Advance Employment Inclusion is part of the solution


Win Television The doors are about to open to your brand new business


Festive Celebrations Ideas for you and your team


The Marketing Factory Rebrand, refresh or restart


Professional Development Maximise your professional potential


house for fausts





hat a stunning time of year to live and do business in North Queensland. The weather is a welcome to many of our southern visitors escaping the cold and we hope they will make a return with their colleagues to experience what our vibrant city has to offer. You may have heard my recent endorsement for Townsville Enterprise, our voice for industry, business and tourism. This organisation has contributed to the success of our magazine and I urge every business in our region to be part of this positive group of people, promoting our great region far and wide. In this edition we showcase the start of many exclusive interviews, where you will read about it first, in our business magazine. Also, stay tuned online, as throughout this quarter we will be releasing stories exclusive to our website. Emails will be distributed to our database once this occurs so ensure you send through your email address to our Sales and Marketing Manager, Katie. Professional development is a topic we have highlighted in this edition, giving you a few ideas to evolve yourself and your team. This

is an area I have chosen to develop this year and so far, the Emerging Leaders program is proving more rewarding than I ever anticipated. Enjoying your role may even stretch into activities beyond the traditional 9-5 work day and I’m sure you will find our Festive Celebrations highlight of interest with fun activities for teams to build morale and do that ever so important bonding over a few cool beverages. With the 2011 Census data recently released, we have compiled a snap shot of our region, with some figures proving very interesting. We look forward to further discussions with demographers and economists to make predictions on our region’s growth and development. As always, we love hearing from our readers, so please drop us a line with details on any local untold business stories.

Success Exclusives Stay tuned to for exclusive editorial releases

QR Code Scanner Simply download a free QR Code Scanner from the app store on your smart phone to access the QR Codes featured throughout this publication.

- Marissa Candy



Glenys Schuntner

Business Advisor Enterprise Connect

Chief Executive Officer Regional Development Australia Townsville and North West Queensland Inc.

Every day we hear and read much about the multi speed economy. Media commentators and economists write and speak daily about the industries that are thriving, the industries that are barely surviving and those in between. The Townsville region is no different. As an Enterprise Connect Business Adviser, I work with firms throughout the region and it is only in talking to individual business owners that one can understand how the current situation affects their businesses as well as the people who depend upon them. There are firms that are growing at an incredible rate due to the mining boom, some that are coasting comfortably along while others are struggling to maintain revenues in markets that are rapidly changing or in some cases, disappearing. The Enterprise Connect program provides advice and funding to manufacturing firms, firms that service the manufacturing and mining industries, tourism businesses, firms servicing remote Australia, defence suppliers as well creative and clean energy firms. Since the program began in 2008 I have worked with over 100 businesses in the region. (Around 5000 businesses have accessed the program nationally.) Although these businesses represent a large variety of industries with wide ranges of turnover, staffing and length of trading some issues are common to many businesses. Most business owners admit they spend the majority of their time working on the day to day issues of the business. Thinking strategically, planning, market and product development and improving the business model are high on wish lists but hard to fit into a busy schedule. This is where a program such as Enterprise Connect can help. Business owners have the opportunity to step outside their business and have someone help them to tackle those bigger issues that seem to hide in plain sight – the proverbial elephant in the room. Enterprise Connect funding is helping North Queensland firms to develop marketing strategies to expand into new markets, further develop existing markets, upgrade safety, quality, environmental and operational systems, develop e-commerce facilities and overhaul financial management processes. As well, businesses are receiving funding assistance to plan management succession and for some owners, plan their exit from the business. A lot of business owners are tackling these issues alone. For many, they don’t have to.


Lifestyle is something our northern Queensland region is proud of and jealously protects. When engaging in community consultations across the region, RDA has heard a very clear message that our communities love their local lifestyle and wish to ensure that future development does not compromise lifestyle but enhance it. From an individual perspective, we understand that a great lifestyle means enjoying life in our local community. From a community perspective, we understand the significance of a great lifestyle in attracting and keeping people in a town to fill the jobs, keep the economy going and to provide local services. For each individual, the definition of what makes a great lifestyle can vary. Some of the common themes we have heard include: our tropical climate and ability to enjoy the great outdoors year round; beautiful natural scenery ranging from the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea in the east to the vast open spaces of the outback in the west and the sunsets over the Gulf of Carpentaria in the north; a lack of major traffic congestion and the ease at which we can move around our towns; easy to access and free or relatively cheap parking; a friendly, welcoming community; choices for recreation, dining and a café culture; access to sporting facilities for all ages; access to local and touring visual and performing arts and music concerts; and access to national and international sporting events. It was also noted by most that good quality health care, education, water and access to reliable electricity underscore a great lifestyle. RDA supports initiatives that will help maintain or enhance our quality of life and lifestyle and was a proud supporter of the Artslink Queensland Arts Matters Workshop held in Townsville in June. This event brought together a wide variety of people from across the region to focus on the role that the Arts play in building regional creativity, strengthening communities and driving economic and social development. If you would like to develop your case for investing in the Arts in your community, we recommend a great DVD produced by Artslink Queensland titled The Case for Creativity – the importance of investing in creativity for community development. For more information on Artslink Queensland programs and to obtain a copy of the DVD, visit On a sporting note, we wish our Australian teams success in the Olympics and Paralympics. Closer to home we wish our sports teams success on the national stage. Good luck to the North Queensland Cowboys in the countdown to the finals and best of luck to the Townsville Fire WNBL team and the Crocodiles NBL team in the start of their new seasons. All of our national competition teams are great contributors to our local communities, economy and great lifestyle.

Dawson Wilkie

David Kippin

President Townsville Chamber of Commerce

Chief Executive Officer Townsville Enterprise Limited

As we enter the busy period of the business calendar year, let’s take a few moments to reflect of the 2011-2012 financial year. What a year in deed, with predictions that we will face much of the same in 20122013. The economic uncertainty persisted throughout the year, however local businesses and industries faced it with greater resilience (or was it resignation?). Indicators like the PwC Townsville Business Confidence Index rose 11 points to a positive 7 in June, a mark of confidence not seen since June 2010. There is also 17,000m2 of office space under construction in the city, something not seen over the past 20 years. From 2013, the Ergon and State Government buildings will house 600 to 900 workers who will oil the CBD economic engine. As we go through the settling period of new governments at the State and local level, it is the role of organisations like the Townsville Chamber to remind elected members of the bigger picture: Townsville is Queensland’s Second Capital and providing for the development of our community as well as our infrastructure and energy needs will eventually contribute to the public purse. The State Cabinet visit early July and that message was delivered to them once again. I could not finish this column without thanking the members who have supported our 130th anniversary gala event. It was a great night thanks to partners like the Port of Townsville Limited, McDonald’s Family Restaurants, Townsville City Council, TCS, Brazier Motti, Townsville Bulletin, Loloma Jewellers, Endeavour Foundation, the 15 table sponsors and the 400 members who attended the event.

With the turn of a new financial year, Townsville Enterprise finalised its 2012/13 Operational Plan. More focus has been placed on marketing, advertising, promoting and exposing Townsville as ‘the place’ to visit and invest. To coincide with this strategic direction, Townsville Enterprise has launched the Townsville Regional Investment Prospectus which was designed in-house and reflects the investment potential of the Townsville region. The Investment Prospectus is Townsville Enterprise’s primary marketing collateral for showcasing the region’s diverse economy, tourist attractions and offerings as well as highlighting key industries across a broad and diverse economic base. The 2012-16 Tourism and Events Strategic Plan places great emphasis on developing the Townsville Region’s tourism market by leveraging off its strong business conferencing and diverse events program. The region’s reputation as the events capital of Regional Queensland, combined with its broad economic base, provides the opportunity to play to our strengths and build a sustainable tourism industry for North Queensland. The Plan has been developed in consultation and collaboration with stakeholders across North Queensland, to ensure the document is readily adopted by the industry. One of the new directions identifies the region’s expertise within the Edutourism sector. Reef HQ, the educational facility for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE and James Cook University are some of the institutions located in Townsville which are providing invaluable support to other key operators within the region. This strategy positions our tourism industry to support the overall economic development and prosperity of the region and to confirm Townsville’s status as the second capital city of Queensland.

Congratulations to the new Life Members, Andrew Whitehead and Craig Stack; to the new inductees to the Hall of Fame, Fay Barker and John Bearne; and the 15th Young Business Achievement Award winners, George Milford (Wolter Rowlands Town Planning Group) as 2012 Corporate Employee of the Year and Jaquelin Cole-Goldsack (Physionorth) as the 2012 Business Person of the Year. From 1 July, we will start a new corporate partnership with Endeavour Foundation and SEEK Employment, to complement the support we receive from the Port of Townsville Limited. We are in a great position to start the financial year and deliver our new five-year strategic plan. Happy New Year!





1. Be a giver not just a taker If you are part of a network and all you do is take, take, take, people will soon grow weary of you. To be a valued member of any network you need to give more than you receive. By taking this approach you will enjoy many rewards. When building networks, it has to be a win/win scenario for all involved. Always ask yourself the question “how can I add more value to my network and the people within it?”

If you want a great business you need a great network. If you truly want to be successful and enjoy all the rewards that success brings, you need to have a great network of people around you. The problem is that when it comes to building a powerful network, most of us have figured it out on the run. You don’t just get up one day and have an amazing network, it is something that takes many years to grow and nurture and there are many pitfalls along the way. I have absolutely no doubt that anyone who has achieved any degree of success will attribute a large proportion of their success to the people in their network, specifically those who have supported them, encouraged them and provided inspiration and wisdom during the good times and the not so good times. There is an old adage that says it isn’t what you know, it’s who you know, and this rings more true today than ever. The reality is that we all have the opportunity to build a network of contacts who can help us to achieve our goals. This network can be local, national and international, thanks mainly to the incredible communication opportunities that we can all take advantage of. But a network is something that we have to continually invest in to keep it healthy and to keep it growing and developing. So how exactly do you invest in your network? Here are seven strategies that I have used to build my network, which has without doubt contributed to my success in Australia and internationally:


2. Become a big referrer and a quality referrer of others I have found that one of the best ways to build my network has been to become a big referrer. I love to refer business and I look for ways to refer other people every day. Now I don’t expect people to reciprocate, but they generally do and I always find that if I refer 10 people in a week, I get 20 referrals back (and not from the people I have referred - strange but wonderful I know). The second part of being a big referrer is to only ever make your referrals to others what I call quality referrals. Do some screening first, don’t use referring as a way to get rid of people you don’t want to work with. I always ask myself, is this person or business one that I would want referred to me? If it isn’t, I certainly wouldn’t be referring them to a valued member of my network.

3. Make it easy for people to refer you Just as it is important for you to refer others, if they can’t refer you back, that becomes frustrating and awkward for them. So my strategy is to ask better questions and give better advice. I always ask people in my network how can I refer them? I ask them what their ideal client looks like and what kind of projects do they really love taking on. This way I can refer business that is perfect for them. Likewise though, I explain to them what I do, what parts of my business I am growing, what my perfect client looks like and the projects that I love to do. This creates a high degree of clarity and everyone wins.

4. Don’t just sell to your network A lot of people join a network and all they do is sell to everyone in it. They bombard their network with emails, every meeting is trying to sell them something. The other members of the network soon grow tired of this. My test for this is to ask a simple question, if an individuals telephone number comes up on my caller ID, do I want to take the call? When it comes to people who do nothing but try to sell me, the answer is no. The same applies to emails, if I know it is just another sales email, most of the time I simply delete them and that person goes from being a part of my network to someone on the outside of the inner circle. The real key here is to offer value to your network. Give them things for free, make suggestions, offer advice and ways to make their life easier or to increase their income, but don’t just try to sell to them.

5. Protect people in your network I protect my contacts fiercely. As mentioned above, I won’t give them crummy referrals and I certainly won’t give my database to other people to sell to those on my email list. If people want me to pass on a contact, generally I ask my contact if this is OK before doing so and if they say yes, I cc them in on my introduction email, just so they know exactly what is said. The moral to this story is that if you don’t protect people in your network, they won’t protect you and you will get inundated with people who are probably going to try to do nothing more than sell you things you don’t want.

6. Be there in good times and bad We all go through good times and bad in business and there is nothing worse than a fair weather friend. We all know them, they are only around when times are good and they have something to gain. For me, people in my network are trusted friends, if they are going through a tough time in business I will do what I can to help them. A fully functioning network should be like this. If you find that when you go through tough times your network seems a little light on the ground, you haven’t got a very good network. Remember though, how you treat people during their tough times says a lot about you and people of significance will remember that much more than they will remember how you acted when times were good.

Recommended Website Let’s be honest, we all need some inspiration from time to time. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go to one site and see some of the world’s best thinkers sharing their ideas? Well is the place to do exactly that. But be warned, five minutes can easily turn into several hours when you start delving into some of the truly amazing presentations on the TED site. Here you will find everything from comical takes on global issues through to innovative entrepreneurial inventiveness at its very best. I love

Book Review This book has become one of the hottest on the planet. Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “why?” He shows how some organisations and leaders can inspire and create whilst others can’t and he uses very good examples to show how this works, including Apple, Martin Luther King and the Wright Brothers. This is a powerful book for anyone with a strong desire to differentiate their business and take it to levels of greatness that were previously unimaginable. A big statement I know, but this is a big message.

7. Work on your network daily Spend time working on your network every day. It might mean writing a few “how are you” emails, making some calls, or catching up with people for coffee. I spend at least one hour a day doing something related to my network and it is a great hour, one that I not only enjoy, but one that reaps enormous benefits. In conclusion, take a strategic approach to building your network. Be proactive, not passive about it and invest a generous amount of time and energy. Put in more than you get out of your network and you will soon start to enjoy the benefits. If you have been neglecting your network, or taking the people within it for granted, do something about it today. Remember, success is not about what you know, it is about who you know, and whether or not they consider you to be a valued member of their network.

“The more time we spend living yesterday the less time we have for living today” - Andrew Griffiths




PRICE Celebrating 30 mango seasons

Love him or loathe him, radio announcer Steve Price is good at what he does. Armed with honesty, approachability, spontaneity and a kaleidoscope of colour, Pricey has one of the most heartfelt radio shows in Australia and he’s spent more time on-air than many presenters ever will.

t was 40 years ago when a wide-eyed, baby-faced 17-year-old Steve Price found himself up against 90 other school-leavers and uni students, each dreaming of a career in radio. As Steve – or Pricey to most of us – describes it, “That’s when the magic began”.

“I’d heard about a job with the Herald and Weekly Times at 3DB radio station [Melbourne], so my grandparents took me down to the local shop where I phoned 3DB and got an interview appointment,” recalls Steve, thinking back to the days before all of Townsville knew him as ‘Pricey’. “Walking in, I was hypnotised. When it was my turn, I thought, ‘hey, I’ll just give it a go’…. And they picked me – I couldn’t bloody believe it.” For Steve, an average Melbourne lad, whose family wasn’t well off, a full-time job in radio was an amazing opportunity. “Dad was a battler; he worked so very hard to become a teacher, working days then going to school at night so he could give us a start,” tells Steve, who refers to his 17-year-old self as having inherited that “incredible drive”. “I was so determined to make something of myself that I would work 10-plus hours every day. I’d work as a panel operator on the breakfast show, then file records until 3pm,” recalls Steve, who worked with and learnt from presenting greats John Eden, Graham “King” Kennedy and Kevin John among others. “When the station changed, one of the bosses said to me, ‘You’ll never make it in production, but we’ll give you a chance’. I told him, with such enthusiasm, ‘I’ll make it Don – Don Kinsey was his name – I’ll make it’. And at just 19, after only 18 months in radio, I was Australia’s youngest production manager.” Today, Steve still starts his day at 4TOFM with the same enthusiasm as that 17-year-old, begging the question ‘just how does someone in media stay relevant, interesting and eager to wake up at 4am every day for 40 years?’ “My brand of radio is fun, its unpredictable and its local,” explains Pricey, who also gives enormous credit to his “young bosses”. “You won’t often hear me talking about celebrities overseas because I’d rather talk about Reef HQ and the turtles they’re rehabilitating, or talk to a kid calling up about a school fete. My show is about North Queenslanders,” he explains. “I’ve maintained the fundamentals of my brand since the very beginning, I just weave everything else around it differently.” As part of his style of fun and unpredictability, Pricey may sometimes play the role of a loveable goof, but don’t be confused – he’s no fool. “I’ve got a polarised audience; people either love me or loathe me,” he says bluntly. “That’s the way it’s got to be for success, because there’s no success in mediocrity…. If I was vanilla, people would refer to me as ‘oh that guy from the radio’. But when you mention 4TO, people know Pricey, they know the colourful shirts, and the overalls from when I was a kid.” There’s no denying Steve is as well-known for his colourful personality as he is his colourful wardrobe, and he admits his clothing choices are as much strategy as they are personal choice. “If I get up to speak at an event, wearing yellow socks, shorts and a tropical shirt, the next three speakers after me will talk about my yellow socks. It comes back to being a performer and not being vanilla. “It’s a fact that colour makes people happy,” he continues, “and it puts your clients at ease. Yes, we’re still a business city but sometimes you’ve just got to live in the tropics. When I first came to Townsville I couldn’t understand why no-one wore colour here…. I heard about former Townsville mayor Lucky Harold Phillips, who started the Tropical Friday thing, and I thought, ‘you beauty, I’ll keep that going!’” he recalls. “It’s crazy that we would want to follow fashion from down south when everyone else on this latitude is wearing grass skirts!”

Story by Rachel Licciardello Photography by Skye Millard

Today, Pricey’s tree-house is his sanctuary; a place to escape, to swing in his hammock, and enjoy the view out over North Ward and The Strand with his partner Barbara Christy by his side. “It takes a special type of woman to put up with me,” laughs Pricey, “especially when there are alarm clocks going off at 3.45am each morning!” For Steve, who “loves kids and would have loved to have been a dad,” being a father is a dream now faded. “It’s not really a regret,” says Steve, with his words seeming to weigh heavily on his mind, even if only briefly. (Although, today the pitter-patter of little feet is not entirely absent from Steve’s tree-house, with his Jack Russell terrier, Bing – named after Bing Crosby – keeping Steve and Barbara on their toes.) While his passion for presenting, for 4TO FM as a station and for his listeners is undeniable, Steve says his greatest-ever accomplishments have happened outside of the recording studio. “Walking onto the stage at the Townsville Civic Theatre as Thenardier for Les Miserables was one of the greatest moments in my life,” tells Steve of his 1994 theatre performance. (Steve resumed this same role for the 1995 and 2008 productions.) “I didn’t think I could do it, but I wanted to so bad…. Les Mis’ is a rollercoaster; it’s so demanding, and exciting… “My mother, late father, sister and nephews had come up to Townsville for opening night of Les Mis’ and I got a call from [then-mayor, Tony] Mooney’s PA asking me to go to the Australia Day Awards in the mall. So I went down there, thinking I was to compere something, and I was given the Citizen of the Year Award and made the city’s ambassador!” On the plaque Steve received that Australia Day 18 years ago, are the fitting words: ‘Citizen of the Year and Number One Good Bloke’. “Mum and dad were there, and I was a mess.”

“Until they literally drag me out of the studio and tell me ‘your time has come’ I’ll keep doing the radio” After more than a decade at 3DB and KZ in Melbourne, Steve made his colourful move north. “I was 28 by that time, and had a successful career in Melbourne – I even turned down a job offer before I left because I wanted more than anything to do my brand of radio in the tropics.” And thus continued an energetic career that spanned television (music shows, kids shows and presenting roles), radio and print media. And, inevitably, it took its toll on Steve. Not only has Steve sacrificed his hearing for his trade – “I’m clinically deaf and have to wear a hearing aid. That’s the result of working 14-hour days with bad equipment in the early years.” But he has also found himself in the same situation as many, struggling to get that work-life balance. To build his dream house – a timber tree-house that hugs Castle Hill, with the hill’s rock doubling as Steve’s bathroom wall – Steve worked four jobs; on radio for 4TOFM, doing weather for Channel Ten and presenting at Townsville Crocodiles and NQ Cowboys home games. (It seems appropriate that one of our city’s most iconic personalities quite literally lives on one of our city’s most iconic landmarks.) “I’d work mornings, afternoons and nights, and in between, and I survived by napping,” laughs Pricey, who built the home with his partner at that time “Every cent I made from doing the weather went into purchasing this block of land. I helped design the house with the builder, and my ex and I went into debt to build it,” he recalls. “I’m not complaining though,” he’s quick to add. “Mine really is the greatest career a radio bloke could have. I mean, I’ve been in radio for 40 years!”

As recognition for his endless community work during his career, Steve has also received Rotary Club’s international community award, the Paul Harris Fellow, and the Federation Medal. “I’m not a Rotarian, so that’s a huge honour,” he explains. “I don’t want to make too much of a song and dance about it though, because it’s just what I do. I believe giving back to the community that listens to my show is an obligation.” Despite the countless hours of volunteer work Steve has clocked for Townsville businesses, charities, schools and groups, over weekends and evenings, taking away from his personal time, Steve still finds reward in just being asked to be involved. Earlier this year he was named Townsville Ambassador for the Visit ME campaign run by Townsville Enterprise and Townsville Airport. “To be the official ambassador of this city is an amazing honour,” tells Steve. And Townsville would be hard-pressed to find another personality as colourful, positive and vocally in love with our city. Steve has even gone so far as to strip down to a g-string to promote what’s happening in Townsville. Has he been controversial? Yes. Likeable? Mostly. Deserving of his ‘City Ambassador’ title? Absolutely. With solid community connections, a genuine interest in community issues and a passion for promoting Townsville, a transition into politics wouldn’t be a stretch. But, Steve says, he has no plans for politics “as such”. “Until they literally drag me out of the studio and tell me ‘your time has come’ I’ll keep doing the radio,” he laughs. “I’ve never been 9-5, and when my radio career’s gone I don’t expect what comes next will be 9-5 either. But I think my next project will be to write a book about a radio announcer’s life. I’ll do it for charity, but I won’t write it from my perspective,” reveals Steve, hesitant to let the domestic pet entirely out of the bag. With next year marking Steve’s “30th mango season in North Queensland”, I ask him what he would tell that wide-eyed, baby-faced 17-year-old Steve Price waiting for his first job interview with 3DB 40 years ago. “I wouldn’t tell him anything. I made some shocker mistakes, but they got me places. My career has been spectacular – nothing less than spectacular.”


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Festive Celebration Highlight

What’s inside This special highlight edition Looking for some ideas on how to celebrate with your staff? Within our Festive Celebrations highlight is a variety of options on team events with a wide appeal. updirectors with technological advances. While finances are not a skill all So we have all heard of the saying “it takeseconomic money toclimate, make money” In the current many company and one of the most important functions anywell business, is the the value business and owners in may be questioning of hostingowners any possess, it is important to align yourself with a financial record keeping andtype direction. Businesses havestaff. to ensure of celebration for their It is importantprofessional. to remember,Financial professionals are critical to business success and no matter how good your sales people are, if your finances aren’t their finances are in order forthat many purposes ranging from survival in staff celebrations recognise the collective contribution order the backbone of your business is in jeopardy. We welcome bad times, to funding the next successful product launch or service employees make to the business and is a greatinway to remind you to make contact with the showcase of professionals that feature offering. How you finance your business affect your ability staff they arecan partgreatly of a common endeavour. within this highlight and take your business to the next level. to employ and retain the most skilled staff in their field, purchasing goods, acquiring licenses, expanding, developing andtalked keeping Staff functions are always about in the office, so it is imperative to ensure yours is a positive topic of conversation within your team.


Thinking big?

Think Jupiters The festive season might still be a few months away, but it will be here before we know it so now is the time to start thinking about your work Christmas function. Jupiters will again host it’s famous Giant Christmas Parties and what better way to celebrate the year that was with your colleagues than by attending the ever-popular event. For a truly memorable night that’s bursting with Christmas cheer and great food, the team at Jupiters will take care of your every need, all you have to do is turn up and have some fun. Jupiters’ Giant Christmas Parties are designed to bring smaller groups

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We had a fantastic time at our work Christmas Party held at Kingpin! The team were great in meeting our needs and providing us with a range of options to handle our large group. This was the first team event for 1300SMILES, and it went off without a hitch – we will definitely be using the venue again for corporate and social events. • Ashlee Burgess - Human Resources Officer

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An exceptional experience Since its inception, the Watermark has become an iconic landmark in Townsville, with its breathtaking views and relaxed atmosphere. A stylish lunch, dinner, corporate meeting and event or a fairy-tail wedding by the sea, the Watermark is simply divine!

Joining the lifestyle Club has its benefits too! A 10% discount when dining for lunch or dinner, exclusive invitations to complimentary VIP events throughout the year, like wine and cheese tastings and you even receive a complimentary Devonshire Tea upon joining.

“I held my function here recently and something that surprised me was although it looks expensive I did my comparisons and its standards, sophistication and to die for food sit’s very competitively in the Townsville market. The venue has many awards and proves its success. To send you elsewhere would be an injustice. The Watermark is also affiliated with Townsville’s No.1 club The Consortium, with VIP entry; we were ushered through to a private booth where our wonderful evening continued. Both venues are World Class!”

A Watermark Christmas is becoming a tradition with Santa and the elves, if you don’t want to be disappointed then book in early. Call 07 47724 4281 or email or keep up to date with our blog


The Townsville Hospital Foundation needs you Café Bambini has partnered with Insight Creative for the second year running to raise much needed funds for the Townsville Hospital Foundation through their Townsville Kids’ calendar. Owner of Café Bambini, Therese Jan is proud to be a part of the annual event for charity and it makes up as their main fundraising endeavor. Owner of Insight Creative, Honey Atkinson comments “We would like to raise as much money as possible for the foundation, as every dollar counts, but right now what we need is families to register”.

For a small cost of $60 your kids can be included in the Townsville Kids calendar that is printed and sold throughout the region. The organisers encourage business owners to take time out of their busy schedule to register their children, as the process is designed to be simple and easy. The professionals at Insight Creative assist with photo shoot direction and styling, further enhancing the finished product. Each photo session takes between 20 minutes to one hour and once all photos are ready for viewing, their favourite photo is chosen for the calendar that captures the essence of kids in our region. Hours and hours of unpaid work goes into

producing the calendar that culminates at a launch party, where all families involved in the production meet up. It’s at this point that Honey mentions, their efforts are all rewarded, seeing how the kids have grown over the year and all uniting together for a common cause. With purse strings tightening over the past few years, organisers hope the families of Townsville will dig deep in their hearts this year to find the time and place to take part in this worthy and rewarding event. All proceeds towards the calendar sales are donated to the Townsville Hospital Foundation. For more information, please visit



Impress your clients with an experience to remember Say thank you to your top 10 clients and host a function with a difference. By rewarding client loyalty with a Fratello Catering High Tea, you will be sure to impress your clients and staff. Fratello can look after absolutely everything including garden venue, exquisite treats, quality teas and coffee. You just need to invite the guests! Go on, call Fratello today, your clients deserve it.

Having a business event? Let us know. For a soc

ial photographer to atte nd your event and be featured in our nex t edition.



The Essentials of Business Insurance By Andrew Morris. Principal at Moore Stephens.

At this time of year business owners are finalising their planning and strategy for the upcoming financial year. During this process the inclusion of insurance is often overlooked, but in many cases it can be the most viable solution to provide capital or income to a business when there is an unexpected event such as the death or disablement or long term illness of a partner or key person. When designing an insurance solution for business purposes the following questions need to be considered: • • • • • • • • •

Purpose for insurance (e.g. Key Person cover, Loan repayment, Partner buy out). What type of insurance is required? (e.g. Death, TPD. Critical Illness, Income protection). How much cover is adequate? Policy Ownership. Potential changes to business ownership. How premium costs will be shared. A mechanism to avoid policy lapses for non-payment. Taxation implications (capital gains and income tax liabilities). Clear documentation, especially if insurance is part of a buy or sell agreement.

The question of ownership is crucial. A life policy can be owned by the life insured, another person or an entity. The ownership and its purpose need to be documented and usually form part of a buy or sell agreement that specifies what purpose the proceeds can be used for example: • •

If owned by a business, the buy/sell agreement may specify that proceeds received are used to buy the life insured’s share of the business. If owned by the life insured, the buy/sell agreement may specify that proceeds received by that person (or estate) represent payment for their share of the business.

It is generally the structure of the business that dictates the guidelines for insurance policy ownership. Ownership structures include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Self-ownership of policy on own life. Cross-ownership. Trust ownership of policies. Corporate ownership of life policies. Superannuation trustee ownership.

The most appropriate means of owning an insurance policy in any buy or sell arrangement depends on: • •

Who the parties are. The circumstances of those parties to the arrangement.

Each approach to ownership and solutions has its advantages and disadvantages. Since ‘one size does not fit all’ it is important to review each case on its own merits. To receive specific advice in relation to your business needs, call a member of the Moore Stephens (Qld) Limited Wealth Management team to arrange an appointment.

*Moore Stephens (Qld) Wealth Management is a corporate authorised representative of Charter Financial Planning Limited, Australian Financial Services Licensee, Licence Number 234665 This editorial provides general information only. Before making any financial or investment decisions, we recommend you consult a financial planner to take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs. Charter Financial Planning and its Authorised Representatives do not accept any liability for any errors or omissions of information supplied in this editorial.



coming soon to townsville Myer arrives in Townsville in October, bringing your business the support of the Myer Gift Registry service. We can help you with employee and customer rewards as well as business purchases for the office and workspace. Use our scanners to quickly and easily scan gifts, gift cards and Red Balloon Experiences onto your list. Visit us online at, or call 13 14 43.


Kaiulani, Mei

ka and Lola

Marissa Candy, Kya Faust and Nata

sha Whiteside

the house for fausts finale


n the August 2011 edition of this magazine, the community was called upon to assist in contributing to the House for Fausts project, to work with The Marketing Factory and chief organiser Natasha Whiteside from Vista Homes. The House for Fausts project saw a rally of generosity from our great region’s business people to come together and assist one family in their hour of need. Natasha knew that there were many other families such as the Faust family, to have a young dad taken away too early from his ever-loving wife and three young children. But in this case, Natasha saw an opportunity where she could assist and started phoning her suppliers, contacts, friends and business people far and wide to inform them of her grand plans. Soon after, the House for Fausts project was launched and a modest family home commenced construction for Kya and her three daughters. Kya has been absolutely stunned by the support and attention she has received


Photography by Skye Millard

from the community. She is not certain why she had been blessed with this gift, but will always be eternally grateful to Natasha for her generosity. “It is simply overwhelming to see this brand new home and imagine our family living here,” says Kya. Unfortunately, the entire build wasn’t completely smooth sailing with a few key items not donated and a large cash bill remaining. A big thank you does go out to all involved including The Marketing Factory, Success Business Magazine, Vista Homes & Design, Southern Cross Austereo, Toyota Cowboys, Freedom Pools, North Queensland Audio Visual, Boral, Troy Williams The Good Guys, Supa Truss, Windmill Bricklaying, Kersh Concrete Contractors, Austral Masonry, Gunnersen, Lyndons, Termimesh, Hilditch Plumbing, NQ Consulting, Bradnam’s Windows & Doors, Cleveland Trade Centre, North Coast Roofing, Townsville

Cabinetmaking, Mark Graham Electrical, JMAC, Stockland North Shore, Talus Building Solutions, ACB Painting Services, Majer Tiles, Hayden Concreting, AA Clotheslines, Best Doors, Force Rentals, Kwiksmart Landscaping, HPM LeGrand, NQ Waterproofing, Wayne Clinch Tiling, Marlin Tiles, ALB Distributors, MJS Bob Cat Hire, Quinn Bricklaying, GSA Building Approvals, Hardware 2 Site, Patriot Crane Hire, Carpet One & Tiles, Redi Agencies, Wild Texture Coating, Pacific Plasterers, John Munro, LAP Refrigeration and Scott Brickworks. The newly designed house plan and photos are on display at the Vista Homes display house at the North Shore display village. Donations can still be made to the House for Fausts project or the Sam Faust Foundation, which supports families of those affected by life threatening illness. The Vista Homes display is open seven days a week.


15 minutes with:

Sonia KRUGER Renowned for her sophisticated sense of fashion, sunny sense of humour and engaging energy; she could only hail from Queensland. But it becomes very clear, very quickly when you speak with Sonia Kruger, that she’s not just an entertainer but also quite the entrepreneur. Story by Tracey Lee Gordon


A performer since the age of four, she’s built a successful career in the media, transitioning from dancer to actress to reporter and now ranks as a top presenter for some of Australia’s highest rating shows. She’s the ambassador for Swisse and earlier this year launched her second Sonia Kruger Collection, exclusive to Myer. As co-host for the Nine Network’s Mornings, her schedule is about to ramp up a notch or 2012 more, with the long awaited return of Big Brother.

What do you think about the Townsville Region when you last visited? I love Townsville and I’ve got very fond memories of Dad taking us on road trips during school holidays. We’d visit family in Tully, so we would always stop into Townsville. When I was a reporter for Wonderworld I did a few stories at Lavarack Army Barracks, but hadn’t been back after that for a while. Townsville is a gorgeous place - I would live there. It’s sophisticated; it has the venues, the wine, the restaurants, the weather and the water - minus the traffic and congestion of the major capital cities.

You’ve made some very successful transitions in your career from dancer to actress to reporter to presenter. Did you want to experience it all or is there a longer term goal? Honestly? It’s been a lot about income, but enjoying what I do while I earn an income. Back when I danced professionally there weren’t shows like Dancing with the Stars. The only real choices to make a living from dance were to own a studio or compete and neither options were hugely viable money spinners. So, after Strictly Ballroom I pursued acting for a while and had an agent, but the roles really called for dramatic actresses and I worked out pretty quickly that I was never going to be a good dramatic actress. In high school, I was often told that I should study journalism and so when I saw the ad for Wonderworld, I thought it sounded like fun. I applied, got the role and stayed with the show for about two years before the Today Tonight opportunity came up.

In your work as a reporter and journalist, you’ve interviewed some of the world’s most famous celebrities - as a celebrity yourself, do you ever get a case of the jitters before speaking to the likes of Brad Pitt or Beyonce? Yes! I used to get very, very nervous, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. My very first interview was with Glen Close, ironically enough at the Mirage in Port Douglas. She was so warm and such a lovely person and she really made me feel relaxed. But, my most daunting experience was when I interviewed Madonna, I was petrified. She is well known for tossing journos out of interviews and the journalist before me was exited early for asking a ‘dumb’ question, so I was pretty nervous. But I have to say, she was great and I had a very intimate conversation with her about her album 4 Minutes.

So as the new host for Big Brother – what can we expect Channel Nine to do differently to the format we are used too? Well it’s all very hush, hush at the moment. In fact I don’t even have a start date yet! I’ve not been given very much detail at all, so I’m going on the same ride with the viewers, which is going to be awesome. What I can tell you is that the location is the same, but the house is being completely refurbished. It’s like a resort and I want to live there! Interview rounds across the country are complete now and we’ve really worked to cast unique Aussies as opposed to the stereotypical types that have been residents in the past. I think the promo works really well, because

it really is what Australia wants to see – real people that will really hold our interest over the course of the series.

The opening of Townsville’s first Myer store is in the pipeline. Your collection is exclusive to Myer and we’re keen to know what we can expect... The line is definitely suited to the tropical climate. We’ve got a fabulous range of maxi dresses, which are cool, comfy and great with flat sandals. I love this style, it absolutely says ‘Island Holiday and Far North Queensland’. There is also a selection of outfits for those special events, parties and of course the races. I’ve worked with Designworks in Melbourne who also design for Review, Jag and Metalicus and I’m very involved in all areas of product development. The range has built in shapewear so there’s no further purchases necessary to make the outfit look great – it looks great when you try it on. All women love to have a new dress for an event, but it’s not always affordable. I’ve aimed to keep the collection at a great price point which really allows justification of buying that new outfit.

What would be your ‘bolt out of bed’ television job? I’ve got it now. I really love fronting international franchise and reality shows. Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother, keeping it live and real with the hype and glitz that is show business. I love big shiny floor shows. “

What wouldn’t we be reading about Sonia Kruger? Well, I love chilli. I’m addicted to it ... and I’m guilty of bad tv habits. I’ve IQ’ed most of the Real Housewives from around the world, I can’t get enough. I just love it!


top 5 tips for a career in media

1 2 3 4 5

Start with a communications degree, get your work experience and use it for credits against your degree Be prepared to work unpaid to get experience Be prepared to work hard Find a speciality area; being able to cater for all round is important, but the most successful people have a specialty area, sports, vets, doctors and this will provide the basis for a successful career

Don’t forget about other mediums such as print, radio and digital – they are areas that are just as rewarding and fulfilling as television


ON THE RISE Success Business Magazine talks with Peter Carey, Director of Strategic SMSF, a new division of the Carey Group of Companies specialising in self managed super fund administration. Photography Skye Millard

When did you join the company and in what capacity? Following a career in IT, I joined Carey Group in 2001 as a Financial Advisor. In 2004 I relocated to Brisbane where I ran a superannuation and insurance business for almost eight years. I returned to Townsville and the Carey Group late last year to create Strategic SMSF and launched it in July 2012. Strategic SMSF assists clients wishing to establish and run a Self Managed Super Fund.

Describe a typical day for you. Coffee – I love my coffee, so that typically comes first. My working day generally consists of educating clients about Self Managed Super Funds so they can make more informed choices about their retirement assets. Additionally I work with our staff to continually improve system processes. As I have a background in IT, I also deal with the firm’s IT issues and refer to our IT provider when needed.

What business-related values do you operate by? a) Kaizen – Continuous improvement of business processes. b) Empower your team – Everybody has amazing skills. c) Customer service – We are about providing clients with the Choice, Control and Confidence to take control of their superannuation.

Who inspires you? My wife and my mother – both of them are very amazing women! Also, my very good friends on the Gold Coast, Kenton and Rachel Campbell, who created a multimillion dollar coffee empire from an $8,000 loan 16 years ago. From day one their vision and desire to succeed has never changed. It is that determination to succeed that inspires me.

What are the advantages of being a young person in business? “Unbridled energy” as it was put to me once, and a willingness to accept change. Young people in business are also more comfortable with the latest

technology and integrating it into their business. An example would be the use of social media as a marketing and communication tool.

How does working in North Queensland advantage someone in your line of work? I love the honesty of North Queenslanders. Much of my job involves working clients through their retirement goals, so having them cut to the chase is brilliant! In my work, I need to ascertain what my clients are trying to achieve with their superannuation, something they often don’t know yet themselves, so honesty is really appreciated. Having offices in Townsville and Ingham provides me with a good central location from which to assist our North Queensland clients.

What are the challenges of being a young person in business? The challenge for young people in business is gaining the correct professional development and mentoring. We have amazing experienced business people in North Queensland and I’d love to see more of them share their knowledge.

Are you involved with any networking initiatives? I am participating in the inaugural Townsville Enterprise Emerging Leaders program with 25 others from a variety of industries. I also attend Young Chamber events which are great. Socially, I love the atmosphere at the Cowboys and plan to get more involved with Townsville’s basketball teams this year.

What sets your business apart from your competitors? a) A clear objective - Strategic SMSF’s sole focus is Self Managed Super Fund administration. b) A group approach - We don’t try to reinvent the wheel. We work with our clients and their accountant, solicitor and financial planner to plan the best investment strategy for their future. c) Education - We arm our clients with the knowledge they need to be the driver in their retirement planning rather than a mere passenger.


Developing Energy Sense In the last edition of Success Business Magazine, we introduced Ergon Energy’s Energy Sense Communities initiative. This time we take a closer look at one arm of the program that’s focused on working with developers, builders and home buyers to promote greater efficiency in new homes to reduce the carbon footprint and the rising costs of living. Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Skye Millard


n early 2011 Ergon Energy commenced collaborative research with key property developers ULDA and Stockland to identify and implement best strategies to assist in reducing peak demand, lowering consumer electricity costs and contributing to greater overall environmental sustainability for new home builds. The focus has since progressed to explore how Ergon Energy can work with developers to find ways to lower electricity infrastructure costs and develop guidelines for builders. Ergon Energy is working with the ULDA to examine the viability and impact of incentivising builders and home owners to install energy efficient features into their homes and most importantly, provide tools for new home owners to allow them to make educated, sustainable design and product choices. “It’s not only about Ergon Energy’s goal to reduce our spending on expensive infrastructure where possible, it’s to ensure we supply customers with the power they need in the most affordable manner. “We’re really aiming to touch the full spectrum of consumers and as household costs rise, the need to live more sustainably has never been greater. The most effective way to ensure you minimise the impact of these cost increases is to choose an energy efficient design when building a new home,” says Ergon Energy representative Lisa McDonald. “Some initiatives may present a larger investment


in the short term, but will allow you to comfortably reduce your electricity use - it won’t take long to reap the savings. Investing in energy efficient features in your new home can lower your ongoing electricity usage and it’s a great way to futureproof your investment.” Although research and groundwork is still in the preliminary stages, the high profile Stockland North Shore development and display village has provided the perfect platform for introducing new home buyers to a range of energy efficient design choices. “In conjunction with Stockland, we’re delivering education to prospective new home buyers on available choices and highlighting proactive design options that can be taken to reduce reliance on the network throughout peak demand periods.”

environment to keep your home cooler, which means you will need to use your air conditioners less. This can include roof colour, insulation, glazing and most importantly home orientation to capture the natural flow of air. This must-have handbook is available at the Stockland North Shore Display Village office, or to download at house-and-land_qld/The_Handbook_FINAL.pdf

Top tips for an energy efficient home

Stockland and Ergon Energy have collaboratively released The Handbook, a comprehensive, no nonsense guide to design, energy, water and nature smart options to ensure the new home is the best it can be.

Orient your home correctly

Choose light colours

Ventilate and insulate your roof

Choose solar hot water

Connect to the off peak tariff

For example, there’s no question that North Queensland residents are heavily reliant on air conditioning and when summer kicks in, we’ll all be turning these on at the same time of day. It’s one key area Ergon and Stockland have successfully addressed. When building a new home there are several choices that can be made that will maximise the efficiency of the natural

Include water saving features

Landscape properly

Maximise cooling breezes

Understand sun movement


Most people don’t plan to fail they fail to plan. Ask yourself… have you put plans in place for your retirement?

Call Dennis Di Bartolo today Magnitude Financial Planning 263 Charters Towers Road Hermit Park QLD 4812 Phone 07 4753 5777 Email Web


Dennis Di Bartolo is an authorised representative of Magnitude Group ABN 54 086 266 202 ACL 221557 AFSL 221557 trading as Magnitude Financial Planning. This information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. It’s important for you to consider these matters before making any financial decision and we recommend you seek help from a financial adviser.


Dancing The Business of

She’s a two time Australian Professional Latin Champion and international Broadway performer who’s graced dance floors across Europe, Russia and the US. With a dazzling smile and string of accolades, she’s now lighting up television screens across the country. We speak exclusively to Townsville’s very own Melanie Hooper about what it takes to make dancing your business. Story by Tracey Lee Gordon


he chose the ballroom over the boardroom and after a six year stint in London, performing, teaching, choreographing and competing across Europe, Russia and the US, Melanie has just wound up her second season, as a celebrity dance trainer and choreographer for Seven Network’s Dancing with the Stars. “I’ve always loved dancing. Initially it was a culmination of hanging out with other girls, the bling, the diamantes and performing that I enjoyed most. I wasn’t the most naturally talented dancer and certainly not the best; but when I was told that if I worked hard I could be, I got very serious about making dance my full-time career,” tells Melanie. “Without industry respect and a great deal of experience though, it’s very difficult to earn an income from dancing - as a teacher, performer or choreographer. To build that respect takes time, experience, a lot of practice, a lot of money and a very focused and determined commitment to your sport and the hard work it demands. “The reality is, if you want to be good you need to expose yourself to the best and be in a position to fund a good diet, strength training, costumes, travel for competitions and of course as many lessons as possible. Even at 17, I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice any of those things, so I chose to work full-time and do my classes, training, comps and


performing out of hours so to speak.” At 21 Melanie moved to Brisbane. “It seemed like the best and safest choice as a start. Closer to the south and the opportunities, but still close to my family. Being able to compete in Melbourne and Sydney was just huge, but I got a taste and I just wanted more. I wanted to learn more, I wanted to dance more and I wanted to be the best. But to do that, I had to take the ultimate risk and move closer to the European dance circuit and the experience it had to offer. I chose London and it was a massive step for me. But, not taking that chance wasn’t an option. “Those were tough years, and it was a very mechanical existence. Up at 6.30am for gym, then work, jumping tubes, dancing and jumping tubes again to climb into bed after midnight - just to get up and do it all over again. Any holiday leave was spent travelling Europe and Russia for competitions or coming home for the Australian Championships. I never lost my passion, it only grew and over time, I built a reputation amongst my peers and got teaching gigs at Imperial College and Semley Dance Studio. For an aspiring dance professional, it doesn’t get any better than that.” “Performance and touring opportunities on European and US Broadway were definitely highlights and really influenced my personal and professional growth as a pro dancer; and

collaboratively all of my overseas experience allowed me to come back to Australia and earn an income from dancing. So I relocated to Sydney and had excellent networking opportunities. Although tentative about the high profile nature of television work, I was elated when offered the opportunity to work on Dancing with the Stars. “Throughout my career, I’ve met, danced with, competed against and learnt from the world’s best and I admire most the ones that have endured the hard yards and invested the same love, blood, sweat and tears as they’ve inspired me to be as good as them – and not just as a dancer, but as a person too. “It’s not easy making a career out of dance but if that’s your passion then I would say, don’t give up and make sure it’s fun. If you stop enjoying it, then you need to stop doing it.” So what’s next for Melanie Hooper? “Well I’ll be touring with Todd McKenney in Songs and Stories of Peter Allen later in the year and then I’m back to the UK early in 2013 for a second run in Brendan Cole’s Live and Unjudged tour – and of course trying to schedule in a break after that to come back home and see my family.”





2012 - Dancing with the Stars Australia, Week 8 2012 - Brendan Cole’s Live & Unjudged Tour, UK 2011 - Dancing with the Stars Australia, Finalist 2010 - Burn the Floor - Gold Coast 2010 - Burn the Floor - World Tour 2010 - Live Performance on GMTV, NY Studios & Broadway on Broadway live performance, Time Square 2009 - 2010 - Burn the Floor - Broadway, Long Acre Theatre 2008 - UK Rising Star Professional Latin Champion 2008 - Runner Up - British Professional Rising Star Latin 2007 - German Professional Rising Star Latin Champion 2007 - Australian Open Professional Latin Champion 2007 - Top 21 World Professional Latin, Moscow 2005 - Australian Open Professional Latin Champion

Melanie Hooper and Brian Mannix


Work nce Experie ts n e d u t S

Story by Katherine Powell

Policies and Procedures For every new starter it’s important to have a solid induction program. Starting with the basics such as your health and safety procedures and moving through to more complex areas regarding roles and responsibilities and the day-to-day operations of your company. Hosting a work experience student in your business can be seen as a daunting task. It’s a difficult balancing act, keeping the student busy and interested without losing too many productive hours supervising them. Often work placement is seen as beneficial to the student only and seen by the employer as merely a necessary obligation. However here at Success we have discovered just how worthwhile a work experience student can be. Next time a student wants to be a part of your business, take them on board. Instead of having them fetch the coffees and photocopy memos, let them become a valued member of your team. You will be amazed by what they can teach you!

Company Goals/Mission Statement Every business should have a clear purpose. It should also have a mission statement that clearly and succinctly outlines the goals of the business and how it will achieve them. Over time as your business changes and grows so too will your goals and purpose. It’s vitally important that all employees are clear about the purpose of the business and are committed to achieving the overall goals.

Software and Technology Remember! Hosting a work experience student can be extremely beneficial to the future of your business. By not only encouraging people to get involved in your industry but by nurturing and promoting the growth of their skills in the workplace you are actively helping to contribute to the development of your future workforce.


Depending on your industry, you may be required to use particular types of software or technology in your everyday work. These are constantly being upgraded or out-dated. Having a work experience student can be a great way to keep on top of the latest trends and technologies. If the graduates in your industry are using particular programs during their study then it may be worthwhile bringing these on board.

Social Media Trends The impact and infiltration of social media to everyday life has forever changed the way businesses advertise and market their products and services. While it may seem overwhelming to some, it’s second nature to young adults. A fresh set of “young” eyes can you help find any holes in your marketing and help you find your niche market on the ever-expanding web.




The Army Reserve is now recruiting for a variety of roles in Townsville. Gain exciting new life experiences, meet new mates and learn new skills, all whilst giving back to your local area and earn 100% tax free pay. Apply now by calling 13 19 01 or by visiting




Who’s looking after the manager’s development? By Kathryn Chapman. Managing Director at Choice Training. It is well known that by developing your workforce, and your greatest asset, your human resource, you can build your business and maintain great staff. Many managers take this on board and invest in developing their staff, but what about themselves?

develop yourself? Great question. Improving yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to spend a great amount of time off the job. Some helpful ideas include: •

Often managers don’t include themselves in workplace development plans. They have their qualifications, they’ve worked hard to get to the position they are in, and whilst they are supporting the growth of their employees, how are they managing their own development? For all you managers out there, don’t forget that you too need to continually develop your skills, in order to remain an effective, efficient workplace manager. Of course you are under pressure to achieve workplace objectives, meet budgets, time-frames, manage projects and manage people. When in amongst all of this can you

• • • • • •

Getting a fresh perspective by talking to like-minded people in different industries, it’s a great way to solidify ideas. Networking events are a great way to meet people and make valuable contacts. Joining management and industry professional networks. Reading professional journals. Attending conferences. Attending short courses and master classes. Completing tertiary study.

As you move up the ladder it can be easy to move self-improvement down the priority list. However learning is life-long, there are always

new things to learn and skills to hone to further develop your effectiveness. You are the leader of your organisation; you should be modelling the behaviour you expect from your employees, including self-improvement. Engaging a professional training company to tailor training to suit your specific needs can give you the edge and opportunity for effective self-improvement. Management skills that can be improved throughout your career and enhanced with professional training include attending master classes on leadership, time management, planning, sales and project management to name a few. By engaging a professional training company to assist with your self improvement plans, you can be sure to access the very best training, suited to your needs.



AUSSIE When Gavin Thompson decided that he wanted to own a truly iconic Aussie pub, lady luck was clearly on his side. When you live in Townsville, it simply doesn’t get any more iconic or any more Aussie, than South Townsville’s historic Australian Hotel. Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Skye Millard


t’s been in his hands for a little over 12 months now and with no plans to alter the traditional value of the venue, Gavin’s enjoying nurturing good old Aussie pub DNA, with a touch of contemporary fanfare and a few extra splashes of tradition.

both the hotel and Townsville, it needs to stay preserved,” says Gavin. “Of course we have enhanced some of our beverage and menu options, but the take up in this area has proven to complement and further build on the long established reputation of the hotel.

In the heart of Palmer Street, the Australian Hotel was established in 1888 and as one of Townsville’s very first pubs was also one of XXXX’s very first North Queensland clients.

“The key initiative has been to reignite the original partnership between the Australian and XXXX. There is a great selection of core suppliers in Australia with great products, but when it comes to product depth, XXXX really was the obvious choice for what I wanted to accomplish with the hotel in the longer term. The place is blessed with the name ‘Australian Hotel’ and I wanted to maximise that as much as possible.

In the 1900s, the hotel was home to silver screen legend Errol Flynn and these days it’s best known as a venue of choice for professionals, families, sporting enthusiasts, North Queensland tourists and of course, Palmer Street Jazz Festival guests. With open plan indoor and open air outdoor design, the venue is truly multi-functional and the class of the old beauty has been beautifully enhanced with understated, clean contemporary finishings. Photos of Errol Flynn adorn the walls as a reminder of the bygone era and the good old friendly pub vibe remains. “I’ve no intention of changing the theme of the venue; I think with respect to the history of


“Of course we stock a wide selection of boutique and craft beers, along with well known Aussie favourites, but our key point of difference is that we are one of only a few pubs north of Brisbane that serves XXXX ‘off the wood.’ We buy in customary timber kegs and our beer is fresh. It’s made on a Tuesday, shipped on a Wednesday at 0º and we crack them on a Friday. I say that literally too, because unlike aluminum kegs, we have to

pierce them. Beer

off wood is definitely the smoothest taste you can achieve and it’s an experience every Queenslander needs to try. This is a great XXXX product, that’s really making us stand out and the XXXX customer service is very much hand in hand with the old pub ethic of a good honest meal and ice cold beer. “In terms of our menu, we cater for the traditional audience and again, it’s all about good value for money and good tucker. From counter meals to fresh oysters, and of course the recent addition of ribs has been a massive hit and has people raving. I brought back a sauce recipe from Las Vegas that is like no other I’ve ever tasted and it’s making our rib meal the perfect accompaniment to ice cold, off the wood XXXX.”

THE IMPORTANCE OF A GREAT FIT By Karey Corrie. Operations Manager & Masterfit Technician at The Athlete’s Foot. No matter whether you are a professional sports person, weekend warrior, or self-confessed couch potato, having correctly fitted shoes can make a huge difference to your comfort, wellbeing and performance.

far past the horizontal midline did it go? If it barely moved – the cushioning in your shoe is still looking good, if it has gone past horizontal it has failed the “dead shoe test” and it is time to look at introducing a new pair.

Did you know that poorly fitted shoes can be the cause of foot, leg and back pain as well as headaches? Whereas correctly fitted shoes can reduce the likelihood of injuries, reduce the pain of pre-existing conditions and ensure that you are in comfort from the time you put them on until you take them off.

Athletic shoe manufacturers release thousands of different models of shoes each year. Keeping up to date with the latest technology and understanding the differences between models and brands takes dedication and considerable training. The main things to consider when deciding on the right shoe for you is the type of activity you will be doing in the shoes, your foot type, fitting needs and the surface you will be using them on.

Over time shoes will lose their stability and shock absorption capacity which can dramatically increase stress to your feet and legs. These added stresses can lead to overuse injuries such as blisters, corns and calluses as well as lower limb foot injuries such as heel and arch pain. A quick test – hold your shoes with both hands in a horizontal plane, try to bend the front of your shoe down towards the ground. How

When it comes to shoes there is no such thing as one size fits all - each brand makes different shoes for different foot types and activities; getting the right match is vital for comfort, support and good foot health! For example, cross trainers are designed for court sports involving multidirectional movement

(tennis, squash, basketball etc), running shoes are specifically about forward motion and trail shoes are designed to accommodate uneven surfaces and loose terrain. So, whether it is for high end business deals during the week, chasing the kids in the park after school or climbing the Goat Track on the weekends, be sure to get your footwear professionally fitted to your individual needs and activities. If you are having specific pain or problems with your feet or legs, the right shoe is just the first step. See a podiatrist – they are experts in lower limb function and treatment and can help make you more comfortable, function more efficiently and get out there so you can get more out of your active North Queensland lifestyle. Local podiatrists are available for free, in store by appointment at The Athlete’s Foot Castletown and Willows. Ultimately, it is all about fit – getting it right can make a world of difference.

Find the right fit

with The Athlete’s Foot

From Fit Technician to Fit Specialist to Master Fit Technician: our training program ensures The Athlete’s Foot staff are the most highly trained in the business. Staff complete modules covering shoe technologies, biomechanics, fitting techniques & lacing options. We can fit our customers into the best shoes for their foot type, for any need whether it be for athletic, school, work or lifestyle. With ongoing online & face-to-face sessions we’re always up-to-date with the latest brands, technology and fitting solutions. The Athlete’s Foot also work with our Podiatry Advisory Council who assist us with training content, research projects and emerging shoe technologies. Through this training, our staff are able to recognise your needs.

The Athlete’s Foot - Willows Cnr Thuringowa Drive and Hervey Range Road, Kirwan PH: (07) 4723 3633

The Athlete’s Foot - Castletown Cnr Woolcock and Kings Road Hyde Park PH: (07) 4721 3668


Army Reserve Finance Officer



Success Business Magazine speaks with Dennis Di Bartolo, Managing Director and Financial Planner for Altitude Wealth Management trading as Magnitude Financial Planning.

What was the main reason the company was started? In 2007, after spending seven years with Westpac Financial Planning, I was given an opportunity to purchase a client base that I had built and managed over the previous seven years. It was at this time that I felt I was ready for the next challenge which was to own and operate my own financial planning practice. So in April 2007 we opened our doors under the Magnitude name.

What organisations or tools do you use in business that makes your life easier?

Partnering with my clients to maximise the probability of them achieving their financial goals and aspirations. I achieve this through providing them with guidance, support and confidence to make good financial decisions.

The organisations we support are the FPA (Financial Planning Association of Australia) which is the governing body for Financial Planners. We are also a listed Professional Practice of the FPA which means we abide by the highest of standards set by the industry. I am a member of SPAA which is the governing body for the Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Industry. Finally, we have a state of the art CRM (Client Management System) to ensure we deliver the services we promise and more. In addition, I have aligned our business with a larger group of Professional Financial Planners through FP Connect who provide support and direction for aspiring Financial Planning Practices.

Is there flexibility in the operations of the business?

Describe your ideal customer?

Like many small to medium sized business, finding a balance between work and family is critical. My situation is no different, I continually work with my wife and family to ensure that the balance needed to ensure success in business and life is achieved.

Our ideal client is firstly someone motivated to grow and protect their wealth over the longer term. Secondly, someone that needs the support and guidance to make good financial decisions. Finally, someone who understands that they don’t know what they don’t know. Our clients range from Mums, Dads, business owners and high-net-worth clients.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

What are some achievements/accolades you or the business has attained? In 2006, I completed a Masters Degree in Financial Planning through the University of Sunshine Coast and just recently I have completed additional studies to become a SPAA SMSF Specialist Adviser.

What is something interesting about the company that not many people would know? The Magnitude Group is owned by the BT Financial Group which in turn is owned by Westpac Bank. This provides our business with scale, support and infrastructure to be able to provide security and advice to clients. Clients are comforted by the fact that the Magnitude business is backed by one of our top four banks in Australia.


What advice would you give someone looking to start their own business? Don’t just buy yourself a job. Find an industry you are passionate about and want to make a difference to. Build a business that you believe you can grow and prosper in all types of business or economic conditions. Have a good banker, a good accountant and surround yourself with great staff. Finally, make sure you understand your financial data, as this is the foundation to making good decision about your business. 263 Charters Towers Rd, Hermit Park, Qld 4812 p. 07 4753 5777 e.

MARKETING YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET By Wayne Nicholson. Managing Director at First National Nicholson Real Estate.

When preparing to sell your home, you may consider two very different marketing campaigns; • •

up front marketing contributions, or no sale no charge.

The fact is some real estate agencies go to great lengths to tell you how much they won’t charge when they don’t sell your property. The majority of positive, professional agencies just get the property sold… simple as that. It has always amazed me how someone will spend $60 on an ad in the newspaper to sell a $300 fridge, which represents 20% of the sale price, but are reluctant to invest 1% of the sale price of their most valuable asset to fully explore all of the potential buyers for their home.

An investment of $2,000 to $5,000 depending on the price of the home is not only warranted, but will reap the benefits by exhausting the entire market place. Professional agents will search for the best buyers and the best offers, not just the first buyers. It is virtually impossible to ‘sell a secret’. There is a valuable lesson to be learned in the old saying “in the good times you should advertise and in the bad times you must”. The no-sale-nocharge campaigns give minimum exposure in the newspaper and minimal open home activity. On more than one occasion our agency and others that I know of, have picked up an expired listing from a limited advertising agency, listed the home for more and with a well planned marketing program, sold the home for a higher price.

Remember, the best agent is the one who gets you the most money for your home. Before you consider a no-sale-no-charge scare campaign, you owe it to yourself to speak with professional, long-standing and successful agents who have a track record of marketing and selling real estate in their local area. Experienced real estate agents aren’t just order-takers, they are skilled marketers and negotiators. Investing a little time upfront researching the right real estate agent for you, and the right marketing campaign, giving you maximum exposure in the market place, will result in a better deal for you in the end.


Inclusion is part of the solution By Wayne Giese. CEO at Advance Employment.

Reducing the stigma of mental illness in the workplace and in our community will assist greatly in the social inclusion and recovery of those effected in this way. There is no doubt that inclusion is a big part of the solution. No-one is immune from mental illness or living with a mental health condition. It could happen to you or me at any time in our lives. People living with mental health conditions come from all walks of life and could be; • • •

formally qualified (University or TAFE), trade qualified, professionals long term unemployed and out of the workforce for many years high or low income earners

Mental illness doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone at any time. Mental health conditions can include depression, anxiety, bi-polar affective disorder or schizophrenia. It is well known that 1 in 5 Australians will be affected by a mental health condition at some time in their lives. Mental health conditions can be caused and exacerbated by a number of factors, including stress. Most of us will face stress at some point in our lives. It affects each of us differently. It can cause a lot of people lose their self worth and confidence. As co-workers and employers we need to support those around us when coping with stress and if this is affecting them adversely, encourage them to speak with a professional.

The old adage of being told to ‘pull yourself together’ is no longer acceptable in our society. If the person you are speaking to is living with a mental health condition, these sort of comments can be harmful rather than helpful. Whilst I encourage you to be respectful when talking with co-workers, employees and those in your community, I also encourage you to be inclusive. Many people living with mental health conditions comment that the only thing disabling about their condition is the way they are treated by others. What you can do to help, is to be inclusive. Employ a diverse workforce, embrace difference and encourage those to seek assistance when needed. Who knows, the next person affected, may be you. How would you want to be treated?



for managers 1.

Be approachable

Keep an open door policy and encourage employee contributions.

5. Be A REFERENCE MODEL What you wear to work is what others will mirror.

2. Be aDAPTABLE Don’t panic, take control of whatever situation presents.


6. Be happy Remove the scowl and replace with a smile. Managers, who are happy appear more in control, confident and professional.

If it’s not in the dictionary, don’t use it in any of your business communications.

4. Be complimentary Telling someone that they have done a great job when a great job has been done is great!



Be anti-gossip

Big minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss people.

CAPTURING CARBON Renewing Resources

An Associate Professor at James Cook University, Kirsten Heimann heads the Microalgae Carbon Capture Program. As the founder of the program, she’s been responsible for generating over $19million worth of funding for the project and in just five years has built a research staff base of over 30. Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Skye Millard


irsten has over 51 publications, 670 citations and has submitted eight reports to the Federal Government on her groundbreaking research. She’s no run of the mill academic and more than met the necessary criteria to take out the North Queensland Corporate Business Woman Award for 2012. “I was very excited to receive the award, but there is certainly a lot more hard work to be undertaken. My key focus is to make significant contributions to economical, sustainable growth. I am a true believer that we can renew what we use and applying nature’s solutions to solve problems will speed up the remediation process.” The Carbon Capture Program specialises in the study of algae’s ability to remediate waste gases and waters to produce renewable fuels. “Algae have a unique ability to use greenhouse gases, nutrients and metals from polluted waste waters. They do not need to be grown on arable land and I believe we can use the algae to remediate waste gases and waters to produce renewable fuels, animal feeds, neutraceuticals and many more products particularly for rural Australia. In a natural setting, this process could take hundreds of thousands of years – our aim is to identify how we can reduce the time to solve fuel issues. The outcomes of our study will provide many additional socio-economic benefits for the region.”

Project Background “I’ve always been curious about what nature has to offer and after completing my PHD in Germany, I was granted a Post Doctoral Fellowship from the German Government with a key stipulation; I had to undertake my research outside of Europe. I had several research relationships with academics in Melbourne, so I relocated and later undertook a four year Biomedical excursion, which included meeting my wonderful husband and making the decision to call Australia my home. “After completing the Biomedical postdoc, I returned to my original field, which was study on using light producing algae as a sensor for pollution in the oil and gas industries. I undertook this research in Louisana, USA, but wanted to return to my husband in Australia, so applied for a lecturer position at JCU where I built the Microalgae for Biotechnological and Environmental Applications program. In 2007, my husband and I formally kicked off the Microalgae Carbon Capture Program and we now have over 30 people working on the research. “Our work is funded by industry partners MBD Energy and the Advanced Manufacturing Co-Operative Research Centre. The next step will be to establish a centre at JCU to really move the project into industrial applications. There is unlimited opportunity to work with the mining and power sectors – in fact any industry with waste water problems.”






WHAT’s INSIDE This special highlight edition Professional Development is one of the foundations of our working lives. It is the process which keeps us attentive in our work, gives us the ambition to progress our careers and ultimately, makes us employable throughout our lives. If you are looking to maximise your potential for lifetime employability, it is essential that you maintain high levels of professional competence by continually improving your knowledge and skills. The job market is forever changing. You may no longer be able to rely on your employer to identify and satisfy your development needs. You may well move jobs and change industries during your working life, therefore, you need to take ownership of your career and its continuing development. Included within this highlight is a focus on your professionalism and your career, with options to improve and pursue both.


By taking ownership of your career and focusing on your professional development you are: • • • • • •

More equipped to recognise opportunity Aware of the trends and directions across the business landscape More effective in the workplace Able to help, influence and lead others by your example Confident of your future employability Fulfilled with a rewarding career

TOP TIPS FOR A PROFESSIONAL LOOK A warm greeting with a smile, eye contact and a friendly attitude will ensure a great start to a long term client relationship. Presenting yourself as a person of health, wellbeing and vitality will give the impression of professionalism, balance and positive energy to your current and potential clients. Immaculate personal grooming and presentation is also a must in the any profession, these simple personal grooming tips will give you and your team the edge on representing your workplace in the most professional way.




Have your foundation colour matched at least twice a year, coinciding with summer and winter to ensure your skin looks flawless and your foundation is seamless with your skin tone.

Stay away from glitters and high shine shimmers in your colour cosmetics. Likewise, avoid a totally matte colour palette as it can be quite ageing on your complexion and professional image.


Look for light illuminating concealers if you are looking weary, it’s about keeping things light and bright instead of using block coverage that can weigh you down.


Invest in cosmeceutical skin care- and use it! This is the difference between having your skin feel nice in the short term and having your skin progressively change, giving you the chance to have skin glowing with vitality and health.


Keep your finger nails short and filed smooth. If you don’t have time to keep colour polish chip-free, pop a coat of clear nail polish or strengthener on to give them a wellgroomed look.


Have your eyebrows professionally shaped and your lashes tinted for a well groomed look, with or without make up.

FOR MEN Men’s grooming has become a necessity in the modern workplace; here are some simple guidelines to looking well-presented.


Did you know? Potential clients judge you and your business within the first three seconds of entering your front door.


Your nails should be kept short and tidy, and free of split cuticles.


Eyebrows need attention if they meet in the middle, have them waxed and the bulk of your brows trimmed to sit neater.


Shaving rash should be tended to immediately; use a gentle shave oil and a soothing balm or conditioner every day to alleviate dryness (and help to plump out fine lines around your eyes).


Apply a powder mineral foundation with a brush from the centre of your face outward.


Apply concealer around your eyes or if you need more coverage in any area, and powder again.


Fill in your eyebrows with a colour matching your hair with a soft brow powder instead of a pencil, for a softer look.


Apply a wash of eye shadow to your eyelid, ending the colour just below your brow bone.


Curl your lashes and apply a coat of black or brown black mascara from roots to tips to open up your eyes.


Apply a pink blush to the apples of your cheeks for a fresh look,


Apply a coloured lipstick or gloss to your lips.


Spritz with a hydration spray to set your makeup and have your skin glowing and looking its best.

Boheme City

Boheme Kirwan

477 Flinders St, Townsville QLD 4810 Ph 4724 5900

89 Thuringowa Dr, Kirwan QLD 4817 Ph 4773 4402


LEADERSHIP CATCH 22 For many years, a common mistake of business and industry has been their propensity to promote staff that are good at their jobs without training them to be managers. While people can be great at what they do dayin-day-out, it doesn’t necessarily translate to them being good leaders which can often result in poor performance in the workplace. Just because a person is a fantastic engineer, it certainly doesn’t mean they’ll make a good manager. TP Human Capital’s Clayton Cook has seen this happen time and time again and his company has developed management and leadership training programs that are geared to getting the best out of leaders or future leaders. “It’s only natural that a company wants to promote someone who is a standout in what they do,” explains Clayton. “Employers hope that by elevating a good performer into a supervisory role that it will rub off on other staff. “However, without appropriate training, more often than not, these people struggle in their new positions and that has a knock on effect on morale and productivity.”


Celebrating their 10th year as TP Human Capital, the local company has gone from strength to strength in the training, human resource, and recruitment sectors. “While TP Human Capital has an office in Brisbane and operations span across the state, we are particularly proud of our efforts in developing and delivering training programs locally,” Clayton says. “We are increasingly training staff from a wide variety of industries including manufacturing, government departments and mining in courses like Certificate IV and Diplomas in Management. “Other popular training includes Essential Supervisor, Leadership and Performance Management, and customised courses which we have found to be very well received by industry.” An example of the customised and innovative training programs delivered by TP Human Capital is the High Performance Teams - Pit Crew Challenge that was developed specifically for Sucrogen.

“Engagement of your staff is extremely important” said Clayton. “Studies show that having 60% of a workforce engaged is a good result and considered to be the benchmark figure. “We work closely with clients in diverse range of sectors to help them engage their human capital better and more effectively. Our programmes are used very successfully by companies like BHP Billiton Cannington, Queensland Nickel, QR National, Sucrogen and many other large and small organisations alike. “TP Human Capital is leading the way in helping employers recruit, train, and retain their most important asset – their people.” Government funding is available to a number of businesses and industry for various courses including Nationally Accredited Cert IV and Diploma level qualifications. Find out more by visiting

Delivered in 2011 and 2012 as part of Sucrogen’s Graduate Development Program, TP Human Capital’ Learning and Development Specialist put Graduates from Sucrogen through a full day of intensive pit crew challenges designed to build teamwork, leadership and motivational skills.

An eye on the future… Cathedral’s Senior School (Years 10, 11 and 12) program provides students with a springboard for the future by combining academic studies with the development of skills and attitudes essential for life and work in the 21st century. Committed staff, excellent facilities and a disciplined environment enable students to reach their full potential during this critical time of their education. Cathedral students achieve OP scores well above the Queensland state average and readily gain entry to their preferred university courses. In fact, The Cathedral School’s Class of 2011 had the highest percentage of OP 1 – 15 of any school in North Queensland. These results have translated into

university offers for 100 % of QTAC applicants. Year 10 provides a broad-based foundation to senior studies with students developing knowledge and skills across key learning areas and elective subjects. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop a self-disciplined approach to study. Career investigation and planning, which is an important part of the senior phase of learning, also commences in Year 10. At Cathedral, all students have a careful balance of academic, sporting, cultural and spiritual programs to prepare them for successful and fulfilling lives.

Start Year 10 in 2013 - a springboard for life-long success

Establish strong foundations and frameworks for the final years of schooling Excellent academic program - highest percentage of OP 1 – 15 of any school in North Queensland (2011) Intensive career investigation and planning opportunities Become a part of an inclusive and supportive school community

Build friendships, self-confidence and respect through the Outdoor Education and Community Service program

See our school in action - Tours on Tuesdays 7 August, 4 September and 9 October Bookings are essential, please phone 4722 2000 to book your place.

Phone 4722 2000

Educating for life-long success

154 Ross River Road Mundingburra

Anglican School Co-Ed Day & Boarding E a r l y C h i l d h o o d t o Ye a r 1 2


EXECUTIVE AND PROFESSIONAL COACHING People have an innate drive to thrive. The environments in which we work and play can offer challenges that dilute our energy and divert us from prospering and achieving our goals. At Learning Partnerships we take people through a process to vary their mindset and learn to deal with the blocks they face in their professional lives. It is called coaching. We believe that our purpose is help people be the best they can. Coaching is about building performance; elite performers in most walks of life have coaches. Performance is about a state of mind as well as skills and knowledge. High performing managers know how to change their behaviours and attitudes, to be authentic and responsible. They are self aware and aware of other people’s motivations and they understand how to engage people effectively. We aim to help leaders and managers develop their capacity to use their power and influence positively for better results.

conversation, or series of conversations the aim of which is to produce options and actions for learning and progressing to build a better future. Your coach will listen to you with a curiosity to understand who you are, what you think and how you experience the world. The focus of the conversation is you and your thinking, actions and learning. The conversation is used to support and challenge you to perform at your best level. From a position of trust, we hold up a mirror so you can observe and reflect on self-limiting behaviours and apply your strengths to provide the catalyst for change. People rarely change because we know it would be good for us, we need a catalyst to energise the change process. Coaching results in personal or organisational achievement, increased productivity, improved communications, decreased stress and reengaged staff even in demanding times. It is not surprising that the use of executive and professional coaches

has increased as it provides an excellent return on investment. Learning Partnerships has a team of qualified and experienced executive and professional coaches who can come to you or you can come to our offices. Our purpose is to focus on you and your journey, so give us a call today on 07 4728 1555 to find out more about what coaching can do for you.

How does a coach do this? We engage you in a

DEVELOPING PEOPLE DEVELOPING BUSINESS HR Business Essentials is focused on people! We work with business owners and managers in organisations – they set the tone for their employees and play a key role in directing their employees toward the achievement of defined business or organisational goals. We help by providing a framework to develop people, their performance, the results they achieve and how to align these to the business or organisation’s plans. We offer a range of targeted programs, both accredited and nonaccredited, including Cert IV in Frontline Management (in alliance with Choice Training).


STUDY BUSINESS FOR THE FUTURE James Cook University has launched a new business degree designed to keep pace with the ever changing business world. Head of the School of Business, Professor David Low, said the Bachelor of Business incorporated new initiatives such as embedding sustainability within the course and the opportunity for students to spend time studying at James Cook University’s campus in Singapore. “James Cook University has consulted extensively to redesign this degree to ensure its graduates are equipped to become the business leaders of the future,” he said. “This next generation degree boasts a flexible, attractive learning environment where the qualities and skills valued by employers of choice are instilled in students being prepared for the rapidly changing business world. “It is the first course to fully embed sustainability throughout its structure, taking into account economic, social, cultural and environmental values to position the degree to fit sustainably within its place of delivery in the tropics.” Unique to James Cook University’s Bachelor of Business is the option of study in Singapore, the business hub of Asia, providing students with the invaluable opportunity to absorb Asian culture and business methods.

In keeping with the University’s strength as one of the world’s leading institutions in the tropics, the degree focuses on the skills needed to work in and operate a business in the tropics. “The tropics bring a specific set of challenges, so students learn to operate independently with little supervision, to cope with operations in remote locations where there are fewer resources and gain an understanding of industries operating in tropical locations,” Professor Low said. “Many of these skills are invaluable throughout the business world and are transferrable to other locations ensuring students can begin their career where they want.” Just as the business world encompasses many industries, a James Cook University Business degree allows students to also study non-business areas such as Indigenous studies, law, health, sustainability or creative arts. “This means students can custom build their degree to suit the career they desire while ensuring they gain the core skills required of a Business graduate,” Professor Low said. Where and how a student undertakes their degree at James Cook University is just as flexible, with the options of studying online or on campus at Townsville, Cairns, Brisbane or Singapore, across countries or moving between the three options. In 2013 each of the Bachelor of Business Majors of Marketing, Management and Accounting can be

done online with all others available from 2014 in this mode. With the University earning a five-star rating for graduate outcomes in the latest Good Universities Guide, Business students graduate as work-ready job applicants. “What students learn in class is put into practice from the first year through to the third by students engaging with industry through real life case studies and site visits, giving them the advantage of looking at potential career paths and relating what they are learning to the real world. “All the skills acquired throughout the course are put into practice in third year when students undertake a consulting project for a real company,” Professor Low said. “Cross disciplinary teaching is also incorporated so students from disciplines such as marketing, information technology and accounting work together to solve complex business problems just as they would in the real business world. “A James Cook University Bachelor of Business will set that person apart from the average business graduate because it is designed to evolve with the business world through a continual industry review process. “The result is a job-ready graduate with a sound working knowledge of the workplace and the challenges faced by corporate employers.”







See if you can find the correct meaning for each of our unique words and challenge yourself to use them in your next business meeting. Please turn to page 72 for answers.

just for fun. 5.


a. rehearsing music in a monotone voice

a. a fear of odours

b. a form of currency

b. the bony tip of an elbow

c. a group of unofficial advisers

c. the study of mountains

d. a flower only found in China

d. a type of hoarder




a. the act of swallowing

a. a table napkin

b. a distinguishing mark or sign

b. to scribe

c. the clearing of woods to make farmland

c. person’s baggage

d. to be fatigued

d. the power of knowing




a. to empathise with someone

a. to be boastful

b. a fondness for buying things

b. a type of industrial weld

c. the want to achieve something

c. a type of environment

d. to be pleasant in conversation

d. to be fond of one’s wife




a. a counterfeit coin

a. the appearance of truth

b. a Swedish sausage

b. a measurement of latitude

c. an unpleasant smell

c. refers to ones attitude

d. a type of seaweed

d. a political term



reside in north queensland


MALE 109,043 FEMALE 108,854



Every five years the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) undertakes a Census of Population and Housing, providing a ‘snapshot’ of the nation. The last Census was held on 9 August 2011.


families call Townsville home


For each Census, the ABS relies on the cooperation of the Australian people to achieve a comprehensive and accurate count of the Australian population and their dwellings. To ensure the successful implementation and completion of the Census, the ABS undertakes extensive communication and engagement activities to raise and maintain the levels of public cooperation. The Census provides a snapshot of Australia’s people and their housing – information is used to determine services and facilities you and your community need.

children per family

average people

2.6 per household

Each Census collects a vast amount of data about our nation. Here is a quick reference snapshot of data from our region.

weekly household income 1,295 median

** Source

average motor

1.8 vehicles per dwelling

92,413 private dwellings

$260 median weekly rent 1,733


median monthly mortgage repayments


$1,533 per family *


per household *

= $633



* The median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and over in Townsville (Statistical Area Level 4)

HOW WE LIVE Owned outright Owned with a mortgage

26.8 % 34.0



35.7 %

Other tenure type

0.9 %







WHAT WE LIVE IN Separate house Semi detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc.

Flat, unit or apartment Other dwelling

82.5 % 4.9 % 11.2 % 1.3



The doors are about to open to your brand new business By Marco Della Valle. Station Manager at Win Television.

As Station Manager, Marco is responsible for putting together the comprehensive news bulletin five nights a week, supporting 23 staff on a daily basis and watching his clients businesses grow.

It all started from the fiery passion you had for your ‘big idea’ and then the hard work started as you created your business plan and started putting all the pieces together. How can you forget the monetary investment you have made to get this business off the ground?

days with radio, newspaper, magazines, letterbox drops, social media and of course the ever expanding landscape of television. Depending on your type of business, any one of these advertising options can potentially be effective as long as you know who your target market is.

You have done your research and you know your point of difference from your competitors, you have established your price position in the market. As you are about to open the doors it dawns on you, is anyone going to come and use my services or buy my product?

Once you have established these factors the next decision you need to make is ‘what type of campaign’ do I need for my business. Do you want your business to be branded with a general awareness commercial that builds the name of your business over a period of time? When done well, this type of campaign will do wonders for your brand giving you ‘top of mind awareness’ and generate revenue into your business over an extended period of time, just look at what television branding has done for soft drink giant Coca Cola or restaurant chain McDonald’s.

If you have done your homework and you know you have a great product or services then you are half way there but if no-one knows your business exists then the customers who would love your product or service are never going to find their way to you. There are many resources and promotional tools that you can use to tell the world about your business, what your business does and how you’re potential customers can find you, but which one is right for your business? There are so many choices available to us these

Maybe you have an abundance of stock in your store and would like to generate a lot of sales in a shorter period of time! A branding campaign will not be suitable for this type of ‘sale’ campaign therefore you will need to adjust your advertising plan to a ‘call to action’ advertising campaign. This style of advertising should be designed to run for a

shorter period of time utilising an advertisement that specifies the type of deal or offer and why people need to get in quickly. A general perception is that businesses cannot afford to buy advertising or that advertising is too expensive. A famous saying is that “advertising doesn’t cost, it pays” and in saying that you need to invest money to make money. Every business varies in size and thus, your budget will be relative to the size of your business. Have your Advertising Executive design a campaign that encompasses all of these factors, so that you don’t have to spend a small fortune unnecessarily; but which medium do you choose? To quote a long standing Townsville Advertising Account Executive “If you were going on a blind date, would you like to hear what she or he sounds like, or would you prefer to see what he or she looks like? Without advertising, it’s like winking in the dark, you’re the only one that knows what you are doing”. The choice is up to you!


New section!

my top 5


with Bevan Hill, Business Manager, Jewellery By Design Photography by Skye Millard

2. iPad

1. Diamond Loupe

As I am often out of the office, my iPad is great for checking emails. I take my iPad with me to all business trips as it gives me access to the diamond vault (wholesalers stock).

I use my Diamond Loupe everyday for buying and grading stock diamonds, along with hand selecting diamonds for the JBD Signature Collection.

4. 3.

My iPhone comes in very handy with keeping in contact with all my clients. The camera on my iPhone is a tool I use often.

Business Cards

I keep my business cards on me at all times. They are essential to have handy when meeting new clients on a day-to-day basis.



Swarovski Pen

You never know when you are going to need a pen! In my case I am signing away my autograph everyday on documents and I would be lost without my Swarovski Pen.


Rebrand, refresh or restart? By Bree Dwyer. Brand Manager at The Marketing Factory.

As Brand Manager for The Marketing Factory, Bree is responsible for developing campaigns for small business to large enterprise including Catholic Education Office, Jewellery By Design and Knight Frank among others.

Rebrand, refresh or restart? If your business is starting to slow, it might be stopping to grow. Branding doesn’t just relate to your nice-looking looking logo and accompanying stationery set, it’s about your brand, your entire identity and perception in the market. So if you are contemplating a branding or re-branding campaign it’s not just an investment in time and dollars but an investment in the character and culture of your business in this new identity. It’s a big step for any business, so getting it right from the start is vital to the future success of the business. Doing something to this large scale half-heartedly could cause more harm than good. So what do you have to consider?

If it’s a rebrand: Your existing customers are the most important thing to consider when contemplating a rebrand. Assessing what your current brand stands for in their eyes will indicate their perception of you. However this is only a guide as your brand should also speak to your customers of the future not only today. Here are a few tips to consider when rebranding;


Why – The reason for rebranding must be clear. It is critical to know what success would look like or result into. What – The actual items that need rebranding. Basically every single touch point of your brand must be addressed and actioned. For example; staff uniforms, stationery, building signage etc. Who – Who delivers the change? Everyone! It is imperative that the entire team delivers the change and there is a game change strategy in place so everyone is clear on the direction and values. Where & When – In an ideal world, a rebrand should take effect over all touch points as soon as possible. Try not to drag out a rebrand as it will confuse your existing customers and leave new customers unsure of your offer. Check out an inspiring rebrand at

If it’s a refresh: A refresh is not as intense as a full rebrand. However, with small subtle changes you can reposition your business in your customer’s eyes. You may determine that a simple corporate colour change is all that is required, or a new look to your marketing material. Once again, we recommend

you seek the advice of a professional, to ensure you do not appear to be refreshing your brand all the time. If your customers can see that you are taking forward steps and looking to be innovative, you will be commended.

If it’s a restart: A brand restart offers a fresh start in the marketplace. You and your business advisors may have elected to purchase an existing business and want to re-brand it. Or you may be operating in a market segment experiencing decline, and want to restart an additional brand in a more attractive market segment. This restart isn’t just a branding activity it’s a whole of business strategic move. By engaging your preferred business advisors including your accountant, and introducing them to your professional Brand Manager, you can ensure everyone is singing off the same song sheet and providing holistic solutions for your business. It’s important to engage a professional to assist with any design or strategy work on any branding activity. Having someone dedicate time to your brand without the emotional attachment that you may have, will allow you to develop an identity that will stand the test of time. It will enable smart choices based on the trends in the market and will deliver a strong brand built on the strong fundamentals of your business values. Good luck.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Network your way to success with our three month business outlook.





Tourism, Hospitality & Events Networking Function Townsville Brewery

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square

North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs Manly Sea Eagles Dairy Farmers Stadium

The 14th Annual McDonald`s Townsville Running Festival Tobruk Pool, The Strand


North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs New Zealand Warriors Dairy Farmers Stadium



Townsville Careers Expo Townsville RSL Stadium

Townsville Cultural Festival Strand Park


Chamber Coffee


TEL, Tsv Chamber and JCU Townsville Business Breakfast


Flinders Square

Jupiters Hotel and Casino

Urban Development Institute of Australia State Conference Jupiters Hotel and Casino


North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs Newcastle Knights Dairy Farmers Stadium

Olympic Games 1 - 12 August


London 30-4



Townsville Amateurs Cup Townsville Turf Club

SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week Magnetic Island

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square


Violets and Lace Gala Ball The Venue Townsville


Tourism, Hospitality & Events Networking Function Townsville Brewery


AIM Management Excellence Awards Jupiters Hotel and Casino


Food & Wine Festival




Chamber Coffee Flinders Square Townsville Triathlon Festival The Strand, Townsville Chamber Coffee Flinders Square

NQ Farmers Market 11 & 25 August, 8 & 22 September, 13 & 27 October Main Street, North Shore

Townsville Airport NQ Tourism Awards 20 October Rydges Southbank Convention Centre


North Queensland Cowboys Ball Jupiters Hotel and Casino


Chamber Coffee Flinders Square


Xstrata Greek Fest Townsville Riverway Precinct


Townsville McDonalds Crocodiles vs Adelaide 36ers Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre


Womens Lifestyle Expo and Gala Ball The Venue Townsville


Chamber Coffee Townsville Brewery


Forever Everly Dinner & Show Jupiters Hotel and Casino


Townsville McDonalds Crocodiles vs Sydney Kings Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre



The Australian Hotel

Steve Cronin & Takis Karambasis Audi Quattro Cup







1. Anthony Douglas, Sophie Hanratty & Bruce Pearce 2. Melissa Catties & Sam Whykes 3. Mike & Marie Gibson 4. Misty-Lee Fife & Kaitlin Luby 5. Anthony Douglas & Glen Cummins 6. Martina Sulic & Alan Carsten







Audi Quattro Cup

Rowes Bay Golf Club

1. Des Hillhouse, Keith Gibbon, Leeanne Gibbon & Sally Miller 2. Terry Walsh, Ray Smith, Carol Walsh & Bryan Young 3. Walter Van Ruth & Matthew Mandl 4. Danny McLoughlin, Dave Morris, Ian Dunn & Russel English 5. Wayne Simonsen, Darrell Olds, Maree Willis & Trevlyn Ryan 6. Amanda Cowan, Jason Collins & Katie Brennocks Word Play Answers - 1.c









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NEWS DESK New Opportunity for NQ’s industrial businesses Melbourne-based Gibb Group has committed $2 million to reviving an industrial warehouse park on Woolcock Street. The makeover includes the construction of a $1m access road, general improvements and beautification. – represents many benefits for North Queensland’s industrial businesses. With 16,000 cars passing the estate daily, 547 Industry Park offers tenants prime exposure to people conducting business in neighbouring industrial suburbs, Garbutt and Bohle. Spaces range from 174sqm to 1,278sqm and are competitively priced.

Congratulations Dennis DiBartolo of Magnitude Financial Planning for successfully completing the SPAA SMSF Specialist Advisor™ program. The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia Ltd (SPAA) is the peak professional body representing SMSF professionals and the SMSF sector in Australia. SPAA SMSF Specialists are recognised by peers as having comprehensive specialist SMSF skills and knowledge, have made a professional commitment to maintaining currency and compliance with legislation and are able to show professionalism in conducting services in the SMSF Industry.

Great Rewards

your local news feed.

new appointments. WHK is pleased to welcome Drew Piva to their business services and taxation team in the role of Senior Manager. WHK’s Financial Advisory division has expanded with the appointment of Financial Planner, Sonia Morris. WHK also welcomes Michael Mashayanyika as a Manager within the Audit and Assurance team.

Extending the service Master Builders North Queensland would like to welcome Melissa Coulter as their new Membership Recruitment & Services Officer. Melissa has had over 10 years experience in the building and construction industry and can now be found working alongside Jo Lynch – Regional Manager.

Women in Leadership

Ray White Commercial Townsville have recently been awarded the Commercial Property Management Award at the national conference in Sydney, proving that Townsville based business models can hold their heads high on the national stage. Graeme Russell and Adrian Pascoe took up the franchise in July 2010. They would like to take this opportunity to thank their valued employees and loyal clients for their support enabling the team to bring home this award.

ACT for Kids ACT for Kids has launched a fundraising appeal for their purpose-built Child and Family Centre of Excellence on the JCU Campus. It will expand services for children and families who have experienced, or are at risk of, abuse and neglect. In partnership with JCU they will be leading the way in child protection research, education and best practice.

Announcement The Townsville Chamber of Commerce announced at their 130 year Gala a 3 year landmark partnership agreement with Endeavour Foundation. For the duration of the agreement Endeavour Foundation will be the Chamber’s Charity Partner and in turn will become the major sponsor of the Chamber’s Young Business Achievement Awards.

Cowboys Learn Earn Legend! program The Cowboys’ indigenous student support program has been recognised for excellence in the Queensland Reconciliation Awards, less than a year after launching the successful Learn Earn Legend! program. The program was shortlisted for the Community Organisation award and in May received a Highly Commended award from the Premier for its achievements in helping close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queensland students who reach Year 12 and gain employment.

The Townsville McCafe Fire WNBL Club are pleased to have appointed former Member for Townsville Mandy Thompson as General Manager of North Queensland’s only professional women’s sporting team. Mandy brings a passion for Townsville and women in leadership to the role and is looking forward to taking the club to new heights when the season gets underway in October.

New designers in town The Marketing Factory welcomes Amber Burling and Teigan Guy to the team as Graphic Designers. Amber and Teigan have both graduated from James Cook University with a Bachelor in New Media Arts.

Liberte welcomes Emma Kunuth joins the team of stylists at Liberte Hair.

Jewellers showcase design talent The team at Jewellery By Design are excited to announce two of their jewellers have been named finalists in the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) Australasian Jewellery Awards. These awards showcase Australia and New Zealand’s most impressive jewellery designs and designers.

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