6 minute read
Grit Really Means Get Shit Done
I love the phrase get shit done. On my team, I only hire Get Shit Done people. It really is a quality I look for in others. But what does it really mean to Get Shit Done and how does one go about it?
Well, in simple terms you do whatever it takes to make it happen.
I learned a lot about this in the Marine Corps. Oftentimes we were ordered to do some crazy ass task with little or no direction, and almost always lacking the tools to make it happen.
So, you had to improvise which really means you’re just making shit up as you go along.
Not completing the task was never even a possibility
You just said “yes sir or ma’am” put your head down and got to work. And you got really fucking creative along the way.
It’s that creativity I want to focus on: that mindset of making it happen no matter what.
I think people think they have grit, and this really get-shit-done mentality, but they really don’t have it.
I think it’s a learned skill but to a lot of people life happens and they forget they had that extra gear they could shift into.
I want to help people find that extra gear, but more importantly, I want
them to level the fuck up so they can get shit done.
Tips to be a Get Shit Done Person
1. Fail Better – I know all the talk about failing and learning from your failures. Hell, I’ve said and coached people to be ok with failure. But what I want people to really do is fail better. Which means not only must you fail but you must learn from it and then fail again, and again and again. Each time improving upon the last time by applying what you’re learning. Yes, I am serious I want you to fuck up, laugh, and then do it again - only better.
2. Get Creative – Stop doing what others are doing and do something different. So many gurus out there offering their advice on how to run your business. Stop listening and start doing. Do something for the first time and learn to do it without the gurus, just YouTube and google if you need to - and go. If it flops who cares. Most of my best stuff has come from things I tried and flopped on but taught myself how to do something I now use in the business.
3. Question Yourself – Ask yourself if the activity that you’re doing right now is what you need to be doing, or are you avoiding something else. This has been a solid “fuck you” punch for me a time or ten. Stop doing busy work and do the stuff that will grow your business. A sure sign that you’re not getting shit done is when you’re doing shit to avoid the shit you need to be doing.
4. Do the Money-Making Shit
First – This one is golden, not that the others are not badass, but this one is a gem. If every day you did the stuff that made you money, (outreaches, connecting networking etc.) first your business would grow incredibly fast and you would stop worrying about paying your damn bills.
5. Outsource – Holy crap get that shit off your plate. YOU are not scalable. Quit trying to do it all yourself. Build a team of people who geek out on what you suck at and figure out a way to work together.
6. Say No – You will get more respect for saying no than you will saying yes. Don’t believe me go back to your dating days and say yes to everyone who asked. Stop being a “yes” person in your business; grow a spine and tell people NO. That includes vendors you haven’t followed up with to tell them you’re not going to do business with them.
7. Celebrate the Small Wins – You got to stack the wins. It’s the small wins that lead to big wins. Don’t discount that stuff. Find places where people will celebrate with you. Shameless Plug - Every Wednesday in the Success Champions Facebook Group you can post your wins.
8. Keep Your Energy High – You’re going to get bumps and bruises on this business journey. You are going to have bad days; we all do. It’s ok to get pissed off. Rage if you got to. Just get back to work when you’re done. Don’t dwell on it. Feel it, embrace it, and move on.
9. Make a Get Shit Done List – Seriously write down everything you need to get done for the day and do that. It’s amazing how productive you are when you know what to do.
10. Do the Thing You Fear – Ya, this is a biggie for me. When a fear pops up, I believe it’s the universe saying that’s exactly the direction you need to go. Go do that. It’s not about beating or overcoming the fear, it’s about who you become along the way and what you learn.
11. Work Harder When You’re at Your Best – I’m a morning guy and a lot about focusing on the right shit early in the day sets me up for a ton of later success. Know when you’re at your best and do the hard stuff then.
12. Take A Damn Walk – On days when shit is really stacking against me a simple walk on the backside of the farm clears my head. It’s an amazing tool to shut everything off and refocus.
13. Kick On Badass Music – Man this has been a cool hack for me. If I am in a creative space or need to produce a lot of content. Turning on the right music is immediate energy boost. My favorite adventure movie scores work for me. You know, that music that has the build then an awesome climax? Ya - that shit really gets me flowing.
14. Stop Multi-Tasking – OK before you say I got this and now this. I think you should multitask running a business to get everything done. But occasionally, stop all the shit and get one thing done now. For instance, while I write this, I have 18 Facebook chats going, 3 LinkedIn Chats, and I am responding to a Facebook 30 days Sales Challenge we are running in the group.
15. Surround yourself With Other Get Shit Done People – Most people hang out with people that want to celebrate when shit sucks, that whole misery loves company shit. Instead, get around people who will celebrate the successes with you; the people who get fired up when your business does well.
16. Do You – Stop worrying about what others think. Trust me the ones who make it big in this world thrive on haters. They know that when the haters come, your winning. It means your message finally got past your friends and family and you’re about to explode.
Bottom Line: Getting Shit Done is about doing the stuff that others won’t, even when you don’t feel like doing it. It’s about going bigger and inspiring others because of your actions not just your words.
Be the flame for someone else’s torch and carve the path for them to follow.
You are not meant to play small, Badass. So, Go Get Shit Done…
Send the Text I am a Success Champion to 817-318-6030 and I will send you a live video training I did with a bunch of clients on how to create endless content.