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Are You using Your Intuition In Your Business Success?

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grit is personal!

“If we have a hard time making decisions or getting clarity about what our next right step is, it impacts every aspect of life including our business.”

By Carolyn McGee


The way we make decisions is the same in every situation. How we show up in one case is how we will react or show up in every situation. If we have a hard time making decisions or getting clarity about what our next right step is, it impacts every aspect of life including our business. Your business is an extension of you. Your choices shape the direction and growth of your business.

Not clearly seeing your business mission, niche and ideal client means you are wasting valuable marketing time, and your clients are not finding the valuable service that you provide.

We are taught to be logical and analytical in all our choices. Many of us learned to rely on outside validation and family/society rules to guide our choices. This can lead to struggle with making decisions when we get conflicting advice, or it doesn’t feel right to us. There is so much fear around being wrong that we sometimes miss opportunities because we can’t decide. We invest in other people’s programs and processes instead of trusting ourselves and our own intuitive wisdom.

When we are only using our logical skills to make business decisions it is harder to feel and trust our intuition. We lose a big tool for clarity and confidence in our choices.

Intuition is an internal guidance system. It is like a GPS that you can follow to get information to help you make the best decisions. Your intuition is your body’s resonance with the energy that is out there to help you with making choices that are beneficial.

We all have a certain level of intuition. It is like a muscle. You just must practice using it. The more you practice, the more you exercise your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

Intuition comes from the Latin word root meaning “in to you”. Intuition is your ability to literally reach into others, understand and evaluate. It is your ability to sense things in your environment in a way that is vastly deeper than using sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste alone. It is your ability to know in your heart what feels healthy and what does not. These senses are your mechanism for tuning into your intuition and identifying guidance. There are four main ways that your intuitive sense talks to you:

Clairvoyance - visually with your eyes, dreams and your insight

Clairaudience - audibly through things you hear from others, sounds around you or things you hear in your head

Clairsentience - sensations and

feelings that you experience

Claircognizance - with the inner knowing you hold in your heart and your gut.

You are born with these senses and even if one type is stronger, you can practice and develop them all.

I have an engineering management degree and worked in high tech for over 20 years. I used clairsentience in design meetings and negotiations. I could feel the energy in a room and felt if the people were being honest or if there was more room in an offer. I used my intuition as a factor in hiring people in corporate and in my own business and I was 100% accurate.

When I was laid off in 2006, my intuition guided me to start my own successful business when all logic said that didn’t make sense.

When I struggled with a decision, I would walk until I just knew the answer. I allowed my mind to relax so my intuition could surface.

Following my intuition and opening a second business allowed me to fully step into a blend of logical

and intuitive decision making. By expanding my intuitive gifts, using my logic to prove my intuition right, I expanded the data available to decide how to easily grow my businesses.

I used intuition to define my ideal client

“Intuition is your ability to literally reach into others, understand and evaluate. It is your ability to sense things in your environment in a way that is vastly deeper than using sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste alone.”

and niche. I used logic to monitor return on investment. I allowed intuition to create my social media presence and persona. Logic convinced me to outsource jobs that I technically could do but it was someone else’s expertise and therefore would be done more efficiently. Intuition told me when it was time to take a break even when logic said I was on a deadline….and I always returned to the task with a clearer perspective and more energy.

Intuition is a gift and a highly underrated business tool. How can you allow your intuition to serve your business in a higher manner?

Intuitive Coach & Teacher, former corporate high-tech star, serial entrepreneur, Carolyn McGee, specializes in Amplifying YOUR Intuitive Superpower to listen to, trust and follow your soul’s path to live the most joyful, healthy, connected, abundant, and purposeful life.

She has co-authored 8 bestselling books, is a popular TV co-host, sought-after speaker and blogger. She has taught thousands of professional, corporate and entrepreneurial people to trust themselves and their intuition so they can show up in full power in business and life.

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