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Write Like a Badass and Grow Your Business With Your Words

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grit is personal!

grit is personal!

“I love figuring out new, creative, fun and powerful ways to express my message with words that turn people on to the point of clicking and buying.” By Laura DiFranco

Teaching you how to write like a badass is not only a passion, it’s kind of an obsession. I love figuring out new, creative, fun and powerful ways to express my message with words that turn people on to the point of clicking and buying. And it’s not as hard as you might think.


Want to feel so good about your writing that you’re giving those copywriters a run for their money? I got you. Follow a few simple tips and you won’t just love writing for your business, you’ll get so excited you might just have to make it a habit. This is more about how you’re being in the world vs. how good of a writer you are. Funny enough, when you’re being badass, your writing will show it too. It’s way more about just being yourself, than any particular technical writing tool you need to learn.

Let’s have some fun writing like a badass!

5 Writing Tools to Take Your Words from Meh to Badass:

Please feel something.

You want to move me into action? You better feel something. In fact, that thing you feel better be exactly how you want me to feel when I click on your offer. Are you bored, tired, disinterested or just stressed about the deadline? Then stop writing. Pick it up another time when you can actually feel hopeful, inspired, excited, enthusiastic or downright blissed out - the way you want those prospective clients to feel when they work with you. Remember, you’re infusing your words with important energy. Don’t let that energy be sucky.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive; and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Write like you talk.

Want the best shortcut? Record your stuff and then have it transcribed. When you’re writing like you talk your reader will feel like you’re having a conversation with them. They will get to know, love and trust you. They will want to actually talk to you. At a minimum, read what you write out loud to yourself; best editing tool ever. The quickest tip to writing like you talk? Contractions. Change your “it is” to “it’s” and you’ll have a great start.

Be personal.

In the world of know, love and trust, there’s really no TMI. In fact, the more personal, the more universal. In other words when you’re the real, raw, authentic, wild and crazy you, you have a better chance of earning someone’s trust and love. Tell us a story about you. Think that people don’t want to hear that stuff? You’d be wrong. They need to hear it to know that you’re the right person for them.

Show us, don’t tell us.

Want the best writing tip ever on the face of the planet? Stop trying to tell us everything and show us instead. Give us an experience. Teach us something. Use things like sensory description, emotions and dialogue to bring us in as a fly on the wall in your world. When you show us and make us feel it, you’re writing is a huge step toward being badass.

Go ahead and be controversial.

People think they have to write so everyone will like them. That’s bullshit. Try ruffling a few feathers. Be bold. Be controversial. Be polarizing. Stand for something for goodness sake. Believe me, your people will love you for it. They will be magnetized to you. More of your ideal clients will show up. Will the trolls come out too? Yes. But when they show up, you know you’re doing something right with your writing. What drives you absolutely crazy in your current field of business? Write about it, and especially your take on that and why you feel that way. What makes you pissed off? Write about it. What do you love so much you feel illegal amounts of joy? Write about it!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive; and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Now go figure out what makes you come alive and write about it! I can’t wait to read!

Ready to write like a badass? Laura Di Franco, MPT, Owner of Brave Healer Productions helps business owners write expert content that converts. Your book, your blogs, your copy...let’s write words that change the world and build your business. www.BraveHealer.com

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