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What is Your Energetic Tie to Money?

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grit is personal!

grit is personal!

Everything around us is energy and we are constantly interacting with energy on all levels: Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

By Jacqueline Kane


In this article you will learn how you feel about money, why you feel that way and what you can do now to shift into a new friendship with money.

As human beings we are all made of energy. Everything around us is energy and we are constantly interacting with energy on all levels: Physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. We are attracting and creating from these levels all the time.

What is showing up for you in the areas of money?

Ask yourself these questions:

• Do you find money comes to you easily? • Does money leave you easily?

• Do you find yourself never having enough money?

• When you think about money do you find yourself feeling anxious, annoyed, frustrated or scared?

• When you think about that feeling of being anxious or annoyed, ask yourself when did I first start feeling that way around money? • What comes up for you?

• Was it last week or last month? • Did your mother or father think about money in that way?

• Did they use disempowered words when they talked about money?

• Did your parents argue a lot about money and worry often about not having enough of it?

Can you see how your thoughts may be influenced by your parents or caregivers’ beliefs around money? We have had these thoughts for so long that we believe them and we think these thoughts are our own. When in fact we are living with beliefs and thoughts that have been passed down from our parents.

If you believe in the principal of cause and effect then you know we are constantly bringing to us what we focus on.

• So, what kind of income have you created for yourself ?

• Do you find that you create more debt or more income and savings?

• Does money come in as fast as it goes out? These questions can focus your thoughts which is the first step to increasing your bottom line.

• Are you where you would like to be? What would you like your revenue or bank account to be at the end of 2020?

Let’s get clear in how you feel and act around money. One way to do that is by getting out a piece of paper and drawing a line down the middle of the paper.

On the left side write down all of your beliefs around money.

How you feel about it, the thoughts you say about it and the words you use to describe it. Usually these are our restrictions that keep us stuck from being able to receive more money.

Then on the right-hand side write down your new vision about money.

The vision you would like to have about money.

Allow your creative side to come out in this and really get into this exercise.

The more you use your imagination and get into the details the more your mind will start to believe these concepts so that you can attract more fun around money and your ability to having more.

Mental practice can get you closer to where you want to be in life, and it can prepare you for success! A study looking at brain patterns in weightlifters found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted hundreds of pounds were similarly activated when they only imagined lifting. In some cases, research has revealed that mental practices are almost as effective as true physical practice and that doing both is more effective than either alone. Quoted from A. LeVan, “Seeing is Believing: The Power of Visualization”, (2009) Physchology Today

You can increase your revenue and return on investment by doing the same thing as these athletes. Decide what you would like your revenue to be at the end of this year and look at what is in the way of you achieving that. Is there restriction or expansion in this goal? Then spend 5 minutes daily to visualize you achieving this goal.

Creating a successful energetic tie to money can improve your bottom line and make success easier.

Jacqueline Kane, Medical Intuitive, supports women in discovering the crucial hidden links between their physical pain and finances, and their ability to live a full life. With over 15-years in private practice as a healer, and over 30-years in health care, Jacqueline has merged her innate wisdom with a multitude of healing modalities to create a unique, resultsoriented method of healing. If you’re ready to reach your health and wealth goals today visit www.JacquelineKane.com.

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