Please return this survey BY POST OR complete oNLINE by 9th November
SUTTON BID Renewal CONSULTATION FOR 2017–2022 With nearly five years of success under our belts we know that Successful Sutton has earned its place as a credible contributor to the growing success of the town centre. As we near the end of our first five years we are now seeking your feedback and suggestions to assist us in preparing our proposal for the next five year term. In May 2017, along with all eligible businesses in the town centre, you will be invited to vote on whether you would like Successful Sutton to continue with its work for a further five years. Without your support and a majority YES vote in the ballot, Successful Sutton will be wound down and all of its services and projects (detailed within) will end. Your views are crucial and will help us present the strongest case possible for the next five years. Please help us by backing Successful Sutton and take a few minutes to complete this survey and tell us what our priorities should be.
Yes FOR success
YOUR PRIORITIES The TOP 10 key priorities agreed by you and delivered between 2012–2017 are listed below In what order would you rank these priorities for our next BID term? Please number the boxes below (1 = high and 10 = low).
ENHANCING SUTTON Raise the town’s profile Drive footfall through events and markets Supply useful data on town centre performance
PROTECTING SUTTON Improve safety and security for all
DELIVERING VALUE Give the business community a voice Realise cost savings through buying together
Create an attractive environment for all
Attract funding from other sources
Promote sustainable travel options
Ensure all services provided are additional to those provided by Sutton Council
Should these priorities change for 2017–2022? Yes
If yes, in what way?
PROPOSED SERVICES FOR 2017–2022 Our aim for the next five years is to build on the success of the current projects and services being delivered in Sutton town centre. Enhancing these services and projects to deliver additional benefits for the town centre and you, our levy payers, remains our top priority. Please take some time to review the details on the opposite page and number the services and projects you would like to see delivered in the next BID term. Please select your top four priorities listed in each section, and rank them 1–4, with 1 being your top priority.
ENHANCING SUTTON Promote Sutton town centre as a destination for visitors, residents and investors, ensuring a positive lasting impression which encourages them to return. Maintain the town centre brand, Enjoy Sutton, including the website and social media channels, to create engagement opportunities for BID businesses, which generates over 13,000 online visitors a month. Continue to develop and deliver a robust events and marketing programme which includes large scale events such as the Christmas Lights Switch On and Easter Farm plus targeted campaigns to promote Independent Retailers and Markets. Deliver a quality markets programme that continues to attract existing and new visitors to Sutton town centre. This includes the
existing monthly Farmers & Artisan Market, annual Christmas Market and visiting markets. New markets such as Street Food and late night markets will also be launched. Manage and promote the town centre loyalty card programme to generate maximum benefits for our visitors and ultimately drive trade for our retailers. Continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our promotional spend through measures such as footfall cameras and feedback from our Retail occupiers. Continue to operate the High Street Shopper Shuttle.
BRIGHTER SUTTON Ensure that Sutton town centre is an attractive environment for all. Provide an annual Christmas lights scheme in the town centre. Plant floral schemes and hanging baskets throughout the High Street. Target hotspot areas that require additional cleaning over and above the Council cleansing such as alleyways and neglected land. Maintain the gum removal programme with a dedicated service for the High Street and deliver a deep cleaning programme where sections of the High Street are cleansed and jet washed and graffiti is removed.
Provide 21 hours a week of additional street cleaning with our quick response street cleaning cart (over and above the Council services). Work with key partners such as the Local Authority and Transport for London to implement better High Street access and pedestrian signage and wayfinding. Introduce a High Street map for visitors, residents and employees to highlight key locations in Sutton Town centre. Deliver travel alerts and business briefings on a regular basis about developments, road closures and any major works taking place in the town centre.
PROTECTING SUTTON Ensure that Sutton remains one of the safest London Boroughs by managing and implementing a number of partnership working schemes in order to reduce crime and the perception of crime. Manage the Sutton town centre radio scheme linking businesses with the Metropolitan Police and the BID allowing them to share intelligence and tackle issues real time.
Enhance the existing Pub Watch scheme to include Fast Food outlets to assist in operating a more successful night time economy.
Continue to strengthen crime prevention activities between Safer Sutton Partnership, local businesses and the BID.
Achieve the ‘Purple Flag’ accreditation by the end of 2017. Purple Flag status is awarded to town centres that meet or surpass the standards of excellence in managing the evening and night time economy safely.
Continue to deliver and manage the Shop Watch scheme to ensure that Sutton remains one of the London Boroughs and businesses continue to work together to combat crime.
Continue to fund the Sutton Street Pastors to provide additional patrols over the weekend.
DELIVERING VALUE We want to provide increased value for money for businesses and provide one united voice to the business community. Act as a strong collective business voice that has influence on the decisions made about the town centre.
Facilitate networking events between High Street business and local trade.
Extend the free recycling scheme to over 150 businesses in order to drive down costs and to continue to provide a heavily subsidised food waste collection.
Make available high street grants to businesses in order to continually improve the high street environment.
Agree good practice codes for charity collectors (chuggers) in the High Street in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising (formally PRFA) and in association with the Local Authority. Take over formal management of Sutton town centre from the Local Authority, to provide an effective and enhanced management service.
Provide events for informal networking and sharing of best practice between levy payers. Regularly monitor the baseline service level agreements drawn up with the Local Authority to ensure standards are maintained in the town centre.
The current BID boundary is detailed below. Do you think the boundary should change?
If the renewal ballot is successful, every eligible business will pay an annual levy of 1% of rateable value to the Business Improvement District. If the rateable value on your business premises is £10,000 you will pay £100 per annum.
Should charity shops continue to benefit from an 80% discount on levy payments?
If yes, where and why?
Should retailers in the St Nicholas Shopping Centre and Times Square Shopping Centre continue to benefit from a 25% discount on levy payments? Yes
Successful Sutton represents approximately 500 companies. It is our intention to make savings wherever possible and we aim to keep costs to a minimum for businesses whist still achieving our goals. Full details will be available at a later date once the results of the consultation are known.
YOUR VOTE In principle, will you support Successful Sutton for a second five year term by voting YES in the renewal ballot in May 2017? Yes
Please give reasons for your choice.
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? We will produce our BID Renewal Proposal for 2017–2022, based on the responses received from this consultation process. In May 2017 we will hold a ballot of all eligible businesses to vote on whether the projects and services delivered to date should stop or continue for another five years. If you would like to become more involved in Successful Sutton by joining our Board please contact ross.feeney@successfulsutton.co.uk
WHAT IS A BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT? A Business Improvement District (BID) is a defined area within which businesses are required to pay an additional tax (or levy) in order to fund projects within the district’s boundaries. The BID is funded primarily through the levy but can also draw on other public and private funding streams.
Please return this survey BY POST OR complete oNLINE by 9th November
HOW TO RESPOND Thank you for completing our survey – we really value your views.
• Please return your completed survey FOR success by November 9th in the stamped addressed envelope provided to: Successful Sutton Business Improvement District 1 Times Square, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1LF • Or complete the survey online by November 9th at www.successfulsutton.co.uk/renewal2017/survey • Should you have any queries please email renewal2017@successfulsutton.co.uk or call 020 8643 9304
To conform to the Data Protection Act, details collected through this survey will remain confidential and will not be passed on to a third party.