So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
Chapter 1.2.3
Choose and define your 5 most important TARGET AREAS, and then write down all of the GOALS that comes to your mind in connection with this TARGET AREA and which you wish to attain.
In order to make this task easier, we have compiled and arranged in a table found in your Implementation Diary the most common TARGET AREAS, and which of your RESOURCES will be positively influenced – in such a way as to replenish, renew and/or develop them – by the ACTIVITIES and STEPS accomplished for these GOALS:
Fitzhugh Dodson 6
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
HEALTH, vitality, sport, lifestyle, exercise, beauty care, wellness, fitness, etc. The target area of replenishing and developing your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, and TIME ASSET RESOURCES! Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”
So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
PROFICIENCY, skills, experience, sensible, and enjoyable work, etc.
WWW.SUCCESS-COUNTRY.COM FAMILY, home, affection, love, caring, attachment, child raising, child-parent relationship, etc. Supporting environment.
The target area of replenishing and developing your PRACTICAL, MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL, SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, TIME, and FINANCIAL ASSET RESOURCES! PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT, learning, knowledge, growth, self-education, intelligence, education, culture, etc. The target area of replenishing and developing your INTELSUCCESS-TRAVEL LECTUAL, PRACTICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL, TIME, and FINANCIAL ASSET RESOURCES!
RELATIONSHIPS, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, business partners, clients, partners, mentors, role-models, communities, meeting others, etc. Supporting environment. The target area of replenishing and developing your SOCIAL, PRACTICAL, MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and FINANCIAL ASSET RESOURCES!
ENTERTAINMENT, recreation, adventure, excitement, etc. Relaxation and rejuvenation. The target area of replenishing and renewing your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and MENTAL ASSET RESOURCES!
ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP, love, affection, caring, attraction, intimacy, attachment, harmony, etc. Supporting environment. The target area of replenishing your ENVIRONMENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, and MENTAL ASSET RESOURCES!
HOLIDAY, recreation, travel, vacation, excursions, globetrotting, diversity, etc. Relaxation and rejuvenation.
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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The target area of replenishing and renewing your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and MENTAL ASSET RESOURCES, as well as the target area of replenishing and renewing your CREATIVE ABILITIES!
So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
FUTURE and FUTURE -PLANNING, self-reliance, retirement, predictability, survival, etc.
VALUE CREATION, self-realisation, profession, career, etc. The target area of replenishing and developing your MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL, PRACTICAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL, and FINANCIAL ASSET RESOURCES, as well as the target area of developing and replenishing your CREATIVE ABILITIES!
The target area of replenishing your EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL, PHYSICAL, and TIME ASSET RESOURCES! ART and other creative activities, etc. FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, enterprise, passive income, income sources, investments, business, speculation, stock exchange Other financial issues, prosperity.
The target area of replenishing and developing your MENTAL, INTELLECTUAL, PRACTICAL, EMOTIONAL, and FINANCIAL ASSET RESOURCES, as well as the target area of developing and replenishing your CREATIVE ABILITIES!
The target area of replenishing and developing your INTELLECSUCCESS-TRAVEL TUAL, PRACTICAL, FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, MENTAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and TIME ASSET RESOURCES! FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE, moderation, savings, financial stability and balance, financial security, etc. Keeping a budget diary.
HELPING AND SERVING OTHERS, helping children etc. The target area of replenishing and renewing your EMOTIONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, MENTAL, and SOCIAL ASSET RESOURCES!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
If, during your BRAINSTORMING, such GOALS emerge in you that you can’t link to any TARGET AREA, write it down to the “Other” category, and if you want, name it as you wish.
SPIRITUAL goals. The target area of replenishing and renewing your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, and INTELLECTUAL ASSET RESOURCES!
• As the first step, just collect and write down the GOALS occurring in your mind. Do not sort them now. Write down the ones also that may seem unusual, out of the ordinary, strange, or perhaps too ambitious to you at first. Why? • Because ensuing from your GOALS that may seem strange, or influenced by them, all kinds of great ideas may occur to you while you are taking the notes. GRATITUDE, thanksgiving and religious faith, etc. . The target area of replenishing and renewing your EMOTIONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, MENTAL, and SOCIAL ASSET RESOURCES!
COMFORTABLE HOME and other pleasant, outdoor facility, etc. Security. The target area of replenishing and renewing your ENVIRONMENTAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and MENTAL ASSET RESOURCES!
“Happiness, wealth and success are the by-products of goal setting; they cannot be the goal themselves.” Denis Waitley
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
• Of course, here you do not need to think about the STEPS and TASKS necessary to attain your GOALS; you can forget those for now so they will not influence you. • The main aspect of this BRAINSTORMING in order to collect your GOALS is that you NOTE OR SET IN WRITING each thought that occurs to you at this point.
And why is this?
“Don’t let good ideas escape you. A great idea can change your life – if you capture it. Have a journal with you at all times, no matter where you are.” Jim Rohn
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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So you'll not only know but also do!
You should do this because in this way you will be able to read them later, whenever you have time, and add to and embellish them by thinking them further. You will also see that due to this, even your simplest and “least significant” THOUGHTS will be melded into real self-realising GOALS and TARGETS.
For the purpose of undisturbed, uninterrupted, and worry-free collecting activity, do not qualify and sort your GOALS at this time! • Start evaluating and sorting them only after you have completed the collecting phase, as during the process another VALUABLE THOUGHT may “pop out” of your ideas at any time.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
ORDER OF IMPORTANCE Whenever you feel you have been able to write down (define) all of your GOALS to attain, you can begin to sort, select, and PRIORITISE your GOALS.
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson • During the sorting and “scrapping,” always take care to keep in the list only the GOALS that are in harmony with your basic VALUES, and support the realisation of your passion-inspiring, motivating DREAMS.
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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• When you have done this, you can begin to sort them in list according to their PRIORITY.
So you'll not only know but also do!
You should keep modifying their ORDER OF IMPORTANCE until in the top places of your “5 most important TARGET AREAS” table those GOALS can be found that would impart to you the greatest HAPPINESS and SENSE OF SUCCESS when you have attained them.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
• Of course, you should not forget your other IMPORTANT GOALS either, but keep in view that it is not practical for you to work with more GOALS than these, because you would not be able to concentrate on them at the same time anyway.
Now, then, choose your 5 MOST IMPORTANT TARGET AREAS from the TARGET AREAS listed beginning on page 30 of your Implementation Diary, and then list all of your pertinent GOALS. Write down everything that comes to your mind!
When you have finished defining your 5 most important TARGET AREAS, as well as the GOALS belonging to them, then please move on to the next Chapter. When you have finished setting up the ORDER OF PRIORITY, then choose your 5 MOST IMPORTANT GOALS of all of them, as you will be working toward the attainment of these and focusing on these only.
Well done! Congratulations! You have read another Chapter carefully, and so you have got closer to creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE ensuing from our own VALUE SET and DREAMS. You are capable of building these too, just as much as many, many successful people in the world; of course, only if, similarly to them, dreaming is followed by ACTION on your part! Always keep this in perspective, and we encourage you to never give up your DREAMS and GOALS!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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Right on!