Your time asset chapter

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So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!

Chapter 1.3.1




Even building the highest of skyscrapers was accomplished with daily work! Don’t forget!



Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


As Donald J. Trump explains, what you do with your time is a very important topic since wasted time can’t be replaced. In other words, use your time wisely, and learn to invest it.


So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


In addition, it is also a fact that there is no difference between people with respect to the quantity of their TIME ASSET. People who attain extraordinary results have the exact same TIME ASSET available to them as those who remain unsuccessful forever. Not a minute more or less, as everyone’s day consists of 24 hours!



But if we go further, this is not only true in terms of days, but also in the scope of years. Why? Because one year consists of 365 days for everyone, whether it’s a successful person or an unsuccessful one.


The future quality of your life is mainly determined by what you do or do not do between the medium and long terms! If, similarly to people who started from nothing, you also want to realise your DREAMS and GOALS, then just like them you also must dedicate a certain part of your TIME ASSET to it. No one is exempt from this!

Then where is the difference?




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

3 7 3

Nowhere here!


So you'll not only know but also do!

In most cases, the difference is merely in the fact that while one person invests their TIME ASSET into the realisation and attainment of their DREAMS and GOALS on a daily basis,

another person would be able to list the running times of their favourite films and programs two weeks ahead on all 100 TV channels available to them without taking a single look at a TV program guide.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL And as it usually is the case, professional TV watchers like to use the following, almost commonplace, jaded remarks about people who have tenaciously been working on a daily basis on their DREAMS and GOALS for years, and who are therefore successful: “This guy was really lucky!” and “This person was at the right place at the right time!”

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


But in reality, as it is always the case, the solution to the mystery does not lie in miracles but in the simple and evident things, and the answer to the question: “While one person can attain high results, why can’t another person?”

Inasmuch as, similarly to people who have become successful on their own resources, you also dedicate a certain amount of time to the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS, you can be sure that you will be able to achieve just as great successes as them.

“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.” Henry Ford


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Probably you, just like everyone in the world, you live your life in a given city or town. If we take this town, the sun rises and sets at the exact same time for each person who lives in it as it does for you. There is no difference!


So you'll not only know but also do!

Let’s suppose that you wake up at 7:00 AM (although if you go to work regularly you might be waking up even earlier), and go to rest at 9:00 PM.Between these two times of day, the same 14 hours pass for you as they do for everyone.

If you spend 1 hour of these 14 hours every day, annually speaking, on the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS supporting your real VALUES, then (not counting Sundays) “roughly speaking” you were able to invest into your FUTURE and the creation of your SUCCESSFUL LIFE 300 hours of your TIME ASSET.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!



In the information and mobile communication societies of our age, an average person spends 3-4 hours watching TV and/or online.

How much do you think you would be able to accomplish in 300 hours per year? Do the math! If you do, you can see for yourself that these 300 hours correspond to almost two entire months – even if we consider the average eight-hour workdays. SUCCESS-TRAVEL

It is not little, is it? And, yes, it is usually at this point that the statement is made: “Ah, I am very busy; unfortunately, I do not have time for this!”

If your spend only one hour less of these 3-4 hours watching TV or browsing the net, you have already found the hour a day that you need for the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS. Of course, it is better if you spend half the time watching TV than the average person, because then you will be even more able to rearrange that one hour. And of course, even if you can spend only half an hour a day on your DREAMS and GOALS is not a problem, as each minute that you are not spending “surfing the net” or watching TV takes you closer to the success to attain – that is, where you are also “AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME”!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


We can boldly say that this remark definitely does not hold its ground in the information age of the 21st century! But let’s see why.


So you'll not only know but also do!

If you want to make more of your life than how much it delivers to you at the moment then you also must invest a part of your TIME ASSET into the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Always keep in view that if you can work on your DREAMS and GOALS only half an hour a day, it is still not a problem, since if you are doing it persistently then you will reach what you have set before you. Only it may take a little longer. Does it set you back in anything? Of course not!

There is no other solution! If you continue to invest your TIME ASSET into browsing the net and watching TV, or some similarly time-wasting activity, it will not take you closer to your desired SUCCESS.


If you say that the things written above do not pertain to you, since you are one of the few people in the world who do not spend one minute watching TV and don’t even surf the net, or only when it is absolutely necessary and for an extremely short period, even there is a solution for you to find the needed time for the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS during your day.


Remember the wise words:

If at this point you feel that your days are filled up to the brim even without TV and the internet, and there is absolutely no room to work on building your SUCCESSFUL LIFE, believe me, even then there is a SOLUTION for you.

We must simply find it!

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Anthony Robbins


So you'll not only know but also do!

If people who lived back then and who were able to achieve extraordinary SUCCESSES were able to find the necessary time 100 years ago in the 24 hours of their day for the realisation of their DREAMS and GOALS, believe me, you will be able to do that in the 21st century.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Activities which used to take hours a long time ago can now be accomplished in a matter of a few minutes. For example, to prepare a dinner, we used to need 2-3 hours, while today we need only 10-20 minutes.

Or if you look at public transportation, you can see that it has advanced enormously in the past one hundred years, whereby, of course, travel times have been reduced to their fractions.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL But why are we saying this?

Because today we are able to accomplish things in the quarter, or less, of the TIME than 100 years ago. We are aware that in our hectic world imposes a certain disadvantage on us, but from this aspect it means an enormous advantage for us, including you. Your household, for example, is full of time-saving equipment.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


All of this resulted in the fact that we are able to get from our homes to our workplaces and back with amazing speed. This in itself saves a great deal of time for us each day!


So you'll not only know but also do!

Not to mention the tools and equipment that help and speed up the cooking, cleaning the dishes and our homes – all of which have been invented so that you and everyone else would have more time, for example, for RELAXATION, ENTERTAINMENT, your FAMILY, and things that you happen to be in the mood for.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


We think that there is no doubt that these 21st century devices save us many hours on a daily basis.

What is also completely obvious is that we have complete control over these SAVED HOURS – the same we decide what we use them for! Or there are the TOOLS that help and speed up our daily work. Among these are the computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, scanner, photocopier, printer, or emails.



“Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” Jim Rohn


All of these save us many a tedious, laborious, or time-consuming TASKS, and in addition to facilitating better quality work, they also enable us to accomplish the same things in a much shorter time.


So you'll not only know but also do!

We also deem it important to note that the amazing expansion of the internet has enabled us to be busy with more ACTIVITIES at the same time for the attainment of our DREAMS and GOALS than we have ever been able before.


Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Therefore, we are convinced that everyone has the OPPORTUNITY today to have time to spend, in addition to the mandatory things, on things that are individually important to them based on their VALUE SET. Such are our passion-inspiring DREAMS and our GOALS that support them.

If in spite of all this you continue to say that you don’t have time for your DREAMS and real GOALS, then the only feedback that sends us with respect to this is that there is something that is more important for you. One thing is certain, Dear Success Partner: You must decide what you find important in your life and what you spend your TIME ASSET on, and no one can decide for you!

We must admit that the number of our OPTIONS has multiplied! At the same time, our day consists of 24 hours the same way it has before!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!


“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.” Anthony Robbins 8




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

But never forget the well-known wise words:


If you recognise this, then you have already taken the most important step toward creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE. If you are not satisfied with your life thus far, you should know that you have time and opportunity to change!


So you'll not only know but also do!

And now you have found one of the most paralysing reasons of PROCRASTINATION, which is:

“I don’t have time for this” (meaning: it’s not important) CESS


(Collect them in one place: YOUR IMPLEMENTATION DIARY!) Don’t forget the related, perpetually valid saying:

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Well done, you are now inquisitive! Congratulations! You have read another Chapter carefully, and so you have got closer to creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE ensuing from our own VALUE SET and DREAMS. You are capable of building these too, just as much as many, many successful people in the world; of course, only if, similarly to them, dreaming is followed by ACTION on your part! Always keep this in perspective, and we encourage you to never give up your DREAMS and GOALS!

Right on!

As Cavett Robert explains, we often hear someone say: I don’t have time! Of course, by SUCCESS-TRAVEL saying that what they are saying is that other things are more important to them. We all have plenty of time. We have the time anyone can have. The seconds keep rolling the same way for everyone. The problem is that we do not place the emphasis on the things that are really important. We spend unreasonably much time on insignificant things.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Examine the PROCRASTINATION card, and please think over thoroughly whether this type of procrastination is present in your daily life and whether it excludes you from being able to create your SUCCESSFUL LIFE. After that, write the name of the card on the PROCRASTINATION “captivity page” found on pages 184 and 185 of your Implementation Diary.

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