Your emotional asset

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So you'll not only know but also do!

Chapter 1.3.3

Recharge yourself and improve every day!





You should know that you have everything available to you for your SUCCESS! So you can boldly believe in it!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Robert T. Kiyosaki explains that passion brings energy into life. If you wish to get something, think about why you want what you want, and why you hate that it’s not yours what you want. If you combine these two thoughts, you will have enough energy to get out of your seat and get what you want.


So you'll not only know but also do!

We are convinced that each person has the ability to attain the SUCCESS based on their own VALUE SET (of course, granted that he also ACTS and does something for it). Despite all this, there are many who view themselves thinking that nothing ever can succeed under their hands, as they are simply just not adequate enough to realise their DREAMS and GOALS.

What this self-destructive and restricting, as well as erroneous BELIEF results in their lives is that in the majority of cases they can’t take off on the road to the realisation of their DREAMS and GOALS; therefore, as they never really begin anything, consequently (and evidently) they can’t achieve SUCCESS either.


In addition to those “who never start”, of course there are those who, due to some sudden surge of enthusiasm or some outside transitory factor, do begin something, but as they are not clear about their own VALUE SET, their DREAMS and GOALS are incomprehensibly obscure, so they too quickly lose their weak FAITH in themselves and in their concept (unwritten down, and only circulating in their heads) and quit.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


And this is not any different for those who act under external pressure, as they will only begin the given things under duress from others, and GOALS built on someone else’sVALUE SET and DREAMS are not able to motivate someone on the long run. Therefore, then, often they too quickly abandon their weak and short-lived attempts that often can’t even be called actions.

If these people had first defined their driving VALUES and had set their DREAMS to realise and GOALS to attain based on them, their FAITH in THEMSELVES and in their GOALS would have been reinforced in them.




• In their first step, people who have become successful on their own resources precisely define their most important personal VALUES. • In their second step, they propose the accomplishment of these motivating and passion-inspiring big DREAMS that are in harmony with their VALUES. • After that, they set GOALS that support their VALUES and DREAMS.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


And these three profoundly thought-through STEPS offer a good foundation already to firmly believe in themselves and in their motivating DREAMS and GOALS ensuing from their VALUE SET from the get-go.


So you'll not only know but also do!

And by having completely harmonised their VALUES, DREAMS, and GOALS, they have automatically entered into a positive emotional state radiating inner peace that effects that it simply becomes their firm CONVICTION that they are able to create in reality the things that they have planned.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


People who have become successful on their own resources know well (since they are already looking back to the beginning from the side of VICTORY) that after exploring the properly defined VALUES, DREAMS, and GOALS, it is only a matter of simple determination that you believe in yourself and in that, similarly to others, you too are able to accomplish something!

And if we look at things from the RESOURCE aspect, we can boldly say (as we have done so at the beginning of this Chapter) that each person has the ability to create their own Successful Life based on their own VALUE SET (but only if they act to that end)!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

After that, they set out on the same day and began to act! 0

And in this Chapter we will show you that it is so in reality.

You must know that there is nothing mystical in creating an above-average SUCCESSFUL LIFE, as erroneously thought by most people. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is only that a successful person has precisely defined their VALUES, DREAMS, and GOALS, and then have simply made a decision overnight that what they have set before them it is possible to accomplish in reality also. From then on, they have made it their CONVICTION that they are suitable for the TASK and therefore are capable of accomplishing it!


You must notice that similarly to successful people, you also have all of your CONGENITAL RESOURCES, which, if used appropriately, will enable you to realise your DREAMS and GOALS just as it enabled them. SUCCESS-TRAVEL


So you'll not only know but also do!

Unsuccessful people on the other hand fail to even set in writing their DREAMS and GOALS, only daydreaming about them and eventually convincing themselves that all of this is impossible for them anyway, since they are inadequate for the TASK and they would not be able to achieve anything even if they began. After this, it is obvious that they do not begin anything, and so how could they expect to be SUCCESSFUL at anything?

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Simultaneously, even on this same day, delete from your “vocabulary” and from your THOUGHTS all of the erroneous, detrimental, and unfounded statements with respect to your life, such as: • “I am incapable to do it!” • “I can’t do this!” • “This is impossible for me! • “I won’t be able to do this!” • “I do not have the things with which I could REACH success!”

If you want to achieve SUCCESSES in your life, you must define, in accordance with what has been written, your VALUES, DREAMS, and GOALS, and then simply – today – decide that


• I too am capable! • If others could do it, then I can do it too! • All of this is possible for me! • Similarly to others, I will also succeed! • I also have all of the RESOURCES and TALENTS for my DREAMS and GOALS and for building my Successful Life! (And this is the absolute truth!)

The word impossible is only a concept we invented as grown-ups, and it is nothing more than a non-existing concept in reality! Your mind is a unique “machine” that • is capable of finding and providing the solution to any question you ask, • is capable of solving any set task, • is capable of coming up with the solutions for you to any arising problems (despite the potentially occurring obstacles), and will show you the right way, • irrespective of the size of your DREAMS and GOALS to attain, is capable of providing you the needed ideas for their realisation, • and is capable of seeking out the appropriate opportunities for your ideas conceived for the realisation of these DREAMS and GOALS. Similarly to anything else in our lives, this is only a matter of patience and persistence, nothing more!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


There is nothing more embarrassing, Sam Ewing explains, than when someone does what we thought impossible.

And after that, when they are already learning to walk, how long do they keep trying? • Yes, they will keep trying as long as they have learned to walk!


Those who have children know that children provide the most obvious evidence and, of course, example of persistence. When they are babies, then can’t even walk, still they find the solution to climbing up from the lower level to the first floor, despite the, for them, unbelievably steep staircase. But let’s see how long they will keep trying to accomplish this task. Yes, exactly as long as they have succeeded, and even afterwards! SUCCESS-TRAVEL

“How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, “That’s it, you’ve had your chance”? You say that’s crazy? Of course it is. Any mother in the world would say, “My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!” No wonder everyone walks. There is a vital lesson in this. Ask yourself, “How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?” I suggest you answer, “As long

as it takes.””

Jim Rohn




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


As Louise L. Hay points out, if a baby gives up trying after the first fall, he will never learn to walk.

Or are there any obstacles, when they are in daycare, in the yard of the preschool, which they would not conquer after a certain time? Of course not! It is true that there are kids who are able to climb on top of the jungle gym immediately on the first day, while there are those who will only be able to do it after a week or two, but the difference in time does not matter from the aspect of the end result.

And how long will they keep trying to manage the “art” of cycling? • You guessed it: As long as they learn! Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!



Recharge yourself and improve every day!


So you'll not only know but also do!




So you'll not only know but also do!

Contrary to many adults, they never complicate things; they approach everything from the simplest angle. They quite simply know what they want, and they will keep trying until they succeed.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


We don’t know any people among our acquaintances (except, of course, a person who is limited in his ability to walk) who has not learned to climb, walk or bike; neither do we know anyone who gave up learning these skills halfway. It is, of course, possible that everyone learned these skills at different times in their lives, but as far as the end result is concerned, we don’t think that matters! And this childhood persistence can’t be overshadowed even by the fact that • some learned these skills in a SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENT,

Donald J. Trump says that persistence is a significant factor of a victorious behaviour. SUCCESS-TRAVEL But what motivates them in these efforts? The word:


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

• some learned them in an explicitly INHIBITING ENVIRONMENT.


I want to!


So you'll not only know but also do!

It is clear, then, that nothing can stop them from accomplishing and realising what they want.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


No impossible thing exists for us with childlike persistence and faith – without it, however, the little ones could not have accomplished what is possible!

“Don’t let the child, you once were, be lost. Because they still keep dreaming. We can’t give dreaming up, either, can we? I believe we must become the person who we are in our dreams.” Peter Noel

All of these serve as important lessons for us too, as, similarly to children, we can’t be stopped by anything in the world if, like them, we simply decide that we will not give up until we realise our DREAMS and GOALS.

Of course, we are aware that, largely due to what is communicated to us by our environment (our parents, relatives, friends, teachers, etc.), by the time we grow up we may collect and build around us a lot of restricting thoughts, beliefs, and inhibiting habits resulting from them – but we can’t use these as excuses for a lifetime.


Jeffrey Gitomer explains that no obstacles, difficulties, not any other thing can stand in the way. Only you can stop you yourself. “When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but Bernard C. Meltzer you sure do change the future.”


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


More precisely, we can, but why would we? We can’t undo these things retrospectively, then why would we ruminate on it even for a minute; we should just forget the whole thing, and let bygones be bygones!

Moreover, it is not worth blaming or pointing fingers at others for years, and waste our RESOURCES, as we need them for the realisation of our DREAMS and GOALS.

So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


And owing to this, you will do the STEPS and make the effort that will enable you to create your SUCCESSFUL LIFE based on your own VALUES.



So if you focus on yourself and your present, • and define the VALUES that guide you, your passion-inspiring, motivating DREAMS, and the GOALS that support them,

and then work with the SUCCESSFUL HANDS® book with “childlike” persistence (an “I will never give up” attitude), then you will sense that both your SELF-CONFIDENCE and your FAITH will grow every day.


“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas A. Edison




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

“Well done!” “You will do it!”

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 1 7



So you'll not only know but also do!

On the road to your DREAMS and GOALS, it will extremely motivate and reinforce your EMOTIONAL ASSET (your self-confidence, faith, and persistence) if there is someone who trusts that you are able, who will affirm in you that you will be able to succeed, and who will praise and commend you for doing a good job: • whether it be your parents,

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• whether it be one of your teachers or coaches,

• whether it be one of your friends or colleagues or a class mate,

• whether it be your spouse or partner of your life,

• or whether it be any other person who is close to you.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL • whether it be one of your grandparents,

Whoever that person may be, he or she also believes in you that: You can do it. It is self-evident that you also trust this person, and that you also believe in them – and this process strengthens your self-confidence like never before, as well as fills you with courage that will motivate you to action.

“Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” Vince Lombardi




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 1 9

• whether it be your kids or family,


So you'll not only know but also do!

We know it by experience that there are many who came from families that can be said to be much less than supporting – and never had any other person in their lives that believed in them. In fact, in many cases we live our lives in an explicitly INHIBITING and NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT and with such people, who, knowingly or unknowingly (which is completely indifferent with respect to the end result), confirm in us that we are incapable of achieving or realising a given thing, as it is impossible for us, and so we can never pull it off!


Many of the extraordinarily successful people, of course, have attained the top of their SUCCESS by having someone stand beside them or behind them, and supported and believed in them.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


At the same time, there are those for whom it was their INHIBITING ENVIRONMENT that provided that extra energy with which they were able to overcome and “brush aside” all obstacles on the road to the realisation and attainment of their DREAMS and GOALS.

“Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.” Oscar Wilde The many negative thoughts, • the many time of “You can’t do this anyway!” • the even more times of “This is impossible for you anyway!” • but even the belittling “You are incapable of this!” type opinions didn’t discourage them; just the opposite, it empowered them with great, sweeping motivation and they quite simply decided:




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 2 1

“I’ll show you that I’m capable!”


So you'll not only know but also do!

And this firm determination in them automatically created an “invisible machinery”, whereby they were capable of transforming the spiritual and EMOTIONAL WASTE ensuing from the negative and toxic thoughts into

motivating energy that “moves mountains.”


Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Please know that SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE coming from the negative thoughts can be


and MOTIVATING ENERGYthat “moves mountains” can be gained from it!


“You will never be able to do it!”




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 2 3

“You’re not gonna be able to pull this off!”


So you'll not only know know but but also alsodo! do!


• Reusing the waste generated in our environment is not new – it has always existed in society, supplementing natural decomposition processes.

Today, we are able recycle the physical waste generated continuously in all areas of our lives and reuse it effectively.

• This is certainly needed, as it is well-known that various types of waste is generated during the daily life of a person, from household waste to industrial waste and to green waste that is generated in gardens and parks – just to mention the most commonly known examples.

• Recycling various types of waste is extremely important from the aspect of protecting and maintaining our environment, and through that from the aspect of the quality of our everyday life.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• We are paying more and more conscious attention each year to the recycling of these wastes, and thereby the protection and improvement of our living space and our planet. • Of course, we still have a way to go, but even in this area it is very reassuring that we are heading in the right direction each day. At the same time, in the case of waste generated on the SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL LEVEL, the situation is not so encouraging.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• In addition to all of this, it is also an important factor that recycled products or energy sources for heating our homes can be gained from them.

So you'll not only know but also do!

• Unfortunately, most people keep collecting and accumulating the SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL WASTE from the negative, complaining, and mocking tone of others and their degrading opinions, from day to day, week to week, month to month, and even year to year (oftentimes accompanied by “bitter” tears), but it probably doesn’t even cross their minds that these wastes could be reused at a great profit.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL It is worth knowing that those who are able to capture the wind energy that can be gained from the SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE of the negative people in their daily lives, and use it to sail their boat, can be filled with energy that can “move mountains” on the road toward their DREAMS and GOALS!




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


And now, let’s see a (certainly not exhaustive) list of the typical negative thoughts that we can classify as SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL WASTE, usually extracted from • our childhood “inheritance,” • the communication from our inhibiting environment, • and the opinions of people belittling and degrading us, and which we can use in our SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER accompanied by the release of energy that can “move mountains”:

• “You aren’t able to carry this out anyway!” “The greatest pleasure in • “You’re not able to do this!” life is doing what people say • “This is impossible for you!” you cannot do.” • “Who do you think you Walter Bagehot are?” • “You’re not gonna be able to pull this off!” • “You don’t have it in you to accomplish these things and succeed!” • “You will never be able to realise this dream of yours!” • “You’re just simply not good enough for this!” • “Let me tell you, you’ll never be able to succeed!” • “No one in our family has ever done this before.” And, of course, many additional such mocking and degrading sniggers and grins can come in this category.

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 2 7



So you'll not only know but also do!

These extremely detrimental and insensitive statements have caused millions of people paralysed action or lasting sense of failure.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Of course, if in your childhood or your present environment no such destructive, negatives thoughts were communicated toward you, then all of the things written above do not pertain to you, because that means you have the SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENT for the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS.

At the same time, by recycling the energy hidden in them, even more people are motivated by them to realise their DREAMS and GOALS, and are able to attain extraordinary SUCCESS in their lives.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL These negative thoughts have the detrimental – or, if it so happens, beneficial – effect that if you allow them to accumulate in you, they will reduce your EMOTIONAL ASSET to the minimum, paralysing you. However, if, after they are said, you gain energy from them with the help of your SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER, you will quite literally become unstoppable.

But if still pertains, you too should turn these burdensome and constrictive MENTAL and EMOTIONAL wastes to your advantage, for the soonest possible attainment of your DREAMS, GOALS, and your SUCCESS!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Are you ready to start up your SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER?

So you'll not only know but also do!


If your answer is yes, then simply forget others’ negative opinions, and punch the start button, while

Recharge yourself and improve every day!



And now let’s see the most common detrimental, negative feelings that inhibit success: • being offended, which destroys affection, • envy of others’ success,

and in the meantime, firmly determine in yourself that

I’ll show you that I’m capable!


And then just take off and act!

“To lighten up about bad feelings, imagine bad feelings as wild horses you climb on. If you climbed on them, you can climb off them, too! You can choose to get off that Rhonda Byrne horse as fast as you jumped on it.”


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• disillusionment paralysing your action,

So you'll not only know but also do!

• anger, rage, and hatred “consuming your soul,”

Recharge yourself and improve every day!



• disappointment caused by transitory failures, errors, and mistakes,

SUCCESS-TRAVEL • fear of failure, rejection, and love,

• and negative, self-constricting beliefs ensuing from a low self-esteem.




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Learn to be happy for others’ success as well!

As Abraham Hicks points out, if someone chooses to share with you their successes and joy, you should take that as a sign that you have gotten closer to your desires; however, if you have bad feelings, it will slow the realisation of your desires. You must feel appreciation for everything that you desire even if that thing is not in your possession at the moment. If you honestly appreciate other people’s success you will start off with amazing speed on the road to your desires. Unsuccessful people often feel offended, envious, resentful, angry, or even disappointed about others’ SUCCESSES.

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 3 3



So you'll not only know but also do!

• Due to their need to reassure themselves, they only have one explanation to others’ SUCCESS:

“This person is lucky, because he was at the right place at the right time!”

• But if they would think about this further, they would realise that they do not have any reason to be resentful, since in the majority of cases it is not successful people who are responsible for the (lack of) results of their unsuccessful fellow humans.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• Don’t forget that envy is an extremely destructive, negative feeling, and you must know that you will never be able to realise your DREAM and GOAL in connection with things that you feel envy about toward others, no matter how much you would like it and how much you desire it in the bottom of your soul!

• If you are jealous of someone else’s SUCCESS, you will not be able to realise that with respect to your own life, because, effected by resentment and envy, negative feelings will overtake your emotions, and thereby exclude the positive thoughts forming the basis for your VALUE-PRODUCING CREATIVE ABILITY.



Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


It is very important that you should never be envious of others’ SUCCESS, as this will completely impede you in being SUCCESSFUL in that area!

So you'll not only know but also do!


• Saturated by negative feelings, it is impossible to concentrate on positive things that produce IDEAS, SOLUTIONS, and OPPORTUNITIES, and which are connected to our DREAMS and GOALS.

All of this is because our positive and negative feelings can’t be present in SUCCESS-TRAVEL our thoughts at the same time.


• Therefore, we either focus our attention on the SOLUTIONS and the OPPORTUNITIES, or on the problems and obstacles – but we can’t do both at the same time in any case.

If you exclude the negative, destructive feelings from your thoughts, you will be amazed at the unbridled power that will be unleashed by your subconscious, CREATIVE VALUE-PRODUCING ABILITIES, which will support you to an unprecedented extent in the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS, and in the creation of your SUCCESSFUL LIFE.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!



• Let’s think about it: We are either in a good mood or not, but the two together, in the same time, don’t work!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!




So you'll not only know but also do!


Always look ahead, and never look back! Turn your back to the past behind you, since you can’t change anything in it anyway; in this way, you will be able to advance much faster, and you will realise your DREAMS and attain your GOALS much sooner.


• In relation to this, we must not forget that in our communication-based world today no one has even the slightest chance to become SUCCESSFUL, if they repel other people with their depressing, negative personality. Let’s face that in our age cooperation with others has become a basic condition of SUCCESS – and it is certain that a pessimistic, negative person is incapable of inspiring other people to cooperation.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!






It’s very important that you let go of your offences, injuries, and negative feelings accumulated in the past, since this way you will be able to concentrate your RESOURCES on the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS, and you will be able to live all of the target areas of your life in PEACE and HAPPI NESS again!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Samuel Johnson opines that we would be much happier if we could forget what we don’t need. The mind could do its job without unnecessary burdens, and the past wouldn’t always try to eat up the present.


So you'll not only know but also do!

No matter what kind of DREAM or GOAL of yours you wish to realise, never allow the thought whether you were successful or unsuccessful in the past influence you, as, believe me, this does not matter at all!

• So, simply put a closure to the past today! • Whatever that past was like, it is in the past, and you should know that you can start a new, Successful Life with a clean slate on any day.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• Never think or act based on who you were in the past – only based on who you would like to be in the future by realising your DREAMS and GOALS!

• You are living in a great delusion of you “project” for yourself that your future will be just like your past has been. Your future will be exactly like the THOUGHTS and CONVICTIONS that you are employing right now, how you act in the presence as influenced by these, and what kinds of HABITS you will develop from these actions in the future.


• Always and continuously look ahead, and concentrate exclusively on your DREAMS and GOALS to realise, and work with all your faith and power on what you would like to accomplish.




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

4 4 1

“You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” Charles F. Kettering


So you'll not only know but also do!

• People who have become successful on their own resources always look ahead, because they want to advance and improve continuously; thus, whatever their past was like, they never keep looking back, only progress and look FORWARD!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Examine the PROCRASTINATION card, and please think over thoroughly whether this type of procrastination is present in your daily life and whether it excludes you from being able to create your SUCCESSFUL LIFE. After that, write the name of the card on the PROCRASTINATION “captivity page” found on pages 184 and 185 of your Implementation Diary.

2.8. fejezet A taníthatóság és fejlődni akarás, And now you have found one of the most paralysing reasons of PROCRASTINATION , which is: SUCCESS-TRAVEL

The shadow of the past and the future are holding you captive!


(Collect them in one place: YOUR IMPLEMENTATION DIARY!) Don’t forget the related, perpetually valid saying:

2.8. fejezet

és a taníthatatlanság illetve a fejlődés elutasításának „körforgalma” Ha valóban meg akarod valósítani ÁLMAIDAT ÉS CÉLJAIDAT, ha igazán vágysz a SIKERRE, és úgy döntöttél, hogy elindulsz ezen az úton, akkor a SZELLEMI TŐKÉDET folyamatosan fejlesztened kell, amivel egyúttal a VELED SZÜLETETT ERŐFORRÁSAID palettáját is bővíted.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Herbert N. Casson opines that most of us are deceived by the past or the future. In the first part of our lives we dream about the future, in the second half, we reminisce about the past. The result: we waste both halves.

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