So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
Ask yourself questions boldly!
YOUR MENTAL ASSET Don’t forget that the value-producing creative ability of your subconscious IS limitless! In the previous Chapter we’ve already described this, but here we will reiterate that, as it is of top importance: Permanently and indelibly engrave in your mind that the word impossible is only a concept we invented as grown-ups, and it is nothing more than a non-existing concept in reality!
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” Muhammad Ali
Your mind is a unique “machine” that • is capable of finding and providing the solution to any question you ask, • is capable of solving any set task, • is capable of coming up with the solutions for you to any arising problems (despite the potentially occurring obstacles), and will show you the right way, • irrespective of the size of your DREAMS and GOALS to attain, is capable of providing you the needed ideas for their realisation, • and is capable of seeking out the appropriate opportunities for your ideas conceived for the realisation of these DREAMS and GOALS. Similarly to anything else in our lives, this is only a matter of patience and persistence, nothing more!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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As the first step, bring the IDEAS and your ensuing OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITIONS hidden in you to the surface!
So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
Therefore, all you have to do is regularly enquire, and it will promptly flood you with the ANSWERS. • You should know that the moments before you go to bed are the best time for you to ask yourself your problem-solving and opportunity-finding questions, related to your DREAMS and GOALS, as your most valuable IDEAS, THOUGHTS, and OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITIONS are “born” in your dreams.
“Nothing will change you better than the questions asked from yourself.” Greg Leroy
You should know that your “GREY MATTER” – that is, your MIND is the best computer in the world even today!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
• All you have to do is simply transform your TASKS waiting for solutions into questions serving the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS and pose them to the subconscious of your MENTAL ASSET.
So you'll not only know but also do!
• It is important that after you’ve asked yourself the problem-solving and opportunity-seeking questions, from then until you fall asleep you should no longer think about them consciously.
• It’s important that you leave everything to the subconscious of your MENTAL ASSET, and you’ll see that the answers and solutions will arrive. Since while you are sleeping and resting, your SUBCONSCIOUS will busily process your asked questions.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
• Be aware that it would be expressly detrimental if you continued to occupy yourself with them consciously afterwards, since then: – partly, you will prevent your SUBCONSCIOUS from “kicking in,” since it can only seek out the answers to the asked questions if your CONSCIOUS MIND is occupied with something else, or when it is resting and not preoccupied with anything, – and partly if you continue to “cook your noodle” on ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS that you are seeking, you would only shorten your sleeping and resting time.
Therefore, when you’ve asked your questions, all you have to do is simply (as they say) “sleep on it”!
• If you keep this rule, you will notice that you will “drift off” with real peace of mind and soul, which will literally multiply the chances and certainty of receiving the ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS by the following day.
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
“Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious data base outweighs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This data base is the source of you hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of you is much smarter than you are. The wise people regularly consult that smarter part.” Michael J. Gelb
So you'll not only know but also do!
• And this is exactly why we often decide before an important decision that: “We’ll sleep on it, and then we’ll see”!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
If you regularly make your MENTAL ASSET work on a daily basis, then it will “supply” you the IDEAS, SOLUTIONS, ANSWERS, and OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITIONS supporting your DREAMS and GOALS all the more effectively and creatively day to day.
Of course, like everything else that you want to learn in life, the effective use and application of your MENTAL ASSET will require some practice from you.
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
That’s all!
• In relation to this, what is most important, and what we would like to emphasise one more time is that after you’ve asked yourself the questions for which you are seeking solutions (and, of course, all of this takes place during the minutes before you go to bed), then do not occupy yourself with it any longer – simply sleep on it!
• However, all you have to do for this is present your relevant questions to your SUBCONSCIOUS before you go to bed in the evenings.
So you'll not only know but also do!
• And if you ask these questions of your MENTAL ASSET during the day, then (similarly to questions asked in the evening) do not occupy yourself with them any longer – simply do something different; in other words, concentrate on something else.
Trust your SUBCONSCIOUS and prepare for it to deliver the valuable, and invariably good SOLUTIONS, IDEAS, ANSWERS, and OPPORTUNITY RECOGNITIONS at the most unexpected times and places (when you are occupied with something completely different).
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
• Of course, it is possible that these valuable thoughts serving the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS will only arrive after an hour or two, or even a few days, but stay completely calm, because they will certainly arrive.
• It is well worth, however, for you to be aware that in a state of anxiety, worry, or any kind of fear, these thoughts may very likely become stalled.
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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Thus, if you experience that after a few days the answers still have not arrived, then all you have to do is ask yourself the same questions again. It is extremely important, however, that you do not worry about them, as they will only arrive to you in a calm emotional state.
So you'll not only know but also do!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
One of the best ways to boost our imagination is, says Wally Amos, if we intune ourselves to our tasks. We must love whatever we do.
Well done, you are now open to new things! Congratulations! You have read another Chapter carefully, and so you have got closer to creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE ensuing from our own VALUE SET and DREAMS. You are capable of building these too, just as much as many, many successful people in the world; of course, only if, similarly to them, dreaming is followed by ACTION on your part!
Always keep this in perspective, and we encourage you to never give up your DREAMS and GOALS!
Right on!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
...so you’ll not only know but also do, which is how your average life will become successful!