Environmental asset

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So you'll not only know but also do!

Chapter 1.3.5



Recharge yourself and improve every day!


The effect of our environment, Colonel Manager explains, is more important than the inherited attributes. In other words, the people around us are of more influence on our lives than our cells and genes.

YOUR SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENT HAS A POWER THAT SETS ASIDE ALL OBSTACLES AND ENCOURAGES YOU In this Chapter, you will encounter significant content-related overlapping, as well parts already described and discussed in the EMOTIONAL ASSET Chapter and reiterated or repeated here. All of this is because we would like to make you completely conscious about the fact that these topics are strongly correlated. These two resources, our EMOTIONAL ASSET and our ENVIRONMENTAL ASSET, may partly effect enormous positive (or negative) influence on our lives, and on the other hand they correlate to each other – as such, they can’t be distinctly separated from each other.


“I know you can do it!”

“I believe in you!”


“Well done!”




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

5 4 3

“You will do it!”


So you'll not only know but also do!

On the road to your DREAMS and GOALS, it will extremely motivate and reinforce your EMOTIONAL ASSET (your self-confidence, faith, and persistence) if there is someone who trusts that you are able, who will affirm in you that you will be able to succeed, and who will praise and commend you for doing a good job! • whether it be your parents,

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• whether it be one of your teachers or coaches,

• whether it be one of your friends or colleagues or a class mate,

• whether it be your spouse or partner of your life,

• or whether it be any other person who is close to you.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL • whether it be one of your grandparents,

Whoever that person may be, he or she also believes in you honestly and perceptibly, and that you can do it. It is self-evident that you also trust this person, and that you also believe in them – and this mutual process strengthens your self-confidence like never before, as well as fills you with courage that will motivate you to action.

Sir Richard Branson opines that both children and companies grow great on praise.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• whether it be your kids or family,


So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• He or she will always encourage you to never give up your DREAMS! • If need be, try differently; but never give up what you have begun! • He or she affirms in you that, whatever happens, there always a viable road!

Many of the extraordinarily successful people, of course, have attained the top of their SUCCESS by having someone stand beside them or behind them, and supported and believed in them.


At the same time, there are those for whom it was their INHIBITING ENVIRONMENT that provided that extra energy with which they were able to overcome and “brush aside” all obstacles on the road to the realisation and attainment of their DREAMS and GOALS.

We know it by experience that there are many who came from families that can be said to be much less than supporting – and never had any other person in their lives that SUCCESS-TRAVEL believed in them. In fact, in many cases we live our lives in an explicitly INHIBITING and NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT and with such people, who, knowingly or unknowingly (which is completely indifferent with respect to the end result), confirm in us that we are incapable of achieving or realising a given thing, as it is impossible for us, and so we can never pull it off!

As Lee Walek points out, you have to decide who and what you want to become and act accordingly. You don’t have to worry about what you want to be for others! They will realise.


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


The many negative thoughts • the many time of “You can’t do this anyway!” • the even more times of “This is impossible for you anyway!”


So you'll not only know but also do!

• but even the belittling “You are incapable of this!” type opinions didn’t discourage them; just the opposite, it empowered them with great, sweeping motivation and they quite simply decided:

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Since an inhibiting environment also has the (de)motivating power.

“I’ll show you that I’m capable!”

“You are not capable of this!”

“You will never be able to do it!”

“You’re not gonna be able to pull this off!”

And this firm determination in them automatically created an “invisible machinery”, whereby they were capable of transforming the spiritual and EMOTIONAL WASTE ensuing from the negative and toxic thoughts into


Please know that SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE coming from the negative thoughts CAN BE

motivating energy that “moves mountains.”




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

5 4 9


So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge Recharge yourself yourselfand andimprove improveevery everyday! day! WWW.SUCCESS-COUNTRY.COM WWW.SIKERORSZAG.COM

and motivating energy that “moves mountains” CAN BE GAINED FROM IT!

It is worth knowing that those who are able to capture the wind energy that can be gained from the SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE of the negative people in their daily lives, and use it to sail their boat, can be filled with energy that can “move mountains” on the road toward their DREAMS and GOALS!



SUCCESS-TRAVEL • Unfortunately, most people keep collecting and accumulating the SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL WASTE from the negative, complaining, and mocking tone of others and their degrading opinions, from day to day, week to week, month to month, and even year to year (oftentimes accompanied by “bitter” tears), but it probably doesn’t even cross their minds that these wastes could be reused at a great profit.

And now, let’s see a (certainly not exhaustive) list of the typical negative thoughts that we can classify as SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL WASTE, usually extracted from • our childhood “inheritance,” • the communication from our inhibiting environment, • and the opinions of people belittling and degrading us, and which we can use in our SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER accompanied by the release of energy that can “move mountains”:


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• “You aren’t able to carry this out anyway!” • “You’re not able to do this!” • “This is impossible for you!” • “Who do you think you are?” • “You’re not gonna be able to pull this off!” • “You don’t have it in you to accomplish these things and succeed!” • “You will never be able to realise this dream of yours!” • “You’re just simply not good enough for this!”


So you'll not only know but also do!

• “Let me tell you, you’ll never be able to succeed!” • “No one in our family has ever done this before.” In addition, the mocking, belittling sniggers and grins can come in this category.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


These negative thoughts have the detrimental – or, if it so happens, beneficial – effect that if you allow them to accumulate in you, they will reduce your EMOTIONAL ASSET to the minimum, paralysing you. However, if, after they are said, you gain energy from them with the help of your SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER, you will quite literally become unstoppable.

These extremely detrimental and insensitive statements have caused millions of people paralysed action or lasting sense of failure.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL Of course, if in your childhood or your present environment no such destructive, negatives thoughts were communicated toward you, then all of the things written above do not pertain to you, because that means you have the SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENT for the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS.




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

5 5 3

At the same time, by recycling the energy hidden in them, even more people are motivated by them to realise their DREAMS and GOALS, and are able to attain extraordinary SUCCESS in their lives.


So you'll not only know but also do!

But if still pertains, you too should turn these burdensome and constrictive MENTAL and EMOTIONAL wastes to your advantage, for the soonest possible attainment of your DREAMS, GOALS, and your SUCCESS!

Are you ready to start up your SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE RECYCLER?

If your answer is yes, then simply forget others’ negative opinions, and punch the start button.

Recharge Recharge yourself yourselfand andimprove improveevery everyday! day! WWW.SUCCESS-COUNTRY.COM WWW.SIKERORSZAG.COM

And then just take off and act!

Of course, this WASTE RECYCLER is best used if you are not able to exclude the SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL WASTE – passed down by the “legacy” of your past and deposited by the negative people – from your life by the closure of forgetting.


and in the meantime, firmly determine in yourself that

I’ll show you that I’m capable!


“We learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk.”


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


Robert T. Kiyosaki


So you'll not only know but also do!

For this reason, “close” the past but learn from it!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!



And avoid the negative people in your present!

For this reason, from today, always stay away from negative persons that are detrimental to your RESOURCES and “drag you down” like a “STONE”!

SUCCESS-TRAVEL You will be able to realise your DREAMS and GOALS easily if you are able to replenish your RESOURCES determining your EMOTIONAL STATE. (That is, your PHYSICAL ASSET, EMOTIONAL ASSET, and MENTAL ASSET.)



In order to be able to do this, all you have to do is examine from this aspect the people that you encounter day to day: • your family members, • your relatives, Donald J. Trump states that you can deal • your colleagues, with a less than ideal environment by keeping • your neighbours, your goal in view. Circumstances are rarely • your friends, • and your acquaintances, perfect, so if your family or work environment • etc. does not help the attainment of your success,


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


you will have to make increased effort for keeping your focus. But the most important thing is that you do not focus on the negative aspects of your situation, but on the solution!

So you'll not only know but also do!

It is of key importance that you determine – in relation to your DREAMS and GOALS, that is, essentially the outcome of your ENTIRE LIFE – whether these people • have a constructive and improving, or a destructive and inhibiting effect on you?

• induce life-affirming and optimistic, or depressing and pessimistic feelings in you?

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• have any among them who tries to paint a picture in which it is impossible for you to realise your DREAMS and attain your GOALS?

• motivate you to action or procrastination?



• transport you toward your set GOALS, or keep you away from themand drag SUCCESS-TRAVEL you down?


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• direct your daily attention to negative or positive things?

• If your DREAMS and GOALS are truly important for you, you should only associate, befriend, and communicate with those positive, “BALLOON” persons on a daily basis, who are explicitly helpful and supporting in their intentions with respect to you and your GOALS.


So you'll not only know but also do!

• You must consciously make an effort to spend your regular days in the company of people who believe in you and encourage you to believe in your DREAMS and GOALS! Moreover, they are able to be happy for your accomplishments and success, and are refreshing and rejuvenating for you.

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• Of course, there may be situations when you can’t implement this, but even this can’t impose a real problem if you reduce to the minimum the time spent and the communication with the people of this kind of disposition! • What is more important than anything is that, as soon as possible, you recognise among these negative persons those who intentionally want to thwart your efforts and steps made for the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS, as it is essential and advisable for you to bid these people farewell!

SUCCESS-TRAVEL And avoid the company of persons who are oppressively negative, depressing, and destructive for you! • To sum it up, as much as you can help it, keep far away from these kinds of depressingly pessimistic people, who reduce your SELF-CONFIDENCE, your FAITH, and with that your PERSISTENCE virtually to zero every day!

It is key that you never underestimate the effect that your ENVIRONMENTALASSET (that is, the people who live around you) has on you!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


You must know that the people around you influence you and the outcome of your ENTIRE LIFE more powerfully than you would think.


So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


Nevertheless, it will be decidedly easy for you to recognise these detrimental, negative people of this kind of disposition, as they often and regularly • complain, whine, and worry,

• want people to feel sorry for them and play the victim,

SUCCESS-TRAVEL And don’t forget that we are talking about the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS, and with that your SUCCESS and HAPPINESS; that is, the outcome and quality of your ENTIRE LIFE!

• point the finger at others and blame others for their living circumstances,


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!





Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!


• seek shocking, horrifying, disturbing conversation topics that evoke negative feelings or have a mocking tone,


So you'll not only know but also do!

• enjoy gossips (which is the topic of their choice in terms of online and television content as well),

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They exhibit an extremely high extent of disinterest in this latter topic, and even in best case scenario they are only willing to abide this line of conversation to the extent of a mocking or sarcastic comment.

Essentially, if you examine the situation more closely, you can recognise that it won’t be too difficult to sever the ties with these kinds of people!

• conspicuously avoid the topics of DREAMS to realise and GOALS to attain, learning and improving, and anything at all about SUCCESS!

SUCCESS-TRAVEL • If you are not interested in conversation about negative topics,

Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!

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Bodo Schafer explains that a person is more successful by remembering their unsuccess less. Less successful people are more occupied talking about disasters and suffered failures and horrible situations in which they are currently. Winners, in contrast, talk about what they have been able to accomplish well recently.

• and they are not interested in stories about DREAMS, GOALS, IMPROVEMENT, and SUCCESS,


So you'll not only know but also do!

Recharge yourself and improve every day!


• then quite simply, in lack of common topics, it is almost certain that sooner or later the communication will completely cease between you.

SUCCESS-TRAVEL Well done, you are now motivated and enthusiastic! Congratulations! You have read another Chapter carefully, and so you have got closer to creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE ensuing from our own VALUE SET and DREAMS. You are capable of building these too, just as much as many, many successful people in the world; of course, only if, similarly to them, dreaming is followed by ACTION on your part!


Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!




Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!

...so you’ll not only know but also do, which is how your average life will become successful!


Right on!


Always keep this in perspective, and we encourage you to never give up your DREAMS and GOALS!

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