So you'll not only know but also do!
Chapter 1.3.8
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
From the day of our birth, we receive the first and perhaps strongest environmental influence from our parents, grandparents, and siblings. We learn the most effective learning method of our lives in this period, which is childhood imitation. And of course this is the same in our later life phases, as the main influence is still effected on the formation of our character by our immediate environment surrounding us with a daily frequency in these periods also. • Ensuing from this, if we spend our days with people who are “better” and MORE PURPOSEFUL than us, we also will be significantly better, as due to the motivating power of their positive personality, we ourselves will also IMPROVE in this direction.
“Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Thomas J. Watson
So you'll not only know but also do!
• In contrast with this, the regular company of PURPOSELESSLY indifferent people will undermine our enthusiasm, as it will weaken our resources and drive, thereby our motivation fuelled by our VALUES and DREAMS will increasingly fail us, and thus our desire to realise and attain our GOALS will decrease on a daily basis.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
ENORMOUS OPPORTUNITIES IN THE TIME OF THE INTERNET Frederick M. Taylor thinks that we should not look at our computers or mobile devices as tools but rather as the highway of our greatest opportunities. Take advantage of the internet’s KNOWLEDGE BASE and its opportunity equalising effect! Notice that the world wide web offers a greater opportunity to you than ever before, supporting the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS.
Similarly as, we are convinced, it is also not a good example to follow for us when we see that our parents didn’t do this, as the internet didn’t even exist in their time.
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
This is exactly why it is so important that we seek the company of people that are worth imitating.
Don’t waste a moment on worrying when you see that the people living in your environment do not take advantage of these opportunities, as this is their decision about their own lives.
We won’t even notice that, just like in our childhood we inadvertently watched and imitated those living in our environment, by the same pattern in our adulthood still mostly guides our learning and “shaping” processes.
So you'll not only know but also do!
However, today it does, and therefore you also have the opportunity at any moment to find web pages and sources where, at a few clicks of your mouse, you can obtain the information supporting the realisation of your DREAMS and GOALS.
Don’t forget! Today, one can find everything without exception on Google and on the world wide web! Yes, you heard it well – WITHOUT EXCEPTION! Whether it be: • a book or publication, • video or audio material, SUCCESS-TRAVEL • a web site, • a webinar, • a training course, • a workshop, • a mentor, • a teacher, • or an advisor, who or what will help you in the earliest possible attainment of your DREAMS and GOALS.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
With respect to this, boldly ask for advice and information from others! Always remember that you never have to fear rejection, as you know now and are perfectly aware that in reality it does not exist!
Don’t forget that by asking people with more competence for advice, you never have anything to lose, as all you can do is win on these kinds of interactions!
SEEK AND FIND A SUPPORTING MENTOR! “Remember, success leaves clues and to find those clues, you’ve got to tune in!” Anthony Robbins
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Despite the fact that today we can find all of the information on the web that might help us in accomplishing our STEPS and TASKS supporting the realisation of our DREAMS and GOALS, most people still would much rather ask for advice from their
So you'll not only know but also do!
• loving and helpful but not necessarily knowledgeable family member, • friend who are working in a completely different field, • relatives who are not leading their own lives with too much success, • neighbours who might be completely incompetent in the given area, • or their colleagues who are generally busy enough with their own problems, with respect to questions related to the main target areas of their lives. You can see that in most cases they turn to people for advice who have not attained too many accomplishments in their own lives either.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
They have simply recognised that it would be a careless waste on their part that occurs when they ignore the accumulated KNOWLEDGE, DATA, EXPERIENCE, and WISDOM of successful people who are before them with respect to age and time.
Dismiss your misconceptions created and lacking all conviction, whereby: “People who are successful are isolated from everyone and everything!” as in the majority of cases the exact opposite of this is true. You should know that people who have become successful on their own resources willingly share their valuable KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE with others. (Of course, only at the time and place that is suitable for them, which is extremely important for us to keep in view!)
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
It is even more so because it is one of our deepest human characteristics that we feel compelled to share our KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE with others. Of course, despite all this, there will be many who refuse such QUESTIONS, but never concentrate on this but only on those who say yes to you.
And notice that rationally and logically thinking, solution centred people usually obtain and accept such QUALITY ADVICE,SUGGESTIONS, and IDEAS exclusively from notable role players of the target area of interest.
You must know that result-oriented people do not only surround themselves with similarly successful people to ask them for ADVICE and to tap into their KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE but, beyond all this, to receive TARGETED ENCOURAGEMENT from them.
“We are all being influenced by someone. Since this influence will determine to some extent the direction of our lives, it is far better to deliberately chooseSUCCESS-TRAVEL the people we will permit to influence us than to allow the power of the wrong influence to weave its effect on us without our knowledge or Jim Rohn conscious choice.” They regard the successful people before them as examples to follow, from whom they know well that there really is something to “steal” and to learn. And the senior, successful role-models represent encouragement and motivation to them that overcome all obstacles and difficulties because what they have in view is: “If my role-models were able to accomplish their set DREAMS and GOALS, then I am able too!”
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
And it is exactly this hopeful faith in them that further affirms their related inner conviction whereby: “It is not only during childhood but also in adulthood that imitation is the most effective and successful technique of human learning.”
The mentor and the role-model Think about what an enormous advantage you will start out with in comparison to others if you also have a mentor, as you will already have an opportunity to watch, analyse, and imitate their HABITS, VIEWS, and MENTALITY that create their SUCCESSFUL LIFE. Don’t forget that the majority of people who started from nothing and still attained extraordinary success had, or still have, mentors. And it is not a coincidence! A truly great mentor is able to fundamentally transform your life, as you can acquire a great deal of their EXPERIENCE and SUCCESS HABITS in an amazingly short time, which they accumulated through the course of decades, whereby you can also spare yourself a plethora of unnecessary mistakes and related disappointment.
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
And the well-deserved reward of persistent requests is almost always some mutually favourable answer.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
So you'll not only know but also do!
And we find it highly important at this point too to refer back to one of the most essential messages of this Chapter, which is: “It is not only during childhood but also in adulthood that imitation is the most effective and successful technique of human learning.” For this reason, be bold and imitate the THINKING and ACTING SUCCESS HABITS of your mentor that you SUCCESS-TRAVEL have chosen as your role-model, if you feel that it is helpful to you in any way, or if it supports you in the realisation of your DREAMS and the attainment of your GOALS. You should always keep in view that: There is no such person in the world who would not imitate someone! Always remember that if extraordinarily successful people are not ashamed for a moment to use imitation, the most effective method of learning and improvement, then you should not hesitate either! You can see what great importance it has, from the aspect of your advancement and progress, that your ENVIRONMENTAL ASSET consists of people from whom you can learn, whose positive THINKING and ACTING HABITS it is worth for you to imitate, and who mutually support and serve each other’s improvement daily. For this reason, always strive to surround yourself with such people who are trying to make the most of themselves and, at the same time, from you also! 0
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
CHOOSE YOUR EMPLOYER OR BUSINESS PARTNER WITH THIS MENTALITY! And, of course, similarly to the above, it is just as important that you work with an employer or business partner daily who, with their helpful, supporting, and result-oriented approach, have an expressly motivating effect on you. • Remember that the previously mentioned effect is manifest in this area also, whereby we imitate those the most whom we spend most of our time in our daily relationships. This is extremely important for you to remember!
“You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective.” W. Clement Stone • For this reason, you must remember that you always have to strive to connect your ordinary days – and through that a significant part of your life – with only the kind of employees or business partners who are worth (and not harmful) for you to imitate. You should know that this carries a significance that points well beyond your salary or income with respect to the QUALITY OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!
MY CHILDHOOD ROLE-MODEL, TEACHER “'The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward They are the persons who were disposed with love and respect toward us in our childhood, and who believed in us, encouraged us, and motivated us to independent steps , as well as strived to bring the best out of all of us, in proportion with our ABILITIES and TALENTS. Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
And it is no insignificant factor that as a result of support from an experienced mentor your determination and persistence will virtually multiply, and thereby it will be further affirmed in you that you have the necessary internal resources to realise your DREAMS and GOALS. And this realisation will strengthen your self-confidence and enthusiasm to such an extent that as a result your drive will literally peak, and you will be eager to do and accomplish the necessary STEPS and TASKS as soon as you can.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
So you'll not only know but also do!
So you'll not only know but also do!
With their positive personality, these teachers were able to make us interested or even like an even less popular subject,
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
With their patient attitude, our loving teachers were able to significantly improve our overall school experience, and through it our entire PERFORMANCE.
The balanced and positive personality of these people was demonstrated in their educating style as well, such as the way they administered the rewards and punishments to us. They never pigeonholed even those students as “the last of the bunch” who were weaker than the others in the subjects they were teaching.
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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while there were quite a few who, with their negative disposition were able to turn an even well-liked subject into the “black sheep” in our schedule.
Our dedicated and helpful teachers can serve as an example to follow for many of us, as, with their knowledge and their well-applied and well-directed rewards and punishments, as well as their personal charisma, they had an extremely positive influence on us, on our childhood years, and as a result, on our adulthood alike.
So you'll not only know but also do!
In their vocabulary the concept of “stupid child” did not exist, since they knew very well that the negative expectations of teachers ensuing from inhibiting “pigeonholing” can become a self-fulfilling prophecy as much as the encouraging and commending words. Any student was able to get good grades in their class, even if he or she did not belong to the leading few; and as a result, even the weaker ones liked the subjects that they were teaching. All of this obviously highly elevated the positive atmosphere of their classes, and, not insignificantly, the self-esteem of the students. They knew that the teachers’ expectations (whether negative or positive) remarkably influence the performance of the students, since they work as self-fulfilling prophecy virtually in eachcase. They deemed everyone capable of improving and clever in the proportion of their abilities and talents, and thereby the expectations they had for their students were in accordance with this. As a result, they were able to establish such positive rapport with their students whereby, in most cases, their positive expectations became true, as self-fulfilling prophecies, toward their students.
They felt that we were all equally capable of outstanding performance, and since they deemed us all uniformly set for victory, the type of favouritism and exceptionalism didn’t exist with them where they would nod or smile at some more than others. 4
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
No one would feel that they were the favourite student, since these teachers held everyone capable of accomplishing good results, so their commending words and constructive reprimanding feedback was “allocated” fairly. Their negative feedback was never over-applied or unfounded even toward the weaker students, so, with the exception of a few unteachable students, these teachers were able to sustain the interest of almost everyone toward their subject. Thanks to this kind of treatment, most students, of course, were trying to meet the positive expectations held toward them, which, in addition to the students’ individual performances, also raised the class average unbelievably. For them, the concept of equal treatment also included that during an oral test, the exceptionally outstanding students received exactly the same amount of time to reply as the weaker ones, and helpful questions and clues were given equally to class leaders and less excellent students as well. Thanks to their self-confidence increasing, encouraging praise, we took out our text books more willingly at home as well.
Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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The ones with more modest abilities were not pigeonholed as the unchangeably “bad students” either, so, similarly to the excellent students, they were also given the chance to get good grades if they studied hard. For them, in the same way, excepted favourites did not exist for whom everything was permissible, neither did students who always were given bad grades, no matter how much they had studied.
They always tried to explain and impart the material in such a way as to facilitate the weaker ones to follow their thoughts as well.
They noticed immediately if someone had personal problems, and they tried to help however they were able to; in this way, we were able to turn to them even with our problems. 6
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
We were able to discuss with them the concerns and problems of the class, and they had a few good words regularly to everyone. They affirmed in us for years that our circumstances didn’t matter, and that, similarly to everyone else, we are all capable of realising and attaining all of our DREAMS and GOALS, whatever we set for ourselves.
WITH A SUCCESS TEAM YOU ALL WIN Christopher J. Hood says that many have created lasting things exploiting the weaknesses of average people and rose from the crowd by forging capital from such advantages. Today, we can become outstanding with mutual cooperation, by building on our own and others’ strengths. It is of key importance for you to be clear that you will be able to realise your DREAMS and GOALS and to build your SUCCESSFUL LIFE significantly more easily if you work in a team.
For this very reason, join a team consisting of such people as soon as possible • who will do everything, along with you, in order to realise and attain their DREAMS and GOALS, Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
They always appreciated if the outstanding students helped their weaker peers to prepare for and participate in class.
In addition to all this, they educated all of us to pay attention to each other and HELP one another, wherever we could.
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
So you'll not only know but also do!
So you'll not only know but also do!
• and, of course, who, similarly to you, set sensible and motivating GOALS on a daily basis, and help, complete, and support each other in everything to that end.
You should know that the company of these kinds of team members will bring out mutually from all of you, including you, the effort for continuous improvement and growth.
SUCCESS-TRAVEL And John Milton Fogg opines that the future belongs to those who can establish working partner relationships. A community is formed from people working or studying together, who are capable of cooperating and share their experiences and information.
The community of such people has a greater motivating power than anything, and it will fill you with inspiring, uplifting, and joyful feelings every day. Never forget that the community of people who mutually motivate each other and are open to improvement will encourage its participants to such sensational performance of which they would never be capable by themselves! 8
Your gray matter can do anything, and so can you!
Recharge yourself and improve every day!
This in itself is a great gain, even if we don’t mention the fact that the process of IMITATION supporting effectual learning and improvement can be realised best in this kind of environment.
In connection with this Chapter, you will find a table on page 157 of your Implementation Diary in which you can attach the photos of • your childhood role-models (parents, family members, teachers, coaches, etc.) • your professional role-model (your highly esteemed role player of your profession) • your adult role-model or mentor, • a successful acquaintance close to you. Write under their pictures the things that you learned from them, the things in which you imitated them or still imitate them, and what the things are with which they contributed to your SUCCESSES accomplished at various TARGET AREAS, and thereby to the realisation of your DREAMS. What they motivated you to advance in – in other words, write down everything that you feel you owe them your heartfelt gratitude for.
Well done, you are now ready for cooperation and advancement! Congratulations! You have read another Chapter carefully, and so you have got closer to creating your SUCCESSFUL LIFE ensuing from our own VALUE SET and DREAMS. You are capable of building these too, just as much as many, many successful people in the world; of course, only if, similarly to them, dreaming is followed by ACTION on your part! Always keep this in perspective, and we encourage you to never give up your DREAMS and GOALS!
Right on! Your mind gives life to your desires, and your hands make them happen!
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