Whether you’re dealing one-on-one, or in a meeting, talking with a prospect in person, or on the phone, or even using the unprecedented reach of webinar and online video technologies to contact your audience, there’s a problem with classic presentation model that’s built in from the start. And it comes from the way we all think.
Why would I say that? To illustrate, let me show you a few facts. According to a recent survey of NON-buyers following a corporate sales presentation: 78% said presentations are “boring” information 63% said they tune out after eight minutes 44% said presentations are a waste of time In fact, ONLY 17% said that presentations persuade them to take any action at all!
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Now I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to persuade people to do ANYTHING if you are boring to listen to, even if it’s in their best interest to follow up on your suggestions. If your presentation lacks a clear outcome, doesn’t engage your listener, or fails to ask for a commitment, it won’t produce results beyond a lukewarm reception or the dreaded, “We’ll think about it and get back to you” response you’ve heard too many times already. If your livelihood depends on keeping your sales-closing ratios up in spite of the socalled “new economy” we’re living in, you know it’s critical to stay on the cutting edge of effective persuasion and presentation techniques. Anything less, and your competitors have already won.
One of the ways to radically boost your outcomes is to tell your sales story more effectively. As you already know, you must be able to tell your personal story, your company story and the story of your product or service with passion and precision if you hope to communicate effectively. And to produce results that far exceed the average.
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Many sales people, business owners and fundraisers want to start using stories more effectively in their sales efforts, but are a little unsure how to begin. Here’s some ways to get started: 1. Build a Story Library Create a library of stories you continually build on that is part of your sales toolbox. If you don’t have one, start one today. These are stories, experiences, or anecdotes you’ve heard from speakers, other clients, testimonials, or your own life. You should organize it by theme, which allows you to share the right story at the right time.
2. Practice Storytelling Practice telling the stories so that you relate the conflict and how it was overcome. You should be able to do this in 1-2 minutes. Be brief and to the point. Having a bigger story library with a variety of stories increases the odds of having a brief, relevant one that is specific to the conversation.
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3. Get Your Client Talking When you begin the call, instead of launching right into your own story, invite your client or prospect to tell you theirs. Ask questions that get them talking. Encourage them with prompts like… Tell me about… What happened next? How were you feeling when that happened? This isn’t an interrogation. Just let the conversation happen naturally. They may beat around the bush and talk in circles, but that’s okay. Listen carefully to the patterns in the stories you hear. What is concerning your clients? What is attracting their attention and enthusiasm? You’ll get a feel of the right story to tell from understanding your customer and building a rapport with them this way. They’ll also feel like you’re interested in them or their situation and that you genuinely want to help. 4. Tell Your Story You may find it helpful to have a “story starter” phrase that makes it comfortable for you to introduce a story into conversation. Just find something simple that matches your style, like: It really surprised me when… That reminds me… Something happened recently that made me think of you… Can I share something with you…? Another client was in a similar situation, and what they found was… Telling your story might well be the difference between a good and great make your sales presentation. Polish and perfect this skill and watch your sales explode!
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