CRITICAL SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL SALES (Part 1: Know The Simple Formula For Marketing)
Probably the most valuable skill to learn is how to market yourself effectively so that you do not have to sell at all!
THERE IS A VERY SIMPLE FORMULA: S/M = Sales Effort (S = Sales, M = Marketing)
It’s simple math: The more marketing you do, the less selling effort you have to deal with.
If you currently spend equal time selling and marketing your product or service, and then decide to invest twice the amount of time marketing yourself, your product or your service, then you will end up expending half the effort!
The more quality effort you spend marketing, the less you have to physically sell. Prospects put up their hand and come looking for you instead of you having to go out and find them.
Sales effort is physical, time-consuming, fraught with objections and requires great personal skills and time management.
Marketing is leveraging your message to as many of your target prospects as possible without your physically having to do it yourself.
Develop a set of marketing strategies, test them and execute them, and the sales will come to you rather than your chasing the sales.
It doesn’t matter how many sales calls you make: You will never get to as many people as a well-placed headline in a magazine aimed at your target market.
Nor will you ever be able to compete with a website that is receiving thousands of hits a day.
ANOTHER FORMULA FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TROUBLE WITH THE MATH: S (Sales) x M (Marketing) = $Results (Double “M” and spend half the time on “S”!)
It’s critical to learn how to balance your week between actively selling in front of live prospects or customers and developing a referral stream through your marketing efforts.
Basically, it’s the art of having sales opportunities come to you. And perhaps even more important, it’s the process of increasing the odds that leads will convert to sales.
This was adapted from “SalesDogs: You Do Not Have to Be an Attack Dog to Explode your Income!” by Blair Singer, top sales and leadership coach.
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